--- a/tests/auto/qgraphicsanchorlayout/tst_qgraphicsanchorlayout.cpp Tue Jan 26 12:42:25 2010 +0200
+++ b/tests/auto/qgraphicsanchorlayout/tst_qgraphicsanchorlayout.cpp Tue Feb 02 00:43:10 2010 +0200
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
#include <QtGui/qgraphicswidget.h>
#include <QtGui/qgraphicsproxywidget.h>
#include <QtGui/qgraphicsview.h>
+#include <QtGui/qwindowsstyle.h>
class tst_QGraphicsAnchorLayout : public QObject {
@@ -72,16 +73,24 @@
void proportionalPreferred();
void example();
void setSpacing();
+ void styleDefaults();
void hardComplexS60();
void stability();
void delete_anchor();
void conflicts();
void sizePolicy();
- void expandingSequence();
- void expandingSequenceFairDistribution();
- void expandingParallel();
void floatConflict();
void infiniteMaxSizes();
+ void simplifiableUnfeasible();
+ void simplificationVsOrder();
+ void parallelSimplificationOfCenter();
+ void simplificationVsRedundance();
+ void spacingPersistency();
+ void snakeParallelWithLayout();
+ void parallelToHalfLayout();
+ void globalSpacing();
+ void graphicsAnchorHandling();
+ void invalidHierarchyCheck();
class RectWidget : public QGraphicsWidget
@@ -338,8 +347,10 @@
QCOMPARE(checkReverseDirection(p), true);
- QVERIFY(usedSimplex(l, Qt::Horizontal));
- QVERIFY(!usedSimplex(l, Qt::Vertical));
+ if (hasSimplification) {
+ QVERIFY(usedSimplex(l, Qt::Horizontal));
+ QVERIFY(!usedSimplex(l, Qt::Vertical));
+ }
delete p;
delete view;
@@ -1102,6 +1113,169 @@
delete view;
+class CustomLayoutStyle : public QWindowsStyle
+ CustomLayoutStyle() : QWindowsStyle()
+ {
+ hspacing = 5;
+ vspacing = 10;
+ }
+ virtual int pixelMetric(PixelMetric metric, const QStyleOption * option = 0,
+ const QWidget * widget = 0 ) const;
+ int hspacing;
+ int vspacing;
+protected slots:
+ int layoutSpacingImplementation(QSizePolicy::ControlType control1,
+ QSizePolicy::ControlType control2,
+ Qt::Orientation orientation,
+ const QStyleOption *option = 0,
+ const QWidget *widget = 0) const;
+#define CT1(c) CT2(c, c)
+#define CT2(c1, c2) ((uint)c1 << 16) | (uint)c2
+int CustomLayoutStyle::layoutSpacingImplementation(QSizePolicy::ControlType control1,
+ QSizePolicy::ControlType control2,
+ Qt::Orientation orientation,
+ const QStyleOption * /*option = 0*/,
+ const QWidget * /*widget = 0*/) const
+ if (orientation == Qt::Horizontal) {
+ switch (CT2(control1, control2)) {
+ case CT1(QSizePolicy::PushButton):
+ return 2;
+ break;
+ }
+ return 5;
+ } else {
+ switch (CT2(control1, control2)) {
+ case CT1(QSizePolicy::RadioButton):
+ return 2;
+ break;
+ }
+ return 10;
+ }
+int CustomLayoutStyle::pixelMetric(PixelMetric metric, const QStyleOption * option /*= 0*/,
+ const QWidget * widget /*= 0*/ ) const
+ switch (metric) {
+ case PM_LayoutLeftMargin:
+ return 0;
+ break;
+ case PM_LayoutTopMargin:
+ return 3;
+ break;
+ case PM_LayoutRightMargin:
+ return 6;
+ break;
+ case PM_LayoutBottomMargin:
+ return 9;
+ break;
+ case PM_LayoutHorizontalSpacing:
+ return hspacing;
+ case PM_LayoutVerticalSpacing:
+ return vspacing;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return QWindowsStyle::pixelMetric(metric, option, widget);
+void tst_QGraphicsAnchorLayout::styleDefaults()
+ QSizeF min (10, 10);
+ QSizeF pref(20, 20);
+ QSizeF max (50, 50);
+ /*
+ create this layout, where a,b have controlType QSizePolicy::RadioButton
+ c,d have controlType QSizePolicy::PushButton:
+ +-------+
+ |a |
+ | b |
+ | c |
+ | d|
+ +-------+
+ */
+ QGraphicsScene scene;
+ QGraphicsWidget *a = createItem(min, pref, max);
+ QSizePolicy spRadioButton = a->sizePolicy();
