changeset 30 5dc02b23752f
child 33 3e2da88830cd
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/declarative/util/qdeclarativelistmodel.cpp	Tue Jul 06 15:10:48 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,1377 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** All rights reserved.
+** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
+** This file is part of the QtDeclarative module of the Qt Toolkit.
+** No Commercial Usage
+** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
+** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
+** contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying
+** this package.
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
+** packaging of this file.  Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
+** will be met:
+** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
+** rights.  These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
+** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
+** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
+** Nokia at
+#include "private/qdeclarativelistmodel_p_p.h"
+#include "private/qdeclarativelistmodelworkeragent_p.h"
+#include "private/qdeclarativeopenmetaobject_p.h"
+#include <qdeclarativecustomparser_p.h>
+#include <qdeclarativeparser_p.h>
+#include <qdeclarativeengine_p.h>
+#include <qdeclarativecontext.h>
+#include <qdeclarativeinfo.h>
+#include <QtCore/qdebug.h>
+#include <QtCore/qstack.h>
+#include <QXmlStreamReader>
+#include <QtScript/qscriptvalueiterator.h>
+Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(QListModelInterface *)
+#define DATA_ROLE_ID 1
+#define DATA_ROLE_NAME "data"
+QDeclarativeListModelParser::ListInstruction *QDeclarativeListModelParser::ListModelData::instructions() const
+    return (QDeclarativeListModelParser::ListInstruction *)((char *)this + sizeof(ListModelData));
+    \qmlclass ListModel QDeclarativeListModel
+    \since 4.7
+    \brief The ListModel element defines a free-form list data source.
+    The ListModel is a simple hierarchy of elements containing data roles. The contents can
+    be defined dynamically, or explicitly in QML:
+    For example:
+    \code
+    ListModel {
+        id: fruitModel
+        ListElement {
+            name: "Apple"
+            cost: 2.45
+        }
+        ListElement {
+            name: "Orange"
+            cost: 3.25
+        }
+        ListElement {
+            name: "Banana"
+            cost: 1.95
+        }
+    }
+    \endcode
+    Roles (properties) must begin with a lower-case letter.The above example defines a
+    ListModel containing three elements, with the roles "name" and "cost".
+    Values must be simple constants - either strings (quoted), bools (true, false), numbers,
+    or enum values (like Text.AlignHCenter).
+    The defined model can be used in views such as ListView:
+    \code
+    Component {
+        id: fruitDelegate
+        Item {
+            width: 200; height: 50
+            Text { text: name }
+            Text { text: '$'+cost; anchors.right: parent.right }
+        }
+    }
+    ListView {
+        model: fruitModel
+        delegate: fruitDelegate
+        anchors.fill: parent
+    }
+    \endcode
+    It is possible for roles to contain list data.  In the example below we create a list of fruit attributes:
+    \code
+    ListModel {
+        id: fruitModel
+        ListElement {
+            name: "Apple"
+            cost: 2.45
+            attributes: [
+                ListElement { description: "Core" },
+                ListElement { description: "Deciduous" }
+            ]
+        }
+        ListElement {
+            name: "Orange"
+            cost: 3.25
+            attributes: [
+                ListElement { description: "Citrus" }
+            ]
+        }
+        ListElement {
+            name: "Banana"
+            cost: 1.95
+            attributes: [
+                ListElement { description: "Tropical" },
+                ListElement { description: "Seedless" }
+            ]
+        }
+    }
+    \endcode
+    The delegate below will list all the fruit attributes:
+    \code
+    Component {
+        id: fruitDelegate
+        Item {
+            width: 200; height: 50
+            Text { id: name; text: name }
+            Text { text: '$'+cost; anchors.right: parent.right }
+            Row {
+       name.bottom
+                spacing: 5
+                Text { text: "Attributes:" }
+                Repeater {
+                    model: attributes
+                    Component { Text { text: description } }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    \endcode
+    \section2 Modifying list models
+    The content of a ListModel may be created and modified using the clear(),
+    append(), and set() methods.  For example:
+    \code
+    Component {
+        id: fruitDelegate
+        Item {
+            width: 200; height: 50
+            Text { text: name }
+            Text { text: '$'+cost; anchors.right: parent.right }
+            // Double the price when clicked.
+            MouseArea {
+                anchors.fill: parent
+                onClicked: fruitModel.set(index, "cost", cost*2)
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    \endcode
+    When creating content dynamically, note that the set of available properties cannot be changed
+    except by first clearing the model - whatever properties are first added are then the
+    only permitted properties in the model.
+    \section2 Using threaded list models with WorkerScript
+    ListModel can be used together with WorkerScript access a list model
+    from multiple threads. This is useful if list modifications are
+    synchronous and take some time: the list operations can be moved to a
+    different thread to avoid blocking of the main GUI thread.
