** Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
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** This file is part of the tools applications of the Qt Toolkit.
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#include "trkutils.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#include <QtCore/QCoreApplication>
#include <QtCore/QDebug>
#include <QtCore/QDate>
#include <QtCore/QDateTime>
#include <QtCore/QTime>
#define logMessage(s) do { qDebug() << "TRKCLIENT: " << s; } while (0)
namespace trk {
void TrkAppVersion::reset()
trkMajor = trkMinor= protocolMajor = protocolMinor = 0;
void Session::reset()
cpuMajor = 0;
cpuMinor = 0;
bigEndian = 0;
defaultTypeSize = 0;
fpTypeSize = 0;
extended1TypeSize = 0;
extended2TypeSize = 0;
pid = 0;
tid = 0;
codeseg = 0;
dataseg = 0;
currentThread = 0;
static QString formatCpu(int major, int minor)
//: CPU description of an S60 device
//: %1 major verison, %2 minor version
//: %3 real name of major verison, %4 real name of minor version
const QString str = QCoreApplication::translate("trk::Session", "CPU: v%1.%2%3%4");
QString majorStr;
QString minorStr;
switch (major) {
case 0x04:
majorStr = " ARM";
switch (minor) {
case 0x00:
minorStr = " 920T";
return str.arg(major).arg(minor).arg(majorStr).arg(minorStr);
QString formatTrkVersion(const TrkAppVersion &version)
QString str = QCoreApplication::translate("trk::Session",
"App TRK: v%1.%2 TRK protocol: v%3.%4");
str = str.arg(version.trkMajor).arg(version.trkMinor);
return str.arg(version.protocolMajor).arg(version.protocolMinor);
QString Session::deviceDescription(unsigned verbose) const
if (!cpuMajor)
return QString();
//: s60description
//: description of an S60 device
//: %1 CPU description, %2 endianness
//: %3 default type size (if any), %4 float size (if any)
//: %5 TRK version
QString msg = QCoreApplication::translate("trk::Session", "%1, %2%3%4, %5");
QString endianness = bigEndian
? QCoreApplication::translate("trk::Session", "big endian")
: QCoreApplication::translate("trk::Session", "little endian");
msg = msg.arg(formatCpu(cpuMajor, cpuMinor)).arg(endianness);
//: The separator in a list of strings
QString defaultTypeSizeStr;
QString fpTypeSizeStr;
if (verbose && defaultTypeSize)
//: will be inserted into s60description
defaultTypeSizeStr = QCoreApplication::translate("trk::Session", ", type size: %1").arg(defaultTypeSize);
if (verbose && fpTypeSize)
//: will be inserted into s60description
fpTypeSizeStr = QCoreApplication::translate("trk::Session", ", float size: %1").arg(fpTypeSize);
msg = msg.arg(defaultTypeSizeStr).arg(fpTypeSizeStr);
return msg.arg(formatTrkVersion(trkAppVersion));
// --------------
QByteArray decode7d(const QByteArray &ba)
QByteArray res;
for (int i = 0; i < ba.size(); ++i) {
byte c = byte(ba.at(i));
if (c == 0x7d) {
c = 0x20 ^ byte(ba.at(i));
return res;
QByteArray encode7d(const QByteArray &ba)
QByteArray res;
res.reserve(ba.size() + 2);
for (int i = 0; i < ba.size(); ++i) {
byte c = byte(ba.at(i));
if (c == 0x7e || c == 0x7d) {
res.append(0x20 ^ c);
} else {
return res;
// FIXME: Use the QByteArray based version below?
