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+++ b/doc/src/qt4-intro.qdoc	Wed Mar 31 11:06:36 2010 +0300
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+** Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
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+** This file is part of the documentation of the Qt Toolkit.
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+    \page qt4-intro.html
+    \title What's New in Qt 4
+    \startpage index.html Qt Reference Documentation
+    \nextpage The Tulip Container Classes
+    This document covers the most important differences between Qt 3
+    and Qt 4. Although it is not intended to be a comprehensive
+    porting guide, it tells you about the most important portability
+    issues that you may encounter. It also explains how to turn on Qt
+    3 compatibility support.
+    \tableofcontents
+    \section1 New Technologies in Qt 4
+    Qt 4 introduces the following core technologies:
+    \list
+    \o \l{The Tulip Container Classes}{Tulip}, a new set of template container classes.
+    \o \l{The Interview Framework}{Interview}, a model/view architecture for item views.
+    \o \l{The Arthur Paint System}{Arthur}, the Qt 4 painting framework.
+    \o \l{The Scribe Classes}{Scribe}, the Unicode text renderer with a public API
+    for performing low-level text layout.
+    \o \l{The Qt 4 Main Window Classes}{Mainwindow}, a modern action-based
+    mainwindow, toolbar, menu, and docking architecture.
+    \o The new \l{The New Qt Designer}{\QD} user interface design tool.
+    \endlist
+    \section1 Recent Additions to Qt 4
+    The following features have been added to Qt since the first release of Qt 4:
+    In Qt 4.5:
+    \list
+    \o The WebKit browser engine included with Qt has been
+       upgraded to the latest upstream (trunk) version of WebKit,
+       bringing the latest features and improvements to Qt applications.
+    \o Qt for Mac OS X has been substantially rewritten to use
+       Apple's Cocoa API, enabling Qt applications to be deployed on
+       64-bit Macintosh hardware.
+    \o The QtXmlPatterns module has been extended to cover XSLT, a
+       transformation language for XML documents.
+    \o Qt Script introduced its debugger, 
+       providing error reporting for scripts, and to let users track down
+       bugs in their own scripts.
+    \o Qt 4.5 includes support for writing rich text documents as
+       OpenDocument files via the newly-introduced QTextDocumentWriter
+       class.
+    \o Qt Linguist can load and edit multiple translation
+       files simultaneously.
+    \o Support for ARGB top-level widgets (i.e., translucent
+       windows).
+    \endlist
+    In Qt 4.4:
+    \list
+    \o \l{QtWebkit Module}{Qt WebKit integration}, making it possible for developers
+    to use a fully-featured Web browser to display documents and access online
+    services.
+    \o A multimedia API provided by the \l{Phonon Overview}{Phonon Multimedia Framework}.
+    \o \l{QtXmlPatterns Module}{XQuery and XPath} support, providing facilities for
+    XML processing beyond that supported by the QtXml module.
+    \o Support for embedded widgets in \l{Graphics View} scenes.
+    \o The \l{Thread Support in Qt}{QtConcurrent framework} for
+    concurrent programming using Qt paradigms and threading features.
+    \o An \l{QtHelp Module}{improved help system} that can be used in conjunction
+    with Qt Assistant or as an independent help resource manager.
+    \o Printing system improvements, including the QPrinterInfo, QPrintPreviewWidget
+    and QPrintPreviewDialog classes.
+    \o Support for \l{Windows CE - Introduction to using Qt}{Qt for Windows CE} as
+    a mainstream Qt platform.
+    \o Improvements in performance of Qt for Embedded Linux and extended support for
+    display hardware.
+    \endlist
+    In Qt 4.3:
+    \list
+    \o Support for different \l{The Qt 4 Main Window Classes}{main window paradigms and styles},
+       such as those found in Visual Studio or KDevelop.
+    \o The \l{QtScript} module, providing support for application scripting with ECMAScript.
+    \o Improved graphics features, including an experimental Direct3D paint engine
+       and improved provision for hardware accelerated rendering with OpenGL, and
+       support for OpenGL ES in Qt for Embedded Linux.
+    \o \l{QSvgGenerator}{Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) export}, allowing SVG drawings to
+       be created using the standard QPainter API.
