This is Qt version %VERSION%.Qt is a comprehensive cross-platform C++ application framework. Qt 4introduces new features and many improvements over the 3.x series. See for details.The Qt 4.x series is not binary compatible or source compatible withthe 3.x series. For more information on porting from Qt 3 to Qt 4, see QtIf you have a source package (a .tar.gz, or .zip file), follow theinstructions in the INSTALL file.On Windows and Mac OS X, if you want to install the precompiled binarypackages, simply launch the package and follow the instructions in theinstallation wizard.For Mac OS X Carbon, the binary package requires Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger) orlater and GCC 4.0.1 to develop applications. Its applications will runon Mac OS X 10.4 and above.For Mac OS X Cocoa, the binary package requires Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) orlater and GCC 4.0.1 to develop applications. Its applications will runon Mac OS X 10.5 and above.If you want to install the precompiled binary package for Symbian,follow these instructions: AND EXAMPLESOnce Qt is installed, we suggest that you take a look at the demos andexamples to see Qt in action.For desktop computers, run the Qt Examples and Demos either bytyping 'qtdemo' on the command line or through the desktop's Startmenu. On Mac OS X, you can find it in /Developers/Applications/Qt.For embedded devices, launch the Qt 'fluidlauncher' demo, either through the platforms filebrowser or the built in menu system.REFERENCE DOCUMENTATIONThe Qt reference documentation is available locally in Qt's doc/htmldirectory. You can use Qt Assistant to view it; to launch Assistant,type 'assistant' on the command line or use the Start menu. On Mac OSX, you can find it in /Developer/Applications/Qt. The latestdocumentation is available at PLATFORMSFor a complete list of supported platforms, see EDITIONSDesktop Edition licensees can use all the modules provided with theirQt package.GUI Framework licensees may only use the classes contained inthe QtCore, QtGui (except QGraphicsView), QtTest, QtDBus andQt3Support modules.For a full listing of the contents of each module, please refer to TO REPORT A BUGIf you think you have found a bug in Qt, we would like to hear aboutit so that we can fix it. The Qt bug tracking system is open to thepublic at reporting a bug, please use the bug-tracker's search functionsand consult to see if the issue isalready known.Always include the following information in your bug report: the nameand version number of your compiler; the name and version number ofyour operating system; the version of Qt you are using, and whatconfigure options it was compiled with.If the problem you are reporting is only visible at run-time, try tocreate a small test program that shows the problem when run. Often,such a program can be created with some minor changes to one of the manyexample programs in Qt's examples directory, or to the autotests thatare available in the public source repository on is a trademark of Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).