+    Here is an example that uses WorkerScript to periodically append the
+    current time to a list model:
+    \snippet examples/declarative/threading/threadedlistmodel/timedisplay.qml 0
+    The included file, \tt dataloader.js, looks like this:
+    \snippet examples/declarative/threading/threadedlistmodel/dataloader.js 0
+    The application's \tt Timer object periodically sends a message to the
+    worker script by calling \tt WorkerScript::sendMessage(). When this message
+    is received, \tt WorkerScript.onMessage() is invoked in
+    \tt dataloader.js, which appends the current time to the list model.
+    Note the call to sync() from the \c WorkerScript.onMessage() handler.
+    You must call sync() or else the changes made to the list from the external
+    thread will not be reflected in the list model in the main thread.
+    \section3 Limitations
+    If a list model is to be accessed from a WorkerScript, it \bold cannot
+    contain list data. So, the following model cannot be used from a WorkerScript
+    because of the list contained in the "attributes" property:
+    \code
+    ListModel {
+        id: fruitModel
+        ListElement {
+            name: "Apple"
+            cost: 2.45
+            attributes: [
+                ListElement { description: "Core" },
+                ListElement { description: "Deciduous" }
+            ]
+        }
+    }
+    \endcode
+    In addition, the WorkerScript cannot add any list data to the model.
+    \sa {qmlmodels}{Data Models}, WorkerScript, QtDeclarative
+    A ListModel internally uses either a NestedListModel or FlatListModel.
+    A NestedListModel can contain lists of ListElements (which
+    when retrieved from get() is accessible as a list model within the list
+    model) whereas a FlatListModel cannot.
+    ListModel uses a NestedListModel to begin with, and if the model is later 
+    used from a WorkerScript, it changes to use a FlatListModel instead. This
+    is because ModelNode (which abstracts the nested list model data) needs
+    access to the declarative engine and script engine, which cannot be
+    safely used from outside of the main thread.
+QDeclarativeListModel::QDeclarativeListModel(QObject *parent)
+: QListModelInterface(parent), m_agent(0), m_nested(new NestedListModel(this)), m_flat(0), m_isWorkerCopy(false)
+QDeclarativeListModel::QDeclarativeListModel(bool workerCopy, QObject *parent)
+: QListModelInterface(parent), m_agent(0), m_nested(0), m_flat(0), m_isWorkerCopy(workerCopy)
+    if (workerCopy)
+        m_flat = new FlatListModel(this);
+    else
+        m_nested = new NestedListModel(this);
+    if (m_agent)
+        m_agent->release();
+    delete m_nested;
+    delete m_flat;
+bool QDeclarativeListModel::flatten()
+    if (m_flat)
+        return true;
+    QList<int> roles = m_nested->roles();
+    QList<QHash<int, QVariant> > values;
+    bool hasNested = false;
+    for (int i=0; i<m_nested->count(); i++) {
+        values.append(m_nested->data(i, roles, &hasNested));
+        if (hasNested)
+            return false;
+    }
+    FlatListModel *flat = new FlatListModel(this);
+    flat->m_values = values;
+    for (int i=0; i<roles.count(); i++) {
+        QString s = m_nested->toString(roles[i]);
+        flat->m_roles.insert(roles[i], s);
+        flat->m_strings.insert(s, roles[i]);
+    }
+    m_flat = flat;
+    delete m_nested;
+    m_nested = 0;
+    return true;
+QDeclarativeListModelWorkerAgent *QDeclarativeListModel::agent()
+    if (m_agent)
+        return m_agent;
+    if (!flatten()) {
+        qmlInfo(this) << "List contains nested list values and cannot be used from a worker script";
+        return 0;
+    }
+    m_agent = new QDeclarativeListModelWorkerAgent(this);
+    return m_agent;
+QList<int> QDeclarativeListModel::roles() const
+    return m_flat ? m_flat->roles() : m_nested->roles();
+QString QDeclarativeListModel::toString(int role) const
+    return m_flat ? m_flat->toString(role) : m_nested->toString(role);
+QHash<int,QVariant> QDeclarativeListModel::data(int index, const QList<int> &roles) const
+    if (index >= count() || index < 0)
+        return QHash<int, QVariant>();
+    return m_flat ? m_flat->data(index, roles) : m_nested->data(index, roles);
+QVariant QDeclarativeListModel::data(int index, int role) const
+    if (index >= count() || index < 0)
+        return QVariant();
+    return m_flat ? m_flat->data(index, role) : m_nested->data(index, role);
+    \qmlproperty int ListModel::count
+    The number of data entries in the model.