+    \o Support for arbitrary matrix transformations and set operations on painter paths.
+    \o Native look and feel on Windows Vista; improved look and feel on Mac OS X.
+    \o An improved \l{QMdiArea}{Multiple Document Interface (MDI)} implementation.
+    \o Continuous improvements to \QD, including support for
+       \l{Qt Designer's Widget Editing Mode#The Property Editor}{dynamic properties}.
+    \o Support for Secure Socket Layer (SSL) communications via the QSslSocket class.
+    \o Support for XML Localization Interchange File Format (XLIFF) files in \QL.
+    \o A new font subsystem for Qt for Embedded Linux.
+    \endlist
+    In Qt 4.2:
+    \list
+    \o The \l{Graphics View} framework for producing interactive graphics.
+    \o \l{Desktop Integration}{Desktop integration} facilities for applications.
+    \o \l{Qt Style Sheets} enable easy, yet powerful customization of
+       user interfaces.
+    \o Support for the \l{intro-to-dbus.html}{D-Bus} Inter-Process Communication (IPC) and Remote Procedure Calling (RPC) mechanism.
+    \o An \l{Undo Framework}{Undo framework} based on the
+       \l{Books about GUI Design#Design Patterns}{Command pattern}.
+    \o Support for model-based \l{QCompleter}{text completion} in standard and
+       custom widgets.
+    \o New widgets and GUI features, such as QCalendarWidget and
+       QGLFramebufferObject.
+    \o Classes to provide higher level application infrastructure, such as
+       QFileSystemWatcher and QDataWidgetMapper.
+    \endlist
+    In Qt 4.1:
+    \list
+    \o Integrated support for rendering
+    \l{The Arthur Paint System#SVG Rendering Support}{Scalable Vector Graphics}
+    (SVG) drawings and animations.
+    \o Support for
+       \l{QWidget#Transparency and Double Buffering}{child widget transparency}
+       on all platforms.
+    \o A Portable Document Format (PDF) backend for Qt's printing system.
+    \o A \l{QTestLib Manual}{unit testing framework} for Qt applications and
+       libraries.
+    \o Modules for \l{QtDesigner}{extending \QD} and
+       \l{QtUiTools}{dynamic user interface building}.
+    \o New \l{Proxy Models}{proxy models} to enable view-specific sorting and
+       filtering of data displayed using item views.
+    \o Support for \l{Installing Qt on Mac OS X}{universal binaries} on Mac OS X.
+    \o Additional features for developers using \l{QtOpenGL}{OpenGL}, such as
+    support for pixel and sample buffers.
+    \o A flexible \l{QSyntaxHighlighter}{syntax highlighting class} based on the
+       \l{Scribe} rich text framework.
+    \o Support for \l{QNetworkProxy}{network proxy} servers using the SOCKS5
+       protocol.
+    \o Support for OLE verbs and MIME data handling in \l{ActiveQt}.
+    \endlist
+    For more information about improvements in each Qt release, see
+    the \l{}
+    {detailed lists of changes}.
+    \section1 Significant Improvements
+    The following modules have been significantly improved for Qt 4:
+    \list
+    \o A fully cross-platform \l{accessibility}
+    module, with support for the emerging SP-API Unix standard in
+    addition to Microsoft and Mac Accessibility.
+    \o The \l{qt4-sql.html}{SQL module}, which is now based on the
+    Interview model/view framework.
+    \o The \l{qt4-network.html}{network module}, with better support
+    for UDP and synchronous sockets.
+    \o The \l{qt4-styles.html}{style API}, which is now decoupled from
+    the widgets, meaning that you can draw any user interface element on
+    any device (widget, pixmap, etc.).
+    \o Enhanced \l{qt4-threads.html}{thread support}, with signal-slot
+    connections across threads and per-thread event loops.
+    \o A new \l{resource system} for embedding images
+    and other resource files into the application executable.
