** Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
** All rights reserved.
** Contact: Nokia Corporation (qt-info@nokia.com)
** This file is part of the tools applications of the Qt Toolkit.
** No Commercial Usage
** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
** contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying
** this package.
** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
** will be met: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html.
** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
** Nokia at qt-info@nokia.com.
#include "generator.h"
#include "outputrevision.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include <QtCore/qmetatype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <private/qmetaobject_p.h> //for the flags.
uint qvariant_nameToType(const char* name)
if (!name)
return 0;
if (strcmp(name, "QVariant") == 0)
return 0xffffffff;
if (strcmp(name, "QCString") == 0)
return QMetaType::QByteArray;
if (strcmp(name, "Q_LLONG") == 0)
return QMetaType::LongLong;
if (strcmp(name, "Q_ULLONG") == 0)
return QMetaType::ULongLong;
if (strcmp(name, "QIconSet") == 0)
return QMetaType::QIcon;
uint tp = QMetaType::type(name);
return tp < QMetaType::User ? tp : 0;
Returns true if the type is a QVariant types.
bool isVariantType(const char* type)
return qvariant_nameToType(type) != 0;
Returns true if the type is qreal.
static bool isQRealType(const char *type)
return strcmp(type, "qreal") == 0;
Generator::Generator(ClassDef *classDef, const QList<QByteArray> &metaTypes, FILE *outfile)
: out(outfile), cdef(classDef), metaTypes(metaTypes)
if (cdef->superclassList.size())
purestSuperClass = cdef->superclassList.first().first;
static inline int lengthOfEscapeSequence(const QByteArray &s, int i)
if (s.at(i) != '\\' || i >= s.length() - 1)
return 1;
const int startPos = i;
char ch = s.at(i);
if (ch == 'x') {
while (i < s.length() && is_hex_char(s.at(i)))
} else if (is_octal_char(ch)) {
while (i < startPos + 4
&& i < s.length()
&& is_octal_char(s.at(i))) {
} else { // single character escape sequence
i = qMin(i + 1, s.length());
return i - startPos;
int Generator::strreg(const char *s)
int idx = 0;
if (!s)
s = "";
for (int i = 0; i < strings.size(); ++i) {
const QByteArray &str = strings.at(i);
if (str == s)
return idx;
idx += str.length() + 1;
for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); ++i) {
if (str.at(i) == '\\') {
int cnt = lengthOfEscapeSequence(str, i) - 1;
idx -= cnt;
i += cnt;
return idx;
void Generator::generateCode()
bool isQt = (cdef->classname == "Qt");
bool isQObject = (cdef->classname == "QObject");
bool isConstructible = !cdef->constructorList.isEmpty();
// build the data array
int i = 0;
// filter out undeclared enumerators and sets
QList<EnumDef> enumList;
for (i = 0; i < cdef->enumList.count(); ++i) {
EnumDef def = cdef->enumList.at(i);
if (cdef->enumDeclarations.contains(def.name)) {
enumList += def;
QByteArray alias = cdef->flagAliases.value(def.name);
if (cdef->enumDeclarations.contains(alias)) {
def.name = alias;
enumList += def;
cdef->enumList = enumList;
QByteArray qualifiedClassNameIdentifier = cdef->qualified;
qualifiedClassNameIdentifier.replace(':', '_');
int index = 14;
fprintf(out, "static const uint qt_meta_data_%s[] = {\n", qualifiedClassNameIdentifier.constData());
fprintf(out, "\n // content:\n");
fprintf(out, " %4d, // revision\n", 5);
fprintf(out, " %4d, // classname\n", strreg(cdef->qualified));
fprintf(out, " %4d, %4d, // classinfo\n", cdef->classInfoList.count(), cdef->classInfoList.count() ? index : 0);
index += cdef->classInfoList.count() * 2;
int methodCount = cdef->signalList.count() + cdef->slotList.count() + cdef->methodList.count();
fprintf(out, " %4d, %4d, // methods\n", methodCount, methodCount ? index : 0);
index += methodCount * 5;
fprintf(out, " %4d, %4d, // properties\n", cdef->propertyList.count(), cdef->propertyList.count() ? index : 0);
index += cdef->propertyList.count() * 3;
index += cdef->propertyList.count();
fprintf(out, " %4d, %4d, // enums/sets\n", cdef->enumList.count(), cdef->enumList.count() ? index : 0);
int enumsIndex = index;
for (i = 0; i < cdef->enumList.count(); ++i)
