** Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
** All rights reserved.
** Contact: Nokia Corporation (qt-info@nokia.com)
** This file is part of the QtNetwork module of the Qt Toolkit.
** No Commercial Usage
** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
** contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying
** this package.
** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
** will be met: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html.
** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
** Nokia at qt-info@nokia.com.
#include "qhttpnetworkreply_p.h"
#include "qhttpnetworkconnection_p.h"
#include <qbytearraymatcher.h>
#ifndef QT_NO_HTTP
# include <QtNetwork/qsslkey.h>
# include <QtNetwork/qsslcipher.h>
# include <QtNetwork/qsslconfiguration.h>
QHttpNetworkReply::QHttpNetworkReply(const QUrl &url, QObject *parent)
: QObject(*new QHttpNetworkReplyPrivate(url), parent)
if (d->connection) {
QUrl QHttpNetworkReply::url() const
return d_func()->url;
void QHttpNetworkReply::setUrl(const QUrl &url)
d->url = url;
qint64 QHttpNetworkReply::contentLength() const
return d_func()->contentLength();
void QHttpNetworkReply::setContentLength(qint64 length)
QList<QPair<QByteArray, QByteArray> > QHttpNetworkReply::header() const
return d_func()->fields;
QByteArray QHttpNetworkReply::headerField(const QByteArray &name, const QByteArray &defaultValue) const
return d_func()->headerField(name, defaultValue);
void QHttpNetworkReply::setHeaderField(const QByteArray &name, const QByteArray &data)
d->setHeaderField(name, data);
void QHttpNetworkReply::parseHeader(const QByteArray &header)
QHttpNetworkRequest QHttpNetworkReply::request() const
return d_func()->request;
void QHttpNetworkReply::setRequest(const QHttpNetworkRequest &request)
d->request = request;
int QHttpNetworkReply::statusCode() const
return d_func()->statusCode;
void QHttpNetworkReply::setStatusCode(int code)
d->statusCode = code;
QString QHttpNetworkReply::errorString() const
return d_func()->errorString;
QString QHttpNetworkReply::reasonPhrase() const
return d_func()->reasonPhrase;
void QHttpNetworkReply::setErrorString(const QString &error)
d->errorString = error;
int QHttpNetworkReply::majorVersion() const
return d_func()->majorVersion;
int QHttpNetworkReply::minorVersion() const
return d_func()->minorVersion;
qint64 QHttpNetworkReply::bytesAvailable() const
Q_D(const QHttpNetworkReply);
if (d->connection)
return d->connection->d_func()->uncompressedBytesAvailable(*this);
return -1;
qint64 QHttpNetworkReply::bytesAvailableNextBlock() const
Q_D(const QHttpNetworkReply);
if (d->connection)
return d->connection->d_func()->uncompressedBytesAvailableNextBlock(*this);
return -1;
QByteArray QHttpNetworkReply::readAny()
// we'll take the last buffer, so schedule another read from http
if (d->downstreamLimited && d->responseData.bufferCount() == 1)
return d->responseData.read();
void QHttpNetworkReply::setDownstreamLimited(bool dsl)
d->downstreamLimited = dsl;
bool QHttpNetworkReply::isFinished() const
return d_func()->state == QHttpNetworkReplyPrivate::AllDoneState;
bool QHttpNetworkReply::isPipeliningUsed() const
return d_func()->pipeliningUsed;
QHttpNetworkReplyPrivate::QHttpNetworkReplyPrivate(const QUrl &newUrl)
: QHttpNetworkHeaderPrivate(newUrl), state(NothingDoneState), statusCode(100),
majorVersion(0), minorVersion(0), bodyLength(0), contentRead(0), totalProgress(0),
currentChunkSize(0), currentChunkRead(0), connection(0), initInflate(false),
autoDecompress(false), responseData(), requestIsPrepared(false)
,pipeliningUsed(false), downstreamLimited(false)
void QHttpNetworkReplyPrivate::clear()
state = NothingDoneState;
statusCode = 100;
bodyLength = 0;
contentRead = 0;
totalProgress = 0;
currentChunkSize = 0;
currentChunkRead = 0;
connectionCloseEnabled = true;
connection = 0;
if (initInflate)
initInflate = false;
streamEnd = false;
autoDecompress = false;
// QHttpNetworkReplyPrivate
qint64 QHttpNetworkReplyPrivate::bytesAvailable() const
return (state != ReadingDataState ? 0 : fragment.size());
bool QHttpNetworkReplyPrivate::isGzipped()
QByteArray encoding = headerField("content-encoding");
return qstricmp(encoding.constData(), "gzip") == 0;
void QHttpNetworkReplyPrivate::removeAutoDecompressHeader()
// The header "Content-Encoding = gzip" is retained.
