author Dremov Kirill (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) <kirill.dremov@nokia.com>
Tue, 06 Jul 2010 15:10:48 +0300
changeset 30 5dc02b23752f
child 33 3e2da88830cd
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revision: 201025 Kit: 2010127

Qt 4.7 introduces many new features and improvements as well as bugfixes
over the 4.6.x series. For more details, refer to the online documentation
included in this distribution. The documentation is also available online:


The Qt version 4.7 series is binary compatible with the 4.6.x series.
Applications compiled for 4.6 will continue to run with 4.7.

Some of the changes listed in this file include issue tracking numbers
corresponding to tasks in the Qt Bug Tracker:


Each of these identifiers can be entered in the bug tracker to obtain more
information about a particular change.

*                           General                                        *

General Improvements

- Documentation and Examples

- Support for the GL_EXT_geometry_shader4, aka Geometry Shaders, was added
  to QGLShaderProgram.

New features

 - QNetworkSession, QNetworkConfiguration, QNetworkConfigurationManager
    * New bearer management classes added.

Third party components

 - Updated libpng to version 1.4.0

 - Updated libjpeg to version 8

 - Updated libtiff to version 3.9.2

*                          Library                                         *


 - QMetaType
    * Significantly improved performance of the type() function
 - QState
    * [QTBUG-7741] Added a function to get the out-going transitions
 - QStateMachine
    * [QTBUG-8842] Reset history states when (re)starting machine
 - QXmlStreamReader
    * [QTBUG-9196] fixed crash when parsing
 - QTimer
    * singleShot with 0 timeout will now avoid allocating objects


 - QAbstractItemView
    * Fixed a bug that would cause keyboard searches not to behave
      properly when used within 400 milliseconds of midnight.

 - QComboBox
    * [QTBUG-8796] Made ForegroundRole work for all styles.

 - QPrinter
    * Obsoleted the slightly confusing setNumCopies() and numCopies()
      functions, and replaced them with setCopyCount(), copyCount() and

 - QPrintDialog/QPrinter
    * Added support for printing the current page.

 - QCommonStyle
    * Fixed a bug that led to missing text pixels in QTabBar when using
      small font sizes. (QTBUG-7137)

 - QGraphicsEffect
    * Fixed rendering bugs when scrolling graphics items with drop

 - QGraphicsItem
    * [QTBUG-8112] itemChange() is now called when transformation
      properties change (setRotation, setScale, setTransformOriginPoint).

 - QGraphicsTextItem
    * [QTBUG-7333] Fixed keyboard shortcuts not being triggered when the
      the item has focus and something else has the same shortcut sequence.

 - QGraphicsView
    * [QTBUG-7438] Fixed viewport cursor getting reset when releasing
      the mouse.

 - QImage
    * [QTBUG-9640] Prevented unneccessary copy in QImage::setAlphaChannel().
    * [QTBUG-7982] Added QImage::bitPlaneCount().

 - QPicture
    * [QTBUG-4974] Printing QPictures containing text to a high resolution
      QPrinter would in many cases cause incorrect character spacing.

 - QPainter
    * Added QPainter::drawPixmapFragments(), which makes it possible to draw
      pixmaps, or sub-rectangles of pixmaps, at various positions with
      different scale, opacity and rotation.
    * [QTBUG-10018] Fixed image drawing inconsistencies when drawing
      1x1 source rects with rotating / shear / perspective transforms.
    * Optimized various blending and rendering operations for ARM
      processors with a NEON vector unit.
    * Fixed some performance issues when drawing sub-pixmaps of large
      pixmaps and falling back to raster in the X11 paint engine.

 - QPainterPath
    * [QTBUG-3778] Fixed bug in painter path polygon intersection code.
    * [QTBUG-7396] Optimized painter path intersections for when at
      least one of the paths is a rectangle by special casing.
    * [QTBUG-8035] Got rid of bezier intersection code in the boolean
      operators (intersect, subtract, unite) to prevent numerical
      stability issues.

 - QPixmap
    * [QTBUG-4149] Fixed QPixmap::grabWidget() on widgets that have not yet
      been shown.
 - QPlastiqueStyle
    * [QTBUG-6516] Respect AlternateBase role for list views.

 - QRegion
    * [QTBUG-7699] Fixed crash caused by large x-coordinates.

 - QSplitter
    * [QTBUG-9335] Improve support for 1-pixel splitters by using a 
      larger drag area.

 - QTransform
    * [QTBUG-8557] Fixed bug in QTransform::type() potentially occuring
      after using operator/ or operator* or their overloads.

