Before building the Qt library, the Qt SQL module can be enabled forspecific databases using 'configure'. 'configure' is located at thetop of your QTDIR.Specific databases drivers can be enabled using one of the followingoptions: ./configure [-qt-sql-<driver>] [-plugin-sql-<driver>]or disabled using the following option: ./configure [-no-sql-<driver>]Where <driver> is the name of the driver, for example 'psql'. Thiswill configure the Qt library to compile the specified driver intothe Qt lib itself.For example, to build the PostgreSQL driver directly into the Qtlibrary, configure Qt like this: ./configure -qt-sql-psqlIn addition, you may need to specify an extra include path, as somedatabase drivers require headers for the database they are using,for example: ./configure -qt-sql-psql -I/usr/local/includeIf instead you need to build the PostgreSQL driver as a dynamicallyloaded plugin, configure Qt like this: ./configure -plugin-sql-psqlTo compile drivers as dynamically loaded plugins, see theQTDIR/plugins/src/sqldrivers directory. Use 'configure -help'for a complete list of configure options. See the Qt documentationfor a complete list of supported database drivers.