+ spRadioButton.setControlType(QSizePolicy::RadioButton);
+ a->setSizePolicy(spRadioButton);
+ QGraphicsWidget *b = createItem(min, pref, max);
+ b->setSizePolicy(spRadioButton);
+ QGraphicsWidget *c = createItem(min, pref, max);
+ QSizePolicy spPushButton = c->sizePolicy();
+ spPushButton.setControlType(QSizePolicy::PushButton);
+ c->setSizePolicy(spPushButton);
+ QGraphicsWidget *d = createItem(min, pref, max);
+ d->setSizePolicy(spPushButton);
+ QGraphicsWidget *window = new QGraphicsWidget(0, Qt::Window);
+ // Test layoutSpacingImplementation
+ CustomLayoutStyle *style = new CustomLayoutStyle;
+ style->hspacing = -1;
+ style->vspacing = -1;
+ window->setStyle(style);
+ QGraphicsAnchorLayout *l = new QGraphicsAnchorLayout;
+ l->addCornerAnchors(l, Qt::TopLeftCorner, a, Qt::TopLeftCorner);
+ l->addCornerAnchors(a, Qt::BottomRightCorner, b, Qt::TopLeftCorner);
+ l->addCornerAnchors(b, Qt::BottomRightCorner, c, Qt::TopLeftCorner);
+ l->addCornerAnchors(c, Qt::BottomRightCorner, d, Qt::TopLeftCorner);
+ l->addCornerAnchors(d, Qt::BottomRightCorner, l, Qt::BottomRightCorner);
+ window->setLayout(l);
+ scene.addItem(window);
+ window->show();
+ QGraphicsView view(&scene);
+ view.resize(200, 200);
+ view.show();
+ window->adjustSize();
+ QCOMPARE(a->geometry(), QRectF(0, 3, 20, 20)); //radio
+ QCOMPARE(b->geometry(), QRectF(25, 25, 20, 20)); //radio
+ QCOMPARE(c->geometry(), QRectF(50, 55, 20, 20)); //push
+ QCOMPARE(d->geometry(), QRectF(72, 85, 20, 20)); //push
+ QCOMPARE(l->geometry(), QRectF(0, 0, 98, 114));
+ // Test pixelMetric(PM_Layout{Horizontal|Vertical}Spacing
+ window->setStyle(0);
+ style->hspacing = 1;
+ style->vspacing = 2;
+ window->setStyle(style);
+ window->adjustSize();
+ QCOMPARE(a->geometry(), QRectF(0, 3, 20, 20));
+ QCOMPARE(b->geometry(), QRectF(21, 25, 20, 20));
+ QCOMPARE(c->geometry(), QRectF(42, 47, 20, 20));
+ QCOMPARE(d->geometry(), QRectF(63, 69, 20, 20));
+ QCOMPARE(l->geometry(), QRectF(0, 0, 89, 98));
+ window->setStyle(0);
+ delete style;
Taken from "hard" complex case, found at
@@ -1445,217 +1619,6 @@
delete p;
-void tst_QGraphicsAnchorLayout::expandingSequence()
- QSizeF min(10, 10);
- QSizeF pref(50, 10);
- QSizeF max(100, 10);
- QGraphicsWidget *a = createItem(min, pref, max, "a");
- QGraphicsWidget *b = createItem(min, pref, max, "b");
- b->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Preferred);
- QGraphicsAnchorLayout *l = new QGraphicsAnchorLayout;
- l->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
- // horizontal
- setAnchor(l, l, Qt::AnchorLeft, a, Qt::AnchorLeft, 0);
- setAnchor(l, a, Qt::AnchorRight, b, Qt::AnchorLeft, 0);
- setAnchor(l, b, Qt::AnchorRight, l, Qt::AnchorRight, 0);
- // vertical
- l->addAnchors(l, a, Qt::Vertical);
- l->addAnchors(l, b, Qt::Vertical);
- QCOMPARE(l->count(), 2);
- QGraphicsWidget p;
- p.setLayout(l);
- QSizeF layoutMinimumSize = l->effectiveSizeHint(Qt::MinimumSize);
- QCOMPARE(layoutMinimumSize.width(), qreal(20));
- QSizeF layoutExpandedSize(pref.width() + max.width(), layoutMinimumSize.height());
- p.resize(layoutExpandedSize);
- QCOMPARE(a->geometry().size(), pref);
- QCOMPARE(b->geometry().size(), max);
- QSizeF layoutMaximumSize = l->effectiveSizeHint(Qt::MaximumSize);
- QCOMPARE(layoutMaximumSize.width(), qreal(200));
- if (hasSimplification) {
- QVERIFY(!usedSimplex(l, Qt::Horizontal));
- QVERIFY(!usedSimplex(l, Qt::Vertical));
- }
-void tst_QGraphicsAnchorLayout::expandingSequenceFairDistribution()
- QSizeF min(10, 10);
- QSizeF pref(50, 10);
- QSizeF max(100, 10);
