--- a/src/gui/graphicsview/qgraphicsscene.cpp Wed Jun 23 19:07:03 2010 +0300
+++ b/src/gui/graphicsview/qgraphicsscene.cpp Tue Jul 06 15:10:48 2010 +0300
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
The class serves as a container for QGraphicsItems. It is used together
with QGraphicsView for visualizing graphical items, such as lines,
rectangles, text, or even custom items, on a 2D surface. QGraphicsScene is
- part of \l{The Graphics View Framework}.
+ part of the \l{Graphics View Framework}.
QGraphicsScene also provides functionality that lets you efficiently
determine both the location of items, and for determining what items are
@@ -228,6 +228,7 @@
#include <QtCore/qstack.h>
#include <QtCore/qtimer.h>
#include <QtCore/qvarlengtharray.h>
+#include <QtCore/QMetaMethod>
#include <QtGui/qapplication.h>
#include <QtGui/qdesktopwidget.h>
#include <QtGui/qevent.h>
@@ -277,8 +278,6 @@
-int QGraphicsScenePrivate::changedSignalIndex;
@@ -291,13 +290,20 @@
- selectionChanging(0),
+ lastMouseGrabberItemHasImplicitMouseGrab(false),
+ allItemsIgnoreHoverEvents(true),
+ allItemsUseDefaultCursor(true),
+ painterStateProtection(true),
+ sortCacheEnabled(false),
+ allItemsIgnoreTouchEvents(true),
+ selectionChanging(0),
+ rectAdjust(2),
@@ -306,16 +312,10 @@
- lastMouseGrabberItemHasImplicitMouseGrab(false),
- allItemsIgnoreHoverEvents(true),
- allItemsUseDefaultCursor(true),
- painterStateProtection(true),
- sortCacheEnabled(false),
- style(0),
- allItemsIgnoreTouchEvents(true)
+ style(0)
@@ -329,9 +329,10 @@
index = new QGraphicsSceneBspTreeIndex(q);
// Keep this index so we can check for connected slots later on.
- if (!changedSignalIndex) {
- changedSignalIndex = signalIndex("changed(QList<QRectF>)");
- }
+ changedSignalIndex = signalIndex("changed(QList<QRectF>)");
+ processDirtyItemsIndex = q->metaObject()->indexOfSlot("_q_processDirtyItems()");
+ polishItemsIndex = q->metaObject()->indexOfSlot("_q_polishItems()");
@@ -689,6 +690,10 @@
if (item == lastMouseGrabberItem)
lastMouseGrabberItem = 0;
+ // Reset the current drop item
+ if (item == dragDropItem)
+ dragDropItem = 0;
// Reenable selectionChanged() for individual items
if (!selectionChanging && selectedItems.size() != oldSelectedItemsSize)
@@ -701,6 +706,13 @@
+ QGraphicsObject *dummy = static_cast<QGraphicsObject *>(item);
+ cachedTargetItems.removeOne(dummy);
+ cachedItemGestures.remove(dummy);
+ cachedAlreadyDeliveredGestures.remove(dummy);
+ foreach (Qt::GestureType gesture, item->d_ptr->gestureContext.keys())
+ ungrabGesture(item, gesture);
@@ -1311,10 +1323,10 @@
setFocus = true;
- if (item->isEnabled() && ((item->flags() & QGraphicsItem::ItemIsFocusable) && item->d_ptr->mouseSetsFocus)) {
+ if (item->isEnabled() && ((item->flags() & QGraphicsItem::ItemIsFocusable))) {
if (!item->isWidget() || ((QGraphicsWidget *)item)->focusPolicy() & Qt::ClickFocus) {
setFocus = true;
- if (item != q->focusItem())
+ if (item != q->focusItem() && item->d_ptr->mouseSetsFocus)
q->setFocusItem(item, Qt::MouseFocusReason);
@@ -2533,10 +2545,16 @@
- if (d->unpolishedItems.isEmpty())
- QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "_q_polishItems", Qt::QueuedConnection);
- d->unpolishedItems.append(item);
- item->d_ptr->pendingPolish = true;
+ // QDeclarativeItems do not rely on initial itemChanged message, as the componentComplete
+ // function allows far more opportunity for delayed-construction optimization.
+ if (!item->d_ptr->isDeclarativeItem) {
+ if (d->unpolishedItems.isEmpty()) {
+ QMetaMethod method = metaObject()->method(d->polishItemsIndex);
+ method.invoke(this, Qt::QueuedConnection);
+ }
+ d->unpolishedItems.append(item);
+ item->d_ptr->pendingPolish = true;
+ }
// Detach this item from its parent if the parent's scene is different
// from this scene.
