Packaging Libmng for distribution---------------------------------These are some notes for those building binaries for distribution.We're interested to hear about anywhere libmng is helpful, so let usknow if you're including it with your application or OS. Also, if yourbuild is publicly accessible, we'd be happy to link to it fromthe libmng site.However, We respectfully request that you *not* distribute binaries as ashared library (DLL) with any of the major features disabled. Whilethere is support for this in terms of #ifdef directives (inlibmng_conf.h) and autoconf switches they are intended for embeddedapplication and testing. The default compilation options support thefull MNG specification, and we wish to avoid the confusion amonggeneral users that partial support would engender.Platform specific notes:We have a basic .spec file for generating rpms. Send us a note if you'dlike to clean it up.