+int QDeclarativeListModel::count() const
+    return m_flat ? m_flat->count() : m_nested->count();
+    \qmlmethod ListModel::clear()
+    Deletes all content from the model. The properties are cleared such that
+    different properties may be set on subsequent additions.
+    \sa append() remove()
+void QDeclarativeListModel::clear()
+    int cleared = count();
+    if (m_flat)
+        m_flat->clear();
+    else
+        m_nested->clear();
+    if (!m_isWorkerCopy) {
+        emit itemsRemoved(0, cleared);
+        emit countChanged();
+    }
+    \qmlmethod ListModel::remove(int index)
+    Deletes the content at \a index from the model.
+    \sa clear()
+void QDeclarativeListModel::remove(int index)
+    if (index < 0 || index >= count()) {
+        qmlInfo(this) << tr("remove: index %1 out of range").arg(index);
+        return;
+    }
+    if (m_flat)
+        m_flat->remove(index);
+    else
+        m_nested->remove(index);
+    if (!m_isWorkerCopy) {
+        emit itemsRemoved(index, 1);
+        emit countChanged();
+    }
+    \qmlmethod ListModel::insert(int index, jsobject dict)
+    Adds a new item to the list model at position \a index, with the
+    values in \a dict.
+    \code
+        fruitModel.insert(2, {"cost": 5.95, "name":"Pizza"})
+    \endcode
+    The \a index must be to an existing item in the list, or one past
+    the end of the list (equivalent to append).
+    \sa set() append()
+void QDeclarativeListModel::insert(int index, const QScriptValue& valuemap)
+    if (!valuemap.isObject() || valuemap.isArray()) {
+        qmlInfo(this) << tr("insert: value is not an object");
+        return;
+    }
+    if (index < 0 || index > count()) {
+        qmlInfo(this) << tr("insert: index %1 out of range").arg(index);
+        return;
+    }
+    bool ok = m_flat ?  m_flat->insert(index, valuemap) : m_nested->insert(index, valuemap);
+    if (ok && !m_isWorkerCopy) {
+        emit itemsInserted(index, 1);
+        emit countChanged();
+    }
+    \qmlmethod ListModel::move(int from, int to, int n)
+    Moves \a n items \a from one position \a to another.
+    The from and to ranges must exist; for example, to move the first 3 items
+    to the end of the list:
+    \code
+        fruitModel.move(0,fruitModel.count-3,3)
+    \endcode
+    \sa append()
+void QDeclarativeListModel::move(int from, int to, int n)
+    if (n==0 || from==to)
+        return;
+    if (from+n > count() || to+n > count() || from < 0 || to < 0 || n < 0) {
+        qmlInfo(this) << tr("move: out of range");
+        return;
+    }
+    int origfrom = from;
+    int origto = to;
+    int orign = n;
+    if (from > to) {
+        // Only move forwards - flip if backwards moving
+        int tfrom = from;
+        int tto = to;
+        from = tto;
+        to = tto+n;
+        n = tfrom-tto;
+    }
+    if (m_flat)
+        m_flat->move(from, to, n);
+    else
+        m_nested->move(from, to, n);
+    if (!m_isWorkerCopy)
+        emit itemsMoved(origfrom, origto, orign);
+    \qmlmethod ListModel::append(jsobject dict)
+    Adds a new item to the end of the list model, with the
+    values in \a dict.
+    \code
+        fruitModel.append({"cost": 5.95, "name":"Pizza"})
+    \endcode
+    \sa set() remove()
+void QDeclarativeListModel::append(const QScriptValue& valuemap)
+    if (!valuemap.isObject() || valuemap.isArray()) {
+        qmlInfo(this) << tr("append: value is not an object");
+        return;
+    }
+    insert(count(), valuemap);
+    \qmlmethod object ListModel::get(int index)
+    Returns the item at \a index in the list model.
+    \code
+        fruitModel.append({"cost": 5.95, "name":"Jackfruit"})
+        fruitModel.get(0).cost
+    \endcode
+    The \a index must be an element in the list.
+    Note that properties of the returned object that are themselves objects
+    will also be models, and this get() method is used to access elements:
+    \code
+        fruitModel.append(..., "attributes":
+            [{"name":"spikes","value":"7mm"},
+             {"name":"color","value":"green"}]);
+        fruitModel.get(0).attributes.get(1).value; // == "green"
+    \endcode
+    \sa append()
+QScriptValue QDeclarativeListModel::get(int index) const
+    // the internal flat/nested class checks for bad index
+    return m_flat ? m_flat->get(index) : m_nested->get(index);
+    \qmlmethod ListModel::set(int index, jsobject dict)
+    Changes the item at \a index in the list model with the
+    values in \a dict. Properties not appearing in \a dict
+    are left unchanged.
