author Alex Gilkes <alex.gilkes@nokia.com>
Mon, 11 Jan 2010 14:00:40 +0000 (2010-01-11)
changeset 0 1918ee327afb
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revision: 200952
Qt 2.0 introduces a wide range of major new features as well as
substantial improvements over the 1.x series.  The documentation has
been significally extended and improved.

This file will only give an overview of the main changes since version
1.44.  A complete list would simply be too large to be useful.  For
more detail see the online documentation which is included in this
distribution, and also available on http://qt.nokia.com/doc/

The Qt version 2.x series is not binary compatible with the 1.x
series.  This means programs compiled with Qt version 1.x must be
recompiled to work with Qt 2.0.

Qt 2.0 is mostly, but not completely, source compatible with Qt 1.x.
See the document "Porting from Qt 1.x to Qt 2.0" in the Online
Reference Documentation for information on how to port an existing Qt
1.x-based program to Qt 2.0.  Note in particular the automatic porting
script included - it does a lot of the work for you.

As for 1.x, the API and functionality of Qt is completely portable
between Microsoft Windows and X11.  And between Windows 95, 98 and NT:
Unlike most toolkits, Qt lets a single executable work on all three.

* 			   New major features				   *

* Support for international software development:
    QTranslator and the QObject::tr() function
    QTextCodec (and subclasses)
    QString is now a 16-bit Unicode string with good support for
	legacy 8-bit interoperation. (The old 8-bit string class
	from Qt 1.x has been renamed to QCString.)
    QChar - a Unicode character

* Rich Text
    QTextView - formatted text and images
    QTextBrowser - navigate formatted text and images
    QStyleSheet - define your own XML formatting tags
    QSimpleRichText - display rich text anywhere

* Convenient and powerful new collection classes:
    QMap<Key,Type> - QDict with arbitrary keys
    QValueList<Type> - QList of types other than pointers
    QStringList - QValueList<QString> with helper functions

* Dialogs
    QColorDialog - user picks a color
    QFontDialog - user picks a font
    QWizard - framework for leading users through steps

* Layout
    QGrid/QHBox/QVBox - grid and boxes of widgets automatically assembled
    QHGroupBox/QVGroupBox - easy framed groups of widgets
    QSizePolicy - a widget's abilities to change size in different ways

* Custom layouts
    New, much simpler and more powerful API for creating custom layouts

* PNG Support
    PNG support is now included in the core library

* Support for generalized configurable GUI styles:
    QStyle and subclasses

* Session management
    QSessionManager - saving state when the system shuts down

* Extended coordinate system
    QPoint, QPointArray, QSize and QRect now have 32-bit coordinates

* Cleaner namespace
    Global functions, enums and macros now either start with a 'q' or
    have been moved into the new namespace class "Qt"

* 			     List of removed classes			   *

* QGManager
    Use the new custom layout API.

* QPointVal, QPointData
    Use QPoint.

* QUrlDrag
    Changed to QUriDrag

* QWindow
    Use QWidget

* 			     List of new classes			   *

* QCDEStyle
* QChar
* QColorDialog
* QCommonStyle
* QConstString
* QCString
* QDragEnterEvent
* QDragLeaveEvent
* QDropSite
* QFontDialog
* QGLayoutIterator
* QGrid
* QHBox
* QHButtonGroup
* QHGroupBox
* QHideEvent
* QLayoutItem
* QLayoutIterator
* QMimeSource
* QMimeSourceFactory
* QMotifStyle
* QPlatinumStyle
* QSessionManager
* QShowEvent
* QSimpleRichText
* QSizeGrip
* QSizePolicy
* QSortedList
* QSpacerItem
* QStringList
* QStyle
* QStyleSheet
* QStyleSheetItem
* Qt
* QTab
* QTabWidget
* QTextBrowser
* QTextCodec
* QTextDecoder
* QTextEncoder
* QTextIStream
* QTextOStream
* QTextView
* QTranslator
* QUriDrag
* QVBox
* QVButtonGroup
* QVGroupBox
* QWheelEvent
* QWidgetItem
* QWindowsStyle
* QWizard

For details, see e.g http://qt.nokia.com/doc/qcdestyle.html (or any
other class name, lowercased).