TECHNOLOGY PREVIEW LICENSE AGREEMENTFor individuals and/or legal entities resident in the Americas (NorthAmerica, Central America and South America), the applicable licensingterms are specified under the heading "Technology Preview License Agreement: The Americas".For individuals and/or legal entities not resident in The Americas, theapplicable licensing terms are specified under the heading "Technology Preview License Agreement: Rest of the World". TECHNOLOGY PREVIEW LICENSE AGREEMENT: The AmericasAgreement version 2.4This Technology Preview License Agreement ("Agreement") is a legalagreement between Nokia Inc. ("Nokia"), with its registered office at102 Corporate Park Drive, White Plains, N.Y., U.S.A. 10604 and you (either anindividual or a legal entity) ("Licensee") for the Licensed Software (asdefined below). 1. DEFINITIONS"Affiliate" of a Party shall mean an entity (i) which is directly orindirectly controlling such Party; (ii) which is under the same director indirect ownership or control as such Party; or (iii) which isdirectly or indirectly owned or controlled by such Party. For thesepurposes, an entity shall be treated as being controlled by another ifthat other entity has fifty percent (50 %) or more of the votes in suchentity, is able to direct its affairs and/or to control the compositionof its board of directors or equivalent body. "Applications" shall mean Licensee's software products created using theLicensed Software which may include portions of the Licensed Software."Term" shall mean the period of time six (6) months from the later of(a) the Effective Date; or (b) the date the Licensed Software wasinitially delivered to Licensee by Nokia. If no specific Effective Dateis set forth in the Agreement, the Effective Date shall be deemed to bethe date the Licensed Software was initially delivered to Licensee. "Licensed Software" shall mean the computer software, "online" orelectronic documentation, associated media and printed materials,including the source code, example programs and the documentationdelivered by Nokia to Licensee in conjunction with this Agreement. "Party" or "Parties" shall mean Licensee and/or Nokia.2. OWNERSHIPThe Licensed Software is protected by copyright laws and internationalcopyright treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws andtreaties. The Licensed Software is licensed, not sold. If Licensee provides any findings, proposals, suggestions or otherfeedback ("Feedback") to Nokia regarding the Licensed Software, Nokiashall own all right, title and interest including the intellectualproperty rights in and to such Feedback, excluding however any existingpatent rights of Licensee. To the extent Licensee owns or controls anypatents for such Feedback Licensee hereby grants to Nokia and itsAffiliates, a worldwide, perpetual, non-transferable, sublicensable,royalty-free license to (i) use, copy and modify Feedback and to createderivative works thereof, (ii) to make (and have made), use, import,sell, offer for sale, lease, dispose, offer for disposal or otherwiseexploit any products or services of Nokia containing Feedback,, and(iii) sublicense all the foregoing rights to third party licensees andcustomers of Nokia and/or its Affiliates. 3. VALIDITY OF THE AGREEMENTBy installing, copying, or otherwise using the Licensed Software,Licensee agrees to be bound by the terms of this Agreement. If Licenseedoes not agree to the terms of this Agreement, Licensee may not install,copy, or otherwise use the Licensed Software. Upon Licensee's acceptanceof the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Nokia grants Licensee theright to use the Licensed Software in the manner provided below. 4. LICENSES4.1. Using and CopyingNokia grants to Licensee a non-exclusive, non-transferable, time-limitedlicense to use and copy the Licensed Software for sole purpose ofdesigning, developing and testing Applications, and evaluating and the Licensed Software during the Term. Licensee may install copies of the Licensed Software on an unlimitednumber of computers provided that (a) if an individual, only suchindividual; or (b) if a legal entity only its employees; use theLicensed Software for the authorized purposes. 4.2 No Distribution or ModificationsLicensee may not disclose, modify, sell, market, commercialise,distribute, loan, rent, lease, or license the Licensed Software or anycopy of it or use the Licensed Software for any purpose that is notexpressly granted in this Section 4. Licensee may not alter or removeany details of ownership, copyright, trademark or other property rightconnected with the Licensed Software. Licensee may not distribute anysoftware statically or dynamically linked with the Licensed Software. 4.3 No Technical SupportNokia has no obligation to furnish Licensee with any technical supportwhatsoever. Any such support is subject to separate agreement betweenthe Parties. 