static inline QString stringFromByte(byte c)
return QString::fromLatin1("%1").arg(c, 2, 16, QChar('0'));
SYMBIANUTILS_EXPORT QString stringFromArray(const QByteArray &ba, int maxLen)
QString str;
QString ascii;
const int size = maxLen == -1 ? ba.size() : qMin(ba.size(), maxLen);
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
//if (i == 5 || i == ba.size() - 2)
// str += " ";
int c = byte(ba.at(i));
str += QString("%1 ").arg(c, 2, 16, QChar('0'));
if (i >= 8 && i < ba.size() - 2)
ascii += QChar(c).isPrint() ? QChar(c) : QChar('.');
if (size != ba.size()) {
str += "...";
ascii += "...";
return str + " " + ascii;
SYMBIANUTILS_EXPORT QByteArray hexNumber(uint n, int digits)
QByteArray ba = QByteArray::number(n, 16);
if (digits == 0 || ba.size() == digits)
return ba;
return QByteArray(digits - ba.size(), '0') + ba;
SYMBIANUTILS_EXPORT QByteArray hexxNumber(uint n, int digits)
return "0x" + hexNumber(n, digits);
TrkResult::TrkResult() :
void TrkResult::clear()
code = token= 0;
isDebugOutput = false;
cookie = QVariant();
QString TrkResult::toString() const
QString res = stringFromByte(code);
res += QLatin1String(" [");
res += stringFromByte(token);
res += QLatin1Char(']');
res += QLatin1Char(' ');
res += stringFromArray(data);
return res;
QByteArray frameMessage(byte command, byte token, const QByteArray &data, bool serialFrame)
byte s = command + token;
for (int i = 0; i != data.size(); ++i)
s += data.at(i);
byte checksum = 255 - (s & 0xff);
//int x = s + ~s;
//logMessage("check: " << s << checksum << x;
QByteArray response;
response.reserve(data.size() + 3);
QByteArray encodedData = encode7d(response);
QByteArray ba;
ba.reserve(encodedData.size() + 6);
if (serialFrame) {
const ushort encodedSize = encodedData.size() + 2; // 2 x 0x7e
appendShort(&ba, encodedSize, BigEndian);
return ba;
/* returns 0 if array doesn't represent a result,
otherwise returns the length of the result data */
ushort isValidTrkResult(const QByteArray &buffer, bool serialFrame, ushort& mux)
if (serialFrame) {
// Serial protocol with length info
if (buffer.length() < 4)
return 0;
mux = extractShort(buffer.data());
const ushort len = extractShort(buffer.data() + 2);
return (buffer.size() >= len + 4) ? len : ushort(0);
// Frameless protocol without length info
const char delimiter = char(0x7e);
const int firstDelimiterPos = buffer.indexOf(delimiter);
// Regular message delimited by 0x7e..0x7e
if (firstDelimiterPos == 0) {
mux = MuxTrk;
const int endPos = buffer.indexOf(delimiter, firstDelimiterPos + 1);
return endPos != -1 ? endPos + 1 - firstDelimiterPos : 0;
// Some ASCII log message up to first delimiter or all
return firstDelimiterPos != -1 ? firstDelimiterPos : buffer.size();
bool extractResult(QByteArray *buffer, bool serialFrame, TrkResult *result, QByteArray *rawData)
const ushort len = isValidTrkResult(*buffer, serialFrame, result->multiplex);
if (!len)
return false;
// handle receiving application output, which is not a regular command
const int delimiterPos = serialFrame ? 4 : 0;
if (buffer->at(delimiterPos) != 0x7e) {
result->isDebugOutput = true;
result->data = buffer->mid(delimiterPos, len);
*buffer->remove(0, delimiterPos + len);
return true;
// FIXME: what happens if the length contains 0xfe?
// Assume for now that it passes unencoded!
