changeset 14 c0432d11811c
parent 13 cc75c76972ee
--- a/src/gui/kernel/qsoftkeymanager_s60.cpp	Wed Apr 21 12:15:23 2010 +0300
+++ b/src/gui/kernel/qsoftkeymanager_s60.cpp	Wed Apr 21 20:15:53 2010 +0300
@@ -78,6 +78,8 @@
     // Note: Cannot use IsDisplayingMenuOrDialog since CBA update can be triggered before
     // menu/dialog CBA is actually displayed i.e. it is being costructed.
     CEikButtonGroupContainer *appUiCba = S60->buttonGroupContainer();
+    if (!appUiCba)
+        return true;
     // CEikButtonGroupContainer::Current returns 0 if CBA is not visible at all
     CEikButtonGroupContainer *currentCba = CEikButtonGroupContainer::Current();
     // Check if softkey need to be update even they are not visible
@@ -312,17 +314,8 @@
 bool QSoftKeyManagerPrivateS60::setRightSoftkey(CEikButtonGroupContainer &cba)
     if (!setSoftkey(cba, QAction::NegativeSoftKey, RSK_POSITION)) {
-        Qt::WindowType windowType = Qt::Window;
-        QAction *action = requestedSoftKeyActions.value(0);
-        if (action) {
-            QWidget *actionParent = action->parentWidget();
-            Q_ASSERT_X(actionParent, Q_FUNC_INFO, "No parent set for softkey action!");
-            QWidget *actionWindow = actionParent->window();
-            Q_ASSERT_X(actionWindow, Q_FUNC_INFO, "Softkey action does not have window!");
-            windowType = actionWindow->windowType();
-        }
+        const Qt::WindowType windowType = initialSoftKeySource
+            ? initialSoftKeySource->window()->windowType() : Qt::Window;
         if (windowType != Qt::Dialog && windowType != Qt::Popup) {
             QString text(QSoftKeyManager::tr("Exit"));
             TPtrC nativeText = qt_QString2TPtrC(text);
@@ -374,17 +367,30 @@
     nativeContainer->DrawDeferred(); // 3.1 needs an extra invitation
+static void resetMenuBeingConstructed(TAny* /*aAny*/)
+    S60->menuBeingConstructed = false;
+void QSoftKeyManagerPrivateS60::tryDisplayMenuBarL()
+    CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(resetMenuBeingConstructed, NULL));
+    S60->menuBeingConstructed = true;
+    S60->menuBar()->TryDisplayMenuBarL();
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // Reset menuBeingConstructed to false in all cases
 bool QSoftKeyManagerPrivateS60::handleCommand(int command)
     QAction *action = realSoftKeyActions.value(command);
     if (action) {
         QVariant property = action->property(MENU_ACTION_PROPERTY);
         if (property.isValid() && property.toBool()) {
-            QT_TRAP_THROWING(S60->menuBar()->TryDisplayMenuBarL());
+            QT_TRAP_THROWING(tryDisplayMenuBarL());
         } else if (action->menu()) {
             // TODO: This is hack, in order to use exising QMenuBar implementation for Symbian
             // menubar needs to have widget to which it is associated. Since we want to associate
-            // menubar to action (which is inherited from QObejct), we create and associate QWidget
+            // menubar to action (which is inherited from QObject), we create and associate QWidget
             // to action and pass that for QMenuBar. This associates the menubar to action, and we
             // can have own menubar for each action.
             QWidget *actionContainer = action->property("_q_action_widget").value<QWidget*>();
@@ -403,15 +409,15 @@
                 action->setProperty("_q_action_widget", v);
-            QT_TRAP_THROWING(S60->menuBar()->TryDisplayMenuBarL());
-        } else {
-            Q_ASSERT(action->softKeyRole() != QAction::NoSoftKey);
-            QWidget *actionParent = action->parentWidget();
-            Q_ASSERT_X(actionParent, Q_FUNC_INFO, "No parent set for softkey action!");
-            if (actionParent->isEnabled()) {
-                action->activate(QAction::Trigger);
-                return true;
-            }
+            QT_TRAP_THROWING(tryDisplayMenuBarL());
+        }
+        Q_ASSERT(action->softKeyRole() != QAction::NoSoftKey);
+        QWidget *actionParent = action->parentWidget();
+        Q_ASSERT_X(actionParent, Q_FUNC_INFO, "No parent set for softkey action!");
+        if (actionParent->isEnabled()) {
+            action->activate(QAction::Trigger);
+            return true;
     return false;