Qt 4.5.1 is a bug-fix release. It maintains both forward and backwardcompatibility (source and binary) with Qt 4.5.0. For more details,refer to the online documentation included in this distribution. Thedocumentation is also available online: http://qt.nokia.com/doc/4.5The Qt version 4.5 series is binary compatible with the 4.4.x series.Applications compiled for 4.4 will continue to run with 4.5.Some of the changes listed in this file include issue tracking numberscorresponding to tasks in the Task Tracker: http://qt.nokia.com/developer/task-trackerEach of these identifiers can be entered in the task tracker to obtain moreinformation about a particular change.***************************************************************************** General *****************************************************************************General Improvements--------------------- Documentation and Examples * Added printing feature for the Spreadsheet demo. * [245675] Clarified the differences between QItemDelegate and QStyledItemDelegate. * [248752] Marked QPrintDialog::printer(), setPrinter() and addButton() as Unix only functions, part of Qt3Support.- Embedded Dialogs demo * [246517] Fixed warnings and bugs in hover handling on Mac OS XOptimizations-------------- Graphics View Framework has been optimized in several areas * Improved the performance of QGraphicsItem::clipPath(). * Improved the performance of QGraphicsItem::setPos(). * Improved the performance of QGraphicsItem::effectiveOpacity(). * Improved the performance of QGrahicsScene::items(*). * Improved handling of updates. * Reduced the number of floating point operations. * Reduced QVariant overhead.Third party components----------------------***************************************************************************** Library *****************************************************************************- QAbstractItemModel * Clarified some warning messages printed if the model is invalid.- QAbstractEventDispatcher * [248805] Duplicate timerids could occur if a timer is running while the QObject is moved to another thread, stopping timers from working.- QAbstractSocket * [192037] Emit the disconnected signal only if we were connected before.- QAccessible * [221731] Fixed a bug where the accessibility plugin could crash if there was an "&" at the end or spin forever if a label had a sequence of "&&". * [241161] Fixed a bug in browsing menus with the keyboard.- QAtomicInt * [216492] Fixed compilation on 64-bit PowerPC machines with gcc 4.3.- QAuthenticator * [237979] Fixed implementation of md5-sess.- QByteArray * [246233] QByteArray::fromHex() fails with input of size 1.- QColorDialog * [247349] Fixed a bug causing the wrong alpha value to be returned.- QCombobox * [248094] Fixed scrollbar from appearing when not required.- QCompleter * [246056] Fixed an assertion failure in setCompletionPrefix(). * [250064] Fixed a regression in focus policy propagation.- QtConcurrent * [244718] Reduced the number of calls to QThread::idealThreadCount().- QDirIterator * [247645] Fixed a bug that may loose all cached data inside QFileInfo.- QFile * [244485] Renaming a file does not change QFile::fileName(). * [244500] QFile::rename() does not always return false when the method fails- QFileInfo * [205244] Return valid file info also for relative UNC paths.- QFileDialog * [221323] Fixed a bug in QFileDialog's programmatical file selection. * [248332] QFileDialog is slow after visiting a large directory. * [250194] Fixed an issue with QFileDialog and QSortFilterProxyModel index mapping.- QGLFramebufferObject * Framebuffer object extension resolution now works with OpenGL/ES 2.0.- QGraphicsItem * Fixed a slow down regression in QGraphicsItem::ItemCoordinateCache. * [247890] Cached QGraphicsItems are not updated if update() is called when they are hidden. * [250272] Fixed a crash that could occur when an item is deleted but it does not get removed from the sceneeventfilters.- QGraphicsGridLayout * [242472] Fixed a bug where the calculation of the maximum width of a column was incorrect.- QGraphicsScene * [243707] Fixed a crash when adding a child before a parent to the scene.- QGraphicsView * [245766] Rubber Band drag mode does not update correctly when scrolling.- QGraphicsWidget * [246215] Fixed a regression where we could cache the wrong size hint because we called the virtual sizeHint() from the constructor.- QHttp * Compile fixes for QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE being in the wrong place in some private headers. * [208445] Cancel request upon receiving unknown authentication method.- QHostAddress * [247330] Fixed compilation on MinGW by adding a missing QPair include.- QLocalSocket * Fixed a bug that would cause QLocalSocket to disconnect 30 seconds after a succesful delayed connection on UNIX.- QMacStyle * Adjusted the opacity value for popups. * [248769] Fixed a regression where QMacStyle would only draw tabs when passed a QStyleOptionTabV3.