Qt 4.4 introduces many new features as well as many improvements andbugfixes over the 4.3.x series. For more details, see the onlinedocumentation which is included in this distribution. Thedocumentation is also available at http://qt.nokia.com/doc/4.4The Qt version 4.4 series is binary compatible with the 4.3.x series.The Qt for Embedded Linux version 4.4 series is binary compatible with theQtopia Core 4.3.x series. Applications compiled for 4.3 will continue torun with 4.4.Some of the changes listed in this file include issue tracking numberscorresponding to tasks in the Task Tracker: http://qt.nokia.com/developer/task-trackerEach of these identifiers can be entered in the task tracker to obtainmore information about a particular change.***************************************************************************** General *****************************************************************************General Improvements--------------------- Legal * This version introduces the GPL version 3 as an alternative license for the Open Source Edition of Qt, in addition to the existing licenses. * Updated the GPL Exception to version 1.2, which grants additional rights to developers using the LGPL version 3.0 and other licenses for their software.- Configuration/Compilation * [102113, 151125] Make it possible to use Qt headers with MSVC's warning level 4. * [129841] Make Qt compile with Intel C++ 9.0 and Intel C++ 10 compilers on Windows. * [168868] Add experimental support for the Blackfin processor. * [188167] Fixed a bug in the solaris-cc mkspec that would cause it to always use RPATH, even when configured with -no-rpath. * [176029] Added qmalloc.cpp with qMalloc() and qFree() implementation to make it easier to replace the default container allocators with custom allocators (by providing your own qmalloc.o(bj) file). * Enable -reduce-exports automatically on linux-icc* mkspecs when using version 10.1 of the Intel C++ Compiler for Linux. * Add experimental support for the AVR32 processor. * Allow building Qt with -release and the Intel C++ Compiler for Linux. This required working around several compiler bugs by turning optimizations off for certain modules. See the compiler notes for more details. * Add support for MSVC 2008, and add separate mkspecs for MSVC 2002 & 2003. * [189185] Avoid quoting the the include and library paths for iconv.- Documentation and Examples * The Qt Designer Manual was updated to include new Qt Designer features. * QtScript module overview was updated with more examples and reference material. * [161404] The 40000 Chips demo no longer shifts when clicking the OpenGL button. * [188676] Fixed text item moving in Diagram Scene example. * New demo: Embedded Dialogs * New demo: Browser * New example: Graphics View / Pad Navigator * New example: Item Views / Address Book * New example: WebKit / Previewer * New Example: XmlPatterns / Recipes * New tutorial: Address Book * Multiple bug fixes for the Torrent Client example. * Speed-ups in the Ported Asteroids Example. * [164223] All examples that use resources now include Q_INIT_RESOURCES to avoid breakage in static builds.- Translations * Added a Traditional Chinese translation of the Qt and tools courtesy of Franklin. * Added a Spanish translation of Qt courtesy of Enrique Matias Sanchez.- Signals and slots * [147681] Added support for 'long long' and 'unsigned long long' in queued connections. * [125987] Optimized QMetaObject::activate(), the function that actually delivers signals to all connected slots. * [164558] Fixed a bug that caused queued signals to be delivered out of order (not in the order they are emitted). * [169554] Added Q_EMIT, to correspond to Q_SIGNAL and Q_SLOT.- Multithreaded painting * [66358, 142031] Added support for painting on QImage, QPicture, and QPrinter in multiple threads. See the Multithreaded Programming documentation for more details on supported features and known limitations.- Embedded QWidget support for Graphics View * [177204] Added support for using layouts, styles, palettes and fonts, as well as embedding QWidgets into a QGraphicsScene.- XML support in QtCore * The QXmlStreamReader, QXmlStreamWriter and supporting classes have moved from the QtXml module to the QtCore module. This change is both source- and binary-compatible with previous versions. New applications can opt to not link to QtXml when using these classes.- Printing Made a number of improvements to printing in Qt 4.4, including support for setting custom page sizes and custom margins as well as the ability to programatically enumerate printers via the new QPrinterInfo class. A couple of new classes, QPrintPreviewWidget and QPrintPreviewDialog, have been added to make it easy to add a print preview to an application. The QPrintDialog and QPageSetupDialog for X11 have been redesigned and are hopefully easier to use.New features------------- XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 support provided through the new QtXmlPatterns module.- Qt Help module for embedding documentation into applications.- QSystemSemaphore provides a general counting system semaphore.- QSharedMemory provides access to a shared memory segment between multiple threads and processes.- QLocalServer class provides a local socket-based server with a matching new QLocalSocket class.- QFileSystemModel provides a data model for the local file system. Unlike QDirModel, QFileSystemModel will fetch directory listings in a background thread to prevent any locking in the GUI. QFileSystemModel is also much faster and has a few more features then QDirModel.- QCommandLinkButton to support Vista style command links on all platforms.- QFormLayout provides a layout designed for convenient form creation with the appropriate appearance on different platforms. This class previously appeared in Qtopia/4.3, but has been integrated into Qt.- QtConcurrent provides a high level multi-threading API.- QPlainTextEdit provides a highly scalable plain text editor. It uses similar technology and concepts as QTextEdit, but is optimized for plain text handling; e.g. as a log viewer.- QTextBoundaryFinder is a new class implementing the Unicode text boundaries specification.Third party components----------------------- Updated Qt's SQLite version to 3.5.4.- Updated Qt's libpng version to 1.2.25.- Added CLucene version 0.9.17.- Added WebKit (see the src/3rdparty/webkit/VERSION file for the version).- Added Phonon version 4.1.***************************************************************************** Library *****************************************************************************- General Fixes * [147201] Assert in debug mode when using QReadLocker, QWriteLocker, or QMutexLocker with unaligned pointers.- QAbstractButton * [190739] Ensure button with the TabFocus policy doesn't receive focus through others ways. * [192074] Disable key navigation for buttons in a item view.- QAbstractItemModel * [171469] Speed up insertion of rows into a model.- QAbstractItemView * [162487] Check canFetchMore() on the model before calling fetchMore(). * [179163] The virtual selectAll() is now called when the user types "Ctrl+A" * [181413] Fixed InternalMove for MoveAction-only models. * [181988, 192114] Made mouse wheel smarter on ScrollPerPixel mode. * [182248] Trasparent background for the dragged visual. * [184507] setVerticalScrollMode(ScrollPerItem) can cause the view to scroll to the bottom. * Add autoScrollMargin property. * [162547] Make the current index stay in the viewport when sorting. * [165404] Make the drop indicator stylable. * [160611] Ensured that the hover item is updated when dragging over the view. * [162497] Allow key events to be propagated. * [186052] Mac: The alternatingRowColors property now honors the Graphite color setting. * [202276] Fixed crash when pressing Ctrl+C in a view with no model. * [202034] Ensured that the editor's geometry is kept up to date when rows are inserted. * [204403] Only scroll to the current index on reset if the view is editing.- QAbstractProxyModel * [156789] Fixed a crash when deleting the source model. * [194765] Made headerData() call mapToSource() when asking for data. * [195023] Added setData() and setHeaderData() implementation.- QAbstractScrollArea * [159949] Fixed a bug where setting the horizontal scroll had no effect.- QAbstractSpinBox * [183108] Allowed a spin box to be cleared before it is visible. * [198687] Always reset modified and undo states of the line edit upon pressing Enter.- QAccessible * [177706] Windows narrator will now read Tooltips properly. * [182437] Tooltips are now read aloud once instead of twice.- QAction * [200823] Fixed regression that caused the tool tip of an action not to show the shortcut by default. * [97238] Introduced the iconVisibleInMenu.- QApplication * [100630, 153895] Fixed a bug where key press events were always sent as non-spontaneous events, while the key release event was spontaneous. * [194454, 196062] Fixed QApplication::quitOnLastWindowClosed to work as documented. * [97238] Introduce an attribute (AA_DontShowIconsInMenus) to control the default behavior of icons in menus. This obsoletes the qt_mac_set_menubar_icons() function. * [201218] Fix bug on Mac OS X where Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose failed to delete on close.- QAtomicInt- QAtomicPointer * [168853] Introduced QAtomicInt and QAtomicPointer into the public API. These classes provide a cross-platform API for doing atomic operations. * Optimized testAndSet*() on PowerPC to not branch in the best case (when value == expectedValue). * [197244] Fixed the gcc inline assembler constraints for the PowerPC implementation. * [198399] Applied patch from SUSE to add S390(x) support.- QBoxLayout * [103626] Added insertSpacerItem() and addSpacerItem(). * [127621] Made setStretchFactor() behave correctly if widget == 0.- QBrush * [179308] Fixed a bug which caused QBrush to forget the color if it was passed in the constructor along with Qt::NoBrush. * [169502] Fixed a threading issue with setTextureImage().- QBuffer * [184730] A TIFF image can now be stored correctly in a QByteArray.- QByteArray * [193870] Copy the data of a QByteArray that is taken from QByteArray::fromRawData() when appending more data. * [82509] Added QT_NO_CAST_FROM_BYTEARRAY to disable "operator const char *" and "operator const void *".- QCalendarWidget * [181388] Added support for updating the cell of a particular QDate. * [172053] Fixed palette bug for calendar's buttons.- QChar- QCleanlooksStyle * [194082] Fixed disabled checkbox painted as unchecked. * [189609] Fixed an issue where QMdiSubWindow could have incorrect buttons. * [182806] Retain hover appearance on slider while dragging. * [180105] Fixed gradient backgrounds shown as black on a pressed QPushButton. * [176674] Fixed combobox drop down ignoring custom icon sizes. * [197691] Made the style work better on older X11 servers without XRender support.- QColorDialog * [142706] use QDialogButtonBox to conform with the style it is running in.- QColumnView * [167408] Added createColumn() to help make subclassing easier.- QComboBox * [155578] Improved calculation of size hint for combo box pop-up. * [183982] Fix bug where the combobox width was not wide enough in some styles. * [187744] Made QComboBox behave slightly better when the view is a tree. * [189444] Allowed separators in the list. * [190332] Made the popup respect the view's selection behavior. * Made setEditable(false) explicitly hide the lineEdit, otherwise it may remain visible when executing a modal dialog immediately afterwards. * [154884] Fixed a bug where the popup was hidden without calling QComboBox::hidePopup(). * [169848] Fixed a bug where the combo box did not open as expected when using a touch screen. * [153975] Mac OS X: Improved the visual appearance (flash selected item and fade away when hiding the menu). * [190351] Fixed setView() for style using SH_ComboBox_Popup. * [191329] Fixed the height calculation of the popup for custom view.- QCommonStyle * [173539] Make the combo label draw according to the combo box's layout direction and not the application's.