** Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
** All rights reserved.
** Contact: Nokia Corporation (qt-info@nokia.com)
** This file is part of the QtScript module of the Qt Toolkit.
** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
** will be met: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html.
** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
** Nokia at qt-info@nokia.com.
#include "config.h"
#include "qscriptqobject_p.h"
#include <QtCore/qmetaobject.h>
#include <QtCore/qvarlengtharray.h>
#include <QtCore/qdebug.h>
#include <QtScript/qscriptable.h>
#include "../api/qscriptengine_p.h"
#include "../api/qscriptable_p.h"
#include "../api/qscriptcontext_p.h"
#include "qscriptfunction_p.h"
#include "Error.h"
#include "PrototypeFunction.h"
#include "NativeFunctionWrapper.h"
#include "PropertyNameArray.h"
#include "JSFunction.h"
#include "JSString.h"
#include "JSValue.h"
#include "JSArray.h"
#include "RegExpObject.h"
#include "RegExpConstructor.h"
namespace JSC
namespace QScript
struct QObjectConnection
int slotIndex;
JSC::JSValue receiver;
JSC::JSValue slot;
JSC::JSValue senderWrapper;
QObjectConnection(int i, JSC::JSValue r, JSC::JSValue s,
JSC::JSValue sw)
: slotIndex(i), receiver(r), slot(s), senderWrapper(sw) {}
QObjectConnection() : slotIndex(-1) {}
bool hasTarget(JSC::JSValue r, JSC::JSValue s) const
if ((r && r.isObject()) != (receiver && receiver.isObject()))
return false;
if (((r && r.isObject()) && (receiver && receiver.isObject()))
&& (r != receiver)) {
return false;
return (s == slot);
void mark(JSC::MarkStack& markStack)
if (senderWrapper) {
// see if the sender should be marked or not;
// if the C++ object is owned by script, we don't want
// it to stay alive due to a script connection.
QScriptObject *scriptObject = static_cast<QScriptObject*>(JSC::asObject(senderWrapper));
if (!JSC::Heap::isCellMarked(scriptObject)) {
QScriptObjectDelegate *delegate = scriptObject->delegate();
Q_ASSERT(delegate && (delegate->type() == QScriptObjectDelegate::QtObject));
QObjectDelegate *inst = static_cast<QObjectDelegate*>(delegate);
if ((inst->ownership() == QScriptEngine::ScriptOwnership)
|| ((inst->ownership() == QScriptEngine::AutoOwnership)
&& inst->value() && !inst->value()->parent())) {
senderWrapper = JSC::JSValue();
} else {
if (receiver)
if (slot)
class QObjectNotifyCaller : public QObject
void callConnectNotify(const char *signal)
{ connectNotify(signal); }
void callDisconnectNotify(const char *signal)
{ disconnectNotify(signal); }
class QObjectConnectionManager: public QObject
QObjectConnectionManager(QScriptEnginePrivate *engine);
bool addSignalHandler(QObject *sender, int signalIndex,
JSC::JSValue receiver,
JSC::JSValue slot,
JSC::JSValue senderWrapper,
Qt::ConnectionType type);
bool removeSignalHandler(QObject *sender, int signalIndex,
JSC::JSValue receiver,
JSC::JSValue slot);
static const QMetaObject staticMetaObject;
virtual const QMetaObject *metaObject() const;
virtual void *qt_metacast(const char *);
virtual int qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call, int, void **argv);
void execute(int slotIndex, void **argv);
void mark(JSC::MarkStack&);
QScriptEnginePrivate *engine;
int slotCounter;
QVector<QVector<QObjectConnection> > connections;
static bool hasMethodAccess(const QMetaMethod &method, int index, const QScriptEngine::QObjectWrapOptions &opt)
return (method.access() != QMetaMethod::Private)
&& ((index != 2) || !(opt & QScriptEngine::ExcludeDeleteLater))
&& (!(opt & QScriptEngine::ExcludeSlots) || (method.methodType() != QMetaMethod::Slot));
static bool isEnumerableMetaProperty(const QMetaProperty &prop,
const QMetaObject *mo, int index)
return prop.isScriptable() && prop.isValid()
// the following lookup is to ensure that we have the
// "most derived" occurrence of the property with this name
&& (mo->indexOfProperty(prop.name()) == index);
/*! \internal
Calculates the length of the name of the given \a method by looking
for the first '(' character.
static inline int methodNameLength(const QMetaMethod &method)
const char *signature = method.signature();
const char *s = signature;
while (*s && (*s != '('))
return s - signature;
/*! \internal
Makes a deep copy of the first \a nameLength characters of the given
method \a signature and returns the copy.
static inline QByteArray methodName(const char *signature, int nameLength)
return QByteArray(signature, nameLength);
/*! \internal
Returns true if the name of the given \a method is the same as that
specified by the (signature, nameLength) pair, otherwise returns
static inline bool methodNameEquals(const QMetaMethod &method,
const char *signature, int nameLength)
const char *otherSignature = method.signature();
return !qstrncmp(otherSignature, signature, nameLength)
&& (otherSignature[nameLength] == '(');
static QVariant variantFromValue(JSC::ExecState *exec, int targetType, JSC::JSValue value)
QVariant v(targetType, (void *)0);
if (QScriptEnginePrivate::convertValue(exec, value, targetType, v.data()))
return v;
if (uint(targetType) == QVariant::LastType)
return QScriptEnginePrivate::toVariant(exec, value);
if (QScriptEnginePrivate::isVariant(value)) {
v = QScriptEnginePrivate::variantValue(value);
if (v.canConvert(QVariant::Type(targetType))) {
return v;
QByteArray typeName = v.typeName();
if (typeName.endsWith('*')
&& (QMetaType::type(typeName.left(typeName.size()-1)) == targetType)) {
return QVariant(targetType, *reinterpret_cast<void* *>(v.data()));
return QVariant();
static const bool GeneratePropertyFunctions = true;
static unsigned flagsForMetaProperty(const QMetaProperty &prop)
return (JSC::DontDelete
| (!prop.isWritable() ? unsigned(JSC::ReadOnly) : unsigned(0))
| (GeneratePropertyFunctions
? unsigned(JSC::Getter | JSC::Setter)
: unsigned(0))
| QObjectMemberAttribute);
static int indexOfMetaEnum(const QMetaObject *meta, const QByteArray &str)
QByteArray scope;
QByteArray name;
int scopeIdx = str.lastIndexOf("::");
if (scopeIdx != -1) {
scope = str.left(scopeIdx);
name = str.mid(scopeIdx + 2);
} else {
name = str;
for (int i = meta->enumeratorCount() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
QMetaEnum m = meta->enumerator(i);
if ((m.name() == name) && (scope.isEmpty() || (m.scope() == scope)))
return i;
return -1;
static inline QScriptable *scriptableFromQObject(QObject *qobj)
void *ptr = qobj->qt_metacast("QScriptable");
return reinterpret_cast<QScriptable*>(ptr);
QtFunction::QtFunction(JSC::JSValue object, int initialIndex, bool maybeOverloaded,
JSC::JSGlobalData *data, WTF::PassRefPtr<JSC::Structure> sid,
const JSC::Identifier &ident)
: JSC::InternalFunction(data, sid, ident),
data(new Data(object, initialIndex, maybeOverloaded))
delete data;
JSC::CallType QtFunction::getCallData(JSC::CallData &callData)
callData.native.function = call;
return JSC::CallTypeHost;
void QtFunction::markChildren(JSC::MarkStack& markStack)
if (data->object)
QScriptObject *QtFunction::wrapperObject() const
return static_cast<QScriptObject*>(JSC::asObject(data->object));
QObject *QtFunction::qobject() const
QScriptObject *scriptObject = wrapperObject();
QScriptObjectDelegate *delegate = scriptObject->delegate();
Q_ASSERT(delegate && (delegate->type() == QScriptObjectDelegate::QtObject));
return static_cast<QScript::QObjectDelegate*>(delegate)->value();
const QMetaObject *QtFunction::metaObject() const
QObject *qobj = qobject();
if (!qobj)
return 0;
return qobj->metaObject();
int QtFunction::initialIndex() const
return data->initialIndex;
bool QtFunction::maybeOverloaded() const
return data->maybeOverloaded;
int QtFunction::mostGeneralMethod(QMetaMethod *out) const