@@ -2584,6 +2602,9 @@
+ foreach (Qt::GestureType gesture, item->d_ptr->gestureContext.keys())
+ d->grabGesture(item, gesture);
// Update selection lists
if (item->isSelected())
d->selectedItems << item;
@@ -3211,7 +3232,10 @@
// Update all views.
for (int i = 0; i < d->views.size(); ++i) {
QGraphicsView *view = d->views.at(i);
- view->d_func()->updateRegion(QRegion(view->mapFromScene(rect).boundingRect()));
+ if (view->isTransformed())
+ view->d_func()->updateRectF(view->viewportTransform().mapRect(rect));
+ else
+ view->d_func()->updateRectF(rect);
} else {
d->updatedRects << rect;
@@ -4253,6 +4277,8 @@
widgetItem->paintWindowFrame(painter, option, widget);
if (painterStateProtection)
+ } else if (widgetItem->autoFillBackground()) {
+ painter->fillRect(option->exposedRect, widgetItem->palette().window());
widgetItem->paint(painter, option, widget);
@@ -4350,11 +4376,6 @@
bool pixmapFound;
QGraphicsItemCache *itemCache = itemd->extraItemCache();
if (cacheMode == QGraphicsItem::ItemCoordinateCache) {
- if (itemCache->boundingRect != brect.toRect()) {
- itemCache->boundingRect = brect.toRect();
- itemCache->allExposed = true;
- itemCache->exposed.clear();
- }
pixmapKey = itemCache->key;
} else {
pixmapKey = itemCache->deviceData.value(widget).key;
@@ -4367,19 +4388,24 @@
if (cacheMode == QGraphicsItem::ItemCoordinateCache) {
QSize pixmapSize;
bool fixedCacheSize = false;
- QRectF brectAligned = brect.toAlignedRect();
+ QRect br = brect.toAlignedRect();
if ((fixedCacheSize = itemCache->fixedSize.isValid())) {
pixmapSize = itemCache->fixedSize;
} else {
- pixmapSize = brectAligned.size().toSize();
+ pixmapSize = br.size();
// Create or recreate the pixmap.
int adjust = itemCache->fixedSize.isValid() ? 0 : 2;
QSize adjustSize(adjust*2, adjust*2);
- QRectF br = brectAligned.adjusted(-adjust, -adjust, adjust, adjust);
+ br.adjust(-adjust, -adjust, adjust, adjust);
if (pix.isNull() || (!fixedCacheSize && (pixmapSize + adjustSize) != pix.size())) {
pix = QPixmap(pixmapSize + adjustSize);
+ itemCache->boundingRect = br;
+ itemCache->exposed.clear();
+ itemCache->allExposed = true;
+ } else if (itemCache->boundingRect != br) {
+ itemCache->boundingRect = br;
itemCache->allExposed = true;
@@ -4433,10 +4459,10 @@
// qpixmap-image-transform-pixmap roundtrip.
if (newPainterOpacity != oldPainterOpacity) {
- painter->drawPixmap(br, pix, QRectF(QPointF(), pix.size()));
+ painter->drawPixmap(br.topLeft(), pix);
} else {
- painter->drawPixmap(br, pix, QRectF(QPointF(), pix.size()));
+ painter->drawPixmap(br.topLeft(), pix);
@@ -4693,11 +4719,11 @@
if (drawItem) {
const QRectF brect = adjustedItemEffectiveBoundingRect(item);
- QRect viewBoundingRect = translateOnlyTransform ? brect.translated(transformPtr->dx(), transformPtr->dy()).toRect()
- : transformPtr->mapRect(brect).toRect();
+ QRect viewBoundingRect = translateOnlyTransform ? brect.translated(transformPtr->dx(), transformPtr->dy()).toAlignedRect()
+ : transformPtr->mapRect(brect).toAlignedRect();
+ viewBoundingRect.adjust(-rectAdjust, -rectAdjust, rectAdjust, rectAdjust);
if (widget)
item->d_ptr->paintedViewBoundingRects.insert(widget, viewBoundingRect);
- viewBoundingRect.adjust(-1, -1, 1, 1);
drawItem = exposedRegion ? exposedRegion->intersects(viewBoundingRect)
: !viewBoundingRect.normalized().isEmpty();
if (!drawItem) {
@@ -4718,7 +4744,7 @@
if (item->d_ptr->graphicsEffect && item->d_ptr->graphicsEffect->isEnabled()) {
QGraphicsItemPaintInfo info(viewTransform, transformPtr, effectTransform, exposedRegion, widget, &styleOptionTmp,