- QGraphicsWidget *a = createItem(min, pref, max, "a");
- QGraphicsWidget *b = createItem(min, pref, max, "b");
- QGraphicsWidget *c = createItem(min, pref, max, "c");
- QGraphicsWidget *d = createItem(min, pref, max, "d");
- b->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Preferred);
- d->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Preferred);
- QGraphicsAnchorLayout *l = new QGraphicsAnchorLayout;
- l->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
- // horizontal
- setAnchor(l, l, Qt::AnchorLeft, a, Qt::AnchorLeft, 0);
- setAnchor(l, a, Qt::AnchorRight, b, Qt::AnchorLeft, 0);
- setAnchor(l, b, Qt::AnchorRight, c, Qt::AnchorLeft, 0);
- setAnchor(l, c, Qt::AnchorRight, d, Qt::AnchorLeft, 0);
- setAnchor(l, d, Qt::AnchorRight, l, Qt::AnchorRight, 0);
- // vertical
- l->addAnchors(l, a, Qt::Vertical);
- l->addAnchors(l, b, Qt::Vertical);
- l->addAnchors(l, c, Qt::Vertical);
- l->addAnchors(l, d, Qt::Vertical);
- QCOMPARE(l->count(), 4);
- QGraphicsWidget p;
- p.setLayout(l);
- QSizeF layoutMinimumSize = l->effectiveSizeHint(Qt::MinimumSize);
- QCOMPARE(layoutMinimumSize.width(), qreal(40));
- QSizeF layoutPartialExpandedSize((2 * pref.width()) + (2 * (pref.width() + 10)),
- layoutMinimumSize.height());
- p.resize(layoutPartialExpandedSize);
- QCOMPARE(a->geometry().size(), pref);
- QCOMPARE(b->geometry().size(), pref + QSizeF(10, 0));
- QCOMPARE(c->geometry().size(), pref);
- QCOMPARE(d->geometry().size(), pref + QSizeF(10, 0));
- QSizeF layoutExpandedSize((2 * pref.width()) + (2 * max.width()),
- layoutMinimumSize.height());
- p.resize(layoutExpandedSize);
- QCOMPARE(a->geometry().size(), pref);
- QCOMPARE(b->geometry().size(), max);
- QCOMPARE(c->geometry().size(), pref);
- QCOMPARE(d->geometry().size(), max);
- QSizeF layoutMaximumSize = l->effectiveSizeHint(Qt::MaximumSize);
- QCOMPARE(layoutMaximumSize.width(), qreal(400));
- if (hasSimplification) {
- QVERIFY(!usedSimplex(l, Qt::Horizontal));
- QVERIFY(!usedSimplex(l, Qt::Vertical));
- }
- // Now we change D to have more "room for growth" from its preferred size
- // to its maximum size. We expect a proportional fair distribution. Note that
- // this seems to not conform with what QGraphicsLinearLayout does.
- d->setMaximumSize(QSizeF(150, 10));
- QSizeF newLayoutExpandedSize((2 * pref.width()) + (max.width() + 150),
- layoutMinimumSize.height());
- p.resize(newLayoutExpandedSize);
- QCOMPARE(a->geometry().size(), pref);
- QCOMPARE(b->geometry().size(), max);
- QCOMPARE(c->geometry().size(), pref);
- QCOMPARE(d->geometry().size(), QSizeF(150, 10));
- QSizeF newLayoutPartialExpandedSize((4 * pref.width()) + 75,
- layoutMinimumSize.height());
- p.resize(newLayoutPartialExpandedSize);
- QCOMPARE(a->geometry().size(), pref);
- QCOMPARE(b->geometry().size(), pref + QSizeF(25, 0));
- QCOMPARE(c->geometry().size(), pref);
- QCOMPARE(d->geometry().size(), pref + QSizeF(50, 0));
- if (hasSimplification) {
- QVERIFY(!usedSimplex(l, Qt::Horizontal));
- QVERIFY(!usedSimplex(l, Qt::Vertical));
- }
-void tst_QGraphicsAnchorLayout::expandingParallel()
- QSizeF min(10, 10);
- QSizeF pref(50, 10);
- QSizeF max(100, 10);
- QSizeF max2(100, 50);
- QGraphicsWidget *a = createItem(min, pref, max, "a");
- QGraphicsWidget *b = createItem(min, pref, max, "b");
- QGraphicsWidget *c = createItem(min, pref, max2, "c");
- b->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Preferred);
- QGraphicsAnchorLayout *l = new QGraphicsAnchorLayout;
- l->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
- // horizontal
- setAnchor(l, l, Qt::AnchorLeft, a, Qt::AnchorLeft, 0);