const QMetaObject *meta = metaObject();
if (!meta)
return -1;
int index = initialIndex();
QMetaMethod method = meta->method(index);
if (maybeOverloaded() && (method.attributes() & QMetaMethod::Cloned)) {
// find the most general method
do {
method = meta->method(--index);
} while (method.attributes() & QMetaMethod::Cloned);
if (out)
*out = method;
return index;
QList<int> QScript::QtFunction::overloadedIndexes() const
if (!maybeOverloaded())
return QList<int>();
QList<int> result;
const QMetaObject *meta = metaObject();
QMetaMethod method = meta->method(initialIndex());
int nameLength = methodNameLength(method);
for (int index = mostGeneralMethod() - 1; index >= 0; --index) {
if (methodNameEquals(meta->method(index), method.signature(), nameLength))
return result;
class QScriptMetaType
enum Kind {
inline QScriptMetaType()
: m_kind(Invalid) { }
inline Kind kind() const
{ return m_kind; }
int typeId() const;
inline bool isValid() const
{ return (m_kind != Invalid); }
inline bool isVariant() const
{ return (m_kind == Variant); }
inline bool isMetaType() const
{ return (m_kind == MetaType); }
inline bool isUnresolved() const
{ return (m_kind == Unresolved); }
inline bool isMetaEnum() const
{ return (m_kind == MetaEnum); }
QByteArray name() const;
inline int enumeratorIndex() const
{ Q_ASSERT(isMetaEnum()); return m_typeId; }
inline bool operator==(const QScriptMetaType &other) const
return (m_kind == other.m_kind) && (m_typeId == other.m_typeId);
static inline QScriptMetaType variant()
{ return QScriptMetaType(Variant); }
static inline QScriptMetaType metaType(int typeId, const QByteArray &name)
{ return QScriptMetaType(MetaType, typeId, name); }
static inline QScriptMetaType metaEnum(int enumIndex, const QByteArray &name)
{ return QScriptMetaType(MetaEnum, enumIndex, name); }
static inline QScriptMetaType unresolved(const QByteArray &name)
{ return QScriptMetaType(Unresolved, /*typeId=*/0, name); }
inline QScriptMetaType(Kind kind, int typeId = 0, const QByteArray &name = QByteArray())
: m_kind(kind), m_typeId(typeId), m_name(name) { }
Kind m_kind;
int m_typeId;
QByteArray m_name;
int QScriptMetaType::typeId() const
if (isVariant())
return QMetaType::type("QVariant");
return isMetaEnum() ? 2/*int*/ : m_typeId;
QByteArray QScriptMetaType::name() const
if (!m_name.isEmpty())
return m_name;
else if (m_kind == Variant)
return "QVariant";
return QMetaType::typeName(typeId());
class QScriptMetaMethod
inline QScriptMetaMethod()
{ }
inline QScriptMetaMethod(const QVector<QScriptMetaType> &types)
: m_types(types), m_firstUnresolvedIndex(-1)
QVector<QScriptMetaType>::const_iterator it;
for (it = m_types.constBegin(); it != m_types.constEnd(); ++it) {
if ((*it).kind() == QScriptMetaType::Unresolved) {
m_firstUnresolvedIndex = it - m_types.constBegin();
inline bool isValid() const
{ return !m_types.isEmpty(); }
inline QScriptMetaType returnType() const
{ return m_types.at(0); }
inline int argumentCount() const
{ return m_types.count() - 1; }
inline QScriptMetaType argumentType(int arg) const
{ return m_types.at(arg + 1); }
inline bool fullyResolved() const
{ return m_firstUnresolvedIndex == -1; }
inline bool hasUnresolvedReturnType() const
{ return (m_firstUnresolvedIndex == 0); }
inline int firstUnresolvedIndex() const
{ return m_firstUnresolvedIndex; }
inline int count() const
{ return m_types.count(); }
inline QScriptMetaType type(int index) const
{ return m_types.at(index); }
inline QVector<QScriptMetaType> types() const
{ return m_types; }
QVector<QScriptMetaType> m_types;
int m_firstUnresolvedIndex;
struct QScriptMetaArguments
int matchDistance;
int index;
QScriptMetaMethod method;
QVarLengthArray<QVariant, 9> args;
inline QScriptMetaArguments(int dist, int idx, const QScriptMetaMethod &mtd,
const QVarLengthArray<QVariant, 9> &as)
: matchDistance(dist), index(idx), method(mtd), args(as) { }
inline QScriptMetaArguments()
: index(-1) { }
inline bool isValid() const
{ return (index != -1); }
static QMetaMethod metaMethod(const QMetaObject *meta,
QMetaMethod::MethodType type,
int index)
if (type != QMetaMethod::Constructor)
return meta->method(index);
return meta->constructor(index);
static JSC::JSValue callQtMethod(JSC::ExecState *exec, QMetaMethod::MethodType callType,
QObject *thisQObject, const JSC::ArgList &scriptArgs,
const QMetaObject *meta, int initialIndex,
bool maybeOverloaded)
QScriptMetaMethod chosenMethod;
int chosenIndex = -1;
QVarLengthArray<QVariant, 9> args;
QVector<QScriptMetaArguments> candidates;
QVector<QScriptMetaArguments> unresolved;
QVector<int> tooFewArgs;
QVector<int> conversionFailed;
int index;
int nameLength = 0;
const char *initialMethodSignature = 0;
QScriptEnginePrivate *engine = QScript::scriptEngineFromExec(exec);
for (index = initialIndex; index >= 0; --index) {
QMetaMethod method = metaMethod(meta, callType, index);
if (index == initialIndex) {
initialMethodSignature = method.signature();
nameLength = methodNameLength(method);
} else {
if (!methodNameEquals(method, initialMethodSignature, nameLength))
QList<QByteArray> parameterTypeNames = method.parameterTypes();
QVector<QScriptMetaType> types;
types.resize(1 + parameterTypeNames.size());
QScriptMetaType *typesData = types.data();
// resolve return type
QByteArray returnTypeName = method.typeName();
int rtype = QMetaType::type(returnTypeName);
if ((rtype == 0) && !returnTypeName.isEmpty()) {
int enumIndex = indexOfMetaEnum(meta, returnTypeName);
if (enumIndex != -1)
typesData[0] = QScriptMetaType::metaEnum(enumIndex, returnTypeName);
typesData[0] = QScriptMetaType::unresolved(returnTypeName);
} else {
if (callType == QMetaMethod::Constructor)
typesData[0] = QScriptMetaType::metaType(QMetaType::QObjectStar, "QObject*");
else if (rtype == QMetaType::QVariant)
typesData[0] = QScriptMetaType::variant();
typesData[0] = QScriptMetaType::metaType(rtype, returnTypeName);
// resolve argument types
for (int i = 0; i < parameterTypeNames.count(); ++i) {
QByteArray argTypeName = parameterTypeNames.at(i);
int atype = QMetaType::type(argTypeName);
if (atype == 0) {
int enumIndex = indexOfMetaEnum(meta, argTypeName);
if (enumIndex != -1)
typesData[1 + i] = QScriptMetaType::metaEnum(enumIndex, argTypeName);
typesData[1 + i] = QScriptMetaType::unresolved(argTypeName);
} else if (atype == QMetaType::QVariant) {
typesData[1 + i] = QScriptMetaType::variant();
} else {
typesData[1 + i] = QScriptMetaType::metaType(atype, argTypeName);
QScriptMetaMethod mtd = QScriptMetaMethod(types);
if (int(scriptArgs.size()) < mtd.argumentCount()) {
if (!mtd.fullyResolved()) {
// remember it so we can give an error message later, if necessary
unresolved.append(QScriptMetaArguments(/*matchDistance=*/INT_MAX, index,
mtd, QVarLengthArray<QVariant, 9>()));
if (mtd.hasUnresolvedReturnType())
if (args.count() != mtd.count())
QScriptMetaType retType = mtd.returnType();
args[0] = QVariant(retType.typeId(), (void *)0); // the result
// try to convert arguments
bool converted = true;
int matchDistance = 0;
for (int i = 0; converted && i < mtd.argumentCount(); ++i) {
JSC::JSValue actual;
if (i < (int)scriptArgs.size())
actual = scriptArgs.at(i);
actual = JSC::jsUndefined();
QScriptMetaType argType = mtd.argumentType(i);
int tid = -1;
QVariant v;
if (argType.isUnresolved()) {
v = QVariant(QMetaType::QObjectStar, (void *)0);
converted = QScriptEnginePrivate::convertToNativeQObject(
exec, actual, argType.name(), reinterpret_cast<void* *>(v.data()));
} else if (argType.isVariant()) {
if (QScriptEnginePrivate::isVariant(actual)) {
v = QScriptEnginePrivate::variantValue(actual);
} else {
v = QScriptEnginePrivate::toVariant(exec, actual);
converted = v.isValid() || actual.isUndefined() || actual.isNull();
