import Qt 4.7
This is a static display test of the various Image fill modes. See the png file in the data
subdirectory to see what the image should look like.
Rectangle {
id: screen; width: 750; height: 600; color: "gray"
property string source: "face.png"
Grid {
columns: 3
Image { width: 250; height: 300; source: screen.source; fillMode: Image.Stretch }
Image { width: 250; height: 300; source: screen.source; fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit; smooth: true }
Image { width: 250; height: 300; source: screen.source; fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectCrop }
Image { width: 250; height: 300; source: screen.source; fillMode: Image.Tile; smooth: true }
Image { width: 250; height: 300; source: screen.source; fillMode: Image.TileHorizontally }
Image { width: 250; height: 300; source: screen.source; fillMode: Image.TileVertically }