--- a/tools/configure/configureapp.cpp Wed Jun 23 19:07:03 2010 +0300
+++ b/tools/configure/configureapp.cpp Tue Jul 06 15:10:48 2010 +0300
@@ -195,10 +195,37 @@
+ // make patch_capabilities and createpackage scripts for Symbian that can be used from the shadow build
+ QFile patch_capabilities(buildPath + "/bin/patch_capabilities");
+ if(patch_capabilities.open(QFile::WriteOnly)) {
+ QTextStream stream(&patch_capabilities);
+ stream << "#!/usr/bin/perl -w" << endl
+ << "require \"" << sourcePath + "/bin/patch_capabilities\";" << endl;
+ }
+ QFile patch_capabilities_bat(buildPath + "/bin/patch_capabilities.bat");
+ if(patch_capabilities_bat.open(QFile::WriteOnly)) {
+ QTextStream stream(&patch_capabilities_bat);
+ stream << "@echo off" << endl
+ << "call " << fixSeparators(sourcePath) << fixSeparators("/bin/patch_capabilities.bat %*") << endl;
+ patch_capabilities_bat.close();
+ }
+ QFile createpackage(buildPath + "/bin/createpackage");
+ if(createpackage.open(QFile::WriteOnly)) {
+ QTextStream stream(&createpackage);
+ stream << "#!/usr/bin/perl -w" << endl
+ << "require \"" << sourcePath + "/bin/createpackage\";" << endl;
+ }
+ QFile createpackage_bat(buildPath + "/bin/createpackage.bat");
+ if(createpackage_bat.open(QFile::WriteOnly)) {
+ QTextStream stream(&createpackage_bat);
+ stream << "@echo off" << endl
+ << "call " << fixSeparators(sourcePath) << fixSeparators("/bin/createpackage.bat %*") << endl;
+ createpackage_bat.close();
+ }
// For Windows CE and shadow builds we need to copy these to the
// build directory.
QFile::copy(sourcePath + "/bin/setcepaths.bat" , buildPath + "/bin/setcepaths.bat");
//copy the mkspecs
if(!Environment::cpdir(sourcePath + "/mkspecs", buildPath + "/mkspecs")){
@@ -248,6 +275,7 @@
dictionary[ "PHONON_BACKEND" ] = "yes";
dictionary[ "MULTIMEDIA" ] = "yes";
dictionary[ "AUDIO_BACKEND" ] = "auto";
+ dictionary[ "WMSDK" ] = "auto";
dictionary[ "DIRECTSHOW" ] = "no";
dictionary[ "WEBKIT" ] = "auto";
dictionary[ "DECLARATIVE" ] = "auto";
@@ -701,9 +729,6 @@
} else if ( configCmdLine.at(i) == "-opengl-es-cm" ) {
dictionary[ "OPENGL" ] = "yes";
dictionary[ "OPENGL_ES_CM" ] = "yes";
- } else if ( configCmdLine.at(i) == "-opengl-es-cl" ) {
- dictionary[ "OPENGL" ] = "yes";
- dictionary[ "OPENGL_ES_CL" ] = "yes";
} else if ( configCmdLine.at(i) == "-opengl-es-2" ) {
dictionary[ "OPENGL" ] = "yes";
dictionary[ "OPENGL_ES_2" ] = "yes";
@@ -964,6 +989,7 @@
qmakeDefines += "QT_NAMESPACE="+configCmdLine.at(i);
+ dictionary[ "QT_NAMESPACE" ] = configCmdLine.at(i);
} else if( configCmdLine.at(i) == "-qtlibinfix" ) {
@@ -1071,6 +1097,12 @@
dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_PLUGINS" ] = configCmdLine.at(i);
+ else if( configCmdLine.at(i) == "-importdir" ) {
+ ++i;
+ if(i==argCount)
+ break;
+ dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_IMPORTS" ] = configCmdLine.at(i);
+ }
else if( configCmdLine.at(i) == "-datadir" ) {
@@ -1171,7 +1203,8 @@
dictionary[ "QMAKESPEC" ].endsWith( "-msvc2002" ) ||
dictionary[ "QMAKESPEC" ].endsWith( "-msvc2003" ) ||
