--- a/tools/qml/main.cpp Fri Sep 17 08:34:18 2010 +0300
+++ b/tools/qml/main.cpp Mon Oct 04 01:19:32 2010 +0300
@@ -56,7 +56,8 @@
QtMsgHandler systemMsgOutput = 0;
+static QDeclarativeViewer *openFile(const QString &fileName);
+static void showViewer(QDeclarativeViewer *viewer);
#if defined (Q_OS_SYMBIAN)
#include <unistd.h>
@@ -117,6 +118,11 @@
+static QDeclarativeViewer* globalViewer = 0;
+// The qml file that is shown if the user didn't specify a QML file
+QString initialFile = "qrc:/startup/startup.qml";
void usage()
qWarning("Usage: qmlviewer [options] <filename>");
@@ -175,6 +181,331 @@
enum WarningsConfig { ShowWarnings, HideWarnings, DefaultWarnings };
+struct ViewerOptions
+ ViewerOptions()
+ : frameless(false),
+ fps(0.0),
+ autorecord_from(0),
+ autorecord_to(0),
+ dither("none"),
+ runScript(false),
+ devkeys(false),
+ cache(0),
+ useGL(false),
+ fullScreen(false),
+ stayOnTop(false),
+ maximized(false),
+ useNativeFileBrowser(true),
+ experimentalGestures(false),
+ warningsConfig(DefaultWarnings),
+ sizeToView(true)
+ {
+#if defined(Q_OS_SYMBIAN)
+ maximized = true;
+ useNativeFileBrowser = false;
+#if defined(Q_WS_MAC)
+ useGL = true;
+ }
+ bool frameless;
+ double fps;
+ int autorecord_from;
+ int autorecord_to;
+ QString dither;
+ QString recordfile;
+ QStringList recordargs;
+ QStringList imports;
+ QStringList plugins;
+ QString script;
+ QString scriptopts;
+ bool runScript;
+ bool devkeys;
+ int cache;
+ QString translationFile;
+ bool useGL;
+ bool fullScreen;
+ bool stayOnTop;
+ bool maximized;
+ bool useNativeFileBrowser;
+ bool experimentalGestures;
+ WarningsConfig warningsConfig;
+ bool sizeToView;
+ QDeclarativeViewer::ScriptOptions scriptOptions;
+static ViewerOptions opts;
+static QStringList fileNames;
+class Application : public QApplication
+ Application(int &argc, char **&argv)
+ : QApplication(argc, argv)
+ {}
+ bool event(QEvent *ev)
+ {
+ if (ev->type() != QEvent::FileOpen)
+ return QApplication::event(ev);
+ QFileOpenEvent *fev = static_cast<QFileOpenEvent *>(ev);
+ globalViewer->open(fev->file());
+ if (!globalViewer->isVisible())
+ showViewer(globalViewer);
+ return true;
+ }
+private Q_SLOTS:
+ void showInitialViewer()
+ {
+ QApplication::processEvents();
+ QDeclarativeViewer *viewer = globalViewer;
+ if (!viewer)
+ return;
+ if (viewer->currentFile().isEmpty()) {
+ if(opts.useNativeFileBrowser)
+ viewer->open(initialFile);
+ else
+ viewer->openFile();
+ }
+ if (!viewer->isVisible())
+ showViewer(viewer);
+ }
+static void parseScriptOptions()
+ QStringList options =
+ opts.scriptopts.split(QLatin1Char(','), QString::SkipEmptyParts);
+ QDeclarativeViewer::ScriptOptions scriptOptions = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < options.count(); ++i) {
+ const QString &option = options.at(i);
+ if (option == QLatin1String("help")) {
+ scriptOptsUsage();
+ } else if (option == QLatin1String("play")) {
+ scriptOptions |= QDeclarativeViewer::Play;
+ } else if (option == QLatin1String("record")) {
+ scriptOptions |= QDeclarativeViewer::Record;
+ } else if (option == QLatin1String("testimages")) {
+ scriptOptions |= QDeclarativeViewer::TestImages;
+ } else if (option == QLatin1String("testerror")) {
+ scriptOptions |= QDeclarativeViewer::TestErrorProperty;
+ } else if (option == QLatin1String("exitoncomplete")) {
+ scriptOptions |= QDeclarativeViewer::ExitOnComplete;
+ } else if (option == QLatin1String("exitonfailure")) {
+ scriptOptions |= QDeclarativeViewer::ExitOnFailure;
+ } else if (option == QLatin1String("saveonexit")) {
+ scriptOptions |= QDeclarativeViewer::SaveOnExit;
+ } else if (option == QLatin1String("snapshot")) {
