Qt 4.3 introduces many new features as well as many improvements and+ −
bugfixes over the 4.2.x series. For more details, see the online+ −
documentation which is included in this distribution. The+ −
documentation is also available at http://qt.nokia.com/doc/4.3+ −
+ −
The Qt version 4.3 series is binary compatible with the 4.2.x series.+ −
Applications compiled for 4.2 will continue to run with 4.3.+ −
+ −
The Qtopia Core version 4.3 series is binary compatible with the 4.2.x+ −
series except for some parts of the device handling API, as detailed+ −
in Platform Specific Changes below.+ −
+ −
Some of the changes listed in this file include issue tracking numbers+ −
corresponding to tasks in the Task Tracker:+ −
+ −
http://qt.nokia.com/developer/task-tracker+ −
+ −
Each of these identifiers can be entered in the task tracker to obtain+ −
more information about a particular change.+ −
+ −
****************************************************************************+ −
* General *+ −
****************************************************************************+ −
+ −
General Improvements+ −
--------------------+ −
+ −
- Configuration/Compilation+ −
* Fixed OpenBSD and NetBSD build issues.+ −
+ −
- Legal+ −
* Added information about the OpenSSL exception to the GPL.+ −
+ −
- Documentation and Examples+ −
* Added information about the TS file format used in Linguist.+ −
* Moved platform and compiler support information from+ −
website into the documentation.+ −
* Added an Accessibility overview document.+ −
* Added new example to show usage of QCompleter with custom tree models.+ −
+ −
- Translations+ −
* Added a Slovak translation of Qt courtesy of Richard Fric.+ −
* Added a Ukrainian translation of Qt courtesy of Andriy Rysin.+ −
* Added a Polish translation of the Qt libraries and tools courtesy of+ −
Marcin Giedz, who also provided a Polish phrasebook for Qt Linguist.+ −
* [155464] Added a German translation for Qt Designer.+ −
+ −
- Added support for the CP949 Korean Codec.+ −
+ −
- [138140] The whole Qt source compiles with the QT_NO_CAST_FROM_ASCII+ −
and QT_NO_CAST_TO_ASCII defines and therefore is more robust when+ −
using codecs.+ −
+ −
- Added support for HP-UX 11i (Itanium) with the aCC compiler+ −
+ −
- Changed dialogs to respond much better to the LanguageChange event.+ −
(i.e. run time translation now works much better.)+ −
+ −
- Signals and slots+ −
* [61295] Added Qt::BlockingQueuedConnection connection type, which+ −
waits for all slots to be called before continuing.+ −
* [128646] Ignore optional keywords specified in SIGNAL() and SLOT()+ −
signatures (struct, class, and enum).+ −
* Optimize emitting signals that do not have anything connected to them.+ −
+ −
- [121629] Added support for the MinGW/MSYS platform.+ −
+ −
- [102293] Added search path functionality (QDir::addSearchPath)+ −
+ −
- Almost all widgets are now styleable using Qt Style Sheets.+ −
+ −
Third party components+ −
----------------------+ −
+ −
- Updated Qt's SQLite version to 3.3.17.+ −
+ −
- Updated Qt's FreeType version to 2.3.4.+ −
+ −
- Updated Qt's libpng version to 1.2.16.+ −
+ −
- Added libtiff version 3.8.2 for the TIFF plugin.+ −
+ −
****************************************************************************+ −
* Library *+ −
****************************************************************************+ −
+ −
- QAbstractButton+ −
* [138210] Ensured strictly alternating ordering of signals resulting+ −
from auto-repeating shortcuts. Fixed a repeat timer bug that cause+ −
cause infinite retriggering to occur.+ −
* [150995] Fixed bug where non-checkable buttons take focus when+ −
activating shortcuts.+ −
* [120409] Fixed bug where the button was set to unpressed when the+ −
right mouse button was released.+ −
+ −
- QAbstractItemView+ −
* [111503] Ensured that focus is given back to the view when the Tab key+ −
is pressed while inside an editor.+ −
* [156290] Use slower scrolling when the ScrollMode is set to+ −
ScrollPerItem.+ −
* Ensured that the item view classes use the locale property when+ −
displaying dates and numbers to allow easy customization.+ −
* Fixed a repaint issue with the focus rectangle in cases where+ −
selection mode is NoSelection.+ −
* [147422] Detect when persistent editors take/lose focus and update the+ −
view accordingly.+ −
* [146292] Items are now updated even if they contain an editor.+ −
* [130168] Auto-scrolling when clicking is now delayed to allow+ −
double-clicking to happen.+ −
* [139247] Fixed bug where clicking on a partially visible item was+ −
triggering a scroll and the wrong item was then clicked.+ −
* [137729] Use dropAction() instead of proposedAction() in+ −
QAbstractItemView::dropEvent().+ −
* Fixed a bug that prevented keyboardSearch() from ignoring disabled+ −
items.+ −
* [151491] Ensured that we pass a proper MouseButtonPress event in+ −
QAbstractItemView::mouseDoubleClickEvent().+ −
* [147990] Ensured that double-clicking does not open an editor when+ −
the edit trigger is set to SelectedClicked.+ −
* [144095] Ensured that sizeHintForIndex() uses the correct item+ −
delegate.+ −
* [140180] Ensured that clicking a selected item clears all old+ −
selections when the view is using the ExtendedSelection selection mode+ −
and SelectedClicked as an edit trigger.+ −
* [130168] Fixed bug where double clicking on partially visible items+ −
would not activate them.+ −
* [139342] Allow editing to be started programatically, even if there+ −
are no edit triggers.+ −
* [130135] Added public slot, updateIndex(const QModelIndex &index).+ −
+ −
- QAbstractProxyModel+ −
* [154393] QAbstractProxyModel now reimplements itemData().+ −
+ −
- QAbstractSlider+ −
* [76155] Fixed bug where the slider handle did not stop under the+ −
mouse.+ −
+ −
- QAbstractSocket+ −
* [128546] Fixed bug where an error was emitted with the wrong type.+ −
+ −
- QAccessible+ −
* Added preliminary support for the upcoming IAccessible2 standard.+ −
* Made improvements to most of the accessible interfaces.+ −
* [154534] Ensured that our accessible interfaces honour+ −
QWidget::setAccessibleName() and QWidget::setAccessibleDescription().+ −
* Avoid crash if QAccessibleInterface::object() returns 0.+ −
(It is absolutely legal to return a null value.)+ −
+ −
- QApplication+ −
* Added a flash() method for marking windows that need attention.+ −
* [86725] Allow the -style command line argument to override a+ −
style set with QApplication::setStyle() before QApplication+ −
construction.+ −
* [111892] Fixed a bug that caused Qt to steal all input when+ −
connecting the QAction::hovered() signal to a slot that called+ −
QMainWindow::setEnabled(false).+ −
* [148512] Fixed QApplication::keyboardModifiers() to update+ −
correctly when minimizing the window when Qt::MetaModifier is held+ −
down.+ −
* [148796] Fixed a bug that prevented Qt from detecting system font+ −
changes.+ −
* [154727] Prevent a crash when a widget deletes itself in an key+ −
event handler without accepting the event.+ −
* [156484] Fixed a bug where lastWindowClosed() was emitted for each+ −
top-level window when calling QApplication::closeAllWindows().+ −
* [157667] Ensured that widgets with the Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose property+ −
set are properly deleted when they are closed in the dropEvent()+ −
handler following a drag that was started in the same application.+ −
* [156410] Implemented QEvent::ApplicationActivate and+ −
QEvent::ApplicationDeactivate on all platforms. Note that+ −
QEvent::ApplicationActivated and QEvent::ApplicationDeactivated are+ −
now deprecated.+ −
+ −
- QAtomic+ −
* [126321] Fixed several flaws in the inline assembler implementations+ −
for several architectures (ARM, i386, PowerPC, x86-64).+ −
* [133043] Added support for atomic fetch-and-add.+ −
+ −
- QAuthenticator+ −
* New Class. Needed for authentication support in the Network module.+ −
Currently supports the Basic, Digest-MD5 and NTLM authentication+ −
mechanisms.+ −
+ −
- QBitArray+ −
* [158816] Fixed crash in operator~().+ −
+ −
- QCalendarWidget+ −
* Don't set maximum width for month/year buttons.+ −
* Ensured that the QPalette::Text role is used for default text.+ −
* Added a date editor which can be configured with the dateEditEnabled+ −
and dateEditAcceptDelay properties.+ −
* [137031] Ensured that grid lines are drawn properly when headers are+ −
not visible.+ −
* [151828] Ensured that the language can be set with+ −
QCalendarWidget::setLocale().+ −
+ −
- QChar+ −
* Updated the Unicode tables to Unicode 5.0.+ −
* Added foldCase() and toTitleCase() methods.+ −
* Added public API to handle the full Unicode range.+ −
+ −
- QCleanlooksStyle+ −
* [129506] Sliders now look and behave correctly in both reversed and+ −
inverted appearance modes.+ −
* [131490] Group boxes no longer reserve space for their titles when no+ −
title is set.+ −
* [134344] A sunken frame is now used to indicate checked menu items+ −
with icons.+ −
* [133691] Improved the appearance of spin boxes and buttons when used+ −
against dark backgrounds.+ −
* [154499] Fixed a rendering issue with disabled, checked push buttons.+ −
* [154862] Fixed an issue causing combo boxes to sometimes show clipped+ −
text.+ −
* Slider appearance is now based on Clearlooks Cairo and the performance+ −
on X11 has been improved.+ −
* The appearance of tab bars when used with Qt::RightToLeft layout+ −
direction has been improved.+ −
* Dock widget titles are now elided if they are too long to fit in the+ −
available space.+ −
+ −
- QClipboard+ −
* Ensured that calling clear() on the Mac OS X clipboard really clears+ −
its data.+ −
* [143927] Don't drop alpha channel information when pasting pixmaps on+ −
Mac OS X.+ −
* The Mac OS X clipboard support now understands TIFF information and+ −
can export images as TIFF as well.+ −
* [145437] Fixed crash that could occur when calling setMimeData() twice+ −
with the same data.+ −
* QMacMime now does correct normalization of file names in a URL list+ −
from foreign applications.+ −
+ −
- QColor+ −
* [140150] Fixed bug where QColor::isValid() would return true for+ −
certain invalid color strings.+ −
* [120367] Added QColor::setAllowX11ColorNames(bool), which enables+ −
applications to use X11 color names.+ −
* Fixed internal errors in toHsv() due to inexact floating point+ −
comparisions.+ −
+ −
- QColorDialog+ −
* [131160] Enabled the color dialog to be used to specify an alpha color+ −
on Mac OS X.+ −
+ −
- QColumnView+ −
* A new widget that provide a column-based implementation of+ −
QAbstractItemView.+ −
+ −
- QComboBox+ −
* Significantly reduced the construction time of this widget.+ −
* [155614] Speeded up addItem() and addItems().+ −
* [150768] Ensured that inserting items doesn't change the current text+ −
on editable combo boxes.+ −
* [150902] Ensured that only the left mouse button can be used to open+ −
the popup list.+ −
* [150735] Fixed pop-up hiding behind top-level windows on Mac OS X.+ −
* [156700] Fixed bug where the popup could be closed when pressing the+ −
scroll arrows.+ −
* [133328] Fixed bug where disabled entries were not grayed out.+ −
* [134085] Fixed bug where the AdjustToContents size policy had no+ −
effect.+ −
* [152840] Fixed bug where QComboBox would not automatically scroll to+ −
the current item.+ −
* [90172] Fixed bug where the sizeHint() implementation iterated over+ −
all icons to detect their availability.+ −
+ −
- QCompleter+ −
* Significantly reduced the construction time of this widget.+ −
* Added support for lazily-populated models.+ −
* [135735] Made QCompleter work when used in a QLineEdit with a+ −
QValidator.+ −
* Added the wrapAround property to allow the list of completions to+ −
wrap around in popup mode.+ −
* Added support for sharing of completers, making it possible for the+ −
same QCompleter object to be set on multiple widgets.+ −
* [143441] Added support for models that sort their items in descending+ −
order.+ −
+ −
- QCoreApplication+ −
* Added support for posted event priorities.+ −
* [34019] Added the QCoreApplication::removePostedEvents() overload+ −
for removing events of a specific type.+ −
* Documented QCoreApplication::processEvents() as thread-safe;+ −
calling it will process events for the calling thread.+ −
* Optimized delivery of QEvent::ChildInserted compatibility events.+ −
* [154727] Enabled compression of posted QEvent::DeferredDelete events+ −
(used by QObject::deleteLater()) to prevent objects from being deleted+ −
unexpectedly when many such events are posted.+ −
* Ensured that duplicate entries in library paths are ignored.+ −
+ −
- QCryptographicHash+ −
* New Class. Provides support for the MD4, MD5 and SHA1 hash functions.+ −
+ −
- QCursor+ −
* [154593] Fixed hotspot bug for cursors on Mac OS X.+ −
* [153381] Fixed crash in the assignment operator in cases where the+ −
cursor was created before a QApplication instance.+ −
+ −
- QDataWidgetMapper+ −
* [125493] Added addMapping(QWidget *, int, const QByteArray &) and+ −
mappedPropertyName(QWidget *) functions.+ −
+ −
- QDateTime+ −
* [151789] Allow passing of date-only format to QDateTime::fromString()+ −
(according to ISO 8601).+ −
* [153114, 145167] Fixed bugs that could occur when parsing strings to+ −
create dates.+ −
* [122047] Removed legacy behavior which assumed that a year between 0+ −
and 99 meant a year between 1900 and 1999.+ −
* [136043] Fixed the USER properties.+ −
+ −
- QDateTimeEdit+ −
* [111557, 141266] Improved the behavior of the widget with regard to+ −
two-digit years. Made stepping work properly.+ −
* [110034] Don't change current section when a WheelEvent is received.+ −
* [152622] Don't switch section when a FocusInEvent is received if the+ −
reason is Popup.+ −
* Fixed a bug that would cause problems with formats like dd.MMMM.yyyy.+ −
* [148522] Ensured that the dateRange is valid for editors that only+ −
show the time.+ −
* [148725] Fixed a bug with wrapping and months with fewer than 31 days.+ −
