changeset 37 758a864f9613
parent 33 3e2da88830cd
--- a/qmake/generators/symbian/symmake_sbsv2.cpp	Fri Sep 17 08:34:18 2010 +0300
+++ b/qmake/generators/symbian/symmake_sbsv2.cpp	Mon Oct 04 01:19:32 2010 +0300
@@ -56,6 +56,12 @@
 #define FLM_DEST_DIR "epoc32/tools/makefile_templates/qt"
 #define FLM_SOURCE_DIR "/mkspecs/symbian-sbsv2/flm/qt"
+#define PLATFORM_GCCE "gcce"
+#define PLATFORM_WINSCW "winscw"
+#define PLATFORM_ARMV5 "armv5"
+#define BUILD_DEBUG "udeb"
+#define BUILD_RELEASE "urel"
 // Copies Qt FLMs to correct location under epocroot.
 // This is not done by configure as it is possible to change epocroot after configure.
@@ -94,6 +100,67 @@
+QString SymbianSbsv2MakefileGenerator::gcceVersion()
+    static QString gcceVersionStr;
+    if (gcceVersionStr.isEmpty()) {
+        // First check if QT_GCCE_VERSION has been set, and use that if it is
+        QByteArray qtGcceVersion = qgetenv("QT_GCCE_VERSION");
+        if (!qtGcceVersion.isEmpty()) {
+            // Check that QT_GCCE_VERSION is in proper format
+            QString check(qtGcceVersion);
+            check.replace(QRegExp("^\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+$"),QString());
+            if (check.isEmpty()) {
+                gcceVersionStr = PLATFORM_GCCE + QString(qtGcceVersion).replace(".","_");
+                return gcceVersionStr;
+            } else {
+                fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Environment variable QT_GCCE_VERSION ('%s') is in incorrect "
+                        "format, expected format is: '1.2.3'. Attempting to autodetect GCCE version.",
+                        qtGcceVersion.constData());
+            }
+        }
+        // Sbsv2 has separate env variable defined for each gcce version, so try to determine
+        // which user is likely to want to use by checking version 4.0.0 to 9.9.9 and taking
+        // the highest found version that actually points to a valid path.
+        // This is kind of a kludge, but since qmake doesn't bootstrap QProcess, there
+        // is no Qt API available to get all environment variables.
+        for (int i = 9; i >= 4; i--) {
+            for (int j = 9; j >= 0; j--) {
+                for (int k = 9; k >= 0; k--) {
+                    QByteArray gcceVar = qgetenv(qPrintable(QString("SBS_GCCE%1%2%3BIN").arg(i).arg(j).arg(k)));
+                    if (!gcceVar.isEmpty() && fileInfo(QString::fromLocal8Bit(gcceVar.constData())).exists()) {
+                        gcceVersionStr = QString(PLATFORM_GCCE "%1_%2_%3").arg(i).arg(j).arg(k);
+                        return gcceVersionStr;
+                   }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    // Indicate undetected version to avoid rechecking multiple times
+    if (gcceVersionStr.isEmpty())
+        gcceVersionStr = UNDETECTED_GCCE_VERSION;
+    return gcceVersionStr;
+QString SymbianSbsv2MakefileGenerator::configClause(QString &platform,
+                                                    QString &build,
+                                                    QString &winscwClauseTemplate,
+                                                    QString &gcceClauseTemplate,
+                                                    QString &genericClauseTemplate)
+    QString retval;
+    if (QString::compare(platform, PLATFORM_WINSCW) == 0)
+        retval = winscwClauseTemplate.arg(build);
+    else if (QString::compare(platform, PLATFORM_GCCE) == 0)
+        retval = gcceClauseTemplate.arg(build);
+    else
+        retval = genericClauseTemplate.arg(platform).arg(build);
+    return retval;
 void SymbianSbsv2MakefileGenerator::writeSbsDeploymentList(const DeploymentList& depList, QTextStream& t)
     for (int i = 0; i < depList.size(); ++i) {
@@ -123,21 +190,54 @@
 void SymbianSbsv2MakefileGenerator::writeWrapperMakefile(QFile& wrapperFile, bool isPrimaryMakefile)
+    static QString debugBuild(BUILD_DEBUG);
+    static QString releaseBuild(BUILD_RELEASE);
     QStringList allPlatforms;
     foreach(QString platform, project->values("SYMBIAN_PLATFORMS")) {
         allPlatforms << platform.toLower();
-    QStringList debugPlatforms = allPlatforms;
-    QStringList releasePlatforms = allPlatforms;
-    releasePlatforms.removeAll("winscw"); // No release for emulator
     QString testClause;
     if (project->isActiveConfig(SYMBIAN_TEST_CONFIG))
         testClause = QLatin1String(".test");
         testClause = QLatin1String("");
+    QString genericClause = " -c %1_%2" + testClause;
+    QString winscwClause = " -c winscw_%1.mwccinc" + testClause;
+    QString gcceClause;
+    bool stripArmv5 = false;
+    if (allPlatforms.contains(PLATFORM_GCCE)) {
+        if (QString::compare(gcceVersion(), UNDETECTED_GCCE_VERSION) == 0) {
+            allPlatforms.removeAll(PLATFORM_GCCE);
+        } else {
+            gcceClause = " -c arm.v5.%1." + gcceVersion() + testClause;
+            // Since gcce building is enabled, do not add armv5 for any sbs command
+            // that also contains gcce, because those will build same targets.