- painter, opacity, wasDirtyParentSceneTransform, drawItem);
+ painter, opacity, wasDirtyParentSceneTransform, itemHasContents && !itemIsFullyTransparent);
QGraphicsEffectSource *source = item->d_ptr->graphicsEffect->d_func()->source;
QGraphicsItemEffectSourcePrivate *sourced = static_cast<QGraphicsItemEffectSourcePrivate *>
@@ -4884,7 +4910,9 @@
if (!processDirtyItemsEmitted) {
- QMetaObject::invokeMethod(q_ptr, "_q_processDirtyItems", Qt::QueuedConnection);
+ QMetaMethod method = q_ptr->metaObject()->method(processDirtyItemsIndex);
+ method.invoke(q_ptr, Qt::QueuedConnection);
+// QMetaObject::invokeMethod(q_ptr, "_q_processDirtyItems", Qt::QueuedConnection);
processDirtyItemsEmitted = true;
@@ -4944,34 +4972,29 @@
if (itemIsUntransformable) {
const QTransform xform = itemq->deviceTransform(viewq->viewportTransform());
if (!item->hasBoundingRegionGranularity)
- return view->updateRect(xform.mapRect(rect).toRect());
- return view->updateRegion(xform.map(QRegion(rect.toRect())));
+ return view->updateRectF(xform.mapRect(rect));
+ return view->updateRegion(rect, xform);
if (item->sceneTransformTranslateOnly && view->identityMatrix) {
const qreal dx = item->sceneTransform.dx();
const qreal dy = item->sceneTransform.dy();
- if (!item->hasBoundingRegionGranularity) {
- QRectF r(rect);
- r.translate(dx - view->horizontalScroll(), dy - view->verticalScroll());
- return view->updateRect(r.toRect());
- }
- QRegion r(rect.toRect());
- r.translate(qRound(dx) - view->horizontalScroll(), qRound(dy) - view->verticalScroll());
- return view->updateRegion(r);
+ QRectF r(rect);
+ r.translate(dx - view->horizontalScroll(), dy - view->verticalScroll());
+ return view->updateRectF(r);
if (!viewq->isTransformed()) {
if (!item->hasBoundingRegionGranularity)
- return view->updateRect(item->sceneTransform.mapRect(rect).toRect());
- return view->updateRegion(item->sceneTransform.map(QRegion(rect.toRect())));
+ return view->updateRectF(item->sceneTransform.mapRect(rect));
+ return view->updateRegion(rect, item->sceneTransform);
QTransform xform = item->sceneTransform;
xform *= viewq->viewportTransform();
if (!item->hasBoundingRegionGranularity)
- return view->updateRect(xform.mapRect(rect).toRect());
- return view->updateRegion(xform.map(QRegion(rect.toRect())));
+ return view->updateRectF(xform.mapRect(rect));
+ return view->updateRegion(rect, xform);
void QGraphicsScenePrivate::processDirtyItemsRecursive(QGraphicsItem *item, bool dirtyAncestorContainsChildren,
@@ -5107,9 +5130,15 @@
// Process children.
if (itemHasChildren && item->d_ptr->dirtyChildren) {
+ const bool itemClipsChildrenToShape = item->d_ptr->flags & QGraphicsItem::ItemClipsChildrenToShape;
+ if (itemClipsChildrenToShape) {
+ // Make sure child updates are clipped to the item's bounding rect.
+ for (int i = 0; i < views.size(); ++i)
+ views.at(i)->d_func()->setUpdateClip(item);
+ }
if (!dirtyAncestorContainsChildren) {
dirtyAncestorContainsChildren = item->d_ptr->fullUpdatePending
- && (item->d_ptr->flags & QGraphicsItem::ItemClipsChildrenToShape);
+ && itemClipsChildrenToShape;
const bool allChildrenDirty = item->d_ptr->allChildrenDirty;
const bool parentIgnoresVisible = item->d_ptr->ignoreVisible;
@@ -5132,6 +5161,12 @@
processDirtyItemsRecursive(child, dirtyAncestorContainsChildren, opacity);
+ if (itemClipsChildrenToShape) {
+ // Reset updateClip.
+ for (int i = 0; i < views.size(); ++i)
+ views.at(i)->d_func()->setUpdateClip(0);
+ }
} else if (wasDirtyParentSceneTransform) {
@@ -5187,8 +5222,14 @@
// Determine view, expose and flags.