index += 4 + (cdef->enumList.at(i).values.count() * 2);
fprintf(out, " %4d, %4d, // constructors\n", isConstructible ? cdef->constructorList.count() : 0,
isConstructible ? index : 0);
fprintf(out, " %4d, // flags\n", 0);
fprintf(out, " %4d, // signalCount\n", cdef->signalList.count());
// Build classinfo array
// Build signals array first, otherwise the signal indices would be wrong
generateFunctions(cdef->signalList, "signal", MethodSignal);
// Build slots array
generateFunctions(cdef->slotList, "slot", MethodSlot);
// Build method array
generateFunctions(cdef->methodList, "method", MethodMethod);
// Build property array
// Build enums array
// Build constructors array
if (isConstructible)
generateFunctions(cdef->constructorList, "constructor", MethodConstructor);
// Terminate data array
fprintf(out, "\n 0 // eod\n};\n\n");
// Build stringdata array
fprintf(out, "static const char qt_meta_stringdata_%s[] = {\n", qualifiedClassNameIdentifier.constData());
fprintf(out, " \"");
int col = 0;
int len = 0;
for (i = 0; i < strings.size(); ++i) {
QByteArray s = strings.at(i);
len = s.length();
if (col && col + len >= 72) {
fprintf(out, "\"\n \"");
col = 0;
} else if (len && s.at(0) >= '0' && s.at(0) <= '9') {
fprintf(out, "\"\"");
len += 2;
int idx = 0;
while (idx < s.length()) {
if (idx > 0) {
col = 0;
fprintf(out, "\"\n \"");
int spanLen = qMin(70, s.length() - idx);
// don't cut escape sequences at the end of a line
int backSlashPos = s.lastIndexOf('\\', idx + spanLen - 1);
if (backSlashPos >= idx) {
int escapeLen = lengthOfEscapeSequence(s, backSlashPos);
spanLen = qBound(spanLen, backSlashPos + escapeLen - idx, s.length() - idx);
fwrite(s.constData() + idx, 1, spanLen, out);
idx += spanLen;
col += spanLen;
fputs("\\0", out);
col += len + 2;
fprintf(out, "\"\n};\n\n");
// Generate internal qt_static_metacall() function
if (isConstructible)
// Build extra array
QList<QByteArray> extraList;
for (int i = 0; i < cdef->propertyList.count(); ++i) {
const PropertyDef &p = cdef->propertyList.at(i);
if (!isVariantType(p.type) && !metaTypes.contains(p.type) && !p.type.contains('*') &&
!p.type.contains('<') && !p.type.contains('>')) {
int s = p.type.lastIndexOf("::");
if (s > 0) {
QByteArray scope = p.type.left(s);
if (scope != "Qt" && scope != cdef->classname && !extraList.contains(scope))
extraList += scope;
if (!extraList.isEmpty()) {
fprintf(out, "#ifdef Q_NO_DATA_RELOCATION\n");
fprintf(out, "static const QMetaObjectAccessor qt_meta_extradata_%s[] = {\n ", qualifiedClassNameIdentifier.constData());
for (int i = 0; i < extraList.count(); ++i) {
fprintf(out, " %s::getStaticMetaObject,\n", extraList.at(i).constData());
fprintf(out, "#else\n");
fprintf(out, "static const QMetaObject *qt_meta_extradata_%s[] = {\n ", qualifiedClassNameIdentifier.constData());
for (int i = 0; i < extraList.count(); ++i) {
fprintf(out, " &%s::staticMetaObject,\n", extraList.at(i).constData());
fprintf(out, "#endif //Q_NO_DATA_RELOCATION\n");
fprintf(out, " 0\n};\n\n");
if (isConstructible || !extraList.isEmpty()) {
fprintf(out, "static const QMetaObjectExtraData qt_meta_extradata2_%s = {\n ",
if (extraList.isEmpty())
fprintf(out, "0, ");
fprintf(out, "qt_meta_extradata_%s, ", qualifiedClassNameIdentifier.constData());
if (!isConstructible)
fprintf(out, "0");
fprintf(out, "%s_qt_static_metacall", qualifiedClassNameIdentifier.constData());
fprintf(out, " \n};\n\n");
// Finally create and initialize the static meta object
if (isQt)
fprintf(out, "const QMetaObject QObject::staticQtMetaObject = {\n");
fprintf(out, "const QMetaObject %s::staticMetaObject = {\n", cdef->qualified.constData());
if (isQObject)
fprintf(out, " { 0, ");
else if (cdef->superclassList.size())
fprintf(out, " { &%s::staticMetaObject, ", purestSuperClass.constData());
fprintf(out, " { 0, ");
fprintf(out, "qt_meta_stringdata_%s,\n qt_meta_data_%s, ",
qualifiedClassNameIdentifier.constData(), qualifiedClassNameIdentifier.constData());
if (!isConstructible && extraList.isEmpty())
fprintf(out, "0 }\n");
fprintf(out, "&qt_meta_extradata2_%s }\n", qualifiedClassNameIdentifier.constData());
fprintf(out, "};\n");
// Generate static meta object accessor (needed for symbian, because DLLs do not support data imports.