* [149097] Ensured that dateTimeChanged() is emitted, even if only date+ −
or time is shown.+ −
* [108572] Fixed the behavior to ensure that typing 2 into a zzz field+ −
results in a value of 200 rather than 002.+ −
* Ensured that the next field is entered when a separator is typed.+ −
* [141703] Allow empty input when only one section is displayed.+ −
* [134392] Added a sectionCount property.+ −
* [134392] Added sectionAt(), currentSectionIndex(), and+ −
setCurrentSectionIndex() functions.+ −
* Added a NoButtons value for the buttonSymbols property.+ −
+ −
- QDesktopWidget+ −
* [135002] Ensured that the resized() signal is emitted after the+ −
desktop is resized on Mac OS X.+ −
+ −
- QDial+ −
* [151897] Ensured that, even with tracking disabled, the signal+ −
sliderMoved() is always emitted.+ −
* [70209] Added support for the inverted appearance property.+ −
+ −
- QDialog+ −
* [131396] Fixed a crash in QDialog::exec() that could occur when the+ −
dialog was deleted from an event handler.+ −
* [124269] Ensured that the size grip is hidden for extended dialogs.+ −
* [151328] Allow the use of buttons on the title bar to be explicitly+ −
specified on Mac OS X.+ −
+ −
- QDialogButtonBox+ −
* [154493] Moved the Action role before the Reject role on Windows to+ −
conform with platform guidelines.+ −
+ −
- QDir+ −
* [136380] QDir's permission filters on Unix now behave the same as on+ −
Windows (previously the filters' behavior was reversed on Unix).+ −
* [158610] Passing QDir::Unsorted now properly bypasses sorting.+ −
* [136989] Ensured that removed dirs are reported as non-existent.+ −
* [129488] Fixed cleanPath() for paths with the "foo/../bar" pattern.+ −
+ −
- QDirIterator+ −
* New class. Introduced to provide a convenient way to examine the+ −
contents of directories.+ −
+ −
- QDockWidget+ −
* [130773] Ensure that dock widgets remember their undocked positions+ −
and sizes.+ −
* Added support for vertical title bars, which can be used to save space+ −
in a QMainWindow.+ −
* Added support for setting an arbitrary widget as a custom dock widget+ −
title bar.+ −
* [141792] Added the visibilityChanged() signal which is emitted when+ −
dock widgets change visibility due to show or hide events, or when+ −
being selected or deselected in a tabbed dock area.+ −
* Added the dockLocationChanged() signal which is emitted when dock+ −
widgets are moved around in a QMainWindow.+ −
* [135878] Titlebars now support mnemonics properly.+ −
* [138995] Dock widget titlebars now correctly indicate their activation+ −
state.+ −
* [145798] Ensured that calling setWindowTitle() on a nested, docked+ −
dock widget causes the title in the tab bar to be updated.+ −
+ −
- QDomDocument+ −
* [128594] Ensured that comment nodes are indented correctly when+ −
serializing a document to a string.+ −
* [144781] Fixed crash that would occur when the owner document of new+ −
attributes was not adjusted.+ −
* [107123] Ensured that appendChild() does not erroneously add two+ −
elements to document nodes in certain cases.+ −
+ −
- QDoubleSpinBox+ −
* [99254] Allow higher settings for decimals.+ −
+ −
- QDrag+ −
* [124962] Added QDrag::exec() to allow the default proposed action to+ −
be changed.+ −
+ −
- QFile+ −
* [128352] Refactored the backend on Windows with major performance+ −
improvements; in particular line and character reading is now much+ −
faster.+ −
* [146693] Fixed a lock-up in copy().+ −
* [148447] QFile now supports large files on Windows where support is+ −
available.+ −
* Generally improved support for stdin.+ −
* Byte writing performance has improved on all platforms.+ −
* [151898] Added support for reading lines with an embedded '\0'+ −
character.+ −
+ −
- QFileDialog+ −
* Updated the dialog to use native icons.+ −
* Made general improvements to the dialog's performance.+ −
* Added a sidebar to show commonly used folders.+ −
* [134557] Added the ability to use a proxy model.+ −
* Added dirEntered() and filterSelected() signals, previously found in+ −
Qt 3's file dialog.+ −
* [130353] Fixed Qt/Mac native file dialog pattern splitting+ −
* [140332] Made the dialog respond much better to the LanguageChange+ −
event.+ −
* [154173] Fixed a memory deallocation error.+ −
* Made the selected filter argument work for native Mac OS X file+ −
dialogs.+ −
+ −
- QFileInfo+ −
* Ensured that the value of Mac FS hidden flag is returned for symbolic+ −
links and not their targets; i.e., hidden links are not followed.+ −
* [128604] Introduced isBundle() for Mac OS X bundle types.+ −
* [139106] Fixed bug that could cause drives to be reported as hidden+ −
on Windows.+ −
+ −
- QFileSystemWatcher+ −
* [155548] Reliability fixes.+ −
* When in polling mode, send change notification when file permissions+ −
change.+ −
* [144049, 149637] Fixed a bug that prevented watching a directory+ −
for notification on Windows.+ −
* [143381] Fixed bug that caused addPath() and removePath() to fail when+ −
passing an empty string.+ −
+ −
- QFocusFrame+ −
* [128713, 129126] Made the focus frame visible in more situations on+ −
Mac OS X.+ −
+ −
- QFont+ −
* X11: Add a method to retrieve the FreeType handle from the QFont.+ −
+ −
- QFontComboBox+ −
* [132826] Fixed a bug that could cause the popup list to be shown+ −
off-screen.+ −
* [155614] Speeded up addItem() and addItems().+ −
* [160110] Fixed crash that could occur when setting a pixel size for+ −
the fonts.+ −
+ −
- QFontMetrics+ −
* [152013] Fixed bug where boundingRect() gave sizes that were too large+ −
when compiled using Visual Studio 6.+ −
* [145980] Added tightBoundingBox() method.+ −
+ −
- QFrame+ −
* [156112] Fixed bug where the default frame was not correct when+ −
created without a parent and reparented afterwards.+ −
* [150995] Fixed bug where setting the frame style did not invalidate+ −
the size hint+ −
+ −
- QFSFileEngine+ −
* Fixed bug in fileTime() on Win98 and WinME+ −
* Ensured that the working directory of a Windows shortcut is set when+ −
a link is created.+ −
* Improved the reliability of buffered reads on platforms that cache+ −
their EOF status.+ −
+ −
- QFtp+ −
* [107381] Greatly improved LIST support; QFtp now supports more server+ −
types.+ −
* [136008] Improved tolerance for servers with no EPRT/EPSV support.+ −
* [150607] Fixed a race condition when using ActiveMode for uploading.+ −
+ −
- QGL+ −
* [158971] Fixed a resource leak in the GL texture cache.+ −
+ −
- QGLFramebufferObject+ −
* Made it possible to configure the depth/stencil buffer in a+ −
framebuffer object.+ −
* Added support for floating point formats for the texture in a+ −
framebuffer object.+ −
+ −
- QGLPixelBuffer+ −
* [138393] Made QGLPixelbuffer work under Windows on systems without the+ −
render_texture extension.+ −
+ −
- QGLWidget+ −
* [145621] Avoided a QGLFormat object copy when checking the buffer+ −
format with the doubleBuffer() function.+ −
* [100519] Rewritten renderText(). It now supports Unicode text, and it+ −
doesn't try to overwrite previously defined display lists.+ −
+ −
- QGraphicsItem+ −
* [151271] Fixed crash that could occur when calling update on items+ −
that are not fully constructed.+ −
* Ensured that the selected state no longer changes state twice+ −
for each mouse click.+ −
* [138576] setParent() now correctly adds the child to the parent's+ −
scene.+ −
* [130263] Added support for partial obscurity testing with the+ −
isObscured(QRectF) function.+ −
* [140725] QGraphicsTextItem is now also selectable when editable.+ −
* [141694] QGraphicsTextItem now calls ensureVisible() if it has input+ −
focus.+ −
* [144734] Fixed bugs in unsetCursor().+ −
* [144895] Improved bounding rectangle calculations for all standard+ −
items.+ −
* Added support for QTransform.+ −
* [137055] Added QGraphicsItem::ItemPositionHasChanged and+ −
ItemTransformHasChanged.+ −
* Added several convenience functions.+ −
* [146863] Added ItemClipsToShape and ItemClipsChildrenToShape clipping+ −
flags.+ −
* [139782] Greatly improved hit and selection tests.+ −
* [123942] Added the ItemIgnoresTransformations flag to allow items to+ −
bypass any inherited transformations.+ −
* All QGraphicsItem and standard item classes constructors have now had+ −
their scene arguments obsoleted.+ −
* [150767] Added support for implicit and explicit show and hide.+ −
Explicitly hidden items are no longer implicitly shown when their+ −
parent is shown.+ −
* [151522] Fixed crash when nesting QGraphicsItems that enabled child+ −
event handling.+ −
* [151265] Cursors now change correctly without mouse interaction.+ −
* Added deviceTransform() which returns a matrix that maps between item+ −
and device (viewport) coordinates.+ −
* Added the ItemSceneChange notification flag.+ −
* [128696] Enabled moving of editable text items.+ −
* [128684] Improved highlighting of selected items.+ −
+ −
- QGraphicsItemAnimation+ −
* [140522] Fixed special case interpolation bug.+ −
* [140079] Fixed ambiguity in the position of insertions when multiple+ −
items are inserted for the same step in an animation.+ −
+ −
- QGraphicsScene+ −
* [130614] Added the invalidate() function for resetting the cache+ −
individually for each scene layer.+ −
* [139747] Fixed slow memory leaks caused by repeatedly scheduling+ −
single-shot timers.+ −
* [128581] Added the selectionChanged() signal which is emitted when+ −
the selection changes.+ −
* Introduced delayed item reindexing which greatly improves performance+ −
when moving items.+ −
* The BSP tree implementation has undergone several optimizations.+ −
* Added new bspTreeDepth property for fixating the BSP tree depth.+ −
* Optimization: Reduced the number of unnecessary index lookups.+ −
* [146518] Added the selectionArea() function.+ −
+ −
- QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent+ −
* [146864] Added wheel orientation.+ −
+ −
- QGraphicsView+ −
* [136173] Hit-tests are now greatly improved for thin items.+ −
* [133680] The scroll bars are now shown at their maximum extents+ −
instead of overflowing when the transformed scene is larger than+ −
the maximum allowed integer range.+ −
* [129946] Changing the viewport no longer resets the acceptsDrops()+ −
property.+ −
* [139752] ScrollHandDrag is now allowed also in non-interactive mode.+ −
* [128226] Fixed rubber band rendering bugs (flicker and transparency).+ −
* [144276] The selection is no longer reset by scroll-dragging.+ −
* Added support for QTransform.+ −
* [137027] Added new viewportUpdateMode() property for better control+ −
over how QGraphicsView schedules updates.+ −
* Several convenience functions have been added.+ −
* [146517] Added rubberBandSelectionMode() for controlling how items are+ −
selected with the rubber band.+ −
* [150344] Fixed the scroll bar ranges to prevent the scroll bars from+ −
hiding parts of the scene.+ −
* [150321] Added new optimizationFlags() property, allowing individual+ −
features to be disabled in order to speed up rendering.+ −
* The level of detail algorithm has been changed to improve support for+ −
transformations that change the view's aspect ratio.+ −
* [154942] Fixed background rendering in render().+ −
* [156922] render() now properly supports all transformations, source+ −
and target rectangles.+ −
* [158245] Calling setScene(0) now implicitly calls update().+ −
* [149317] Added NoViewportUpdate to the set of modes that can be set+ −
for updating a view.+ −
+ −
- QGridLayout+ −
* [156497] Fix a one-off error that could cause the bottom button in+ −
a QDialogButtonBox to be cropped.+ −
+ −
- QHeaderView+ −
* This widget now uses Qt::NoFocus as its default focus policy.+ −
* [99569] Improved performance, providing up to a 2x speed increase for+ −
some cases.+ −
* [146292] Fixed bug that made it impossible to resize the last section+ −
under certain circumstances.+ −
* [144452] Fixed bug that caused setDefaultAlignment() to have no+ −
effect.+ −
* [156453] Fixed column resizing bug that could cause branches in one+ −
column to be drawn in the next.+ −
* [142640] Ensured that the Qt::SizeHintRole is used when available.+ −
* [142994] Hidden items are now restored to their original size when+ −
shown.+ −
* [127430] Added saveState() and restoreState().+ −
* [105635] Added support for drag selecting.+ −
+ −
- QHostInfo+ −
* [141946] No longer stops working after QCoreApplication is destroyed.+ −
* [152805] Now periodically reinitializes DNS settings on Unix.+ −
+ −
- QHttp+ −
* [139575] Fixed state for servers that use the "100 Continue" response.+ −
* Added support for the HTTPS protocol.+ −
* Improved proxy support.+ −
* Added support for server and proxy authentication.+ −
+ −
- QIcon+ −
* Added cacheKey() as a replacement for serialNumber().+ −
* Fixed the streaming operators.+ −
+ −
- QImage+ −
* [157549] Fixed a crash that could occur when calling copy() with+ −
negative coordinates.+ −
* Added cacheKey() as a replacement for serialNumber().+ −
* [131852] Optimized rotations by 90 and 270 degrees.+ −
* [158986] Fixed painting onto an images with the Format_RGB16 image+ −
format.+ −
* Fixed rotations by 90 and 270 degrees for images with the Format_RGB16+ −
image format.+ −
* [152850] Fixed bugs in text() and setText().+ −
* Fixed a crash that could occur when passing a 0 pointer to the+ −
constructor that accepts XPM format image data.+ −
* [150746] Added a constructor that accepts an existing memory buffer+ −
with non-default stride (bytes per line).+ −
+ −
- QImageReader+ −
* [141781] Fixed support for double byte PPM files (>256 colors).+ −
+ −
- QImageWriter+ −
* Added support to enable compression if a plugin supports it.+ −
+ −
- QInputDialog+ −
* [115565] Disabled OK button for non-acceptable text (getInteger() and+ −
getDouble()).+ −
* [90535] Input dialogs now have a size grip+ −
+ −
- QIntValidator, QDoubleValidator+ −
* Validators now use the locale property to recognize numbers+ −
formatted for various locales.+ −
+ −
- QItemDelegate+ −
* [145142] Ensured that text is not drawn outside the bounds of a cell.+ −
* [137198] Fixed handling of cases where the decoration position is set+ −