+ scriptOptions |= QDeclarativeViewer::Snapshot;
+ } else {
+ scriptOptsUsage();
+ }
+ }
+ opts.scriptOptions = scriptOptions;
+static void parseCommandLineOptions(const QStringList &arguments)
+ for (int i = 1; i < arguments.count(); ++i) {
+ bool lastArg = (i == arguments.count() - 1);
+ QString arg = arguments.at(i);
+ if (arg == "-frameless") {
+ opts.frameless = true;
+ } else if (arg == "-maximized") {
+ opts.maximized = true;
+ } else if (arg == "-fullscreen") {
+ opts.fullScreen = true;
+ } else if (arg == "-stayontop") {
+ opts.stayOnTop = true;
+ } else if (arg == "-netcache") {
+ if (lastArg) usage();
+ opts.cache = arguments.at(++i).toInt();
+ } else if (arg == "-recordrate") {
+ if (lastArg) usage();
+ opts.fps = arguments.at(++i).toDouble();
+ } else if (arg == "-recordfile") {
+ if (lastArg) usage();
+ opts.recordfile = arguments.at(++i);
+ } else if (arg == "-record") {
+ if (lastArg) usage();
+ opts.recordargs << arguments.at(++i);
+ } else if (arg == "-recorddither") {
+ if (lastArg) usage();
+ opts.dither = arguments.at(++i);
+ } else if (arg == "-autorecord") {
+ if (lastArg) usage();
+ QString range = arguments.at(++i);
+ int dash = range.indexOf('-');
+ if (dash > 0)
+ opts.autorecord_from = range.left(dash).toInt();
+ opts.autorecord_to = range.mid(dash+1).toInt();
+ } else if (arg == "-devicekeys") {
+ opts.devkeys = true;
+ } else if (arg == "-dragthreshold") {
+ if (lastArg) usage();
+ qApp->setStartDragDistance(arguments.at(++i).toInt());
+ } else if (arg == QLatin1String("-v") || arg == QLatin1String("-version")) {
+ qWarning("Qt QML Viewer version %s", QT_VERSION_STR);
+ exit(0);
+ } else if (arg == "-translation") {
+ if (lastArg) usage();
+ opts.translationFile = arguments.at(++i);
+ } else if (arg == "-opengl") {
+ opts.useGL = true;
+ } else if (arg == "-qmlbrowser") {
+ opts.useNativeFileBrowser = false;
+ } else if (arg == "-warnings") {
+ if (lastArg) usage();
+ QString warningsStr = arguments.at(++i);
+ if (warningsStr == QLatin1String("show")) {
+ opts.warningsConfig = ShowWarnings;
+ } else if (warningsStr == QLatin1String("hide")) {
+ opts.warningsConfig = HideWarnings;
+ } else {
+ usage();
+ }
+ } else if (arg == "-I" || arg == "-L") {
+ if (arg == "-L")
+ qWarning("-L option provided for compatibility only, use -I instead");
+ if (lastArg) {
+ QDeclarativeEngine tmpEngine;
+ QString paths = tmpEngine.importPathList().join(QLatin1String(":"));
+ qWarning("Current search path: %s", paths.toLocal8Bit().constData());
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ opts.imports << arguments.at(++i);
+ } else if (arg == "-P") {
+ if (lastArg) usage();
+ opts.plugins << arguments.at(++i);
+ } else if (arg == "-script") {
+ if (lastArg) usage();
+ opts.script = arguments.at(++i);
+ } else if (arg == "-scriptopts") {
+ if (lastArg) usage();
+ opts.scriptopts = arguments.at(++i);
+ } else if (arg == "-savescript") {
+ if (lastArg) usage();
+ opts.script = arguments.at(++i);
+ opts.runScript = false;
+ } else if (arg == "-playscript") {
+ if (lastArg) usage();
+ opts.script = arguments.at(++i);
+ opts.runScript = true;
+ } else if (arg == "-sizeviewtorootobject") {
+ opts.sizeToView = false;
+ } else if (arg == "-sizerootobjecttoview") {
+ opts.sizeToView = true;
+ } else if (arg == "-experimentalgestures") {
+ opts.experimentalGestures = true;
+ } else if (!arg.startsWith('-')) {
+ fileNames.append(arg);
+ } else if (true || arg == "-help") {
+ usage();
+ }
+ }
+ if (!opts.scriptopts.isEmpty()) {
+ parseScriptOptions();
+ if (opts.script.isEmpty())
+ usage();
+ if (!(opts.scriptOptions & QDeclarativeViewer::Record) && !(opts.scriptOptions & QDeclarativeViewer::Play))
