--- a/bin/createpackage.pl Wed Jun 23 19:07:03 2010 +0300
+++ b/bin/createpackage.pl Tue Jul 06 15:10:48 2010 +0300
@@ -68,16 +68,18 @@
Usage: createpackage.pl [options] templatepkg [target]-[platform] [certificate key [passphrase]]
-Where supported optiobns are as follows:
- [-i|install] = Install the package right away using PC suite
+Where supported options are as follows:
+ [-i|install] = Install the package right away using PC suite.
[-p|preprocess] = Only preprocess the template .pkg file.
- [-c|certfile=<file>] = The file containing certificate information for signing.
+ [-c|certfile <file>] = The file containing certificate information for signing.
The file can have several certificates, each specified in
separate line. The certificate, key and passphrase in line
must be ';' separated. Lines starting with '#' are treated
as a comments. Also empty lines are ignored. The paths in
<file> can be absolute or relative to <file>.
- [-u|unsigned] = Preserves the unsigned package
+ [-u|unsigned] = Preserves the unsigned package.
+ [-s|stub] = Generates stub sis for ROM.
+ [-n|sisname <name>] = Specifies the final sis name.
Where parameters are as follows:
templatepkg = Name of .pkg file template
target = Either debug or release
@@ -85,7 +87,7 @@
winscw | gcce | armv5 | armv6 | armv7
certificate = The certificate file used for signing
key = The certificate's private key file
- passphrase = The certificate's private key file's passphrase
+ passphrase = The passphrase of the certificate's private key file
createpackage.pl fluidlauncher_template.pkg release-armv5
@@ -101,6 +103,10 @@
If no certificate and key files are provided, either a RnD certificate or
a self-signed certificate from QtDir\\src\\s60installs directory is used.
+In the latter case the resulting package will also be automatically patched
+using patch_capabilities.pl script, which makes it unsuitable for distribution.
+Always specify certificates explicitly if you wish to distribute your package.
@@ -114,12 +120,14 @@
my $certfile = "";
my $preserveUnsigned = "";
my $stub = "";
+my $signed_sis_name = "";
unless (GetOptions('i|install' => \$install,
'p|preprocess' => \$preprocessonly,
'c|certfile=s' => \$certfile,
'u|unsigned' => \$preserveUnsigned,
- 's|stub' => \$stub,)){
+ 's|stub' => \$stub,
+ 'n|sisname=s' => \$signed_sis_name,)) {
@@ -130,16 +138,21 @@
my $targetplatform = lc $ARGV[1];
my @tmpvalues = split('-', $targetplatform);
-my $target = $tmpvalues[0];
-my $platform = $tmpvalues[1];;
+my $target;
+$target = $tmpvalues[0] or $target = "";
+my $platform;
+$platform = $tmpvalues[1] or $platform = "";
# Convert visual target to real target (debug->udeb and release->urel)
$target =~ s/debug/udeb/i;
$target =~ s/release/urel/i;
-my $certificate = $ARGV[2];
-my $key = $ARGV[3];
-my $passphrase = $ARGV[4];
+my $certificate;
+$certificate = $ARGV[2] or $certificate = "";
+my $key;
+$key = $ARGV[3] or $key = "";
+my $passphrase;
+$passphrase = $ARGV[4] or $passphrase = "";
# Generate output pkg basename (i.e. file name without extension)
my $pkgoutputbasename = $templatepkg;
@@ -149,23 +162,32 @@
$preservePkgOutput = "1";
$pkgoutputbasename =~ s/\.pkg//g;
-$pkgoutputbasename = lc($pkgoutputbasename);
+$pkgoutputbasename = $pkgoutputbasename;
# Store output file names to variables
-my $pkgoutput = lc($pkgoutputbasename.".pkg");
-my $sisoutputbasename = lc($pkgoutputbasename);
-$sisoutputbasename =~ s/_$targetplatform//g;
+my $pkgoutput = $pkgoutputbasename.".pkg";
+my $sisoutputbasename;
+if ($signed_sis_name eq "") {
+ $sisoutputbasename = $pkgoutputbasename;
+ $sisoutputbasename =~ s/_$targetplatform//g;
+ $signed_sis_name = $sisoutputbasename.".sis";
+} else {
+ $sisoutputbasename = $signed_sis_name;
+ if ($sisoutputbasename =~ m/(\.sis$|\.sisx$)/i) {
+ $sisoutputbasename =~ s/$1//i;
+ } else {
+ $signed_sis_name = $signed_sis_name.".sis";
+ }
my $unsigned_sis_name = $sisoutputbasename."_unsigned.sis";
-my $signed_sis_name = $sisoutputbasename.".sis";
-my $stub_sis_name = $sisoutputbasename."_stub.sis";
+my $stub_sis_name = $sisoutputbasename.".sis";
# Store some utility variables
my $scriptpath = dirname(__FILE__);
my $certtext = $certificate;
-my $certpath = $scriptpath;
-$certpath =~ s-^(.*[^\\])$-$1\\-o; # ensure path ends with a backslash
-$certpath =~ s-/-\\-go; # for those working with UNIX shells
-$certpath =~ s-bin\\$-src\\s60installs\\-; # certificates are one step up in hierarcy
+# certificates are one step up in hierarchy
+my $certpath = File::Spec->catdir($scriptpath, File::Spec->updir(), "src/s60installs/");