QGraphicsView *view = widget ? qobject_cast<QGraphicsView *>(widget->parentWidget()) : 0;
QRegion *expose = 0;
- if (view)
+ const quint32 oldRectAdjust = d->rectAdjust;
+ if (view) {
expose = &view->d_func()->exposedRegion;
+ if (view->d_func()->optimizationFlags & QGraphicsView::DontAdjustForAntialiasing)
+ d->rectAdjust = 1;
+ else
+ d->rectAdjust = 2;
+ }
// Find all toplevels, they are already sorted.
QList<QGraphicsItem *> topLevelItems;
@@ -5201,6 +5242,7 @@
+ d->rectAdjust = oldRectAdjust;
// Reset discovery bits.
for (int i = 0; i < topLevelItems.size(); ++i)
topLevelItems.at(i)->d_ptr->itemDiscovered = 0;
@@ -5577,6 +5619,8 @@
void QGraphicsScenePrivate::addView(QGraphicsView *view)
views << view;
+ foreach (Qt::GestureType gesture, grabbedGestures.keys())
+ view->viewport()->grabGesture(gesture);
void QGraphicsScenePrivate::removeView(QGraphicsView *view)
@@ -5906,45 +5950,51 @@
-void QGraphicsScenePrivate::getGestureTargets(const QSet<QGesture *> &gestures,
- QWidget *viewport,
- QMap<Qt::GestureType, QGesture *> *conflictedGestures,
- QList<QList<QGraphicsObject *> > *conflictedItems,
- QHash<QGesture *, QGraphicsObject *> *normalGestures)
+void QGraphicsScenePrivate::gestureTargetsAtHotSpots(const QSet<QGesture *> &gestures,
+ Qt::GestureFlag flag,
+ QHash<QGraphicsObject *, QSet<QGesture *> > *targets,
+ QSet<QGraphicsObject *> *itemsSet,
+ QSet<QGesture *> *normal,
+ QSet<QGesture *> *conflicts)
+ QSet<QGesture *> normalGestures; // that are not in conflicted state.
foreach (QGesture *gesture, gestures) {
- Qt::GestureType gestureType = gesture->gestureType();
- if (gesture->hasHotSpot()) {
- QPoint screenPos = gesture->hotSpot().toPoint();
- QList<QGraphicsItem *> items = itemsAtPosition(screenPos, QPointF(), viewport);
- QList<QGraphicsObject *> result;
- for (int j = 0; j < items.size(); ++j) {
- QGraphicsItem *item = items.at(j);
- // Check if the item is blocked by a modal panel and use it as
- // a target instead of this item.
- (void) item->isBlockedByModalPanel(&item);
- if (QGraphicsObject *itemobj = item->toGraphicsObject()) {
- QGraphicsItemPrivate *d = item->d_func();
- if (d->gestureContext.contains(gestureType)) {
- result.append(itemobj);
+ if (!gesture->hasHotSpot())
+ continue;
+ const Qt::GestureType gestureType = gesture->gestureType();
+ QList<QGraphicsItem *> items = itemsAtPosition(QPoint(), gesture->d_func()->sceneHotSpot, 0);
+ for (int j = 0; j < items.size(); ++j) {
+ QGraphicsItem *item = items.at(j);
+ // Check if the item is blocked by a modal panel and use it as
+ // a target instead of this item.
+ (void) item->isBlockedByModalPanel(&item);
+ if (QGraphicsObject *itemobj = item->toGraphicsObject()) {
+ QGraphicsItemPrivate *d = item->QGraphicsItem::d_func();
+ QMap<Qt::GestureType, Qt::GestureFlags>::const_iterator it =
+ d->gestureContext.find(gestureType);
+ if (it != d->gestureContext.end() && (!flag || (it.value() & flag))) {
+ if (normalGestures.contains(gesture)) {
+ normalGestures.remove(gesture);
+ if (conflicts)
+ conflicts->insert(gesture);
+ } else {
+ normalGestures.insert(gesture);
+ if (targets)
+ (*targets)[itemobj].insert(gesture);
+ if (itemsSet)
+ (*itemsSet).insert(itemobj);
- // Don't propagate through panels.
- if (item->isPanel())
- break;
- DEBUG() << "QGraphicsScenePrivate::getGestureTargets:"
- << gesture << result;
- if (result.size() == 1) {
- normalGestures->insert(gesture, result.first());
- } else if (!result.isEmpty()) {
- conflictedGestures->insert(gestureType, gesture);
- conflictedItems->append(result);
- }
+ // Don't propagate through panels.