 - QHostInfo: Added a small 60 second DNS cache
 - QNetworkAccessManager
  * Performance improvements for file:// and http://
  * Crash fixes
  * Improvements on HTTP pipelining
  * Fix problem with canReadLine()
  * Fix problem with HTTP 100 reply
  * Some new attributes for QNetworkRequest
  * [QTBUG-8206] add method to send custom requests
  * [QTBUG-9618] [MR 2372] send secure cookies only over secure connections
  * [QTBUG-7713] Fix bug related to re-sending request
  * [QTBUG-7673] Fix issue with some webservers
 - Sockets
  * Better support for derived QTcpServer
  * [QTBUG-7054] Fix error handling with waitFor*() for socket engine
  * [QTBUG-7316, QTBUG-7317] Also handle unknown errors from socket engine
 - SSL
  * [QTBUG-2515] Do not make OpenSSL prompt for a password
  * [QTBUG-6504, QTBUG-8924, QTBUG-5645] Fix memleak

 - QGLWidget
  * [QTBUG-7865] Fixed bug where GL widgets were not fully updated on
    Windows Vista/7 with Aero disabled.

 - Updated src/3rdparty/javascriptcore to a more recent version
 - Significantly improved performance of the Qt/C++<-->JavaScript bridge
 - QScriptValueIterator: Significantly improved performance
 - [QTBUG-3637] Added a wrap option for excluding slots from a QObject binding
 - [QTBUG-6238] Added a function for reporting additional memory cost
 - [QTBUG-6908] Significantly improved performance of qsTr()

 - QSvgRenderer
  * [QTBUG-8264] Fixed rounded rectangles when 'rx' or 'ry' is zero.
  * [QTBUG-10022] Fixed assert failure when loading an invalid SVG.


 - [QTBUG-8920] fixed crash with anonymous types in XsdSchemaChecker
 - [QTBUG-8394] include/import/redefine schemas only once
 - QXmlSchema: fix crash with referencing elements

Qt Plugins

 - Jpeg image IO plugin
    * Fixed failure to store certain QImage formats as jpeg (QTBUG-7780)
    * Optimized smoothscaling
    * Optimized to avoid data copy when reading from memory device (QTBUG-9095)

 - SVG image IO plugin
    * Added support for svgz format (QTBUG-8227)
    * Fixed canRead() so that it can be used also for non-sequential
      devices. (QTBUG-9053)
    * Added support for clipping and scaling and backgroundcolor
    * Optimized to avoid data copy when reading from memory device (QTBUG-9095)

*                          Database Drivers                                *

*                      Platform Specific Changes                           *

Qt for Linux/X11
 - QGtkStyle
    * Fixed rtl issues with sliders (QTBUG-8986)
    * Fixed missing pressed appearance on scroll bar handles. (QTBUG-10396)  

Qt for Windows
 - Popup windows now implicitly activate when shown. (QTBUG-7386)

 - QLocalSocket
    * Pipe handle leak fixed, when closing a QLocalSocket that still has
      unwritten data. (QTBUG-7815)
    * Fixed closing state for local sockets with unwritten data. (QTBUG-9681)
    * Improved performance of writing to QLocalSocket.

Qt for Mac OS X
 - QMacStyle
    * Removed frame around statusbar items. (QTBUG-3574)
    * More native appearance of item view headers and frames. (QTBUG-10047)    

Qt for Embedded Linux

  * Add support for WA_TranslucentBackground (QTBUG-5739)
  * Add support for QFont::NoAntialias (QTBUG-5936)

Qt for Windows CE

 - Core changes
    * Fixed menu handling on Windows mobile. (QTBUG-8754)
    * Fixed a crash when receiving a certain type of WM_SETTINGSCHANGE
      message. (QTBUG-7943)

 - QWindowsMobileStyle
    * Huge performance penalty for QTabWidget fixed for
      Windows mobile 6.5. (QTBUG-8419)
    * QTabBar scroll button size has been fixed. (QTBUG-8757)
    * Detection of Windows mobile 6.5 fixed. (QTBUG-8418)

*                      Compiler Specific Changes                           *

*                          Tools                                           *

- Build System

  - "configure -fast" on Windows now also works for other make tools than
    nmake. (QTBUG-8562)

- Assistant

- Designer
 - [QTBUG-9351] Fixed a bug that caused modified headerview-properties
   of item views to be duplicated in the UI-file.
 - [QTBUG-8347] Fixed a layout problem caused by embedded images in the rich
   text of a QLabel.
 - [QTBUG-8041], [QTBUG-8213] Fixed a crash related to undo while moving
   widgets by arrow keys.
 - [QTBUG-7822] Added support for the 'windowOpacity'-property.
 - [QTBUG-7764] Fixed the emission of the propertyChanged()-signal of
 - [QTBUG-5492] Made widgetbox-filter match on class names, too.

- Linguist
  - Linguist GUI

  - lupdate

  - lrelease

- rcc

- moc

- uic

- uic3

 - [QTBUG-9207] Fixed export of image files of type XPM, added
   compatibility option -limit-xpm-linelength.

- qmake

- configure

- qtconfig

- qt3to4

*                          Plugins                                         *

*                   Important Behavior Changes                             *

QtScript: Changes due to updating src/3rdparty/javascriptcore:
 - It is no longer possible to delete an undeletable property from C++
   using QScriptValue::setProperty().
 - The QScriptEngineAgent::positionChange() callback will always report
   a column number of 1.
 - QScriptValueIterator will include the "length" property when iterating
   over Array objects.