- QMainWindow * [248048] Fixed a regression that would cause tooltips to disappear when using the unified toolbar.- QMetaType * [248890] The detailed description of QMetaType no longer contradicts the documentation of QMetaType::type()- QMutex * Fixed a performance regression for contended mutexes as reported on the qt4-preview-feedback list.- QPainter * Compile fixes for OpenGL paint engine on OpenGL/ES 1.1 CommonLite and OpenGL/ES 1.0. * [246573] Fixed a very slow stroking of paths in the X11 paint engine. * [247083] Fixed the scale applied to antialiased cosmetic pens in X11 paint engine. * [247492] Fixed a rendering bug in the raster paint engine causing * [247505] Fixed missing fills of rectangles with negative width/height in raster paint engine. one-pixel offset when drawing premultiplied ARGB32 images on RGB16 images. * [249490] Fixed one-pixel offset between stroke and fills of ellipses in the X11 paint engine. * [249628] Fixed a crash in OpenGL paint engine when filling using Qt::NoBrush.- QPixmap * [249175] Fixed QPixmap::fromImage() of monochrome images to result in black/white pixels and not transparent/white pixels.- QProcess * [247865] Fixed a crash when calling QProcess::start() and startDetached() with an empty program string.- QScrollBar * [247985] Stylesheet: added the feature to style scrollbar menus.- QSharedPointer * [246843] Fixed a crash caused by using QSharedPointer in global statics.- QSortFilterProxyModel * [247867] Properly sort when calling appendRows(). * [248868] Re-sort when the model is reset if dynamicSort is enabled. * [248868] Fixed QSortFilterProxyModel::sort() if dynamicSort was disabled.- QSSlSocket * [245668] Set also protocol, verifyMode and verifyDepth in setSslConfiguration().- QString * [249517] Fixed a regression in replace(int, int, QChar) when the string is empty.- QStyleSheetStyle * Improved support for setting background and foreground roles in styles such as the text color in a combo box popup on Mac and Cleanlooks, or the background of QScrollBar. * Fixed a crash that occured while styling the title bar of a QMdiArea. * [188195] Fixed the background of QAbstractScrollArea losing its color if styled with pseudo-class. * [246542] Fixed a bug in QToolButton::hover{ color:.... }.- QThread * [249997] Added documentation indicating that the priority set by the programmer may be ignored, for example on Linux.- QTreeView * Fixed a crash that may occur when events are processed immediately after a QSortFilterProxyModel is invalidated. * [246025] Fixed auto-expand that occured when quickly collapsing an item after clicking on a child. * [248163] Fixed a possible crash in the paintEvent() when spans are used. * [248805] Calling QTreeView::sortByColumn() programmatically was not working if manual sorting was disabled.- QWidget * [250388] Fixed a potential crash in QWidget::scroll() when using the raster graphics system.- QWidget * [246852] Improved handling of WindowMaximizeButtonHint for widgets with layouts.-QLocale * String-to-number conversion functions will now ignore trailing and leading whitespaces in all locales as documented.- QWizard * [248107] Fixed a bug on Windows Vista causing the Back button to connect to the back() signal twice.- Q3ListView * [248689] Fixed a bug in Q3ListView that would not update under certain conditions.- QtWebKit * Fixed a bug in cookie handling (WebKit Bugzilla 24062, Benjamin Meyer). * Fixed a bug in calling from JavaScript into NPAPI plugins on Windows. * Fixed the updating state of WebActions (Erik Bunce) * Fixed a bug in HTML 5 Canvas clearRect() (Dirk Schulze) * Fixed the theming of text fields with KDE 4 Oxygen style (Zack Rusin) * Fixed path fill styles (Zack Rusin) * Fixed pre-edit text handling with input methods. * [248643] Fixed compiling with the "-pedantic" compile option.- QSqlTableModel * Made setTable() try and use the database's letter case (uppercase/ lowercase) of the given tablename. * [189093] QSqlTableModel did not handle updates when one of the fields had a NULL value.***************************************************************************** Database Drivers ***************************************************************************** * Fixed the DB2 driver returning a double field as empty. * Fixed a memory leak in the DB2 driver. * Fixed the DB2 driver not quoting table/field names properly. * Fixed an issue with ODBC & FreeTDS not accepting quotes in statements. * Fixed a bug in the sqlite2 driver not returning false on failing to execute a statement. * PrecisionPolicy now works in the oracle driver. * Fixed a bug in the ODBC driver returning a list of tables when requested. * Fixed Interbase retrieving scale/precision information on numeric/ decimal fields. * Stopped drivers from quoting again when escapeIdentifier is called twice. * Fixed a bug in the sqlite2 driver not quoting fields correctly. * [232769] Fixed a memory overflow issue on bound out strings in ODBC Driver * [249059] Fixed a bug that handled QPSQL datetime/time fields with negative timezone offsets incorrectly.