Qt 4.6.2 is a bug-fix release. It maintains both forward and backwardcompatibility (source and binary) with Qt 4.6.0 and 4.6.1. For moredetails, refer to the online documentation included in thisdistribution. The documentation is also available online: http://qt.nokia.com/doc/4.6The Qt version 4.6 series is binary compatible with the 4.5.x series.Applications compiled for 4.5 will continue to run with 4.6.Some of the changes listed in this file include issue tracking numberscorresponding to tasks in the Qt Bug Tracker, the (now obsolete) TaskTracker, or the Merge Request queue of the public source repository.Qt Bug Tracker: http://bugreports.qt.nokia.comTask Tracker: http://qt.nokia.com/developer/task-trackerMerge Request: http://qt.gitorious.org***************************************************************************** Library *****************************************************************************QtCore------ - QAtomicPointer * [QTBUG-7356] Fixed a compilation failure when using the Intel compiler on IA-64 - QFile * Fixed double-buffering issue when opening files in buffered mode. * [QTBUG-7285] QFile::remove would() fail if an unrelated operation on the same instance had been previously failed. This manifested itself in QTemporaryFile failing to auto-remove files and QFile::copy() leaving temporary files behind in certain situations. - QFSFileEngine * Fix typo that made realpath() not be used. - QIODevice * Optimized readAll(). - QReadWriteLock * [MR 426] Fixed documentation. - QXmlStreamWriter * [QTBUG-6893] Fixed adding extra Byte Order Marks when writing to a .xml file.QtGui----- - QApplication * [QTBUG-6098] Added a flag to avoid construction of application panes. * [QTBUG-7029] Fixed a crash when re-creating QApplication object due to a dangling gesture manager pointer. - QAbstractScrollArea * [QTBUG-1760] Reverted horizontal scrolling with mouse wheel when vertical scrollbar is hidden - QBmpHandler * [QTBUG-7530] Fixed an infinite loop that could occur when reading invalid BMP images. - QGraphicsEffect * [QTBUG-6901] Fixed performance problem when translating items with graphics effects. - QImage * [QTBUG-7231] Avoid an unnecessary copy in QImage::scaled(). - QInputContext * [QTBUG-7439] Avoided the loss of preedit text when losing focus on Symbian. - QPDFEngine * [QTBUG-7249] Fixed the encoding of the Tile and Creator tags in the PDF engine. - [QT-2629] Implemented event filter functions for Symbian. - [QTBUG-7198] Setting a style sheet could break the checkbox position in item views. - [QTBUG-7253] Fixed wrong stroke clipping with the raster engine when using a QPen with a style other than SolidLine.QtDBus------ - QDBusConnection * [QT-2307] Fixed sending of D-Bus method calls with QDBus::BlockWithGui.QtNetwork--------- - QNetworkAccessManager * Optimizations * HTTP: Get rid of QAbstractSocket warnings that were sometimes displayed. * HTTP: setReadBufferSize() of the QNetworkReply finally is working on all layers. * [QTBUG-7713] HTTP: Fix bug related to re-sending a request. * [QTBUG-7060] Fixed an issue with parsing of HTTP headers like "private, max-age=300". - QSslCertificate * [QTBUG-6466] Fix issuerInfo() and subjectInfo(). - QTcpSocket * [QTBUG-7344] Fix performance degredation with write() on Windows. * [QTBUG-7316,QTBUG-7317] Handle unknown errors from socket engine.QtOpenGL-------- - [QTBUG-7490] Better support for user-generated binary shaders. - QGLPixelBuffer * [QTBUG-7476] Fixed a crash under X11 when drawing QPixmaps to QGLPixelBuffers. - QGL2PaintEngineEx * [QTBUG-7203] Reset the GL stencil mask, op and function in resetGLState(). - QGLWidget * [QTBUG-7213] Fixed QGLWidget::renderPixmap() on Windows.QtOpenVG-------- - [QTBUG-7791] Optimize single-rect IntersectClip in OpenVG using the scissor. - [QTBUG-7864] Use OpenVG scissor on 90/180/270 rotations and simple clips.QtMultimedia------------ - QAudioInput * [QTBUG-7044]: QAudioInput stopped working correctly after suspend()/resume() on linux.Examples-------- - QtMultimedia * [MR 418] Fixed the example for QAudioOutput. - WebKit * [MR 2235] Added the framecapture example to the default build.