fprintf(out, "\n#ifdef Q_NO_DATA_RELOCATION\n");
fprintf(out, "const QMetaObject &%s::getStaticMetaObject() { return staticMetaObject; }\n", cdef->qualified.constData());
fprintf(out, "#endif //Q_NO_DATA_RELOCATION\n");
if (!cdef->hasQObject)
fprintf(out, "\nconst QMetaObject *%s::metaObject() const\n{\n return QObject::d_ptr->metaObject ? QObject::d_ptr->metaObject : &staticMetaObject;\n}\n",
// Generate smart cast function
fprintf(out, "\nvoid *%s::qt_metacast(const char *_clname)\n{\n", cdef->qualified.constData());
fprintf(out, " if (!_clname) return 0;\n");
fprintf(out, " if (!strcmp(_clname, qt_meta_stringdata_%s))\n"
" return static_cast<void*>(const_cast< %s*>(this));\n",
qualifiedClassNameIdentifier.constData(), cdef->classname.constData());
for (int i = 1; i < cdef->superclassList.size(); ++i) { // for all superclasses but the first one
if (cdef->superclassList.at(i).second == FunctionDef::Private)
const char *cname = cdef->superclassList.at(i).first;
fprintf(out, " if (!strcmp(_clname, \"%s\"))\n return static_cast< %s*>(const_cast< %s*>(this));\n",
cname, cname, cdef->classname.constData());
for (int i = 0; i < cdef->interfaceList.size(); ++i) {
const QList<ClassDef::Interface> &iface = cdef->interfaceList.at(i);
for (int j = 0; j < iface.size(); ++j) {
fprintf(out, " if (!strcmp(_clname, %s))\n return ", iface.at(j).interfaceId.constData());
for (int k = j; k >= 0; --k)
fprintf(out, "static_cast< %s*>(", iface.at(k).className.constData());
fprintf(out, "const_cast< %s*>(this)%s;\n",
cdef->classname.constData(), QByteArray(j+1, ')').constData());
if (!purestSuperClass.isEmpty() && !isQObject) {
QByteArray superClass = purestSuperClass;
// workaround for VC6
if (superClass.contains("::")) {
fprintf(out, " typedef %s QMocSuperClass;\n", superClass.constData());
superClass = "QMocSuperClass";
fprintf(out, " return %s::qt_metacast(_clname);\n", superClass.constData());
} else {
fprintf(out, " return 0;\n");
fprintf(out, "}\n");
// Generate internal qt_metacall() function
// Generate internal signal functions
for (int signalindex = 0; signalindex < cdef->signalList.size(); ++signalindex)
generateSignal(&cdef->signalList[signalindex], signalindex);
void Generator::generateClassInfos()
if (cdef->classInfoList.isEmpty())
fprintf(out, "\n // classinfo: key, value\n");
for (int i = 0; i < cdef->classInfoList.size(); ++i) {
const ClassInfoDef &c = cdef->classInfoList.at(i);
fprintf(out, " %4d, %4d,\n", strreg(c.name), strreg(c.value));
void Generator::generateFunctions(QList<FunctionDef>& list, const char *functype, int type)
if (list.isEmpty())
fprintf(out, "\n // %ss: signature, parameters, type, tag, flags\n", functype);
for (int i = 0; i < list.count(); ++i) {
const FunctionDef &f = list.at(i);
QByteArray sig = f.name + '(';
QByteArray arguments;
for (int j = 0; j < f.arguments.count(); ++j) {
const ArgumentDef &a = f.arguments.at(j);
if (j) {
sig += ",";
arguments += ",";
sig += a.normalizedType;
arguments += a.name;
sig += ')';
char flags = type;
if (f.access == FunctionDef::Private)
flags |= AccessPrivate;
else if (f.access == FunctionDef::Public)
flags |= AccessPublic;
else if (f.access == FunctionDef::Protected)
flags |= AccessProtected;
if (f.access == FunctionDef::Private)
flags |= AccessPrivate;
else if (f.access == FunctionDef::Public)
flags |= AccessPublic;
else if (f.access == FunctionDef::Protected)
flags |= AccessProtected;
if (f.isCompat)
flags |= MethodCompatibility;
if (f.wasCloned)
flags |= MethodCloned;
if (f.isScriptable)
flags |= MethodScriptable;
fprintf(out, " %4d, %4d, %4d, %4d, 0x%02x,\n", strreg(sig),
strreg(arguments), strreg(f.normalizedType), strreg(f.tag), flags);
void Generator::generateProperties()
// specify get function, for compatibiliy we accept functions
// returning pointers, or const char * for QByteArray.