5. PRE-RELEASE CODEThe Licensed Software contains pre-release code that is not at the levelof performance and compatibility of a final, generally available,product offering. The Licensed Software may not operate correctly andmay be substantially modified prior to the first commercial productrelease, if any. Nokia is not obligated to make this or any laterversion of the Licensed Software commercially available. The LicenseSoftware is "Not for Commercial Use" and may only be used for thepurposes described in Section 4. The Licensed Software may not be usedin a live operating environment where it may be relied upon to performin the same manner as a commercially released product or with data thathas not been sufficiently backed up. 6. THIRD PARTY SOFTWAREThe Licensed Software may provide links to third party libraries or code(collectively "Third Party Software") to implement various functions.Third Party Software does not comprise part of the Licensed Software. Insome cases, access to Third Party Software may be included along withthe Licensed Software delivery as a convenience for development andtesting only. Such source code and libraries may be listed in the".../src/3rdparty" source tree delivered with the Licensed Software ordocumented in the Licensed Software where the Third Party Software isused, as may be amended from time to time, do not comprise the LicensedSoftware. Licensee acknowledges (1) that some part of Third PartySoftware may require additional licensing of copyright and patents fromthe owners of such, and (2) that distribution of any of the LicensedSoftware referencing any portion of a Third Party Software may requireappropriate licensing from such third parties. 7. LIMITED WARRANTY AND WARRANTY DISCLAIMERThe Licensed Software is licensed to Licensee "as is". To the maximumextent permitted by applicable law, Nokia on behalf of itself and itssuppliers, disclaims all warranties and conditions, either express orimplied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties ofmerchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title andnon-infringement with regard to the Licensed Software. 8. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY If, Nokia's warranty disclaimer notwithstanding, Nokia is held liable toLicensee, whether in contract, tort or any other legal theory, based onthe Licensed Software, Nokia's entire liability to Licensee andLicensee's exclusive remedy shall be, at Nokia's option, either (A)return of the price Licensee paid for the Licensed Software, or (B)repair or replacement of the Licensed Software, provided Licenseereturns to Nokia all copies of the Licensed Software as originallydelivered to Licensee. Nokia shall not under any circumstances be liableto Licensee based on failure of the Licensed Software if the failureresulted from accident, abuse or misapplication, nor shall Nokia underany circumstances be liable for special damages, punitive or exemplarydamages, damages for loss of profits or interruption of business or forloss or corruption of data. Any award of damages from Nokia to Licenseeshall not exceed the total amount Licensee has paid to Nokia inconnection with this Agreement. 9. CONFIDENTIALITYEach party acknowledges that during the Term of this Agreement it shallhave access to information about the other party's business, businessmethods, business plans, customers, business relations, technology, andother information, including the terms of this Agreement, that isconfidential and of great value to the other party, and the value ofwhich would be significantly reduced if disclosed to third parties (the"Confidential Information"). Accordingly, when a party (the "ReceivingParty") receives Confidential Information from another party (the"Disclosing Party"), the Receiving Party shall, and shall obligate itsemployees and agents and employees and agents of its Affiliates to: (i)maintain the Confidential Information in strict confidence; (ii) notdisclose the Confidential Information to a third party without theDisclosing Party's prior written approval; and (iii) not, directly orindirectly, use the Confidential Information for any purpose other thanfor exercising its rights and fulfilling its responsibilities pursuantto this Agreement. Each party shall take reasonable measures to protectthe Confidential Information of the other party, which measures shallnot be less than the measures taken by such party to protect its ownconfidential and proprietary information. "Confidential Information" shall not include information that (a) is orbecomes generally known to the public through no act or omission of theReceiving Party; (b) was in the Receiving Party's lawful possessionprior to the disclosure hereunder and was not subject to limitations ondisclosure or use; (c) is developed by the Receiving Party withoutaccess to the Confidential Information of the Disclosing Party or bypersons who have not had access to the Confidential Information of theDisclosing Party as proven by the written records of the ReceivingParty; (d) is lawfully disclosed to the Receiving Party withoutrestrictions, by a third party not under an obligation ofconfidentiality; or (e) the Receiving Party is legally compelled todisclose the information, in which case the Receiving Party shall assertthe privileged and confidential nature of the information and cooperatefully with the Disclosing Party to protect against and preventdisclosure of any Confidential Information and to limit the scope ofdisclosure and the dissemination of disclosed Confidential Informationby all legally available means. The obligations of the Receiving Party under this Section shall continueduring the Initial Term and for a period of five (5) years afterexpiration or termination of this Agreement. To the extent that theterms of the Non-Disclosure Agreement between Nokia and Licenseeconflict with the terms of this Section 9, this Section 9 shall becontrolling over the terms of the Non-Disclosure Agreement. 