+    \endlist
+    \section1 Build System
+    Unlike previous Qt releases, Qt 4 is a collection of smaller
+    libraries:
+    \table
+    \header \o Library          \o Description
+    \row    \o \l{QtCore}       \o Core non-GUI functionality
+    \row    \o \l{QtGui}        \o Core GUI functionality
+    \row    \o \l{QtNetwork}    \o Network module
+    \row    \o \l{QtOpenGL}     \o OpenGL module
+    \row    \o \l{QtSql}        \o SQL module
+    \row    \o \l{QtSvg}        \o SVG rendering classes
+    \row    \o \l{QtXml}        \o XML module
+    \row    \o \l{Qt3Support}   \o Qt 3 support classes
+    \row    \o \l{QAxContainer} \o ActiveQt client extension
+    \row    \o \l{QAxServer}    \o ActiveQt server extension
+    \row    \o \l{QtAssistant}  \o Classes for launching Qt Assistant
+    \row    \o \l{QtDesigner}   \o Classes for extending and embedding Qt Designer
+    \row    \o \l{QtUiTools}       \o Classes for dynamic GUI generation
+    \row    \o \l{QtTest}       \o Tool classes for unit testing
+    \endtable
+    QtCore contains tool classes like QString, QList, and QFile, as
+    well as kernel classes like QObject and QTimer. The QApplication
+    class has been refactored so that it can be used in non-GUI
+    applications. It is split into QCoreApplication (in \l QtCore)
+    and QApplication (in \l QtGui).
+    This split makes it possible to develop server applications using Qt
+    without linking in any unnecessary GUI-related code and without
+    requiring GUI-related system libraries to be present on the target
+    machine (e.g. Xlib on X11, Carbon on Mac OS X).
+    If you use qmake to generate your makefiles, qmake will by default
+    link your application against QtCore and QtGui. To remove the
+    dependency upon QtGui, add the line
+    \snippet doc/src/snippets/code/doc_src_qt4-intro.qdoc 0
+    to your .pro file. To enable the other libraries, add the line
+    \snippet doc/src/snippets/code/doc_src_qt4-intro.qdoc 1
+    Another change to the build system is that moc now understands
+    preprocessor directives. qmake automatically passes the defines set
+    for your project (using "DEFINES +=") on to moc, which has its own
+    built-in C++ preprocessor.
+    To compile code that uses UI files, you will also need this line in
+    the .pro file:
+    \snippet doc/src/snippets/code/doc_src_qt4-intro.qdoc 2
+    \section1 Include Syntax
+    The syntax for including Qt class definitions has become
+    \snippet doc/src/snippets/code/doc_src_qt4-intro.qdoc 3
+    For example:
+    \snippet doc/src/snippets/code/doc_src_qt4-intro.qdoc 4
+    This is guaranteed to work for any public Qt class. The old syntax,
+    \snippet doc/src/snippets/code/doc_src_qt4-intro.qdoc 5
+    still works, but we encourage you to switch to the new syntax.
+    If you attempt to include a header file from a library that isn't
+    linked against the application, this will result in a
+    compile-time warning (e.g., "QSqlQuery: No such file or
+    directory"). You can remedy to this problem either by removing
+    the offending include or by specifying the missing library in the
+    QT entry of your \c .pro file (see \l{Build System} above).
+    To include the definitions for all the classes in a library, simply
+    specify the name of that library. For example:
+    \snippet doc/src/snippets/code/doc_src_qt4-intro.qdoc 6
+    \section1 Namespaces
+    Qt 2 introduced a class called Qt for global-like constants
+    (e.g., \c{Qt::yellow}). The C++ namespace construct was not used
+    because not all compilers understood it when it was released.
+    With Qt 4, the Qt class has become the Qt namespace. If you want
+    to access a constant that is part of the Qt namespace, prefix it
+    with \c Qt:: (e.g., \c{Qt::yellow}), or add the directive
+    \snippet doc/src/snippets/code/doc_src_qt4-intro.qdoc 7
+    at the top of your source files, after your \c #include
+    directives. If you use the \c{using namespace} syntax you don't
+    need the prefix (e.g., \c yellow is sufficient).
+    When porting Qt 3 applications, you may run into some source
+    compatibility problems with some of these symbols. For example,
+    in Qt 3, it was legal to write \c QWidget::yellow instead of \c
+    Qt::yellow, because QWidget inherited from Qt. This won't work in
+    Qt 4; you must write \c Qt::yellow or add the "using namespace"
+    directive and drop the \c Qt:: prefix.