to be at the bottom of an item to prevent the text from being+ −
incorrectly positioned.+ −
* [142593] Take word wrap into account when calculating an item's size+ −
hint.+ −
* [139160] Ensured that the focus rectangle is shown, even for empty+ −
cells.+ −
+ −
- QItemSelectionModel+ −
* Made optimizations for some common cases.+ −
* [143383] Fixed incorrect behavior of hasSelection().+ −
+ −
- QLabel+ −
* [133589] Fixed performance problems with plain text labels.+ −
* Fixed support for buddies with rich text labels.+ −
* [136918] Fixed setText() to not turn off mouse tracking when the text+ −
used is plain text.+ −
* [143063] Ensured that the mouse cursor is reset when a link is+ −
clicked.+ −
* [156912] Fixed bug where the mouse cursor shape was changed to the+ −
pointing hand cursor, but would not be correctly cleared afterwards.+ −
+ −
- QLayout+ −
* Added new features to Qt's layout system to enable:+ −
- independent values for all of the four margins,+ −
- independent horizontal spacing and vertical spacing in QGridLayout,+ −
- non-uniform spacing between layout items,+ −
- layout items to occupy parts of the margin or spacing when required+ −
by the application or style.+ −
+ −
- QLibrary+ −
* Fixed bug that caused QLibrary::load() to discard the real error+ −
message if the error was something else than ERROR_MOD_NOT_FOUND.+ −
(Win32)+ −
* Fixed bug that prevented QLibrary::load() from loading a library with+ −
no suffix (because LoadLibrary automagically appended the .dll suffix+ −
on Win32).+ −
* Corrected behavior of fileName() to ensure that, if we loaded a+ −
library without specifying a suffix and the file found had the .dll+ −
suffix, the fileName found is returned instead of the fileName+ −
searched for (as was previously the case).+ −
* [156276] Fixed behavior of unload() to return true only if the library+ −
could be unloaded.+ −
+ −
- QLineEdit+ −
* [156104] Ensured that input methods are disabled when not in the+ −
Normal edit mode.+ −
* [157355] Fixed drag and drop bug on Mac OS X that could occur when+ −
dragging inside the widget.+ −
* [151328] Ensured that the caret is removed when text is selected on+ −
Mac OS X.+ −
* [136919] Ensured that fewer non-printable characters are replaced+ −
with spaces.+ −
+ −
- QList+ −
* Fixed a race-condition in QList::detach() which could cause an+ −
assertion in debug mode.+ −
+ −
- QListView+ −
* [136614] Fixed the behavior of Batched mode to ensure that the last+ −
item of the batch is displayed.+ −
* Fixed some issues with jerky scrolling in ScrollPerItem mode if the+ −
grid size was different to the delegate's size hint.+ −
* [113437] Prevent noticeable flicker on slow systems in Batched mode+ −
by laying out the first batch immediately.+ −
* [114473] Added a new property to QListView: selectionRectVisible.+ −
* Fixed a bug that could cause too many items to be selected.+ −
* Fixed issue that could cause list views to have incorrect scroll bar+ −
ranges if their grid sizes differed from their item sizes.+ −
* [144378] Improved navigation for cases where an item is taller than+ −
the viewport.+ −
* [148846] Fixed an issue that prevented scroll bars from being updated+ −
correctly when items were moved programmatically.+ −
* [143306] Improved support for keyboard navigation and selection.+ −
* [137917] Shift-click extended mode selection in icon mode now selects+ −
the correct items.+ −
* [138411] Fixed bug where hidden items would cause drawing problems+ −
when pressing Ctrl+A.+ −
+ −
- QListWidget+ −
* [146284] Ensured that the effect of SingleSelection mode is also taken+ −
into account when setSelected() is called on items.+ −
* [151211] Added removeCellWidget() and removeItemWidget() functions.+ −
+ −
- QLocale+ −
* Updated the locale database to CLDR 1.4: more locales supported;+ −
numerous fixes to existing locales.+ −
+ −
- QMacStyle+ −
* [159270] Fixed drawing of icons on buttons with no text.+ −
* [146364] Fixed drawing of multi-line text for items in a QToolBar.+ −
* [145346] Removed unwanted wrapping of text in a QPushButton.+ −
* Fixed drawing of "Flat" group boxes.+ −
* [113472] Fixed drawing of text on vertical headers when resizing.+ −
* [148509] Ensured that the correct font is used for buttons and labels+ −
when the application is not configured to use the desktop settings.+ −
* [106100] Improved the look of push buttons with menus.+ −
* Made fixes to Qt's layout system that enable more native-looking+ −
forms.+ −
* [151739] Buttons with an icon are now centered correctly.+ −
* [142672] Fixed font size bug on the drop down box for QComboBox.+ −
* [148832] The button on a combo box is now showing as pressed when the+ −
drop down menu is shown.+ −
* [147377] Ensured that combo boxes now scale correctly on Mac OS X.+ −
* [143901] Fixed the highlight color for widgets such as QComboBox so+ −
that it follows the system settings on Mac OS X.+ −
* [151852] Fixed size calculation for QPushButton with an icon.+ −
* [133263] Removed the coupling of text size and button kind, enabling+ −
them to be set independently.+ −
* [133263] Ensured that QPushButton respects calls to setFont().+ −
* [141980] Text with small font sizes is now centered vertically correct+ −
inside push buttons.+ −
* [149631] Ensure that beveled button types are chosen if text doesn't+ −
fit inside a button instead of cutting the text.+ −
* [151500] Fixed incorrect QPushButton text clipping behavior.+ −
* [147653] Fixed bug that caused the sort indicator to be drawn on top+ −
of the text in QHeaderView.+ −
* [139149] Fixed issues with CE_SizeGrip in right-to-left mode.+ −
* [139311] Improved drawing of the title in QGroupBox.+ −
* [128713] Ensured that drawing of the focus frame now follows pixel+ −
metrics.+ −
* [142274] Made QSlider tickmark drawing more like Cocoa.+ −
* focusRectPolicy() is now obsolete. This is now controlled by the+ −
Qt::WA_MacShowFocusRect attribute.+ −
* widgetSizePolicy() is now obsolete. This is now controlled by the+ −
Qt::WA_Mac*Size attribute.+ −
* [129503] Ensured that a group box without a title no longer allocates+ −
space for it.+ −
* Ensured that a more appropriate width is used for push buttons.+ −
* [132674] Ensured that tab bar drawing is correct when the tab's font+ −
isn't as tall as the default.+ −
* [126214] Ensured that the QSizeGrip is drawn correctly in brushed+ −
metal windows.+ −
* Improved styling of docked QDockWidgets.+ −
+ −
- QMainWindow+ −
* [145493] Fixed a crash that could occur when calling setMainWindow(0)+ −
on X11.+ −
* [137013, 158094] Fixed bugs relating to the handling of size hints,+ −
minimum/maximum sizes and size policies of QDockWidgets in main+ −
windows.+ −
* [147964] Animated tool bar areas adjust dynamically when a QToolBar is+ −
dragged over them.+ −
* Added the dockOptions property. This makes it possible to:+ −
- specify that tabbed dock areas should have vertical tab bars,+ −
- disable tabbed docking altogether,+ −
- force tabbed docking, disallowing the placement of dock widgets+ −
next to each other.+ −
* Fixed bugs in saving and restoring main window state.+ −
* [143026] Fixed support for hiding and showing toolbars on Mac OS X.+ −
* [131695] Add unified toolbar support on Mac OS X.+ −
+ −
- QMdiArea+ −
- QMdiSubWindow+ −
* New classes. QMdiArea is a replacement for QWorkspace.+ −
+ −
- QMenu+ −
* The addAction() overloads that accept a slot argument now honor the+ −
slot's bool argument correctly.+ −
* [129289] Added support for handling context menus from within a menu.+ −
* [144054] Fixed scrolling logic.+ −
* [132524] Allow setVisible() of separator items on Mac OS X native+ −
menu items.+ −
* [131408] Torn-off menus now have fixed sizes to prevent the window+ −
system from resizing them.+ −
* [113989] Added some fuzziness to the "snap to" detection.+ −
* [155030] Do not disable command actions when merge is disabled.+ −
* [131702] Tear-off menus no longer appear only once.+ −
* [138464] Ensured that, if a popup menu does not fit on the right-hand+ −
side of the screen, it is aligned with the right side of the parent+ −
widget instead of the left side.+ −
* [130343] Ensured that only the left mouse button triggers menu actions+ −
on Windows.+ −
* [139332] Fixed an issue that caused submenus to close when moving the+ −
mouse over a separator.+ −
* [157218] Ensured that torn-off menus are not closed when Alt is+ −
pressed.+ −
* [135193] Ensured that the size hint, maximum size and minimum size are+ −
taken into account for each QWidgetAction.+ −
* [133232] Improved handling of menus that are opened at specified+ −
positions.+ −
* [141856] Fixed bug where exec() would return NULL if the user pressed+ −
a mnemonic shortcut.+ −
* [133633] Fixed focus problem with keyboard navigation between menus+ −
and widget actions.+ −
* [134560] Fixed bug that prevented status tips from being shown for+ −
actions in tool button menus.+ −
* [150545] Fixed memory leak on Mac OS X.+ −
* [138331] Fixed bug that could cause menus to stay highlighted after+ −
the closing of a dialog.+ −
* Menu shortcuts are now cleared if the corresponding QAction is cleared+ −
on Mac OS X.+ −
* Fixed bug that could cause changes to shortcut to not take effect on+ −
Mac OS X.+ −
* [12536] Don't allow Tab to be used to navigate menus on Mac OS X.+ −
* [108509] Prevented shortcuts from stealing keyboard navigation keys.+ −
* [134190] Added support for Shift+Tab to enable backwards navigation.+ −
+ −
- QMenuBar+ −
* [135320] Make show() a no-op on Mac OS X to prevent the menu bar from+ −
being visible at the same time as a native Mac menu bar.+ −
* [115471] Fixed torn-off menu behavior to ensure that mouse events+ −
are propagated correctly on second level tear-offs.+ −
* [126856] Fixed an issue that could cause several menus to be open at+ −
the same time.+ −
* [47589] The position of the menu is now shifted horizontally when+ −
there is not enough space (neither above nor below) to display it.+ −
* [131010] Fixed bug where adding an action and setting its menu would+ −
prevent the action from being triggered through its shortcut.+ −
* [142749] Fixed bug where setEnabled(false) had no effect on Mac OS X.+ −
* [141255] Made it possible to make an existing menu bar an application-+ −
wide menu bar with setParent(0) on Mac OS X.+ −
+ −
- QMessageBox+ −
* [119777] Ensured that pressing Ctrl+C in message boxes on Windows+ −
copies text to the clipboard.+ −
* Added setDefaultButton(StandardButton) and+ −
setEscapeButton(StandardButton) functions.+ −
+ −
- QMetaObject+ −
* Optimized invokeMethod() to avoid calling type() unnecessarily.+ −
+ −
- QMetaType+ −
* [143011] Fixed isRegistered() to return false when the type ID does+ −
not correspond to a user-registered type.+ −
+ −
- QModelIndex+ −
* [144919] Added more rigorous identity tests for model indexes.+ −
+ −
- QMotifStyle+ −
* [38624] Fixed the behavior when clicking on a menu bar item a+ −
second time; the menu will now close in the same way that native+ −
Motif menus do.+ −
+ −
- QMutex+ −
* [106089] Added tryLock(int timeout), which allows a thread to specify+ −
the maximum amount of time to wait for the mutex to become available.+ −
* [137309] Fixed a rare deadlock that was caused by compiling with+ −
optimizations enabled.+ −
* Optimized recursive locking to avoid two unnecessary atomic operations+ −
when the current thread already owns the lock.+ −
* Optimized non-recursive mutexes by avoiding a call to pthread_self()+ −
on Unix.+ −
+ −
- QNetworkInterface+ −
* [146834] Now properly generates broadcast addresses on Windows XP.+ −
+ −
- QNetworkProxy+ −
* Added support for transparent HTTP CONNECT client proxying.+ −
* Added support for complex authenticators through QAuthenticator.+ −
+ −
- QObject+ −
* Added a compile time check to ensure that the objects passed to+ −
qobject_cast contain a Q_OBJECT macro.+ −
* [133901] Improved the run time warnings from setParent() that is+ −
output when trying to set a new parent that is in a different thread.+ −
* [140106] Fixed a deadlock that could occur when deleting a QObject+ −
from the destructor of a QEvent subclass.+ −
* [133739] Fixed compiler warnings from g++ in findChildren<T>().+ −
* Documented the QEvent::ThreadChange that is sent by moveToThread().+ −
* [130367] Improved the run time warning that is output when creating+ −
a QObject with a parent from a different thread.+ −
* [114049] Made dumpObjectInfo() also dump connection information.+ −
+ −
- QPageSetupDialog+ −
* [136041] Margins are now saved and used properly when printing.+ −
+ −
- QPainter+ −
* Fixed stroking of non-closed polygons with non-cosmetic pens in the+ −
OpenGL paint engine.+ −
* [133980] Fixed stroking bug for RoundJoin and MiterJoin with paths+ −
containing successive line segments with a 180 degree angle between+ −
them.+ −
* [141826] Fixed stroking with MiterJoin of paths with duplicated+ −
control points.+ −
* [139454, 139209] Fixed problem with SmoothTransformation that caused+ −
images to fade out toward the edges in raster paint engine.+ −
* Added the HighQualityAntialiasing render hint to enable pixel shaders+ −
for anti-aliasing in the OpenGL paint engine.+ −
* [143503] Fixed broken painting when using a QPainter on a+ −
non-top-level widget where the world matrix is disabled then+ −
re-enabled.+ −
* [142471] Fixed dashed line drawing of lines that are clipped against+ −
the device rectangle.+ −
* [147001] Fixed bug with drawing of polygons with more than 65536+ −
points in the raster paint engine.+ −
* [157639] Calling drawPolygon() from multiple threads no longer causes+ −
an assertion.+ −
* Optimized line and rectangle drawing in the raster paint engine.+ −
* [159047] Fixed case where fillRect() would ignore the brush origin.+ −
* [143119] Fixed bug where drawing a scaled image on another image would+ −
cause black lines to appear on the edges of the scaled image.+ −
* [159894] Fixed X11 errors when using brush patterns on multiple+ −
screens.+ −