dictionary[ "QMAKESPEC" ].endsWith( "-msvc2005" ) ||
- dictionary[ "QMAKESPEC" ].endsWith( "-msvc2008" )) {
+ dictionary[ "QMAKESPEC" ].endsWith( "-msvc2008" ) ||
+ dictionary[ "QMAKESPEC" ].endsWith( "-msvc2010" )) {
if ( dictionary[ "MAKE" ].isEmpty() ) dictionary[ "MAKE" ] = "nmake";
dictionary[ "QMAKEMAKEFILE" ] = "Makefile.win32";
} else if ( dictionary[ "QMAKESPEC" ] == QString( "win32-g++" ) ) {
@@ -1491,6 +1524,7 @@
dictionary[ "QT_HOST_PREFIX" ] = dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_PREFIX" ];
dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_PREFIX" ] = "";
dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_PLUGINS" ] = "\\resource\\qt\\plugins";
+ dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_IMPORTS" ] = "\\resource\\qt\\imports";
dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_TRANSLATIONS" ] = "\\resource\\qt\\translations";
dictionary[ "ARM_FPU_TYPE" ] = "softvfp";
dictionary[ "SQL_SQLITE" ] = "yes";
@@ -1519,7 +1553,6 @@
dictionary[ "QT_ICONV" ] = "no";
dictionary["DECORATIONS"] = "default windows styled";
- dictionary[ "QMAKEADDITIONALARGS" ] = "-unix";
@@ -1568,7 +1601,7 @@
desc("Usage: configure [-buildkey <key>]\n"
// desc("Usage: configure [-prefix dir] [-bindir <dir>] [-libdir <dir>]\n"
// "[-docdir <dir>] [-headerdir <dir>] [-plugindir <dir>]\n"
-// "[-datadir <dir>] [-translationdir <dir>]\n"
+// "[-importdir <dir>] [-datadir <dir>] [-translationdir <dir>]\n"
// "[-examplesdir <dir>] [-demosdir <dir>][-buildkey <key>]\n"
"[-release] [-debug] [-debug-and-release] [-shared] [-static]\n"
"[-no-fast] [-fast] [-no-exceptions] [-exceptions]\n"
@@ -1608,6 +1641,7 @@
desc( "-docdir <dir>", "Documentation will be installed to dir\n(default PREFIX/doc)");
desc( "-headerdir <dir>", "Headers will be installed to dir\n(default PREFIX/include)");
desc( "-plugindir <dir>", "Plugins will be installed to dir\n(default PREFIX/plugins)");
+ desc( "-importdir <dir>", "Imports for QML will be installed to dir\n(default PREFIX/imports)");
desc( "-datadir <dir>", "Data used by Qt programs will be installed to dir\n(default PREFIX)");
desc( "-translationdir <dir>","Translations of Qt programs will be installed to dir\n(default PREFIX/translations)\n");
desc( "-examplesdir <dir>", "Examples will be installed to dir\n(default PREFIX/examples)");
@@ -1829,7 +1863,6 @@
desc("CETEST", "yes", "-cetest", "Compile Windows CE remote test application");
desc( "-signature <file>", "Use file for signing the target project");
desc("OPENGL_ES_CM", "no", "-opengl-es-cm", "Enable support for OpenGL ES Common");
- desc("OPENGL_ES_CL", "no", "-opengl-es-cl", "Enable support for OpenGL ES Common Lite");
desc("OPENGL_ES_2", "no", "-opengl-es-2", "Enable support for OpenGL ES 2.0");
desc("DIRECTSHOW", "no", "-phonon-wince-ds9", "Enable Phonon Direct Show 9 backend for Windows CE");
@@ -1875,12 +1908,20 @@
const QString file = fileName.toLower();
const QString pathEnvVar = QString::fromLocal8Bit(getenv("PATH"));
const QString mingwPath = dictionary["QMAKESPEC"].endsWith("-g++") ?