+    The \l{qt3to4 - The Qt 3 to 4 Porting Tool}{qt3to4} porting tool
+    automates this conversion.
+    \section1 QObject/QWidget Constructors
+    In Qt 4 we have tried to simplify the constructors of QObject/QWidget
+    subclasses. This makes subclassing easier, at the same time as it
+    helps make the Qt library more efficient.
+    Constructors no longer take a "const char *name" parameter. If
+    you want to specify a name for a QObject, you must call
+    QObject::setObjectName() after construction. The object name is
+    now a QString. The reasons for this change are:
+    \list
+    \o  Code that used it looked confusing, for example:
+        \snippet doc/src/snippets/code/doc_src_qt4-intro.qdoc 8
+        \c label1 is a QLabel that displays the text "Hello"; \c
+        label2 is a QLabel with no text, with the object name
+        "Hello".
+    \o  From surveys we did, most users didn't use the name, although
+        they blindly followed Qt's convention and provided a "const
+        char *name" in their subclasses's constructors. For example:
+        \snippet doc/src/snippets/code/doc_src_qt4-intro.qdoc 9
+    \o  The name parameter was in Qt since version 1, and it always
+        was documented as: "It is not very useful in the current
+        version of Qt, but it will become increasingly important in
+        the future." Ten years later, it still hasn't fulfilled its
+        promise.
+    \endlist
+    QWidget's \c WFlags data type has been split in two:
+    Qt::WindowFlags specifies low-level window flags (the type of
+    window and the frame style), whereas Qt::WidgetAttribute
+    specifies various higher-level attributes about the widget (e.g.,
+    WA_StaticContents). Widget attributes can be set at any time
+    using QWidget::setAttribute(); low-level window flags can be
+    passed to the QWidget constructor or set later using
+    QWidget::setParent(). As a consequence, the constructors of most
+    QWidget subclasses don't need to provide a \c WFlags parameter.
+    The \e parent parameter of all QObject classes in Qt defaults to
+    a 0 pointer, as it used to do in Qt 1. This enables a style of
+    programming where widgets are created without parents and then
+    inserted in a layout, at which point the layout automatically
+    reparents them.
+    \section1 Dynamic Casts
+    Qt 4 provides a qobject_cast<>() function that performs a dynamic cast
+    based on the meta-information generated by moc for QObject
+    subclasses. Unlike the standard C++ dynamic_cast<>() construct,
+    qobject_cast<>() works even when RTTI is disabled, and it works correctly
+    across DLL boundaries.
+    Here's the Qt 3 idiom to cast a type to a subtype:
+    \snippet doc/src/snippets/code/doc_src_qt4-intro.qdoc 10
+    The Qt 4 idiom is both cleaner and safer, because typos will always
+    result in compiler errors:
+    \snippet doc/src/snippets/code/doc_src_qt4-intro.qdoc 11
+    \section1 QPointer<T>
+    The QPointer<T> class provides a pointer to type T (where T inherits
+    from QObject) that is automatically set to 0 when the referenced
+    object is destroyed. Guarded pointers are useful whenever you want to
+    store a pointer to an object you do not own.
+    Example:
+    \snippet doc/src/snippets/code/doc_src_qt4-intro.qdoc 12
+    QPointer<T> is more or less the same as the old QGuardedPtr<T> class,
+    except that it is now implemented in a much more lightweight manner
+    than before. The cost of one QPointer<T> object is now approximately
+    the same as that of a signal--slot connection.
+    \section1 Paint Events
+    Qt 4 supports double buffering transparently on all platforms. This
+    feature can be turned off on a per-widget basis by calling
+    QWidget::setAttribute(Qt::WA_PaintOnScreen).
+    A consequence of this is that all painting must now be done from the
+    paintEvent() function. This is also required by the HIView API on Mac
+    OS X. In practice, this is seldom a problem, since you can call
+    update() from anywhere in your code to create a paint event, with the
+    region to update as the argument.
+    To help porting, QWidget supports a Qt::WA_PaintOutsidePaintEvent
+    attribute that can be set to make it possible to paint outside
+    \l{QWidget::paintEvent()}{paintEvent()} on Windows and X11.