for (int i = 0; i < cdef->propertyList.count(); ++i) {
PropertyDef &p = cdef->propertyList[i];
if (p.read.isEmpty())
for (int j = 0; j < cdef->publicList.count(); ++j) {
const FunctionDef &f = cdef->publicList.at(j);
if (f.name != p.read)
if (!f.isConst) // get functions must be const
if (f.arguments.size()) // and must not take any arguments
PropertyDef::Specification spec = PropertyDef::ValueSpec;
QByteArray tmp = f.normalizedType;
if (p.type == "QByteArray" && tmp == "const char *")
tmp = "QByteArray";
if (tmp.left(6) == "const ")
tmp = tmp.mid(6);
if (p.type != tmp && tmp.endsWith('*')) {
spec = PropertyDef::PointerSpec;
} else if (f.type.name.endsWith('&')) { // raw type, not normalized type
spec = PropertyDef::ReferenceSpec;
if (p.type != tmp)
p.gspec = spec;
if(!p.notify.isEmpty()) {
int notifyId = -1;
for (int j = 0; j < cdef->signalList.count(); ++j) {
const FunctionDef &f = cdef->signalList.at(j);
if(f.name != p.notify) {
} else {
notifyId = j /* Signal indexes start from 0 */;
p.notifyId = notifyId;
// Create meta data
if (cdef->propertyList.count())
fprintf(out, "\n // properties: name, type, flags\n");
for (int i = 0; i < cdef->propertyList.count(); ++i) {
const PropertyDef &p = cdef->propertyList.at(i);
uint flags = Invalid;
if (!isVariantType(p.type)) {
flags |= EnumOrFlag;
} else if (!isQRealType(p.type)) {
flags |= qvariant_nameToType(p.type) << 24;
if (!p.read.isEmpty())
flags |= Readable;
if (!p.write.isEmpty()) {
flags |= Writable;
if (p.stdCppSet())
flags |= StdCppSet;
if (!p.reset.isEmpty())
flags |= Resettable;
// if (p.override)
// flags |= Override;
if (p.designable.isEmpty())
flags |= ResolveDesignable;
else if (p.designable != "false")
flags |= Designable;
if (p.scriptable.isEmpty())
flags |= ResolveScriptable;
else if (p.scriptable != "false")
flags |= Scriptable;
if (p.stored.isEmpty())
flags |= ResolveStored;
else if (p.stored != "false")
flags |= Stored;
if (p.editable.isEmpty())
flags |= ResolveEditable;
else if (p.editable != "false")
flags |= Editable;
if (p.user.isEmpty())
flags |= ResolveUser;
else if (p.user != "false")
flags |= User;
if (p.notifyId != -1)
flags |= Notify;
if (p.constant)
flags |= Constant;
if (p.final)
flags |= Final;
fprintf(out, " %4d, %4d, ",
if (!(flags >> 24) && isQRealType(p.type))
fprintf(out, "(QMetaType::QReal << 24) | ");
fprintf(out, "0x%.8x,\n", flags);
if(cdef->notifyableProperties) {
fprintf(out, "\n // properties: notify_signal_id\n");
for (int i = 0; i < cdef->propertyList.count(); ++i) {
const PropertyDef &p = cdef->propertyList.at(i);
if(p.notifyId == -1)
fprintf(out, " %4d,\n",
fprintf(out, " %4d,\n",
void Generator::generateEnums(int index)
if (cdef->enumDeclarations.isEmpty())
fprintf(out, "\n // enums: name, flags, count, data\n");
index += 4 * cdef->enumList.count();
int i;
for (i = 0; i < cdef->enumList.count(); ++i) {
const EnumDef &e = cdef->enumList.at(i);
fprintf(out, " %4d, 0x%.1x, %4d, %4d,\n",
cdef->enumDeclarations.value(e.name) ? 1 : 0,
index += e.values.count() * 2;
fprintf(out, "\n // enum data: key, value\n");
for (i = 0; i < cdef->enumList.count(); ++i) {
const EnumDef &e = cdef->enumList.at(i);
for (int j = 0; j < e.values.count(); ++j) {
const QByteArray &val = e.values.at(j);
fprintf(out, " %4d, uint(%s::%s),\n",
void Generator::generateMetacall()
bool isQObject = (cdef->classname == "QObject");
fprintf(out, "\nint %s::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void **_a)\n{\n",
if (!purestSuperClass.isEmpty() && !isQObject) {
QByteArray superClass = purestSuperClass;
// workaround for VC6
if (superClass.contains("::")) {
fprintf(out, " typedef %s QMocSuperClass;\n", superClass.constData());
superClass = "QMocSuperClass";
fprintf(out, " _id = %s::qt_metacall(_c, _id, _a);\n", superClass.constData());
fprintf(out, " if (_id < 0)\n return _id;\n");
fprintf(out, " ");
bool needElse = false;
QList<FunctionDef> methodList;
methodList += cdef->signalList;
methodList += cdef->slotList;
methodList += cdef->methodList;
if (methodList.size()) {
needElse = true;
fprintf(out, "if (_c == QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod) {\n ");
fprintf(out, "switch (_id) {\n");
for (int methodindex = 0; methodindex < methodList.size(); ++methodindex) {
const FunctionDef &f = methodList.at(methodindex);