# Check some pre-conditions and print error messages if needed.
unless (length($templatepkg)) {
@@ -173,14 +195,6 @@
-# If the pkg file is not actually a template, there is no need for plaform or target.
-if ($templatepkg =~ m/_template\.pkg/i) {
- unless (length($platform) && length($target)) {
- print "\nError: Platform or target is not defined!\n";
- Usage();
- }
# Check template exist
unless( -e _ ) {
@@ -197,14 +211,14 @@
} else {
#If no certificate is given, check default options
$certtext = "RnD";
- $certificate = $certpath."rd.cer";
- $key = $certpath."rd-key.pem";
+ $certificate = File::Spec->catfile($certpath, "rd.cer");
+ $key = File::Spec->catfile($certpath, "rd-key.pem");
unless( -e _ ) {
$certtext = "Self Signed";
- $certificate = $certpath."selfsigned.cer";
- $key = $certpath."selfsigned.key";
+ $certificate = File::Spec->catfile($certpath, "selfsigned.cer");
+ $key = File::Spec->catfile($certpath, "selfsigned.key");
@@ -242,12 +256,21 @@
# Preprocess PKG
local $/;
# read template file
open( TEMPLATE, $templatepkg) or die "Error '$templatepkg': $!\n";
close (TEMPLATE);
+# If the pkg file does not contain macros, there is no need for platform or target.
+if (m/\$\(PLATFORM\)/) {
+ unless (length($platform) && length($target)) {
+ print "\nError: Platform or target is not defined!\n";
+ Usage();
+ }
# replace the PKG variables
@@ -269,12 +292,21 @@
# Create stub SIS.
system ("makesis -s $pkgoutput $stub_sis_name");
} else {
+ if ($certtext eq "Self Signed" && !@certificates && $templatepkg !~ m/_installer\.pkg$/i) {
+ print("Auto-patching capabilities for self signed package.\n");
+ system ("patch_capabilities $pkgoutput");
+ }
# Create SIS.
- system ("makesis $pkgoutput $unsigned_sis_name");
+ # The 'and' is because system uses 0 to indicate success.
+ system ("makesis $pkgoutput $unsigned_sis_name") and die ("makesis failed");
# Sign SIS with certificate info given as an argument.
- system ("signsis $unsigned_sis_name $signed_sis_name $certificate $key $passphrase");
+ my $relcert = File::Spec->abs2rel($certificate);
+ my $relkey = File::Spec->abs2rel($key);
+ # The 'and' is because system uses 0 to indicate success.
+ system ("signsis $unsigned_sis_name $signed_sis_name $relcert $relkey $passphrase") and die ("signsis failed");
# Check if creating signed SIS Succeeded
@@ -288,10 +320,10 @@
# Sign with additional certificates & keys
for my $row ( @certificates ) {
# Get certificate absolute file names, relative paths are relative to certfilepath
- my $abscert = File::Spec->rel2abs( $row->[0], $certfilepath);
- my $abskey = File::Spec->rel2abs( $row->[1], $certfilepath);
+ my $relcert = File::Spec->abs2rel(File::Spec->rel2abs( $row->[0], $certfilepath));
+ my $relkey = File::Spec->abs2rel(File::Spec->rel2abs( $row->[1], $certfilepath));
- system ("signsis $signed_sis_name $signed_sis_name $abscert $abskey $row->[2]");
+ system ("signsis $signed_sis_name $signed_sis_name $relcert $relkey $row->[2]");
print ("\tAdditionally signed the SIS with certificate: $row->[0]!\n");