* fix QWSPointerCalibrationData::devPoints and qwsServer * Fix QMenu::addAction(QAction *) overload, "using" etc. * fix space between two tables using <p></p> * qpixmap-qt3.html; remove 8 public functions inherited from QPaintDevice * \variable array * Added support for parameterless macros (e.g. \macro Q_OBJECT). * Made qdoc stricter regarding the data types (e.g. can't use \enum to document a typedef). * Parse QT_MODULE() macro and generate proper warnings for the various editions. * Fix parsing of \image following \value (e.g. qt.html). * Don't turn X11 and similar names into links. * Added automatic links from getters to setters and vice versa. * Support \module and show which module each class is from. * Use bullet list for the list of all functions, now that Assistant handles these gracefully. * Fix occasional crash caused by misuse of const_cast(). * Provide clearer error messages when resolves fail.CHECK: * Identify editions * Automatic \sa getter setter * \macro Q_OBJECTMUST HAVES: * resolve [gs]etters for \sa using base class * fix \overload when one is a signal and the other a normal function * use "project" for .dcf files * functions.html: include the types from QtGlobal as well as the functions (whatever that means) * nice template function/class syntax * spellchecker: built-in vs. builtin * verbose mode for functions that don't exist * No links to Porting Guide sections (e.g. QStringList) * link toggled(bool) * autolink foo(1) * handle using correctly * QObject "reentrant" list: duplicates * operator<< \overload * \compat \overload * qWarning() link * operator<<() autolink * get rid of spurious 'global' functions * Make automatic links in code work * Fix encoding bug (see Important email from Simon Hausmann) * Make links to QFoo::bar().baz() work * Fix automatic links in \sectionX (e.g. qt4-getting-started.html) * Provide a "List of all properties" page. * expand QObjectList -> QList<QObject *> * make \macro work (?) * warning for unnamed parameters in property access functions * \center...\endcenter * warning for undocumented enum valuesLINKS: * explanation following nonstandard wording warning * omit \overload in operator<< and operator>> * make operator-() unary and binary independent functions (no \overload) * fix \overload * fix \legalese * remove warning for undocumented enum item like QLocale::LastLanguage * improve the \a warnings for overloads; if one overload documents a para, fine * implement \sidebar * implement qbook * implement \legalesefile * show in which module each class is * list namespaces, list header filesNICE FEATURES: * implement inheritance tree for each class (as a PNG) * avoid <p>...</p> in table/item cells without relying on horrible kludge * prevent macros from having same name as commands * be smart about enum types Foo::Bar vs. Bar when comparing functions * be smart about const & non-const when comparing functionsOTHER: * make qdoc run faster * make sure \headerfile works even if specified after \relates * use qtstyle.css instead of inline style for each page