* [148524] Fixed X11 errors when drawing bitmaps containing a color+ −
table with alpha values.+ −
* [141871] Optimized and fixed drawing of extremely large polygons.+ −
* [140952] Fixed transformed text drawing on X11 setups that used+ −
fontconfig without Xrender.+ −
* [139611] Fixed smooth transformation of pixmaps for X11.+ −
* [132837] Fixed text drawing on images with certain fonts on Mac OS X.+ −
* [147911] Use font anti-aliasing when rotating small fonts on Windows.+ −
* [127901] Optimized gradient calculations.+ −
* [139705, 151562] Optimized clipping algorithms in the raster paint+ −
engine.+ −
* Optimized blending operations in the raster paint engine using MMX,+ −
3DNOW and SSE2.+ −
* Optimized fillRect() for opaque brushes.+ −
* Made general speed optimizations, especially in the OpenGL and raster+ −
paint engines.+ −
+ −
- QPainterPath+ −
* [136924] Correctly convert Traditional Chinese fonts (e.g., MingLiu)+ −
to painter paths.+ −
+ −
- QPicture+ −
* [142703] QPicture now correctly preserves composition mode changes.+ −
* Fixed QPicture text size handling on devices with non-default DPI.+ −
* [133727] Fixed text alignment handling when drawing right-to-left+ −
formatted text into a QPicture.+ −
* [154088] Fixed bugs that could occur when reading QPicture files+ −
generated with Qt 3.+ −
+ −
- QPixmap+ −
* Added cacheKey() as a replacement for serialNumber().+ −
* [97426] Added a way to invert masks created with createMaskFromColor().+ −
* Fixed a crash that could occur when passing a 0 pointer to the+ −
constructor that accepts XPM format image data.+ −
+ −
- QPixmapCache+ −
* [144319] Reinserting a pixmap now moves it to the top of the Least+ −
Recently Used list.+ −
+ −
- QPlastiqueStyle+ −
* [133220] Fixed QProgressBar rendering bugs.+ −
+ −
- QPrintDialog+ −
* [128964] Made "Print" the default button.+ −
* [138924] Ensured that the file name is shown in the file dialog when+ −
printing to a file+ −
* [141486] Ensured that setPrintRange() correctly updates the print+ −
dialog on X11.+ −
* [154690] Ensured that "Print last page first" updates the QPrinter+ −
instance on X11.+ −
* [149991] Added support for more text encodings in the PPD subdialog.+ −
* [158824] Disable the OK button in the dialog if no printers are+ −
installed.+ −
* [128990] X11: Don't immediately create an output file when a file name+ −
is entered in the print dialog.+ −
* [143804] Ensured that the default printer is set to the one specified+ −
by the PRINTER environment variable.+ −
+ −
- QPrinter+ −
* Added the supportedPaperSources() function.+ −
* [153735] Significantly speeded up generation of PDF documents with Asian+ −
characters.+ −
* [140759] Documented that the orientation cannot be changed on an active+ −
printer on Mac OS X (native format).+ −
* [136242] PostScript generator: Don't generate huge PostScript files for+ −
pattern brushes.+ −
* [139566] Added support for alpha blending when printing on Windows.+ −
* [151495] Fixed image scaling problems when printing on Windows.+ −
* [146788] Optimized drawTiledPixmap() on Windows.+ −
* [152637] PDF generator: Ensured that the pageRect property is set up+ −
correctly.+ −
* [152222] PDF generator: Fixed bug that lead to fonts being too small on+ −
Mac OS X.+ −
* [151126] Ensured that ScreenResolution is respected on Mac OS X.+ −
* [151141] PDF generator: Make PDFs using the default font on Mac OS X+ −
searchable.+ −
* [129297, 140555] PS/PDF generator: Drastically reduced the sizes of+ −
generated files and speeded up generation when using simple pens.+ −
* [143803] Correctly set the default printer name on X11.+ −
* [134204] PDF generator: Ensured that the correct output is generated+ −
when drawing 1-bit images+ −
* [152068] PS generator: Ensured that the correct PostScript is generated+ −
when embedding TrueType fonts with broken POST tables.+ −
* [143270] X11: Ensure that sigpipe is ignored when printing to an+ −
invalid printer using the PDF generator.+ −
+ −
- QProcess+ −
* [97517] Added suport for specifying the working directory of detached+ −
processes as well as retrieving the PID of such processes.+ −
* [138770] Greatly improved the performance of stdin and stdout handling+ −
on Windows.+ −
* [154135] Fixed crashes and lock-ups due to use of non-signal-safe+ −
functions on Unix.+ −
* [144728] Fixed race conditions on Windows that would occur when+ −
calling bytesWritten() while using the waitFor...() functions.+ −
* [152838] Ensured that finished() is no longer emitted if a process+ −
could not start.+ −
+ −
- QProgressBar+ −
* [146855] Ensured that setFormat() now calls update() if the format+ −
changes.+ −
* [152227] Improved support for wide ranges across the entire integer+ −
range.+ −
* The setRange() function is now a slot.+ −
* [137020] Ensured setValue() forces a repaint for %v.+ −
+ −
- QProgressDialog+ −
* The setRange() function is now a slot.+ −
* [123199] Ensured that the Escape key closes dialog even when the+ −
cancel text is empty.+ −
+ −
- QPushButton+ −
* [114245] Fixed some styling issues for push buttons with popup menus.+ −
* [158951] Buttons with icons now center their content to be more+ −
consistent with buttons that do not have icons in most styles.+ −
* [132211] Fixed setDefault() behavior.+ −
+ −
- QReadWriteLock+ −
* [106089] Added the tryLockForRead(int) and tryLockForWrite(int)+ −
functions which allow a thread to specify the maximum amount of time+ −
to wait for the lock to become available.+ −
* [131880] Added support for recursive write locking.+ −
+ −
- QRectF+ −
* [143550] Added the QRectF(topRight,bottomLeft) constructor.+ −
+ −
- QRegion+ −
* Added several optimizations for common operations on X11 and Qtopia+ −
Core.+ −
+ −
- QResource+ −
* Allow a QByteArray to be used for run time resource registration.+ −
+ −
- QScrollArea+ −
* [140603] Fixed flickering when the scroll widget is right-aligned.+ −
+ −
- QSemaphore+ −
* Add the tryAcquire(int n, int timeout) function which allows a thread+ −
to specify the maximum amount of time to wait for the semaphore to+ −
become available.+ −
+ −
- QSettings+ −
* [153758] Fixed various bugs that could occur when writing to and+ −
reading from the Windows registry.+ −
+ −
- QSizeGrip+ −
* Added support for size grips in TopLeftCorner/TopRightCorner on Windows.+ −
* Added support for size grips on subwindows.+ −
* [150109] Fixed bug where the position could change during resize.+ −
* [156114] Fixed incorrect size grip orientation on X11.+ −
+ −
- QSlider+ −
* Prevent the widget from getting into infinite loops when extreme+ −
values are used.+ −
+ −
- QSocketNotifier+ −
* [148472] Mac OS X now prevents the file descriptor from being closed+ −
when a socket notifier is deregistered.+ −
* [140018] Mac OS X will now invalidate the backing native socket+ −
notifier upon deregistration.+ −
* Optimized performance by avoiding some debugging code in release+ −
builds.+ −
+ −
- QSortFilterProxyModel+ −
* [151352] Ensured that the dataChanged() signal is emitted when+ −
sorting.+ −
* [154075] Added support to handle the insertion of rows in the source+ −
model.+ −
* [140152] Added a property to force the proxy model to use QString's+ −
locale-aware compare method.+ −
+ −
- QSpinBox+ −
* [141569] Disallow typing -0 in a QSpinBox with a positive range.+ −
* [158445] Add the keyboardTracking property. When set to false, don't+ −
send valueChanged() with every key press.+ −
* [143504] Made undo/redo work correctly.+ −
* [131165] Fixed highlighting according to the native look on Mac OS X.+ −
+ −
- QSplashScreen+ −
* [38269] Added support for rich text.+ −
+ −
- QSplitter+ −
* [139262] Fixed bug that caused the splitter to snap back and forth in+ −
certain situations.+ −
+ −
- QSql+ −
* Added NumericalPrecisionPolicy to allow numbers to be retrieved as+ −
double or float.+ −
+ −
- QSqlDriver+ −
* [128671] Added SimpleLocking to DriverFeature.+ −
+ −
- QSqlQueryModel+ −
* [155402] Fixed bug where the rowsAboutToBeRemoved() and rowsRemoved()+ −
signals were emitted when setQuery() was called on an already empty+ −
model.+ −
* [149491] Fixed bug where blank rows were inserted into the model if+ −
the database driver didn't support the QuerySize feature and the+ −
result set contained more than 256 rows.+ −
+ −
- QSqlRelationalTableModel+ −
* [142865] Fixed support for Interbase and Firebird by not using 'AS' in+ −
generated SQL statements.+ −
+ −
- QSqlTableModel+ −
* [128671] Ensured that the model has no read locks on a table before+ −
updating it. Fixes parallel access for in-process databases like+ −
SQLite.+ −
* [140210] Fixed bug where setting a sort order for a column caused no+ −
rows to be selected with PostgreSQL and Oracle databases due to+ −
missing escape identifiers in the generated SQL statement.+ −
* [118547] Don't issue asserts when inserting records before calling+ −
select() on the model.+ −
* [118547] Improved error reporting.+ −
+ −
- QSslCertificate+ −
- QSslCipher+ −
- QSslError+ −
- QSslKey+ −
- QSslSocket+ −
* New classes. Added support for SSL to QtNetwork.+ −
+ −
- QStandardItemModel+ −
* Reduced the construction time when rows and columns are given.+ −
* [133449] Improve the speed of setData()+ −
* [153238] Moving an item will no longer cause that item to lose its+ −
flags.+ −
* [143073] Calling setItemData() now triggers the emission of the+ −
dataChanged() signal.+ −
+ −
- QStatusbar+ −
* [131558] Increased text margin and fixed a look and feel issue on+ −
Windows.+ −
+ −
- QString+ −
* fromUtf8() now discards UTF-8 encoded byte order marks just like the+ −
UTF-8 QTextCodec.+ −
* [154454] Fixed several UTF-8 decoder compliance problems (also affects+ −
the UTF-8 QTextCodec).+ −
* Removed old compatibility hack in fromUtf8()/toUtf8() to allow round+ −
trip conversions of invalid UTF-8 text.+ −
* Added support for full Unicode case mappings to toUpper() and+ −
toLower().+ −
* Correctly implemented case folding with the foldCase() method. (Also+ −
for QChar.)+ −
* [54399] Added more overloads (taking up to 9 arguments) for arg().+ −
+ −
- QStringListModel+ −
* Made it possible for items to be dropped below the other visible items+ −
on a view with a QStringListModel.+ −
+ −
- QStyle+ −
* Added the SP_DirHomeIcon standard pixmap to provide the native icon+ −
for the home directory.+ −
* Added documentation to indicate that pixel metrics are not necessarily+ −
followed for all styles.+ −
* standardPixmap() has been obsoleted. Use standardIcon() instead.+ −
* Added SP_VistaShield to support Vista UAC prompts on Windows Vista.+ −
* [103150] Added SH_FocusFrame_AboveWidget to allow the focus frame to+ −
be stacked above the widget it has focus on.+ −
* The default password character is now a Unicode circle, the asterisk+ −
is still used for QMotifStyle and its subclasses.+ −
* [127454] CE_ToolBoxTab now draws two parts, CE_ToolBoxTabShape and+ −
CE_ToolBoxTabLabel. This should make QToolBox more styleable.+ −
* [242107] Added a QStyleOptionToolBoxV2 with tab position and selected+ −
position enums.+ −
+ −
- QStyleOption+ −
* [86988] Added an initializeFromStyleOption() function for the many+ −
widgets that need to create a QStyleOption subclass for style-related+ −
calls.+ −
+ −
- QSyntaxHighligher+ −
* [151831] Fixed bug where calling rehighlight() caused highlighBlock()+ −
to be called twice for each block of text.+ −
+ −
- QSystemTrayIcon+ −
* [131892] Added support to allow messages to be reported via AppleScript+ −
on Mac OS X.+ −
* [151666] Increased the maximum tool tip size to 128 characters on the+ −
Windows platforms that support it.+ −
* [135645] Fixed an issue preventing system tray messages from working+ −
on some Windows platforms.+ −
* Addded the geometry() function to allow the global position of the+ −
tray icon to be obtained.+ −
+ −
- QTabBar+ −
* [126438] Added the tabAt(const QPoint &pos) function.+ −
* [143760] Fixed a bug where scroll buttons were shown even when+ −
disabled.+ −
* [130089] Ensured that the tool tip help is shown on disabled tabs.+ −
* [118712] Enabled auto-repeat on scroll buttons.+ −
* [146903] Ensured that the currentChanged() signal is emitted when a+ −
tab is removed+ −
* Ensured that corner widgets are taken into account when calculating+ −
tab position in the case where the tab bar is centered.+ −
* [132091] Re-introduced the Qt 3 behavior for backwards scrolling of+ −
tabs.+ −
* [132074] Ensured that currentChanged() is always emitted when the+ −
current tab is deleted.+ −
+ −
- QTableView+ −
* No longer allow invalid spans to be created.+ −
* [145446] Fixed bug where setting minimum height on horizontal header+ −
caused the the table to be rendered incorrectly.+ −
* [131388] Fixed case where information set using setRowHeight() was+ −
lost on a subsequent call to insertRow().+ −
* [141750] Fixed issue where spanned table items were painted twice per+ −
paint event.+ −
* [150683] Added property for enabling/disabling the corner button.+ −
* [135727] Added the wordWrap property.+ −
* [158096] resizeColumnToContents(int i) now has the same behavior that+ −
resizeColumnsToContents() uses for individual columns.+ −
+ −
- QTableWidget+ −
* [125285] Ensured that dataChanged() is only emitted once when+ −
setItemData() is used to set data for more than one role.+ −
* [151211] Added removeCellWidget() and removeItemWidget().+ −
* [140186] Fixed bug where calling setAutoScroll(false) would have no+ −
effect.+ −
+ −
- QTabWidget+ −
* Tab widgets now take ownership of their corner widgets and allow+ −
corner widgets to be unset.+ −
* [142464] Fixed incorrect navigation behavior that previously made it+ −
possible to navigate to disabled tabs.+ −
* [124987] Ensured that a re-layout occurs when a corner widget is set.+ −
* [111672] Added the clear() function.+ −
+ −
- QtAlgorithms+ −
* [140027] Improved the performance of qStableSort() on large data sets.+ −
+ −
- QTcpSocket+ −
* Added several fixes to improve connection reliability on Windows.+ −