fprintf(out, " case %d: ", methodindex);
if (f.normalizedType.size())
fprintf(out, "{ %s _r = ", noRef(f.normalizedType).constData());
if (f.inPrivateClass.size())
fprintf(out, "%s->", f.inPrivateClass.constData());
fprintf(out, "%s(", f.name.constData());
int offset = 1;
for (int j = 0; j < f.arguments.count(); ++j) {
const ArgumentDef &a = f.arguments.at(j);
if (j)
fprintf(out, ",");
fprintf(out, "(*reinterpret_cast< %s>(_a[%d]))",a.typeNameForCast.constData(), offset++);
fprintf(out, ");");
if (f.normalizedType.size())
fprintf(out, "\n if (_a[0]) *reinterpret_cast< %s*>(_a[0]) = _r; } ",
fprintf(out, " break;\n");
fprintf(out, " default: ;\n");
fprintf(out, " }\n");
if (methodList.size())
fprintf(out, " _id -= %d;\n }", methodList.size());
if (cdef->propertyList.size()) {
bool needGet = false;
bool needTempVarForGet = false;
bool needSet = false;
bool needReset = false;
bool needDesignable = false;
bool needScriptable = false;
bool needStored = false;
bool needEditable = false;
bool needUser = false;
for (int i = 0; i < cdef->propertyList.size(); ++i) {
const PropertyDef &p = cdef->propertyList.at(i);
needGet |= !p.read.isEmpty();
if (!p.read.isEmpty())
needTempVarForGet |= (p.gspec != PropertyDef::PointerSpec
&& p.gspec != PropertyDef::ReferenceSpec);
needSet |= !p.write.isEmpty();
needReset |= !p.reset.isEmpty();
needDesignable |= p.designable.endsWith(')');
needScriptable |= p.scriptable.endsWith(')');
needStored |= p.stored.endsWith(')');
needEditable |= p.editable.endsWith(')');
needUser |= p.user.endsWith(')');
fprintf(out, "\n#ifndef QT_NO_PROPERTIES\n ");
if (needElse)
fprintf(out, " else ");
fprintf(out, "if (_c == QMetaObject::ReadProperty) {\n");
if (needGet) {
if (needTempVarForGet)
fprintf(out, " void *_v = _a[0];\n");
fprintf(out, " switch (_id) {\n");
for (int propindex = 0; propindex < cdef->propertyList.size(); ++propindex) {
const PropertyDef &p = cdef->propertyList.at(propindex);
if (p.read.isEmpty())
QByteArray prefix;
if (p.inPrivateClass.size()) {
prefix = p.inPrivateClass;
if (p.gspec == PropertyDef::PointerSpec)
fprintf(out, " case %d: _a[0] = const_cast<void*>(reinterpret_cast<const void*>(%s%s())); break;\n",
propindex, prefix.constData(), p.read.constData());
else if (p.gspec == PropertyDef::ReferenceSpec)
fprintf(out, " case %d: _a[0] = const_cast<void*>(reinterpret_cast<const void*>(&%s%s())); break;\n",
propindex, prefix.constData(), p.read.constData());
else if (cdef->enumDeclarations.value(p.type, false))
fprintf(out, " case %d: *reinterpret_cast<int*>(_v) = QFlag(%s%s()); break;\n",
propindex, prefix.constData(), p.read.constData());
fprintf(out, " case %d: *reinterpret_cast< %s*>(_v) = %s%s(); break;\n",
propindex, p.type.constData(), prefix.constData(), p.read.constData());
fprintf(out, " }\n");
" _id -= %d;\n"
" }", cdef->propertyList.count());
fprintf(out, " else ");
fprintf(out, "if (_c == QMetaObject::WriteProperty) {\n");
if (needSet) {
fprintf(out, " void *_v = _a[0];\n");
fprintf(out, " switch (_id) {\n");
for (int propindex = 0; propindex < cdef->propertyList.size(); ++propindex) {
const PropertyDef &p = cdef->propertyList.at(propindex);
if (p.write.isEmpty())
QByteArray prefix;
if (p.inPrivateClass.size()) {
prefix = p.inPrivateClass;
if (cdef->enumDeclarations.value(p.type, false)) {
fprintf(out, " case %d: %s%s(QFlag(*reinterpret_cast<int*>(_v))); break;\n",
propindex, prefix.constData(), p.write.constData());
} else {
fprintf(out, " case %d: %s%s(*reinterpret_cast< %s*>(_v)); break;\n",
propindex, prefix.constData(), p.write.constData(), p.type.constData());
fprintf(out, " }\n");
" _id -= %d;\n"
" }", cdef->propertyList.count());
fprintf(out, " else ");
fprintf(out, "if (_c == QMetaObject::ResetProperty) {\n");
if (needReset) {
fprintf(out, " switch (_id) {\n");
for (int propindex = 0; propindex < cdef->propertyList.size(); ++propindex) {
const PropertyDef &p = cdef->propertyList.at(propindex);
if (!p.reset.endsWith(')'))
QByteArray prefix;
if (p.inPrivateClass.size()) {
prefix = p.inPrivateClass;
fprintf(out, " case %d: %s%s; break;\n",
propindex, prefix.constData(), p.reset.constData());
fprintf(out, " }\n");
" _id -= %d;\n"
" }", cdef->propertyList.count());
fprintf(out, " else ");