} else {
tid = argType.typeId();
v = QVariant(tid, (void *)0);
converted = QScriptEnginePrivate::convertValue(exec, actual, tid, v.data());
if (exec->hadException())
return exec->exception();
if (!converted) {
if (QScriptEnginePrivate::isVariant(actual)) {
if (tid == -1)
tid = argType.typeId();
QVariant vv = QScriptEnginePrivate::variantValue(actual);
if (vv.canConvert(QVariant::Type(tid))) {
v = vv;
converted = v.convert(QVariant::Type(tid));
if (converted && (vv.userType() != tid))
matchDistance += 10;
} else {
QByteArray vvTypeName = vv.typeName();
if (vvTypeName.endsWith('*')
&& (vvTypeName.left(vvTypeName.size()-1) == argType.name())) {
v = QVariant(tid, *reinterpret_cast<void* *>(vv.data()));
converted = true;
matchDistance += 10;
} else if (actual.isNumber() || actual.isString()) {
// see if it's an enum value
QMetaEnum m;
if (argType.isMetaEnum()) {
m = meta->enumerator(argType.enumeratorIndex());
} else {
int mi = indexOfMetaEnum(meta, argType.name());
if (mi != -1)
m = meta->enumerator(mi);
if (m.isValid()) {
if (actual.isNumber()) {
int ival = QScriptEnginePrivate::toInt32(exec, actual);
if (m.valueToKey(ival) != 0) {
qVariantSetValue(v, ival);
converted = true;
matchDistance += 10;
} else {
JSC::UString sval = QScriptEnginePrivate::toString(exec, actual);
int ival = m.keyToValue(convertToLatin1(sval));
if (ival != -1) {
qVariantSetValue(v, ival);
converted = true;
matchDistance += 10;
} else {
// determine how well the conversion matched
if (actual.isNumber()) {
switch (tid) {
case QMetaType::Double:
// perfect
case QMetaType::Float:
matchDistance += 1;
case QMetaType::LongLong:
case QMetaType::ULongLong:
matchDistance += 2;
case QMetaType::Long:
case QMetaType::ULong:
matchDistance += 3;
case QMetaType::Int:
case QMetaType::UInt:
matchDistance += 4;
case QMetaType::Short:
case QMetaType::UShort:
matchDistance += 5;
case QMetaType::Char:
case QMetaType::UChar:
matchDistance += 6;
matchDistance += 10;
} else if (actual.isString()) {
switch (tid) {
case QMetaType::QString:
// perfect
matchDistance += 10;
} else if (actual.isBoolean()) {
switch (tid) {
case QMetaType::Bool:
// perfect
matchDistance += 10;
} else if (QScriptEnginePrivate::isDate(actual)) {
switch (tid) {
case QMetaType::QDateTime:
// perfect
case QMetaType::QDate:
matchDistance += 1;
case QMetaType::QTime:
matchDistance += 2;
matchDistance += 10;
} else if (QScriptEnginePrivate::isRegExp(actual)) {
switch (tid) {
case QMetaType::QRegExp:
// perfect
matchDistance += 10;
} else if (QScriptEnginePrivate::isVariant(actual)) {
if (argType.isVariant()
|| (QScriptEnginePrivate::toVariant(exec, actual).userType() == tid)) {
// perfect
} else {
matchDistance += 10;
} else if (QScriptEnginePrivate::isArray(actual)) {
switch (tid) {
case QMetaType::QStringList:
case QMetaType::QVariantList:
matchDistance += 5;
matchDistance += 10;
} else if (QScriptEnginePrivate::isQObject(actual)) {
switch (tid) {
case QMetaType::QObjectStar:
case QMetaType::QWidgetStar:
// perfect
matchDistance += 10;
} else if (actual.isNull()) {
switch (tid) {
case QMetaType::VoidStar:
case QMetaType::QObjectStar:
case QMetaType::QWidgetStar:
// perfect
if (!argType.name().endsWith('*'))
matchDistance += 10;
} else {
matchDistance += 10;
if (converted)
args[i+1] = v;
if (converted) {
if ((scriptArgs.size() == (size_t)mtd.argumentCount())
&& (matchDistance == 0)) {
// perfect match, use this one
chosenMethod = mtd;
chosenIndex = index;
} else {
bool redundant = false;
if ((callType != QMetaMethod::Constructor)
&& (index < meta->methodOffset())) {
// it is possible that a virtual method is redeclared in a subclass,
// in which case we want to ignore the superclass declaration
for (int i = 0; i < candidates.size(); ++i) {
const QScriptMetaArguments &other = candidates.at(i);
if (mtd.types() == other.method.types()) {
redundant = true;
if (!redundant) {
QScriptMetaArguments metaArgs(matchDistance, index, mtd, args);
if (candidates.isEmpty()) {
} else {
const QScriptMetaArguments &otherArgs = candidates.at(0);
if ((args.count() > otherArgs.args.count())
|| ((args.count() == otherArgs.args.count())
&& (matchDistance <= otherArgs.matchDistance))) {
} else {
} else if (mtd.fullyResolved()) {
if (!maybeOverloaded)
JSC::JSValue result;
if ((chosenIndex == -1) && candidates.isEmpty()) {
// context->calleeMetaIndex = initialIndex;
// engine->notifyFunctionEntry(context);
QString funName = QString::fromLatin1(methodName(initialMethodSignature, nameLength));
if (!conversionFailed.isEmpty()) {
QString message = QString::fromLatin1("incompatible type of argument(s) in call to %0(); candidates were\n")
for (int i = 0; i < conversionFailed.size(); ++i) {
if (i > 0)
message += QLatin1String("\n");
QMetaMethod mtd = metaMethod(meta, callType, conversionFailed.at(i));
message += QString::fromLatin1(" %0").arg(QString::fromLatin1(mtd.signature()));
result = JSC::throwError(exec, JSC::TypeError, message);
} else if (!unresolved.isEmpty()) {
QScriptMetaArguments argsInstance = unresolved.first();
int unresolvedIndex = argsInstance.method.firstUnresolvedIndex();
Q_ASSERT(unresolvedIndex != -1);
QScriptMetaType unresolvedType = argsInstance.method.type(unresolvedIndex);
QString unresolvedTypeName = QString::fromLatin1(unresolvedType.name());
QString message = QString::fromLatin1("cannot call %0(): ")
if (unresolvedIndex > 0) {
message.append(QString::fromLatin1("argument %0 has unknown type `%1'").
} else {
message.append(QString::fromLatin1("unknown return type `%0'")
message.append(QString::fromLatin1(" (register the type with qScriptRegisterMetaType())"));
result = JSC::throwError(exec, JSC::TypeError, message);
} else {
QString message = QString::fromLatin1("too few arguments in call to %0(); candidates are\n")
for (int i = 0; i < tooFewArgs.size(); ++i) {
if (i > 0)
message += QLatin1String("\n");
QMetaMethod mtd = metaMethod(meta, callType, tooFewArgs.at(i));
message += QString::fromLatin1(" %0").arg(QString::fromLatin1(mtd.signature()));
result = JSC::throwError(exec, JSC::SyntaxError, message);
} else {
if (chosenIndex == -1) {
QScriptMetaArguments metaArgs = candidates.at(0);
if ((candidates.size() > 1)
&& (metaArgs.args.count() == candidates.at(1).args.count())
&& (metaArgs.matchDistance == candidates.at(1).matchDistance)) {
// ambiguous call
QByteArray funName = methodName(initialMethodSignature, nameLength);
QString message = QString::fromLatin1("ambiguous call of overloaded function %0(); candidates were\n")
for (int i = 0; i < candidates.size(); ++i) {
if (i > 0)
message += QLatin1String("\n");
QMetaMethod mtd = metaMethod(meta, callType, candidates.at(i).index);
message += QString::fromLatin1(" %0").arg(QString::fromLatin1(mtd.signature()));
result = JSC::throwError(exec, JSC::TypeError, message);
} else {
chosenMethod = metaArgs.method;
chosenIndex = metaArgs.index;
args = metaArgs.args;
if (chosenIndex != -1) {
// call it
// context->calleeMetaIndex = chosenIndex;
QVarLengthArray<void*, 9> array(args.count());
void **params = array.data();
for (int i = 0; i < args.count(); ++i) {
const QVariant &v = args[i];
switch (chosenMethod.type(i).kind()) {
case QScriptMetaType::Variant:
params[i] = const_cast<QVariant*>(&v);
case QScriptMetaType::MetaType:
case QScriptMetaType::MetaEnum:
case QScriptMetaType::Unresolved:
params[i] = const_cast<void*>(v.constData());
QScriptable *scriptable = 0;
if (thisQObject)
scriptable = scriptableFromQObject(thisQObject);
QScriptEngine *oldEngine = 0;
if (scriptable) {
oldEngine = QScriptablePrivate::get(scriptable)->engine;
QScriptablePrivate::get(scriptable)->engine = QScriptEnginePrivate::get(engine);
// ### fixme