- QCompleter * [189564] Prevented unselectable items from appearing in the completion list. * [180785] Ensured that QCompleter emits activated() after pressing the Return key.- QCoreApplication * [157435] Fixed the posted event implementation to prevent the pending queue from growing endlessly while a modal event loop is running. * [132395] Sent DeferredDelete events at the right time. Specifying the QEventLoop::DeferredDeletion flag (now deprecated) to processEvents() is no longer necessary. * [131235] Added QCoreApplication::applicationPid(). * [132859] Don't explicitly set the LC_NUMBERIC locale to "C" on UNIX systems. * [187044] Fixed a crash when addLibraryPath() or setLibraryPaths() is invoked before creating QCoreApplication. * [161049, 171670] Don't leak the single QThread instance that Qt creates to represent the main() thread. * [143743] Added the QCoreApplication::applicationVersion property.- QCryptographicHash * [190062] Ensured that calling result() twice returns the same value.- QDataWidgetMapper * [194784] Allowed setting NULL values for editors.- QDataStream * [196100] Fixed compatibility issue with QCString in Qt3.x streams. * [196415] Fixed compatibility issue with invalid colors in Qt 3.x streams.- QDateTime, QDate, QTime * [189882] Optimized {QDate,QTime,QDateTime}::fromString() so that it is about 40% faster than before. * [193079] Have {QDate,QTime,QDateTime}::fromString() understand locale-dependent string formats. * Added enum values to distinguish between short and long formats.- QDateTimeEdit * Added properties minimumDateTime/maximumDateTime * [169916] Added a timeSpec property for QDateTimeEdit * [178027] Make QDateTimeEdit respect the locale property * [158950] Disable QCalendarWidget popup when the dateTimeEdit is read-only. * [145872] Added a getter and setter for the QCalendarWidget popup.- QDateEdit * Don't interpret time-specific formats as special fields in a QDateEdit and vice versa for QTimeEdit.- QDesktopServices * [89584] Added a way to get users Documents, Desktop, Movies directories. * [105740] Added a way to determine the location to store data files.- QDialog * [174842] Ignore the close event if the reimplementation of reject() doesn't close the dialog.- QDialogButtonBox * [191642] Don't steal the default button if there is one already. * [196352] Fixed roles of QDialogButtonBox::Abort and QDialogButtonBox::Ignore.- QDir * [172057] Fixed bug when sorting directories containing files larger than 2GB. * [177904] Fixed a problem with QDir::tempPath() and QDir::homePath() returning trailing slashes inconsistently. Now it returns the absolute path name, without the trailing slash.- QDirModel * [176323] Fixed display of files moved by drag and drop (on a QTreeView). * [196768] Fixed sorting.- QDockWidget * [171661] Fixed setTitlebarWidget(0) to reset the native decoration. * [169808] SizeHint is now taken into account. * [188583] Fixed a bug making dockLocationChanged signal not always emitted. * [193613] Highlighted splitters between QDockWidgets, now go back to inactive state when the cursor have passed over it.- QDoubleSpinBox * [164696] QWidget::locale() is now used for all string-to-number conversions.- QErrorMessage * [189429] Fixed "do not show again" with rich text message.- QEvent * [37536] Add QEvent:registerEventType() for obtaining a unique event type ID. * [161940] Fix QContextMenuEvent::modifiers() on X11 and Qt for Embedded Linux to behave like the Windows and Mac OS X. Previously, this * [166605] A drop event's drop action is now initialized to the drag manager's current default action.- QFile * [107448] Fixed bug where QFile::write() would fail to report an error on disk full. * Added map() and unmap() to map files into memory.- QFileDialog * [71645] Added a property to hide filter details. * [174510] Ensured that when multiple files are selected, all of them will be deleted, not just the current one. * [172254] selectFile should also set the current directory. * [185930] getExistingDirectory directory file not updated after renaming the new directory. * [164591] Provided a way to set the QDir::filter on the model. * [180459] Native OS X file dialog forgets last visited directory. * [184508] Improved speed when showing a lot of files. * [184508] Improved launch speed.- QFont * Add Capitalize font-capitalization feature including small caps. * [191756] Do not crash when font config finds no fonts on the system. * [145015] Don't replace '-' characters in font names anymore. * Fixed a bug where glyphs sometimes showed up in italic for a non italic font (X11/Embedded Linux only). * Fixed a bug where xHeight() sometimes returned a wrong number (X11/Embedded Linux only). * Added support for word- and letter-spacing.- QFontComboBox * Fixed a bug where font name would not be displayed in some cases.- QFontMetrics * [179946] Fixed averageCharWidth() to change return value after adding text to a QPainterPath.- QFSFileEngine * [200220] Fixed a potential crash and removed some potential resource leaks. * [190377] Fixed a reentrancy bug on all platforms; querying the canonical path no longer relies on chdir() and realpath(). * [155284] Fixed uninitialized memory problem when calling realpath() with an empty name on Solaris.- QGL * [137573] Fixed drawing of images/pixmaps larger than the maximum texture size in the OpenGL paint engine. * [175853] Added new drawTexture member functions for convenient drawing of textures in QGLWidget, QGLContext, QGLFramebufferObject, and QGLPixelBuffer. * [187954] Fixed an issue with missing corner pixels when drawing rectangles in the OpenGL paint engine.- QGLContext * [184996] Made isSharing() return something useful after a QGLWidget has been reparented under Windows.- QGLPixelBuffer * [195317] Make QGLPixelBuffer::hasOpenGLPbuffers() preserve the current GL context when called.- QGLWidget * [128157] QPixmap::grabWidget() now works on a QGLWidget. * Added support for syncing drawing to QGLWidgets under X11 via the QGLFormat::setSwapInterval() mechanism. This requires the GLX_SGI_video_sync extension to be present. * [183472] Made renderText() respect the currently set GL scissor box and GL viewport. * [182849] Fixed a crash on the Mac when renderPixmap() was called on a multisampled GL context. * [176618] Don't require depth testing to be enabled for the 3D version of renderText() to work.- QGradient * [178299] Fixed an issue where calling setColorAt twice with the same position would not replace the existing color at that position.- QGraphicsItem * [161160] Speedup when removing children from an item. * [158799] QGraphicsItem now returns a different scene from itemChange(ItemSceneChange). * [127051] Added support for item caching in local and device coordinates. * [183996] Fixed a bug caused when items are moved by pressing many mouse buttons at the same time. * [192983] Added QGraphicsItem::boundingRegion(), which allows updating items based on their shape instead of their bounding rect. * Improved QGraphicsItem::isObscured() and QGraphicsItem::opaqueArea() speed and accuracy. * [195916] Fixed crash when deleting an item as it receives a contextMenuEvent(). * [202476] DeviceCoordinateCache now works with perspective transformations. * [202718] DeviceCoordinateCache performance improved greatly when the cached item does minimal updates. * [202689] Scrolling works (but is slow) for cached items.- QGraphicsItemAnimation * [164587] QGraphicsItemAnimation::reset() has been marked as obsolete.- QGraphicsLineItem * [177918] Lines with the same start and end point are now valid, and rendered as a point.- QGraphicsScene * [160463] QGraphicsScene::clearSelection() is now a slot. * [161284] Added Q_DISABLE_COPY. * [163854] QGraphicsScene no longer sends events to a disabled mouse grabber item. * [176902] Add support for context menu event propagation. * [176178] QGraphicsScene::sceneRect() now auto-updates also with NoIndex set. * [186398] Added a fast QGraphicsScene::clear(), and massive speed-up in recursive scene destruction. * [180663] Fixed miscalculated expose rects in QGraphicsScene::render(). * [176124] Ensure that all mouse events that should have a widget assigned do have a widget assigned. * [174238] The selectionChanged() signal is no longer emitted twice when replacing one selection with another. * [160653] selectionChanged is now emitted when reselecting an already selected item. * QGraphicsScene::mouseMoveEvent now receives all mouse move events from the views, and translates them into hover events for the items. This allows you to track all mouse move events for the entire scene, without having to reimplement QGraphicsScene::event() and duplicating the QGraphicsScene implementation.- QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent * [151155] Added support for keyboard modifiers. * [157222] Added support for lastPos, lastScenePos, and lastScreenPos.- QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent- QGraphicsSvgItem * [171131] Fixed painting error caused by using obsolete pixmap cache entry.- QGraphicsView * [152477] Fix to QGraphicsView's scroll bar range calculation. * [161284] Added Q_DISABLE_COPY. * [164025] Mouse press events now propagate through the view if ignored by the scene. * New ViewportUpdateMode: QGraphicsView::BoundingRectViewportUpdate * [180429] Mouse release events propagate properly in RubberBandDrag mode. * [176902] Add support for context menu event propagation. * [180663] Fixed miscalculated expose rects in QGraphicsView::render(). * [187791] QGraphicsView::setScene() now always updates the view properly. * [186827] Fixed an infinite loop caused by mouse replay after deleting items in response to receiving mouse move events. * [172231] Fixed erroneous clipping of untransformable items by scaled graphics view. * Fixed redraw bugs in QGraphicsView background rendering when using an OpenGL viewport.- QGridLayout * [121549] Added itemAtPosition(int, int).- QGroupBox * [159480] QGroupBox's clicked() behavior is now the same as QCheckBox. * [186297] Right-clicking a checkable group box now has no effect, which is consistent with the behavior of QCheckBox. * [178797] A checkable group box now correctly updates the sunken state of its check box. * Don't call updateGeometry() needlessly from resizeEvent().- QHash * [171909] Don't rehash in operator[] and insert() when the key already exists -- to avoid subtle bugs when iterating on a QHash. (This is documented as being undefined, since these functions are non-const, but it's easy to avoid the rehashing.)- QHeaderView * [173773] QHeaderView now updates properly upon sorting a column. * [192884] When the model emits layout changed unhide old hidden rows and hide new hidden rows. * [170935] QHeaderView now updates properly when swapping columns. * [157081] Made headerviews semi-transparent while dragged. * [148198] Optimize hiding sections when the resize mode is ResizeToContents. * [168128] Fixed problem where the last section was resized when the last two sections are swapped. * [168209] Update the header section when the font size changes.- QHostInfo * [194539] Fixed the ordering of IP addresses returned by the host-lookup procedures. Qt respects the order supplied by the system libraries. * [176527] Fixed a problem in QHostInfo that would cause it to print warnings if it was used before QCoreApplication is created- QHttpHeaders * [104648] Fixed QHttpHeaders to not change the order or capitalisation of headers received or sent. QHttpHeaders is now case-insensitive but case-preserving- QHttp * [181506] Fixed a bug that would cause QHttp to emit a warning from QIODevice when connecting to some servers. * [190605] Fixed a memory leak. * [175357] Fixed a deadlock when trying to parse an empty HTTP reply which did not contain Content-Length: 0 (such as those found in 304 replies) * [170860] Fixed a problem which would make QHttp emit the done() signal too soon (before it was finished).- QIcon * [168488] Reduce memory usage if you call addPixmap severals times with the same arguments.