As with most development projects, contributions come from many people and in many forms. The CLucene project would like to thank it's many contributors. Omissions are merely accidental, please e-mail if you have been left out or a contribution is not mentioned.CLucene was originally ported to C++ by Ben van Klinken ( Doug Cutting's popular java search engine, Lucene (see is a list of contributors. Please send me an email at ustramooner@users.sourceforge.netif I have left you out.Doug Cutting cutting@users.sourceforge.netJohn Wheeler j_wheeler@users.sourceforge.netRobert G. Ristroph rgristroph@users.sourceforge.netDavid Rushby woodsplitter@users.sourceforge.netJimmy Pritts jpritts@sdf.lonestar.orgPeter Edwards Sabater Redondo jsabater@elderecho.comDaniel Glassey danglassey@ntlworld.comPeter Gladkikh batyi@mail.ruPedja amigo@max3d.comPeter Hodges