10. GENERAL PROVISIONS10.1 No AssignmentLicensee shall not be entitled to assign or transfer all or any of itsrights, benefits and obligations under this Agreement without the priorwritten consent of Nokia, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. 10.2 TerminationNokia may terminate the Agreement at any time immediately upon writtennotice by Nokia to Licensee if Licensee breaches this Agreement. Upon termination of this Agreement, Licensee shall return to Nokia allcopies of Licensed Software that were supplied by Nokia. All othercopies of Licensed Software in the possession or control of Licenseemust be erased or destroyed. An officer of Licensee must promptlydeliver to Nokia a written confirmation that this has occurred. 10.3 Surviving Sections Any terms and conditions that by their nature or otherwise reasonablyshould survive a cancellation or termination of this Agreement shallalso be deemed to survive. Such terms and conditions include, but arenot limited to the following Sections: 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4,10.5, 10.6, 10.7, and 10.8 of this Agreement. 10.4 Entire Agreement This Agreement constitutes the complete agreement between the partiesand supersedes all prior or contemporaneous discussions,representations, and proposals, written or oral, with respect to thesubject matters discussed herein, with the exception of thenon-disclosure agreement executed by the parties in connection with thisAgreement ("Non-Disclosure Agreement"), if any, shall be subject toSection 9. No modification of this Agreement shall be effective unlesscontained in a writing executed by an authorized representative of eachparty. No term or condition contained in Licensee's purchase order shallapply unless expressly accepted by Nokia in writing. If any provision ofthe Agreement is found void or unenforceable, the remainder shall remainvalid and enforceable according to its terms. If any remedy provided isdetermined to have failed for its essential purpose, all limitations ofliability and exclusions of damages set forth in this Agreement shallremain in effect. 10.5 Export ControlLicensee acknowledges that the Licensed Software may be subject toexport control restrictions of various countries. Licensee shall fullycomply with all applicable export license restrictions and requirementsas well as with all laws and regulations relating to the importation ofthe Licensed Software and shall procure all necessary governmentalauthorizations, including without limitation, all necessary licenses,approvals, permissions or consents, where necessary for there-exportation of the Licensed Software., 10.6 Governing Law and Legal VenueThis Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with thefederal laws of the United States of America and the internal laws ofthe State of New York without given effect to any choice of law rulethat would result in the application of the laws of any otherjurisdiction. The United Nations Convention on Contracts for theInternational Sale of Goods (CISG) shall not apply. Each Party (a)hereby irrevocably submits itself to and consents to the jurisdiction ofthe United States District Court for the Southern District of New York(or if such court lacks jurisdiction, the state courts of the State ofNew York) for the purposes of any action, claim, suit or proceedingbetween the Parties in connection with any controversy, claim, ordispute arising out of or relating to this Agreement; and (b) herebywaives, and agrees not to assert by way of motion, as a defense orotherwise, in any such action, claim, suit or proceeding, any claim thatis not personally subject to the jurisdiction of such court(s), that theaction, claim, suit or proceeding is brought in an inconvenient forum orthat the venue of the action, claim, suit or proceeding is improper.Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing in this Section 9.6 is intendedto, or shall be deemed to, constitute a submission or consent to, orselection of, jurisdiction, forum or venue for any action for patentinfringement, whether or not such action relates to this Agreement. 10.7 No Implied LicenseThere are no implied licenses or other implied rights granted under thisAgreement, and all rights, save for those expressly granted hereunder,shall remain with Nokia and its licensors. In addition, no licenses orimmunities are granted to the combination of the Licensed Software withany other software or hardware not delivered by Nokia under thisAgreement. 