- QImage * [176566] Fixed problem in scale() which would cause downscaled images to become darker due to precision loss in the image scaling. * [181265] Fixed crash in scale() when downscaling very large images. * Added new image formats: QImage::Format_ARGB8565_Premultiplied, QImage::Format_RGB666, QImage::Format_ARGB6666_Premultiplied, QImage::Format_RGB555, QImage::Format_ARGB8555_Premultiplied, QImage::Format_RGB444, QImage::Format_ARGB4444_Premultiplied, and QImage::Format_RGB888. * Added support for the ICO image format (from Qt Solutions) * Fix drawing of text into a QImage on the Mac so that the native CoreGraphics engine is used. This makes aliased text, or text with a small point size, look much better. * [188102] For Indexed image, fixed setColor() to expand the colortable if necessary. Made colortable manipulation more robust.- QImageReader- QImageWriter- QInputDialog- QIntValidator * [179131] Reverted QIntValidator's out-of-range semantics to Qt 4.2 behavior, at popular demand.- QItemDelegate * [175982] Escape did not close the editor if the application had registered escape as a shortcut. * [177039] Handle double precision properly. * Don't finish editing if the validator is still in intermediate mode.- QItemSelectionModel * [169285] Items are now deselected properly. * [192147] Fix an off-by-one bug in QItemSelectionModel- QLabel- QLayout * Cache sizeHint() and minimumSizeHint() of widgets in a layout using the internal class QWidgetItemV2, leading to significant performance gains for widgets that have an expensive size hint implementation.- QLibrary * [155884] Fixed QPluginLoader to not load plugins with unresolved symbols. * [170013] Make sure that libraries are opened with RTLD_LOCAL by default on *all* platforms. (On Mac it was RTLD_GLOBAL by default). This should make plugin loading more consistent. * [190831] Fixed crash when calling loadHints on a default constructed QLibrary. * [155109] The real error message was discarded if the library existed, but failed for another reason.- QLineF * [170170] Introduce new member function angleTo() which returns the angle between two lines, also taking the direction into account. * [174122] Added new member functions in QLineF for setting and getting the angle of the line, as well as translating a line, and constructing a line from polar coordinates.- QLineEdit * [151414] Add protected function to access the cursor rectangle. * [153563] Don't show blinking cursor on read only line edit with input mask * [174640] Emit editingFinished() when the user open a menu. * [178752] Reverted to Qt3's behavior of using an arrow cursor instead of a beam cursor when the QLineEdit is read only. * [180999] Old selection now cleared upon activating a window. * [188877] Fixed painting error resulting from pasting into a selection.- QLinkedList * Add QLinkedList::removeOne(), which removes the first occurrence of a value from the list.- QList * Add QList::removeOne(), which removes the first occurrence of a value from the list.- QListView * [158122] Wordwrap in ListMode * [177028] Make sure that the scrollbars is automatically removed when the model has less than two items. * [186050] Make sure the content size is updated when moving item. * [182816] Combine wordwrap and text eliding.- QListWidget * [199503] Fixed a crash when calling clear inside a slot connected to currentItemChanged. * [159792, 184946] Keyboard navigation fixed with non uniform item sizes. * [255512] Add function to allow setting the current item without selecting it.- QLocale * [161049] Fixed a couple of static memory leaks in QLocale. * Added the following functions to QLocale: QString toString(const QDateTime &dateTime, FormatType format = LongFormat) const; QString toString(const QDateTime &dateTime, const QString &format) const; QString dateTimeFormat(FormatType format = LongFormat) const; * Added the following enum values to QLocale::QueryType: DateTimeFormatLong DateTimeFormatShort DateTimeToStringLong DateTimeToStringShort- QMacStyle * [142746] Now respects the QComboBox::iconSize property. * [184566] Make sure we pick up changes to QPushButton::setDefault(). * [174284] Don't truncate text on tabs in the small and mini size. * [170971] Don't try to draw a mini scrollbar as it doesn't exist, draw a small one instead. * [170977] Correct checkmarks for small and mini non-editable comboboxes. * [170978] Prevent mini push buttons from being clipped. * [202959] Draw the correct number of tickmarks for sliders.- QMainWindow * [178510] Context menu is not shown if all toggle view actions are invisible. * [195945] Fixed resizing of QDockWidgets in QMainWindow without using any central widget. * [196569] Don't override the cursor set by the user with setCursor when hovering dock widgets.- QMdiArea * [155815] Fixed a bug causing sub-windows to overlap when tiling them. * [148183] Added support activation order. * [153175] Added support for tabbed workspace. * [182852] Don't overwrite mainwindow title. * [189758] Fixed a bug causing sub-windows to be squeezed when tiling them. * [202657] Fixed focus issue on dockwidget when activating the main window.- QMdiSubWindow * [198638] Fixed so that minimumSize() and minimumSizeHint() was respected (it was possible to resize the window to a smaller size earlier). * [171207] Added tooltips for the buttons in the title bar. * [169874, 47106] Added support for switching between sub-windows using Ctrl-Tab. * [169734] Added an access function to QMdiArea. * [192794] Fixed a bug causing installed event filters to be removed after maximizing a sub-window.- QMenu * [165457] Fixed torn-off QMenus to have the correct stacking order. * [167894] Fixed focus management when activating an action from the keyboard. * [167954] Increased the size of the tear-off handle. * [172423] Mac OS X: Improved the visual appearance (flash selected item and fade away when hiding the menu). * [183777] Fixed a bug with tear off menu making impossible to tear some menu off.- QMenuBar * [193355] Fied bug with action plugged in menu which did not return to their normal state after being clicked * [194677] Fixed a bug causing the corner widgets to be laid out incorrectly when adding them right before the menu bar was shown.- QMessageBox * [176281] By default, if there is exactly one button with the RejectRole or MessageBox::NoRole, it is now made the escape button. * [181688] Better look with setInformativeText.- QMetaObject * [197741] Fixed a memory leak in QMetaObject::invokeMethod() when called with unregistered data types. * [171723] Support for 'unsigned' type in the meta-object system.- QMetaType * [179191] Added QMetaType::unregisterType() for unregistering a metatype.- QMimeData * Added a removeFormat() method.- QMngHandler * [155269] QMngHandler now initializes image backgrounds properly.- QModelIndex * [176068] optimize QModelIndex operator<- QMotifStyle * [185649] Fixed incorrect positioning of itemview frames in reverse mode.- QMutex * [151077] Optimized QMutex locking path to be comparable to Win32 CRITICAL_SECTIONs. * [186088] Clarify documentation of lock() and tryLock() to be more explicit about the behavior of these functions in recursive vs. non-recursive mode.- QNetworkInterface- QNetworkProxy- QObject * [144976] Fix QObject::property() to return a QVariant that can be converted to an enum if the enum is known to QMetaType. * [171612] Fix QObject::removeEventFilter() to work as documented. * [172061] convert() now return false if the result is invalid for date types. * [184003] Fix a crash in QObject::queryList() when called from an object's destructor. * [173218] Document deleteLater()'s behavior when called before QCoreApplication::exec().- QOpenGLPaintEngine * [183995] Reset the GL_TEXTURE_ENV attribute and pixel transfer modes to the default values when QPainter::begin() is called. * [174273] Fixed the annoying "Unable to compile fragment programs" problem by adding a GL program cache, and compiling the programs on demand.- QPainter * [121105] Added drawEllipse overload that takes a center point and two radii. * [124248] Fixed some rounding issues causing inconsistencies between text and line drawing. * [142470] Fixed performance issue with non-cleartype text drawing on Windows when doing several calls to QPainter::drawText(). * [142514] Fixed bug in X11 paint engine where a pixmap drawn at non-integer coordinates would be drawn at different offsets depending on whether opacity was set or not. * [156787] Fixed problem with SmoothPixmapTransform and source rects in drawImage and drawPixmap which would cause color bleeding from pixels outside the source rect at the image borders. * [156964] Improved accuracy of arc drawing, ensuring that arcs drawn with same control rect but different sweeps are still coinciding. * [162153] Fixed bug caused by integer overflow in QPainter::boundingBox when passing a very large rectangle. * [163605] Introduced new drawRoundedRect API with support for absolute coordinates for the corner radii. * [166702] Fixed some potential floating point exceptions in raster paint engine line drawing. * [167890] Prevent crash when drawing zero-length lines; these are now drawn as points. * [169711] Ensured that calling setClipRect with negative width/height is treated as an empty clip region. * [170208, 170213] Fixed some bugs with dashed line drawing and dash dash offsets in the mac paint engine. * [175912, 176386, 194360] Fixed some precision issues with projective transformed pixmaps and images. * [179507] Ensure that the final stop color is always used beyond the radius when using a QRadialGradient. * [180245] Fixed bug which caused setOpacity to be ignored when drawing transformed RGB32 images. * [182658] Fixed a problem with drawPoint in X11 paint engine which would cause a one-pixel point to sometimes be drawn as two pixels. * [184746] Fixed performance regression in drawEllipse() with raster paint engine. * [188012] Fixed stroking of empty rectangles in X11 paint engine. * [190336] Fixed text drawing performance issue on Windows when using setPixelSize to draw large fonts. * [190394] setOpacity() now correctly paints transparent regions when outputting to PDF. * [190634] Fixed bug where drawLine would fill part of the paint device instead of just drawing a line. * [190733] Fixed some precision problems with miter joins and curve segments which could cause ugly painting artifacts. * [191531] Fixed a bug with alpha or pattern brush drawing to mono images. * [191761] Fixed rendering of transformed ObjectBoundingMode gradients. * [199234] Fixed a bug causing fillRect with a gradient fill to not work with ObjectBoundingMode gradients in the raster paint engine. * Introduced a new rasterizer for aliased drawing to address performance and precision issues in the existing rasterizer. * Remove warnings emitted when setting Source or SourceOver composition modes on certain paint devices. * [192820] Fix drawImage()/drawPixmap() with a source rect parameter outside of the range of the source image dimensions. * [183745] Fixed setting font point sizes < .5, would in some cases cause the font size to default back to 12 points. * [157547] Fixed inconsistent pen styles for DashLine, DotLine, DashDotLine and DashDotDotLine across Win/Linux. * [143526] Fixed a problem with drawing text or shapes that were drawn with a very large scale factor. Typically you would get a crash after memory was exhausted. * [186070] Fixed potential integer overflow when drawing texture or pattern brushes with a transform that has a small scale. * [200616] Fixed bug causing transformed cosmetic pens with width > 0 and a dash pattern to be partially or completely clipped (raster engine). * [206050] Fixed QImage::scale with a SmoothTransformation to handle alpha channel correctly when scaling.