// Content-Length is removed since the actual one send by the server is for compressed data
QByteArray name("content-length");
QList<QPair<QByteArray, QByteArray> >::Iterator it = fields.begin(),
end = fields.end();
while (it != end) {
if (qstricmp(name.constData(), it->first.constData()) == 0) {
bool QHttpNetworkReplyPrivate::findChallenge(bool forProxy, QByteArray &challenge) const
// find out the type of authentication protocol requested.
QByteArray header = forProxy ? "proxy-authenticate" : "www-authenticate";
// pick the best protocol (has to match parsing in QAuthenticatorPrivate)
QList<QByteArray> challenges = headerFieldValues(header);
for (int i = 0; i<challenges.size(); i++) {
QByteArray line = challenges.at(i);
// todo use qstrincmp
if (!line.toLower().startsWith("negotiate"))
challenge = line;
return !challenge.isEmpty();
QAuthenticatorPrivate::Method QHttpNetworkReplyPrivate::authenticationMethod(bool isProxy) const
// The logic is same as the one used in void QAuthenticatorPrivate::parseHttpResponse()
QAuthenticatorPrivate::Method method = QAuthenticatorPrivate::None;
QByteArray header = isProxy ? "proxy-authenticate" : "www-authenticate";
QList<QByteArray> challenges = headerFieldValues(header);
for (int i = 0; i<challenges.size(); i++) {
QByteArray line = challenges.at(i).trimmed().toLower();
if (method < QAuthenticatorPrivate::Basic
&& line.startsWith("basic")) {
method = QAuthenticatorPrivate::Basic;
} else if (method < QAuthenticatorPrivate::Ntlm
&& line.startsWith("ntlm")) {
method = QAuthenticatorPrivate::Ntlm;
} else if (method < QAuthenticatorPrivate::DigestMd5
&& line.startsWith("digest")) {
method = QAuthenticatorPrivate::DigestMd5;
return method;
bool QHttpNetworkReplyPrivate::gzipCheckHeader(QByteArray &content, int &pos)
int method = 0; // method byte
int flags = 0; // flags byte
bool ret = false;
// Assure two bytes in the buffer so we can peek ahead -- handle case
// where first byte of header is at the end of the buffer after the last
// gzip segment
pos = -1;
QByteArray &body = content;
int maxPos = body.size()-1;
if (maxPos < 1) {
return ret;
// Peek ahead to check the gzip magic header
if (body[0] != char(gz_magic[0]) ||
body[1] != char(gz_magic[1])) {
return ret;
pos += 2;
// Check the rest of the gzip header
if (++pos <= maxPos)
method = body[pos];
if (pos++ <= maxPos)
flags = body[pos];
if (method != Z_DEFLATED || (flags & RESERVED) != 0) {
return ret;
// Discard time, xflags and OS code:
pos += 6;
if (pos > maxPos)
return ret;
if ((flags & EXTRA_FIELD) && ((pos+2) <= maxPos)) { // skip the extra field
unsigned len = (unsigned)body[++pos];
len += ((unsigned)body[++pos])<<8;
pos += len;
if (pos > maxPos)
return ret;
if ((flags & ORIG_NAME) != 0) { // skip the original file name
while(++pos <= maxPos && body[pos]) {}
if ((flags & COMMENT) != 0) { // skip the .gz file comment
while(++pos <= maxPos && body[pos]) {}
if ((flags & HEAD_CRC) != 0) { // skip the header crc
pos += 2;
if (pos > maxPos)
return ret;
ret = (pos < maxPos); // return failed, if no more bytes left
return ret;
int QHttpNetworkReplyPrivate::gunzipBodyPartially(QByteArray &compressed, QByteArray &inflated)
int ret = Z_DATA_ERROR;
unsigned have;
unsigned char out[CHUNK];
int pos = -1;
if (!initInflate) {
// check the header
if (!gzipCheckHeader(compressed, pos))
return ret;
// allocate inflate state
inflateStrm.zalloc = Z_NULL;
inflateStrm.zfree = Z_NULL;
inflateStrm.opaque = Z_NULL;
inflateStrm.avail_in = 0;
inflateStrm.next_in = Z_NULL;
ret = inflateInit2(&inflateStrm, -MAX_WBITS);
if (ret != Z_OK)
return ret;
initInflate = true;
streamEnd = false;
//remove the header.
