--- a/tools/qdoc3/node.cpp Tue Jul 06 15:10:48 2010 +0300
+++ b/tools/qdoc3/node.cpp Wed Aug 18 10:37:55 2010 +0300
@@ -44,6 +44,8 @@
#include "node.h"
+#include "tree.h"
+#include "codemarker.h"
#include <qdebug.h>
@@ -101,6 +103,7 @@
if (par)
+ //uuid = QUuid::createUuid();
@@ -154,6 +157,67 @@
+ Returns a string representing the access specifier.
+ */
+QString Node::accessString() const
+ switch (acc) {
+ case Protected:
+ return "protected";
+ case Private:
+ return "private";
+ case Public:
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return "public";
+ Extract a class name from the type \a string and return it.
+ */
+QString Node::extractClassName(const QString &string) const
+ QString result;
+ for (int i=0; i<=string.size(); ++i) {
+ QChar ch;
+ if (i != string.size())
+ ch = string.at(i);
+ QChar lower = ch.toLower();
+ if ((lower >= QLatin1Char('a') && lower <= QLatin1Char('z')) ||
+ ch.digitValue() >= 0 ||
+ ch == QLatin1Char('_') ||
+ ch == QLatin1Char(':')) {
+ result += ch;
+ }
+ else if (!result.isEmpty()) {
+ if (result != QLatin1String("const"))
+ return result;
+ result.clear();
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ Returns a string representing the access specifier.
+ */
+QString RelatedClass::accessString() const
+ switch (access) {
+ case Node::Protected:
+ return "protected";
+ case Node::Private:
+ return "private";
+ case Node::Public:
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return "public";
Node::Status Node::inheritedStatus() const
@@ -164,6 +228,11 @@
+ Returns the thread safeness value for whatever this node
+ represents. But if this node has a parent and the thread
+ safeness value of the parent is the same as the thread
+ safeness value of this node, what is returned is the
+ value \c{UnspecifiedSafeness}. Why?
Node::ThreadSafeness Node::threadSafeness() const
@@ -173,6 +242,9 @@
+ If this node has a parent, the parent's thread safeness
+ value is returned. Otherwise, this node's thread safeness
+ value is returned. Why?
Node::ThreadSafeness Node::inheritedThreadSafeness() const
@@ -182,6 +254,9 @@
+ Returns the sanitized file name without the path.
+ If the the file is an html file, the html suffix
+ is removed. Why?
QString Node::fileBase() const
@@ -195,10 +270,47 @@
+ Returns this node's Universally Unique IDentifier.
+ If its UUID has not yet been created, it is created
+ first.
+ */
+QUuid Node::guid() const
+ if (uuid.isNull())
+ uuid = QUuid::createUuid();
+ return uuid;
+ Composes a string to be used as an href attribute in DITA
+ XML. It is composed of the file name and the UUID separated
+ by a '#'. If this node is a class node, the file name is
+ taken from this node; if this node is a function node, the
+ file name is taken from the parent node of this node.
+ */
+QString Node::ditaXmlHref()
+ QString href;
+ if ((type() == Function) ||
+ (type() == Property) ||
+ (type() == Variable)) {
+ href = parent()->fileBase();
+ }
+ else {
+ href = fileBase();
+ }
+ if (!href.endsWith(".xml"))
+ href += ".xml";
+ return href + "#" + guid();
\class InnerNode
+ The inner node destructor deletes the children and removes
+ this node from its related nodes.
@@ -215,7 +327,7 @@
Node *InnerNode::findNode(const QString& name)
Node *node = childMap.value(name);
- if (node)
+ if (node && node->subType() != QmlPropertyGroup)
return node;
if ((type() == Fake) && (subType() == QmlClass)) {
for (int i=0; i<children.size(); ++i) {
@@ -342,6 +454,9 @@
+ Mark all child nodes that have no documentation as having
+ private access and internal status. qdoc will then ignore
+ them for documentation purposes.
void InnerNode::makeUndocumentedChildrenInternal()
@@ -542,6 +657,7 @@
+ Appends an \a include file to the list of include files.
void InnerNode::addInclude(const QString& include)
@@ -549,6 +665,7 @@
+ Sets the list of include files to \a includes.