+    \section1 Qt 3 Support Layer
+    Qt 4 provides an extension library that applications based on Qt 3,
+    called Qt3Support, that Qt applications can link against. This allows
+    for more compatibility than ever before, without bloating Qt.
+    \list
+    \o  Classes that have been replaced by a different class with the
+        same name, such as QListView, and classes that no longer exist in Qt 4
+        are available with a \c 3 in their name (e.g., Q3ListView, Q3Accel).
+    \o  Other classes provide compatibility functions. Most of these are
+        implemented inline, so that they don't bloat the Qt libraries.
+    \endlist
+    To enable the Qt 3 support classes and functions, add the line
+    \snippet doc/src/snippets/code/doc_src_qt4-intro.qdoc 13
+    to your \c .pro file.
+    On Visual C++ 7 and GCC 3.2+, using compatibility functions often results
+    in a compiler warning (e.g., "'find' is deprecated"). If you want to turn
+    off that warning, add the line
+    \snippet doc/src/snippets/code/doc_src_qt4-intro.qdoc 14
+    to your \c .pro file.
+    If you want to use compatibility functions but don't want to link
+    against the Qt3Support library, add the line
+    \snippet doc/src/snippets/code/doc_src_qt4-intro.qdoc 15
+    or
+    \snippet doc/src/snippets/code/doc_src_qt4-intro.qdoc 16
+    to your \c .pro file, depending on whether you want compatibility
+    function calls to generate compiler warnings or not.
+    \page qt4-6-intro.html
+    \title What's New in Qt 4.6
+    Qt 4.6 provides many improvements and enhancements over the
+    previous releases in the Qt 4 series. This document covers the
+    most important features in this release, separated by category.
+    A comprehensive list of changes between Qt 4.5 and Qt 4.6 is
+    included in the \c changes-4.6.0 file
+    \l{}{available
+    online}. A \l{Known Issues in %VERSION%}{list of known issues}
+    for this release is also available.
+    Changes between this release and the previous release are provided
+    in the \c{changes-%VERSION%} file (also
+    \l{}{available online}).
+    A list of other Qt 4 features can be found on the \bold{\l{What's
+    New in Qt 4}} page.
+    \bold{Highlights}
+    \tableofcontents
+    \section1 Support for Symbian
+    Qt 4.6 is the first release to include support for the Symbian
+    platform, with integration into the S60 framework. The port to
+    Symbian and S60 provides all functionality required to develop
+    rich end-user applications for devices running S60 3.1 and
+    later.
+    See the \l{The Symbian platform - Introduction to Qt} for more information.
+    \section1 Animation Framework
+    The animation framework helps build highly animated,
+    high-performance GUIs without the hassle of managing complex
+    structures, timers, and easing curves, not to mention the large
+    state graphs that all animated GUIs tend to be full of.
+    The framework makes it easy to animate \l{QObject}s, including
+    QWidgets, by allowing Qt properties to be animated. It also allows
+    creating custom animations and interpolation functions. Graphics
+    views are not left out; one can animate \l{QGraphicsWidget}s and
+    new \l{QGraphicsObject}s which inherit from QGraphicsItem
+    (and thereby enable properties).
+    Animations are controlled using easing curves and can be grouped
+    together. This enables animations of arbitrary complexity.
+    The API is easy to grasp with functions such as start(), stop(),
+    pause(), and currentTime(). Here is an image from one of the
+    examples that come with the framework:
+    \image whatsnewanimatedtiles.png
+    The animation framework also plugs into the new Qt Statemachine by
+    allowing an animation to be played when transitions are triggered.
+    The state machine framework is introduced in 4.6 and is described
+    below.
+    See \l{The Animation Framework} documentation for more information.
+    \section1 State Machine Framework
+    The state machine framework provides a robust state chart
+    implementation based on Harel statecharts and SCXML. Qt's API lets
+    you construct such state graphs and execute them. The key benefits
+    of a state machine are:
+    \list
+        \o Simplify complex application semantics.
+        \o Use of states to reduce code bloat.
+        \o Use states to improve maintainability. 
+        \o Makes event-driven programming robust and more
+           reusable.