// engine->notifyFunctionEntry(context);
if (callType == QMetaMethod::Constructor) {
Q_ASSERT(meta != 0);
meta->static_metacall(QMetaObject::CreateInstance, chosenIndex, params);
} else {
QMetaObject::metacall(thisQObject, QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, chosenIndex, params);
if (scriptable)
QScriptablePrivate::get(scriptable)->engine = oldEngine;
if (exec->hadException()) {
result = exec->exception() ; // propagate
} else {
QScriptMetaType retType = chosenMethod.returnType();
if (retType.isVariant()) {
result = QScriptEnginePrivate::jscValueFromVariant(exec, *(QVariant *)params[0]);
} else if (retType.typeId() != 0) {
result = QScriptEnginePrivate::create(exec, retType.typeId(), params[0]);
if (!result)
result = engine->newVariant(QVariant(retType.typeId(), params[0]));
} else {
result = JSC::jsUndefined();
return result;
JSC::JSValue QtFunction::execute(JSC::ExecState *exec, JSC::JSValue thisValue,
const JSC::ArgList &scriptArgs)
QScriptObject *scriptObject = static_cast<QScriptObject*>(JSC::asObject(data->object));
QScriptObjectDelegate *delegate = scriptObject->delegate();
Q_ASSERT(delegate && (delegate->type() == QScriptObjectDelegate::QtObject));
QObject *qobj = static_cast<QScript::QObjectDelegate*>(delegate)->value();
if (!qobj)
return JSC::throwError(exec, JSC::GeneralError, QString::fromLatin1("cannot call function of deleted QObject"));
QScriptEnginePrivate *engine = scriptEngineFromExec(exec);
const QMetaObject *meta = qobj->metaObject();
QObject *thisQObject = 0;
thisValue = engine->toUsableValue(thisValue);
if (thisValue.inherits(&QScriptObject::info)) {
delegate = static_cast<QScriptObject*>(JSC::asObject(thisValue))->delegate();
if (delegate && (delegate->type() == QScriptObjectDelegate::QtObject))
thisQObject = static_cast<QScript::QObjectDelegate*>(delegate)->value();
if (!thisQObject)
thisQObject = qobj; // ### TypeError
if (!meta->cast(thisQObject)) {
// invoking a function in the prototype
thisQObject = qobj;
return callQtMethod(exec, QMetaMethod::Method, thisQObject, scriptArgs,
meta, data->initialIndex, data->maybeOverloaded);
const JSC::ClassInfo QtFunction::info = { "QtFunction", &InternalFunction::info, 0, 0 };
JSC::JSValue JSC_HOST_CALL QtFunction::call(JSC::ExecState *exec, JSC::JSObject *callee,
JSC::JSValue thisValue, const JSC::ArgList &args)
if (!callee->inherits(&QtFunction::info))
return throwError(exec, JSC::TypeError, "callee is not a QtFunction object");
QtFunction *qfun = static_cast<QtFunction*>(callee);
QScriptEnginePrivate *eng_p = scriptEngineFromExec(exec);
JSC::ExecState *previousFrame = eng_p->currentFrame;
eng_p->currentFrame = exec;
eng_p->pushContext(exec, thisValue, args, callee);
JSC::JSValue result = qfun->execute(eng_p->currentFrame, thisValue, args);
eng_p->currentFrame = previousFrame;
return result;
const JSC::ClassInfo QtPropertyFunction::info = { "QtPropertyFunction", &InternalFunction::info, 0, 0 };
QtPropertyFunction::QtPropertyFunction(const QMetaObject *meta, int index,
JSC::JSGlobalData *data,
WTF::PassRefPtr<JSC::Structure> sid,
const JSC::Identifier &ident)
: JSC::InternalFunction(data, sid, ident),
data(new Data(meta, index))
delete data;
JSC::CallType QtPropertyFunction::getCallData(JSC::CallData &callData)
callData.native.function = call;
return JSC::CallTypeHost;
JSC::JSValue JSC_HOST_CALL QtPropertyFunction::call(
JSC::ExecState *exec, JSC::JSObject *callee,
JSC::JSValue thisValue, const JSC::ArgList &args)
if (!callee->inherits(&QtPropertyFunction::info))
return throwError(exec, JSC::TypeError, "callee is not a QtPropertyFunction object");
QtPropertyFunction *qfun = static_cast<QtPropertyFunction*>(callee);
return qfun->execute(exec, thisValue, args);
JSC::JSValue QtPropertyFunction::execute(JSC::ExecState *exec,
JSC::JSValue thisValue,
const JSC::ArgList &args)
JSC::JSValue result = JSC::jsUndefined();
QScriptEnginePrivate *engine = scriptEngineFromExec(exec);
JSC::ExecState *previousFrame = engine->currentFrame;
engine->currentFrame = exec;
JSC::JSValue qobjectValue = engine->toUsableValue(thisValue);
QObject *qobject = QScriptEnginePrivate::toQObject(exec, qobjectValue);
while ((!qobject || (qobject->metaObject() != data->meta))
&& JSC::asObject(qobjectValue)->prototype().isObject()) {
qobjectValue = JSC::asObject(qobjectValue)->prototype();
qobject = QScriptEnginePrivate::toQObject(exec, qobjectValue);
Q_ASSERT_X(qobject, Q_FUNC_INFO, "this-object must be a QObject");
QMetaProperty prop = data->meta->property(data->index);
if (args.size() == 0) {
// get
if (prop.isValid()) {
QScriptable *scriptable = scriptableFromQObject(qobject);
QScriptEngine *oldEngine = 0;
if (scriptable) {
engine->pushContext(exec, thisValue, args, this);
oldEngine = QScriptablePrivate::get(scriptable)->engine;
QScriptablePrivate::get(scriptable)->engine = QScriptEnginePrivate::get(engine);
QVariant v = prop.read(qobject);
if (scriptable) {
QScriptablePrivate::get(scriptable)->engine = oldEngine;
result = QScriptEnginePrivate::jscValueFromVariant(exec, v);
} else {
// set
JSC::JSValue arg = args.at(0);
QVariant v;
if (prop.isEnumType() && arg.isString()
&& !engine->hasDemarshalFunction(prop.userType())) {
// give QMetaProperty::write() a chance to convert from
// string to enum value
v = (QString)arg.toString(exec);
} else {
v = variantFromValue(exec, prop.userType(), arg);
QScriptable *scriptable = scriptableFromQObject(qobject);
QScriptEngine *oldEngine = 0;
if (scriptable) {
engine->pushContext(exec, thisValue, args, this);
oldEngine = QScriptablePrivate::get(scriptable)->engine;
QScriptablePrivate::get(scriptable)->engine = QScriptEnginePrivate::get(engine);
prop.write(qobject, v);
if (scriptable) {
QScriptablePrivate::get(scriptable)->engine = oldEngine;
result = arg;
engine->currentFrame = previousFrame;
return result;
const QMetaObject *QtPropertyFunction::metaObject() const
return data->meta;
int QtPropertyFunction::propertyIndex() const
return data->index;
QObject *object, QScriptEngine::ValueOwnership ownership,
const QScriptEngine::QObjectWrapOptions &options)
: data(new Data(object, ownership, options))
switch (data->ownership) {
case QScriptEngine::QtOwnership:
case QScriptEngine::ScriptOwnership:
if (data->value)
delete data->value; // ### fixme
// eng->disposeQObject(value);
case QScriptEngine::AutoOwnership:
if (data->value && !data->value->parent())
delete data->value; // ### fixme
// eng->disposeQObject(value);
delete data;
QScriptObjectDelegate::Type QObjectDelegate::type() const
return QtObject;
bool QObjectDelegate::getOwnPropertySlot(QScriptObject *object, JSC::ExecState *exec,
const JSC::Identifier &propertyName,
JSC::PropertySlot &slot)
//Note: this has to be kept in sync with getOwnPropertyDescriptor
QByteArray name = convertToLatin1(propertyName.ustring());
QObject *qobject = data->value;
if (!qobject) {
QString message = QString::fromLatin1("cannot access member `%0' of deleted QObject")
slot.setValue(JSC::throwError(exec, JSC::GeneralError, message));
return true;
const QMetaObject *meta = qobject->metaObject();
QHash<QByteArray, JSC::JSValue>::const_iterator it = data->cachedMembers.constFind(name);
if (it != data->cachedMembers.constEnd()) {
if (GeneratePropertyFunctions && (meta->indexOfProperty(name) != -1))
return true;
const QScriptEngine::QObjectWrapOptions &opt = data->options;
QScriptEnginePrivate *eng = scriptEngineFromExec(exec);
int index = -1;
if (name.contains('(')) {
QByteArray normalized = QMetaObject::normalizedSignature(name);
if (-1 != (index = meta->indexOfMethod(normalized))) {
QMetaMethod method = meta->method(index);
if (hasMethodAccess(method, index, opt)) {
