changeset 30 5dc02b23752f
parent 18 2f34d5167611
--- a/src/gui/widgets/qlabel.cpp	Wed Jun 23 19:07:03 2010 +0300
+++ b/src/gui/widgets/qlabel.cpp	Tue Jul 06 15:10:48 2010 +0300
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@
 #include <qurl.h>
 #include "qlabel_p.h"
 #include "private/qstylesheetstyle_p.h"
+#include <qmath.h>
@@ -661,7 +662,9 @@
             } else {
-            br = QRect(QPoint(0, 0), control->size().toSize());
+            QSizeF controlSize = control->size();
+            br = QRect(QPoint(0, 0), QSize(qCeil(controlSize.width()), qCeil(controlSize.height())));
             // restore state
@@ -781,6 +784,95 @@
     return d->textInteractionFlags;
+    Selects text from position \a start and for \a length characters.
+    \sa selectedText()
+    \bold{Note:} The textInteractionFlags set on the label need to include
+    either TextSelectableByMouse or TextSelectableByKeyboard.
+    \since 4.7
+void QLabel::setSelection(int start, int length)
+    Q_D(QLabel);
+    if (d->control) {
+        d->ensureTextPopulated();
+        QTextCursor cursor = d->control->textCursor();
+        cursor.setPosition(start);
+        cursor.setPosition(start + length, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor);
+        d->control->setTextCursor(cursor);
+    }
+    \property QLabel::hasSelectedText
+    \brief whether there is any text selected
+    hasSelectedText() returns true if some or all of the text has been
+    selected by the user; otherwise returns false.
+    By default, this property is false.
+    \sa selectedText()
+    \bold{Note:} The textInteractionFlags set on the label need to include
+    either TextSelectableByMouse or TextSelectableByKeyboard.
+    \since 4.7
+bool QLabel::hasSelectedText() const
+    Q_D(const QLabel);
+    if (d->control)
+        return d->control->textCursor().hasSelection();
+    return false;
+    \property QLabel::selectedText
+    \brief the selected text
+    If there is no selected text this property's value is
+    an empty string.
+    By default, this property contains an empty string.
+    \sa hasSelectedText()
+    \bold{Note:} The textInteractionFlags set on the label need to include
+    either TextSelectableByMouse or TextSelectableByKeyboard.
+    \since 4.7
+QString QLabel::selectedText() const
+    Q_D(const QLabel);
+    if (d->control)
+        return d->control->textCursor().selectedText();
+    return QString();
+    selectionStart() returns the index of the first selected character in the
+    label or -1 if no text is selected.
+    \sa selectedText()
+    \bold{Note:} The textInteractionFlags set on the label need to include
+    either TextSelectableByMouse or TextSelectableByKeyboard.
+    \since 4.7
+int QLabel::selectionStart() const
+    Q_D(const QLabel);
+    if (d->control && d->control->textCursor().hasSelection())
+        return d->control->textCursor().selectionStart();
+    return -1;
 QSize QLabel::sizeHint() const
@@ -862,8 +954,8 @@
-    menu->exec(ev->globalPos());
-    delete menu;
+    menu->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose);
+    menu->popup(ev->globalPos());