- setAnchor(l, l, Qt::AnchorLeft, b, Qt::AnchorLeft, 0);
- setAnchor(l, a, Qt::AnchorRight, c, Qt::AnchorLeft, 0);
- setAnchor(l, b, Qt::AnchorRight, c, Qt::AnchorLeft, 0);
- setAnchor(l, c, Qt::AnchorRight, l, Qt::AnchorRight, 0);
- // vertical
- l->addAnchors(l, c, Qt::Vertical);
- setAnchor(l, l, Qt::AnchorTop, a, Qt::AnchorTop, 0);
- setAnchor(l, a, Qt::AnchorBottom, c, Qt::AnchorVerticalCenter, 0);
- setAnchor(l, b, Qt::AnchorTop, c, Qt::AnchorVerticalCenter, 0);
- setAnchor(l, b, Qt::AnchorBottom, l, Qt::AnchorBottom, 0);
- QCOMPARE(l->count(), 3);
- QGraphicsWidget p;
- p.setLayout(l);
- QSizeF layoutMinimumSize = l->effectiveSizeHint(Qt::MinimumSize);
- QCOMPARE(layoutMinimumSize.width(), qreal(20));
- QSizeF layoutExpandedSize(pref.width() + max.width(), layoutMinimumSize.height());
- p.resize(layoutExpandedSize);
- QCOMPARE(a->geometry().size(), max);
- QCOMPARE(b->geometry().size(), max);
- QCOMPARE(c->geometry().size(), QSizeF(pref.width(), 20));
- QSizeF layoutMaximumSize = l->effectiveSizeHint(Qt::MaximumSize);
- QCOMPARE(layoutMaximumSize.width(), qreal(200));
- //
- // Change the parallel connection to a paralell connection of b with a center...
- //
- QGraphicsAnchor *anchor = l->anchor(b, Qt::AnchorRight, c, Qt::AnchorLeft);
- delete anchor;
- setAnchor(l, b, Qt::AnchorRight, a, Qt::AnchorHorizontalCenter, 0);
- a->setMaximumSize(max + QSizeF(100, 0));
- QSizeF newLayoutMinimumSize = l->effectiveSizeHint(Qt::MinimumSize);
- QCOMPARE(newLayoutMinimumSize.width(), qreal(30));
- QSizeF newLayoutExpandedSize = layoutExpandedSize + QSizeF(100, 0);
- p.resize(newLayoutExpandedSize);
- QCOMPARE(a->geometry().size(), max + QSizeF(100, 0));
- QCOMPARE(b->geometry().size(), max);
- QCOMPARE(c->geometry().size(), QSizeF(pref.width(), 20));
- QSizeF newLayoutMaximumSize = l->effectiveSizeHint(Qt::MaximumSize);
- QCOMPARE(newLayoutMaximumSize.width(), qreal(300));
void tst_QGraphicsAnchorLayout::floatConflict()
QGraphicsWidget *a = createItem(QSizeF(80,10), QSizeF(90,10), QSizeF(100,10), "a");
@@ -1718,6 +1681,7 @@
QGraphicsWidget *b = createItem(min, pref, max, "b");
QGraphicsWidget *c = createItem(min, pref, max, "c");
QGraphicsWidget *d = createItem(min, pref, max, "d");
+ QGraphicsWidget *e = createItem(min, pref, max, "e");
//<!-- Trunk -->
setAnchor(l, l, Qt::AnchorLeft, a, Qt::AnchorLeft, 0);
@@ -1725,34 +1689,393 @@
setAnchor(l, b, Qt::AnchorRight, c, Qt::AnchorLeft, 0);
setAnchor(l, c, Qt::AnchorRight, d, Qt::AnchorLeft, 0);
setAnchor(l, d, Qt::AnchorRight, l, Qt::AnchorRight, 0);
- a->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Preferred);
- c->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Preferred);
+ setAnchor(l, b, Qt::AnchorHorizontalCenter, e, Qt::AnchorLeft, 0);
+ setAnchor(l, e, Qt::AnchorRight, c, Qt::AnchorHorizontalCenter, 0);
QGraphicsWidget p;
+ QCOMPARE(int(p.effectiveSizeHint(Qt::MaximumSize).width()),
p.resize(200, 10);
QCOMPARE(a->geometry(), QRectF(0, 0, 50, 10));
QCOMPARE(b->geometry(), QRectF(50, 0, 50, 10));
QCOMPARE(c->geometry(), QRectF(100, 0, 50, 10));
QCOMPARE(d->geometry(), QRectF(150, 0, 50, 10));
+ p.resize(1000, 10);
+ QCOMPARE(a->geometry(), QRectF(0, 0, 250, 10));
+ QCOMPARE(b->geometry(), QRectF(250, 0, 250, 10));
+ QCOMPARE(c->geometry(), QRectF(500, 0, 250, 10));
+ QCOMPARE(d->geometry(), QRectF(750, 0, 250, 10));
+ p.resize(40000, 10);
+ QCOMPARE(a->geometry(), QRectF(0, 0, 10000, 10));
+ QCOMPARE(b->geometry(), QRectF(10000, 0, 10000, 10));
+ QCOMPARE(c->geometry(), QRectF(20000, 0, 10000, 10));
+ QCOMPARE(d->geometry(), QRectF(30000, 0, 10000, 10));