if (!(opt & QScriptEngine::ExcludeSuperClassMethods)
|| (index >= meta->methodOffset())) {
QtFunction *fun = new (exec)QtFunction(
object, index, /*maybeOverloaded=*/false,
&exec->globalData(), eng->originalGlobalObject()->functionStructure(),
data->cachedMembers.insert(name, fun);
return true;
index = meta->indexOfProperty(name);
if (index != -1) {
QMetaProperty prop = meta->property(index);
if (prop.isScriptable()) {
if (!(opt & QScriptEngine::ExcludeSuperClassProperties)
|| (index >= meta->propertyOffset())) {
if (GeneratePropertyFunctions) {
QtPropertyFunction *fun = new (exec)QtPropertyFunction(
meta, index, &exec->globalData(),
data->cachedMembers.insert(name, fun);
} else {
JSC::JSValue val;
if (!prop.isValid())
val = JSC::jsUndefined();
val = QScriptEnginePrivate::jscValueFromVariant(exec, prop.read(qobject));
return true;
index = qobject->dynamicPropertyNames().indexOf(name);
if (index != -1) {
JSC::JSValue val = QScriptEnginePrivate::jscValueFromVariant(exec, qobject->property(name));
return true;
const int offset = (opt & QScriptEngine::ExcludeSuperClassMethods)
? meta->methodOffset() : 0;
for (index = meta->methodCount() - 1; index >= offset; --index) {
QMetaMethod method = meta->method(index);
if (hasMethodAccess(method, index, opt)
&& methodNameEquals(method, name.constData(), name.length())) {
QtFunction *fun = new (exec)QtFunction(
object, index, /*maybeOverloaded=*/true,
&exec->globalData(), eng->originalGlobalObject()->functionStructure(),
data->cachedMembers.insert(name, fun);
return true;
if (!(opt & QScriptEngine::ExcludeChildObjects)) {
QList<QObject*> children = qobject->children();
for (index = 0; index < children.count(); ++index) {
QObject *child = children.at(index);
if (child->objectName() == QString(propertyName.ustring())) {
QScriptEngine::QObjectWrapOptions opt = QScriptEngine::PreferExistingWrapperObject;
slot.setValue(eng->newQObject(child, QScriptEngine::QtOwnership, opt));
return true;
return QScriptObjectDelegate::getOwnPropertySlot(object, exec, propertyName, slot);
return false;
bool QObjectDelegate::getOwnPropertyDescriptor(QScriptObject *object, JSC::ExecState *exec,
const JSC::Identifier &propertyName,
JSC::PropertyDescriptor &descriptor)
//Note: this has to be kept in sync with getOwnPropertySlot
QByteArray name = convertToLatin1(propertyName.ustring());
QObject *qobject = data->value;
if (!qobject) {
QString message = QString::fromLatin1("cannot access member `%0' of deleted QObject")
descriptor.setValue(JSC::throwError(exec, JSC::GeneralError, message));
return true;
const QScriptEngine::QObjectWrapOptions &opt = data->options;
const QMetaObject *meta = qobject->metaObject();
QHash<QByteArray, JSC::JSValue>::const_iterator it = data->cachedMembers.constFind(name);
if (it != data->cachedMembers.constEnd()) {
int index;
if (GeneratePropertyFunctions && ((index = meta->indexOfProperty(name)) != -1)) {
QMetaProperty prop = meta->property(index);
descriptor.setAccessorDescriptor(it.value(), it.value(), flagsForMetaProperty(prop));
if (!prop.isWritable())
} else {
unsigned attributes = QObjectMemberAttribute;
if (opt & QScriptEngine::SkipMethodsInEnumeration)
attributes |= JSC::DontEnum;
descriptor.setDescriptor(it.value(), attributes);
return true;
QScriptEnginePrivate *eng = scriptEngineFromExec(exec);
int index = -1;
if (name.contains('(')) {
QByteArray normalized = QMetaObject::normalizedSignature(name);
if (-1 != (index = meta->indexOfMethod(normalized))) {
QMetaMethod method = meta->method(index);
if (hasMethodAccess(method, index, opt)) {
if (!(opt & QScriptEngine::ExcludeSuperClassMethods)
|| (index >= meta->methodOffset())) {
QtFunction *fun = new (exec)QtFunction(
object, index, /*maybeOverloaded=*/false,
&exec->globalData(), eng->originalGlobalObject()->functionStructure(),
data->cachedMembers.insert(name, fun);
unsigned attributes = QObjectMemberAttribute;
if (opt & QScriptEngine::SkipMethodsInEnumeration)
attributes |= JSC::DontEnum;
descriptor.setDescriptor(fun, attributes);
return true;
index = meta->indexOfProperty(name);
if (index != -1) {
QMetaProperty prop = meta->property(index);
if (prop.isScriptable()) {
if (!(opt & QScriptEngine::ExcludeSuperClassProperties)
|| (index >= meta->propertyOffset())) {
unsigned attributes = flagsForMetaProperty(prop);
if (GeneratePropertyFunctions) {
QtPropertyFunction *fun = new (exec)QtPropertyFunction(
meta, index, &exec->globalData(),
data->cachedMembers.insert(name, fun);
descriptor.setAccessorDescriptor(fun, fun, attributes);
if (attributes & JSC::ReadOnly)
} else {
JSC::JSValue val;
if (!prop.isValid())
val = JSC::jsUndefined();
val = QScriptEnginePrivate::jscValueFromVariant(exec, prop.read(qobject));
descriptor.setDescriptor(val, attributes);
return true;
index = qobject->dynamicPropertyNames().indexOf(name);
if (index != -1) {
JSC::JSValue val = QScriptEnginePrivate::jscValueFromVariant(exec, qobject->property(name));
descriptor.setDescriptor(val, QObjectMemberAttribute);
return true;
const int offset = (opt & QScriptEngine::ExcludeSuperClassMethods)
? meta->methodOffset() : 0;
for (index = meta->methodCount() - 1; index >= offset; --index) {
QMetaMethod method = meta->method(index);
if (hasMethodAccess(method, index, opt)
&& methodNameEquals(method, name.constData(), name.length())) {
QtFunction *fun = new (exec)QtFunction(
object, index, /*maybeOverloaded=*/true,
&exec->globalData(), eng->originalGlobalObject()->functionStructure(),
unsigned attributes = QObjectMemberAttribute;
if (opt & QScriptEngine::SkipMethodsInEnumeration)
attributes |= JSC::DontEnum;
descriptor.setDescriptor(fun, attributes);
data->cachedMembers.insert(name, fun);
return true;
if (!(opt & QScriptEngine::ExcludeChildObjects)) {
QList<QObject*> children = qobject->children();
for (index = 0; index < children.count(); ++index) {
QObject *child = children.at(index);
if (child->objectName() == QString(propertyName.ustring())) {
QScriptEngine::QObjectWrapOptions opt = QScriptEngine::PreferExistingWrapperObject;
descriptor.setDescriptor(eng->newQObject(child, QScriptEngine::QtOwnership, opt),
JSC::ReadOnly | JSC::DontDelete | JSC::DontEnum);
return true;
return QScriptObjectDelegate::getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, exec, propertyName, descriptor);
return false;
void QObjectDelegate::put(QScriptObject *object, JSC::ExecState* exec,
const JSC::Identifier& propertyName,
JSC::JSValue value, JSC::PutPropertySlot &slot)
QByteArray name = convertToLatin1(propertyName.ustring());
QObject *qobject = data->value;
if (!qobject) {
QString message = QString::fromLatin1("cannot access member `%0' of deleted QObject")
JSC::throwError(exec, JSC::GeneralError, message);
const QScriptEngine::QObjectWrapOptions &opt = data->options;
const QMetaObject *meta = qobject->metaObject();
QScriptEnginePrivate *eng = scriptEngineFromExec(exec);
int index = -1;
if (name.contains('(')) {
QByteArray normalized = QMetaObject::normalizedSignature(name);
if (-1 != (index = meta->indexOfMethod(normalized))) {
QMetaMethod method = meta->method(index);
if (hasMethodAccess(method, index, opt)) {
if (!(opt & QScriptEngine::ExcludeSuperClassMethods)
|| (index >= meta->methodOffset())) {
data->cachedMembers.insert(name, value);
index = meta->indexOfProperty(name);
if (index != -1) {
QMetaProperty prop = meta->property(index);
if (prop.isScriptable()) {
if (!(opt & QScriptEngine::ExcludeSuperClassProperties)
|| (index >= meta->propertyOffset())) {
if (GeneratePropertyFunctions) {
// ### ideally JSC would do this for us already, i.e. find out
// that the property is a setter and call the setter.
// Maybe QtPropertyFunction needs to inherit JSC::GetterSetter.