10.8 Government End Users A "U.S. Government End User" shall mean any agency or entity of thegovernment of the United States. The following shall apply if Licenseeis a U.S. Government End User. The Licensed Software is a "commercialitem," as that term is defined in 48 C.F.R. 2.101 (Oct. 1995),consisting of "commercial computer software" and "commercial computersoftware documentation," as such terms are used in 48 C.F.R. 12.212(Sept. 1995). Consistent with 48 C.F.R. 12.212 and 48 C.F.R. 227.7202-1through 227.7202-4 (June 1995), all U.S. Government End Users acquirethe Licensed Software with only those rights set forth herein. TheLicensed Software (including related documentation) is provided to U.S.Government End Users: (a) only as a commercial end item; and (b) onlypursuant to this Agreement. TECHNOLOGY PREVIEW LICENSE AGREEMENT: Rest of the WorldAgreement version 2.4This Technology Preview License Agreement ("Agreement") is a legalagreement between Nokia Corporation ("Nokia"), with its registeredoffice at Keilalahdentie 4, 02150 Espoo, Finland and you (either anindividual or a legal entity) ("Licensee") for the Licensed Software (asdefined below). 1. DEFINITIONS"Affiliate" of a Party shall mean an entity (i) which is directly orindirectly controlling such Party; (ii) which is under the same director indirect ownership or control as such Party; or (iii) which isdirectly or indirectly owned or controlled by such Party. For thesepurposes, an entity shall be treated as being controlled by another ifthat other entity has fifty percent (50 %) or more of the votes in suchentity, is able to direct its affairs and/or to control the compositionof its board of directors or equivalent body. "Applications" shall mean Licensee's software products created using theLicensed Software which may include portions of the Licensed Software."Term" shall mean the period of time six (6) months from the later of(a) the Effective Date; or (b) the date the Licensed Software wasinitially delivered to Licensee by Nokia. If no specific Effective Dateis set forth in the Agreement, the Effective Date shall be deemed to bethe date the Licensed Software was initially delivered to Licensee. "Licensed Software" shall mean the computer software, "online" orelectronic documentation, associated media and printed materials,including the source code, example programs and the documentationdelivered by Nokia to Licensee in conjunction with this Agreement. "Party" or "Parties" shall mean Licensee and/or Nokia. 2. OWNERSHIPThe Licensed Software is protected by copyright laws and internationalcopyright treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws andtreaties. The Licensed Software is licensed, not sold. If Licensee provides any findings, proposals, suggestions or otherfeedback ("Feedback") to Nokia regarding the Licensed Software, Nokiashall own all right, title and interest including the intellectualproperty rights in and to such Feedback, excluding however any existingpatent rights of Licensee. To the extent Licensee owns or controls anypatents for such Feedback Licensee hereby grants to Nokia and itsAffiliates, a worldwide, perpetual, non-transferable, sublicensable,royalty-free license to (i) use, copy and modify Feedback and to createderivative works thereof, (ii) to make (and have made), use, import,sell, offer for sale, lease, dispose, offer for disposal or otherwiseexploit any products or services of Nokia containing Feedback,, and(iii) sublicense all the foregoing rights to third party licensees andcustomers of Nokia and/or its Affiliates. 3. VALIDITY OF THE AGREEMENTBy installing, copying, or otherwise using the Licensed Software,Licensee agrees to be bound by the terms of this Agreement. If Licenseedoes not agree to the terms of this Agreement, Licensee may not install,copy, or otherwise use the Licensed Software. Upon Licensee's acceptanceof the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Nokia grants Licensee theright to use the Licensed Software in the manner provided below. 4. LICENSES4.1. Using and CopyingNokia grants to Licensee a non-exclusive, non-transferable, time-limitedlicense to use and copy the Licensed Software for sole purpose ofdesigning, developing and testing Applications, and evaluating and the Licensed Software during the Term. Licensee may install copies of the Licensed Software on an unlimitednumber of computers provided that (a) if an individual, only suchindividual; or (b) if a legal entity only its employees; use theLicensed Software for the authorized purposes. 4.2 No Distribution or ModificationsLicensee may not disclose, modify, sell, market, commercialise,distribute, loan, rent, lease, or license the Licensed Software or anycopy of it or use the Licensed Software for any purpose that is notexpressly granted in this Section 4. Licensee may not alter or removeany details of ownership, copyright, trademark or other property rightconnected with the Licensed Software. Licensee may not distribute anysoftware statically or dynamically linked with the Licensed Software. 4.3 No Technical SupportNokia has no obligation to furnish Licensee with any technical supportwhatsoever. Any such support is subject to separate agreement betweenthe Parties. 