+ scriptOptsUsage();
+ } else if (!opts.script.isEmpty()) {
+ usage();
+ }
+static QDeclarativeViewer *createViewer()
+ Qt::WFlags wflags = (opts.frameless ? Qt::FramelessWindowHint : Qt::Widget);
+ if (opts.stayOnTop)
+ wflags |= Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint;
+ QDeclarativeViewer *viewer = new QDeclarativeViewer(0, wflags);
+ viewer->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose, true);
+ viewer->setUseGL(opts.useGL);
+ if (!opts.scriptopts.isEmpty()) {
+ viewer->setScriptOptions(opts.scriptOptions);
+ viewer->setScript(opts.script);
+ }
+#if !defined(Q_OS_SYMBIAN)
+ logger = viewer->warningsWidget();
+ if (opts.warningsConfig == ShowWarnings) {
+ logger.data()->setDefaultVisibility(LoggerWidget::ShowWarnings);
+ logger.data()->show();
+ } else if (opts.warningsConfig == HideWarnings){
+ logger.data()->setDefaultVisibility(LoggerWidget::HideWarnings);
+ }
+ if (opts.experimentalGestures)
+ viewer->enableExperimentalGestures();
+ foreach (QString lib, opts.imports)
+ viewer->addLibraryPath(lib);
+ foreach (QString plugin, opts.plugins)
+ viewer->addPluginPath(plugin);
+ viewer->setNetworkCacheSize(opts.cache);
+ viewer->setRecordFile(opts.recordfile);
+ viewer->setSizeToView(opts.sizeToView);
+ if (opts.fps > 0)
+ viewer->setRecordRate(opts.fps);
+ if (opts.autorecord_to)
+ viewer->setAutoRecord(opts.autorecord_from, opts.autorecord_to);
+ if (opts.devkeys)
+ viewer->setDeviceKeys(true);
+ viewer->setRecordDither(opts.dither);
+ if (opts.recordargs.count())
+ viewer->setRecordArgs(opts.recordargs);
+ viewer->setUseNativeFileBrowser(opts.useNativeFileBrowser);
+ return viewer;
+void showViewer(QDeclarativeViewer *viewer)
+ if (opts.fullScreen)
+ viewer->showFullScreen();
+ else if (opts.maximized)
+ viewer->showMaximized();
+ else
+ viewer->show();
+ viewer->raise();
+QDeclarativeViewer *openFile(const QString &fileName)
+ QDeclarativeViewer *viewer = globalViewer;
+ viewer->open(fileName);
+ showViewer(viewer);
+ return viewer;
int main(int argc, char ** argv)
#if defined (Q_OS_SYMBIAN)
@@ -204,264 +535,54 @@
- QApplication app(argc, argv);
+ Application app(argc, argv);
- bool frameless = false;
- QString fileName;
- double fps = 0;
- int autorecord_from = 0;
- int autorecord_to = 0;
- QString dither = "none";
- QString recordfile;
- QStringList recordargs;
- QStringList imports;
- QStringList plugins;
- QString script;
- QString scriptopts;
- bool runScript = false;
- bool devkeys = false;
- int cache = 0;
- QString translationFile;
- bool useGL = false;
- bool fullScreen = false;
- bool stayOnTop = false;
- bool maximized = false;
- bool useNativeFileBrowser = true;
- bool experimentalGestures = false;
+ parseCommandLineOptions(app.arguments());
- WarningsConfig warningsConfig = DefaultWarnings;
- bool sizeToView = true;
+ QTranslator qmlTranslator;
+ if (!opts.translationFile.isEmpty()) {
+ qmlTranslator.load(opts.translationFile);
+ app.installTranslator(&qmlTranslator);
+ }
-#if defined(Q_OS_SYMBIAN)
- maximized = true;
- useNativeFileBrowser = false;
-#if defined(Q_WS_MAC)
- useGL = true;
+ if (opts.fullScreen && opts.maximized)
+ qWarning() << "Both -fullscreen and -maximized specified. Using -fullscreen.";
- for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) {
- bool lastArg = (i == argc - 1);
- QString arg = argv[i];
- if (arg == "-frameless") {
- frameless = true;
- } else if (arg == "-maximized") {
- maximized = true;
- } else if (arg == "-fullscreen") {
- fullScreen = true;
- } else if (arg == "-stayontop") {
- stayOnTop = true;
- } else if (arg == "-netcache") {
- if (lastArg) usage();