fprintf(out, "if (_c == QMetaObject::QueryPropertyDesignable) {\n");
if (needDesignable) {
fprintf(out, " bool *_b = reinterpret_cast<bool*>(_a[0]);\n");
fprintf(out, " switch (_id) {\n");
for (int propindex = 0; propindex < cdef->propertyList.size(); ++propindex) {
const PropertyDef &p = cdef->propertyList.at(propindex);
if (!p.designable.endsWith(')'))
fprintf(out, " case %d: *_b = %s; break;\n",
propindex, p.designable.constData());
fprintf(out, " }\n");
" _id -= %d;\n"
" }", cdef->propertyList.count());
fprintf(out, " else ");
fprintf(out, "if (_c == QMetaObject::QueryPropertyScriptable) {\n");
if (needScriptable) {
fprintf(out, " bool *_b = reinterpret_cast<bool*>(_a[0]);\n");
fprintf(out, " switch (_id) {\n");
for (int propindex = 0; propindex < cdef->propertyList.size(); ++propindex) {
const PropertyDef &p = cdef->propertyList.at(propindex);
if (!p.scriptable.endsWith(')'))
fprintf(out, " case %d: *_b = %s; break;\n",
propindex, p.scriptable.constData());
fprintf(out, " }\n");
" _id -= %d;\n"
" }", cdef->propertyList.count());
fprintf(out, " else ");
fprintf(out, "if (_c == QMetaObject::QueryPropertyStored) {\n");
if (needStored) {
fprintf(out, " bool *_b = reinterpret_cast<bool*>(_a[0]);\n");
fprintf(out, " switch (_id) {\n");
for (int propindex = 0; propindex < cdef->propertyList.size(); ++propindex) {
const PropertyDef &p = cdef->propertyList.at(propindex);
if (!p.stored.endsWith(')'))
fprintf(out, " case %d: *_b = %s; break;\n",
propindex, p.stored.constData());
fprintf(out, " }\n");
" _id -= %d;\n"
" }", cdef->propertyList.count());
fprintf(out, " else ");
fprintf(out, "if (_c == QMetaObject::QueryPropertyEditable) {\n");
if (needEditable) {
fprintf(out, " bool *_b = reinterpret_cast<bool*>(_a[0]);\n");
fprintf(out, " switch (_id) {\n");
for (int propindex = 0; propindex < cdef->propertyList.size(); ++propindex) {
const PropertyDef &p = cdef->propertyList.at(propindex);
if (!p.editable.endsWith(')'))
fprintf(out, " case %d: *_b = %s; break;\n",
propindex, p.editable.constData());
fprintf(out, " }\n");
" _id -= %d;\n"
" }", cdef->propertyList.count());
fprintf(out, " else ");
fprintf(out, "if (_c == QMetaObject::QueryPropertyUser) {\n");
if (needUser) {
fprintf(out, " bool *_b = reinterpret_cast<bool*>(_a[0]);\n");
fprintf(out, " switch (_id) {\n");
for (int propindex = 0; propindex < cdef->propertyList.size(); ++propindex) {
const PropertyDef &p = cdef->propertyList.at(propindex);
if (!p.user.endsWith(')'))
fprintf(out, " case %d: *_b = %s; break;\n",
propindex, p.user.constData());
fprintf(out, " }\n");
" _id -= %d;\n"
" }", cdef->propertyList.count());
fprintf(out, "\n#endif // QT_NO_PROPERTIES");
if (methodList.size() || cdef->signalList.size() || cdef->propertyList.size())
fprintf(out, "\n ");
fprintf(out,"return _id;\n}\n");
void Generator::generateStaticMetacall(const QByteArray &prefix)
bool isQObject = (cdef->classname == "QObject");
fprintf(out, "static int %s_qt_static_metacall(QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void **_a)\n{\n",
fprintf(out, " if (_c == QMetaObject::CreateInstance) {\n");
fprintf(out, " switch (_id) {\n");
for (int ctorindex = 0; ctorindex < cdef->constructorList.count(); ++ctorindex) {
fprintf(out, " case %d: { %s *_r = new %s(", ctorindex,
cdef->qualified.constData(), cdef->qualified.constData());
const FunctionDef &f = cdef->constructorList.at(ctorindex);
int offset = 1;
for (int j = 0; j < f.arguments.count(); ++j) {
const ArgumentDef &a = f.arguments.at(j);
if (j)
fprintf(out, ",");
fprintf(out, "(*reinterpret_cast< %s>(_a[%d]))", a.typeNameForCast.constData(), offset++);
fprintf(out, ");\n");
fprintf(out, " if (_a[0]) *reinterpret_cast<QObject**>(_a[0]) = _r; } break;\n");
fprintf(out, " }\n");
fprintf(out, " _id -= %d;\n", cdef->constructorList.count());
fprintf(out, " return _id;\n");
fprintf(out, " }\n");
if (!isQObject)
fprintf(out, " _id = %s::staticMetaObject.superClass()->static_metacall(_c, _id, _a);\n", cdef->qualified.constData());
fprintf(out, " if (_id < 0)\n return _id;\n");
fprintf(out, " return _id;\n");
fprintf(out, "}\n\n");
void Generator::generateSignal(FunctionDef *def,int index)
if (def->wasCloned || def->isAbstract)
fprintf(out, "\n// SIGNAL %d\n%s %s::%s(",
index, def->type.name.constData(), cdef->qualified.constData(), def->name.constData());