+    \code
+        fruitModel.set(3, {"cost": 5.95, "name":"Pizza"})
+    \endcode
+    The \a index must be an element in the list.
+    \sa append()
+void QDeclarativeListModel::set(int index, const QScriptValue& valuemap)
+    if (!valuemap.isObject() || valuemap.isArray()) {
+        qmlInfo(this) << tr("set: value is not an object");
+        return;
+    }
+    if (count() == 0 || index > count() || index < 0) {
+        qmlInfo(this) << tr("set: index %1 out of range").arg(index);
+        return;
+    }
+    if (index == count()) {
+        append(valuemap);
+    } else {
+        QList<int> roles;
+        if (m_flat)
+            m_flat->set(index, valuemap, &roles);
+        else
+            m_nested->set(index, valuemap, &roles);
+        if (!m_isWorkerCopy)
+            emit itemsChanged(index, 1, roles);
+    }
+    \qmlmethod ListModel::setProperty(int index, string property, variant value)
+    Changes the \a property of the item at \a index in the list model to \a value.
+    \code
+        fruitModel.setProperty(3, "cost", 5.95)
+    \endcode
+    The \a index must be an element in the list.
+    \sa append()
+void QDeclarativeListModel::setProperty(int index, const QString& property, const QVariant& value)
+    if (count() == 0 || index >= count() || index < 0) {
+        qmlInfo(this) << tr("set: index %1 out of range").arg(index);
+        return;
+    }
+    QList<int> roles;
+    if (m_flat)
+        m_flat->setProperty(index, property, value, &roles);
+    else
+        m_nested->setProperty(index, property, value, &roles);
+    if (!m_isWorkerCopy)
+        emit itemsChanged(index, 1, roles);
+    \qmlmethod ListModel::sync()
+    Writes any unsaved changes to the list model after it has been modified
+    from a worker script.
+void QDeclarativeListModel::sync()
+    // This is just a dummy method to make it look like sync() exists in
+    // ListModel (and not just QDeclarativeListModelWorkerAgent) and to let
+    // us document sync().
+    qmlInfo(this) << "List sync() can only be called from a WorkerScript";
+bool QDeclarativeListModelParser::compileProperty(const QDeclarativeCustomParserProperty &prop, QList<ListInstruction> &instr, QByteArray &data)
+    QList<QVariant> values = prop.assignedValues();
+    for(int ii = 0; ii < values.count(); ++ii) {
+        const QVariant &value =;
+        if(value.userType() == qMetaTypeId<QDeclarativeCustomParserNode>()) {
+            QDeclarativeCustomParserNode node =
+                qvariant_cast<QDeclarativeCustomParserNode>(value);
+            if ( != "ListElement") {
+                error(node, QDeclarativeListModel::tr("ListElement: cannot contain nested elements"));
+                return false;
+            }
+            {
+            ListInstruction li;
+            li.type = ListInstruction::Push;
+            li.dataIdx = -1;
+            instr << li;
+            }
+            QList<QDeclarativeCustomParserProperty> props =;
+            for(int jj = 0; jj < props.count(); ++jj) {
+                const QDeclarativeCustomParserProperty &nodeProp =;
+                if ( == "") {
+                    error(nodeProp, QDeclarativeListModel::tr("ListElement: cannot contain nested elements"));
+                    return false;
+                }
+                if ( == "id") {
+                    error(nodeProp, QDeclarativeListModel::tr("ListElement: cannot use reserved \"id\" property"));
+                    return false;
+                }
+                ListInstruction li;
+                int ref = data.count();
+                data.append(;
+                data.append('\0');
+                li.type = ListInstruction::Set;
+                li.dataIdx = ref;
+                instr << li;
+                if(!compileProperty(nodeProp, instr, data))
+                    return false;
+                li.type = ListInstruction::Pop;
+                li.dataIdx = -1;
+                instr << li;
+            }
+            {
+            ListInstruction li;
+            li.type = ListInstruction::Pop;
+            li.dataIdx = -1;
+            instr << li;
+            }
+        } else {
+            QDeclarativeParser::Variant variant =
+                qvariant_cast<QDeclarativeParser::Variant>(value);
+            int ref = data.count();
+            QByteArray d;
+            d += char(variant.type()); // type tag
+            if (variant.isString()) {
+                d += variant.asString().toUtf8();
+            } else if (variant.isNumber()) {
+                d += QByteArray::number(variant.asNumber(),'g',20);
+            } else if (variant.isBoolean()) {
+                d += char(variant.asBoolean());
+            } else if (variant.isScript()) {
+                if (definesEmptyList(variant.asScript())) {