const QByteArray data = decode7d(buffer->mid(delimiterPos + 1, len - 2));
*rawData = data;
*buffer->remove(0, delimiterPos + len);
byte sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); ++i) // 3 = 2 * 0xfe + sum
sum += byte(data.at(i));
if (sum != 0xff)
logMessage("*** CHECKSUM ERROR: " << byte(sum));
result->code = data.at(0);
result->token = data.at(1);
result->data = data.mid(2, data.size() - 3);
//logMessage(" REST BUF: " << stringFromArray(*buffer));
//logMessage(" CURR DATA: " << stringFromArray(data));
//QByteArray prefix = "READ BUF: ";
//logMessage((prefix + "HEADER: " + stringFromArray(header).toLatin1()).data());
return true;
SYMBIANUTILS_EXPORT ushort extractShort(const char *data)
return byte(data[0]) * 256 + byte(data[1]);
SYMBIANUTILS_EXPORT uint extractInt(const char *data)
uint res = byte(data[0]);
res *= 256; res += byte(data[1]);
res *= 256; res += byte(data[2]);
res *= 256; res += byte(data[3]);
return res;
SYMBIANUTILS_EXPORT quint64 extractInt64(const char *data)
quint64 res = byte(data[0]);
res <<= 8; res += byte(data[1]);
res <<= 8; res += byte(data[2]);
res <<= 8; res += byte(data[3]);
res <<= 8; res += byte(data[4]);
res <<= 8; res += byte(data[5]);
res <<= 8; res += byte(data[6]);
res <<= 8; res += byte(data[7]);
return res;
SYMBIANUTILS_EXPORT QString quoteUnprintableLatin1(const QByteArray &ba)
QString res;
char buf[10];
for (int i = 0, n = ba.size(); i != n; ++i) {
const byte c = ba.at(i);
if (isprint(c)) {
res += c;
} else {
qsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf) - 1, "\\%x", int(c));
res += buf;
return res;
SYMBIANUTILS_EXPORT void appendShort(QByteArray *ba, ushort s, Endianness endian)
if (endian == BigEndian) {
ba->append(s / 256);
ba->append(s % 256);
} else {
ba->append(s % 256);
ba->append(s / 256);
SYMBIANUTILS_EXPORT void appendInt(QByteArray *ba, uint i, Endianness endian)
const uchar b3 = i % 256; i /= 256;
const uchar b2 = i % 256; i /= 256;
const uchar b1 = i % 256; i /= 256;
const uchar b0 = i;
ba->reserve(ba->size() + 4);
if (endian == BigEndian) {
} else {
void appendString(QByteArray *ba, const QByteArray &str, Endianness endian, bool appendNullTerminator)
const int fullSize = str.size() + (appendNullTerminator ? 1 : 0);
appendShort(ba, fullSize, endian); // count the terminating \0
if (appendNullTerminator)
void appendDateTime(QByteArray *ba, QDateTime dateTime, Endianness endian)
// convert the QDateTime to UTC and append its representation to QByteArray
// format is the same as in FAT file system
dateTime = dateTime.toUTC();
const QTime utcTime = dateTime.time();
const QDate utcDate = dateTime.date();
uint fatDateTime = (utcTime.hour() << 11 | utcTime.minute() << 5 | utcTime.second()/2) << 16;
fatDateTime |= (utcDate.year()-1980) << 9 | utcDate.month() << 5 | utcDate.day();
appendInt(ba, fatDateTime, endian);
QByteArray errorMessage(byte code)
switch (code) {
case 0x00: return "No error";
case 0x01: return "Generic error in CWDS message";
case 0x02: return "Unexpected packet size in send msg";
case 0x03: return "Internal error occurred in CWDS";
case 0x04: return "Escape followed by frame flag";
case 0x05: return "Bad FCS in packet";
case 0x06: return "Packet too long";
case 0x07: return "Sequence ID not expected (gap in sequence)";
case 0x10: return "Command not supported";
case 0x11: return "Command param out of range";
case 0x12: return "An option was not supported";
case 0x13: return "Read/write to invalid memory";
case 0x14: return "Read/write invalid registers";
case 0x15: return "Exception occurred in CWDS";
case 0x16: return "Targeted system or thread is running";
case 0x17: return "Breakpoint resources (HW or SW) exhausted";
case 0x18: return "Requested breakpoint conflicts with existing one";
case 0x20: return "General OS-related error";
case 0x21: return "Request specified invalid process";
case 0x22: return "Request specified invalid thread";
return "Unknown error";
uint swapEndian(uint in)
return (in>>24) | ((in<<8) & 0x00FF0000) | ((in>>8) & 0x0000FF00) | (in<<24);
int TrkResult::errorCode() const
// NAK means always error, else data sized 1 with a non-null element
const bool isNAK = code == 0xff;
if (data.size() != 1 && !isNAK)
return 0;
if (const int errorCode = data.at(0))
return errorCode;
return isNAK ? 0xff : 0;
QString TrkResult::errorString() const
// NAK means always error, else data sized 1 with a non-null element
if (code == 0xff)
return "NAK";
if (data.size() < 1)
return "Unknown error packet";
return errorMessage(data.at(0));
} // namespace trk