- QPainterPath * [121105] Added addEllipse overload that takes a center point and two radii. * [181774] Remove assert that could occur when calling pointAtPercent() with parameters close to 0 or 1. * [189695] Fixed bug relating to 360-degree arcs and winding fill. * [187779, 187780] Fixed some bugs in intersects() and contains() when dealing with paths with multiple subpaths. * [191706] Fixed intersects(QRectF) for paths that represent vertical or horizontal lines. * [193367] Introduced simplified() to simplify paths with multiple subpaths and/or self-intersections. * [206160] Modify QPainterPath::operator== to do point comparisons with an epsilon relative to the painter path's bounding rect size.- QPainterPathStroker * [174436] Fixed some bugs relating to dash offsets and dashing of paths with multiple subpaths.- QPalette * [170106] Added QPalette::ToolTipBase and QPalette::ToolTipText.- QPicture- QPixmap * [164116] QPixmap::x11Info() didn't report the correct depth when the pixmap depth and the desktop depth was different.- QPixmapCache- QPlastiqueStyle * More native appearance of button, combobox, spinbox and slider.- QPolygon * [163219] Added missing datastream operators to QPolygon.- QPrintDialog * [182255] Don't ask whice to overwrite axisting file. * [183028] Changed to default for maxPage() to INT_MAX.- QPrinter * PDF engine now supports hyperlinks. * [180313] Fixed a bug where QPrinter could not be used more than once per instantiation. * [121907] Change begin() to properly return 'false' when the file we want to write to can not be written to. * [189604] Make the pdf printer capable of having a different page size and orientation for each page. * [99441] Add setPaperSize(const QSizeF &paperSize, Unit unit). * [182245] Make pageRect() return consistent values across Mac/Win/Linux when fullPage() is set, and fix an off by one error in the width()/height() functions on the Mac. * [156508] PS/PDF generators: Correctly generate grayscale output when requested.- QPrintEngine * [193986] Fixed the copyright date on PDF files- QProcess * [162522] QProcess now emits stateChanged() consistently for all state changes. * [153565] Add define to make it compile with QNX RTOS. * [196323] Try to unregister SIGCHLD while Qt is unloaded.- QProgressBar * [189512] sizeHint() doesn't depends anymore on PM_ProgressBarChunkWidth- QProgressDialog * [190318] Use the size of the label if setMinimumSize() and setLabel() are called. * [198202] Wixed crash when calling setLabel(0).- QPushButton- QReadWriteLock * [131880, 170085] Add support for recursive read-lock support. See the not below in the Important Behavior Changes section.- QRect * Fixed a bug in normalized() when width() == 0 and height() < 0 or vice versa.- QRectF- QRegion * Added numRects() which returns the number of rectangles in the region. * [193612] Various optimizations for regions consisting of only one rectangle.- QResource- QScriptEngine * [200225] Made uncaughtExceptionBacktrace() return a correct backtrace in the case where the value thrown is not an Error object. * [202454] Made QScriptContext::isCalledAsConstructor() return the right result for constructors registered with newQMetaObject(). * [198166] Made canEvaluate() handle C-style comments correctly. * [202606] Made it possible to invoke slots with const QObject* arguments. * [200599] Removed the need to register the metatype-id of QObject-derived types before they can be used as arguments to slots where the type occurs in the signature. * [185580] Fixed a bug with automatic semi-colon insertion that caused the prefix ++ operator to behave incorrectly. * [190991] Implemented iteration for arguments objects. * [175697] Made conditional function declarations have the same semantics as in other popular ECMAScript implementations. * [176020] Fixed a crash that occurred when the left-hand side of an assignment was an object literal. * [176020] Fixed a crash that occurred when an if-statement inside a function contained a return statement in the false-branch but not in the true-branch, and the function didn't contain any more statements. * [182578] Fixed a bug that caused automatic QList<int>-to-QScriptValue conversion to fail. * [163318] Added abortEvaluation() function. * [167711] Added qScriptConnect() and qScriptDisconnect() functions, so that a signal can be connected to a script function from C++.- QScrollArea * Fixed an issue with child widgets with heightForWidth sizing behavior.- QScrollBar * [178919] Fixed a bug where the slider kept moving after the mouse button was released.- QSemaphore- QSettings * [199061] Don't use more permissions than we have to, when opening the registry. * [142457] Preserve the order of keys in .ini files when regenerating them. * [186232] Unix and Mac OS X: OR the needed permissions flags with the default flags (instead of overriding them). * [184754] Hande out-of-disk-space condition more smoothly, by keeping the old .ini/.conf file if possible (instead of trashing it). * [189589] Don't create empty directories when accessing QSettings read-only. * [182712] Added QSettings::setDefaultFormat(), defaultFormat(), and format() to give more control over the format of QSettings objects created using the default constructor. * [183068] Added QSettings::scope(), applicationName(), and organizationName() for retrieving the values passed to the constructor.- QShortcut * [141646] Add ShortcutContext::WidgetWithChildrenShortcut context, for shortcuts which are valid for a widget and all it's children.- QSize * [172712] Fixed bug in QSize::scale() when passing INT_MAX as height and KeepAspectRatio as mode. * [191533] Fixed bug in QSize::scale() where scaling a size with zero width or height would cause a division by zero.- QSizeGrip * [193199] Made the size grip always respect height-for-width on all platforms. * [161173] Fixed a bug causing the size grip to be visible when it shouldn't be. * [184528] Windows: Fixed a bug causing a mouse press event not to be sent. * [193350] Fixed a bug with QVBoxLayout.- QSlider * [180474] Fixed regression causing a tick mark not to be shown at the max value for certain common cases.- QSocketNotifier- QSortFilterProxyModel * [162503] Call mapToSource when mapping from proxy to source indexes. * [146684] Allow the original order of the source model to be restored. * [199518] Don't assert if the source model emits unbalanced change signals. * [202908] dropMimeData incorrectly maps when row is rowCount(parent).- QSpinBox * [157520] Adopt the special value text when the value is explicitly set to the minimum value with the keyboard * [164696] QWidget::locale() is now used for all string-to-number conversions.- QSplashScreen- QSplitter * [169702] Respect the minimum size of widgets. * [187373] Ensure that widgets are properly initialized before being added to a QSplitter.- QSql- QSqlDatabase * [129992] Make it possible to retrieve the connection name from a connection. Use the connectionName() function. * [143878] Give a warning if there is no QCoreApplication instance (required when using a plug-in driver).- QSqlDriver * [141269] Add support for asynchronous database event notifications.- QSqlQuery * [157397] Set an error if QSqlQuery is used with an invalid database connection. * [122336] Support queries returning multiple result sets. Use the nextResult() function. * [149743] Fixed bug where seek() to a record which was not the next one returned true, but the data could not be retrieved. * [186812] Improved error handling for exec().- QSqlQueryModel- QSqlRelationalTableModel- QSqlTableModel * [160135] Emit headerDataChanged when removing rows when using the OnManualSubmit edit strategy.- QSslCertificate * [186791] Fixed wildcard support in QSslCertificate::fromPath().- QSslCipher- QSslError- QSslKey- QSslSocket * [190133] Fixed security hole in certificate verification. * [186077] Fixed bug in ASN1 time parsing. * [177375] Added support for peer verification. * [191705] Fixed crash on remote disconnect. * [177285, 170458] Enabled run-time resolving of OpenSSL libs also in static Qt builds. Enabled by default, with configure option to force (static) linkage.- QStackedLayout- QStackedWidget * [124966] Honor QSizePolicy::Ignored in pages like we did in Qt 3.- QStandardItemModel * Improved general performance * [133449] Improved setData() performance- QStatusBar * [194017] Ensure that explicitly hidden Widget in the status bar stay invisible.- QString * [202871] QString::sprintf() crashed with size_t format. * [193684] Optimized common case in QString::replace(int, int, QString). * [190186] Handle multiple-digit %n args in QString::arg(QString, QString, ...) gracefully.- QStringListModel * [158908] Add MoveAction to the default supportedDropActions * [180184] sort() was not updating the persistant model index's- QStyle * [127923] All implementations of QStyle::subControlRect() now respect QStyleOption::rect for spin boxes. * Added SH_SpinBox_ClickAutoRepeatThreshold which used to be hardcoded in QAbstractSpinBox- QStyleOption- QSvg * [185844] Fixed parsing of the gradientUnits attribute to support objectBoundingBox for gradients. * [161275] Fixed parsing of repeatCount attribute for animateColor and animateTransform tags. * [176835] Fixed a memory leak in QSvgGenerator. * [182196] Fixed problem in QSvgGenerator which would cause gradient fills to be stored as images instead of using native SVG gradients. * [187994] Always encode generated SVGs in UTF-8, and specify that in the xml tag. * [188847] Fixed a crash when an SVG file contains empty url keywords. * [190936] Ensure properly sized viewport and viewbox, even when the paint device does not have a size (such as QPicture). * [191353, 192220] Fixed a couple of floating point exceptions occuring when rendering certain SVGs containing curved paths. * Added correct default attribute values for SVG gradients.- QSyntaxHighligher- QSystemTrayIcon- QTabBar * [182473] Fixed a bug causing the tabs to stay unchanged after calling setElideMode().- QTableView * [192919] Drag-selection from QTableView now respects single-selection mode. * [172201] Painting errors when there are multiple regions that overlap that need to be painted. * [148565] setSpan() and other spanning operations is slow when there are a lot of spans. * [186431] Fix bug in wrapping to the next/previous line while doing cursor navigation. * [189251] corner widget is hidden with header, but not unhidden * [196532] Fixed bad repaint with hidden header and scrollPerItem. * [158258] Add clearSpanns() function.- QTableWidget * [255512] Add function to allow setting the current item without selecting it.- QTabWidget * [159433] Emit currentChanged() when the first tab is created. * [171464] QTabWidget::minimumSizeHint() now respects the orientation. * [188357] Fixed a bug causing the corner widget to be displayed incorrectly.- QtAlgorithms * [304394] qBinaryFind() can potentially end up in an infinite loop with large collections- QTcpSocket * [149200] Fixed crash when using QTcpSocket without constructing Q(Core)Application.- QTemporaryFile * [192890] Fixed resize bug on Windows. * [194130] Fixed creation of temp files in toplevel directories on Windows.- QTextBrowser * [166040] Detects the right format when calling setText() severals times. * [177036] Fix handling of encoded urls. * [169621] Fixes clearHistory() removes all history items except the first, while it should keep the last entry. * [176042] Fix selectAll to sometimes show focus frames instead of selected text.- QTextCodec * [169065] Make calling QTextCodec::setCodecForLocale() with NULL reset codecForLocale() to the default, instead of causing a crash. * [167709] Improved support for cp932 codec. * [185085] Make sure every codec has a unique mibEnum * Added UTF-32 codecs- QTextCursor * [179634] Fixes loosing of x position when using vertical navigation in a not yet fully layed out document. * [178499] Add functionality to interpolate inside the glyph size if it takes multiple characters to decide on the position. * [182914] '/' is now considered a word separator. * Faster QTextCursor::blockNumber().