+                    d[0] = char(QDeclarativeParser::Variant::Invalid); // marks empty list
+                } else {
+                    QByteArray script = variant.asScript().toUtf8();
+                    int v = evaluateEnum(script);
+                    if (v<0) {
+                        error(prop, QDeclarativeListModel::tr("ListElement: cannot use script for property value"));
+                        return false;
+                    } else {
+                        d[0] = char(QDeclarativeParser::Variant::Number);
+                        d += QByteArray::number(v);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            d.append('\0');
+            data.append(d);
+            ListInstruction li;
+            li.type = ListInstruction::Value;
+            li.dataIdx = ref;
+            instr << li;
+        }
+    }
+    return true;
+QByteArray QDeclarativeListModelParser::compile(const QList<QDeclarativeCustomParserProperty> &customProps)
+    QList<ListInstruction> instr;
+    QByteArray data;
+    for(int ii = 0; ii < customProps.count(); ++ii) {
+        const QDeclarativeCustomParserProperty &prop =;
+        if( != "") { // isn't default property
+            error(prop, QDeclarativeListModel::tr("ListModel: undefined property '%1'").arg(QString::fromUtf8(;
+            return QByteArray();
+        }
+        if(!compileProperty(prop, instr, data)) {
+            return QByteArray();
+        }
+    }
+    int size = sizeof(ListModelData) +
+               instr.count() * sizeof(ListInstruction) +
+               data.count();
+    QByteArray rv;
+    rv.resize(size);
+    ListModelData *lmd = (ListModelData *);
+    lmd->dataOffset = sizeof(ListModelData) +
+                     instr.count() * sizeof(ListInstruction);
+    lmd->instrCount = instr.count();
+    for (int ii = 0; ii < instr.count(); ++ii)
+        lmd->instructions()[ii] =;
+    ::memcpy( + lmd->dataOffset, data.constData(), data.count());
+    return rv;
+void QDeclarativeListModelParser::setCustomData(QObject *obj, const QByteArray &d)
+    QDeclarativeListModel *rv = static_cast<QDeclarativeListModel *>(obj);
+    ModelNode *root = new ModelNode;
+    rv->m_nested->_root = root;
+    QStack<ModelNode *> nodes;
+    nodes << root;
+    bool processingSet = false;
+    const ListModelData *lmd = (const ListModelData *)d.constData();
+    const char *data = ((const char *)lmd) + lmd->dataOffset;
+    for (int ii = 0; ii < lmd->instrCount; ++ii) {
+        const ListInstruction &instr = lmd->instructions()[ii];
+        switch(instr.type) {
+        case ListInstruction::Push:
+            {
+                ModelNode *n =;
+                ModelNode *n2 = new ModelNode;
+                n->values << qVariantFromValue(n2);
+                nodes.push(n2);
+                if (processingSet)
+                    n->isArray = true;
+            }
+            break;
+        case ListInstruction::Pop:
+            nodes.pop();
+            break;
+        case ListInstruction::Value:
+            {
+                ModelNode *n =;
+                switch (QDeclarativeParser::Variant::Type(data[instr.dataIdx])) {
+                 case QDeclarativeParser::Variant::Invalid:
+                    n->isArray = true;
+                    break;
+                 case QDeclarativeParser::Variant::Boolean:
+                    n->values.append(bool(data[1 + instr.dataIdx]));
+                    break;
+                 case QDeclarativeParser::Variant::Number:
+                    n->values.append(QByteArray(data + 1 + instr.dataIdx).toDouble());
+                    break;
+                 case QDeclarativeParser::Variant::String:
+                    n->values.append(QString::fromUtf8(data + 1 + instr.dataIdx));
+                    break;
+                 default:
+                    Q_ASSERT("Format error in ListInstruction");
+                }
+                processingSet = false;
+            }
+            break;
+        case ListInstruction::Set:
+            {
+                ModelNode *n =;
+                ModelNode *n2 = new ModelNode;
+                n->properties.insert(QString::fromUtf8(data + instr.dataIdx), n2);
+                nodes.push(n2);
+                processingSet = true;
+            }
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+bool QDeclarativeListModelParser::definesEmptyList(const QString &s)
+    if (s.startsWith(QLatin1Char('[')) && s.endsWith(QLatin1Char(']'))) {
+        for (int i=1; i<s.length()-1; i++) {
+            if (!s[i].isSpace())
+                return false;
+        }
+        return true;
+    }
+    return false;
+    \qmlclass ListElement
+    \since 4.7
+    \brief The ListElement element defines a data item in a ListModel.