JSC::JSValue fun;
QHash<QByteArray, JSC::JSValue>::const_iterator it;
it = data->cachedMembers.constFind(name);
if (it != data->cachedMembers.constEnd()) {
fun = it.value();
} else {
fun = new (exec)QtPropertyFunction(
meta, index, &exec->globalData(),
data->cachedMembers.insert(name, fun);
JSC::CallData callData;
JSC::CallType callType = fun.getCallData(callData);
JSC::JSValue argv[1] = { value };
JSC::ArgList args(argv, 1);
(void)JSC::call(exec, fun, callType, callData, object, args);
} else {
QVariant v;
if (prop.isEnumType() && value.isString()
&& !eng->hasDemarshalFunction(prop.userType())) {
// give QMetaProperty::write() a chance to convert from
// string to enum value
v = (QString)value.toString(exec);
} else {
v = QScriptEnginePrivate::jscValueToVariant(exec, value, prop.userType());
(void)prop.write(qobject, v);
const int offset = (opt & QScriptEngine::ExcludeSuperClassMethods)
? meta->methodOffset() : 0;
for (index = meta->methodCount() - 1; index >= offset; --index) {
QMetaMethod method = meta->method(index);
if (hasMethodAccess(method, index, opt)
&& methodNameEquals(method, name.constData(), name.length())) {
data->cachedMembers.insert(name, value);
index = qobject->dynamicPropertyNames().indexOf(name);
if ((index != -1) || (opt & QScriptEngine::AutoCreateDynamicProperties)) {
QVariant v = QScriptEnginePrivate::toVariant(exec, value);
(void)qobject->setProperty(name, v);
QScriptObjectDelegate::put(object, exec, propertyName, value, slot);
bool QObjectDelegate::deleteProperty(QScriptObject *object, JSC::ExecState *exec,
const JSC::Identifier& propertyName)
QByteArray name = convertToLatin1(propertyName.ustring());
QObject *qobject = data->value;
if (!qobject) {
QString message = QString::fromLatin1("cannot access member `%0' of deleted QObject")
JSC::throwError(exec, JSC::GeneralError, message);
return false;
const QMetaObject *meta = qobject->metaObject();
QHash<QByteArray, JSC::JSValue>::iterator it = data->cachedMembers.find(name);
if (it != data->cachedMembers.end()) {
if (GeneratePropertyFunctions && (meta->indexOfProperty(name) != -1))
return false;
return true;
const QScriptEngine::QObjectWrapOptions &opt = data->options;
int index = meta->indexOfProperty(name);
if (index != -1) {
QMetaProperty prop = meta->property(index);
if (prop.isScriptable() &&
(!(opt & QScriptEngine::ExcludeSuperClassProperties)
|| (index >= meta->propertyOffset()))) {
return false;
index = qobject->dynamicPropertyNames().indexOf(name);
if (index != -1) {
(void)qobject->setProperty(name, QVariant());
return true;
return QScriptObjectDelegate::deleteProperty(object, exec, propertyName);
return false;
void QObjectDelegate::getOwnPropertyNames(QScriptObject *object, JSC::ExecState *exec,
JSC::PropertyNameArray &propertyNames,
JSC::EnumerationMode mode)
QObject *qobject = data->value;
if (!qobject) {
QString message = QString::fromLatin1("cannot get property names of deleted QObject");
JSC::throwError(exec, JSC::GeneralError, message);
const QScriptEngine::QObjectWrapOptions &opt = data->options;
const QMetaObject *meta = qobject->metaObject();
int i = (opt & QScriptEngine::ExcludeSuperClassProperties)
? meta->propertyOffset() : 0;
for ( ; i < meta->propertyCount(); ++i) {
QMetaProperty prop = meta->property(i);
if (isEnumerableMetaProperty(prop, meta, i)) {
QString name = QString::fromLatin1(prop.name());
propertyNames.add(JSC::Identifier(exec, name));
QList<QByteArray> dpNames = qobject->dynamicPropertyNames();
for (int i = 0; i < dpNames.size(); ++i) {
QString name = QString::fromLatin1(dpNames.at(i));
propertyNames.add(JSC::Identifier(exec, name));
if (!(opt & QScriptEngine::SkipMethodsInEnumeration)) {
int i = (opt & QScriptEngine::ExcludeSuperClassMethods)
? meta->methodOffset() : 0;
for ( ; i < meta->methodCount(); ++i) {
QMetaMethod method = meta->method(i);
if (hasMethodAccess(method, i, opt)) {
QMetaMethod method = meta->method(i);
QString sig = QString::fromLatin1(method.signature());
propertyNames.add(JSC::Identifier(exec, sig));
QScriptObjectDelegate::getOwnPropertyNames(object, exec, propertyNames, mode);
void QObjectDelegate::markChildren(QScriptObject *object, JSC::MarkStack& markStack)
QHash<QByteArray, JSC::JSValue>::const_iterator it;
for (it = data->cachedMembers.constBegin(); it != data->cachedMembers.constEnd(); ++it) {
JSC::JSValue val = it.value();
if (val)
QScriptObjectDelegate::markChildren(object, markStack);
bool QObjectDelegate::compareToObject(QScriptObject *, JSC::ExecState *exec, JSC::JSObject *o2)
if (!o2->inherits(&QScriptObject::info))
return false;
QScriptObject *object = static_cast<QScriptObject*>(o2);
QScriptObjectDelegate *delegate = object->delegate();
if (!delegate || (delegate->type() != QScriptObjectDelegate::QtObject))
return false;
return value() == static_cast<QObjectDelegate *>(delegate)->value();
static JSC::JSValue JSC_HOST_CALL qobjectProtoFuncFindChild(JSC::ExecState *exec, JSC::JSObject*,
JSC::JSValue thisValue, const JSC::ArgList &args)
QScriptEnginePrivate *engine = scriptEngineFromExec(exec);
thisValue = engine->toUsableValue(thisValue);
if (!thisValue.inherits(&QScriptObject::info))
return throwError(exec, JSC::TypeError, "this object is not a QObject");
QScriptObject *scriptObject = static_cast<QScriptObject*>(JSC::asObject(thisValue));
QScriptObjectDelegate *delegate = scriptObject->delegate();
if (!delegate || (delegate->type() != QScriptObjectDelegate::QtObject))
return throwError(exec, JSC::TypeError, "this object is not a QObject");
QObject *obj = static_cast<QObjectDelegate*>(delegate)->value();
QString name;
if (args.size() != 0)
name = args.at(0).toString(exec);
QObject *child = qFindChild<QObject*>(obj, name);
QScriptEngine::QObjectWrapOptions opt = QScriptEngine::PreferExistingWrapperObject;
return engine->newQObject(child, QScriptEngine::QtOwnership, opt);
static JSC::JSValue JSC_HOST_CALL qobjectProtoFuncFindChildren(JSC::ExecState *exec, JSC::JSObject*,
JSC::JSValue thisValue, const JSC::ArgList &args)
QScriptEnginePrivate *engine = scriptEngineFromExec(exec);
thisValue = engine->toUsableValue(thisValue);
// extract the QObject
if (!thisValue.inherits(&QScriptObject::info))
return throwError(exec, JSC::TypeError, "this object is not a QObject");
QScriptObject *scriptObject = static_cast<QScriptObject*>(JSC::asObject(thisValue));
QScriptObjectDelegate *delegate = scriptObject->delegate();
if (!delegate || (delegate->type() != QScriptObjectDelegate::QtObject))
return throwError(exec, JSC::TypeError, "this object is not a QObject");
const QObject *const obj = static_cast<QObjectDelegate*>(delegate)->value();
// find the children
QList<QObject *> children;
if (args.size() != 0) {
const JSC::JSValue arg = args.at(0);
if (arg.inherits(&JSC::RegExpObject::info)) {
const QObjectList allChildren= obj->children();
JSC::RegExpObject *const regexp = JSC::asRegExpObject(arg);
const int allChildrenCount = allChildren.size();
for (int i = 0; i < allChildrenCount; ++i) {
QObject *const child = allChildren.at(i);
const JSC::UString childName = child->objectName();
JSC::RegExpConstructor* regExpConstructor = engine->originalGlobalObject()->regExpConstructor();
int position;
int length;
regExpConstructor->performMatch(regexp->regExp(), childName, 0, position, length);
if (position >= 0)
} else {
const QString name(args.at(0).toString(exec));
children = qFindChildren<QObject*>(obj, name);
} else {
children = qFindChildren<QObject*>(obj, QString());
// create the result array with the children
const int length = children.size();
JSC::JSArray *const result = JSC::constructEmptyArray(exec, length);
QScriptEngine::QObjectWrapOptions opt = QScriptEngine::PreferExistingWrapperObject;
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
QObject *const child = children.at(i);
result->put(exec, i, engine->newQObject(child, QScriptEngine::QtOwnership, opt));
return JSC::JSValue(result);
static JSC::JSValue JSC_HOST_CALL qobjectProtoFuncToString(JSC::ExecState *exec, JSC::JSObject*,
JSC::JSValue thisValue, const JSC::ArgList&)
QScriptEnginePrivate *engine = scriptEngineFromExec(exec);
thisValue = engine->toUsableValue(thisValue);
if (!thisValue.inherits(&QScriptObject::info))
return JSC::jsUndefined();
QScriptObject *scriptObject = static_cast<QScriptObject*>(JSC::asObject(thisValue));
QScriptObjectDelegate *delegate = scriptObject->delegate();