- QTextDecoder- QTextDocument * [135133] Add proper support for the background attribute of HTML tags, which enables specifying background images. * [148847] Add support for padding-left, padding-right, padding-top, and padding-bottom for table cells in the HTML import. * [169724] Added API for changing the indent width in a QTextDocument. * [173258] Fixed bug in text layout of tables with row spans and empty cells. * [174405] Added support for the border-width css property in the HTML import. * [176162] Fixed bug in HTML import which would cause block properties of empty paragraphs to be transfered to following paragraphs. * [179330] Fixed performance problem when a maximum block count is reached which caused the whole document to be relayouted. * Numerous fixes in the import of malformed HTML. * QTextDocument::print() now preserves formats set by a syntax highlighter. * Added QTextDocument::firstBlock() and lastBlock() for convenient iteration * Added QTextDocument::undoCommandAdded() signal. * [189691] Fixed bug in HTML image tags showing in incorrect width/height when only one was provided. * [193122] QTextTable::removeRows() correctly removes one row after a mergeCells() * [55520] Fix bi-directional text showing correctly when mixed with tabs. * [170376] Fixes text layout QTextLine::setNumColumns(1) combined with alignment not left * [177024] Fixed bug in definition of ¤t; entity. * [176898] QTextDocument loses UndoRedo stack when setting it on QTextEdit by calling QTextEdit::setDocument() * [180657] QTextDocument::documentSize() returns an incorrect width when there is a long line with only spaces. * [180430] Stop compression of space after an image tag. * [154330] Implement Right, Justified and Center tabs and make Left tabs behave as expected in all cases. * [196744] Fixes colspan making a table cell multiply given user width. * [197769] Fixed wrong modified state while undo/redo. * Added QTextDocument::findBlockByNumber() and QTextBlock::blockNumber(). * Added QTextDocument::revision() and QTextBlock::setRevision()/revision(). * Added QTextBlock::setVisible()/visible() and QTextCursor::setVisualNavigation()/ visualNavigation().- QTextDocumentFragment- QTextEdit * [80240] Fixed text color bug when creating a text edit with a disabled parent widget that is then reenabled. * [104778] Added convenience functions for getting/setting the background color of text. * [150562] Wrap correctly the text in a <table> when the flag WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere is set. * [165610] Fixed bug where a text fragment's underline would be drawn too long. * [166486] Fixed bug which caused the cursor to not be shown when setting the cursor flash time to 0. * [190852] Fixed a bug which caused the font sizes in tables to be wrong in QTextEdit documents exported to HTML. * Many performance improvements * [190723] Fix problem where the bullet might disappear if there was an extra selection selecting the word next to the bullet. * [182200] Make the selectionChanged signal be emitted when pressing "Ctrl+A" and there is already a selection present. * [188589] Fixes regression in QTextEdit::keyReleaseEvent where it makes the release events not be ignored when unused. * [175825] Allow stopping auto-scrolling feature by moving the cursor to a position other then the last position. * [177151] Fix the "Copy Link Location" is always disabled in context menus created with createStandardContextMenu() * [182180] The value of cursor width desktop settings on windows is now respected. * [108739] Added DnD scrolling and made selection scrolling smoother. * [202319] More precise QTextEdit::cursorRect(). * [181572] Accept Key_Up and Key_Down ShortcutOverride events.- QTextFormat * Fixed bug which caused QTextCharFormat::font() to return a wrong font after changing font-unrelated properties in QTextCharFormat. * [181177] Fix text directionality changing.- QTextLayout * Support WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere with QTextLine::setColumns. * [188594] Make nextword and previous word be more synchronous by making them stop at the same word boundaries.- QTextStream * [178772] setCodec() take effect immediatly even on open stream. * [180679] Implemented AlignAccountingStyle. * Add UTF-32 autodetection- QTextTable- QtGlobal * [186969] Fixed theQT_NO_WARNING_OUTPUT define to work properly. * qFuzzyCompare() is now part of Qt's API and is public.- QThread * QThread is no longer abstract. The default implementation of QThread::run() function now calls QThread::exec().- QThreadStorage- QTimeEdit- QTimeLine * Add CosineShape.- QTimer- QToolBar * [159715] If the main window is to small to contains the extension, show it in a menu. * [179202] Toolbars can be resized by dragging them with the mouse. * [175325] Changing toolButtonStyle on floating toolbars is handled correctly. * [187996] Ensure that invisible action are invisible in the toolbar. * [191727] Fix layouting issue with widgets on the toolbar.- QToolBox- QToolButton * [QToolButton] Emit triggered(QAction*) on the activation of the default action even if triggered from the menu.- QToolTip * [183679] Fixed problem of tool tip being closed when pressing certain keys. * [191550] Fixed a regression causing the palette not to be updated after calling QToolTip::setPalette. * Added functions text() and isVisible(). * Fixed QToolTip::showText() with rectangle, it always created a new tip.- QTransform * [178609] Fixed division by zero in QTransform::mapRect when passing an invalid QRect. * Fixed problem with QTransform::inverted() returning the identity matrix for transforms with a low scale factor.- QTranslator * [168416] Make it possible for QTranlator to open qm files generated with msgfmt. (regression from Qt3)- QTreeView * [41004] Deleting a directory will delete all of its children. * [174627] Moving left towards a custom root index now works correctly. * [154742] Add property to hide the header * [166175] Improve the performance of hide() and isHidden() * [166175] Improve the performance of expanded() and isExpanded() * [181508] adding a row to a item that is visible and not expanded wont update the '+' * [179635] Incorrect row height if column with a multi-line item is not visible when tree is first shown. * [187745] When the context key is pressed first check for a micro focus, but if that isn't valid then go to the mouse cursor position. * [188862] Crash if a parent index of the root index in the view is removed * Improving performance by reduce the number of calls to model->parent() * [167811] Improve insertion speed * [192104] scrollTo(PositionAtCenter) can scroll beyond the item if item is at 0 * [168237] Fixed selection when using SelectItems selection behavior and ExtendedSelection selection mode. * [171902] Expansion is not managed correctly when the 1st column is hidden. * [130628] Add expandsOnDoubleClick property. * [189956] Make scrollTo() scroll correctly when the scrollHint is PositionAtBottom. * [185068] Update editor geometries when columns are moved. * [120922] Mac OS X: Improved the selection behavior. * [197650] Fixed spanning items in "right to left" layouts, or if the first column is moved in another position. * [204726] Don't assert when sorting an unchanged tree. * [185994] Introduce a style hint that describes how the view should treat empty areas.- QTreeWidget * [172685] When setting flags don't do anything if the new flag is the same as the old. * [162736] Fixed potential slowness in QTreeWidget::isItemSelected() * [167811] Improve insertion speed * [255512] Add funtion to allow setting the current item without selecting it. * [183566] Make rows containing widgets resize correctly. * [189071] Make it possible to disable drop dirrectly on the viewport. * [192840] Only paint disabled cells as disabled, not the entire row. * [191329] The checkable items are now checkable even in RightToLeft mode.- QTreeWidgetItemIterator * [172275] Optimize QTreeWidgetItemIterator to not query various states unless the user explictly specified the corresponding flags.- QUdpSocket- QUndoStack * [143285] Added API to access individual commands in the undo stack.- QUrl * [162669] Fixed bug in QUrl::setAuthority() when input ends with a digit. * [199967] Fixed a regression from Qt 4.4.0 Technical Preview 1 that caused isEmpty() to return true on non-empty URLs in some cases.- QValidator- QExplicitlySharedDataPointer * A new reference counting pointer which doesn't perform copy on write.- QVariant * [186447] Do not call qFatal() when QVariant::load() enconters a UserType that's unknown to the meta object system. * [170901] Compare values _and_ keys in QVariant::operator==() when applied to maps.- QVarLengthArray * [177708] Fix crash in QVarLengthArray::append() for types with a non-trivial constructor (e.g., QString).- QVector * [161376] Fix unitialized read reported by Valgrind in QVector<T> for sizeof(T) < 4.- QWaitCondition * [106086] Add support for QReadWriteLock to QWaitCondition::wait().- QWidget * [323] Add the Qt::WA_ShowWithoutActivating attribute, which can be used to show a window without activating it. * [176809] When using the Qt::PreventContextMenu policy, the context menu key should be sent to the widget (instead of consuming the event). * [83698] Introduce QWidget::setWindowFilePath() that allows setting a proxy icon on the mac and sets the window title if the window title hasn't been set previously. * X11/Win: Added support for non-native child widgets. * [173044] Added support for rendering widgets before they are shown. * [152962] Fixed a bug causing the widget to repaint itself twice when calling show(). * Added a render() overload taking an arbitrary QPainter. * [183466] Fixed a bug where the mouse button release event was sent to wrong widget when having a mouse grabber. * [177605, 171333] Windows: Fixed a bug causing painting artifacts when using the Qt::WA_PaintOnScreen attribute. * [141857] Fixed a bug causing painting artifacts when using the Qt::WA_OpaquePaintEvent attribute. * [198794] Fixed wrong calculation of the target offset in render(). * [180009] Fixed order dependency of setWindowFlags() and setWindowTitle() on Windows. * [155297] Avoid crash in QWidget::setLayout() if the layout already has a parent.- QWidgetAction * [193061] Fixed setEnabled that has no effect.- QWindowsStyle * [162326] Removed a warning when rendering to small rectangles.- QWindowsXPStyle * [189527] Fixed incorrect tab indentation on XP/Vista styles. * [177846] Fixed setAutoRaise beeing ignored for tool buttons. * [168515] Allow changing the background color of a disabled spinbox. * [165124] Fixed context help button beeing ignored for QMdiSubWindows.- QWindowsVistaStyle * [164016] More native menu borders on Vista. * [168611] Allow progress bar animation to complete after reaching 100%.- QWizard * [177022] Respect the minimum and maximum size. * [189333] The (re)size behavior is now correct for Windows Me. * [183550] Fixed wrong stretch factor for a wizard page in the interal layout. * [166559] Honor isAcceptableInput(). * [170447] Make sure that the virtual QWizard::nextId() function is called from QWizardPage::isFinalPage().- QWizardPage- QXmlStreamReader * Added convenience function prefix() to the reader and the attributes, previously we only had name() and qualifiedName(). * Added more DTD reporting. * Added QXmlStreamEntityResolver for undeclared entities. * [179320] Fixed wrongly reported premature end of document for non-recoverable errors * [192810] Fixed namespace declarations in DTD attribute lists. * Add UTF-32 autodetection- QXmlStreamWriter * Improvements to conformance to XML 1.0 * Added autoFormattingIndent property to customize the auto-formatted output. * [18911] Fixed auto formatting for XML comments.- QXmlStreamWriter * Added autoFormatting() property which controls whether the output should be indented for readability.- QXmlSimpleReader * [201459] That the class is not reentrant, has been documented. * Add UTF-32 autodetection- Q3ButtonGroup * [198864] Fixed bug that caused Q3ButtonGroup::insert() to generate wrong (typically non-unique) ids.- Q3DateEdit- Q3DockWindow * [173255] When docked, relayout improved when the content is changed.- Q3FileDialog * [200264] Fixed the "QObject: Do not delete object, 'unnamed', during its event handler!" warning found in the 4.4.0 beta.