+ if (item->isPanel())
+ break;
+ if (normal)
+ *normal = normalGestures;
void QGraphicsScenePrivate::gestureEventHandler(QGestureEvent *event)
@@ -5952,200 +6002,220 @@
QWidget *viewport = event->widget();
if (!viewport)
+ QGraphicsView *graphicsView = qobject_cast<QGraphicsView *>(viewport->parent());
+ if (!graphicsView)
+ return;
QList<QGesture *> allGestures = event->gestures();
DEBUG() << "QGraphicsScenePrivate::gestureEventHandler:"
- << "Delivering gestures:" << allGestures;
- typedef QHash<QGraphicsObject *, QList<QGesture *> > GesturesPerItem;
- GesturesPerItem gesturesPerItem;
+ << "Gestures:" << allGestures;
QSet<QGesture *> startedGestures;
+ QPoint delta = viewport->mapFromGlobal(QPoint());
+ QTransform toScene = QTransform::fromTranslate(delta.x(), delta.y())
+ * graphicsView->viewportTransform().inverted();
foreach (QGesture *gesture, allGestures) {
+ // cache scene coordinates of the hot spot
+ if (gesture->hasHotSpot()) {
+ gesture->d_func()->sceneHotSpot = toScene.map(gesture->hotSpot());
+ } else {
+ gesture->d_func()->sceneHotSpot = QPointF();
+ }
QGraphicsObject *target = gestureTargets.value(gesture, 0);
if (!target) {
// when we are not in started mode but don't have a target
// then the only one interested in gesture is the view/scene
if (gesture->state() == Qt::GestureStarted)
- } else {
- gesturesPerItem[target].append(gesture);
- QMap<Qt::GestureType, QGesture *> conflictedGestures;
- QList<QList<QGraphicsObject *> > conflictedItems;
- QHash<QGesture *, QGraphicsObject *> normalGestures;
- getGestureTargets(startedGestures, viewport, &conflictedGestures, &conflictedItems,
- &normalGestures);
- DEBUG() << "QGraphicsScenePrivate::gestureEventHandler:"
- << "Conflicting gestures:" << conflictedGestures.values() << conflictedItems;
- Q_ASSERT((conflictedGestures.isEmpty() && conflictedItems.isEmpty()) ||
- (!conflictedGestures.isEmpty() && !conflictedItems.isEmpty()));
- // gestures that were sent as override events, but no one accepted them
- QHash<QGesture *, QGraphicsObject *> ignoredConflictedGestures;
- // deliver conflicted gestures as override events first
- while (!conflictedGestures.isEmpty() && !conflictedItems.isEmpty()) {
- // get the topmost item to deliver the override event
- Q_ASSERT(!conflictedItems.isEmpty());
- Q_ASSERT(!conflictedItems.first().isEmpty());
- QGraphicsObject *topmost = conflictedItems.first().first();
- for (int i = 1; i < conflictedItems.size(); ++i) {
- QGraphicsObject *item = conflictedItems.at(i).first();
- if (qt_closestItemFirst(item, topmost)) {
- topmost = item;
- }
- }
- // get a list of gestures to send to the item
- QList<Qt::GestureType> grabbedGestures =
- topmost->QGraphicsItem::d_func()->gestureContext.keys();
- QList<QGesture *> gestures;
- for (int i = 0; i < grabbedGestures.size(); ++i) {
- if (QGesture *g = conflictedGestures.value(grabbedGestures.at(i), 0)) {
- gestures.append(g);
- if (!ignoredConflictedGestures.contains(g))
- ignoredConflictedGestures.insert(g, topmost);
- }
- }
- // send gesture override to the topmost item
- QGestureEvent ev(gestures);
- ev.t = QEvent::GestureOverride;
- ev.setWidget(event->widget());
- // mark event and individual gestures as ignored
- ev.ignore();
- foreach(QGesture *g, gestures)
- ev.setAccepted(g, false);
+ if (!startedGestures.isEmpty()) {
+ QSet<QGesture *> normalGestures; // that have just one target
+ QSet<QGesture *> conflictedGestures; // that have multiple possible targets
+ gestureTargetsAtHotSpots(startedGestures, Qt::GestureFlag(0), &cachedItemGestures, 0,
+ &normalGestures, &conflictedGestures);
+ cachedTargetItems = cachedItemGestures.keys();
+ qSort(cachedTargetItems.begin(), cachedTargetItems.end(), qt_closestItemFirst);
DEBUG() << "QGraphicsScenePrivate::gestureEventHandler:"
- << "delivering override to"
- << topmost << gestures;
- sendEvent(topmost, &ev);