+    \sa ListModel
+FlatListModel::FlatListModel(QDeclarativeListModel *base)
+    : m_scriptEngine(0), m_listModel(base)
+QHash<int,QVariant> FlatListModel::data(int index, const QList<int> &roles) const
+    Q_ASSERT(index >= 0 && index < m_values.count());
+    QHash<int, QVariant> row;
+    for (int i=0; i<roles.count(); i++) {
+        int role = roles[i];
+        if (m_values[index].contains(role))
+            row.insert(role, m_values[index][role]);
+    }
+    return row;
+QVariant FlatListModel::data(int index, int role) const
+    Q_ASSERT(index >= 0 && index < m_values.count());
+    if (m_values[index].contains(role))
+        return m_values[index][role];
+    return QVariant();
+QList<int> FlatListModel::roles() const
+    return m_roles.keys();
+QString FlatListModel::toString(int role) const
+    if (m_roles.contains(role))
+        return m_roles[role];
+    return QString();
+int FlatListModel::count() const
+    return m_values.count();
+void FlatListModel::clear()
+    m_values.clear();
+void FlatListModel::remove(int index)
+    m_values.removeAt(index);
+bool FlatListModel::append(const QScriptValue &value)
+    return insert(m_values.count(), value);
+bool FlatListModel::insert(int index, const QScriptValue &value)
+    Q_ASSERT(index >= 0 && index <= m_values.count());
+    QHash<int, QVariant> row;
+    if (!addValue(value, &row, 0))
+        return false;
+    m_values.insert(index, row);
+    return true;
+QScriptValue FlatListModel::get(int index) const
+    QScriptEngine *scriptEngine = m_scriptEngine ? m_scriptEngine : QDeclarativeEnginePrivate::getScriptEngine(qmlEngine(m_listModel));
+    if (!scriptEngine) 
+        return 0;
+    if (index < 0 || index >= m_values.count())
+        return scriptEngine->undefinedValue();
+    QScriptValue rv = scriptEngine->newObject();
+    QHash<int, QVariant> row =;
+    for (QHash<int, QVariant>::ConstIterator iter = row.begin(); iter != row.end(); ++iter)
+        rv.setProperty(m_roles.value(iter.key()), qScriptValueFromValue(scriptEngine, iter.value()));
+    return rv;
+void FlatListModel::set(int index, const QScriptValue &value, QList<int> *roles)
+    Q_ASSERT(index >= 0 && index < m_values.count());
+    QHash<int, QVariant> row = m_values[index];
+    if (addValue(value, &row, roles))
+        m_values[index] = row;
+void FlatListModel::setProperty(int index, const QString& property, const QVariant& value, QList<int> *roles)
+    Q_ASSERT(index >= 0 && index < m_values.count());
+    QHash<QString, int>::Iterator iter = m_strings.find(property);
+    int role;
+    if (iter == m_strings.end()) {
+        role = m_roles.count();
+        m_roles.insert(role, property);
+        m_strings.insert(property, role);
+    } else {
+        role = iter.value();
+    }
+    roles->append(role);
+    m_values[index][role] = value;
+void FlatListModel::move(int from, int to, int n)
+    if (n == 1) {
+        m_values.move(from, to);
+    } else {
+        QList<QHash<int, QVariant> > replaced;
+        int i=0;
+        QList<QHash<int, QVariant> >::ConstIterator it=m_values.begin(); it += from+n;
+        for (; i<to-from; ++i,++it)
+            replaced.append(*it);
+        i=0;
+        it=m_values.begin(); it += from;
+        for (; i<n; ++i,++it)
+            replaced.append(*it);
+        QList<QHash<int, QVariant> >::ConstIterator f=replaced.begin();
+        QList<QHash<int, QVariant> >::Iterator t=m_values.begin(); t += from;
+        for (; f != replaced.end(); ++f, ++t)
+            *t = *f;
+    }
+bool FlatListModel::addValue(const QScriptValue &value, QHash<int, QVariant> *row, QList<int> *roles)
+    QScriptValueIterator it(value);
+    while (it.hasNext()) {
+        QScriptValue value = it.value();
+        if (!value.isVariant() && !value.isRegExp() && !value.isDate() && value.isObject()) {
+            qmlInfo(m_listModel) << "Cannot add nested list values when modifying or after modification from a worker script";
+            return false;
+        }
+        QString name =;
+        QVariant v = it.value().toVariant();
+        QHash<QString, int>::Iterator iter = m_strings.find(name);
+        if (iter == m_strings.end()) {
+            int role = m_roles.count();
+            m_roles.insert(role, name);
+            iter = m_strings.insert(name, role);
+            if (roles)
+                roles->append(role);
+        }
+        row->insert(*iter, v);
+    }
+    return true;
+NestedListModel::NestedListModel(QDeclarativeListModel *base)