compressed.remove(0, pos+1);
// expand until deflate stream ends
inflateStrm.next_in = (unsigned char *)compressed.data();
inflateStrm.avail_in = compressed.size();
do {
inflateStrm.avail_out = sizeof(out);
inflateStrm.next_out = out;
ret = inflate(&inflateStrm, Z_NO_FLUSH);
switch (ret) {
// and fall through
initInflate = false;
return ret;
have = sizeof(out) - inflateStrm.avail_out;
inflated.append(QByteArray((const char *)out, have));
} while (inflateStrm.avail_out == 0);
// clean up and return
if (ret <= Z_ERRNO || ret == Z_STREAM_END) {
initInflate = false;
streamEnd = (ret == Z_STREAM_END);
return ret;
qint64 QHttpNetworkReplyPrivate::readStatus(QAbstractSocket *socket)
qint64 bytes = 0;
char c;
while (socket->bytesAvailable()) {
// allow both CRLF & LF (only) line endings
if (socket->peek(&c, 1) == 1 && c == '\n') {
bytes += socket->read(&c, 1); // read the "n"
// remove the CR at the end
if (fragment.endsWith('\r')) {
bool ok = parseStatus(fragment);
state = ReadingHeaderState;
if (!ok) {
return -1;
} else {
c = 0;
int haveRead = socket->read(&c, 1);
if (haveRead == -1)
return -1;
bytes += haveRead;
// is this a valid reply?
if (fragment.length() >= 5 && !fragment.startsWith("HTTP/"))
return -1;
return bytes;
bool QHttpNetworkReplyPrivate::parseStatus(const QByteArray &status)
// from RFC 2616:
// Status-Line = HTTP-Version SP Status-Code SP Reason-Phrase CRLF
// HTTP-Version = "HTTP" "/" 1*DIGIT "." 1*DIGIT
// that makes: 'HTTP/n.n xxx Message'
// byte count: 0123456789012
static const int minLength = 11;
static const int dotPos = 6;
static const int spacePos = 8;
static const char httpMagic[] = "HTTP/";
if (status.length() < minLength
|| !status.startsWith(httpMagic)
|| status.at(dotPos) != '.'