- // mark all accepted gestures to deliver them as normal gesture events
- foreach (QGesture *g, gestures) {
- if (ev.isAccepted() || ev.isAccepted(g)) {
- conflictedGestures.remove(g->gestureType());
- gestureTargets.remove(g);
- // add the gesture to the list of normal delivered gestures
- normalGestures.insert(g, topmost);
+ << "Normal gestures:" << normalGestures
+ << "Conflicting gestures:" << conflictedGestures;
+ // deliver conflicted gestures as override events AND remember
+ // initial gesture targets
+ if (!conflictedGestures.isEmpty()) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < cachedTargetItems.size(); ++i) {
+ QWeakPointer<QGraphicsObject> item = cachedTargetItems.at(i);
+ // get gestures to deliver to the current item
+ QSet<QGesture *> gestures = conflictedGestures & cachedItemGestures.value(item.data());
+ if (gestures.isEmpty())
+ continue;
DEBUG() << "QGraphicsScenePrivate::gestureEventHandler:"
- << "override was accepted:"
- << g << topmost;
- ignoredConflictedGestures.remove(g);
+ << "delivering override to"
+ << item.data() << gestures;
+ // send gesture override
+ QGestureEvent ev(gestures.toList());
+ ev.t = QEvent::GestureOverride;
+ ev.setWidget(event->widget());
+ // mark event and individual gestures as ignored
+ ev.ignore();
+ foreach(QGesture *g, gestures)
+ ev.setAccepted(g, false);
+ sendEvent(item.data(), &ev);
+ // mark all accepted gestures to deliver them as normal gesture events
+ foreach (QGesture *g, gestures) {
+ if (ev.isAccepted() || ev.isAccepted(g)) {
+ conflictedGestures.remove(g);
+ // mark the item as a gesture target
+ if (item)
+ gestureTargets.insert(g, item.data());
+ DEBUG() << "QGraphicsScenePrivate::gestureEventHandler:"
+ << "override was accepted:"
+ << g << item.data();
+ }
+ // remember the first item that received the override event
+ // as it most likely become a target if noone else accepts
+ // the override event
+ if (!gestureTargets.contains(g) && item)
+ gestureTargets.insert(g, item.data());
+ }
+ if (conflictedGestures.isEmpty())
+ break;
- // remove the item that we've already delivered from the list
- for (int i = 0; i < conflictedItems.size(); ) {
- QList<QGraphicsObject *> &items = conflictedItems[i];
- if (items.first() == topmost) {
- items.removeFirst();
- if (items.isEmpty()) {
- conflictedItems.removeAt(i);
- continue;
+ // remember the initial target item for each gesture that was not in
+ // the conflicted state.
+ if (!normalGestures.isEmpty()) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < cachedTargetItems.size() && !normalGestures.isEmpty(); ++i) {
+ QGraphicsObject *item = cachedTargetItems.at(i);
+ // get gestures to deliver to the current item
+ foreach (QGesture *g, cachedItemGestures.value(item)) {
+ if (!gestureTargets.contains(g)) {
+ gestureTargets.insert(g, item);
+ normalGestures.remove(g);
+ }
- ++i;
- // put back those started gestures that are not in the conflicted state
- // and remember their targets
- QHash<QGesture *, QGraphicsObject *>::const_iterator it = normalGestures.begin(),
- e = normalGestures.end();
- for (; it != e; ++it) {
- QGesture *g = it.key();
- QGraphicsObject *receiver = it.value();
- Q_ASSERT(!gestureTargets.contains(g));
- gestureTargets.insert(g, receiver);
- gesturesPerItem[receiver].append(g);
- }
- it = ignoredConflictedGestures.begin();
- e = ignoredConflictedGestures.end();
- for (; it != e; ++it) {
- QGesture *g = it.key();
- QGraphicsObject *receiver = it.value();
- Q_ASSERT(!gestureTargets.contains(g));
- gestureTargets.insert(g, receiver);
- gesturesPerItem[receiver].append(g);
- }
- DEBUG() << "QGraphicsScenePrivate::gestureEventHandler:"
- << "Started gestures:" << normalGestures.keys()
- << "All gestures:" << gesturesPerItem.values();
- // deliver all events
- QList<QGesture *> alreadyIgnoredGestures;
- QHash<QGraphicsObject *, QSet<QGesture *> > itemIgnoredGestures;