- Q3GroupBox- Q3ImageDrag * [184521] Q3ImageDrag::canDecode() will now return true for image data that can be decoded.- Q3ListView * [127037] Q3ListView::paintCell() now uses the viewport's background role.- Q3MainWindow * [176544] Q3MainWindow::setDockEnabled() no longer adds dock windows that are already there. * [176129] Q3MainWindow::setUsesBigPixmap now works.- Q3PopupMenu * [177490] Fixed regression causing activated and highlighted signals to be emitted multiple times.- Q3ScrollView- Q3SqlCursor- Q3Table * [171801] Fixed a graphical error in Q3CheckTableItem. * [196074] Fixed a crash when using Q3Table and Q3ComboTableItem together with stylesheets.- Q3TextEdit * [197033] Fixed "select-and-copy" on X11- Q3Toolbar * [171843] QComboBox in a Q3Toolbar was generating warnings- QSvgWidget * Support for xml:space- QWhatsThis [177416] Fix sizing hints when using rich-text.- Qt Style Sheets * [163429] Stylesheet backgrounds now work on Mac. Note that there are still issues with stylesheets on that platform. * [169855] Setting a style sheet with gridline-color on QTableView now works correctly. * [182917] :hover no longer applies to disabled widgets. * [184867] Several speedups to stylesheet parsing. * [188344] Style sheets no longer reset font settings. They now take precedence over manually set font settings, and will leave other settings alone. The font is restored to the manual settings if the style sheet is removed. * [188702] Fixed a bug where QLineEdit would not react to the :focus pseudo state. * [190422] Fixed a bug where the width of QSpinBox subcontrols would not be properly respected. * [190423] Fixed a bug where gradient backgrounds were not shown correctly in QComboBox. * [191189] Fixed a bug where classes derived from QDialog by more than two levels (QDialog -> MySubClass -> MySubSubClass) would not receive the styled background. * [191216] Menus with a background color will now be rendered using the native style. * [191822] Fixed a crash in subElementRect when widget pointer is null. * [192374] An offset ::tab-bar element no longer offsets scroll buttons. * [192535] Fixed a bug where a QComboBox would not always draw its dropdown button when styled. * [192655] Fixed a bug where it was sometimes impossible to toggle a styled, checkable menu item. * [199912] QHeaderView no longer collapses to zero contentsRect if size is not specified.***************************************************************************** Database Drivers *****************************************************************************- Interbase driver * [185482] Fixed bug where data corruption occurred when inserting data into numeric fields on some platforms. * [156090] Fixed bug where the connection information was always assumed to be Latin1 encoded.- MySQL driver * [190311] Fixed bug where fetching BLOBs with a prepared query would fail if the second BLOB was larger than the first. * [184354] Implement QSqlDriver::escapeIdentifier() allowing reserved words and white spaces in table and column names. * [129925] Communicate with the database using UTF8 encoding for MySQL versions >= 4.1.13 and < 5.0.0. This makes the behavior consistent with MySQL versions >= 5.0.7.- OCI driver * [167644] Set an error when failing to start a transaction in addition to printing an error. * [177054] Fixed bug that caused QSqlField::length() to always return 38 for non-numeric fields. * [141706] Added support for the using the hostname and port number provided by QSqlDatabase. This makes it possible to connect to Oracle databases without a tnsnames.ora file on the client.- ODBC driver * [164680] Don't crash when updating a view displaying a model after the database connection has been closed. * [166003] Use SQLFetch() if SQLFetchScroll() isn't supported in the driver. * [116534] Allow closing cursor without destruction of QSqlQuery object. Use QSqlQuery::finish(). * [181039] Added support for a connection option to instruct the driver to connect as an ODBC 3 application; SQL_OV_ODBC3. This is needed in order to make the QODBC driver work with some ODBC drivers. * [176233] Connection options are no longer case-sensitive (according to the ODBC standard). * [178532] Fixed bug where binding bools would fail. * [176231] Support passing the username and password as part of a connection string instead of using QSqlDatabase::setUserName() and QSqlDatabase::setPassword(). * [141822] Support the SQL_GUID type. * [187936] Improved support for the Linux Easysoft ODBC driver. * [165923] Improved error handling.- SQLite driver * [174340] Bind QVariant::UInt as int64 instead of string.- PostgreSQL driver * [152770] Support prepared queries natively for PostgreSQL 8.2. * [164233] Fixed bug where QSqlDatabase::primaryIndex() would fail if the table name was used in multiple schemas. * [168934] Make a real error message available when failing to connect to a database. * [150373] Added support for NumericalPrecisionPolicy, allowing the user to instruct the driver not to return NUMERICs as strings.- DB2 driver * [189727] Fixed bug where fetching the fields in a row multiple time would fail unless the fields were fetched in order.***************************************************************************** QTestLib ****************************************************************************** The display is now enabled on Mac OS X just before a test in run and qtestlib will ensure the application under test is the "front process" if it is a GUI application.***************************************************************************** QDBus *****************************************************************************- Library * [195515] Fixed a bug where the Qt application would crash if it tried to send some types of messages after the connection to the bus was broken. * [188728] Fixed a freeze caused by connecting to a slot that did not exist- Viewer***************************************************************************** Platform Specific Changes *****************************************************************************MIPS Linux * [188320] Build Qt/X11 with FPU support, breaking binary compatibility; see "Important Behavior Changes" below.X11--- * Improved GNOME platform detection. * [193845] Improved support for KDE palette settings. * [179200] Fixed an issue where Qt would print "QProcess: Destroyed while process is still running." when using Cleanlooks. * [155704] Fixed a bug where widgets with MSWindowsFixedSizeDialogHint flag would be minimized when their parent QMainWindow was minimized. The MSWindowsFixedSizeDialogHint is now ignored on X11. * [153155] Make it possible to bypass g_thread_init() and have the Unix event dispatcher be used in threads instead by setting the QT_NO_THREADED_GLIB environment variable. * [157807] Fix an inefficiency in the Glib dispatcher's timerSourcePrepare() implementation. * [158332] Fix a bug where text/uri-list drops from Qt 3 would append a single, empty url to the uri-list. * [166097] QWidget::show() no longer resets the WM_TRANSIENT_FOR property if the Qt::WA_X11BybassTransientForHint attribute is set. * [166097] QWidget::show() no longer resets the _NET_WM_STATE property. Qt now merges its own state with any previous state set by the application programmer. * [168285] Fixed QDrag to correctly reset the override cursor. * [17566] Don't impose FD_SETSIZE limit when using the Glib event dispatcher. * [171513] Fixed a bug where an application would take up 100% CPU after starting a QDrag. * [184482] Fixed QApplication::setOverrideCursor() to not change the cursor for the root window. * [185048] Fixed a bug where calling QClipboard::set*() immediately after QClipboard::clear() would result in the clipboard staying cleared. * [182840] Fixed a bug where QApplication::mouseButtons() would sometimes report the wrong state. * [173328] Fixed QEventLoop::exec(ExcludeUserInputEvents) to not consume 100% when using the Glib event dispatcher. * [179536] Make QEventLoop::X11ExcludeTimers work as expected with the Glib event dispatcher. * [182913] Qt will now always look for the _MOTIF_DRAG_WINDOW property on screen 0 (instead of the default screen). * [187752] Fixed a bug where calling show() and hide() on a window before the event loop starts would prevent the window from ever being shown. * [189045] Reset the keyboard and mouse grabs to the current grabber when the last popup is closed. * [167707] Add support for all known _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_* types via QWidget::setAttribute(). The attributes follow the Qt::WA_X11NetWmWindowType* naming scheme. * [172623] Don't create a pipe in the Glib event dispatcher (as it is not necessary). * [192871] Fixed a regression found in the 4.4.0 snapshots that broke QX11EmbedContainer. * [192526] Similar to 170768 below, fixed the spin locking in the QAtomic* implementation for 32-bit SPARC processors to yield instead of busy waiting. * [194566] Fixed a bug found in the 4.4.0 snapshots that would always cause the cursor to change when QWidget::setCursor() was called on a widget that was not under the mouse. * [173746] Fixed a bug in QDialog that would cause the "What's This?" popup menu to appear on the wrong X11 screen. * [187965] Fixed a bug where moving a widget that is hidden could cause the positioning to be incorrect. * [160206] Fixed some bugs in QX11EmbedWidget and QX11EmbedContainer to provide minimal support for multiple containers and multiple embedded widgets in the same application. * [182898] Fixed a crash in Motif Drag-and-Drop support when the _MOTIF_DRAG_WINDOW property is missing. * [183477] Fixed a bug that would cause a window to disappear after restoring it with QWidget::restoreGeometry(). * [163507] Fixed a couple of memory errors reported by valgrind. * [192654] Fixed drag-and-drop of more than one URL (using the text/uri-list mime type) between applications. * [198709] Fix QDesktopWidget to not report overlapping screens on servers with Xrandr 1.2. * [146336] On UNIX systems without CUPS support, the $HOME/.printers is now checked for a default printer. * [185864] Allow Qt to find the OpenSSL libraries dynamically even if the libssl.so file is not present. * [168283] Set WM_WINDOW_ROLE directly from QWidget's windowRole() property. * [187660] Implemented rotation for tablets on non-Irix X11 platforms. * [192818] Fixed drawing shapes with a textured brush that had an offset. * [133291] Fixed slow line drawing when using dashing under X11. * [183070] Make it possible to filter events for overlay widgets in OpenGL under X11. * [176485] Make drawing text through FreeType beyond the SHORT_MIN/MAX coordinate range work. Note that this won't work for XLFD based fonts. * [182264] Fixed a crash in QClipboard::setMimeData() when several clipboards share the same QMimeData instance. * [182264] Copying rich-text contents of a QTextEdit and pasting them to an editor that accepts rich text didn't work.- QPrintDialog * [128956] Fixed a bug which caused the print dialog to become hidden while the overwrite dialog was shown. * [192764] /etc/printcap with blank lines is now correctly parsed. * Redesigned the print dialog and pagesetup dialog to be much nicer.- QPrinter * [148125] Switched to printing through the CUPS API. This should fix the problem where the wrong lp/lpr command was picked up, and therefore printed through the wrong print system. If CUPS is enabled at compile time, it will always be used if available. * [161936] lp no longer outputs job ID to the console when printing. * [180669] QPrinter no longer crashes if the CUPS library cannot be found.Windows------- * [185702] Fixed qatomic_windows.h to properly forward declare the _Interlocked*() functions to avoid conflicts with other headers that also use these functions. * [183547] Replaced scalar delete with array delete in windows socket engine. * [190066] Fixed setting spinbox and combobox bgcolor with stylesheets on Vista. * [197055] Fixed a stylesheet background issue with TextEdit on Vista. * Black regions are no longer exposed when resizing windows on Vista using Aero. * [172757] Respect system font changes on Windows. * [194803] Pass the keyboard modifiers in QTabletEvent on Windows. * [194089] Avoid adding the current screen point when translating tablet events on Windows. * [187712] Fixed QT_WA() macros to use correct windows version in static builds. * [183975] Handle 'Win+M' key while showing modal dialogs. * [187729] Fixed incorrect focus behavior when main-window is shown minimized. * [187900] Increased area for scrolbar thumb dragging. * [180416] Fixed incorrect command line parsing on windows. * [169703] Fixed Drag & Drop returning Invalid data. * [181816] Fixed drawing ClearType text into a QImage with the Format_ARGB32 format. * [123455] Make QWidget::numColors() return something useful for widgets that's not been shown yet.