QByteArray thisPtr = "this";
const char *constQualifier = "";
if (def->isConst) {
thisPtr = "const_cast< ";
thisPtr += cdef->qualified;
thisPtr += " *>(this)";
constQualifier = "const";
if (def->arguments.isEmpty() && def->normalizedType.isEmpty()) {
fprintf(out, ")%s\n{\n"
" QMetaObject::activate(%s, &staticMetaObject, %d, 0);\n"
"}\n", constQualifier, thisPtr.constData(), index);
int offset = 1;
for (int j = 0; j < def->arguments.count(); ++j) {
const ArgumentDef &a = def->arguments.at(j);
if (j)
fprintf(out, ", ");
fprintf(out, "%s _t%d%s", a.type.name.constData(), offset++, a.rightType.constData());
fprintf(out, ")%s\n{\n", constQualifier);
if (def->type.name.size() && def->normalizedType.size())
fprintf(out, " %s _t0;\n", noRef(def->normalizedType).constData());
fprintf(out, " void *_a[] = { ");
if (def->normalizedType.isEmpty()) {
fprintf(out, "0");
} else {
if (def->returnTypeIsVolatile)
fprintf(out, "const_cast<void*>(reinterpret_cast<const volatile void*>(&_t0))");
fprintf(out, "const_cast<void*>(reinterpret_cast<const void*>(&_t0))");
int i;
for (i = 1; i < offset; ++i)
if (def->arguments.at(i - 1).type.isVolatile)
fprintf(out, ", const_cast<void*>(reinterpret_cast<const volatile void*>(&_t%d))", i);
fprintf(out, ", const_cast<void*>(reinterpret_cast<const void*>(&_t%d))", i);
fprintf(out, " };\n");
fprintf(out, " QMetaObject::activate(%s, &staticMetaObject, %d, _a);\n", thisPtr.constData(), index);
if (def->normalizedType.size())
fprintf(out, " return _t0;\n");
fprintf(out, "}\n");
// Functions used when generating QMetaObject directly
// Much of this code is copied from the corresponding
// C++ code-generating functions; we can change the
// two generators so that more of the code is shared.
// The key difference from the C++ code generator is
// that instead of calling fprintf(), we append bytes
// to a buffer.
QMetaObject *Generator::generateMetaObject(bool ignoreProperties)
// build the data array
// filter out undeclared enumerators and sets
QList<EnumDef> enumList;
for (int i = 0; i < cdef->enumList.count(); ++i) {
EnumDef def = cdef->enumList.at(i);
if (cdef->enumDeclarations.contains(def.name)) {
enumList += def;
QByteArray alias = cdef->flagAliases.value(def.name);
if (cdef->enumDeclarations.contains(alias)) {
def.name = alias;
enumList += def;
cdef->enumList = enumList;
int index = 10;
<< 1 // revision
<< strreg(cdef->qualified) // classname
<< cdef->classInfoList.count() << (cdef->classInfoList.count() ? index : 0) // classinfo
index += cdef->classInfoList.count() * 2;
int methodCount = cdef->signalList.count() + cdef->slotList.count() + cdef->methodList.count();
meta_data << methodCount << (methodCount ? index : 0); // methods
index += methodCount * 5;
if (!ignoreProperties) {
meta_data << cdef->propertyList.count() << (cdef->propertyList.count() ? index : 0); // properties
index += cdef->propertyList.count() * 3;
} else {
meta_data << 0 << 0; // properties
meta_data << cdef->enumList.count() << (cdef->enumList.count() ? index : 0); // enums/sets
// Build classinfo array
// Build signals array first, otherwise the signal indices would be wrong
_generateFunctions(cdef->signalList, MethodSignal);
// Build slots array
_generateFunctions(cdef->slotList, MethodSlot);
// Build method array
_generateFunctions(cdef->methodList, MethodMethod);
// Build property array
if (!ignoreProperties)
// Build enums array
// Terminate data array
meta_data << 0;
// Build stringdata array
QVector<char> string_data;
for (int i = 0; i < strings.size(); ++i) {
const char *s = strings.at(i).constData();
char c;
do {
c = *(s++);
string_data << c;
} while (c != '\0');
// Finally create and initialize the static meta object
const int meta_object_offset = 0;
const int meta_object_size = sizeof(QMetaObject);
const int meta_data_offset = meta_object_offset + meta_object_size;
const int meta_data_size = meta_data.count() * sizeof(uint);
const int string_data_offset = meta_data_offset + meta_data_size;
const int string_data_size = string_data.count();
const int total_size = string_data_offset + string_data_size;
char *blob = new char[total_size];
char *string_data_output = blob + string_data_offset;
const char *string_data_src = string_data.constData();