- findFileInPaths("mingw32-g++.exe", pathEnvVar) : QString();
+ findFileInPaths("g++.exe", pathEnvVar) : QString();
QString paths;
if (file.endsWith(".h")) {
- if (!mingwPath.isNull() && !findFileInPaths(file, mingwPath + QLatin1String("/../include")).isNull())
- return true;
+ if (!mingwPath.isNull()) {
+ if (!findFileInPaths(file, mingwPath + QLatin1String("/../include")).isNull())
+ return true;
+ //now let's try the additional compiler path
+ QDir mingwLibDir = mingwPath + QLatin1String("/../lib/gcc/mingw32");
+ foreach(const QFileInfo &version, mingwLibDir.entryInfoList(QDir::Dirs | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot)) {
+ if (!findFileInPaths(file, version.absoluteFilePath() + QLatin1String("/include")).isNull())
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
paths = QString::fromLocal8Bit(getenv("INCLUDE"));
} else if ( file.endsWith( ".lib" ) || file.endsWith( ".a" ) ) {
if (!mingwPath.isNull() && !findFileInPaths(file, mingwPath + QLatin1String("/../lib")).isNull())
@@ -1959,7 +2000,7 @@
bool available = false;
if (part == "STYLE_WINDOWSXP")
- available = (findFile("uxtheme.h"));
+ available = findFile("uxtheme.h");
else if (part == "ZLIB")
available = findFile("zlib.h");
@@ -2010,18 +2051,16 @@
available = (dictionary[ "ARCHITECTURE" ] == "windowsce");
else if (part == "OPENGL_ES_CM")
available = (dictionary[ "ARCHITECTURE" ] == "windowsce");
- else if (part == "OPENGL_ES_CL")
- available = (dictionary[ "ARCHITECTURE" ] == "windowsce");
else if (part == "OPENGL_ES_2")
available = (dictionary[ "ARCHITECTURE" ] == "windowsce");
else if (part == "DIRECTSHOW")
available = (dictionary[ "ARCHITECTURE" ] == "windowsce");
else if (part == "SSE2")
- available = (dictionary.value("QMAKESPEC") != "win32-msvc") && (dictionary.value("QMAKESPEC") != "win32-g++");
+ available = (dictionary.value("QMAKESPEC") != "win32-msvc");
else if (part == "3DNOW" )
- available = (dictionary.value("QMAKESPEC") != "win32-msvc") && (dictionary.value("QMAKESPEC") != "win32-icc") && findFile("mm3dnow.h") && (dictionary.value("QMAKESPEC") != "win32-g++");
+ available = (dictionary.value("QMAKESPEC") != "win32-msvc") && (dictionary.value("QMAKESPEC") != "win32-icc") && findFile("mm3dnow.h");
else if (part == "MMX" || part == "SSE")
- available = (dictionary.value("QMAKESPEC") != "win32-msvc") && (dictionary.value("QMAKESPEC") != "win32-g++");
+ available = (dictionary.value("QMAKESPEC") != "win32-msvc");
else if (part == "OPENSSL")
available = findFile("openssl\\ssl.h");
else if (part == "DBUS")
@@ -2050,29 +2089,33 @@
&& dictionary.value("QMAKESPEC") != "win32-msvc2002"
&& dictionary.value("EXCEPTIONS") == "yes";
} else if (part == "PHONON") {
- available = findFile("vmr9.h") && findFile("dshow.h") && findFile("dmo.h") && findFile("dmodshow.h")
- && (findFile("strmiids.lib") || findFile("libstrmiids.a"))
- && (findFile("dmoguids.lib") || findFile("libdmoguids.a"))
- && (findFile("msdmo.lib") || findFile("libmsdmo.a"))
- && findFile("d3d9.h");
- if (!available) {
- cout << "All the required DirectShow/Direct3D files couldn't be found." << endl
- << "Make sure you have either the platform SDK AND the DirectShow SDK or the Windows SDK installed." << endl
- << "If you have the DirectShow SDK installed, please make sure that you have run the <path to SDK>\\SetEnv.Cmd script." << endl;
- if (!findFile("vmr9.h")) cout << "vmr9.h not found" << endl;
- if (!findFile("dshow.h")) cout << "dshow.h not found" << endl;
- if (!findFile("strmiids.lib")) cout << "strmiids.lib not found" << endl;