+            stripArmv5 = true;
+        }
+    }
+    QStringList allClauses;
+    QStringList debugClauses;
+    QStringList releaseClauses;
+    QStringList debugPlatforms = allPlatforms;
+    QStringList releasePlatforms = allPlatforms;
+    releasePlatforms.removeAll(PLATFORM_WINSCW); // No release for emulator
+    foreach(QString item, debugPlatforms) {
+        if (item != PLATFORM_ARMV5 || !stripArmv5)
+            debugClauses << configClause(item, debugBuild, winscwClause, gcceClause, genericClause);
+    }
+    foreach(QString item, releasePlatforms) {
+        if (item != PLATFORM_ARMV5 || !stripArmv5)
+            releaseClauses << configClause(item, releaseBuild, winscwClause, gcceClause, genericClause);
+    }
+    allClauses << debugClauses << releaseClauses;
     QTextStream t(&wrapperFile);
     t << "# ==============================================================================" << endl;
@@ -177,9 +277,9 @@
     t << endl;
     t << "first: default" << endl;
-    if (debugPlatforms.contains("winscw"))
+    if (debugPlatforms.contains(PLATFORM_WINSCW))
         t << "default: debug-winscw";
-    else if (debugPlatforms.contains("armv5"))
+    else if (debugPlatforms.contains(PLATFORM_ARMV5))
         t << "default: debug-armv5";
     else if (debugPlatforms.size())
         t << "default: debug-" << debugPlatforms.first();
@@ -192,60 +292,61 @@
     } else {
         t << "all: debug release" << endl;
         t << endl;
+        QString qmakeCmd = "\t$(QMAKE) \"" + project->projectFile() + "\" " + buildArgs();
         t << "qmake:" << endl;
-        t << "\t$(QMAKE) -spec symbian-sbsv2 -o \"" << fileInfo(Option::output.fileName()).fileName()
-          << "\" \"" << project->projectFile() << "\"" << endl;
-        t << endl;
-        t << BLD_INF_FILENAME ":" << endl;
-        t << "\t$(QMAKE)" << endl;
+        t << qmakeCmd << endl;
         t << endl;
-        QString winscw("winscw");
+        t << BLD_INF_FILENAME ": " << project->projectFile() << endl;
+        t << qmakeCmd << endl;
+        t << endl;
+        QString currentClause;
         t << "debug: " << BLD_INF_FILENAME << endl;
         t << "\t$(SBS)";
-        foreach(QString item, debugPlatforms) {
-            if(QString::compare(item, winscw) == 0)
-                t << " -c " << item << "_udeb.mwccinc" << testClause;
-            else
-                t << " -c " << item << "_udeb" << testClause;
+        foreach(QString item, debugClauses) {
+            t << item;
         t << endl;
         t << "release: " << BLD_INF_FILENAME << endl;
         t << "\t$(SBS)";
-        foreach(QString item, releasePlatforms) {
-            if(QString::compare(item, winscw) == 0)
-                t << " -c " << item << "_urel.mwccinc" << testClause;
-            else
-                t << " -c " << item << "_urel" << testClause;
+        foreach(QString item, releaseClauses) {
+            t << item;
         t << endl;
         // For more specific builds, targets are in this form: build-platform, e.g. release-armv5
         foreach(QString item, debugPlatforms) {
             t << "debug-" << item << ": " << BLD_INF_FILENAME << endl;
-            if(QString::compare(item, winscw) == 0)
-                t << "\t$(SBS) -c " << item << "_udeb.mwccinc" << testClause << endl;
-            else
-                t << "\t$(SBS) -c " << item << "_udeb" << testClause << endl;
+            t << "\t$(SBS)";
+            t << configClause(item, debugBuild, winscwClause, gcceClause, genericClause);
+            t << endl;
         foreach(QString item, releasePlatforms) {
             t << "release-" << item << ": " << BLD_INF_FILENAME << endl;
-            if(QString::compare(item, winscw) == 0)
-                t << "\t$(SBS) -c " << item << "_urel.mwccinc" << testClause << endl;
-            else
-                t << "\t$(SBS) -c " << item << "_urel" << testClause << endl;