void InnerNode::setIncludes(const QStringList& includes)
@@ -624,7 +741,7 @@
QMap<QString, Node *>::Iterator prim =
NodeList& secs = secondaryFunctionMap[child->name()];
- if (*prim == child) {
+ if (prim != primaryFunctionMap.end() && *prim == child) {
if (secs.isEmpty()) {
@@ -636,12 +753,12 @@
QMap<QString, Node *>::Iterator ent = childMap.find( child->name() );
- if ( *ent == child )
+ if (ent != childMap.end() && *ent == child)
childMap.erase( ent );
else {
QMap<QString, Node *>::Iterator ent = childMap.find(child->name());
- if (*ent == child)
+ if (ent != childMap.end() && *ent == child)
@@ -745,6 +862,7 @@
\class ClassNode
+ \brief This class represents a C++ class.
@@ -754,6 +872,7 @@
: InnerNode(Class, parent, name)
hidden = false;
+ abstract = false;
@@ -763,8 +882,8 @@
ClassNode *node,
const QString &dataTypeWithTemplateArgs)
- bas.append(RelatedClass(access, node, dataTypeWithTemplateArgs));
- node->der.append(RelatedClass(access, this));
+ bases.append(RelatedClass(access, node, dataTypeWithTemplateArgs));
+ node->derived.append(RelatedClass(access, this));
@@ -772,16 +891,16 @@
void ClassNode::fixBaseClasses()
int i;
i = 0;
- while (i < bas.size()) {
- ClassNode *baseClass = bas.at(i).node;
- if (baseClass->access() == Node::Private) {
- bas.removeAt(i);
- const QList<RelatedClass> &basesBases = baseClass->baseClasses();
- for (int j = basesBases.size() - 1; j >= 0; --j)
- bas.insert(i, basesBases.at(j));
+ while (i < bases.size()) {
+ ClassNode* bc = bases.at(i).node;
+ if (bc->access() == Node::Private) {
+ RelatedClass rc = bases.at(i);
+ bases.removeAt(i);
+ ignoredBases.append(rc);
+ const QList<RelatedClass> &bb = bc->baseClasses();
+ for (int j = bb.size() - 1; j >= 0; --j)
+ bases.insert(i, bb.at(j));
else {
@@ -789,15 +908,13 @@
i = 0;
- while (i < der.size()) {
- ClassNode *derivedClass = der.at(i).node;
- if (derivedClass->access() == Node::Private) {
- der.removeAt(i);
- const QList<RelatedClass> &dersDers =
- derivedClass->derivedClasses();
- for (int j = dersDers.size() - 1; j >= 0; --j)
- der.insert(i, dersDers.at(j));
+ while (i < derived.size()) {
+ ClassNode* dc = derived.at(i).node;
+ if (dc->access() == Node::Private) {
+ derived.removeAt(i);
+ const QList<RelatedClass> &dd = dc->derivedClasses();
+ for (int j = dd.size() - 1; j >= 0; --j)
+ derived.insert(i, dd.at(j));
else {
@@ -806,6 +923,16 @@
+ Search the child list to find the property node with the
+ specified \a name.
+ */
+const PropertyNode* ClassNode::findPropertyNode(const QString& name) const
+ const Node* n = findNode(name,Node::Property);
+ return (n ? static_cast<const PropertyNode*>(n) : 0);
\class FakeNode
@@ -836,6 +963,14 @@
+ Returns the fake node's title. This is used for the page title.
+QString FakeNode::title() const
+ return tle;
Returns the fake node's full title, which is usually
just title(), but for some SubType values is different
from title()
@@ -885,6 +1020,8 @@
+ The constructor for the node representing an enum type
+ has a \a parent class and an enum type \a name.
EnumNode::EnumNode(InnerNode *parent, const QString& name)
: LeafNode(Enum, parent, name), ft(0)
@@ -892,6 +1029,7 @@
+ Add \a item to the enum type's item list.
void EnumNode::addItem(const EnumItem& item)
@@ -900,15 +1038,15 @@
+ Returns the access level of the enumeration item named \a name.
+ Apparently it is private if it has been omitted by qdoc's
+ omitvalue command. Otherwise it is public.
Node::Access EnumNode::itemAccess(const QString &name) const
- if (doc().omitEnumItemNames().contains(name)) {
+ if (doc().omitEnumItemNames().contains(name))
return Private;
- }
- else {
- return Public;
- }
+ return Public;
@@ -1043,6 +1181,19 @@
+ Sets the \a virtualness of this function. If the \a virtualness
+ is PureVirtual, and if the parent() is a ClassNode, set the parent's
+ \e abstract flag to true.