- QApplication * [167897] Fixed a bug where QApplication would treat single quotes as a quote to signify the end of an argument.- QFileDialog * [173402] Fixed wrong sort order if cou reopen a file dialog. * [178279] Be more smart for enabling or disabling the open button. * [178897] Fixed QFileDialog minimym size while very long path are in the history. * [181912] Not following folders that are symlinks. * [187959] Change the button caption from "save" to "open" when selecting a folder in a save dialog. * [196062] HANDLEs are now freed when searching the paths. * [198049] Selecting a file in the completer would display the full path rather then just the file name if it was in the current directory.- QDesktopServices * [194046] Fixed support for percentage encoded URL strings with openUrl(). * [172914] Fixed an issue where openUrl() would incorrectly return true after failing to open on Windows.- QFileSystemWatcher * [170021] Make it possible to monitor FAT32 directories.- QFont * Use Harfbuzz instead of Uniscribe for complex text shaping enabling support of a broader range of writing systems on all Windows versions.- QKeySequence * [187917] Fixed incorrect standard shortcut for PreviousChild.- QListView * [183299] More native appearance on list view selection backgrounds.- QLocale * [139582] An unrecognized LANG environment variable will now make QLocale fall back to the Windows locale, instead of the C locale.- QMenu * [140954] Fixed an issue where pressing the Alt-key would not correctly show and hide menu accelerators.- QMutex * [179050] Fixed a bug that cause a warning on startup from QMutex running an application build with MinGW on Windows 9x.- QPrintDialog * [183448] Fixed a bug where the print-to-file setting would remain stuck even after disabling it in the dialog.- QPrinter * [185751] Fixed a crash in QPrinter if QPainter.begin() failed. * [191316] Fixed a crash when using certain nonstandard printer drivers.- QScriptEngine * [182241] Fixed a bug that caused qScriptValueFromQMetaObject() to generate the wrong script constructor function with VC6.- QSyntaxHighlighter * Added QSyntaxHighlighter::currentBlock().- QSystemTrayIcon * [189196] Fixed showMessage timeout interval being ignored on windows.- QTimer * [179238] Make QTimer behavior consistent with UNIX by not allowing them to fire recursively. * [188820] Fixed a bug found in the 4.4.0 snapshots that caused menu effects to "freeze."- QWizard * [180397] Fixed crash resulting from AeroStyle being assumed even when some of the required symbols were unresolved.- ActiveQt * [198021] Optimized QAxHostWidget::paintEvent(), the painting code is required only when the widget is being grabbed. * [191314] Support browsing of ActiveQt controls in Microsoft Visual Studio. * [190584] Support for large strings in code generated by dumpcpp. * [190538] Fixed incomplete function declarations generated by dumpcpp. * [90634] Support for 2D safe arrays. * [158785] Support for ActiveX control initialization using stored data.Mac OS X-------- * [168290] Input Methods can now be used on windows of type Qt::Popup. * [195099] Fixed a problem with posted an event to quit in one thread to another thread would not quit the other threads loop. * [193047] Extend support for all the function keys on a standard Apple keyboard. * [193096] QtUiTools_debug.a is now included in the debuglibraries binary package. * [141602] pixeltool is also included in the binary package. * [188580] Respect the LSUIElements key in an application's Info.plist. * [188267] Ensure that qAppName() checks CFBundleName before using the executable name. * [183464] Fix "wrong clippboard content" issue. * [189587] Prevent triggering menu shortcuts when showing native dialogs. * [174769] Add separator above the "Preferences" menu item in the application menu. * Some fixes to color space handling to ensure that the display color space is used when drawing items to the screen (and printer). This works even if the display has a non-standard colorspace. * Apply a fix so that programs using the sqlite plugin and built on Mac OS X 10.5 will run on older versions of Mac OS X.- QAction * [196332] Make actions with ApplicationSpecificRole get merged in all cases.- QApplication * [180466] Ensure that non Qt Windows get an activate. * [171181] QApplication no longer send key events to disabled widgets.- QContextMenuEvent * [161940] Implement support for QContextMenuEvent::modifiers()- QImage * [182655] Switch off antialiasing when drawng to 1bpp images on Mac- QMainWindow * [171931] Fix crash when calling addToolBar while the user is dragging toolbars. * [191544] Fix unified toolbar size constraint issues.- QMime Implement text/html for cutting and pasting.- QPixmap * QPixmap no longer breaks CGImageRef's immutability.- QPushButton * [183084] QPushButton will no longer change appearance between mini, small, and large according to the size of it's contents. This behaviour can be switched on by using WA_MacVariableSize. * [172108] Unset the mnemonic if setText() is called with no &.- QPrinter * [189182, 194085] Querying printer properties on Mac now works after QPainter::end().- QSettings * Fixed QSettings::sync() spurious error on Mac OS X 10.5. * Improved the Mac .plist serialization so that it doesn't generate needless one-element CFArrays.- QTextCodec * Fixed "System" locale codec on little-endian Mac OS X (Intel).- QTextEdit * [176378] Make selections be shown full-width. * [182243] Fix a regression where text editing widgets would insert command-keys that weren't shortcuts.- QWidget * [197087] Make masks work correctly for splashscreens and popups on Leopard. * [167974] Fix offset issue when seMask() was used in combinatiojn with Qt::FramelessWindowHint. * [192527] Fix a regression where Cmd+MouseButton on a window icon no longer sent a QIconDragEvent. * [179073] WA_MacMiniSize and MA_MacSmallSize have an effect on the default fonts for a widget. * [175199] Ensure sheets that later become normal windows have the correct opacity. * [139002] Ensure macEvent() is called.- QCoreGraphicsPaintEngine * Implement Porter-Duff operations.- QPageSetupDialog- QPrintDialog * Make both these dialogs sheets if they are given a parent.- Q3ComboBox * Make up/down arrows work when the popup is closed.Qt for Embedded Linux--------------------- - Screen drivers * LinuxFB: Improved support for BGR framebuffers * LinuxFB: Added 12, 15, 18 and 24 bit pixel depth detection. * AHI: New driver using the ATI Handheld Interface library. * DirectFB: New driver using the DirectFB library. * SVGAlib: Add support for 4 and 8 bit mode. * SVGAlib: Fixed the background color for 16 bit mode. * Transformed: Fix bug preventing driver to load as a plugin * VNC: Added support for the client cursor pseudo encoding. * Added QProxyScreen, a class for simplifying proxy based screen drivers. Currently used by the VNC and Transformed screen driver. * Added framework for letting the screen driver control the QPixmap implementation. * [194139] Fixed background initialization in a multiscreen environment. * [195661] Fixed disappearing mouse cursor in a multiscreen environment. - Mouse drivers * Made the Yopy, VR41xx, PC, LinuxTP, and Bus drivers available as plugins. * [194413] Fixed missing newline when writing the calibration file. * Configurable double-click jitter sensitivity through the QWS_DBLCLICK_DISTANCE environment variable. - Keyboard drivers * Made the SL5000, USB, VR41xx and Yopy drivers available as plugins. - Decoration drivers * Made the Styled, Windows and Default decorations avaiable as plugins - Demo applications * Added embeddedsvgviewer, styledemo & fluidlauncher applications to demos/embedded to demonstrate Qt/Embedded on small screens (QVGA/VGA). Fluidlauncher is used to launch the demos. * Modified the existing pathstroke & deform demos to add a -small-screen command line option to optimize layout for small screens (QVGA/VGA). - Windowing system * Removed redundant blits to the screen. * Fixed a bug in QWSWindowSurface preventing the Opaque property to be used. * Fixed a bug making the window surface valid when the windowEvent(QWSServer::Hide) signal is emitted. * Fixed a crash when no mouse driver is installed. * Fixed bug where QWSWindow::name() would be incorrect unless setWindowTitle() was called. * Allow normal windows to be raised above full screen windows. * [179884] Fixed bug when calling showMaximized() on a FramelessWindowHint window. * Fixed bug where children of a StaysOnTop window would be shown below the parent. * Fixed painting bug when configuring with -opengl and resizing/showing child widget of visible window. - QDirectPainter * [100114] Implemented lock() and unlock(). * default parameter bug fixed for startPainting(); see "Important Behavior Changes" below. - QScreen * Added classId() to enable safe casting to specific subclasses. - QPixmap * Fixed grabWindow() on 12, 15, 18 and 24 bit screens. * Fixed grabWindow() on BGR framebuffers. * Fixed grabWindow() on rotated screens. - QVFb * Fixed 12-bit support. * Added 15-bit support. * Added support for 32-bit ARGB * [127623] Tab key presses are now passed to the embedded application. - General fixes * [181906] Fixed case insensitive key comparisions in the keyboard, mouse and screen plugin factory. * [170768] For ARM processors, fixed the spin lock protecting the * QAtomic* implementations to yield instead busy waiting. * Reduced number of double precision floating point operations as an optimization for platforms without a floating point processor. * Reduced memory usage in the backing store. * [177057] Fixed use of the modifier window title tag.***************************************************************************** Compiler Specific Changes *****************************************************************************- ICC * [169196] Use -fpic instead of deprecated -KPIC option.***************************************************************************** Tools *****************************************************************************- Build System * Make it possible to use QT+=dbus and QT+=testlib to enable compiling against the QtDBus and QtTestLib libraries.- Assistant * Renamed the existing Assistant to Assistant_adp and adjusted the QtAssistantClient library accordingly. * Added the new Assistant based on the Qt Help module. * Introduced qhelpconverter to convert adp or dcf files to the new file formats. * Added the qhelpgenerator tool to create qch documentation files. * Introduced qcollectiongenerator to create help collections.