* Made a number of optimizations.+ −
* Improved detection of ConnectionRefusedError on Windows and older+ −
Unixes.+ −
* Added support for proxy authentication.+ −
+ −
- QTemporaryFile+ −
* [150770] Fixed large file support on Unix.+ −
+ −
- QTextBrowser+ −
* [126914] Fixed drawing of the focus indicator when activating links.+ −
* [82277] Added the openLinks property to prevent QTextBrowser from+ −
automatically opening any links that are activated.+ −
+ −
- QTextCodec+ −
* Improved the UTF-8 codec's handling of large, rare codepoints.+ −
* [154932] The UTF-8 codec now keeps correct state for sequence+ −
f0 90 80 80 f4 8f bf bd.+ −
* [154454] Fixed several UTF-8 decoder compliance problems also+ −
affecting QString::fromUtf8().+ −
* Fixed the UTF-8 codec's handling of incomplete trailing UTF sequences+ −
to be the same as QString::fromUtf8().+ −
+ −
- QTextCursor+ −
* The definition of the block character format (obtained using the+ −
blockCharFormat() and QTextBlock::charFormat() functions) has been+ −
changed to be the format used only when inserting text into an empty+ −
block.+ −
If a QTextCursor is positioned at the beginning of a block and the+ −
text block is not empty then the character format to the right of the+ −
cursor (the first character in the block) is returned.+ −
If the block is empty, the block character format is returned.+ −
List markers are now also drawn with the character format of the first+ −
character in a block instead of the invisible block character format.+ −
+ −
- QTextDecoder+ −
* Added the hasFailure() function to indicate whether input was+ −
correctly encoded.+ −
+ −
- QTextDocument+ −
* [152692] Ensured that the print() function uses the document's default+ −
font size.+ −
* Added the defaultTextOption property.+ −
* Setting a maximum block count implicitly now causes the undo/redo+ −
history to be disabled.+ −
* Made numerous fixes and speed-ups to the HTML import.+ −
* [143296] Fixed HTML import bug where adding a <br> tag after a table+ −
would cause two empty lines to be inserted instead of one.+ −
* [144637, 144653] Ensured that the user state property of QTextBlock is+ −
now preserved.+ −
* [140147] Fixed layout bug where the document size would not be updated+ −
properly.+ −
* [151526] Fixed problem where the margins of an empty paragraph above a+ −
table would be ignored.+ −
* [136013] The "id" tag can now be used to specify anchors.+ −
* [144129] Root frame properties are now properly exported/imported.+ −
+ −
- QTextDocumentFragment+ −
* QTextDocumentFragment no longer stores the root frame properties,+ −
the document title or the document default font when it is created+ −
from a document or from HTML. Use QTextDocument's toHtml() and+ −
setHtml() function if you want to propagate these properties to and+ −
from HTML.+ −
+ −
- QTextEdit+ −
* [152208] Ensured that the undo/redo enabled state is preserved across+ −
setPlainText() and setHtml() calls.+ −
* [125177] Added a print() convenience function that makes it possible+ −
to support QPrinter::Selection as selection range.+ −
* [126422] Fixed bug in copy/paste which could cause the background+ −
color of pasted text to differ from that of the copied text.+ −
* [147603] Fixed various cases where parts of a text document would be+ −
inaccessible or hidden by the scroll bars.+ −
* [148739] Fixed bug where setting the ensureCursorVisible property+ −
would not result in a visible cursor.+ −
* [152065] Fixed cases where currentCharFormatChanged() would not be+ −
emitted.+ −
* [154151] The undoAvailable() and redoAvailable() signals are no longer+ −
emitted too many times when entering or pasting text.+ −
* [137706] Made the semantics of the selectionChanged() signal more like+ −
QLineEdit::selectionChanged().+ −
+ −
- QTextFormat+ −
* [156343] Fixed crash that could occur when streaming QTextFormat+ −
instances.+ −
+ −
- QTextLayout+ −
* Fixed support for justified Arabic text.+ −
* [152248] Fixed assert in sub/superscript handling of fonts specified+ −
in pixel sizes.+ −
* Optimized text layout handling for pure Latin text.+ −
* Ensured that OpenType processing is skipped altogether if a font does+ −
not contain OpenType tables.+ −
* Fixed some issues in the shaper for Indic languages.+ −
* Upgraded the line breaking algorithm to the newest version+ −
(http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr14/tr14-19.html).+ −
* [140165] Changed boundingRect() to report the actual position of the+ −
top left line instead of incorrectly reporting (0, 0) for the top-left+ −
corner in every case.+ −
* Fixed various problems with text kerning.+ −
+ −
- QTextStream+ −
* [141391] Fixed bug that could occur when reusing a text stream with+ −
the setString() method.+ −
* [133063] atEnd() now works properly with stdin.+ −
* [152819] Added support for reading and writing NaN and Inf.+ −
* [125496] Ensured that uppercasebase and uppercasedigits work as+ −
expected.+ −
+ −
- QTextTable+ −
* [138905] Fixed bug where merging cells in a QTextTable would cause+ −
text to end up in the wrong cells.+ −
* [139074] Fixed incorrect export of cell widths to HTML when exporting+ −
tables containing column spans.+ −
* [137236] Fixed bug where a text table would ignore page breaks.+ −
* [96765] Improved handling of page breaks for table rows spanning+ −
several pages.+ −
* [144291] Fixed crash that could occur when using setFormat() with an+ −
old format after inserting or removing columns.+ −
* [143501] Added support for vertical alignment of table cells.+ −
* [136397, 144320, 144322] Various border styles and border brushes are+ −
now properly supported.+ −
* [139052] Made sure that empty text table cells get a visible+ −
selection.+ −
+ −
- QtGlobal+ −
* Added Q_FUNC_INFO, a macro that expands to a string describing the+ −
function it is used in.+ −
* [132145] Fixed Q_FOREACH to protect against for-scoping compiler bugs.+ −
* Fixed a race condition in the internal Q_GLOBAL_STATIC() macro.+ −
* [123910] Fixed crashes on some systems when passing 0 as the+ −
message to qDebug(), qWarning(), and qFatal().+ −
+ −
- QThread+ −
* [140734] Fixed a bug that prevented exec() from being called more than+ −
once per thread.+ −
* Optimized the currentThread() function on Unix.+ −
* Added the idealThreadCount() function, which returns the ideal number+ −
of threads that can be run on the system.+ −
+ −
- QThreadStorage+ −
* [131944] Refactored to allow an arbitrary number of instances to be+ −
created (not just 256 as in previous versions).+ −
* Updated documentation, as many caveats have been removed in Qt 4.2 and+ −
Qt 4.3.+ −
+ −
- QTimeEdit+ −
* [136043] Fixed the USER properties.+ −
+ −
- QTimeLine+ −
* [145592] Fixed the time line state after finished() has been emitted.+ −
* [125135] Added the resume() function to allow time lines to be resumed+ −
as well as restarted.+ −
* [153425] Fixed support for cases where loopCount >= 2.+ −
+ −
- QTimer+ −
* Added the active property to determine if the timer is active.+ −
+ −
- QToolBar+ −
* [128156, 138908] Added an animation for the case where a tool bar is+ −
expanded to display all its actions when its extension button is+ −
pressed.+ −
+ −
- QToolBox+ −
* [107787] Fixed rendering bugs in reversed mode.+ −
+ −
- QToolButton+ −
* [127814] Ensured that the popup delay respects style changes.+ −
* [130358] Ensured that Hover events are sent to the associated QAction+ −
when the cursor enters a button.+ −
* [106760] Fixed bug where the button was drawn as pressed when using+ −
MenuButtonPopup as its popup mode.+ −
+ −
- QToolTip+ −
* [135988] Allow tool tips to be shown immediately below the cursor+ −
* [148546] The usage of tool tip fading now adheres to the user settings+ −
on Mac OS X.+ −
* [145458] Tool tip fading now looks native on Mac OS X (fading out+ −
rather than in).+ −
* [145557] Fixed bug that caused tool tips to remain visible if the+ −
cursor left the application quickly enough on Mac OS X.+ −
* [143701] Fixed bug that caused tool tips to hide behind stay-on-top+ −
windows on Mac OS X.+ −
* [158794] Fixed bug on Mac OS X where isVisible() returned true even+ −
if the tool tip was hidden.+ −
+ −
- QTreeView+ −
* [158096] Added checks to prevent items from being dropped on their own+ −
children.+ −
* [113800] When dragging an item over an item that has child items,+ −
QTreeView will now automatically expand after a set time.+ −
* [107766] Added a style option (enabled in the Windows style) to+ −
select the first child when the right arrow key is pressed.+ −
* [157790] It was possible to get in a state where clicking on a branch+ −
(+/- in some styles) to expand an item didn't do anything until+ −
another location in the view was clicked.+ −
* Made it possible to create a selection with a rectangle of negative+ −
width or height.+ −
* [153238] Ensured that drops on branches are interpreted as drops onto+ −
the root node.+ −
* [152868] Fixed setSelection() so that it works with negative+ −
y-coordinates.+ −
* [156522] Fixed repaint errors for selections in reversed mode.+ −
* [155449] Prevented the tree from having huge columns when setting the+ −
alignment before it is shown.+ −
* [151686] Hidden rows are now filtered out of the user selection range.+ −
* [146468] Fixed bug where the indexRowSizeHint could be incorrect in+ −
the case where columns were moved.+ −
* [138938] Fixed an infinite loop when calling expandAll() with no+ −
column.+ −
* [142074] Scroll bars are no longer shown when there are no items.+ −
* [143127] Fixed bug that prevented the collapsed() signal from being+ −
emitted when the animated property was set to true.+ −
* [145199] Fixed crash that could occur when column 0 with expanded+ −
items was removed and inserted.+ −
* [151165] Added the indexRowHeight(const QModelIndex &index) function.+ −
* [151156] Add support for hover appearance.+ −
* [140377] Add the expandTo(int depth) function.+ −
* Clicking in the empty area no longer selects all items.+ −
* [135727] Added the wordWrap property.+ −
* [121646] setSelection() now selects the item within the given+ −
rectangle.+ −
* Added the setRowSpanning(int row, const QModelIndex &parent) and+ −
isRowSpanning(int row, const QModelIndex &parent) functions.+ −
+ −
- QTreeWidget+ −
* [159078] Fixed drag and drop bug on Mac OS X that could occur when+ −
dragging inside the widget.+ −
* [159726] Fixed crash that could occur when dragging a QTreeWidgetItem+ −
object with an empty last column.+ −
* [154092] Fixed case where the drag pixmap could get the wrong position+ −
when dragging many items quickly.+ −
* [152970] Hidden items are no longer returned as selected from the+ −
selectedItems() function.+ −
* [151211] Added the removeCellWidget() and removeItemWidget()+ −
functions.+ −
* [151149] Made the header text left-aligned instead of center-aligned+ −
by default.+ −
* [131234] Made it possible to do lazy population by introducing the+ −
QTreeWidgetItem::ChildIndicatorPolicy enum.+ −
* [134194] Added the itemAbove() and itemBelow() functions.+ −
* [128935] The disabled state of an item is now propagated to its+ −
children.+ −
* [103421] Added the QTreeWidgetItem::setExpandable() function.+ −
* [134138] Added the QTreeWidgetItem::removeChild() function.+ −
* [153361] Ensured that items exist before emitting itemChanged().+ −
* [155700] Fixed a crash in QTreeWidget where deleted items could still+ −
be referenced by a selection model.+ −
+ −
- QUdpSocket+ −
* [142853] Now continues to emit readyRead() if the peer temporarily+ −
disappears.+ −
* [154913] Now detects datagrams even when the sender's port is invalid.+ −
+ −
- QUndoStack+ −
* [142276] Added the undoLimit property which controls the maximum+ −
number of commands on the stack.+ −
+ −
- QUrl+ −
* [134604] Fixed the behavior of the obsolete dirPath() function on+ −
Windows.+ −
+ −
- QValidator+ −
* [34933] Added support for scientific notation.+ −
+ −
- QVariant+ −
* [127225] Unloading a GUI plugin will no longer cause a crash in+ −
QVariant in a pure QtCore application.+ −
+ −
- QWaitCondition+ −
* [126007] Made the behavior of wakeOne() consistent between Windows and+ −
Unix in the case where wakeOne() is called twice when exactly 2+ −
threads are waiting (the correct behavior is to wake up both threads).+ −
+ −
- QWidget+ −
* [139359] Added the locale property to make it easy to customize how+ −
individual widgets display dates and numbers.+ −
* [155100] Fixed a regression that could cause Qt::FramelessWindowHint+ −
to be ignored for frameless windows.+ −
* [137190] Ensured that windows with masks are now rendered correctly+ −
with respect to window shadows on Mac OS X.+ −
* [139182] Added the render() function to allow the widget to be+ −
rendered onto another QPaintDevice.+ −
* [131917] Fixed bug where minimum and maximum sizes were not respected+ −
when using X11BypassWindowManagerHint.+ −
* [117896] Fixed setGeometry() to be more consistent across Mac OS X,+ −
Windows, X11 and Qtopia Core.+ −
* [132827] Allow the focus to be given to a hidden widget; it will+ −
receive the focus when shown.+ −
* Reduced the overhead of repainting a widget with lots of children.+ −
* Clarified the documentation for the Qt::WA_AlwaysShowToolTips widget+ −
attribute.+ −
* [154634] Ensured that the Qt::WA_AlwaysShowToolTips widget attribute+ −
is respected for all widgets.+ −
* [151858] Improved the approximation returned by visibleRegion().+ −
* [129486] Ensured that calling setLayout() on a visible widget causes+ −
its children to be shown, making its behavior consistent with the+ −
QLayout::addWidget() behavior.+ −
+ −
- QWindowsStyle+ −
* [110784] Scroll bar and spin box arrows now scale with the widget size.+ −
* Given certain panel and button frames a more native appearance.+ −
* [142599] Ensured that a QDockWidget subclass is not required when+ −
using the style to draw a CE_DockWidgetTitle.+ −
+ −
- QWindowsXPStyle+ −
* [150579] Fixed the use of the wrong background color for QSlider.+ −