if (!delegate || (delegate->type() != QScriptObjectDelegate::QtObject))
return JSC::jsUndefined();
QObject *obj = static_cast<QObjectDelegate*>(delegate)->value();
const QMetaObject *meta = obj ? obj->metaObject() : &QObject::staticMetaObject;
QString name = obj ? obj->objectName() : QString::fromUtf8("unnamed");
QString str = QString::fromUtf8("%0(name = \"%1\")")
return JSC::jsString(exec, str);
QObjectPrototype::QObjectPrototype(JSC::ExecState* exec, WTF::PassRefPtr<JSC::Structure> structure,
JSC::Structure* prototypeFunctionStructure)
: QScriptObject(structure)
setDelegate(new QObjectDelegate(new QObjectPrototypeObject(), QScriptEngine::AutoOwnership,
| QScriptEngine::ExcludeSuperClassProperties
| QScriptEngine::ExcludeChildObjects));
putDirectFunction(exec, new (exec) JSC::NativeFunctionWrapper(exec, prototypeFunctionStructure, /*length=*/0, exec->propertyNames().toString, qobjectProtoFuncToString), JSC::DontEnum);
putDirectFunction(exec, new (exec) JSC::NativeFunctionWrapper(exec, prototypeFunctionStructure, /*length=*/1, JSC::Identifier(exec, "findChild"), qobjectProtoFuncFindChild), JSC::DontEnum);
putDirectFunction(exec, new (exec) JSC::NativeFunctionWrapper(exec, prototypeFunctionStructure, /*length=*/1, JSC::Identifier(exec, "findChildren"), qobjectProtoFuncFindChildren), JSC::DontEnum);
const JSC::ClassInfo QMetaObjectWrapperObject::info = { "QMetaObject", 0, 0, 0 };
JSC::ExecState *exec, const QMetaObject *metaObject, JSC::JSValue ctor,
WTF::PassRefPtr<JSC::Structure> sid)
: JSC::JSObject(sid),
data(new Data(metaObject, ctor))
if (!ctor)
data->prototype = new (exec)JSC::JSObject(exec->lexicalGlobalObject()->emptyObjectStructure());
delete data;
bool QMetaObjectWrapperObject::getOwnPropertySlot(
JSC::ExecState *exec, const JSC::Identifier& propertyName,
JSC::PropertySlot &slot)
const QMetaObject *meta = data->value;
if (!meta)
return false;
if (propertyName == exec->propertyNames().prototype) {
if (data->ctor)
slot.setValue(data->ctor.get(exec, propertyName));
return true;
QByteArray name = convertToLatin1(propertyName.ustring());
for (int i = 0; i < meta->enumeratorCount(); ++i) {
QMetaEnum e = meta->enumerator(i);
for (int j = 0; j < e.keyCount(); ++j) {
const char *key = e.key(j);
if (!qstrcmp(key, name.constData())) {
slot.setValue(JSC::JSValue(exec, e.value(j)));
return true;
return JSC::JSObject::getOwnPropertySlot(exec, propertyName, slot);
bool QMetaObjectWrapperObject::getOwnPropertyDescriptor(
JSC::ExecState* exec, const JSC::Identifier& propertyName,
JSC::PropertyDescriptor& descriptor)
const QMetaObject *meta = data->value;
if (!meta)
return false;
if (propertyName == exec->propertyNames().prototype) {
? data->ctor.get(exec, propertyName)
: data->prototype,
JSC::DontDelete | JSC::DontEnum);
return true;
QByteArray name = QString(propertyName.ustring()).toLatin1();
for (int i = 0; i < meta->enumeratorCount(); ++i) {
QMetaEnum e = meta->enumerator(i);
for (int j = 0; j < e.keyCount(); ++j) {
const char *key = e.key(j);
if (!qstrcmp(key, name.constData())) {
descriptor.setDescriptor(JSC::JSValue(exec, e.value(j)),
JSC::ReadOnly | JSC::DontDelete);
return true;
return JSC::JSObject::getOwnPropertyDescriptor(exec, propertyName, descriptor);
void QMetaObjectWrapperObject::put(JSC::ExecState* exec, const JSC::Identifier& propertyName,
JSC::JSValue value, JSC::PutPropertySlot &slot)
if (propertyName == exec->propertyNames().prototype) {
if (data->ctor)
data->ctor.put(exec, propertyName, value, slot);
data->prototype = value;
const QMetaObject *meta = data->value;
if (meta) {
QByteArray name = convertToLatin1(propertyName.ustring());
for (int i = 0; i < meta->enumeratorCount(); ++i) {
QMetaEnum e = meta->enumerator(i);
for (int j = 0; j < e.keyCount(); ++j) {
if (!qstrcmp(e.key(j), name.constData()))
JSC::JSObject::put(exec, propertyName, value, slot);
bool QMetaObjectWrapperObject::deleteProperty(
JSC::ExecState *exec, const JSC::Identifier& propertyName)
if (propertyName == exec->propertyNames().prototype)
return false;
const QMetaObject *meta = data->value;
if (meta) {
QByteArray name = convertToLatin1(propertyName.ustring());
for (int i = 0; i < meta->enumeratorCount(); ++i) {
QMetaEnum e = meta->enumerator(i);
for (int j = 0; j < e.keyCount(); ++j) {
if (!qstrcmp(e.key(j), name.constData()))
return false;
return JSC::JSObject::deleteProperty(exec, propertyName);
void QMetaObjectWrapperObject::getOwnPropertyNames(JSC::ExecState *exec,
JSC::PropertyNameArray &propertyNames,
JSC::EnumerationMode mode)
const QMetaObject *meta = data->value;
if (!meta)
for (int i = 0; i < meta->enumeratorCount(); ++i) {
QMetaEnum e = meta->enumerator(i);
for (int j = 0; j < e.keyCount(); ++j)
propertyNames.add(JSC::Identifier(exec, e.key(j)));
JSC::JSObject::getOwnPropertyNames(exec, propertyNames, mode);
void QMetaObjectWrapperObject::markChildren(JSC::MarkStack& markStack)
if (data->ctor)
if (data->prototype)
JSC::CallType QMetaObjectWrapperObject::getCallData(JSC::CallData& callData)
callData.native.function = call;
return JSC::CallTypeHost;
JSC::ConstructType QMetaObjectWrapperObject::getConstructData(JSC::ConstructData& constructData)
constructData.native.function = construct;
return JSC::ConstructTypeHost;
JSC::JSValue JSC_HOST_CALL QMetaObjectWrapperObject::call(
JSC::ExecState *exec, JSC::JSObject *callee,
JSC::JSValue thisValue, const JSC::ArgList &args)
QScriptEnginePrivate *eng_p = scriptEngineFromExec(exec);
thisValue = eng_p->toUsableValue(thisValue);
if (!callee->inherits(&QMetaObjectWrapperObject::info))
return throwError(exec, JSC::TypeError, "callee is not a QMetaObject");
QMetaObjectWrapperObject *self = static_cast<QMetaObjectWrapperObject*>(callee);
JSC::ExecState *previousFrame = eng_p->currentFrame;
eng_p->pushContext(exec, thisValue, args, callee);
JSC::JSValue result = self->execute(eng_p->currentFrame, args);
eng_p->currentFrame = previousFrame;
return result;
JSC::JSObject* QMetaObjectWrapperObject::construct(JSC::ExecState *exec, JSC::JSObject *callee, const JSC::ArgList &args)
QMetaObjectWrapperObject *self = static_cast<QMetaObjectWrapperObject*>(callee);
QScriptEnginePrivate *eng_p = scriptEngineFromExec(exec);
JSC::ExecState *previousFrame = eng_p->currentFrame;
eng_p->pushContext(exec, JSC::JSValue(), args, callee, true);
JSC::JSValue result = self->execute(eng_p->currentFrame, args);
eng_p->currentFrame = previousFrame;
if (!result || !result.isObject())
return 0;
return JSC::asObject(result);
JSC::JSValue QMetaObjectWrapperObject::execute(JSC::ExecState *exec,
const JSC::ArgList &args)
if (data->ctor) {
QScriptEnginePrivate *eng_p = QScript::scriptEngineFromExec(exec);
QScriptContext *ctx = eng_p->contextForFrame(exec);
JSC::CallData callData;
JSC::CallType callType = data->ctor.getCallData(callData);
Q_ASSERT_X(callType == JSC::CallTypeHost, Q_FUNC_INFO, "script constructors not supported");
if (data->ctor.inherits(&FunctionWithArgWrapper::info)) {
FunctionWithArgWrapper *wrapper = static_cast<FunctionWithArgWrapper*>(JSC::asObject(data->ctor));
QScriptValue result = wrapper->function()(ctx, QScriptEnginePrivate::get(eng_p), wrapper->arg());
return eng_p->scriptValueToJSCValue(result);
} else {
FunctionWrapper *wrapper = static_cast<FunctionWrapper*>(JSC::asObject(data->ctor));
QScriptValue result = wrapper->function()(ctx, QScriptEnginePrivate::get(eng_p));
return eng_p->scriptValueToJSCValue(result);
} else {
const QMetaObject *meta = data->value;
if (meta->constructorCount() > 0) {
JSC::JSValue result = callQtMethod(exec, QMetaMethod::Constructor, /*thisQObject=*/0,
args, meta, meta->constructorCount()-1, /*maybeOverloaded=*/true);
if (!exec->hadException()) {
Q_ASSERT(result && result.inherits(&QScriptObject::info));
QScriptObject *object = static_cast<QScriptObject*>(JSC::asObject(result));
QScript::QObjectDelegate *delegate = static_cast<QScript::QObjectDelegate*>(object->delegate());
if (data->prototype)
return result;
} else {
QString message = QString::fromLatin1("no constructor for %0")
return JSC::throwError(exec, JSC::TypeError, message);
struct StaticQtMetaObject : public QObject
static const QMetaObject *get()
{ return &static_cast<StaticQtMetaObject*> (0)->staticQtMetaObject; }
static JSC::JSValue JSC_HOST_CALL qmetaobjectProtoFuncClassName(
JSC::ExecState *exec, JSC::JSObject*, JSC::JSValue thisValue, const JSC::ArgList&)