- if (!findFile("dmoguids.lib")) cout << "dmoguids.lib not found" << endl;
- if (!findFile("msdmo.lib")) cout << "msdmo.lib not found" << endl;
- if (!findFile("d3d9.h")) cout << "d3d9.h not found" << endl;
+ if (dictionary.contains("XQMAKESPEC") && dictionary["XQMAKESPEC"].startsWith("symbian")) {
+ available = true;
+ } else {
+ available = findFile("vmr9.h") && findFile("dshow.h") && findFile("dmo.h") && findFile("dmodshow.h")
+ && (findFile("strmiids.lib") || findFile("libstrmiids.a"))
+ && (findFile("dmoguids.lib") || findFile("libdmoguids.a"))
+ && (findFile("msdmo.lib") || findFile("libmsdmo.a"))
+ && findFile("d3d9.h");
+ if (!available) {
+ cout << "All the required DirectShow/Direct3D files couldn't be found." << endl
+ << "Make sure you have either the platform SDK AND the DirectShow SDK or the Windows SDK installed." << endl
+ << "If you have the DirectShow SDK installed, please make sure that you have run the <path to SDK>\\SetEnv.Cmd script." << endl;
+ if (!findFile("vmr9.h")) cout << "vmr9.h not found" << endl;
+ if (!findFile("dshow.h")) cout << "dshow.h not found" << endl;
+ if (!findFile("strmiids.lib")) cout << "strmiids.lib not found" << endl;
+ if (!findFile("dmoguids.lib")) cout << "dmoguids.lib not found" << endl;
+ if (!findFile("msdmo.lib")) cout << "msdmo.lib not found" << endl;
+ if (!findFile("d3d9.h")) cout << "d3d9.h not found" << endl;
+ }
- } else if (part == "MULTIMEDIA" || part == "SCRIPT" || part == "SCRIPTTOOLS") {
+ } else if (part == "WMSDK") {
+ available = findFile("wmsdk.h");
+ } else if (part == "MULTIMEDIA" || part == "SCRIPT" || part == "SCRIPTTOOLS" || part == "DECLARATIVE") {
available = true;
} else if (part == "WEBKIT") {
- available = (dictionary.value("QMAKESPEC") == "win32-msvc2005") || (dictionary.value("QMAKESPEC") == "win32-msvc2008") || (dictionary.value("QMAKESPEC") == "win32-g++");
- } else if (part == "DECLARATIVE") {
- available = QFile::exists(sourcePath + "/src/declarative/qml/qmlcomponent.h");
+ available = (dictionary.value("QMAKESPEC") == "win32-msvc2005") || (dictionary.value("QMAKESPEC") == "win32-msvc2008") || (dictionary.value("QMAKESPEC") == "win32-msvc2010") || (dictionary.value("QMAKESPEC") == "win32-g++");
} else if (part == "AUDIO_BACKEND") {
available = true;
if (dictionary.contains("XQMAKESPEC") && dictionary["XQMAKESPEC"].startsWith("symbian")) {
@@ -2198,7 +2241,7 @@
if (dictionary["SCRIPT"] == "auto")
dictionary["SCRIPT"] = checkAvailability("SCRIPT") ? "yes" : "no";
if (dictionary["SCRIPTTOOLS"] == "auto")
- dictionary["SCRIPTTOOLS"] = checkAvailability("SCRIPTTOOLS") ? "yes" : "no";
+ dictionary["SCRIPTTOOLS"] = dictionary["SCRIPT"] == "yes" ? "yes" : "no";
if (dictionary["XMLPATTERNS"] == "auto")
dictionary["XMLPATTERNS"] = checkAvailability("XMLPATTERNS") ? "yes" : "no";
if (dictionary["PHONON"] == "auto")
@@ -2206,9 +2249,11 @@
if (dictionary["WEBKIT"] == "auto")
dictionary["WEBKIT"] = checkAvailability("WEBKIT") ? "yes" : "no";
if (dictionary["DECLARATIVE"] == "auto")
- dictionary["DECLARATIVE"] = checkAvailability("DECLARATIVE") ? "yes" : "no";
+ dictionary["DECLARATIVE"] = dictionary["SCRIPT"] == "yes" ? "yes" : "no";
if (dictionary["AUDIO_BACKEND"] == "auto")
dictionary["AUDIO_BACKEND"] = checkAvailability("AUDIO_BACKEND") ? "yes" : "no";
+ if (dictionary["WMSDK"] == "auto")
+ dictionary["WMSDK"] = checkAvailability("WMSDK") ? "yes" : "no";
// Qt/WinCE remote test application
if (dictionary["CETEST"] == "auto")
@@ -2252,15 +2297,23 @@
if(_getch() == 3) // _Any_ keypress w/no echo(eat <Enter> for stdout)
exit(0); // Exit cleanly for Ctrl+C