* [133517] Fixed styling of the unused area in header sections.+ −
* [48387] Fixed styling of MDI/Workspace controls.+ −
* [109317] Fixed a rendering issue with tab widgets in the Silver color+ −
scheme.+ −
* [114120] Ensured that the frame property for combo boxes is respected.+ −
* [138444] Fixed crash that could occur when passing 0 as the widget+ −
argument to drawComplexControl().+ −
+ −
- QWizard+ −
- QWizardPage+ −
* New classes. Based on QtWizard and QtWizardPage in Qt 4 Solutions.+ −
Redesign of QWizard from Qt 3.+ −
+ −
- QXmlParseException+ −
* [137998] Fixed incorrect behavior where systemId/publicId was never+ −
reported.+ −
+ −
- QXmlSimpleReader+ −
* QXmlSimpleReader no longer reads entire files into memory, allowing+ −
it to handle large XML files.+ −
+ −
- Q3DateEdit+ −
* [131577] Fix a bug that could occur when entering out-of-range years+ −
in a Q3DateEdit.+ −
+ −
- Q3DockWindow+ −
* [125117] Fixed some style issues with Windows XP and Plastique styles.+ −
+ −
- Q3GroupBox+ −
* Added FrameShape, FrameShadow, lineWidth, and midLineWidth properties.+ −
+ −
- Q3ListView+ −
* [150781] Fixed a crash in setOpen() (previously fixed in Qt 3).+ −
+ −
- Q3ScrollView+ −
* [125149] Mouse events should not be delivered if the Q3ScrollView is+ −
disabled.+ −
This fixed the case where items were still selectable when Q3ListView+ −
was disabled using the setEnabled() function.+ −
+ −
- Q3SqlCursor+ −
* [117996] Improved support for tables and views that have fields with+ −
whitespace in their names.+ −
+ −
- Q3TextEdit+ −
* [136214] Fixed invalid memory reads when using undo/redo+ −
functionality.+ −
+ −
****************************************************************************+ −
* Database Drivers *+ −
****************************************************************************+ −
+ −
- Interbase driver+ −
+ −
* [127724] Added support for OUT values from stored procedures. (See the+ −
SQL Database Drivers documentation for details.)+ −
* [159123] Fixed crash that could occur when fetching data from+ −
Interbase 2007 databases.+ −
* [143474] Added support for SQL security-based roles.+ −
* [134608] Fixed bug where queries in some cases returned empty VARCHAR+ −
fields if they contained non-ASCII characters.+ −
* [143471] Fixed bug that caused fetching of multisegment BLOB fields to+ −
fail in some cases.+ −
* [125053] Fixed bugs where NUMERIC fields were corrupted or returned as+ −
the wrong type in some cases.+ −
+ −
- MySQL driver+ −
* [156342] Fixed bug where BINARY and VARBINARY fields were returned as+ −
QString instead of QByteArray.+ −
* [144331] Fixed bug where a query would become unusable after executing+ −
a stored procedure that returns multiple result sets.+ −
+ −
- OCI driver+ −
+ −
* Added support for low-precision retrieval of floating point numbers.+ −
* [124834] Fixed bug where the binding strings failed on certain+ −
configurations.+ −
* [154518] Fixed bug where connections were not properly terminated,+ −
which lead to resource leaks and connection failures.+ −
+ −
- ODBC driver+ −
+ −
* Increased performance for iterating a query backwards.+ −
* [89844] Added support for fetching multiple error messages from an+ −
ODBC driver.+ −
* [114440] Fixed bug where binding strings longer that 127 characters+ −
failed with Microsoft Access databases.+ −
* [139891] Fixed bug where unsigned ints were returned as ints.+ −
+ −
- SQLite driver+ −
* [130799] Improved support for attatched databases when used with+ −
QSqlTableModel.+ −
* [142374] Improved error reporting in cases where fetching a row fails.+ −
* [144572] Fixed the implementation of escapeIdentifier() to improve+ −
support for identifiers containing whitespace and reserved words when+ −
used with the model classes.+ −
+ −
- PostgreSQL driver+ −
+ −
* [135403] Properly quote schemas in table names ("schema"."tablename").+ −
* [138424] Fixed resource leak that occurred after failed connection+ −
attempts.+ −
+ −
- DB2 driver+ −
+ −
* [110259] Fixed bug where random characters were prepended to BLOB+ −
fields when fetched.+ −
* [91441] Fixed bug where binding strings resulted in only parts of the+ −
strings being stored.+ −
+ −
****************************************************************************+ −
* QTestLib *+ −
****************************************************************************+ −
+ −
* [138388] Floating point numbers are now printed in printf's "%g" format.+ −
* [145643] QEXPECT_FAIL does not copy or take ownership of "comment"+ −
pointer.+ −
* [156346] Gracefully handle calls to qFatal().+ −
* [154013] Don't count skips as passes.+ −
* [145208] Display QByteArrays in convenient ways.+ −
* Output well-formed XML.+ −
+ −
****************************************************************************+ −
* QDBus *+ −
****************************************************************************+ −
+ −
- Library+ −
+ −
* Added support for QList<QDBusObjectPath> and QList<QDBusSignature>+ −
to allow them to be used without first having to register the types.+ −
+ −
* Added support for using QtDBus from multiple threads.+ −
+ −
* Made it possible to marshal custom types into QDBusArgument.+ −
+ −
* qdbuscpp2xml:+ −
* [153102] Ensure that Q_NOREPLY is ignored.+ −
* [144663] Fixed problems with executing qdbuscpp2xml on Windows.+ −
* Don't require moc to be on a path listed in the PATH environment+ −
variable.+ −
+ −
* QDBusInterface:+ −
* Changed asserts in the QDBusInterface constructor to QDBusErrors.+ −
* QDBusConnection:+ −
* Added a separate slot for delivering errors when calling+ −
callWithCallback().+ −
+ −
+ −
- Viewer+ −
+ −
* Moved QDBusViewer from demos to QDBus tools.+ −
* Added ability to get and set properties.+ −
* Added support for demarshalling D-Bus variants.+ −
* Added a property dialog for entering arguments.+ −
* Made QDBusObjectPath clickable in the output pane.+ −
+ −
****************************************************************************+ −
* Platform Specific Changes *+ −
****************************************************************************+ −
+ −
X11+ −
---+ −
* [153346] Ensured that tablet events are not delivered while a drag and+ −
drop operation is in progress.+ −
* [141756] Ensured that the Plastique or Cleanlooks styles are not used+ −
as default styles when Xrender is not available.+ −
* [139455] Fixed QX11EmbedContainer race causing sudden unembedding of+ −
clients.+ −
* [96507] Added support for using _POSIX_MONOTONIC_CLOCK as the+ −
timer source (also affects Qtopia Core).+ −
* [128118] Fixed garbage output when calling QPixmap::grabWindow()+ −
on a window on a non-default screen.+ −
* [133119] Ensured that X11 color names are detected in the+ −
* [56319] Added support for _NET_WM_MOVERESIZE to QSizeGrip, which+ −
cooperates with the window manager to do the resizing.+ −
* Fixed QWidget::isMaximized() to return false when the window is+ −
only maximized in a single direction.+ −
* [67263] Fixed a bug that could cause applications to freeze while+ −
querying the clipboard for data.+ −
* [89224] Fixed the behavior of minimized Qt applications to show the+ −
correct icon (instead of the standard OpenWindows icon) on Solaris.+ −
* [116080] Ensured that the TIMESTAMP clipboard property is set using+ −
XA_INTEGER (as defined in the ICCCM).+ −
* [127556] Refactored timer accounting code to be more efficient and+ −
less cumbersome to maintain.+ −
* [132241] Add support for DirectColor visuals. Qt will now create and+ −
initialize a colormap when using such visuals.+ −
* [140737] Fixed QEventDispatcherGlib::versionSupported() to be much+ −
simpler.+ −
* Fixed a bug where QWidget::windowFlags() would not include+ −
Qt::X11BypassWindowManagerHint for Qt::ToolTip and Qt::Popup windows.+ −
* [146472] Fixed a bug where QWidget::setWindowFlags() would disable+ −
drag and drop operations from outside Qt applications.+ −
* [150352] Fixed painting errors after show(), hide(), then show()+ −
under GNOME.+ −
* [150348] Fixed a bug that would incorrectly set the Qt::WA_SetCursor+ −
attribute on top-level windows.+ −
* [135054] Fixed system palette detection code to use contrast that is+ −
more similar to the desktop settings.+ −
* [124689] Documented potential QDrag::setHotSpot() inefficiency on X11.+ −
* [121547] Fixed QWidget::underMouse() to ensure that the value it+ −
returns is correctly updated after the mouse button is released.+ −
* [151742] Improved robustness when executing in an X11-SECURITY+ −
reduced ssh-forwarded session.+ −
* [142009] Fixed a bug that caused an application using the Qt Motif+ −
Extension to freeze when trying to copy text into a QTextEdit.+ −
* [124723] Fixed PseudoColor detection to correctly handle cases where+ −
the colormap is not sequential.+ −
* [140484] Don't use the GLib event dispatcher if GLib version is too+ −
old.+ −
* Fixed a bug where a window would get an incorrect size after the+ −
second call to show().+ −
* [153379] Fixed shortcuts where the modifier also includes Mode_switch+ −
in the modifier mask; for example, Alt+F on HP-UX.+ −
* [154369] Fixed drag and drop to work properly after re-creating a+ −
window ID.+ −
* [151778] Fixed mouse enter/leave event platform inconsistencies.+ −
* [153155] Added the QT_NO_THREADED_GLIB environment variable, which+ −
tells Qt to use Glib only for the GUI thread.+ −
* Fixed restoreGeometry() to ensure that full-screen windows are moved+ −
to the correct position.+ −
* [155083] Don't use legacy xlfd fonts if we have fontconfig available+ −
on Solaris.+ −
* [150348] Fixed bug where setCursor() would not work properly after a+ −
setParent() call.+ −
* Made Plastique the default style on X11.+ −
+ −
Windows+ −
-------+ −
* Added an experimental DirectX-based paint engine.+ −
* [141503] Ensured that clicks inside tool windows won't cause them to+ −
be activated if there is no child widget to take focus.+ −
* [153315] Improved handling of Synaptic touchpad wheel messages.+ −
* [150639] Added support for CF_DIBV5 format and improved support for+ −
transparent images on the clipboard.+ −
* [146862] Improved readability of progress bar text when shown in+ −
the Highlight palette color.+ −
* [146928] Fixed issue where shortcut events were discarded when auto-+ −
repeat was disabled.+ −
* [141079] Ensured that wheel events contain button information.+ −
* [149367] Ensured that QMimeData::formats() returns all the available+ −
formats in the object.+ −
* [135417] Ensured that WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE does not trigger resetting of+ −
fonts.+ −
* [137023] Fixed a crash that could occur while translating mouse+ −
events.+ −
* [138349] Fixed incorrect focus handling with multiple top-level+ −
widgets.+ −
* [111211] Ensured that tool windows don't steal focus from their+ −
parents while opening.+ −
* [143812] Fixed a bug which can break the widget's ability to maximize+ −
after saving and restoring its state.+ −
* [111501] Ensured that SPI_SETWORKAREA messages trigger calls to+ −
QDesktopWidget::workAreaResized().+ −
* [141633] Fixed command line parsing for GUI applications.+ −
* [134984] Ensured that SockAct events are not triggered from+ −
processEvents(ExcludeSocketNotifiers).+ −
* [134164] Ensured that top-level widgets configured with+ −
MSWindowsFixedSizeDialogHint are centered properly.+ −
* [145270] Fixed mapFromGlobal() and mapToGlobal() for minimized or+ −
invisible widgets.+ −
* [132695] Fixed a potential crash that could occur when changing the+ −
application style after the system theme had been changed.+ −
* [103739] Workspace title bars now respect custom title bar heights in+ −
the Windows XP style.+ −
* [48770] Improved size grip behavior in top-level widgets.+ −
* [113739] Fixed an issue that could occur when using QWidget::scroll()+ −
with on-screen painting.+ −
* [129589] Added support for moving the mouse cursor to the default+ −
button in dialogs.+ −
* [139120] Added support for resolving native file icons through+ −
QFileIconProvider.+ −
* [129927] Added the QWindowsVista style to support native look and feel+ −
on Windows Vista.+ −
* [106437] Removed the Windows XP style from the list of keys supplied+ −
by QStyleFactory::keys() on platforms where it is not available.+ −
* [109814] Improved UNC path support.+ −
* [157261] Fixed crash that could occur when using Alt keycodes with+ −
text handling widgets.+ −
* [116307] Ensured that QEvent::WindowActivate is sent for tool windows.+ −
* [150346] Fixed a bug that would cause an application to exit when its+ −
last window (a modal dialog) was closed and a new window shown+ −
immediately afterwards.+ −
* [90144] Fixed a bug that caused QApplication::keyboardModifiers() to+ −
return modifiers even after they had been released.+ −
* [142767] Fixed a bug that allowed a QPushButton to become pressed even+ −
though its mousePressEvent() handler function was never called.+ −
* [151199] Usage of blocking QProcess API in a thread no longer hangs+ −
the desktop.+ −
* [144430] Made the shortcut system distinguish between Key_Return and+ −
Key_Enter.+ −
* [144663] Made sure qdbuscpp2xml can parse moc output on Windows.+ −
* [126332] Made QDBus compile on Windows platforms.+ −
* [133823, 160131] Fixed bug in the QWidget::scroll() overload that+ −
accepts a rectangle argument.+ −
+ −
- ActiveQt+ −
* Ensured that, when loading a typelib file to obtain information about+ −
a control, the typelib is processed correctly.+ −
* [158990] Ambient property change events are now emitted regardless of+ −
the container's state.+ −
* [150327] ActiveQt based controls will now return the correct Extents+ −
depending on the size restrictions set on the widget.+ −
* [141296] Ensured that the ActiveQt DLL is unloaded from the same+ −
thread which loaded it.+ −
+ −
- Qt Style Sheets+ −
* Added support for background clipping using the border-radius+ −
property.+ −
* Almost all widgets are now styleable using style sheets.+ −
* Added support for the -stylesheet command line option to QApplication.+ −