+ */
+void FunctionNode::setVirtualness(Virtualness virtualness)
+ vir = virtualness;
+ if ((virtualness == PureVirtual) && parent() &&
+ (parent()->type() == Node::Class))
+ parent()->setAbstract(true);
void FunctionNode::setOverload(bool overlode)
@@ -1135,6 +1286,24 @@
+ Returns a raw list of parameters. If \a names is true, the
+ names are included. If \a values is true, the default values
+ are included, if any are present.
+ */
+QString FunctionNode::rawParameters(bool names, bool values) const
+ QString raw;
+ foreach (const Parameter ¶meter, parameters()) {
+ raw += parameter.leftType() + parameter.rightType();
+ if (names)
+ raw += parameter.name();
+ if (values)
+ raw += parameter.defaultValue();
+ }
+ return raw;
Returns the list of reconstructed parameters. If \a values
is true, the default values are included, if any are present.
@@ -1184,21 +1353,39 @@
\class PropertyNode
+ This class describes one instance of using the Q_PROPERTY macro.
+ The constructor sets the \a parent and the \a name, but
+ everything else is set to default values.
PropertyNode::PropertyNode(InnerNode *parent, const QString& name)
: LeafNode(Property, parent, name),
+ scr(Trool_Default),
+ wri(Trool_Default),
+ usr(Trool_Default),
+ cst(false),
+ fnl(false),
+ // nothing.
+ Sets this property's \e {overridden from} property to
+ \a baseProperty, which indicates that this property
+ overrides \a baseProperty. To begin with, all the values
+ in this property are set to the corresponding values in
+ \a baseProperty.
+ We probably should ensure that the constant and final
+ attributes are not being overridden improperly.
-void PropertyNode::setOverriddenFrom(const PropertyNode *baseProperty)
+void PropertyNode::setOverriddenFrom(const PropertyNode* baseProperty)
for (int i = 0; i < NumFunctionRoles; ++i) {
if (funcs[i].isEmpty())
@@ -1208,6 +1395,12 @@
sto = baseProperty->sto;
if (des == Trool_Default)
des = baseProperty->des;
+ if (scr == Trool_Default)
+ scr = baseProperty->scr;
+ if (wri == Trool_Default)
+ wri = baseProperty->wri;
+ if (usr == Trool_Default)
+ usr = baseProperty->usr;
overrides = baseProperty;
@@ -1233,7 +1426,9 @@
+/*! Converts the \a boolean value to an enum representation
+ of the boolean type, which includes an enum value for the
+ \e {default value} of the item, i.e. true, false, or default.
PropertyNode::Trool PropertyNode::toTrool(bool boolean)
@@ -1241,6 +1436,15 @@
+ Converts the enum \a troolean back to a boolean value.
+ If \a troolean is neither the true enum value nor the
+ false enum value, the boolean value returned is
+ \a defaultValue.
+ Note that runtimeDesignabilityFunction() should be called
+ first. If that function returns the name of a function, it
+ means the function must be called at runtime to determine
+ whether the property is Designable.
bool PropertyNode::fromTrool(Trool troolean, bool defaultValue)
@@ -1289,7 +1493,10 @@
const ClassNode* cn)
: FakeNode(parent, name, QmlClass), cnode(cn)
- setTitle((qmlOnly ? "" : "QML ") + name + " Element");
+ if (name.startsWith(QLatin1String("QML:")))
+ setTitle((qmlOnly ? QLatin1String("") : QLatin1String("QML ")) + name.mid(4) + QLatin1String(" Element"));
+ else
+ setTitle((qmlOnly ? QLatin1String("") : QLatin1String("QML ")) + name + QLatin1String(" Element"));
@@ -1418,6 +1625,144 @@
return defaultValue;
+static QString valueType(const QString& n)
+ if (n == "QPoint")
+ return "QDeclarativePointValueType";
+ if (n == "QPointF")
+ return "QDeclarativePointFValueType";
+ if (n == "QSize")
+ return "QDeclarativeSizeValueType";
+ if (n == "QSizeF")
+ return "QDeclarativeSizeFValueType";
+ if (n == "QRect")
+ return "QDeclarativeRectValueType";
+ if (n == "QRectF")
+ return "QDeclarativeRectFValueType";
+ if (n == "QVector2D")
+ return "QDeclarativeVector2DValueType";
+ if (n == "QVector3D")
+ return "QDeclarativeVector3DValueType";
+ if (n == "QVector4D")
+ return "QDeclarativeVector4DValueType";
+ if (n == "QQuaternion")
+ return "QDeclarativeQuaternionValueType";
+ if (n == "QMatrix4x4")
+ return "QDeclarativeMatrix4x4ValueType";
+ if (n == "QEasingCurve")
+ return "QDeclarativeEasingValueType";
+ if (n == "QFont")
+ return "QDeclarativeFontValueType";
+ return QString();
+ Returns true if a QML property or attached property is
+ read-only. The algorithm for figuring this out is long
+ amd tedious and almost certainly will break. It currently
+ doesn't work for qmlproperty bool PropertyChanges::explicit,
+ because the tokenized gets confused on "explicit" .