for (int i = 0; i < string_data.count(); ++i)
string_data_output[i] = string_data_src[i];
uint *meta_data_output = reinterpret_cast<uint *>(blob + meta_data_offset);
const uint *meta_data_src = meta_data.constData();
for (int i = 0; i < meta_data.count(); ++i)
meta_data_output[i] = meta_data_src[i];
QMetaObject *meta_object = new (blob + meta_object_offset)QMetaObject;
meta_object->d.superdata = 0;
meta_object->d.stringdata = string_data_output;
meta_object->d.data = meta_data_output;
meta_object->d.extradata = 0;
return meta_object;
void Generator::_generateClassInfos()
for (int i = 0; i < cdef->classInfoList.size(); ++i) {
const ClassInfoDef &c = cdef->classInfoList.at(i);
meta_data << strreg(c.name) << strreg(c.value);
void Generator::_generateFunctions(QList<FunctionDef> &list, int type)
for (int i = 0; i < list.count(); ++i) {
const FunctionDef &f = list.at(i);
QByteArray sig = f.name + '(';
QByteArray arguments;
for (int j = 0; j < f.arguments.count(); ++j) {
const ArgumentDef &a = f.arguments.at(j);
if (j) {
sig += ',';
arguments += ',';
sig += a.normalizedType;
arguments += a.name;
sig += ')';
char flags = type;
if (f.access == FunctionDef::Private)
flags |= AccessPrivate;
else if (f.access == FunctionDef::Public)
flags |= AccessPublic;
else if (f.access == FunctionDef::Protected)
flags |= AccessProtected;
if (f.access == FunctionDef::Private)
flags |= AccessPrivate;
else if (f.access == FunctionDef::Public)
flags |= AccessPublic;
else if (f.access == FunctionDef::Protected)
flags |= AccessProtected;
if (f.isCompat)
flags |= MethodCompatibility;
if (f.wasCloned)
flags |= MethodCloned;
if (f.isScriptable)
flags |= MethodScriptable;
meta_data << strreg(sig)
<< strreg(arguments)
<< strreg(f.normalizedType)
<< strreg(f.tag)
<< flags;
void Generator::_generateEnums(int index)
index += 4 * cdef->enumList.count();
int i;
for (i = 0; i < cdef->enumList.count(); ++i) {
const EnumDef &e = cdef->enumList.at(i);
meta_data << strreg(e.name) << (cdef->enumDeclarations.value(e.name) ? 1 : 0)
<< e.values.count() << index;
index += e.values.count() * 2;
for (i = 0; i < cdef->enumList.count(); ++i) {
const EnumDef &e = cdef->enumList.at(i);
for (int j = 0; j < e.values.count(); ++j) {
const QByteArray &val = e.values.at(j);
meta_data << strreg(val) << 0; // we don't know the value itself
void Generator::_generateProperties()
// specify get function, for compatibiliy we accept functions
// returning pointers, or const char * for QByteArray.
for (int i = 0; i < cdef->propertyList.count(); ++i) {
PropertyDef &p = cdef->propertyList[i];
if (p.read.isEmpty())
for (int j = 0; j < cdef->publicList.count(); ++j) {
const FunctionDef &f = cdef->publicList.at(j);
if (f.name != p.read)
if (!f.isConst) // get functions must be const
if (f.arguments.size()) // and must not take any arguments
PropertyDef::Specification spec = PropertyDef::ValueSpec;
QByteArray tmp = f.normalizedType;
if (p.type == "QByteArray" && tmp == "const char *")
tmp = "QByteArray";
if (tmp.left(6) == "const ")
tmp = tmp.mid(6);
if (p.type != tmp && tmp.endsWith('*')) {
spec = PropertyDef::PointerSpec;
} else if (f.type.name.endsWith('&')) { // raw type, not normalized type
spec = PropertyDef::ReferenceSpec;
if (p.type != tmp)
p.gspec = spec;
// Create meta data
for (int i = 0; i < cdef->propertyList.count(); ++i) {
const PropertyDef &p = cdef->propertyList.at(i);
uint flags = Invalid;
if (!isVariantType(p.type)) {
flags |= EnumOrFlag;
} else {
flags |= qvariant_nameToType(p.type) << 24;
if (!p.read.isEmpty())
flags |= Readable;
if (!p.write.isEmpty()) {
flags |= Writable;
if (p.stdCppSet())
flags |= StdCppSet;
if (!p.reset.isEmpty())
flags |= Resettable;
// if (p.override)
// flags |= Override;
if (p.designable.isEmpty())
flags |= ResolveDesignable;
else if (p.designable != "false")
flags |= Designable;
if (p.scriptable.isEmpty())
flags |= ResolveScriptable;
else if (p.scriptable != "false")
flags |= Scriptable;
if (p.stored.isEmpty())
flags |= ResolveStored;
else if (p.stored != "false")
flags |= Stored;
if (p.editable.isEmpty())
flags |= ResolveEditable;
else if (p.editable != "false")
flags |= Editable;
if (p.user.isEmpty())
flags |= ResolveUser;
else if (p.user != "false")
flags |= User;
meta_data << strreg(p.name) << strreg(p.type) << flags;