* Added support for styling through SVG.+ −
* Added support to allow colors and brushes to be specified as+ −
gradients.+ −
+ −
Mac OS X+ −
--------+ −
+ −
* qtconfig is no longer available on Mac OS X. All settings are read+ −
from the system's configuration.+ −
* [156965] Always offers a 'TEXT' type flavor for non-Pasteboard-aware+ −
Mac Application pastes.+ −
* [158087] Fixed various mouse event propagation bugs.+ −
* Introduced Q_WS_MAC32/Q_WS_MAC64 for 64 vs. 32-bit detection compile+ −
time infrastructure.+ −
* [156431] Introduced WA_MacAlwaysShowToolWindow to allow windows to+ −
behave as utility windows as opposed to floating windows.+ −
* [155651] Qt will now follow the HIView focus chain to allow wrapped+ −
HIViewRef's to take focus when appropriate.+ −
* [149753] Qt will not deliver mouse release events to widgets that do+ −
not process mouse press events (including widgets with the+ −
WA_MacNoClickThrough attribute set).+ −
* Introduced support for 64-bit Mac OS X builds. Only available on+ −
Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard).+ −
* [145166] Ensured that CoreGraphics high quality interpolation is used+ −
when using SmoothPixmapTransform.+ −
* [134873] Ensured that the widget hierarchy is used to find a widget+ −
with a cursor rather than using the frontmost widget.+ −
* [132178] Enforced the requirement for double click detection that the+ −
second click must be near the previous click to prevent false double+ −
clicks being reported.+ −
* [131327] Fixed mouse propagation for top-level widgets with the+ −
WA_MacNoClickThrough attribute set.+ −
* Now entirely QuickDraw clean.+ −
* [155540] Ensured that asymmetic scales work with cosmetic pens.+ −
* [141300] Fixed an issue that prevented QFontDatabase/QFontDialog from+ −
showing all fonts installed on the system.+ −
* Fixed writing system detection in QFontDatabase.+ −
* [148876] Fixed bug that caused characters to be committed twice in the+ −
Chinese Input method.+ −
* Removed the use of an extra setFocus() in the event loop when a window+ −
is activated.+ −
* [152224] Fixed bug in QWidget's window state.+ −
* [156431] Added the WA_MacAlwaysShowToolWindow widget attribute to+ −
allow Mac users to create utility-window-style applications.+ −
* [144110] Fixed resizing of sheets on Panther.+ −
* [140014] Made it possible to drag QUrls on Panther.+ −
* [155312] Fixed bug that could occur when dragging several URLs to+ −
Finder and certain other applications.+ −
* [155244] Fixed bug that could occur when dragging a URL to Finder.+ −
* [153413] Fixed bug that could occur when dragging URLs between Qt applications.+ −
* [152450] Fixed bug that could occur when dragging URLs to applications+ −
such as the trash can.+ −
* [151158] Fixed an issue that prevented widgets from receiving drag+ −
events if a move event was ignored.+ −
* [145876] Ensured that a drag move event is always received directly+ −
after a drag enter event (according to the documentation).+ −
* [156365] Fixed event bug when dragging URLs to receivers that only+ −
refer to a drop location.+ −
* [119251] Tool tips and dialogs no longer cause full-screen windows to+ −
show their menu bar and the dock.+ −
* [147640] Fixed QScrollArea scrolling behavior when showing regions+ −
with dimensions between 2^15 and 2^16 pixels.+ −
* [158988] Ensured that a mouse enter event is now sent before a mouse+ −
press event upon window activation.+ −
* [157313] Fixed hanging bug that could occur if the system clock was+ −
adjusted backwards while using sockets.+ −
* [151411] Fixed window switching bug (Cmd + ~) that could occur when+ −
showing a modal dialog with a popup.+ −
* Ensured that changing a shortcut containing a cursor movement key now+ −
works correctly.+ −
* [143912] Fixed focus problem caused by mouse hovering over widgets+ −
with modal sheets.+ −
* [141456] Fixed activation bug exhibited by minimized windows upon+ −
being shown.+ −
* [155394] Fixed issue where a widget's move and resize state were not+ −
set correctly upon widget initialization.+ −
* [254325] Fixed sheet transparency bug.+ −
* [152481] Fixed crash that could occur when clicking in a window when a+ −
modal print dialog is showing.+ −
* [143835] Removed unnecessary window updates for active windows.+ −
* [145552] A mouse up event is now sent when a window drag has finished+ −
after a mouse press.+ −
* [146443] Ensure that, if a window is moved before it is shown for the+ −
first time, it is placed correctly when it is shown.+ −
* [141387] Fixed bug that caused two near-simultaneous mouse presses on+ −
different widgets to be interpreted as a single click.+ −
* [139087] Fixed activation for some types of shortcuts, such as+ −
QKeySequence(Qt::CTRL | Qt::Key_Plus).+ −
* Only use Roman for determining with System Fonts since Mac OS X will+ −
perform the necessary translation.+ −
* When using OpenGL, ensured that the 32-bit accumulation buffer is used+ −
in preference to the 64-bit accumulation buffer by default.+ −
* [123467] Fixed bug where the event loop would spin and not emit+ −
aboutToBlock() when popup menus were shown.+ −
* [137677] QString::localAwareCompare() now respects the sorting order+ −
set in the system preferences.+ −
* [139658] Mac OS X accessibility no longer requires that+ −
QApplication::exec() is called.+ −
* [118814, 126253, 105525] Fixed several QCombobox look and feel issues.+ −
* [145075] Fixed aliased line drawing bug.+ −
* [122826] Fixed QScrollBar painting error.+ −
* [131794] PixelTool and QWidget::grabWindow() now work on non-primary+ −
monitors.+ −
* [160228] The Quartz 2D-based paint engine now respects the font style+ −
strategy.+ −
* Made miscellaneous changes to make wrapping non-Qt HIViews easier.+ −
* Qt is now built with MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET set to 10.3 (since Qt+ −
can only be run on Mac OS X 10.3 and above).+ −
* QSound now uses NSSound for its implementation instead of the+ −
deprecated C QuickTime API. This means that the QtGui library is no+ −
longer dependant on the QuickTime framework.+ −
* Added a -dwarf-2 configure option to allow people to turn on DWARF2+ −
debugging symbols when that is not the default.+ −
The ability to use DWARF2 debugging symbols was added in later version+ −
of the Xcode 2.x series.+ −
* Fixed many assertions when running against Carbon_debug.+ −
* Renamed the Qt::WA_MacMetalStyle attribute to WA_MacBrushedMetal.+ −
* Changing the Qt::WA_MacBrushedMetal attribute will now cause a+ −
StyleChange event to be sent.+ −
* The Qt translations and Qt Linguist phrase books have been added to+ −
the binary package.+ −
* [134630] Fixed loading of plugins in the case where universal plugins+ −
are used but the wrong architecture is accidentally read first,+ −
instead of returning an architecture mismatch.+ −
* QCursor now uses NSCursor internally instead of the deprecated+ −
QuickDraw functions.+ −
* Corrected the encoding and decoding functions for QFile to handle+ −
different Unicode normalization forms.+ −
+ −
Qtopia Core+ −
-----------+ −
+ −
- New font system+ −
* A new font subsystem has been implemented that, by default, allows+ −
glyphs rendered at run time to be shared between applications. A new+ −
pre-rendered font format (QPF2) has also been implemented together+ −
with a new "makeqpf" tool to generate them.+ −
* Support for custom font engine plugins has been added through+ −
QAbstractFontEngine and QFontEnginePlugin.+ −
* The default font family has been changed to DejaVu Sans.+ −
+ −
- OpenGL ES+ −
* [126421, 126424] Added QGLWindowSurface and QGLScreen framework for+ −
OpenGLES (and others) on Qtopia Core. A sample implementation can be+ −
found in the examples/qtopiacore directory.+ −
+ −
- Accelerated graphics API+ −
* [150564] API changes in QWSWindowSurface. New functions include+ −
QWSWindowSurface::move() to enable accelerated movement of top-level+ −
windows.+ −
* [152755] API clarification: The windowIndex parameter to+ −
exposeRegion() now always refers to the window that is being changed.+ −
* [150569, 139550] Made API additions to QWSWindow to give QScreen+ −
information about the window state, window flags, and window dirty+ −
region+ −
* [150746] Added QScreen::pixelFormat() and QScreen::setPixelFormat() to+ −
enable drawing optimizations for some formats.+ −
+ −
- General fixes+ −
* Improved support for compiling a LSB (Linux Standard Base) compliant+ −
Qtopia Core library.+ −
* [133365] Added the QWSServer::setScreenSaverBlockLevel() function to+ −
make it possible to block the key/mouse event that stops the screen+ −
saver at a particular level.+ −
* Fixed QFontDatabase::addApplicationFont() for Qtopia Core.+ −
* [131714] Fixed performance problems with drag and drop operations.+ −
* [96507] Added support for using _POSIX_MONOTONIC_CLOCK as the timer+ −
source (also effects Qt/X11).+ −
* [132346] Fixed a performance bug causing unnecessary screen copies+ −
when using a hardware cursor.+ −
* [121496] Made lots of performance improvements in the VNC driver.+ −
* [138615] Fixed color conversion for cases where the VNC server is+ −
running on a big-endian machine.+ −
* [131321] Optimized text drawing.+ −
* [136282] Fixed a bug preventing QWidget::setCursor() and+ −
QWidget::unsetCursor() from taking effect immediately.+ −
* [139318] Fixed a performance bug that would cause non-visible regions+ −
to receive paint events.+ −
* [139858] Implemented acceleration for the 'pc' mouse handler.+ −
* [140705, 140760] Improved release of used resources (e.g, shared+ −
memory and hardware resources) when the application exits+ −
unexpectedly.+ −
* [144245] Fixed a problem with some cross-compilers triggered by using+ −
math.h functions taking a double argument when using float data.+ −
* Optimized QSocketNotifier activation.+ −
* [156511] Implemented QDirectPainter::ReservedSynchronous which makes+ −
a QDirectPainter object behave as a QDirectPainter region allocated+ −
using the static functions.+ −
* [94856] Fixed console switching when using the Tty keyboard driver.+ −
* [157705] Ensured that device parameters are passed to keyboard and+ −
mouse plugins.+ −
* [156704] Fixed QPixmap::grabWindow() for 18 and 24-bit screens.+ −
* [154689] Fixed the -no-gfx-multiscreen configure script option.+ −
* [160404] Fixed 4-bit grayscale support in QVFb and QScreen.+ −
* Optimized QCop communication.+ −
* Fixed bug in QWidget::setMask() for visible widgets.+ −
* [152738] Allow transparent windows to be shown on top of unbuffered+ −
windows.+ −
* [154244] Fixed bug where a client process would not terminate when+ −
server closed.+ −
* [152234] No longer send key events for one client to other client+ −
processes for security and performance reasons.+ −
* [148996] Added checks in the server to avoid buffer overruns if+ −
clients send malformed commands+ −
* [154203] Fixed mouse calibration bug with mirrored/180-degree-rotated+ −
touch screens.+ −
+ −
****************************************************************************+ −
* Compiler Specific Changes *+ −
****************************************************************************+ −
+ −
- MinGW+ −
* [119777] Removed the dependency on mingwm.dll when compiled with the+ −
-no-exceptions option.+ −
+ −
****************************************************************************+ −
* Tools *+ −
****************************************************************************+ −
+ −
- Build System+ −
* Auto-detect Xoreax IncrediBuild with XGE technology, and enable+ −
distribution of moc and uic.+ −
* Shadow builds are now supported by nmake/mingw-make of the Qt build+ −
system.+ −
* [151184] Separated the -make options for demos and examples+ −
* [150610] Fixed the build system to take into account that fvisibility+ −
requires gcc on Unix builds.+ −
* [77152] Ensured that, at "make install" time, all meta-information+ −
files will be cleaned up to remove reference to source code path.+ −
* [139399] Ensured that the environment CC/CXX on Unix are taken into+ −
account when running the build tests.+ −
* [145344] Ensured that "make confclean" will remove all files+ −
generated by configure.+ −
* [145659] Added ability to disable SSE.+ −
* Added DWARF2 detection and support into the build system to reduce+ −
the debug library size.+ −
* Added macx-g++-64 meta-spec for Qt configuration purposes.+ −
* [127840] The pkgconfig files (.pc) are now placed into lib/pkgconfig.+ −
* [135547] Allow Windows line endings on UNIX and vice versa in+ −
.qt-license files.+ −
* [133068] GIF support is now enabled by default.+ −
* [137728] Fixed failed build on Mac OS X and Solaris when using the+ −
-separate-debug-info command line option for the configure script.+ −
* [137819] Added support for precompiled headers with the Intel C+++ −
Compiler for Linux.+ −
* Re-used qplatformdefs.h from linux-g++ in the linux-icc mkspec.+ −
* [121633] Added linux-icc-64 mkspec which is needed for building on+ −
some 64-bit hosts.+ −
* Removed cd_change_global from win32-msvc's qmake.conf file.+ −
* [116532] Keep intermediate manifest file in object directory instead+ −
of the destination directory.+ −
* Added a configuration type to qconfig.pri on Windows.+ −
* Corrected paths in Makefile generation when configuring with the+ −
-fast command line option.+ −
* Added tests to auto-detect a suitable TIFF library.+ −
* [152252] Fixed auto-detection of MSVC.NET 2005 Express Edition in+ −
configure.exe.+ −
* [151267] Ensured that the manifest tool does not get forward slashes+ −
when writing paths to manifest files.+ −
* [153711] Ensured that the directory separators used in .qmake.cache+ −
are correct for normal MinGW and Cygwin MinGW.+ −
* [154192] Fixed a problem with configure.exe executing non-existing+ −
scripts.+ −
* [128667] Added a confclean build target on Windows for the top-level+ −
project file.+ −
+ −
+ −
- Assistant+ −
* [99923] Added a context menu for the tabs in the tab bar. Right click+ −
on a tab to get a list of common options.+ −
