LicenseThe CLucene Core Library uses a dual license strategy for the source code. These licenses are the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) and the ApacheLicense (Version 2.0). Users can choose the license they wish to distributetheir software under. This means that you do not need to abide by *both*licenses, but rather than you can choose the license which most suits yourneeds.To rephrase this and to make it perfectly clear:CLucene is distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) *or*the Apache License, Version 2.0However, we are an open source project, and we encourage users to use the LGPL license and participate fully in the free software community. Dual licensingof the CLucene source code provides open and free access to the technology bothfor the GPL community and for other developers or companies that cannot use theGPL.You can freely modify, extend, and improve the CLucene source code. The onlyquestion is whether or not you must provide the source code and contributemodifications to the community. The GNU and Apache licenses allow differentranges of flexibility in this regard, but in the end, regardless of the licenseused, we highly recommend that you submit any bugs, incompatibilities oradded features.Note that this same license does *not* apply to the CLucene Contributionspackage. You should read the COPYING file in that directory or package formore information.