5. PRE-RELEASE CODEThe Licensed Software contains pre-release code that is not at the levelof performance and compatibility of a final, generally available,product offering. The Licensed Software may not operate correctly andmay be substantially modified prior to the first commercial productrelease, if any. Nokia is not obligated to make this or any laterversion of the Licensed Software commercially available. The LicenseSoftware is "Not for Commercial Use" and may only be used for thepurposes described in Section 4. The Licensed Software may not be usedin a live operating environment where it may be relied upon to performin the same manner as a commercially released product or with data thathas not been sufficiently backed up. 6. THIRD PARTY SOFTWAREThe Licensed Software may provide links to third party libraries or code(collectively "Third Party Software") to implement various functions.Third Party Software does not comprise part of the Licensed Software. Insome cases, access to Third Party Software may be included along withthe Licensed Software delivery as a convenience for development andtesting only. Such source code and libraries may be listed in the".../src/3rdparty" source tree delivered with the Licensed Software ordocumented in the Licensed Software where the Third Party Software isused, as may be amended from time to time, do not comprise the LicensedSoftware. Licensee acknowledges (1) that some part of Third PartySoftware may require additional licensing of copyright and patents fromthe owners of such, and (2) that distribution of any of the LicensedSoftware referencing any portion of a Third Party Software may requireappropriate licensing from such third parties. 7. LIMITED WARRANTY AND WARRANTY DISCLAIMERThe Licensed Software is licensed to Licensee "as is". To the maximumextent permitted by applicable law, Nokia on behalf of itself and itssuppliers, disclaims all warranties and conditions, either express orimplied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties ofmerchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title andnon-infringement with regard to the Licensed Software. 8. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY If, Nokia's warranty disclaimer notwithstanding, Nokia is held liable toLicensee, whether in contract, tort or any other legal theory, based onthe Licensed Software, Nokia's entire liability to Licensee andLicensee's exclusive remedy shall be, at Nokia's option, either (A)return of the price Licensee paid for the Licensed Software, or (B)repair or replacement of the Licensed Software, provided Licenseereturns to Nokia all copies of the Licensed Software as originallydelivered to Licensee. Nokia shall not under any circumstances be liableto Licensee based on failure of the Licensed Software if the failureresulted from accident, abuse or misapplication, nor shall Nokia underany circumstances be liable for special damages, punitive or exemplarydamages, damages for loss of profits or interruption of business or forloss or corruption of data. Any award of damages from Nokia to Licenseeshall not exceed the total amount Licensee has paid to Nokia inconnection with this Agreement. 9. CONFIDENTIALITYEach party acknowledges that during the Term of this Agreement it shallhave access to information about the other party's business, businessmethods, business plans, customers, business relations, technology, andother information, including the terms of this Agreement, that isconfidential and of great value to the other party, and the value ofwhich would be significantly reduced if disclosed to third parties (the"Confidential Information"). Accordingly, when a party (the "ReceivingParty") receives Confidential Information from another party (the"Disclosing Party"), the Receiving Party shall, and shall obligate itsemployees and agents and employees and agents of its Affiliates to: (i)maintain the Confidential Information in strict confidence; (ii) notdisclose the Confidential Information to a third party without theDisclosing Party's prior written approval; and (iii) not, directly orindirectly, use the Confidential Information for any purpose other thanfor exercising its rights and fulfilling its responsibilities pursuantto this Agreement. Each party shall take reasonable measures to protectthe Confidential Information of the other party, which measures shallnot be less than the measures taken by such party to protect its ownconfidential and proprietary information. "Confidential Information" shall not include information that (a) is orbecomes generally known to the public through no act or omission of theReceiving Party; (b) was in the Receiving Party's lawful possessionprior to the disclosure hereunder and was not subject to limitations ondisclosure or use; (c) is developed by the Receiving Party withoutaccess to the Confidential Information of the Disclosing Party or bypersons who have not had access to the Confidential Information of theDisclosing Party as proven by the written records of the ReceivingParty; (d) is lawfully disclosed to the Receiving Party withoutrestrictions, by a third party not under an obligation ofconfidentiality; or (e) the Receiving Party is legally compelled todisclose the information, in which case the Receiving Party shall assertthe privileged and confidential nature of the information and cooperatefully with the Disclosing Party to protect against and preventdisclosure of any Confidential Information and to limit the scope ofdisclosure and the dissemination of disclosed Confidential Informationby all legally available means. The obligations of the Receiving Party under this Section shall continueduring the Initial Term and for a period of five (5) years afterexpiration or termination of this Agreement. To the extent that theterms of the Non-Disclosure Agreement between Nokia and Licenseeconflict with the terms of this Section 9, this Section 9 shall becontrolling over the terms of the Non-Disclosure Agreement. 