* Assistant now uses the "unified toolbar" look on Mac OS X.+ −
+ −
- Designer+ −
* [151376] Added a context menu to the tab order editor.+ −
* [39163] Added a tab order editor shortcut - using Ctrl with the left+ −
mouse button makes it possible to start ordering from the selected+ −
widget.+ −
* [159129] Fixed a crash in the tab order editor.+ −
* Improved snapping behavior for multi-selections and negative+ −
positions.+ −
* [126671] Made it possible to move widgets by using the cursor keys+ −
without modifiers. The Shift modifier enables resizing, the Control+ −
modifier enables snapping behavior.+ −
* [111093] Added a file tool bar.+ −
* [156225] Fixed the delete widget command for cases where the deleted+ −
widget is a child of a QSplitter widget.+ −
* [101420] Improved the WYSIWYG properties of forms with respect to the+ −
background colors used.+ −
* [112034] Enabled Ctrl + drag as a shortcut for copying actions in+ −
menus and tool bars.+ −
* [128334] Double clicking on a widget now invokes the default action+ −
from its task menu.+ −
* [129473] Fixed bug in the handling of default tab orders.+ −
* [131994] Made it possible to set the tab order for checkable group+ −
boxes.+ −
* Added new cursor shapes.+ −
* [137879] Improved the editor for key sequence properties.+ −
* [150634] Improved refreshing behavior of all properties after property+ −
changes.+ −
* [147655] Fixed shadow build issues.+ −
* [151567, 149966] Ensured that object names are unique.+ −
* [80270] Fixed bug with saving icons taken from resources which are+ −
specified with aliases.+ −
* [152417] Fixed loading/saving of header labels of Q3Table widgets.+ −
* Added the QColumnView widget to the widget box.+ −
* Added support for new margin (left, top, right and bottom) and spacing+ −
(horizontal and vertical) properties of the layout classes.+ −
* [146337] Ensure that the margin and spacing properties are not saved+ −
if they have the default values.+ −
* Fixed layout handling in Q3GroupBox+ −
* [124680] Ensured that the correct pages are displayed when selecting a+ −
QStackedWidget page in the object inspector.+ −
* [88264] Ensured that breaking a nested layout doesn't break the parent+ −
container's layout.+ −
* [129477] Added support for dynamic properties via the context menu in+ −
the property editor.+ −
* [101166] Added an "Add separator" action to the standard context menu.+ −
* [132238] Added a "Recent files" button to the New Form dialog.+ −
* [107934] Updated the font anti-aliasing property from a boolean+ −
property to a property with 3 values.+ −
* [155464] Added a German translation.+ −
* [146953] Enabled support to allow widgets to be dragged onto the+ −
object inspector.+ −
* [152475] Ensured that the widget box saves and restores its state.+ −
* [111092] Added support to allow images to be dragged from the resource+ −
editor and dropped onto the action editor or icon properties in the+ −
property editor.+ −
* [111091] By default, icon dialogs now open to show the resource+ −
browser.+ −
* [152475] Added a button to load newly found custom widget plugins to+ −
the plugin dialog.+ −
* [151122] Added warnings for custom widget plugin issues such as load+ −
failures and class name mismatches.+ −
* [138645] Improved the form preview on Mac OS X, provided a close+ −
button and a menu entry.+ −
* [103801] Made buddy editing possible for custom widgets derived from+ −
QLabel.+ −
* [148677] Added a font chooser for tool windows.+ −
* [107233] Made the grid customizable, provided default and per-form+ −
grid settings.+ −
* [149325] Provided a form editor context menu in the object inspector.+ −
* [147174] Changed the elide mode and improved column resizing behavior+ −
of property editor and object inspector.+ −
* [147317] Improved handling for switching user interface modes,+ −
preventing the geometries of form window from being changed.+ −
Made 'Bring to front' deiconify windows.+ −
* [146629] Fixed never ending loop on Linux triggered by scrolling+ −
quickly through the pages of a QStackedWidget.+ −
* [145806] Enabled KDialog to be used as a template.+ −
* [142723] Enabled the pages of QStackedWidget, QTabWidget and QToolBox+ −
to be promoted.+ −
* [105916] Enabled QMenuBar to be promoted.+ −
* [147317] Improved the New Form dialog.+ −
* [95038] Fixed handling of layout defaults.+ −
* [103326] Made it possible to make connections to form signals.+ −
* [145954] Added a new dialog for promoted widgets with the ability to+ −
specify global include files.+ −
Added promotion candidates to the form's context menu.+ −
* [127232] Ensured that global include files returned by+ −
QDesignerCustomWidgetInterface::includeFile() are handled correctly.+ −
* [139985] Improved handling of layouts for custom widgets.+ −
* [99129] Made custom implementations of QDesignerMemberSheetExtension+ −
work correctly.+ −
* [87181] Added support for setting properties on items in a multi-+ −
selection.+ −
Added support for sub-properties. For example, changing the font size+ −
of a multi-selection does not overwrite other font settings.+ −
Added undo-support for property comments.+ −
* [135360] Added tooltips to the property editor, action editor and+ −
object inspector.+ −
* [103215] Added handling of escaped newline characters for text+ −
properties.+ −
Added support for validators and syntax highlighting for style sheets.+ −
* [135468] Added support for tool bar breaks.+ −
* [135620] Fixed several issues concerning handling of properties of+ −
promoted widgets.+ −
* [109077] Provided multi-selection support in the object inspector.+ −
* [133907] Made in-place editing of plain label texts possible.+ −
* [134657] Fixed table widget editor.+ −
* [90085] Made the resource editor consume a little less horizontal+ −
screen real estate.+ −
* [105671] Added support to allow main windows to be maximized while+ −
being previewed.+ −
* Added a style sheet editor.+ −
+ −
- Linguist+ −
* Translations can be exported to and imported from XLIFF files.+ −
* [136633] Fixed "Find" so that it searches in comments.+ −
* [129163] Fixed bug that prevented "Next Unfinished" from working if+ −
there was no selected item.+ −
* [125131] Made the translation loading behavior consistent with+ −
Assistant and Designer.+ −
* [125130] Added the -resourceDir command line argument for consistency+ −
with Assistant and Designer, to allow the path of translation files+ −
to be specified.+ −
* [124932] XML files (.ts and .xlf) are now written with platform-+ −
specific line endings.+ −
* [128081] Ensure that the tree view does not lose focus when the up+ −
and down cursor keys are used for navigation.+ −
Use Shift+Ctrl+K and Shift+Ctrl+L instead if you really want this+ −
behavior.+ −
* [139079] Added a DTD to document the TS file format.+ −
+ −
- lupdate+ −
* Made some small improvements in lupdate's .pro file parser.+ −
Fixed bug in inclusion of relative .pri files.+ −
* [140581] Improved namespace/context parsing.+ −
* [142373] Fixed bug when running lupdate on a SUBDIRS .pro file that+ −
prevented TS files from being created.+ −
* [135991] Ensure that .pro file comments are handled correctly when+ −
they occur within a list of several variable assignments.+ −
* [154553] Fixed bug with CODECFORTR that caused saving of incorrect+ −
characters.+ −
+ −
- rcc+ −
* [158522] By default compression is now set to the zlib default+ −
(normally level 6).+ −
* [133837] Allow absolute paths in .qrc files (accessible through the+ −
original filesystem path).+ −
* [146958] No longer returns error when a .qrc is empty. A (mostly)+ −
empty file is generated instead.+ −
+ −
- moc+ −
* [149054] Fixed parsing of old-style C enums.+ −
* [145205] Ensured that a warning is given when a known interface+ −
(marked with Q_DECLARE_INTERFACE) is subclassed that is not mentioned+ −
* [97300] Allow @file to be given as the options input file to handle+ −
command lines larger than allowed by the operating system.+ −
+ −
- uic+ −
* [144383] Added checks to prevent generated code from calling+ −
ensurePolished() before each constructor is finished.+ −
* [138949] Ensured that font and size policy instances are reused in+ −
generated code.+ −
* [141350] Ensured that color brushes are reused in generated code.+ −
* [141217] Improved handling of include files of Qt 3 classes.+ −
* [144371] Ensure that each form's objectName property is not set in+ −
setupUi() to avoid problems in cases where the name was already set.+ −
* Added support for the QWidget::locale property.+ −
* [141820] Fixed generation of connections in the form.+ −
* [137520] Ensured that code to set toolTip, statusTip and whatsThis+ −
properties is not generated when the corresponding QT_NO_*+ −
preprocessor macros are defined.+ −
* [128958] Ensured that static casts are not used in generated code.+ −
* [116280] Added support for qulonglong and uint types.+ −
+ −
-uic3+ −
* [137915] Added functionality to extract images via the -extract+ −
command line option.+ −
* [129950] Added the -wrap command line option which specifies that a+ −
wrapper class which is Qt 3 source compatible should be generated.+ −
+ −
- qmake+ −
* [121965] Implemented DSW (Workspace files) generation for MSVC 6.0+ −
users.+ −
* [132154] Added support for /bigobj option in the vcproj generator.+ −
* Fixed crash with dependency analysis.+ −
* Ensure that cleanup rules are not added for extra compilers with no+ −
inputs.+ −
* LEX/YACC support has been moved into .prf files.+ −
* [156793] Introduced PRECOMPILED_DIR for PCH output (defaults to+ −
* [257985] Fixed qmake location detection bug.+ −
* Ensured that empty INCLUDEPATH definitions are stripped out.+ −
* Allow QMAKE_UUID to override qmake deteremined UUID in the vcproj+ −
generator.+ −
* [151332] Ensured that .pc files are terminated with an extra carriage+ −
return.+ −
* [148535] Introduced QMAKE_FRAMEWORKPATH and used it internally.+ −
* [127415] Fixed object_with_source.+ −
* [127413] Introduced QMAKE_FILE_IN_PATH placeholder for extra+ −
compilers.+ −
* [95975] Replaced QMAKE_FILE_IN for custom build steps in DSP+ −
generator.+ −
* [141749] Added checks to prevent cyclical dependencies.+ −
* [146368] Ensured that GNUmake .d files are removed upon distclean.+ −
* Improved extensibility of the precompiled header support to allow icc+ −
precompiled headers.+ −
* [147142] Short-circuit previously seen library paths to avoid+ −
cyclical .prl processing.+ −
* [144492] Ensured that INSTALL_PROGRAM is set for INSTALLS in+ −
macx-xcode projects.+ −
* [143720] Extra compilers will now depend upon the input file+ −
automatically.+ −
* Introduced QMAKE_DISTCLEAN for extra files to be removed upon+ −
invocation of "make distclean".+ −
* [133518] Reduced the noise created by qmake warnings.+ −
* [108012] Brought macx-xcode into line with macx-g++ with regards to+ −
custom bundle types.+ −
* [128759] Added support for spaces in paths to linked libraries.+ −
* [83445] Made sure that "make distclean" in a library with a DESTDIR+ −
really does remove the destination symbolic links.+ −
* The subdir generator will now use - to separate target words and _ to+ −
separate internally appended words.+ −
* [125557] Fixed broken generation of dependencies for extra compilers.+ −
* Ensured that the QMAKE_QMAKE variable is given a reasonable default+ −
before parsing and evaluating project files.+ −
* For Unix/Mac OS X, configure now has an -optimized-qmake option that+ −
allows people to build qmake with optimizations.+ −
This is disabled by default as older versions of some compilers take+ −
a long time to build an optimized qmake. qmake is already built with+ −
optimizations on Windows.+ −
* [130979] Made the incremental link option case-insensitive.+ −
* Ensured that paths for custom build steps in vcproj files have the+ −
correct seperators.+ −
* Avoid duplicate dependency paths, reduce file stats.+ −
* [91313] Ensured that multiple commands in the DSP generator are+ −
separated with \n\t characters.+ −
* [108681] Added checks to avoid problems with uic3 files having+ −
dependencies on themselves.+ −
* [130977] Added support for non-flat output for vcproj files with+ −
single configuration.+ −
* [134971] Added support for more compiler and linker options for+ −
vcproj files, and added catch-all cases which add options to+ −
AdditionalOptions variables.+ −
* [140548] Fixed escaping of the custom build step for image+ −
collections.+ −
* [114833] Ensured that paths in vcproj always have native filing+ −
system separators.+ −
* [144020] Only allow CONFIG+=staticlib for TEMPLATE==lib.+ −
* [97300] Handle large number of include paths on Windows for moc by+ −
using temporary files. (See moc changes.)+ −
* [150519] Ensured that qmake is compiled with the correct mkspec on+ −
Windows.+ −
* [148724] Added manifest files to project clean up.+ −
* [123501] Added /LIBPATH to AdditionalLibraryPaths in vcproj files.+ −
* [80526] Made sure that extra compiler commands are not corrupted due+ −
to path separator fixing.+ −
* [109322] Moved hardcoded extra compilers, yacc and lex, into the PRF+ −
(feature) system.+ −
* [101783] Added a _DEBUG to Resource Tool for debug builds on Windows.+ −
* [145074] Added a custom build step on input files, for extra compiler+ −
files with built-in compilers for the output files.+ −
* [150961] Added support for QMAKE_PRE_LINK in the DSP and VCPROJ+ −
generators.+ −
* Added checks to avoid double escaping of DESTDIR_TARGET file paths in+ −
Windows Makefiles.+ −
* Ensured that file paths for COPY_FILE and QMAKE_BUNDLE are escaped.+ −
* [83765] Ensured that input files instead of output files are added to+ −
extra compiler steps under certain conditions.+ −
* [101482] Fixed relative path handling for RC_FILE.+ −
+ −
****************************************************************************+ −
* Plugins *+ −
****************************************************************************+ −
+ −
- QTiffPlugin+ −
* [93364] Added support for the TIFF image format.+ −