--- a/tests/auto/collections/tst_collections.cpp Fri Sep 17 08:34:18 2010 +0300
+++ b/tests/auto/collections/tst_collections.cpp Mon Oct 04 01:19:32 2010 +0300
@@ -165,6 +165,7 @@
void containerTypedefs();
void forwardDeclared();
void alignment();
+ void QTBUG13079_collectionInsideCollection();
struct LargeStatic {
@@ -3589,5 +3590,133 @@
+template<template<class> class C>
+struct QTBUG13079_Node {
+ C<QTBUG13079_Node> children;
+ QString s;
+ ~QTBUG13079_Node() {
+ children.begin(); //play with memory
+ }
+template<template<class> class C> void QTBUG13079_collectionInsideCollectionImpl()
+ C<QTBUG13079_Node<C> > nodeList;
+ nodeList << QTBUG13079_Node<C>();
+ nodeList.first().s = "parent";
+ nodeList.first().children << QTBUG13079_Node<C>();
+ nodeList.first().children.first().s = "child";
+ nodeList = nodeList.first().children;
+ QCOMPARE(nodeList.first().s, QString::fromLatin1("child"));
+ nodeList = nodeList.first().children;
+ QCOMPARE(nodeList.count(), 0);
+ nodeList << QTBUG13079_Node<C>();
+template<template<class, class> class C>
+struct QTBUG13079_NodeAssoc {
+ C<int, QTBUG13079_NodeAssoc> children;
+ QString s;
+ ~QTBUG13079_NodeAssoc() {
+ children.begin(); //play with memory
+ }
+template<template<class, class> class C> void QTBUG13079_collectionInsideCollectionAssocImpl()
+ C<int, QTBUG13079_NodeAssoc<C> > nodeMap;
+ nodeMap[18] = QTBUG13079_NodeAssoc<C>();
+ nodeMap[18].s = "parent";
+ nodeMap[18].children[12] = QTBUG13079_NodeAssoc<C>();
+ nodeMap[18].children[12].s = "child";
+ nodeMap = nodeMap[18].children;
+ QCOMPARE(nodeMap[12].s, QString::fromLatin1("child"));
+ nodeMap = nodeMap[12].children;
+ QCOMPARE(nodeMap.count(), 0);
+ nodeMap[42] = QTBUG13079_NodeAssoc<C>();
+static quint32 qHash(const QTBUG13079_Node<QSet> &)
+ return 0;
+bool operator==(const QTBUG13079_Node<QSet> &a, const QTBUG13079_Node<QSet> &b)
+ return a.s == b.s && a.children == b.children;
+template<template<class> class C>
+struct QTBUG13079_NodePtr : QSharedData {
+ C<QTBUG13079_NodePtr> child;
+ QTBUG13079_NodePtr *next;
+ QString s;
+ QTBUG13079_NodePtr() : next(0) {}
+ ~QTBUG13079_NodePtr() {
+ next = child.data(); //play with memory
+ }
+template<template<class> class C> void QTBUG13079_collectionInsidePtrImpl()
+ typedef C<QTBUG13079_NodePtr<C> > Ptr;
+ {
+ Ptr nodePtr;
+ nodePtr = Ptr(new QTBUG13079_NodePtr<C>());
+ nodePtr->s = "parent";
+ nodePtr->child = Ptr(new QTBUG13079_NodePtr<C>());
+ nodePtr->child->s = "child";
+ nodePtr = nodePtr->child;
+ QCOMPARE(nodePtr->s, QString::fromLatin1("child"));
+ nodePtr = nodePtr->child;
+ QVERIFY(!nodePtr);
+ }
+ {
+ Ptr nodePtr;
+ nodePtr = Ptr(new QTBUG13079_NodePtr<C>());
+ nodePtr->s = "parent";
+ nodePtr->next = new QTBUG13079_NodePtr<C>();
+ nodePtr->next->s = "next";
+ nodePtr = Ptr(nodePtr->next);
+ QCOMPARE(nodePtr->s, QString::fromLatin1("next"));
+ nodePtr = Ptr(nodePtr->next);
+ QVERIFY(!nodePtr);
+ }
+void tst_Collections::QTBUG13079_collectionInsideCollection()
+ QTBUG13079_collectionInsideCollectionImpl<QVector>();
+ QTBUG13079_collectionInsideCollectionImpl<QStack>();
+ QTBUG13079_collectionInsideCollectionImpl<QList>();
+ QTBUG13079_collectionInsideCollectionImpl<QLinkedList>();
+ QTBUG13079_collectionInsideCollectionImpl<QQueue>();
+ {
+ QSet<QTBUG13079_Node<QSet> > nodeSet;
+ nodeSet << QTBUG13079_Node<QSet>();
+ nodeSet = nodeSet.begin()->children;
+ QCOMPARE(nodeSet.count(), 0);
+ }
+ QTBUG13079_collectionInsideCollectionAssocImpl<QMap>();
+ QTBUG13079_collectionInsideCollectionAssocImpl<QHash>();
+ QTBUG13079_collectionInsidePtrImpl<QSharedPointer>();
+ QTBUG13079_collectionInsidePtrImpl<QExplicitlySharedDataPointer>();
+ QTBUG13079_collectionInsidePtrImpl<QSharedDataPointer>();
#include "tst_collections.moc"