--- a/mkspecs/features/symbian/def_files.prf Wed Jun 23 19:07:03 2010 +0300
+++ b/mkspecs/features/symbian/def_files.prf Tue Jul 06 15:10:48 2010 +0300
@@ -3,37 +3,75 @@
CONFIG -= def_files_disabled
-# Firstly, if the MMP_RULES already contain a defBlock variable, don't generate another one
-# (this bit is slightly magic, because it depends upon everyone creating their DEFFILE statements
-# in a defBlock variable; but otherwise we have to expand MMP_RULES then scan for the DEFFILE keyword)
-!contains(MMP_RULES, defBlock) {
- # Apps are executables on Symbian, so don't have exports, and therefore don't have DEF files
- # Plugins use standard DEF files, which qmake generates, so shouldn't be using these DEFFILE
- # statements - they use the qmake generated statements instead
- # Static libraries obviously don't have DEF files, as they don't take part in dynamic linkage
- !contains(TEMPLATE, app):!contains(CONFIG, plugin):!contains(CONFIG, staticlib): {
- !isEmpty(defFilePath) {
- defBlock = \
- "$${LITERAL_HASH}ifdef WINSCW" \
- "DEFFILE $$defFilePath/bwins/$${TARGET}.def" \
- "$${LITERAL_HASH}elif defined EABI" \
- "DEFFILE $$defFilePath/eabi/$${TARGET}.def" \
- "$${LITERAL_HASH}endif"
+symbian-abld|symbian-sbsv2 {
+ # Firstly, if the MMP_RULES already contain a defBlock variable, don't generate another one
+ # (this bit is slightly magic, because it depends upon everyone creating their DEFFILE statements
+ # in a defBlock variable; but otherwise we have to expand MMP_RULES then scan for the DEFFILE keyword)
+ !contains(MMP_RULES, defBlock):!contains(MMP_RULES, EXPORTUNFROZEN) {
+ # Apps are executables on Symbian, so don't have exports, and therefore don't have DEF files
+ # Plugins use standard DEF files, which qmake generates, so shouldn't be using these DEFFILE
+ # statements - they use the qmake generated statements instead
+ # Static libraries obviously don't have DEF files, as they don't take part in dynamic linkage
+ !contains(TEMPLATE, app):!contains(CONFIG, plugin):!contains(CONFIG, staticlib): {
+ !isEmpty(DEF_FILE) {
+ defBlock = \
+ "$${LITERAL_HASH}ifdef WINSCW" \
+ "DEFFILE $$DEF_FILE/bwins/$${TARGET}.def" \
+ "$${LITERAL_HASH}elif defined EABI" \
+ "DEFFILE $$DEF_FILE/eabi/$${TARGET}.def" \
+ "$${LITERAL_HASH}endif"
+ } else:!isEmpty(defFilePath) {
+ defBlock = \
+ "$${LITERAL_HASH}ifdef WINSCW" \
+ "DEFFILE $$defFilePath/bwins/$${TARGET}.def" \
+ "$${LITERAL_HASH}elif defined EABI" \
+ "DEFFILE $$defFilePath/eabi/$${TARGET}.def" \
+ "$${LITERAL_HASH}endif"
+ } else {
+ # If defFilePath is not defined, then put the folders containing the DEF files at the
+ # same level as the .pro (and generated MMP) file(s)
+ defBlock = \
+ "$${LITERAL_HASH}ifdef WINSCW" \
+ "DEFFILE ./bwins/$${TARGET}.def" \
+ "$${LITERAL_HASH}elif defined EABI" \
+ "DEFFILE ./eabi/$${TARGET}.def" \
+ "$${LITERAL_HASH}endif"
+ }
MMP_RULES += defBlock
- } else {
- # If defFilePath is not defined, then put the folders containing the DEF files at the
- # same level as the .pro (and generated MMP) file(s)
- exists("$$_PRO_FILE_PWD_/eabi") {
- defBlock = \
- "$${LITERAL_HASH}ifdef WINSCW" \
- "DEFFILE ./bwins/$${TARGET}.def" \
- "$${LITERAL_HASH}elif defined EABI" \
- "DEFFILE ./eabi/$${TARGET}.def" \
- "$${LITERAL_HASH}endif"
- MMP_RULES += defBlock
- }
+ }
+ }
+} else:contains(TEMPLATE, lib):!contains(CONFIG, static):!contains(CONFIG, staticlib) {
+ !isEmpty(DEF_FILE) {
+ defFile = $$DEF_FILE
+ } else {
+ defFile = .
+ }
+ system("$$QMAKE_CHK_DIR_EXISTS $$_PRO_FILE_PWD_/$$defFile") {
+ !exists("$$_PRO_FILE_PWD_/$$defFile/eabi") {
+ system("$$QMAKE_MKDIR $$_PRO_FILE_PWD_/$$defFile/eabi")
+ elf2e32FileToAdd = $$_PRO_FILE_PWD_/$$defFile/eabi/$$basename(TARGET)u.def
+ } else {
+ elf2e32FileToAdd = $$_PRO_FILE_PWD_/$$defFile
+ QMAKE_ELF2E32_FLAGS += "`test -e $$elf2e32FileToAdd && echo --definput=$$elf2e32FileToAdd`"
+ symbianObjdir = $$OBJECTS_DIR
+ isEmpty(symbianObjdir):symbianObjdir = .
+ freeze_target.target = freeze
+ freeze_target.depends = first
+ # The perl part is to convert to unix line endings and remove comments, which the s60 tools refuse to do.
+ freeze_target.commands = perl -n -e \'next if (/; NEW/); s/\r//g; if (/MISSING:(.*)/x) { print(\"\$\$1 ABSENT\\n\"); } else { print; }\' < $$symbianObjdir/$${TARGET}.def > $$elf2e32FileToAdd
+ QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += freeze_target
+} else:contains(TEMPLATE, subdirs) {
+ freeze_target.target = freeze
+ freeze_target.CONFIG = recursive
+ freeze_target.recurse = $$SUBDIRS
+ QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += freeze_target
+} else {
+ freeze_target.target = freeze
+ freeze_target.commands =
+ QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += freeze_target