+void tst_QGraphicsAnchorLayout::simplifiableUnfeasible()
+ QGraphicsWidget *a = createItem(QSizeF(70.0, 100.0),
+ QSizeF(100.0, 100.0),
+ QSizeF(100.0, 100.0), "A");
+ QGraphicsWidget *b = createItem(QSizeF(110.0, 100.0),
+ QSizeF(150.0, 100.0),
+ QSizeF(190.0, 100.0), "B");
+ QGraphicsAnchorLayout *l = new QGraphicsAnchorLayout;
+ l->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ l->setSpacing(0);
+ l->addAnchor(l, Qt::AnchorTop, a, Qt::AnchorTop);
+ l->addAnchor(a, Qt::AnchorBottom, b, Qt::AnchorTop);
+ l->addAnchor(b, Qt::AnchorBottom, l, Qt::AnchorBottom);
+ l->addAnchors(l, a, Qt::Horizontal);
+ l->addAnchor(l, Qt::AnchorLeft, b, Qt::AnchorLeft);
+ l->addAnchor(b, Qt::AnchorRight, a, Qt::AnchorRight);
+ QCOMPARE(l->count(), 2);
+ QGraphicsWidget p;
+ p.setLayout(l);
+ l->invalidate();
+ QVERIFY(layoutHasConflict(l));
+ if (hasSimplification)
+ QVERIFY(!usedSimplex(l, Qt::Horizontal));
+ // Now we make it valid
+ b->setMinimumWidth(100);
+ l->invalidate();
+ QVERIFY(!layoutHasConflict(l));
+ if (hasSimplification)
+ QVERIFY(!usedSimplex(l, Qt::Horizontal));
+ // And make it invalid again
+ a->setPreferredWidth(70);
+ a->setMaximumWidth(70);
+ l->invalidate();
+ QVERIFY(layoutHasConflict(l));
+ if (hasSimplification)
+ QVERIFY(!usedSimplex(l, Qt::Horizontal));
+ Test whether the anchor direction can prevent it from
+ being simplificated
+void tst_QGraphicsAnchorLayout::simplificationVsOrder()
+ QSizeF min(10, 10);
+ QSizeF pref(20, 10);
+ QSizeF max(50, 10);
+ QGraphicsWidget *a = createItem(min, pref, max, "A");
+ QGraphicsWidget *b = createItem(min, pref, max, "B");
+ QGraphicsWidget *c = createItem(min, pref, max, "C");
+ QGraphicsWidget frame;
+ QGraphicsAnchorLayout *l = new QGraphicsAnchorLayout(&frame);
+ // Bulk anchors
+ l->addAnchor(l, Qt::AnchorLeft, a, Qt::AnchorLeft);
+ l->addAnchor(a, Qt::AnchorRight, b, Qt::AnchorLeft);
+ l->addAnchor(b, Qt::AnchorLeft, c, Qt::AnchorLeft);
+ l->addAnchor(c, Qt::AnchorRight, l, Qt::AnchorRight);
+ // Problematic anchor, direction b->c
+ QGraphicsAnchor *anchor = l->addAnchor(b, Qt::AnchorRight, c, Qt::AnchorRight);
+ anchor->setSpacing(5);
+ l->effectiveSizeHint(Qt::MinimumSize);
+ if (hasSimplification) {
+ QCOMPARE(usedSimplex(l, Qt::Horizontal), false);
+ QCOMPARE(usedSimplex(l, Qt::Vertical), false);
+ }
+ // Problematic anchor, direction c->b
+ delete anchor;
+ anchor = l->addAnchor(c, Qt::AnchorRight, b, Qt::AnchorRight);
+ anchor->setSpacing(5);
+ l->effectiveSizeHint(Qt::MinimumSize);
+ if (hasSimplification) {
+ QCOMPARE(usedSimplex(l, Qt::Horizontal), false);
+ QCOMPARE(usedSimplex(l, Qt::Vertical), false);
+ }
+void tst_QGraphicsAnchorLayout::parallelSimplificationOfCenter()
+ QSizeF min(10, 10);
+ QSizeF pref(20, 10);
+ QSizeF max(50, 10);
+ QGraphicsWidget *a = createItem(min, pref, max, "A");
+ QGraphicsWidget *b = createItem(min, pref, max, "B");
+ QGraphicsWidget parent;
+ QGraphicsAnchorLayout *l = new QGraphicsAnchorLayout(&parent);
+ l->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ l->addAnchor(l, Qt::AnchorLeft, a, Qt::AnchorLeft);
+ l->addAnchor(l, Qt::AnchorRight, a, Qt::AnchorRight);
+ l->addAnchor(a, Qt::AnchorHorizontalCenter, b, Qt::AnchorLeft);
+ l->addAnchor(b, Qt::AnchorRight, a, Qt::AnchorRight);
+ parent.resize(l->effectiveSizeHint(Qt::PreferredSize));
+ QCOMPARE(a->geometry(), QRectF(0, 0, 40, 10));
+ QCOMPARE(b->geometry(), QRectF(20, 0, 20, 10));
+ Test whether redundance of anchors (in this case by using addCornerAnchors), will
+ prevent simplification to take place when it should.