|| status.at(spacePos) != ' ') {
// I don't know how to parse this status line
return false;
// optimize for the valid case: defer checking until the end
majorVersion = status.at(dotPos - 1) - '0';
minorVersion = status.at(dotPos + 1) - '0';
int i = spacePos;
int j = status.indexOf(' ', i + 1); // j == -1 || at(j) == ' ' so j+1 == 0 && j+1 <= length()
const QByteArray code = status.mid(i + 1, j - i - 1);
bool ok;
statusCode = code.toInt(&ok);
reasonPhrase = QString::fromLatin1(status.constData() + j + 1);
return ok && uint(majorVersion) <= 9 && uint(minorVersion) <= 9;
qint64 QHttpNetworkReplyPrivate::readHeader(QAbstractSocket *socket)
qint64 bytes = 0;
char c = 0;
bool allHeaders = false;
while (!allHeaders && socket->bytesAvailable()) {
if (socket->peek(&c, 1) == 1 && c == '\n') {
// check for possible header endings. As per HTTP rfc,
// the header endings will be marked by CRLFCRLF. But
// we will allow CRLFLF, LFLF & CRLFCRLF
if (fragment.endsWith("\n\r") || fragment.endsWith('\n'))
allHeaders = true;
bytes += socket->read(&c, 1);
// we received all headers now parse them
if (allHeaders) {
state = ReadingDataState;
fragment.clear(); // next fragment
bodyLength = contentLength(); // cache the length
// cache isChunked() since it is called often
chunkedTransferEncoding = headerField("transfer-encoding").toLower().contains("chunked");
// cache isConnectionCloseEnabled since it is called often
QByteArray connectionHeaderField = headerField("connection");
// check for explicit indication of close or the implicit connection close of HTTP/1.0
connectionCloseEnabled = (connectionHeaderField.toLower().contains("close") ||
headerField("proxy-connection").toLower().contains("close")) ||
(majorVersion == 1 && minorVersion == 0 && connectionHeaderField.isEmpty());
return bytes;
void QHttpNetworkReplyPrivate::parseHeader(const QByteArray &header)
// see rfc2616, sec 4 for information about HTTP/1.1 headers.
// allows relaxed parsing here, accepts both CRLF & LF line endings
const QByteArrayMatcher lf("\n");
const QByteArrayMatcher colon(":");
int i = 0;
while (i < header.count()) {
int j = colon.indexIn(header, i); // field-name
if (j == -1)
const QByteArray field = header.mid(i, j - i).trimmed();
// any number of LWS is allowed before and after the value
QByteArray value;
do {
i = lf.indexIn(header, j);
if (i == -1)
if (!value.isEmpty())
value += ' ';
// check if we have CRLF or only LF
bool hasCR = (i && header[i-1] == '\r');
int length = i -(hasCR ? 1: 0) - j;
value += header.mid(j, length).trimmed();
j = ++i;
} while (i < header.count() && (header.at(i) == ' ' || header.at(i) == '\t'));
if (i == -1)
break; // something is wrong
fields.append(qMakePair(field, value));
bool QHttpNetworkReplyPrivate::isChunked()
return chunkedTransferEncoding;
bool QHttpNetworkReplyPrivate::isConnectionCloseEnabled()
return connectionCloseEnabled || forceConnectionCloseEnabled;
// note this function can only be used for non-chunked, non-compressed with
// known content length
qint64 QHttpNetworkReplyPrivate::readBodyFast(QAbstractSocket *socket, QByteDataBuffer *rb)
qint64 toBeRead = qMin(socket->bytesAvailable(), bodyLength - contentRead);
QByteArray bd;
qint64 haveRead = socket->read(bd.data(), bd.size());
if (haveRead == -1) {
return 0; // ### error checking here;
if (contentRead + haveRead == bodyLength) {
state = AllDoneState;
contentRead += haveRead;
return haveRead;
qint64 QHttpNetworkReplyPrivate::readBody(QAbstractSocket *socket, QByteDataBuffer *out)
qint64 bytes = 0;
if (isChunked()) {
bytes += readReplyBodyChunked(socket, out); // chunked transfer encoding (rfc 2616, sec 3.6)
} else if (bodyLength > 0) { // we have a Content-Length
bytes += readReplyBodyRaw(socket, out, bodyLength - contentRead);
if (contentRead + bytes == bodyLength)
state = AllDoneState;
} else {
bytes += readReplyBodyRaw(socket, out, socket->bytesAvailable());
contentRead += bytes;
return bytes;