+    : _root(0), m_listModel(base), _rolesOk(false)
+    delete _root;
+QVariant NestedListModel::valueForNode(ModelNode *node, bool *hasNested) const
+    QObject *rv = 0;
+    if (hasNested)
+        *hasNested = false;
+    if (node->isArray) {
+        // List
+        rv = node->model(this);
+        if (hasNested)
+            *hasNested = true;
+    } else {
+        if (!node->properties.isEmpty()) {
+            // Object
+            rv = node->object(this);
+        } else if (node->values.count() == 0) {
+            // Invalid
+            return QVariant();
+        } else if (node->values.count() == 1) {
+            // Value
+            QVariant &var = node->values[0];
+            ModelNode *valueNode = qvariant_cast<ModelNode *>(var);
+            if (valueNode) {
+                if (!valueNode->properties.isEmpty())
+                    rv = valueNode->object(this);
+                else
+                    rv = valueNode->model(this);
+            } else {
+                return var;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if (rv) {
+        return QVariant::fromValue(rv);
+    } else {
+        return QVariant();
+    }
+QHash<int,QVariant> NestedListModel::data(int index, const QList<int> &roles, bool *hasNested) const
+    Q_ASSERT(_root && index >= 0 && index < _root->values.count());
+    checkRoles();
+    QHash<int, QVariant> rv;
+    ModelNode *node = qvariant_cast<ModelNode *>(_root->;
+    if (!node)
+        return rv;
+    for (int ii = 0; ii < roles.count(); ++ii) {
+        const QString &roleString =;
+        QHash<QString, ModelNode *>::ConstIterator iter = node->properties.find(roleString);
+        if (iter != node->properties.end()) {
+            ModelNode *row = *iter;
+            rv.insert(, valueForNode(row, hasNested));
+        }
+    }
+    return rv;
+QVariant NestedListModel::data(int index, int role) const
+    Q_ASSERT(_root && index >= 0 && index < _root->values.count());
+    checkRoles();
+    QVariant rv;
+    ModelNode *node = qvariant_cast<ModelNode *>(_root->;
+    if (!node)
+        return rv;
+    const QString &roleString =;
+    QHash<QString, ModelNode *>::ConstIterator iter = node->properties.find(roleString);
+    if (iter != node->properties.end()) {
+        ModelNode *row = *iter;
+        rv = valueForNode(row);
+    }
+    return rv;
+int NestedListModel::count() const
+    if (!_root) return 0;
+    return _root->values.count();
+void NestedListModel::clear()
+    _rolesOk = false;
+    roleStrings.clear();
+    delete _root;
+    _root = 0;
+void NestedListModel::remove(int index)
+    if (!_root)
+        return;
+    ModelNode *node = qvariant_cast<ModelNode *>(_root->;
+    _root->values.removeAt(index);
+    if (node)
+        delete node;
+bool NestedListModel::insert(int index, const QScriptValue& valuemap)
+    if (!_root)
+        _root = new ModelNode;
+    ModelNode *mn = new ModelNode;
+    mn->setObjectValue(valuemap);
+    _root->values.insert(index,qVariantFromValue(mn));
+    return true;
+void NestedListModel::move(int from, int to, int n)
+    if (n==1) {
+        _root->values.move(from,to);
+    } else {
+        QList<QVariant> replaced;
+        int i=0;
+        QVariantList::const_iterator it=_root->values.begin(); it += from+n;
+        for (; i<to-from; ++i,++it)
+            replaced.append(*it);
+        i=0;
+        it=_root->values.begin(); it += from;
+        for (; i<n; ++i,++it)
+            replaced.append(*it);
+        QVariantList::const_iterator f=replaced.begin();
+        QVariantList::iterator t=_root->values.begin(); t += from;
+        for (; f != replaced.end(); ++f, ++t)
+            *t = *f;
+    }
+bool NestedListModel::append(const QScriptValue& valuemap)
+    if (!_root)
+        _root = new ModelNode;
+    ModelNode *mn = new ModelNode;
+    mn->setObjectValue(valuemap);
+    _root->values << qVariantFromValue(mn);
+    return true;
+QScriptValue NestedListModel::get(int index) const
+    QDeclarativeEngine *eng = qmlEngine(m_listModel);
+    if (!eng) 
+        return 0;
+    if (index < 0 || index >= count()) {
+        QScriptEngine *seng = QDeclarativeEnginePrivate::getScriptEngine(eng);
+        if (seng)
+            return seng->undefinedValue();
+        return 0;
+    }
+    ModelNode *node = qvariant_cast<ModelNode *>(_root->;
+    if (!node)
+        return 0;
+    return QDeclarativeEnginePrivate::qmlScriptObject(node->object(this), eng);
+void NestedListModel::set(int index, const QScriptValue& valuemap, QList<int> *roles)