- if (0 != dictionary["ARM_FPU_TYPE"].size())
- {
- QStringList l= QStringList()
- << "softvfp"
- << "softvfp+vfpv2"
- << "vfpv2";
- if (!(l.contains(dictionary["ARM_FPU_TYPE"])))
- cout << QString("WARNING: Using unsupported fpu flag: %1").arg(dictionary["ARM_FPU_TYPE"]) << endl;
- }
+ if (0 != dictionary["ARM_FPU_TYPE"].size()) {
+ QStringList l= QStringList()
+ << "softvfp"
+ << "softvfp+vfpv2"
+ << "vfpv2";
+ if (!(l.contains(dictionary["ARM_FPU_TYPE"])))
+ cout << QString("WARNING: Using unsupported fpu flag: %1").arg(dictionary["ARM_FPU_TYPE"]) << endl;
+ }
+ if (dictionary["DECLARATIVE"] == "yes" && dictionary["SCRIPT"] == "no") {
+ cout << "WARNING: To be able to compile QtDeclarative we need to also compile the" << endl
+ << "QtScript module. If you continue, we will turn on the QtScript module." << endl
+ << "(Press any key to continue..)";
+ if(_getch() == 3) // _Any_ keypress w/no echo(eat <Enter> for stdout)
+ exit(0); // Exit cleanly for Ctrl+C
+ dictionary["SCRIPT"] = "yes";
+ }
return true;
@@ -2333,7 +2386,7 @@
+ buildSymbianKey + "\"\n"
// Debug builds
- "# if (defined(_DEBUG) || defined(DEBUG))\n"
+ "# if (!QT_NO_DEBUG)\n"
"# if (defined(WIN64) || defined(_WIN64) || defined(__WIN64__))\n"
+ build64Key.arg("debug") + "\"\n"
"# else\n"
@@ -2544,11 +2597,6 @@
qtConfig += "egl";
- if ( dictionary["OPENGL_ES_CL"] == "yes" ) {
- qtConfig += "opengles1cl";
- qtConfig += "egl";
- }
if ( dictionary["OPENVG"] == "yes" ) {
qtConfig += "openvg";
qtConfig += "egl";
@@ -2609,8 +2657,14 @@
if (dictionary["WEBKIT"] == "yes")
qtConfig += "webkit";
- if (dictionary["DECLARATIVE"] == "yes")
+ if (dictionary["DECLARATIVE"] == "yes") {
+ if (dictionary[ "SCRIPT" ] == "no") {
+ cout << "QtDeclarative was requested, but it can't be built due to QtScript being "
+ "disabled." << endl;
+ dictionary[ "DONE" ] = "error";
+ }
qtConfig += "declarative";
+ }
if( dictionary[ "NATIVE_GESTURES" ] == "yes" )
qtConfig += "native-gestures";
@@ -2656,6 +2710,8 @@
dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_BINS" ] = qipempty ? "" : fixSeparators( dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_PREFIX" ] + "/bin" );
if( !dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_PLUGINS" ].size() )
dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_PLUGINS" ] = qipempty ? "" : fixSeparators( dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_PREFIX" ] + "/plugins" );
+ if( !dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_IMPORTS" ].size() )
+ dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_IMPORTS" ] = qipempty ? "" : fixSeparators( dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_PREFIX" ] + "/imports" );
if( !dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_DATA" ].size() )
dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_DATA" ] = qipempty ? "" : fixSeparators( dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_PREFIX" ] );
if( !dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_TRANSLATIONS" ].size() )
@@ -2858,6 +2914,9 @@
if(!dictionary["ARM_FPU_TYPE"].isEmpty()) {
configStream<<"MMP_RULES += \"ARMFPU "<< dictionary["ARM_FPU_TYPE"]<< "\"";
+ if (!dictionary["QT_NAMESPACE"].isEmpty()) {
+ configStream << "#namespaces" << endl << "QT_NAMESPACE = " << dictionary["QT_NAMESPACE"] << endl;
+ }
@@ -3001,14 +3060,15 @@
if(dictionary["S60"] == "no") qconfigList += "QT_NO_S60";
if(dictionary["NATIVE_GESTURES"] == "no") qconfigList += "QT_NO_NATIVE_GESTURES";
+ if(dictionary["OPENGL_ES_CM"] == "no" &&
+ dictionary["OPENGL_ES_2"] == "no" &&
+ dictionary["OPENVG"] == "no") qconfigList += "QT_NO_EGL";