+    \endlist
+    It is especially the last item here that makes using a state
+    machine worthwhile. A key characteristic of event-driven systems
+    (such as Qt applications) is that behavior often depends not only
+    on the last or current event, but also the events that preceded
+    it. With statecharts, this information is easy to express.
+    The framework fits neatly into Qt by allowing transitions to
+    trigger on signals and \l{QEvent}s. By inserting animations into
+    the state machine, it is also easier to use the framework for
+    animating GUIs, for instance.
+    See \l{The State Machine Framework} documentation for more information.
+    \section1 Multi-Touch and Gestures
+    Support for multi-touch input enables users to interact with many
+    parts of a user interface at the same time, and provides the basis
+    for gestures. Additional infrastructure for gesture recognition
+    allows a sequence of touch inputs to be combined to create gestures
+    that can be used to activate features and trigger actions in an
+    application.
+    \image gestures.png
+    This new functionality brings a number of benefits:
+    \list
+        \o Allows users to interact with applications in more natural ways.
+        \o Simplifies finger-based interaction with UI components.
+        \o Combines support for common basic gestures and multi-touch gestures
+           in a single general framework.
+        \o Enables extensibility by design.
+    \endlist
+    See the QTouchEvent class documentation for more information on multi-touch
+    input and QGestureEvent for gestures.
+    \section1 DOM access API
+    Web pages and XML both have very complex document object models.
+    The W3C selector API provides a very simple way to access and
+    manipulate such structures. This API makes it intuitive to access
+    DOM, helps reuse CSS selector knowledge, and gives little
+    maintenance or footprint overhead.
+    \snippet webkitsnippets/webelement/main.cpp FindAll
+    See the QWebElement class documentation for more information.
+    \section1 Performance Optimizations
+    As always, Qt continuously strive to optimize its performance.
+    For this release, we have:
+    \list
+        \o Rewritten the QGraphicsView rendering algorithm.
+        \o Made QPixmapCache support efficient Key datastructure.
+        \o Reduced overhead in QNetworkAccessManager.
+        \o Added the QContiguousCache class, which provides efficient caching of
+           contiguous data.
+        \o Added support for hardware-accelerated rendering through
+        \l{OpenVG Rendering in Qt}{OpenVG}
+        \o Removed Win9x support.
+    \endlist
+    \section1 Graphics Effects
+    Effects can be used to alter the appearance of UI elements such as
+    \l{QGraphicsItem}s and \l{QWidget}s. A couple of standard effects such
+    as blurring, colorizing and drop shadow are provided, and it is
+    possible to implement custom effects.
+    \table
+    \row
+    \o{2,1} \img graphicseffect-plain.png
+    \row
+    \o \img graphicseffect-blur.png
+    \o \img graphicseffect-colorize.png
+    \row
+    \o \img graphicseffect-opacity.png
+    \o \img graphicseffect-drop-shadow.png
+    \endtable
+    See the QGraphicsEffect class documentation for more information.
+    \section1 XML Schema Validation
+    The QtXmlPatterns module can now be used to validate schemas, either
+    through C++ APIs in the Qt application, or using the xmlpatternsvalidator
+    command line utility. The implementation of XML Schema Validation supports
+    the specification version 1.0 in large parts.
+    \img xml-schema.png
+    See the \l{XML Processing} and QXmlSchema class documentation for more
+    information.
+    \section1 Qt3D enablers
+    As more of Qt, and more of the applications built on Qt go 3D,
+    API's should be provided to simplify this. Mainly, the new API
+    aims to make it more easy to create 3D applications with OpenGL.
+    It will also unify the Qt OpenGL codebase, and enable
+    cross-platform 3D codebase.
+    The main features of the Qt3D enablers are currently: Math
+    primitives for matrix multiplication, vectors, quaternions
+    (client-side), and API for vertex and fragment shaders, GLSL/ES.
+    Future research will, among other things include stencils,
+    scissors, vertex buffers and arrays, texture manipulation, and
+    geometry shaders.
+    \section1 Multimedia Services
+    Qt 4.6 comes with new classes for handling audio. These classes
+    provide low-level access to the system's audio system. By
+    specifying the audio format (QAudioFormat) and supplying audio
+    data through a QIODevice, you get direct access to the
+    functionality of the sound device. The API also comes with
+    functions to query audio devices for which audio formats they
+    support.