- QList<QGraphicsObject *> targetItems = gesturesPerItem.keys();
- qSort(targetItems.begin(), targetItems.end(), qt_closestItemFirst);
- for (int i = 0; i < targetItems.size(); ++i) {
- QGraphicsObject *item = targetItems.at(i);
- QList<QGesture *> gestures = gesturesPerItem.value(item);
- // remove gestures that were already delivered once and were ignored
- DEBUG() << "QGraphicsScenePrivate::gestureEventHandler:"
- << "already ignored gestures for item"
- << item << ":" << itemIgnoredGestures.value(item);
- if (itemIgnoredGestures.contains(item)) // don't deliver twice to the same item
- continue;
- QGraphicsItemPrivate *gid = item->QGraphicsItem::d_func();
- foreach(QGesture *g, alreadyIgnoredGestures) {
- QMap<Qt::GestureType, Qt::GestureFlags>::iterator contextit =
- gid->gestureContext.find(g->gestureType());
- bool deliver = contextit != gid->gestureContext.end() &&
- (g->state() == Qt::GestureStarted ||
- (contextit.value() & Qt::ReceivePartialGestures));
- if (deliver)
- gestures += g;
+ // deliver all gesture events
+ QSet<QGesture *> undeliveredGestures;
+ QSet<QGesture *> parentPropagatedGestures;
+ foreach (QGesture *gesture, allGestures) {
+ if (QGraphicsObject *target = gestureTargets.value(gesture, 0)) {
+ cachedItemGestures[target].insert(gesture);
+ cachedTargetItems.append(target);
+ undeliveredGestures.insert(gesture);
+ QGraphicsItemPrivate *d = target->QGraphicsItem::d_func();
+ const Qt::GestureFlags flags = d->gestureContext.value(gesture->gestureType());
+ if (flags & Qt::IgnoredGesturesPropagateToParent)
+ parentPropagatedGestures.insert(gesture);
+ } else {
+ DEBUG() << "QGraphicsScenePrivate::gestureEventHandler:"
+ << "no target for" << gesture << "at"
+ << gesture->hotSpot() << gesture->d_func()->sceneHotSpot;
+ }
+ qSort(cachedTargetItems.begin(), cachedTargetItems.end(), qt_closestItemFirst);
+ for (int i = 0; i < cachedTargetItems.size(); ++i) {
+ QWeakPointer<QGraphicsObject> receiver = cachedTargetItems.at(i);
+ QSet<QGesture *> gestures =
+ undeliveredGestures & cachedItemGestures.value(receiver.data());
+ gestures -= cachedAlreadyDeliveredGestures.value(receiver.data());
if (gestures.isEmpty())
+ cachedAlreadyDeliveredGestures[receiver.data()] += gestures;
+ const bool isPanel = receiver.data()->isPanel();
DEBUG() << "QGraphicsScenePrivate::gestureEventHandler:"
<< "delivering to"
- << item << gestures;
- QGestureEvent ev(gestures);
+ << receiver.data() << gestures;
+ QGestureEvent ev(gestures.toList());
- sendEvent(item, &ev);
+ sendEvent(receiver.data(), &ev);
QSet<QGesture *> ignoredGestures;
foreach (QGesture *g, gestures) {
if (!ev.isAccepted() && !ev.isAccepted(g)) {
- ignoredGestures.insert(g);
+ // if the gesture was ignored by its target, we will update the
+ // targetItems list with a possible target items (items that
+ // want to receive partial gestures).
+ // ### wont' work if the target was destroyed in the event
+ // we will just stop delivering it.
+ if (receiver && receiver.data() == gestureTargets.value(g, 0))
+ ignoredGestures.insert(g);
} else {
- if (g->state() == Qt::GestureStarted)
- gestureTargets[g] = item;
+ if (receiver && g->state() == Qt::GestureStarted) {
+ // someone accepted the propagated initial GestureStarted
+ // event, let it be the new target for all following events.
+ gestureTargets[g] = receiver.data();
+ }
+ undeliveredGestures.remove(g);
- if (!ignoredGestures.isEmpty()) {
- // get a list of items under the (current) hotspot of each ignored
- // gesture and start delivery again from the beginning
+ if (undeliveredGestures.isEmpty())
+ break;
+ // ignoredGestures list is only filled when delivering to the gesture
+ // target item, so it is safe to assume item == target.
+ if (!ignoredGestures.isEmpty() && !isPanel) {
+ // look for new potential targets for gestures that were ignored
+ // and should be propagated.