QScriptEnginePrivate *engine = scriptEngineFromExec(exec);
thisValue = engine->toUsableValue(thisValue);
if (!thisValue.inherits(&QMetaObjectWrapperObject::info))
return throwError(exec, JSC::TypeError, "this object is not a QMetaObject");
const QMetaObject *meta = static_cast<QMetaObjectWrapperObject*>(JSC::asObject(thisValue))->value();
return JSC::jsString(exec, meta->className());
JSC::ExecState *exec, WTF::PassRefPtr<JSC::Structure> structure,
JSC::Structure* prototypeFunctionStructure)
: QMetaObjectWrapperObject(exec, StaticQtMetaObject::get(), /*ctor=*/JSC::JSValue(), structure)
putDirectFunction(exec, new (exec) JSC::NativeFunctionWrapper(exec, prototypeFunctionStructure, /*length=*/0, JSC::Identifier(exec, "className"), qmetaobjectProtoFuncClassName), JSC::DontEnum);
static const uint qt_meta_data_QObjectConnectionManager[] = {
// content:
1, // revision
0, // classname
0, 0, // classinfo
1, 10, // methods
0, 0, // properties
0, 0, // enums/sets
// slots: signature, parameters, type, tag, flags
35, 34, 34, 34, 0x0a,
0 // eod
static const char qt_meta_stringdata_QObjectConnectionManager[] = {
const QMetaObject QObjectConnectionManager::staticMetaObject = {
{ &QObject::staticMetaObject, qt_meta_stringdata_QObjectConnectionManager,
qt_meta_data_QObjectConnectionManager, 0 }
const QMetaObject *QObjectConnectionManager::metaObject() const
return &staticMetaObject;
void *QObjectConnectionManager::qt_metacast(const char *_clname)
if (!_clname) return 0;
if (!strcmp(_clname, qt_meta_stringdata_QObjectConnectionManager))
return static_cast<void*>(const_cast<QObjectConnectionManager*>(this));
return QObject::qt_metacast(_clname);
int QObjectConnectionManager::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void **_a)
_id = QObject::qt_metacall(_c, _id, _a);
if (_id < 0)
return _id;
if (_c == QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod) {
execute(_id, _a);
_id -= slotCounter;
return _id;
void QObjectConnectionManager::execute(int slotIndex, void **argv)
JSC::JSValue receiver;
JSC::JSValue slot;
JSC::JSValue senderWrapper;
int signalIndex = -1;
QScript::APIShim shim(engine);
for (int i = 0; i < connections.size(); ++i) {
const QVector<QObjectConnection> &cs = connections.at(i);
for (int j = 0; j < cs.size(); ++j) {
const QObjectConnection &c = cs.at(j);
if (c.slotIndex == slotIndex) {
receiver = c.receiver;
slot = c.slot;
senderWrapper = c.senderWrapper;
signalIndex = i;
Q_ASSERT(slot && slot.isObject());
if (engine->isCollecting()) {
qWarning("QtScript: can't execute signal handler during GC");
// we can't do a script function call during GC,
// so we're forced to ignore this signal
#if 0
QScriptFunction *fun = engine->convertToNativeFunction(slot);
if (fun == 0) {
// the signal handler has been GC'ed. This can only happen when
// a QObject is owned by the engine, the engine is destroyed, and
// there is a script function connected to the destroyed() signal
Q_ASSERT(signalIndex <= 1); // destroyed(QObject*)
const QMetaObject *meta = sender()->metaObject();
const QMetaMethod method = meta->method(signalIndex);
QList<QByteArray> parameterTypes = method.parameterTypes();
int argc = parameterTypes.count();
JSC::ExecState *exec = engine->currentFrame;
QVarLengthArray<JSC::JSValue, 8> argsVector(argc);
for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) {
JSC::JSValue actual;
void *arg = argv[i + 1];
QByteArray typeName = parameterTypes.at(i);
int argType = QMetaType::type(parameterTypes.at(i));
if (!argType) {
qWarning("QScriptEngine: Unable to handle unregistered datatype '%s' "
"when invoking handler of signal %s::%s",
typeName.constData(), meta->className(), method.signature());
actual = JSC::jsUndefined();
} else if (argType == QMetaType::QVariant) {
actual = QScriptEnginePrivate::jscValueFromVariant(exec, *reinterpret_cast<QVariant*>(arg));
} else {
actual = QScriptEnginePrivate::create(exec, argType, arg);
argsVector[i] = actual;
JSC::ArgList jscArgs(argsVector.data(), argsVector.size());
JSC::JSValue senderObject;
if (senderWrapper && senderWrapper.inherits(&QScriptObject::info)) // ### check if it's actually a QObject wrapper
senderObject = senderWrapper;
else {
QScriptEngine::QObjectWrapOptions opt = QScriptEngine::PreferExistingWrapperObject;
senderObject = engine->newQObject(sender(), QScriptEngine::QtOwnership, opt);
JSC::JSValue thisObject;
if (receiver && receiver.isObject())
thisObject = receiver;
thisObject = engine->globalObject();
JSC::CallData callData;
JSC::CallType callType = slot.getCallData(callData);
if (exec->hadException())
exec->clearException(); // ### otherwise JSC asserts
JSC::call(exec, slot, callType, callData, thisObject, jscArgs);
if (exec->hadException()) {
if (slot.inherits(&QtFunction::info) && !static_cast<QtFunction*>(JSC::asObject(slot))->qobject()) {
// The function threw an error because the target QObject has been deleted.
// The connections list is stale; remove the signal handler and ignore the exception.
removeSignalHandler(sender(), signalIndex, receiver, slot);
} else {
QObjectConnectionManager::QObjectConnectionManager(QScriptEnginePrivate *eng)
: engine(eng), slotCounter(0)
void QObjectConnectionManager::mark(JSC::MarkStack& markStack)
for (int i = 0; i < connections.size(); ++i) {
QVector<QObjectConnection> &cs = connections[i];
for (int j = 0; j < cs.size(); ++j)
bool QObjectConnectionManager::addSignalHandler(
QObject *sender, int signalIndex, JSC::JSValue receiver,
JSC::JSValue function, JSC::JSValue senderWrapper,
Qt::ConnectionType type)
if (connections.size() <= signalIndex)
QVector<QObjectConnection> &cs = connections[signalIndex];
int absSlotIndex = slotCounter + metaObject()->methodOffset();
bool ok = QMetaObject::connect(sender, signalIndex, this, absSlotIndex, type);
if (ok) {
cs.append(QObjectConnection(slotCounter++, receiver, function, senderWrapper));
QMetaMethod signal = sender->metaObject()->method(signalIndex);
QByteArray signalString;
signalString.append('2'); // signal code
return ok;
bool QObjectConnectionManager::removeSignalHandler(
QObject *sender, int signalIndex,
JSC::JSValue receiver, JSC::JSValue slot)
if (connections.size() <= signalIndex)
return false;
QVector<QObjectConnection> &cs = connections[signalIndex];
for (int i = 0; i < cs.size(); ++i) {
const QObjectConnection &c = cs.at(i);
if (c.hasTarget(receiver, slot)) {
int absSlotIndex = c.slotIndex + metaObject()->methodOffset();
bool ok = QMetaObject::disconnect(sender, signalIndex, this, absSlotIndex);
if (ok) {
QMetaMethod signal = sender->metaObject()->method(signalIndex);
QByteArray signalString;
signalString.append('2'); // signal code
return ok;
return false;
QObjectData::QObjectData(QScriptEnginePrivate *eng)
: engine(eng), connectionManager(0)
if (connectionManager) {
delete connectionManager;
connectionManager = 0;
void QObjectData::mark(JSC::MarkStack& markStack)
if (connectionManager)
QList<QScript::QObjectWrapperInfo>::iterator it;
for (it = wrappers.begin(); it != wrappers.end(); ) {
const QScript::QObjectWrapperInfo &info = *it;
// ### don't mark if there are no other references.
// we need something like isMarked()
bool QObjectData::addSignalHandler(QObject *sender,
int signalIndex,
JSC::JSValue receiver,
JSC::JSValue slot,
JSC::JSValue senderWrapper,
Qt::ConnectionType type)
if (!connectionManager)
connectionManager = new QObjectConnectionManager(engine);
return connectionManager->addSignalHandler(
sender, signalIndex, receiver, slot, senderWrapper, type);
bool QObjectData::removeSignalHandler(QObject *sender,
int signalIndex,
JSC::JSValue receiver,
JSC::JSValue slot)
if (!connectionManager)
return false;
return connectionManager->removeSignalHandler(
sender, signalIndex, receiver, slot);
QScriptObject *QObjectData::findWrapper(QScriptEngine::ValueOwnership ownership,
const QScriptEngine::QObjectWrapOptions &options) const
for (int i = 0; i < wrappers.size(); ++i) {
const QObjectWrapperInfo &info = wrappers.at(i);
if ((info.ownership == ownership) && (info.options == options))
return info.object;
return 0;
void QObjectData::registerWrapper(QScriptObject *wrapper,
QScriptEngine::ValueOwnership ownership,
const QScriptEngine::QObjectWrapOptions &options)
wrappers.append(QObjectWrapperInfo(wrapper, ownership, options));
} // namespace QScript
namespace JSC
#include "moc_qscriptqobject_p.cpp"