10. GENERAL PROVISIONS10.1 No AssignmentLicensee shall not be entitled to assign or transfer all or any of itsrights, benefits and obligations under this Agreement without the priorwritten consent of Nokia, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. 10.2 TerminationNokia may terminate the Agreement at any time immediately upon writtennotice by Nokia to Licensee if Licensee breaches this Agreement. Upon termination of this Agreement, Licensee shall return to Nokia allcopies of Licensed Software that were supplied by Nokia. All othercopies of Licensed Software in the possession or control of Licenseemust be erased or destroyed. An officer of Licensee must promptlydeliver to Nokia a written confirmation that this has occurred. 10.3 Surviving Sections Any terms and conditions that by their nature or otherwise reasonablyshould survive a cancellation or termination of this Agreement shallalso be deemed to survive. Such terms and conditions include, but arenot limited to the following Sections: 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4,10.5, 10.6, 10.7, and 10.8 of this Agreement. 10.4 Entire Agreement This Agreement constitutes the complete agreement between the partiesand supersedes all prior or contemporaneous discussions,representations, and proposals, written or oral, with respect to thesubject matters discussed herein, with the exception of thenon-disclosure agreement executed by the parties in connection with thisAgreement ("Non-Disclosure Agreement"), if any, shall be subject toSection 9. No modification of this Agreement shall be effective unlesscontained in a writing executed by an authorized representative of eachparty. No term or condition contained in Licensee's purchase order shallapply unless expressly accepted by Nokia in writing. If any provision ofthe Agreement is found void or unenforceable, the remainder shall remainvalid and enforceable according to its terms. If any remedy provided isdetermined to have failed for its essential purpose, all limitations ofliability and exclusions of damages set forth in this Agreement shallremain in effect. 10.5 Export ControlLicensee acknowledges that the Licensed Software may be subject toexport control restrictions of various countries. Licensee shall fullycomply with all applicable export license restrictions and requirementsas well as with all laws and regulations relating to the importation ofthe Licensed Software and shall procure all necessary governmentalauthorizations, including without limitation, all necessary licenses,approvals, permissions or consents, where necessary for there-exportation of the Licensed Software., 10.6 Governing Law and Legal VenueThis Agreement shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with thelaws of Finland, excluding its choice of law provisions. Any disputesarising out of or relating to this Agreement shall be resolved inarbitration under the Rules of Arbitration of the Chamber of Commerce ofHelsinki, Finland. The arbitration tribunal shall consist of one (1), orif either Party so requires, of three (3), arbitrators. The award shallbe final and binding and enforceable in any court of competentjurisdiction. The arbitration shall be held in Helsinki, Finland and theprocess shall be conducted in the English language. 10.7 No Implied LicenseThere are no implied licenses or other implied rights granted under thisAgreement, and all rights, save for those expressly granted hereunder,shall remain with Nokia and its licensors. In addition, no licenses orimmunities are granted to the combination of the Licensed Software withany other software or hardware not delivered by Nokia under thisAgreement. 10.8 Government End Users A "U.S. Government End User" shall mean any agency or entity of thegovernment of the United States. The following shall apply if Licenseeis a U.S. Government End User. The Licensed Software is a "commercialitem," as that term is defined in 48 C.F.R. 2.101 (Oct. 1995),consisting of "commercial computer software" and "commercial computersoftware documentation," as such terms are used in 48 C.F.R. 12.212(Sept. 1995). Consistent with 48 C.F.R. 12.212 and 48 C.F.R. 227.7202-1through 227.7202-4 (June 1995), all U.S. Government End Users acquirethe Licensed Software with only those rights set forth herein. TheLicensed Software (including related documentation) is provided to U.S.Government End Users: (a) only as a commercial end item; and (b) onlypursuant to this Agreement.