Qt for S60 4.4.4 Temple introduces new ported modules and few other improvements.+ −
It guarantees no source or binary compatibility between any other versions.+ −
+ −
Some of the changes listed in this file include internal issue tracking + −
numbers.+ −
+ −
This file only lists changes specific to Qt for S60.+ −
+ −
+ −
****************************************************************************+ −
* Platform Specific Changes *+ −
****************************************************************************+ −
+ −
Qt for S60+ −
----------+ −
* Changes to qmake:+ −
* [228860] Fixed bld.inf and .mmp generation when not under Qt src tree,+ −
i.e. when the makespec is default.+ −
* [231121] Added no_icon CONFIG keyword to suppress showing application+ −
icon in the application menu.+ −
* [233497] EPOCROOT is no longer required as environment variable as long+ −
as a Symbian device can be determined. + −
* [234551] Generated .pkg files no longer include Qt libraries directly, + −
instead they have a dependency to a separate QtLibs package.+ −
* [234555] Added support for generic mmp file content in form of + −
MMP_RULES variable. Also, EXPORTUNFROZEN is now defined using this + −
variable instead of being hardcoded. + −
* [234557] Improved user ability to control include order via INCLUDEPATH+ −
variable.+ −
* [234557] Support for STDDLL, STDEXE and STDLIB Open C target types via+ −
stdbinary CONFIG keyword.+ −
* [235975] The -r switch is no longer required with qmake to recurse + −
subdirs template.+ −
* Fixed: Resources with similar basenames corrupted makefile.+ −
+ −
* [230751] Improved Elastic Nodes application stability.+ −
* [230752] Mouse drag events work now.+ −
* [234558] Ported QSharedMemory.+ −
* [234559] Ported QSystemSemaphore.+ −
* [234560] Ported all of QtXml.+ −
* [234561] Ported all of QtScript.+ −
* [234562] Ported all of QtSvg.+ −
* [234869] QFileDialog no longer uses desktop layout in Qt for S60. + −
* QtNetwork now supports SSL.+ −
* If current path returned by Open C doesn't exist when queried, it is + −
created.+ −
* All supported libs and plugins built under src dir now have proper UIDs.+ −
* Fixed GCCE build breaking on atomics.+ −
* Improved fonts support:+ −
* Anti aliasing+ −
* Italic/bold+ −
* Higher text layout precision+ −
* QPixmapCache size limited to 2MB.+ −
* Createpackage script looks for RnD certs in Qt installation root instead + −
* Iconengines plugins included in the default build.+ −
* More examples and demos added in the default build to showcase newly + −
ported modules.+ −
* QFileSystemWatcher thread stack size increased to avoid crashing when+ −
entering directories that need AllFiles capability.+ −
* Createpackage will now support signing with custom certificates in + −
addition to default ones.+ −
* A perl script patch_capabilities.pl is provided for changing capabilities+ −
of all binaries specified in a single .pkg file.+ −
+ −