- cache = QString(argv[++i]).toInt();
- } else if (arg == "-recordrate") {
- if (lastArg) usage();
- fps = QString(argv[++i]).toDouble();
- } else if (arg == "-recordfile") {
- if (lastArg) usage();
- recordfile = QString(argv[++i]);
- } else if (arg == "-record") {
- if (lastArg) usage();
- recordargs << QString(argv[++i]);
- } else if (arg == "-recorddither") {
- if (lastArg) usage();
- dither = QString(argv[++i]);
- } else if (arg == "-autorecord") {
- if (lastArg) usage();
- QString range = QString(argv[++i]);
- int dash = range.indexOf('-');
- if (dash > 0)
- autorecord_from = range.left(dash).toInt();
- autorecord_to = range.mid(dash+1).toInt();
- } else if (arg == "-devicekeys") {
- devkeys = true;
- } else if (arg == "-dragthreshold") {
- if (lastArg) usage();
- app.setStartDragDistance(QString(argv[++i]).toInt());
- } else if (arg == QLatin1String("-v") || arg == QLatin1String("-version")) {
- qWarning("Qt QML Viewer version %s", QT_VERSION_STR);
- exit(0);
- } else if (arg == "-translation") {
- if (lastArg) usage();
- translationFile = argv[++i];
- } else if (arg == "-opengl") {
- useGL = true;
- } else if (arg == "-qmlbrowser") {
- useNativeFileBrowser = false;
- } else if (arg == "-warnings") {
- if (lastArg) usage();
- QString warningsStr = QString(argv[++i]);
- if (warningsStr == QLatin1String("show")) {
- warningsConfig = ShowWarnings;
- } else if (warningsStr == QLatin1String("hide")) {
- warningsConfig = HideWarnings;
- } else {
- usage();
- }
- } else if (arg == "-I" || arg == "-L") {
- if (arg == "-L")
- qWarning("-L option provided for compatibility only, use -I instead");
- if (lastArg) {
- QDeclarativeEngine tmpEngine;
- QString paths = tmpEngine.importPathList().join(QLatin1String(":"));
- qWarning("Current search path: %s", paths.toLocal8Bit().constData());
- exit(0);
- }
- imports << QString(argv[++i]);
- } else if (arg == "-P") {
- if (lastArg) usage();
- plugins << QString(argv[++i]);
- } else if (arg == "-script") {
- if (lastArg) usage();
- script = QString(argv[++i]);
- } else if (arg == "-scriptopts") {
- if (lastArg) usage();
- scriptopts = QString(argv[++i]);
- } else if (arg == "-savescript") {
- if (lastArg) usage();
- script = QString(argv[++i]);
- runScript = false;
- } else if (arg == "-playscript") {
- if (lastArg) usage();
- script = QString(argv[++i]);
- runScript = true;
- } else if (arg == "-sizeviewtorootobject") {
- sizeToView = false;
- } else if (arg == "-sizerootobjecttoview") {
- sizeToView = true;
- } else if (arg == "-experimentalgestures") {
- experimentalGestures = true;
- } else if (arg[0] != '-') {
- fileName = arg;
- } else if (1 || arg == "-help") {
- usage();
+ if (fileNames.isEmpty()) {
+ QFile qmlapp(QLatin1String("qmlapp"));
+ if (qmlapp.exists() && qmlapp.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) {
+ QString content = QString::fromUtf8(qmlapp.readAll());
+ qmlapp.close();
+ int newline = content.indexOf(QLatin1Char('\n'));
+ if (newline >= 0)
+ fileNames += content.left(newline);
+ else
+ fileNames += content;
- QTranslator qmlTranslator;
- if (!translationFile.isEmpty()) {
- qmlTranslator.load(translationFile);
- app.installTranslator(&qmlTranslator);
- }
- Qt::WFlags wflags = (frameless ? Qt::FramelessWindowHint : Qt::Widget);
- if (stayOnTop)
- wflags |= Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint;
- QDeclarativeViewer *viewer = new QDeclarativeViewer(0, wflags);
- viewer->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose, true);
- if (!scriptopts.isEmpty()) {
- QStringList options =
- scriptopts.split(QLatin1Char(','), QString::SkipEmptyParts);
+ globalViewer = createViewer();