+            t << "\t$(SBS)";
+            t << configClause(item, releaseBuild, winscwClause, gcceClause, genericClause);
+            t << endl;
         t << endl;
         t << "export: " << BLD_INF_FILENAME << endl;
-        t << "\t$(SBS) export" << endl;
-        t << endl;
+        t << "\t$(SBS) export";
+        foreach(QString clause, allClauses) {
+            t << clause;
+        }
+        t << endl << endl;
         t << "cleanexport: " << BLD_INF_FILENAME << endl;
-        t << "\t$(SBS) cleanexport" << endl;
-        t << endl;
+        t << "\t$(SBS) cleanexport";
+        foreach(QString clause, allClauses) {
+            t << clause;
+        }
+        t << endl << endl;
     // Add all extra targets including extra compiler targest also to wrapper makefile,
@@ -263,30 +364,37 @@
     t << "clean: " << BLD_INF_FILENAME << endl;
-    t << "\t-$(SBS) reallyclean" << endl;
-    t << endl;
+    t << "\t-$(SBS) reallyclean";
+    foreach(QString clause, allClauses) {
+        t << clause;
+    }
+    t << endl << endl;
     t << "clean-debug: " << BLD_INF_FILENAME << endl;
     t << "\t$(SBS) reallyclean";
-    foreach(QString item, debugPlatforms) {
-        t << " -c " << item << "_udeb" << testClause;
+    foreach(QString clause, debugClauses) {
+        t << clause;
-    t << endl;
+    t << endl << endl;
     t << "clean-release: " << BLD_INF_FILENAME << endl;
     t << "\t$(SBS) reallyclean";
-    foreach(QString item, releasePlatforms) {
-        t << " -c " << item << "_urel" << testClause;
+    foreach(QString clause, releaseClauses) {
+        t << clause;
-    t << endl;
+    t << endl << endl;
     // For more specific builds, targets are in this form: clean-build-platform, e.g. clean-release-armv5
     foreach(QString item, debugPlatforms) {
         t << "clean-debug-" << item << ": " << BLD_INF_FILENAME << endl;
-        t << "\t$(SBS) reallyclean -c " << item << "_udeb" << testClause << endl;
+        t << "\t$(SBS) reallyclean";
+        t << configClause(item, debugBuild, winscwClause, gcceClause, genericClause);
+        t << endl;
     foreach(QString item, releasePlatforms) {
         t << "clean-release-" << item << ": " << BLD_INF_FILENAME << endl;
-        t << "\t$(SBS) reallyclean -c " << item << "_urel" << testClause << endl;
+        t << "\t$(SBS) reallyclean";
+        t << configClause(item, releaseBuild, winscwClause, gcceClause, genericClause);
+        t << endl;
     t << endl;
@@ -310,6 +418,28 @@
+    QMap<QString, QString> commandsToReplace;
+    commandsToReplace.insert(project->values("QMAKE_COPY").join(" "),
+                             project->values("QMAKE_SBSV2_COPY").join(" "));
+    commandsToReplace.insert(project->values("QMAKE_COPY_DIR").join(" "),
+                             project->values("QMAKE_SBSV2_COPY_DIR").join(" "));
+    commandsToReplace.insert(project->values("QMAKE_MOVE").join(" "),
+                             project->values("QMAKE_SBSV2_MOVE").join(" "));
+    commandsToReplace.insert(project->values("QMAKE_DEL_FILE").join(" "),
+                             project->values("QMAKE_SBSV2_DEL_FILE").join(" "));
+    commandsToReplace.insert(project->values("QMAKE_MKDIR").join(" "),
+                             project->values("QMAKE_SBSV2_MKDIR").join(" "));
+    commandsToReplace.insert(project->values("QMAKE_DEL_DIR").join(" "),
+                             project->values("QMAKE_SBSV2_DEL_DIR").join(" "));
+    commandsToReplace.insert(project->values("QMAKE_DEL_TREE").join(" "),
+                             project->values("QMAKE_SBSV2_DEL_TREE").join(" "));
+    // If commandItem starts with any $$QMAKE_* commands, do a replace for SBS equivalent
+    // Command replacement is done only for the start of the command or right after
+    // concatenation operators (&& and ||), as otherwise unwanted replacements might occur.