***************************************************************************** Platform Specific Changes *****************************************************************************Qt for Linux/X11---------------- * Ensured proper resetting for input contexts when switching between multiple input context plugins. * Input methods preedit strings are now reset properly when user switches focus without commiting a string. * Unicode conversion functions will handle Latin-1 character set only if they are used before a QCoreApplication/QApplication is constructed. * Improved handling of failed unicode conversion. * Fixed clipboard handling when the user manually creates an instance of the QDesktopWidget. * [226048] Ensured that the QDesktopWidget::resized() signal is emitted properly when a new screen appears or the screen geometry is changed without affecting the whole desktop's geometry. * [232632] Fixed a bug in reparenting widgets to a difference X11 screen. * [241888] The background of the drag-n-drop cursor is now respected, according to the stylesheet. * [244337] Improved input method handling when a widget's native window id is recreated. * [244607] Current focus widget is properly set and input method is properly initialized when showing a toplevel widget that accepts keyboard input.- Phonon/GStreamer * [233188] Fixed a problem where the seek slider reset to 0 while being dragged. * [244259] Fixed a problem where the backend failed to indicate an error when the streaming failed. * [246097] Added support for the MediaController interface to allow audio CD playback. * [246189] Fixed a problem where the backend failed to correctly escape certain file names casuing playback to not start.- QGtkStyle * The system palette is no longer strictly forced. Also improved behavior related to system theme changes. * Fixed palette and styling issues with the background color of combo box popups. * [238196] Allowed middle click to set scrollbar position, following GTK+ behavior. * [239829] Disabled alt-key navigation for QGtkStyle following GTK+ behavior. * [247653] Fixed a compilation issue on Solaris. * [249363] QFrame is now styled as a GtkScrolledWindow.- Font rendering * Improved performance of subpixel antialiased text rendering by using a mask in the calls to XRender's text compositing function. * [248387] Properly respect the font config LCD filter settings for subpixel antialiased text rendering when Freetype's native subpixel rendering is disabled. * [248498] Fix garbled rendering of subpixel antialiased text when using Freetype's native subpixel rendering for vertical subpixel layouts. * [248644] Fall back to Qt's subpixel rendering if Freetype's subpixel rendering was available at compile-time but not at run-time.- QEventDispatcherGlib * Event posted to a thread before it is started are not processed until others events are posted.- QWidget * [213512] Fixed a bug that caused wrong clipping when using the Qt::WA_PaintOutsidePaintEvent attribute.Qt for Windows-------------- * [240891] Corrected the focus behavior of native file dialogs, when an application has multiple toplevel widgets. * [243583] Improved drag-and-drop handling when switching mouse buttons quickly. * [244875] The system menu will now be shown for a fullscreen window. * [245330] Fixed a bug that caused mouse inputs to be ignored on modal dialogs, when shown from an ActiveQt control. * [249576] Fixed a crash when using a combobox with Qt::NoFocus.- QCoreApplication * [247401] Fixed a bug that caused a restarted timer to fire too early, resulting in QtWebKit's Javascript consuming 100% CPU on Windows.- QWindowsXPStyle * [248036] Fixed an issue where tool buttons were hovering incorrectly when disabled.- QWidget * [248391] Fixed a bug that made it impossible to dynamically switch from QPainter-based graphics to native graphics API and back.Qt for Mac OS X--------------- * Fixed a crash when showing a widget that is a modal window but has no parent. * Added QSysInfo::MV_10_6 as an enum to test against. * Various compile fixes for the preliminary supported Snow Leopard. * The uninstall-qt.py script included in the binary package no longer complains about removing itself multiple times.- * Improved the documentation for how qt_mac_set_dock_menu() works. * Fixed an issue with the focus frame's transparency as it was difficult to use the QWidget with stylesheets. * [223525] Fixed a crash in the MacMainWindow Demo. * [248803] Ensured that two dialogs shown at the same time will both not have visible default buttons.- QDesktopWidget * [244004] Properly support multiple screens with different sizes.- QDialog * [195904] Parent dialog is displayed on top of its modal child. * [218980] Modeless dialogs should be stacked above normal windows. * [239155] QDialog(foo, Qt::Sheet) with QComboBox has non-native behavior.