+void tst_QGraphicsAnchorLayout::simplificationVsRedundance()
+ QSizeF min(10, 10);
+ QSizeF pref(20, 10);
+ QSizeF max(50, 30);
+ QGraphicsWidget *a = createItem(min, pref, max, "A");
+ QGraphicsWidget *b = createItem(min, pref, max, "B");
+ QGraphicsWidget *c = createItem(min, pref, max, "C");
+ QGraphicsWidget frame;
+ QGraphicsAnchorLayout *l = new QGraphicsAnchorLayout(&frame);
+ l->addCornerAnchors(a, Qt::TopLeftCorner, l, Qt::TopLeftCorner);
+ l->addCornerAnchors(a, Qt::BottomLeftCorner, l, Qt::BottomLeftCorner);
+ l->addCornerAnchors(b, Qt::TopLeftCorner, a, Qt::TopRightCorner);
+ l->addCornerAnchors(b, Qt::TopRightCorner, l, Qt::TopRightCorner);
+ l->addCornerAnchors(c, Qt::TopLeftCorner, b, Qt::BottomLeftCorner);
+ l->addCornerAnchors(c, Qt::BottomLeftCorner, a, Qt::BottomRightCorner);
+ l->addCornerAnchors(c, Qt::TopRightCorner, b, Qt::BottomRightCorner);
+ l->addCornerAnchors(c, Qt::BottomRightCorner, l, Qt::BottomRightCorner);
+ l->effectiveSizeHint(Qt::MinimumSize);
+ QCOMPARE(layoutHasConflict(l), false);
if (!hasSimplification)
- QEXPECT_FAIL("", "Without simplification there is no fair distribution.", Abort);
+ QEXPECT_FAIL("", "Test depends on simplification.", Abort);
+ QCOMPARE(usedSimplex(l, Qt::Horizontal), false);
+ QCOMPARE(usedSimplex(l, Qt::Vertical), false);
+ Avoid regression where the saved prefSize would be lost. This was
+ solved by saving the original spacing in the QGraphicsAnchorPrivate class
+void tst_QGraphicsAnchorLayout::spacingPersistency()
+ QGraphicsWidget w;
+ QGraphicsWidget *a = createItem();
+ QGraphicsAnchorLayout *l = new QGraphicsAnchorLayout(&w);
+ l->addAnchors(l, a, Qt::Horizontal);
+ QGraphicsAnchor *anchor = l->anchor(l, Qt::AnchorLeft, a, Qt::AnchorLeft);
- p.resize(1000, 10);
- QCOMPARE(a->geometry(), QRectF(0, 0, 450, 10));
- QCOMPARE(b->geometry(), QRectF(450, 0, 50, 10));
- QCOMPARE(c->geometry(), QRectF(500, 0, 450, 10));
- QCOMPARE(d->geometry(), QRectF(950, 0, 50, 10));
+ anchor->setSpacing(-30);
+ QCOMPARE(anchor->spacing(), -30.0);
+ anchor->setSpacing(30);
+ QCOMPARE(anchor->spacing(), 30.0);
+ anchor->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Ignored);
+ w.effectiveSizeHint(Qt::PreferredSize);
+ QCOMPARE(anchor->spacing(), 30.0);
+ Test whether a correct preferred size is set when a "snake" sequence is in parallel with the
+ layout or half of the layout. The tricky thing here is that all items on the snake should
+ keep their preferred sizes.