+    See the \l{QtMultimedia Module} documentation for more information.
+    \section1 New Classes, Functions, Macros, etc.
+    Links to new classes, functions, macros, and other items
+    introduced in Qt 4.6.
+    \sincelist 4.6
+    \page qt4-5-intro.html
+    \title What's New in Qt 4.5
+    Qt 4.5 provides many improvements and enhancements over the previous releases
+    in the Qt 4 series. This document covers the most important features in this
+    release, separated by category.
+    A comprehensive list of changes between Qt 4.4 and Qt 4.5 is included
+    in the \c changes-4.5.0 file
+    \l{}{available online}.
+    A \l{Known Issues in %VERSION%}{list of known issues} for this release is also
+    available.
+    Changes between this release and the previous release are provided
+    in the \c{changes-%VERSION%} file (also
+    \l{}{available online}).
+    A list of other Qt 4 features can be found on the
+    \bold{\l{What's New in Qt 4}} page.
+    \bold{Highlights}
+    \tableofcontents
+    \section1 Qt WebKit Integration
+    \image webkit-netscape-plugin.png
+    The WebKit browser engine included with Qt has been upgraded to the latest
+    upstream (trunk) version of WebKit, bringing the latest features and
+    improvements to Qt applications. These include:
+    \list
+    \o Support for full page zooming, with appropriate rescaling of images and fonts.
+    \o The CSS-based transformation and animation features provided by a WebKit
+    extension.
+    \o Performance improvements due to faster JavaScript engine and optimized
+    page loading.
+    \endlist
+    Standards compatibility improvements include provision for the Netscape plugin
+    API, allowing most Netscape plugins to be used in-process, support for HTML 5
+    audio and video elements using Qt's Phonon integration, and
+    \l{Web Application Support}{facilities for client-side storage of Web content}.
+    \section1 Performance Improvements
+    The introduction of the QtBenchLib performance benchmarking library enables
+    performance benchmarking and regression testing. Core parts of Qt itself have
+    undergone focused re-engineering for improved graphics performance, including
+    paint engine and text rendering improvements, Graphics View and style sheet
+    performance improvements.
+    The X11 paint engine now uses XSHM (the X shared memory extension), resulting
+    in reduced overhead for painting operations.
+    A new OpenGL ES 2.0-based paint engine complements the existing OpenGL paint
+    engine, but with a focus on embedded devices.
+    Qt now features a pluggable graphics system, making it possible for users
+    and developers to select raster, OpenGL or native graphics systems to take
+    into account the specific needs of their applications and get the best
+    performance out of them.
+    \section1 Mac OS X Cocoa Support
+    \image mac-cocoa.png
+    Qt for Mac OS X has been substantially rewritten to use Apple's Cocoa API,
+    enabling Qt applications to be deployed on 64-bit Macintosh hardware.
+    In addition, the new QMacCocoaViewContainer and QMacNativeWidget classes
+    provide integration with Cocoa's own features and controls.
+    For many applications, a simple recompilation is all that is required
+    to produce an executable for 64-bit systems. Applications that use
+    specific features may require a few changes first.
+    \section1 Windows CE Feature Parity
+    Qt for Windows CE has been updated to bring features of Qt 4.4 and Qt 4.5
+    to the Windows CE platform, including:
+    \list
+    \o Phonon Multimedia Framework, using a Direct-Show based backend for audio
+    and video playback and a Simple WaveOut backend for devices without DirectShow.
+    \o The inclusion of Qt WebKit integration features previously unavailable for
+    Qt 4.4 on Windows CE.
+    \endlist
+    Support on all Windows CE platforms; recommended for WinCE 6 and higher.
+    The inclusion of these features enables developers to easily integrate Web and
+    multimedia content into Qt applications on Windows CE Standard Edition while
+    retaining full cross-platform compatibility with other Qt platforms.
+    \section1 XML Transformations with XSLT
+    The QtXmlPatterns module has been extended to cover XSLT, a transformation language
+    for XML documents. A common application of this is the transformation of XML data
+    into human-readable formats for reporting purposes.