+    Q_ASSERT(index >=0 && index < count());
+    ModelNode *node = qvariant_cast<ModelNode *>(_root->;
+    node->setObjectValue(valuemap);
+    QScriptValueIterator it(valuemap);
+    while (it.hasNext()) {
+        int r = roleStrings.indexOf(;
+        if (r < 0) {
+            r = roleStrings.count();
+            roleStrings <<;
+        }
+        roles->append(r);
+    }
+void NestedListModel::setProperty(int index, const QString& property, const QVariant& value, QList<int> *roles)
+    Q_ASSERT(index >=0 && index < count());
+    ModelNode *node = qvariant_cast<ModelNode *>(_root->;
+    node->setProperty(property, value);
+    int r = roleStrings.indexOf(property);
+    if (r < 0) {
+        r = roleStrings.count();
+        roleStrings << property;
+    }
+    roles->append(r);
+void NestedListModel::checkRoles() const
+    if (_rolesOk || !_root)
+        return;
+    for (int i = 0; i<_root->values.count(); ++i) {
+        ModelNode *node = qvariant_cast<ModelNode *>(_root->;
+        if (node) {
+            foreach (const QString &role, node->properties.keys()) {
+                if (!roleStrings.contains(role))
+                    roleStrings.append(role);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    _rolesOk = true;
+QList<int> NestedListModel::roles() const
+    checkRoles();
+    QList<int> rv;
+    for (int ii = 0; ii < roleStrings.count(); ++ii)
+        rv << ii;
+    return rv;
+QString NestedListModel::toString(int role) const
+    checkRoles();
+    if (role < roleStrings.count())
+        return;
+    else
+        return QString();
+: modelCache(0), objectCache(0), isArray(false)
+    qDeleteAll(properties.values());
+    ModelNode *node;
+    for (int ii = 0; ii < values.count(); ++ii) {
+        node = qvariant_cast<ModelNode *>(;
+        if (node) { delete node; node = 0; }
+    }
+    if (modelCache) { modelCache->m_nested->_root = 0/* ==this */; delete modelCache; modelCache = 0; }
+    if (objectCache) { delete objectCache; objectCache = 0; }
+void ModelNode::setObjectValue(const QScriptValue& valuemap) {
+    QScriptValueIterator it(valuemap);
+    while (it.hasNext()) {
+        ModelNode *value = new ModelNode;
+        QScriptValue v = it.value();
+        if (v.isArray()) {
+            value->isArray = true;
+            value->setListValue(v);
+        } else {
+            value->values << v.toVariant();
+            if (objectCache)
+                objectCache->setValue(, value->values.last());
+        }
+        if (properties.contains(
+            delete properties[];
+        properties.insert(, value);
+    }
+void ModelNode::setListValue(const QScriptValue& valuelist) {
+    QScriptValueIterator it(valuelist);
+    values.clear();
+    int size ="length")).toInt32();
+    for (int i=0; i<size; i++) {
+        ModelNode *value = new ModelNode;
+        QScriptValue v =;
+        if (v.isArray()) {
+            value->isArray = true;
+            value->setListValue(v);
+        } else if (v.isObject()) {
+            value->setObjectValue(v);
+        } else {
+            value->values << v.toVariant();
+        }
+        values.append(qVariantFromValue(value));
+    }
+void ModelNode::setProperty(const QString& prop, const QVariant& val) {
+    QHash<QString, ModelNode *>::const_iterator it = properties.find(prop);
+    if (it != properties.end()) {
+        (*it)->values[0] = val;
+    } else {
+        ModelNode *n = new ModelNode;
+        n->values << val;
+        properties.insert(prop,n);
+    }
+    if (objectCache)
+        objectCache->setValue(prop.toUtf8(), val);
+void ModelNode::dump(ModelNode *node, int ind)
+    QByteArray indentBa(ind * 4, ' ');
+    const char *indent = indentBa.constData();
+    for (int ii = 0; ii < node->values.count(); ++ii) {
+        ModelNode *subNode = qvariant_cast<ModelNode *>(node->;
+        if (subNode) {
+            qWarning().nospace() << indent << "Sub-node " << ii;
+            dump(subNode, ind + 1);
+        } else {
+            qWarning().nospace() << indent << "Sub-node " << ii << ": " << node->;
+        }
+    }
+    for (QHash<QString, ModelNode *>::ConstIterator iter = node->properties.begin(); iter != node->properties.end(); ++iter) {
+        qWarning().nospace() << indent << "Property " << iter.key() << ':';
+        dump(iter.value(), ind + 1);
+    }
+: _mo(new QDeclarativeOpenMetaObject(this))
+void ModelObject::setValue(const QByteArray &name, const QVariant &val)
+    _mo->setValue(name, val);
+    setProperty(name.constData(), val);