+void tst_QGraphicsAnchorLayout::snakeParallelWithLayout()
+ QSizeF min(10, 20);
+ QSizeF pref(50, 20);
+ QSizeF max(100, 20);
+ QGraphicsWidget *a = createItem(max, max, max, "A");
+ QGraphicsWidget *b = createItem(min, pref, max, "B");
+ QGraphicsWidget *c = createItem(max, max, max, "C");
+ QGraphicsWidget parent;
+ QGraphicsAnchorLayout *l = new QGraphicsAnchorLayout(&parent);
+ l->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ l->setSpacing(0);
+ // First we'll do the case in parallel with the entire layout...
+ l->addAnchor(l, Qt::AnchorLeft, a, Qt::AnchorLeft);
+ l->addAnchor(a, Qt::AnchorRight, b, Qt::AnchorRight);
+ l->addAnchor(b, Qt::AnchorLeft, c, Qt::AnchorLeft);
+ l->addAnchor(c, Qt::AnchorRight, l, Qt::AnchorRight);
+ l->addAnchor(l, Qt::AnchorTop, a, Qt::AnchorTop);
+ l->addAnchor(a, Qt::AnchorBottom, b, Qt::AnchorTop);
+ l->addAnchor(b, Qt::AnchorBottom, c, Qt::AnchorTop);
+ l->addAnchor(c, Qt::AnchorBottom, l, Qt::AnchorBottom);
+ parent.resize(l->effectiveSizeHint(Qt::PreferredSize));
+ // Note that A and C are fixed in the maximum size
+ QCOMPARE(l->geometry(), QRectF(QPointF(0, 0), QSizeF(150, 60)));
+ QCOMPARE(a->geometry(), QRectF(QPointF(0, 0), max));
+ QCOMPARE(b->geometry(), QRectF(QPointF(50, 20), pref));
+ QCOMPARE(c->geometry(), QRectF(QPointF(50, 40), max));
+ // Then, we change the "snake" to be in parallel with half of the layout
+ delete l->anchor(c, Qt::AnchorRight, l, Qt::AnchorRight);
+ l->addAnchor(c, Qt::AnchorRight, l, Qt::AnchorHorizontalCenter);
+ parent.resize(l->effectiveSizeHint(Qt::PreferredSize));
+ QCOMPARE(l->geometry(), QRectF(QPointF(0, 0), QSizeF(300, 60)));
+ QCOMPARE(a->geometry(), QRectF(QPointF(0, 0), max));
+ QCOMPARE(b->geometry(), QRectF(QPointF(50, 20), pref));
+ QCOMPARE(c->geometry(), QRectF(QPointF(50, 40), max));
+ Avoid regression where the sizeHint constraints would not be
+ created for a parallel anchor that included the first layout half
+void tst_QGraphicsAnchorLayout::parallelToHalfLayout()
+ QGraphicsWidget *a = createItem();
+ QGraphicsWidget w;
+ QGraphicsAnchorLayout *l = new QGraphicsAnchorLayout(&w);
+ l->setContentsMargins(10, 10, 10, 10);
+ l->addAnchors(l, a, Qt::Vertical);
+ QGraphicsAnchor *anchor;
+ anchor = l->addAnchor(l, Qt::AnchorLeft, a, Qt::AnchorLeft);
+ anchor->setSpacing(5);
+ anchor = l->addAnchor(l, Qt::AnchorHorizontalCenter, a, Qt::AnchorRight);
+ anchor->setSpacing(-5);
+ const QSizeF minimumSizeHint = w.effectiveSizeHint(Qt::MinimumSize);
+ const QSizeF preferredSizeHint = w.effectiveSizeHint(Qt::PreferredSize);
+ const QSizeF maximumSizeHint = w.effectiveSizeHint(Qt::MaximumSize);
+ const QSizeF overhead = QSizeF(10 + 5 + 5, 10) * 2;
+ QCOMPARE(minimumSizeHint, QSizeF(200, 100) + overhead);
+ QCOMPARE(preferredSizeHint, QSizeF(300, 100) + overhead);
+ QCOMPARE(maximumSizeHint, QSizeF(400, 100) + overhead);
- qreal expMaxSize = (QWIDGETSIZE_MAX - 100.0) / 2;
- p.resize(QWIDGETSIZE_MAX, 10);
- QCOMPARE(a->geometry(), QRectF(0, 0, expMaxSize, 10));
- QCOMPARE(b->geometry(), QRectF(expMaxSize, 0, 50, 10));
- QCOMPARE(c->geometry(), QRectF(expMaxSize + 50, 0, expMaxSize, 10));
- QCOMPARE(d->geometry(), QRectF(QWIDGETSIZE_MAX - 50, 0, 50, 10));
+void tst_QGraphicsAnchorLayout::globalSpacing()
+ QGraphicsWidget *a = createItem();
+ QGraphicsWidget *b = createItem();
+ QGraphicsWidget w;
+ QGraphicsAnchorLayout *l = new QGraphicsAnchorLayout(&w);
+ l->addCornerAnchors(l, Qt::TopLeftCorner, a, Qt::TopLeftCorner);
+ l->addCornerAnchors(a, Qt::BottomRightCorner, b, Qt::TopLeftCorner);
+ l->addCornerAnchors(b, Qt::BottomRightCorner, l, Qt::BottomRightCorner);
+ w.resize(w.effectiveSizeHint(Qt::PreferredSize));
+ qreal vSpacing = b->geometry().top() - a->geometry().bottom();
+ qreal hSpacing = b->geometry().left() - a->geometry().right();
+ // Set spacings manually
+ l->setVerticalSpacing(vSpacing + 10);
+ l->setHorizontalSpacing(hSpacing + 5);
+ w.resize(w.effectiveSizeHint(Qt::PreferredSize));
+ qreal newVSpacing = b->geometry().top() - a->geometry().bottom();
+ qreal newHSpacing = b->geometry().left() - a->geometry().right();
+ QCOMPARE(newVSpacing, vSpacing + 10);
+ QCOMPARE(newHSpacing, hSpacing + 5);
+ // Set a negative spacing. This will unset the previous spacing and
+ // bring back the widget-defined spacing.
