changeset 37 758a864f9613
parent 33 3e2da88830cd
--- a/dist/changes-4.7.0	Fri Sep 17 08:34:18 2010 +0300
+++ b/dist/changes-4.7.0	Mon Oct 04 01:19:32 2010 +0300
@@ -88,7 +88,10 @@
  - QComboBox
     * [QTBUG-8796] Made ForegroundRole work for all styles.
+ - QCommandLinkButton
+    * [QTBUG-5995] Fixed text and icon alignment issues.
  - QPrinter
     * Obsoleted the slightly confusing setNumCopies() and numCopies()
       functions, and replaced them with setCopyCount(), copyCount() and
@@ -133,6 +136,9 @@
     * [QTBUG-7982] Added QImage::bitPlaneCount().
     * [QTBUG-9072] Fixed alpha check for 1-bit-per-pixel images.
+ - QLineEdit
+    * [QTBUG-9823] Placeholder text is now correctly aligned with text.
  - QPicture
     * [QTBUG-4974] Printing QPictures containing text to a high resolution
       QPrinter would in many cases cause incorrect character spacing.
@@ -216,6 +222,7 @@
   * [QTBUG-9618] [MR 2372] send secure cookies only over secure connections
   * [QTBUG-7713] Fix bug related to re-sending request
   * [QTBUG-7673] Fix issue with some webservers
+  * [QTBUG-11029] do not accept cookies with non-alpha-numerical domain
  - Sockets
   * Better support for derived QTcpServer
   * [QTBUG-7054] Fix error handling with waitFor*() for socket engine
@@ -223,6 +230,10 @@
  - SSL
   * [QTBUG-2515] Do not make OpenSSL prompt for a password
   * [QTBUG-6504, QTBUG-8924, QTBUG-5645] Fix memleak
+  * [QTBUG-9973] QSslCertificate: support large serial numbers
+  * [QTBUG-8833] make QSslSocket::systemCaCertificates() use system certs
+  * [QT-3567] QSslSocket: improve error handling (fixes Secunia Advisory SA40389)
+  * [QBTUG-4455, MR 731] Fix handling of SSL certificates with wildcard domain names
@@ -245,6 +256,7 @@
  - [QTBUG-8920] fixed crash with anonymous types in XsdSchemaChecker
  - [QTBUG-8394] include/import/redefine schemas only once
  - QXmlSchema: fix crash with referencing elements
+ - [QBTUG-6485] QXmlSchema: allow usage of xsd:all
 Qt Plugins
@@ -280,8 +292,9 @@
  - QGtkStyle
     * Fixed rtl issues with sliders (QTBUG-8986)
-    * Fixed missing pressed appearance on scroll bar handles. (QTBUG-10396)  
+    * Fixed missing pressed appearance on scroll bar handles. (QTBUG-10396)
+    * Fixed crash when creating QGtkStyle before QApplication. (QTBUG-10758)
  - QFontDatabase
     * [QTBUG-4428] Fixed regression when using bitmap fonts on some 
       Linux systems.
@@ -297,7 +310,12 @@
 Qt for Windows
  - Popup windows now implicitly activate when shown. (QTBUG-7386)
+ - QComboBox [QTBUG-7552] Fix an issue where only "..." would be shown for
+   QComboBox with certain DPI settings.
+ - Fixed a problem where menus exec'ed on system tray icons did not 
+   disappear. (QTBUG-7386)
+ - Improved look and feel for QWizard on Windows 7 and Vista. (QTBUG-9873), 
+   (QTBUG-11974) and (QTBUG-6120)    
  - QLocalSocket
     * Pipe handle leak fixed, when closing a QLocalSocket that still has
       unwritten data. (QTBUG-7815)
@@ -309,7 +327,9 @@
  - QMacStyle
     * Removed frame around statusbar items. (QTBUG-3574)
-    * More native appearance of item view headers and frames. (QTBUG-10047)    
+    * More native appearance of item view headers and frames. (QTBUG-10047)
+    * Increased spacing between tree view items. (QTBUG-10190)
+    * Removed frame around status bar items. (QTBUG-3574)
  - QFontEngine	
     * Enable fractional metrics for the font engine on Mac in all 
@@ -345,6 +365,12 @@
     * QTabBar scroll button size has been fixed. (QTBUG-8757)
     * Detection of Windows mobile 6.5 fixed. (QTBUG-8418)
+Qt for Symbian
+ - QSplashScreen
+    * [QTBUG-11129] Fixed a hanging bug in QSplashScreen on 3.1 devices.
@@ -358,8 +384,20 @@
 - Build System
-  - "configure -fast" on Windows now also works for other make tools than
-    nmake. (QTBUG-8562)
+ - [QT-3540] Fixed Symbian resources not honoring TARGET with a path.
+ - "configure -fast" on Windows now also works for other make tools than
+   nmake. (QTBUG-8562)
+ - [QTBUG-11351] Fixed memory restrictions not being passed on to elf2e32.
+ - [QTBUG-11385] Removed the need to specify -arch symbian when compiling
+   for Symbian on Linux.
+ - [QTBUG-11396] "configure -qtlibinfix" now works when compiling for
+   Symbian on Linux.
+ - [QTBUG-11670] Fixed a bug which caused "make runonphone" to look for
+   package in the wrong place.
+ - [QTBUG-11727] Fixed a bug which made builds outside of the Qt tree fail
+   to compile.
+ - [QTBUG-11927] "configure -silent" now works with the
+   symbian/linux-armcc and symbian/linux-gcce mkspecs.
 - Assistant
@@ -450,9 +488,22 @@
     ABIs, but it also allowed for unaligned access. Qt never generates
     or uses unaligned access and the new EABI aligns as expected, so
     the flag was removed.
+  - QTextBoundaryFinder is now consistent with ICU when it comes to
+    line breaking, reporting the index of the boundary at which the line
+    break should occur rather than the index of the character.
+  - QWidget::setLayoutDirection no longer affects the text layout
+    direction (Qt::LeftToRight or Qt::RightToLeft) of QTextEdit, QLineEdit
+    and widgets based on them. The default text layout direction
+    (Qt::LayoutDirectionAuto) is now detected from keyboard layout and
+    language of the text (conforms to Unicode standards). To
+    programmatically force the text direction of a QTextEdit, you can
+    change the defaultTextOption of the QTextDocument associated with that
+    widget with a new QTextOption of different textDirection property. For
+    QLineEdit, the only way so far is sending a Qt::Key_Direction_L/R
+    keyboard event to that widget.
   - Qt does no longer provide its own CA bundle, but uses system APIs for
-    retrieving the default system certificates. On Symbian,
-    QSslSocket::systemCaCertificates() provides an empty list of
-    certificates.
+    retrieving the default system certificates.