+ */
+bool QmlPropertyNode::isWritable(const Tree* tree) const
+ Node* n = parent();
+ while (n && n->subType() != Node::QmlClass)
+ n = n->parent();
+ if (n) {
+ const QmlClassNode* qcn = static_cast<const QmlClassNode*>(n);
+ const ClassNode* cn = qcn->classNode();
+ if (cn) {
+ QStringList dotSplit = name().split(QChar('.'));
+ const PropertyNode* pn = cn->findPropertyNode(dotSplit[0]);
+ if (pn) {
+ if (dotSplit.size() > 1) {
+ QStringList path(extractClassName(pn->qualifiedDataType()));
+ const Node* nn = tree->findNode(path,Class);
+ if (nn) {
+ const ClassNode* cn = static_cast<const ClassNode*>(nn);
+ pn = cn->findPropertyNode(dotSplit[1]);
+ if (pn) {
+ return pn->isWritable();
+ }
+ else {
+ const QList<RelatedClass>& bases = cn->baseClasses();
+ if (!bases.isEmpty()) {
+ for (int i=0; i<bases.size(); ++i) {
+ const ClassNode* cn = bases[i].node;
+ pn = cn->findPropertyNode(dotSplit[1]);
+ if (pn) {
+ return pn->isWritable();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ const QList<RelatedClass>& ignoredBases = cn->ignoredBaseClasses();
+ if (!ignoredBases.isEmpty()) {
+ for (int i=0; i<ignoredBases.size(); ++i) {
+ const ClassNode* cn = ignoredBases[i].node;
+ pn = cn->findPropertyNode(dotSplit[1]);
+ if (pn) {
+ return pn->isWritable();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ QString vt = valueType(cn->name());
+ if (!vt.isEmpty()) {
+ QStringList path(vt);
+ const Node* vtn = tree->findNode(path,Class);
+ if (vtn) {
+ const ClassNode* cn = static_cast<const ClassNode*>(vtn);
+ pn = cn->findPropertyNode(dotSplit[1]);
+ if (pn) {
+ return pn->isWritable();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ return pn->isWritable();
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ const QList<RelatedClass>& bases = cn->baseClasses();
+ if (!bases.isEmpty()) {
+ for (int i=0; i<bases.size(); ++i) {
+ const ClassNode* cn = bases[i].node;
+ pn = cn->findPropertyNode(dotSplit[0]);
+ if (pn) {
+ return pn->isWritable();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ const QList<RelatedClass>& ignoredBases = cn->ignoredBaseClasses();
+ if (!ignoredBases.isEmpty()) {
+ for (int i=0; i<ignoredBases.size(); ++i) {
+ const ClassNode* cn = ignoredBases[i].node;
+ pn = cn->findPropertyNode(dotSplit[0]);
+ if (pn) {
+ return pn->isWritable();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (isAttached()) {
+ QString classNameAttached = cn->name() + "Attached";
+ QStringList path(classNameAttached);
+ const Node* nn = tree->findNode(path,Class);
+ const ClassNode* acn = static_cast<const ClassNode*>(nn);
+ pn = acn->findPropertyNode(dotSplit[0]);
+ if (pn) {
+ return pn->isWritable();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ location().warning(tr("Can't determine read-only status of QML property %1; writable assumed.").arg(name()));
+ return true;