if(dictionary["OPENGL_ES_CM"] == "yes" ||
- dictionary["OPENGL_ES_CL"] == "yes" ||
dictionary["OPENGL_ES_2"] == "yes") qconfigList += "QT_OPENGL_ES";
if(dictionary["OPENGL_ES_CM"] == "yes") qconfigList += "QT_OPENGL_ES_1";
if(dictionary["OPENGL_ES_2"] == "yes") qconfigList += "QT_OPENGL_ES_2";
- if(dictionary["OPENGL_ES_CL"] == "yes") qconfigList += "QT_OPENGL_ES_1_CL";
if(dictionary["SQL_MYSQL"] == "yes") qconfigList += "QT_SQL_MYSQL";
if(dictionary["SQL_ODBC"] == "yes") qconfigList += "QT_SQL_ODBC";
if(dictionary["SQL_OCI"] == "yes") qconfigList += "QT_SQL_OCI";
@@ -3162,6 +3222,7 @@
<< "static const char qt_configure_libraries_path_str [512 + 12] = \"qt_libspath=" << QString(dictionary["QT_INSTALL_LIBS"]).replace( "\\", "\\\\" ) << "\";" << endl
<< "static const char qt_configure_binaries_path_str [512 + 12] = \"qt_binspath=" << QString(dictionary["QT_INSTALL_BINS"]).replace( "\\", "\\\\" ) << "\";" << endl
<< "static const char qt_configure_plugins_path_str [512 + 12] = \"qt_plugpath=" << QString(dictionary["QT_INSTALL_PLUGINS"]).replace( "\\", "\\\\" ) << "\";" << endl
+ << "static const char qt_configure_imports_path_str [512 + 12] = \"qt_impspath=" << QString(dictionary["QT_INSTALL_IMPORTS"]).replace( "\\", "\\\\" ) << "\";" << endl
<< "static const char qt_configure_data_path_str [512 + 12] = \"qt_datapath=" << QString(dictionary["QT_INSTALL_DATA"]).replace( "\\", "\\\\" ) << "\";" << endl
<< "static const char qt_configure_translations_path_str [512 + 12] = \"qt_trnspath=" << QString(dictionary["QT_INSTALL_TRANSLATIONS"]).replace( "\\", "\\\\" ) << "\";" << endl
<< "static const char qt_configure_examples_path_str [512 + 12] = \"qt_xmplpath=" << QString(dictionary["QT_INSTALL_EXAMPLES"]).replace( "\\", "\\\\" ) << "\";" << endl
@@ -3176,6 +3237,7 @@
<< "static const char qt_configure_libraries_path_str [512 + 12] = \"qt_libspath=" << fixSeparators(dictionary[ "QT_HOST_PREFIX" ] + "/lib").replace( "\\", "\\\\" ) <<"\";" << endl
<< "static const char qt_configure_binaries_path_str [512 + 12] = \"qt_binspath=" << fixSeparators(dictionary[ "QT_HOST_PREFIX" ] + "/bin").replace( "\\", "\\\\" ) <<"\";" << endl
<< "static const char qt_configure_plugins_path_str [512 + 12] = \"qt_plugpath=" << fixSeparators(dictionary[ "QT_HOST_PREFIX" ] + "/plugins").replace( "\\", "\\\\" ) <<"\";" << endl
+ << "static const char qt_configure_imports_path_str [512 + 12] = \"qt_impspath=" << fixSeparators(dictionary[ "QT_HOST_PREFIX" ] + "/imports").replace( "\\", "\\\\" ) <<"\";" << endl
<< "static const char qt_configure_data_path_str [512 + 12] = \"qt_datapath=" << fixSeparators(dictionary[ "QT_HOST_PREFIX" ]).replace( "\\", "\\\\" ) <<"\";" << endl
<< "static const char qt_configure_translations_path_str [512 + 12] = \"qt_trnspath=" << fixSeparators(dictionary[ "QT_HOST_PREFIX" ] + "/translations").replace( "\\", "\\\\" ) <<"\";" << endl
<< "static const char qt_configure_examples_path_str [512 + 12] = \"qt_xmplpath=" << fixSeparators(dictionary[ "QT_HOST_PREFIX" ] + "/example").replace( "\\", "\\\\" ) <<"\";" << endl
@@ -3191,6 +3253,7 @@
<< "#define QT_CONFIGURE_LIBRARIES_PATH qt_configure_libraries_path_str + 12;" << endl
<< "#define QT_CONFIGURE_BINARIES_PATH qt_configure_binaries_path_str + 12;" << endl
<< "#define QT_CONFIGURE_PLUGINS_PATH qt_configure_plugins_path_str + 12;" << endl
+ << "#define QT_CONFIGURE_IMPORTS_PATH qt_configure_imports_path_str + 12;" << endl
<< "#define QT_CONFIGURE_DATA_PATH qt_configure_data_path_str + 12;" << endl
<< "#define QT_CONFIGURE_TRANSLATIONS_PATH qt_configure_translations_path_str + 12;" << endl