+    XSLT makes it simple to reformat XML content without changing data structures,
+    removes the need for an intermediate DOM layer for presentation, and enables
+    rapid solutions to be created; for example, creating reports as HTML or PDF.
+    \section1 Qt Script Debugger
+    \image qtscript-debugger-small.png
+    Developers using Qt Script in their applications can take advantage of
+    the new \l{Qt Script Debugger Manual}{Qt Script Debugger} to provide
+    error reporting for scripts, and to let users track down bugs in their
+    own scripts.
+    Many standard features of GUI debugging tools are present, allowing the
+    developer to step through running script code, inspect variables,
+    automatically catch exceptions, and set conditional breakpoints.
+    \section1 OpenDocument File Format Support
+    Qt 4.5 includes support for writing rich text documents as OpenDocument files via
+    the newly-introduced QTextDocumentWriter class. This provides an generic mechanism
+    for file export that can be used to introduce support for additional formats in
+    future releases.
+    \section1 Improved Network Proxy Support
+    Qt's networking classes have been updated with
+    \l{QtNetwork Module#Support for Network Proxies}{improved proxy support}.
+    This includes improved integration with system proxy settings and the added
+    ability to handle non-trivial proxy cases.
+    \section1 Qt Designer Improvements
+    \image designer-screenshot-small.png
+    Qt Designer 4.5 boasts some improvements on usability, for example:
+    \list
+    \o  \bold{Icon Mode} for the widget box which substantially reduces
+        scrolling.
+    \o  \bold{Morphing Widgets} which lets you morph similar widget types,
+        e.g., a QWidget to a QFrame, types via the context menu's
+        \e{Morph into} entry.
+    \o  \bold{Filters} for the \gui{Property Editor} that lets you find
+        properties or widgets quickly.
+    \o  \bold{Find option} for the \gui{Object Inspector} that performs an
+        incremental search on the form's widgets. Also, the objects' layout
+        state is displayed here with using an icon on the left. Broken
+        layouts are represented with the same icon used for the
+        \e{Break Layout} action.
+    \endlist
+    In addition, Qt Designer now features an \gui{Embedded Design} tab that can
+    be found in the \gui Preferences dialog. Within this tab, you can define
+    embedded device profiles. These profiles contains screen settings, e.g.,
+    display resolution, default font and default style. Qt Designer will use
+    these settings when you edit forms.
+    More information about these improvements can be found in the
+    \l{What's New in Qt Designer 4.5} overview.
+    \section1 Qt Linguist Improvements
+    Qt Linguist can now load and edit multiple translation files simultaneously.
+    Support for XML Localization Interchange File Format (XLIFF) files, previously added
+    to the \c lupdate tool in Qt 4.3, has been improved and extended to the rest of the
+    Qt Linguist toolchain. This enables files stored in Qt's TS translation format to
+    be exported for use with other tools.
+    The GNU Gettext PO format, which is commonly used in Open Source projects,
+    is now supported by Qt Linguist.
+    Support for a new way to annotate messages, using comments in the source code,
+    has been added to the toolchain. See the QObject::tr() documentation for a detailed
+    description and examples.
+    The new \c lconvert filter tool facilitates conversion between file formats and
+    can be used to perform other transformations on collections of translatable strings.
+    \section1 Graphics Enhancements
+    In addition to the performance improvements in this release, a number of graphics
+    enhancements extend support for existing features to more platforms and expand Qt's
+    core set of features with successful add-ons.
+    Widget style sheets can now be used on Mac OS X, making this approach to theming
+    and styling viable for truly cross-platform applications.
+    Support for ARGB top-level widgets, previously available as a separate solution,
+    is now provided as an integral part of Qt. This makes it possible to create windows
+    with translucent regions on systems with the appropriate support from the user's
+    window system. See the \l{QWidget#Creating Translucent Windows}{Creating Translucent
+    Windows} section of the QWidget documentation for details of this feature.
+    \image gtk-style-screenshot.png
+    Improved GTK+ integration provided by the QGtkStyle class improves the look and feel
+    of Qt applications in GNOME and other GTK-based environments. The screenshot above
+    illustrates this clearly.