- Designer * [191493] Fixed issues with small widgets in grid layouts on Mac * [177564] Fixed autoFillBackground being reverted when setting a stylesheet on a QLabel. * [171900] Made Qt3Support functions visually different (signals and slots, widget icons) * [182037] Fixed a bug which made it possible to resize QFrame-based containers to arbitrarily small sizes * [176678] Made "Current Widget Help" work * [193885] Fixed a crash caused by a widget box widget not having a geometry nor a valid sizeHint. * [122185] Added support for QMdiArea, QWorkspace * [173873] Made pasted widgets appear at mouse position * [191789] Added QtDesigner.pc for pkg-config * [157152] Added a context menu to the buddy editor * [189739] Fixed a crash caused by internal layouts of custom widget plugins * [133687] Fixed QDesignerContainerExtension; provided way to specify a method to add pages in domXML * [161643] Changed rich text editor to detect plain text and store it as such * [183110] Added a dialog for setting the tab order by sorting the list of widgets * [188548] Added support for static custom widget plugins to QUiLoader * [157164] Made QStackedWidget context menu available on browse buttons * [157217] Fixed default size of spacers * [182448] Fixed a bug that caused additional spacing between toolbar's last action and consecutive toolbar * [84089] Added containers and custom containers to the "New Form" dialog * [165443] Grey out the geometry property in Designer when it has no functionality * [119506] Made comments available for shortcut properties * [161480] Added detailed view to action editor * [175146] Improved the signal/slot editor; do not reset the column sizes when switching forms * [176121] Added "Save As" to code preview * [176122] Added code preview * [79138] Added support for QLayout::sizeConstraint * [156718] Made it possible to copy actions between forms * [168648] Improved object inspector selection * [166406] Fixed a selection bug affecting custom subclasses of QTabBar * [151323] Made it possible to use subclasses of QTabWidget, QToolBox or QStackedWidget as custom widgets * [168564] Fixed a bug in table widget editor * [132874] Added support for user-defined signals and slots of promoted widgets and main container * [202256] Made header section size of the action editor persist when switching forms * [201505] Extended the QDesignerIntegration::objectNameChanged() signal to carry the previous object name * [196304] Exclude C++ and java keywords as names for objects * [199838] Breaking layout didn't update properly minimumSize of a form * [118874] Added spacing property for the QToolBox * [120274] Q3Wizard - "currentPageText" property added, "caption" properly converted to "windowTitle" * [181567] Added support for loading and saving items for Q3ListBox and Q3ListView * [187593] Fixed issue with dynamic properties * [107935] Actions provided by task menu extension are appended to the list of actions of superclass * [188823] Compress margin/spacing properties in case all values are the same, for legacy reasons * [160635] Make Z-order working properly * [171900] Signals and slots from compat layer marked with red italic * [177398] Added notr="true" attribite to styleSheet property - in this way styleSheet string will not appear in linguist * [180367] Greyed out X and Y properties of geometry in case of main container * [118393] Collapsing property groups in property editor allowed * [190703] Fixed in-place editor behaviour * [154745] Guidelines provided for grid layout * [173516] New resource system integrated * [142477] Improved rich text editor and added HTML editing * Gradient editor added to stylesheet editor * Resetting font and palette subproperties handled properly * uint, qlonglong, qulonglong and QByteArray properties supported * Property Browser Solution integrated * Property Editor - added toolbar with object and class name, and some actions * Property Editor - remember expansion state * Property Editor - style sheet editor added * Property Editor - sorting and coloring added * Added basic fixup for URL properties to prevent data loss when the user enters an intermediate URL (such as www.google.com).- Linguist * [39078] Added shortcut for adding an entry to a phrase book. * [116913] Added tooltips to messages view and phrases view to be able to see the full text as well as to see a preview of HTML rendering. * [142628] Fix a "What's this?" message in Linguist. * [170053], [183645] Split the context / items tree up into a contexts window and a messages window. * [171829] Added support for syntax highlighting in source/translation strings. * [179415] When previewing a dialog via Qt Linguist that has the window modality set to ApplicationModal do not block linguist. * [181411] Make xliff utf-8 export use non-ascii characters, too. * [183713] Identify the line number in the code for strings. * [184586] Added ability to show multiple auxiliary (read-only) translations. * [194325] Fixed an error with loading XLIFF files containing consecutive internal whitespace. * Added a source code window. It shows the source file when available and highlights the line on which the source text was found. * Added a window for showing warnings. * Allow a translation to be marked as done when there are still warnings. * Fixed undo/redo functionality. * Show obsolete entries in grey. * Ask whether modified phrase books should be saved on quit. * Re-open phrasebooks at startup.- lupdate * [80235] Introduce QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP3 as a QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP3 variant taking a comments parameter. * [161106] When specifying ::QObject::tr() lupdate will no more take the previous word as namespace. * [165460] Make lupdate work with relative paths. * [165679] Prevent lupdate from crashing on special string patterns. * [179506] Handle the case of a class in a namespace inheriting from another class in a different namespace correctly. * [180318] Make lupdate work properly on deeply nested directories. * Added an option (-pluralonly) that will only extract strings which require a plural form, to ease adding plural translations for the same language as the source messages. * Do not require administrative privileges to run lupdate on Windows Vista.- lrelease * [187375] Allow lrelease to be run from a directory outside the .pro file. * Added an option (-removeidentical) that omits translated strings that are exactly the same as the source string, to reduce file size.- rcc * [105595] Add QT_NO_CAST_TO_ASCII define to tools by default. * [188891] Fix crash when QResource is loaded from stream that was rcc'd from an empty qrc file. * [164840] Allow use of chinese characters in commandline arguments to rcc.- moc * Treat -DFOO as -DFOO=1 for macros defined on the commandline.- uic * [189327] Added support for QT_NO_ACCESSIBILITY * [170919] Fixed a bug that caused nonsensical includes to appear in conjunction with Qt support classes * [171228] Fixed a bug that caused nonsensical includes to appear in conjunction with Qt support classes * [105595] Add QT_NO_CAST_TO_ASCII define to tools by default. * [186989, 158836] Fixed invalid code generation in some cases when cross-compiling.- uic3 * [179540] Added support for QPushButton's "on"-property * [170919] Fixed a bug regarding includes for classes in namespaces * [299175] Transform Qt3's QSlider property tickmarks to Qt4's tickPosition- qmake * [187938] Fix a bug that would cause Xcode projects generated by qmake to fail to link in Xcode 3. * The pkgconfig files generated for the frameworks on Mac OS X are now correct. * Makefiles for Mac OS X now always set QMAKE_MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.3 unless it is overridden in the .pro file, this will solves linking errors on Leopard. * [189409] The default Xcode generator format is now Xcode 2.2. * Added an unsupported mkspec for LLVM on Mac OS X. * [198562, 201942] Added support for overriding bundle extentions for Mac * [152932] Specify the /MANIFEST option when embedding manifests into the application/library. * Avoid adding silencing echos to the compiler when generating XCode projects. * [191267] Only include the -L$$QT_PLUGINPATH option once in a project. * Avoid memmoving data from outside a memory block. * Generate proper MSVC 2008 VCPROJ and SLN files. * [168308] Avoid double dir separators in subdir Makefiles. * [168075] Make distcc work on Mac.- configure * [180315] Implement -qtlibinfix configure option to allow renaming of Qt libraries. * [180315] Implement -qtnamespace configure option to allow compiling all Qt symbols in a user-defined namespace.***************************************************************************** Plugins *****************************************************************************- QTiffPlugin * [187169] Return an error if loading fails instead of empty image.- QSvgIconEngine The qsvg icon engine plugin has been renamed to qsvgicon to disambiguate it from the qsvg image format plugin. * Now allows multiple SVG files and/or other images to be added to QIcon for different modes. * Streaming of SVG icons is fixed.***************************************************************************** Important Behavior Changes *****************************************************************************- Event filters The behavior of event filters has changed starting with 4.4. Previously, thread affinity was ignored when adding, removing, and activating an object's event filters. Now, event filters must have the same thread affinity as the object they are filtering. Qt will warn when it detects a filter that is in a different thread from the object being filtered.- QFont Starting with Qt 4.4, the '-' characters in the raw font names are no longer substituted with a ' ' (space character). This may impact your application if you use fonts that have '-' characters in their raw font names.- QReadWriteLock Starting with Qt 4.4, recursive lock support is disabled by default in QReadWriteLock. Code that relies on recursive write locking will need to be changed to construct the QReadWriteLock with recursive lock support enabled. Previously, recursive write-lock support (introduced in 4.3) was enabled by default, but QReadWriteLock did not properly support recursive read-lock support. QReadWriteLock now supports both and needs to be constructed explicitly with recurive lock support enabled (QMutex works in the same way).- QPainterPath We have changed QPainterPath::angleAtPercent() to use the same angle definition as in the rest of Qt. This means that the angle returned will be from 0 to but not including 360, specifying the degrees from the 3 o'clock position in the counter-clockwise direction.- QDirectPainter [Qt for Embedded Linux-specific class] startPainting() in Qt 4.3 had a default parameter lock=false, the value of which was not used. The function would lock for client processes, but not for the server process. From Qt 4.4, the default value is changed to true, and startPainting() will lock if lock == true, and not lock if lock == false. This means that client processes running code that has not been recompiled with Qt 4.4 may show flicker and/or painting problems. To get exactly the same behaviour as for Qt 4.3, change startPainting() to startPainting(QApplication::type() == QApplication::GuiClient).- QPrinter QPrinter::pageRect() did not return consistent values on Linux/Mac/Windows when QPrinter::fullPage() was set to true. On Mac and Windows pageRect() was not influenced by the fullPage() setting. This has now been changed so that pageRect() returns the same as paperRect() when fullPage() is true on all platforms.- QPixmap Using QPixmap outside of the GUI thread is dangerous and error prone. Because of this, starting with 4.4, any QPixmap created outside of the GUI thread will always be a null pixmap.- QDateTime When using QDateTime::fromString() to parse dates, QDateTime no longer tries to use English month names because that would cause some dates to become unparseable. If you need to parse date times in the English locale, use QLocale::toDateTime (in specific, the QLocale::c() locale).- Qt/Mac Starting a Qt application no longer makes it the front process. This is more in-line with other applications on Mac OS X. What this means is that you can start a Qt application, do something else and not have the Qt application steal your focus. If you desire for the Qt application to become the front process, you can call QWidget::raise() programmatically or launch the application with open(1) or using QDesktopServices. This should not have any affect if launched from double-clicking in Finder or run in a debugger.- Qt/X11 on MIPS Linux qreal is changed from float to double, breaking binary compatibility. This change fixes a bug introduced in Qt 4.3.0 when qreal was changed from double to float for embedded MIPS processors.