- QDeclarativeViewer::ScriptOptions scriptOptions = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < options.count(); ++i) {
- const QString &option = options.at(i);
- if (option == QLatin1String("help")) {
- scriptOptsUsage();
- } else if (option == QLatin1String("play")) {
- scriptOptions |= QDeclarativeViewer::Play;
- } else if (option == QLatin1String("record")) {
- scriptOptions |= QDeclarativeViewer::Record;
- } else if (option == QLatin1String("testimages")) {
- scriptOptions |= QDeclarativeViewer::TestImages;
- } else if (option == QLatin1String("testerror")) {
- scriptOptions |= QDeclarativeViewer::TestErrorProperty;
- } else if (option == QLatin1String("exitoncomplete")) {
- scriptOptions |= QDeclarativeViewer::ExitOnComplete;
- } else if (option == QLatin1String("exitonfailure")) {
- scriptOptions |= QDeclarativeViewer::ExitOnFailure;
- } else if (option == QLatin1String("saveonexit")) {
- scriptOptions |= QDeclarativeViewer::SaveOnExit;
- } else if (option == QLatin1String("snapshot")) {
- scriptOptions |= QDeclarativeViewer::Snapshot;
- } else {
- scriptOptsUsage();
- }
- }
- if (script.isEmpty())
- usage();
- if (!(scriptOptions & QDeclarativeViewer::Record) && !(scriptOptions & QDeclarativeViewer::Play))
- scriptOptsUsage();
- viewer->setScriptOptions(scriptOptions);
- viewer->setScript(script);
- } else if (!script.isEmpty()) {
- usage();
+ if (fileNames.isEmpty()) {
+ // show the initial viewer delayed.
+ // This prevents an initial viewer popping up while there
+ // are FileOpen events coming through the event queue
+ QTimer::singleShot(1, &app, SLOT(showInitialViewer()));
+ } else {
+ foreach (const QString &fileName, fileNames)
+ openFile(fileName);
-#if !defined(Q_OS_SYMBIAN)
- logger = viewer->warningsWidget();
- if (warningsConfig == ShowWarnings) {
- logger.data()->setDefaultVisibility(LoggerWidget::ShowWarnings);
- logger.data()->show();
- } else if (warningsConfig == HideWarnings){
- logger.data()->setDefaultVisibility(LoggerWidget::HideWarnings);
- }
- if (experimentalGestures)
- viewer->enableExperimentalGestures();
- foreach (QString lib, imports)
- viewer->addLibraryPath(lib);
- foreach (QString plugin, plugins)
- viewer->addPluginPath(plugin);
- viewer->setNetworkCacheSize(cache);
- viewer->setRecordFile(recordfile);
- viewer->setSizeToView(sizeToView);
- if (fps>0)
- viewer->setRecordRate(fps);
- if (autorecord_to)
- viewer->setAutoRecord(autorecord_from,autorecord_to);
- if (devkeys)
- viewer->setDeviceKeys(true);
- viewer->setRecordDither(dither);
- if (recordargs.count())
- viewer->setRecordArgs(recordargs);
- viewer->setUseNativeFileBrowser(useNativeFileBrowser);
- if (fullScreen && maximized)
- qWarning() << "Both -fullscreen and -maximized specified. Using -fullscreen.";
- if (fileName.isEmpty()) {
- QFile qmlapp(QLatin1String("qmlapp"));
- if (qmlapp.exists() && qmlapp.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) {
- QString content = QString::fromUtf8(qmlapp.readAll());
- qmlapp.close();
- int newline = content.indexOf(QLatin1Char('\n'));
- if (newline >= 0)
- fileName = content.left(newline);
- else
- fileName = content;
- }
- }
- if (!fileName.isEmpty()) {
- viewer->open(fileName);
- fullScreen ? viewer->showFullScreen() : maximized ? viewer->showMaximized() : viewer->show();
- } else {
- if (!useNativeFileBrowser)
- viewer->openFile();
- fullScreen ? viewer->showFullScreen() : maximized ? viewer->showMaximized() : viewer->show();
- if (useNativeFileBrowser)
- viewer->openFile();
- }
- viewer->setUseGL(useGL);
- viewer->raise();
+ QObject::connect(&app, SIGNAL(lastWindowClosed()), &app, SLOT(quit()));
return app.exec();
+#include "main.moc"