- QFileDialog * [219844] Fixed a crash caused by QFileDialog::getOpenFileName()'s search buttons (native version). * [225705] QFileDialog::getSaveFileName()'s filter does not display correctly.- QMenu * [228017] Ensured that QMenu closes when expanding a system menu.- QTestLib * Activate the test application when launched from the command line.- Event system * [210912] Fixed a bug where ShowEvent not sent when reshowing a window after it was minimized.- macdeployqt * The binary packages now include this tool. * macdeployqt now runs 'strip' on the deployed binaries. * Fixed an issue that prevented the QtSvg module from being deployed.- configure script * Now supports "-arch i386" as an alias for "-arch x86". * Detects invalid arch arguemnts and exits.- Cocoa port * Fixed a bug where actions in the native menubar were not disabled properly. * Made shortcuts work properly when using the Dvorak-QWERTY+CMD keyboard layout. * Fixed a bug where dialogs were positioned in the wrong place on the screen. * The build-key for Cocoa was changed in the unlikely case that a plugin may make assumptions on how Qt was built. All Cocoa plugins built against Qt 4.5.0 will NOT work with Qt 4.5.1; we do not foresee changing this again. * Fixed a bug where some windows did not get activation when they normally should. * Fixed a bug where key events sent to popups were not propagated onwards. * QFileOpenEvents will no longer be sent for items passed via command line. * Various fixes for determining the metrics of text and the ability to disable kerning. * Modified the Colliding Mice Example to work better with coalesced updates. * Fixed a bug where the drag cursor was not updated when modifier keys were used. * [239043] Fixed a bug that caused QGraphicsProxyWidget to shrink when moved. * [244369] Window flags on Cocoa windows should look similar to the Carbon ones. * [247947] Fixed a crash in drag and drop. * [248918] Fixed color matching for themed text items. * The command + h shortcut is now enabled. (Hides the current window.) * [249296] Fixed a bug where line edits on a second page of a stack widget were not getting key events.Qt for Embedded Linux---------------------- * Various improvements to the Qt DirectFB plugin. * Fixed recreation of temporary EGL surfaces in the PowerVR QScreen driver.- * Document some necessary #define's for building the PowerVR QScreen driver.Qt for Windows CE----------------- * [246619] Fixed a tap and hold bug for QCheckbox.***************************************************************************** Compiler Specific Changes ********************************************************************************************************************************************************** Tools *****************************************************************************- Build System- Assistant- Designer * [245503] Fixed redundant backslashes in string property in the property browser. * [245961] Restricted objectname-validation to known object name properties only. * [247995] Fixed a crash occurring after layout operations that caused an instance of QGridLayout or QFormLayout to shrink. * [248000] Fixed a crash ocurring when re-layouting empty grid layouts. * [249097] Fixed a crash related to undoing a QGridLayout re-layout operation.- Linguist - Linguist GUI * [248076] Fixed a crash caused by opening files for which we have no plural rules. * [249519] Fixed a crash upon dropping text into a non-focused line edit. - Entire Linguist toolchain * [244035] Fixed an infinite loop in PO writer. * [247738] Improved handling of duplicated messages. * [248849] Fixed the encoding in XLIFF writer. * [249022] Fixed TS' and QM's handling of messages which appear in multiple encodings. - lupdate * [248724] Fixed the encoding of messages from .ui files if CODECFORTR is not utf8. * [249633] Fixed the processing of C++ backslash line continuations.- rcc- moc * [240368] moc parsing issue with "unsigned" subphrase- uic * [244998] Fixed include file generation for phonon widgets. * [248070] Fixed code generation for QStringList-type properties to use encoding properly. * [242447] Made uic generate class-specific code correctly in the case of multiple levels of inheritance.- uic3- qmake * On Mac OS, properly escape file names in QMAKE_BUNDLE_DATA. * Fixed moc and uic features to make shadow builds work even if a non-shadow build is present * [201495] Comment processing in qmake prevented file from being moc'ed * [248806] Ensured that the Xcode generator includes the right path to frameworks.- configure- qtconfig- qt3to4***************************************************************************** Plugins ********************************************************************************************************************************************************** Important Behavior Changes *****************************************************************************