***************************************************************************** Platform Specific Changes *****************************************************************************Qt for Linux/X11---------------- - Fix a bug where QPixmap::serialNumber was not set on a transformed pixmap in Qt/X11. - Fixed a crash when an input method tries to create a widget after the application is destroyed. - [QTBUG-6952] Fixed a problem using NoButtons in spinbox with QGtkStyle. - [QTBUG-7504] Fixed missing focus rect on check- and radiobutton with some GTK+ themes. - [QTBUG-6522] Fixed missing menu separator in some GTK+ themes.Qt for Mac OS X--------------- - [QTBUG-7832]: Restored missing margins around non-unified toolbars. - [QTBUG-7312]: Menubar and dock disappear after hiding a fullscreen widget on Cocoa. - [QTBUG-7481]: Re-added the Close button in QPrintPreviewDialog for Mac/Carbon. - [QTBUG-7522]: Drawing fake buttons using QMacStyle+QStyleOptionViewItemV4 lead to crash. - [QTBUG-7625]: Calling showFullScreen() then showNormal() on a widget results in top menu hiding. - [QTBUG-7086]: QFileDialog now correctly responds to fileMode & acceptMode changes. - [QTBUG-7162]: Fixed a crash in Designer when previewing a QMainWindow with native toolbar. - [QTBUG-7305]: Fixed a crash when deleting QMainWindow with native toolbar on Cocoa. - [QTBUG-6882]: Fixed a text layout issue with QHeaderView in right-to-left mode.DirectFB-------- - Fix a bug where QPixmap::serialNumber was not set on a transformed pixmap in DirectFB. - Reimplement QPixmapData::scroll for QDirectFBPixmapData which optimizes QPixmap::scroll. - Fix a rendering issue for semi-transparent top level windows in DirectFB. - Make it possible to fall back to the raster engine for stretch blits in DirectFB using QT_NO_DIRECTFB_STRETCHBLIT.Qt for Symbian-------------- - [QTBUG-6556] Improve the DEF file handling scheme, to allow simple enable/ disable of DEF file usage (for use _during development only_ to decouple the need to update the DEF files at the precise point that symbols are removed, therefore allowing builds by CI systems to succeed even if symbols have been removed. This does not remove the need to update the DEF files before release. NOTE: Builds generated using this flag are not binary compatible with previous versions of Qt.) - QProcess * [QTBUG-7667] Fixed no-timeout case for QProcess::waitForFinished. - qmake * [QTBUG-7695] Added support for ifdeffing for manufacturer in generated pkg files. * [QTBUG-7908] Smart installer package generation support. - Patch_capabilities script * Added support for embedded sis name/uid patching. - Qt deployment * [QTBUG-7518] Backup and restore support for Qt libs.***************************************************************************** Tools ***************************************************************************** - Designer * [QTBUG-6965] Enabled editing seconds of QDateTime-type properties. * [QTBUG-6757] Fixed bug where selection handles would be affected by a style sheet set on the main form. - uic3 * [QTBUG-7404] Added option to preserve layout names set by Qt 3 Designer.***************************************************************************** Important Behavior Changes ***************************************************************************** - QNetworkAccessManager cache * QNetworkAccessManager will no longer return expired pages, as stated in the documentation * The behaviour of PreferCache and PreferNetwork modes now match the documentation more closely - QUrl * QUrl will now accept hostnames ending in dot and will not treat those as invalid hostnames