+ l->setSpacing(-1);
+ w.resize(w.effectiveSizeHint(Qt::PreferredSize));
+ newVSpacing = b->geometry().top() - a->geometry().bottom();
+ newHSpacing = b->geometry().left() - a->geometry().right();
+ QCOMPARE(newVSpacing, vSpacing);
+ QCOMPARE(newHSpacing, hSpacing);
+void tst_QGraphicsAnchorLayout::graphicsAnchorHandling()
+ QGraphicsAnchorLayout *l = new QGraphicsAnchorLayout();
+ QGraphicsWidget *a = createItem();
+ l->addAnchors(l, a);
+ QGraphicsAnchor *layoutAnchor = l->anchor(l, Qt::AnchorTop, l, Qt::AnchorBottom);
+ QGraphicsAnchor *itemAnchor = l->anchor(a, Qt::AnchorTop, a, Qt::AnchorBottom);
+ QGraphicsAnchor *invalidAnchor = l->anchor(a, Qt::AnchorTop, l, Qt::AnchorBottom);
+ // Ensure none of these anchors are accessible.
+ QVERIFY(layoutAnchor == 0);
+ QVERIFY(itemAnchor == 0);
+ QVERIFY(invalidAnchor == 0);
+ // Hook the anchors to a QObject
+ QObject object;
+ QGraphicsAnchor *userAnchor = l->anchor(l, Qt::AnchorTop, a, Qt::AnchorTop);
+ userAnchor->setParent(&object);
+ userAnchor = l->anchor(l, Qt::AnchorBottom, a, Qt::AnchorBottom);
+ userAnchor->setParent(&object);
+ userAnchor = l->anchor(l, Qt::AnchorRight, a, Qt::AnchorRight);
+ userAnchor->setParent(&object);
+ userAnchor = l->anchor(l, Qt::AnchorLeft, a, Qt::AnchorLeft);
+ userAnchor->setParent(&object);
+ QCOMPARE(object.children().size(), 4);
+ // Delete layout, this will cause all anchors to be deleted internally.
+ // We expect the public QGraphicsAnchor instances to be deleted too.
+ delete l;
+ QCOMPARE(object.children().size(), 0);
+ delete a;
+void tst_QGraphicsAnchorLayout::invalidHierarchyCheck()
+ QGraphicsWidget window(0, Qt::Window);
+ QGraphicsAnchorLayout *l = new QGraphicsAnchorLayout;
+ window.setLayout(l);
+ QCOMPARE(l->count(), 0);
+ QTest::ignoreMessage(QtWarningMsg, "QGraphicsAnchorLayout::addAnchor(): "
+ "You cannot add the parent of the layout to the layout.");
+ QVERIFY(!l->addAnchor(l, Qt::AnchorLeft, &window, Qt::AnchorLeft));
+ QTest::ignoreMessage(QtWarningMsg, "QGraphicsAnchorLayout::addAnchor(): "
+ "You cannot add the parent of the layout to the layout.");
+ l->addAnchors(l, &window);
+ QTest::ignoreMessage(QtWarningMsg, "QGraphicsAnchorLayout::addAnchor(): "
+ "You cannot add the parent of the layout to the layout.");
+ l->addCornerAnchors(l, Qt::TopLeftCorner, &window, Qt::TopLeftCorner);
+ QCOMPARE(l->count(), 0);