qint64 QHttpNetworkReplyPrivate::readReplyBodyRaw(QIODevice *in, QByteDataBuffer *out, qint64 size)
qint64 bytes = 0;
int toBeRead = qMin<qint64>(128*1024, qMin<qint64>(size, in->bytesAvailable()));
while (toBeRead > 0) {
QByteArray byteData;
qint64 haveRead = in->read(byteData.data(), byteData.size());
if (haveRead <= 0) {
// ### error checking here
return bytes;
bytes += haveRead;
size -= haveRead;
toBeRead = qMin<qint64>(128*1024, qMin<qint64>(size, in->bytesAvailable()));
return bytes;
qint64 QHttpNetworkReplyPrivate::readReplyBodyChunked(QIODevice *in, QByteDataBuffer *out)
qint64 bytes = 0;
while (in->bytesAvailable()) { // while we can read from input
// if we are done with the current chunk, get the size of the new chunk
if (currentChunkRead >= currentChunkSize) {
currentChunkSize = 0;
currentChunkRead = 0;
if (bytes) {
char crlf[2];
bytes += in->read(crlf, 2); // read the "\r\n" after the chunk
bytes += getChunkSize(in, ¤tChunkSize);
if (currentChunkSize == -1)
// if the chunk size is 0, end of the stream
if (currentChunkSize == 0) {
state = AllDoneState;
// otherwise, try to read what is missing for this chunk
qint64 haveRead = readReplyBodyRaw (in, out, currentChunkSize - currentChunkRead);
currentChunkRead += haveRead;
bytes += haveRead;
// ### error checking here
return bytes;
qint64 QHttpNetworkReplyPrivate::getChunkSize(QIODevice *in, qint64 *chunkSize)
qint64 bytes = 0;
char crlf[2];
*chunkSize = -1;
int bytesAvailable = in->bytesAvailable();
while (bytesAvailable > bytes) {
qint64 sniffedBytes = in->peek(crlf, 2);
int fragmentSize = fragment.size();
// check the next two bytes for a "\r\n", skip blank lines
if ((fragmentSize && sniffedBytes == 2 && crlf[0] == '\r' && crlf[1] == '\n')
||(fragmentSize > 1 && fragment.endsWith('\r') && crlf[0] == '\n'))
bytes += in->read(crlf, 1); // read the \r or \n
if (crlf[0] == '\r')
bytes += in->read(crlf, 1); // read the \n
bool ok = false;
// ignore the chunk-extension
fragment = fragment.mid(0, fragment.indexOf(';')).trimmed();
*chunkSize = fragment.toLong(&ok, 16);
break; // size done
} else {
// read the fragment to the buffer
char c = 0;
bytes += in->read(&c, 1);
return bytes;
void QHttpNetworkReplyPrivate::appendUncompressedReplyData(QByteArray &qba)
// clear the original! helps with implicit sharing and
// avoiding memcpy when the user is reading the data
void QHttpNetworkReplyPrivate::appendUncompressedReplyData(QByteDataBuffer &data)
// clear the original! helps with implicit sharing and
// avoiding memcpy when the user is reading the data
void QHttpNetworkReplyPrivate::appendCompressedReplyData(QByteDataBuffer &data)
// Work in progress: Later we will directly use a list of QByteArray or a QRingBuffer
// instead of one QByteArray.
for(int i = 0; i < data.bufferCount(); i++) {
QByteArray &byteData = data[i];
compressedData.append(byteData.constData(), byteData.size());
bool QHttpNetworkReplyPrivate::shouldEmitSignals()
// for 401 & 407 don't emit the data signals. Content along with these
// responses are send only if the authentication fails.
return (statusCode != 401 && statusCode != 407);
bool QHttpNetworkReplyPrivate::expectContent()
// check whether we can expect content after the headers (rfc 2616, sec4.4)
if ((statusCode >= 100 && statusCode < 200)
|| statusCode == 204 || statusCode == 304)
return false;
if (request.operation() == QHttpNetworkRequest::Head)
return !shouldEmitSignals();
if (contentLength() == 0)
return false;
return true;
void QHttpNetworkReplyPrivate::eraseData()
// SSL support below
QSslConfiguration QHttpNetworkReply::sslConfiguration() const
Q_D(const QHttpNetworkReply);
if (d->connection)
return d->connection->d_func()->sslConfiguration(*this);
return QSslConfiguration();
void QHttpNetworkReply::setSslConfiguration(const QSslConfiguration &config)
if (d->connection)
void QHttpNetworkReply::ignoreSslErrors()
if (d->connection)
void QHttpNetworkReply::ignoreSslErrors(const QList<QSslError> &errors)
if (d->connection)
#endif //QT_NO_OPENSSL
#endif // QT_NO_HTTP