changeset 30 5dc02b23752f
parent 18 2f34d5167611
--- a/util/local_database/xpathlite.py	Wed Jun 23 19:07:03 2010 +0300
+++ b/util/local_database/xpathlite.py	Tue Jul 06 15:10:48 2010 +0300
@@ -52,29 +52,42 @@
     provisional = 'provisional'
     contributed = 'contributed'
     approved = 'approved'
+    _values = { unconfirmed : 1, provisional : 2, contributed : 3, approved : 4 }
+    def __init__(self, resolution):
+        self.resolution = resolution
+    def toInt(self):
+        return DraftResolution._values[self.resolution]
-def findChild(parent, tag_name, arg_value, draft=None):
+class Error:
+    def __init__(self, msg):
+        self.msg = msg
+    def __str__(self):
+        return self.msg
+def findChild(parent, tag_name, arg_name=None, arg_value=None, draft=None):
     for node in parent.childNodes:
         if node.nodeType != node.ELEMENT_NODE:
         if node.nodeName != tag_name:
         if arg_value:
-            if not node.attributes.has_key('type'):
+            if not node.attributes.has_key(arg_name):
-            if node.attributes['type'].nodeValue != arg_value:
+            if node.attributes[arg_name].nodeValue != arg_value:
         if draft:
-            if node.attributes.has_key('draft'):
-                if node.attributes['draft'].nodeValue != draft:
-                    continue
-            elif draft != DraftResolution.approved:
+            if not node.attributes.has_key('draft'):
+                # if draft is not specified then it's approved
+                return node
+            value = node.attributes['draft'].nodeValue
+            value = DraftResolution(value).toInt()
+            exemplar = DraftResolution(draft).toInt()
+            if exemplar > value:
         return node
     return False
-def _findEntry(file, path, draft=None):
+def _findEntryInFile(file, path, draft=None, attribute=None):
     doc = False
     if doc_cache.has_key(file):
         doc = doc_cache[file]
@@ -85,65 +98,110 @@
     elt = doc.documentElement
     tag_spec_list = path.split("/")
     last_entry = None
-    if draft is not None:
-        last_entry = tag_spec_list[-1]
-        tag_spec_list = tag_spec_list[:-1]
-    for tag_spec in tag_spec_list:
+    for i in range(len(tag_spec_list)):
+        tag_spec = tag_spec_list[i]
         tag_name = tag_spec
+        arg_name = 'type'
         arg_value = ''
         left_bracket = tag_spec.find('[')
         if left_bracket != -1:
             tag_name = tag_spec[:left_bracket]
-            arg_value = tag_spec[left_bracket+1:-1]
-        elt = findChild(elt, tag_name, arg_value)
+            arg_value = tag_spec[left_bracket+1:-1].split("=")
+            if len(arg_value) == 2:
+                arg_name = arg_value[0]
+                arg_value = arg_value[1]
+            else:
+                arg_value = arg_value[0]
+        alias = findChild(elt, 'alias')
+        if alias and alias.attributes['source'].nodeValue == 'locale':
+            path = alias.attributes['path'].nodeValue
+            aliaspath = tag_spec_list[:i] + path.split("/")
+            def resolve(x, y):
+                if y == '..':
+                    return x[:-1]
+                return x + [y]
+            # resolve all dot-dot parts of the path
+            aliaspath = reduce(resolve, aliaspath, [])
+            # remove attribute specification that our xpathlite doesnt support
+            aliaspath = map(lambda x: x.replace("@type=", "").replace("'", ""), aliaspath)
+            # append the remaining path
+            aliaspath = aliaspath + tag_spec_list[i:]
+            aliaspath = "/".join(aliaspath)
+            # "locale" aliases are special - we need to start lookup from scratch
+            return (None, aliaspath)
+        elt = findChild(elt, tag_name, arg_name, arg_value, draft)
         if not elt:
-            return ""
-    if last_entry is not None:
-        elt = findChild(elt, last_entry, '', draft)
-        if not elt:
-            return ""
-    return elt.firstChild.nodeValue
+            return ("", None)
+    if attribute is not None:
+        if elt.attributes.has_key(attribute):
+            return (elt.attributes[attribute].nodeValue, None)
+        return (None, None)
+    return (elt.firstChild.nodeValue, None)
 def findAlias(file):
+    if not doc_cache.has_key(file):
+        return False
     doc = doc_cache[file]
-    alias_elt = findChild(doc.documentElement, "alias", "")
+    alias_elt = findChild(doc.documentElement, "alias")
     if not alias_elt:
         return False
     if not alias_elt.attributes.has_key('source'):
         return False
     return alias_elt.attributes['source'].nodeValue
-def findEntry(base, path, draft=None):
-    file = base + ".xml"
+def _findEntry(base, path, draft=None, attribute=None):
+    file = base
+    if base.endswith(".xml"):
+        filename = base
+        base = base[:-4]
+    else:
+        file = base + ".xml"
+    (dirname, filename) = os.path.split(base)
+    items = filename.split("_")
+    # split locale name into items and iterate through them from back to front
+    # example: az_Latn_AZ => [az_Latn_AZ, az_Latn, az]
+    items = reversed(map(lambda x: "_".join(items[:x+1]), range(len(items))))
+    for item in items:
+        file = dirname + "/" + item + ".xml"
+        if os.path.isfile(file):
+            alias = findAlias(file)
+            if alias:
+                # if alias is found we should follow it and stop processing current file
+                # see http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/#Common_Elements
+                aliasfile = os.path.dirname(file) + "/" + alias + ".xml"
+                if not os.path.isfile(aliasfile):
+                    raise Error("findEntry: fatal error: found an alias '%s' to '%s', but the alias file couldnt be found" % (filename, alias))
+                # found an alias, recurse into parsing it
+                result = _findEntry(aliasfile, path, draft, attribute)
+                return result
+            (result, aliaspath) = _findEntryInFile(file, path, draft, attribute)
+            if aliaspath:
+                # start lookup again because of the alias source="locale"
+                return _findEntry(base, aliaspath, draft, attribute)
+            if result:
+                return result
+    return None
-    if os.path.isfile(file):
-        result = _findEntry(file, path, draft)
+def findEntry(base, path, draft=None, attribute=None):
+    file = base
+    if base.endswith(".xml"):
+        file = base
+        base = base[:-4]
+    else:
+        file = base + ".xml"
+    (dirname, filename) = os.path.split(base)
+    result = None
+    while path:
+        result = _findEntry(base, path, draft, attribute)
         if result:
             return result
-        alias = findAlias(file)
-        if alias:
-            file = os.path.dirname(base) + "/" + alias + ".xml"
-            if os.path.isfile(file):
-                result = _findEntry(file, path, draft)
-                if result:
-                    return result
-    file = base[:-3] + ".xml"
-    if os.path.isfile(file):
-        result = _findEntry(file, path, draft)
+        (result, aliaspath) = _findEntryInFile(dirname + "/root.xml", path, draft, attribute)
         if result:
             return result
-        alias = findAlias(file)
-        if alias:
-            file = os.path.dirname(base) + "/" + alias + ".xml"
-            if os.path.isfile(file):
-                result = _findEntry(file, path, draft)
-                if result:
-                    return result
+        if not aliaspath:
+            raise Error("findEntry: fatal error: %s: did not found key %s" % (filename, path))
+        path = aliaspath
-    if not draft:
-        file = os.path.dirname(base) + "/root.xml"
-        result = _findEntry(file, path, draft)
     return result