+    static QString cmdFind("(^|&&\\s*|\\|\\|\\s*)%1");
+    static QString cmdReplace("\\1%1");
     // Write extra compilers and targets to initialize QMAKE_ET_* variables
     // Cache results to avoid duplicate calls when creating wrapper makefile
     QTextStream extraCompilerStream(&extraCompilersCache);
@@ -321,13 +451,7 @@
     // are not necessary.
     QStringList allPreDeps;
     foreach(QString item, project->values("PRE_TARGETDEPS")) {
-        // Predeps get mangled in windows, so fix them to more sbsv2 friendly format
-#if defined(Q_OS_WIN)
-        if (item.mid(1, 1) == ":")
-            item = item.mid(0, 1).toUpper().append(item.mid(1)); // Fix drive to uppercase
-        item.replace("\\", "/");
-        allPreDeps << escapeDependencyPath(item);
+        allPreDeps.append(fileInfo(item).absoluteFilePath());
     foreach (QString item, project->values("GENERATED_SOURCES")) {
@@ -357,7 +481,6 @@
                 QStringList deps = project->values(QLatin1String("QMAKE_INTERNAL_ET_PARSED_DEPS.") + item + targetItem);
                 QString commandItem =  project->values(QLatin1String("QMAKE_INTERNAL_ET_PARSED_CMD.") + item + targetItem).join(" ");
                 // Make sure all deps paths are absolute
                 QString absoluteDeps;
                 foreach (QString depItem, deps) {
@@ -371,6 +494,18 @@
                 t << "OPTION PREDEP_TARGET " << absoluteTarget << endl;
                 t << "OPTION DEPS " << absoluteDeps << endl;
+                // Iterate command replacements in reverse alphabetical order of keys so
+                // that keys which are starts of other longer keys are iterated after longer keys.
+                QMapIterator<QString, QString> cmdIter(commandsToReplace);
+                cmdIter.toBack();
+                while (cmdIter.hasPrevious()) {
+                    cmdIter.previous();
+                    if (commandItem.contains(cmdIter.key())) {
+                        commandItem.replace(QRegExp(cmdFind.arg(cmdIter.key())),
+                                            cmdReplace.arg(cmdIter.value()));
+                    }
+                }
                 if (commandItem.indexOf("$(INCPATH)") != -1)
                     commandItem.replace("$(INCPATH)", incPath.join(" "));
                 if (commandItem.indexOf("$(DEFINES)") != -1)
@@ -388,8 +523,10 @@
     t << endl;
     //loc change starts
-    QString translationFilename = project->first("TRANSLATIONS");
-    if (!project->values("SYMBIANTRANSLATIONS").isEmpty() && !translationFilename.isEmpty()) {
+    //QString translationFilename = project->first("TRANSLATIONS");
+    if (!project->values("SYMBIANTRANSLATIONS").isEmpty() && !project->first("TRANSLATIONS").isEmpty()) {
+        QStringList translationFilenames = project->values("TRANSLATIONS");
+        foreach (const QString &translationFilename, translationFilenames) {
         QStringList symbianTranslations = project->values("SYMBIANTRANSLATIONS");
         QString symbianTrPath = project->first("SYMBIANTRANSLATIONDIR");
         QString symbianTrSrcPath = project->first("SYMBIANTRANSLATIONSRCDIR");    	
@@ -451,6 +588,7 @@
             t << endl;
+  }
     //QTP: loc change end
     // Write deployment rules