+ QSet<QGraphicsObject *> targetsSet = cachedTargetItems.toSet();
+ if (receiver) {
+ // first if the gesture should be propagated to parents only
+ for (QSet<QGesture *>::iterator it = ignoredGestures.begin();
+ it != ignoredGestures.end();) {
+ if (parentPropagatedGestures.contains(*it)) {
+ QGesture *gesture = *it;
+ const Qt::GestureType gestureType = gesture->gestureType();
+ QGraphicsItem *item = receiver.data();
+ while (item) {
+ if (QGraphicsObject *obj = item->toGraphicsObject()) {
+ if (item->d_func()->gestureContext.contains(gestureType)) {
+ targetsSet.insert(obj);
+ cachedItemGestures[obj].insert(gesture);
+ }
+ }
+ if (item->isPanel())
+ break;
+ item = item->parentItem();
+ }
+ it = ignoredGestures.erase(it);
+ continue;
+ }
+ ++it;
+ }
+ }
+ gestureTargetsAtHotSpots(ignoredGestures, Qt::ReceivePartialGestures,
+ &cachedItemGestures, &targetsSet, 0, 0);
+ cachedTargetItems = targetsSet.toList();
+ qSort(cachedTargetItems.begin(), cachedTargetItems.end(), qt_closestItemFirst);
DEBUG() << "QGraphicsScenePrivate::gestureEventHandler:"
- << "item has ignored the event, will propagate."
- << item << ignoredGestures;
- itemIgnoredGestures[item] += ignoredGestures;
- QMap<Qt::GestureType, QGesture *> conflictedGestures;
- QList<QList<QGraphicsObject *> > itemsForConflictedGestures;
- QHash<QGesture *, QGraphicsObject *> normalGestures;
- getGestureTargets(ignoredGestures, viewport,
- &conflictedGestures, &itemsForConflictedGestures,
- &normalGestures);
- QSet<QGraphicsObject *> itemsSet = targetItems.toSet();
- for (int k = 0; k < itemsForConflictedGestures.size(); ++k)
- itemsSet += itemsForConflictedGestures.at(k).toSet();
- targetItems = itemsSet.toList();
- qSort(targetItems.begin(), targetItems.end(), qt_closestItemFirst);
- alreadyIgnoredGestures = conflictedGestures.values();
- DEBUG() << "QGraphicsScenePrivate::gestureEventHandler:"
- << "new targets:" << targetItems;
+ << "new targets:" << cachedTargetItems;
i = -1; // start delivery again
foreach (QGesture *g, startedGestures) {
if (g->gestureCancelPolicy() == QGesture::CancelAllInContext) {
DEBUG() << "lets try to cancel some";
// find gestures in context in Qt::GestureStarted or Qt::GestureUpdated state and cancel them
- cancelGesturesForChildren(g, event->widget());
+ cancelGesturesForChildren(g);
@@ -6160,9 +6230,13 @@
-void QGraphicsScenePrivate::cancelGesturesForChildren(QGesture *original, QWidget *viewport)
+ cachedTargetItems.clear();
+ cachedItemGestures.clear();
+ cachedAlreadyDeliveredGestures.clear();
+void QGraphicsScenePrivate::cancelGesturesForChildren(QGesture *original)
QGraphicsItem *originalItem = gestureTargets.value(original);
@@ -6218,8 +6292,7 @@
if (!g->hasHotSpot())
- QPoint screenPos = g->hotSpot().toPoint();
- QList<QGraphicsItem *> items = itemsAtPosition(screenPos, QPointF(), viewport);
+ QList<QGraphicsItem *> items = itemsAtPosition(QPoint(), g->d_func()->sceneHotSpot, 0);
for (int j = 0; j < items.size(); ++j) {
QGraphicsObject *item = items.at(j)->toGraphicsObject();
if (!item)
@@ -6245,6 +6318,27 @@
+void QGraphicsScenePrivate::grabGesture(QGraphicsItem *, Qt::GestureType gesture)
+ (void)QGestureManager::instance(); // create a gesture manager
+ if (!grabbedGestures[gesture]++) {
+ foreach (QGraphicsView *view, views)
+ view->viewport()->grabGesture(gesture);
+ }
+void QGraphicsScenePrivate::ungrabGesture(QGraphicsItem *item, Qt::GestureType gesture)
+ // we know this can only be an object
+ Q_ASSERT(item->d_ptr->isObject);
+ QGraphicsObject *obj = static_cast<QGraphicsObject *>(item);
+ QGestureManager::instance()->cleanupCachedGestures(obj, gesture);
+ if (!--grabbedGestures[gesture]) {
+ foreach (QGraphicsView *view, views)
+ view->viewport()->ungrabGesture(gesture);
+ }
#include "moc_qgraphicsscene.cpp"