<< "#define QT_CONFIGURE_EXAMPLES_PATH qt_configure_examples_path_str + 12;" << endl
@@ -3337,6 +3400,7 @@
cout << "Headers installed to........" << dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_HEADERS" ] << endl;
cout << "Libraries installed to......" << dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_LIBS" ] << endl;
cout << "Plugins installed to........" << dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_PLUGINS" ] << endl;
+ cout << "Imports installed to........" << dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_IMPORTS" ] << endl;
cout << "Binaries installed to......." << dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_BINS" ] << endl;
cout << "Docs installed to..........." << dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_DOCS" ] << endl;
cout << "Data installed to..........." << dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_DATA" ] << endl;
@@ -3396,7 +3460,7 @@
cout << "NOTE: When linking against OpenSSL, you can override the default" << endl;
cout << "library names through OPENSSL_LIBS." << endl;
cout << "For example:" << endl;
- cout << " configure -openssl-linked OPENSSL_LIBS='-lssleay32 -llibeay32'" << endl;
+ cout << " configure -openssl-linked OPENSSL_LIBS=\"-lssleay32 -llibeay32\"" << endl;
if( dictionary[ "ZLIB_FORCED" ] == "yes" ) {
QString which_zlib = "supplied";
@@ -3467,14 +3531,15 @@
args += makefile;
cout << "Creating qmake..." << endl;
- int exitCode = 0;
- if( exitCode = Environment::execute(args, QStringList(), QStringList()) ) {
+ int exitCode = Environment::execute(args, QStringList(), QStringList());
+ if( exitCode ) {
args += dictionary[ "MAKE" ];
args += "-f";
args += makefile;
args += "clean";
- if( exitCode = Environment::execute(args, QStringList(), QStringList())) {
+ exitCode = Environment::execute(args, QStringList(), QStringList());
+ if(exitCode) {
cout << "Cleaning qmake failed, return code " << exitCode << endl << endl;
dictionary[ "DONE" ] = "error";
} else {
@@ -3482,7 +3547,8 @@
args += dictionary[ "MAKE" ];
args += "-f";
args += makefile;
- if (exitCode = Environment::execute(args, QStringList(), QStringList())) {
+ exitCode = Environment::execute(args, QStringList(), QStringList());
+ if (exitCode) {
cout << "Building qmake failed, return code " << exitCode << endl << endl;
dictionary[ "DONE" ] = "error";
@@ -3526,8 +3592,8 @@
- int exitCode = 0;
- if (exitCode = Environment::execute(args, QStringList(), QStringList())) {
+ int exitCode = Environment::execute(args, QStringList(), QStringList());
+ if (exitCode) {
cout << "qmake failed, return code " << exitCode << endl << endl;
dictionary["DONE"] = "error";
@@ -3537,18 +3603,21 @@
args += dictionary["MAKE"];
- if (exitCode = Environment::execute(args, QStringList(), QStringList())) {
+ exitCode = Environment::execute(args, QStringList(), QStringList());
+ if (exitCode) {
args += dictionary["MAKE"];
args += "clean";
- if(exitCode = Environment::execute(args, QStringList(), QStringList())) {
+ exitCode = Environment::execute(args, QStringList(), QStringList());
+ if(exitCode) {
cout << "Cleaning " << hostToolsDirs.at(i) << " failed, return code " << exitCode << endl << endl;
dictionary["DONE"] = "error";
} else {
args += dictionary["MAKE"];
- if (exitCode = Environment::execute(args, QStringList(), QStringList())) {
+ exitCode = Environment::execute(args, QStringList(), QStringList());
+ if (exitCode) {
cout << "Building " << hostToolsDirs.at(i) << " failed, return code " << exitCode << endl << endl;
dictionary["DONE"] = "error";