author Dremov Kirill (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) <kirill.dremov@nokia.com>
Mon, 04 Oct 2010 01:19:32 +0300
changeset 37 758a864f9613
parent 0 1918ee327afb
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revision: 201037 Kit: 201039

/* Customize any plain widget that is a child of a QMainWindow. */
QMainWindow > .QWidget {
    background-color: gainsboro;
    background-image: url(:/images/pagefold.png);
    background-position: top right;
    background-repeat: no-repeat

/* Provide a padding for the layout inside the frame. The frame
   exists only to provide a padding for the top-right image, so we
   explicitly disable the border. */
#mainFrame {
    padding-right: 30px;
    border-style: none;
    border-image: none; /* since we set a border-image below */

/* mainFrame won't have this border-image since we have
   explicitly set it to 'none' using a more specific selector. */
QFrame, QLineEdit, QComboBox[editable="true"], QSpinBox {
    border-image: url(:/images/frame.png) 4;
    border-width: 3;

QLabel {
    border: none;
    border-image: none;
    padding: 0;
    background: none;

/* Make text in message boxes selectable. */
QMessageBox {
    /* LinksAccessibleByMouse | TextSelectableByMouse */
    messagebox-text-interaction-flags: 5;
/* Set the selection colors for all widgets. */
QWidget {
    selection-color: black;
    selection-background-color: Silver;
    color: black;

/* Make the entire row selected in item views. */
QAbstractItemView {
    show-decoration-selected: 1;

/* Nice WindowsXP-style password character for password line edits. */
QLineEdit[echoMode="2"] {
    lineedit-password-character: 9679;

/* Customize tooltips. */
QToolTip {
    background-color: rgb(200,200,255);
    border-color: darkslategray;
    border-width: 1px;
    border-style: solid;
    padding: 3px;
    font: bold;
    border-radius: 3px;
    opacity: 200;

/* Customize radio buttons. */

QRadioButton {
    spacing: 5px;

QRadioButton::indicator {
    width: 13px;
    height: 13px;

QRadioButton::indicator::unchecked {
    image: url(:/images/radiobutton_unchecked.png);

QRadioButton::indicator:unchecked:hover {
    image: url(:/images/radiobutton_unchecked_hover.png);

QRadioButton::indicator:unchecked:pressed {
    image: url(:/images/radiobutton_unchecked_pressed.png);

QRadioButton::indicator::checked {
    image: url(:/images/radiobutton_checked.png);

QRadioButton::indicator:checked:hover {
    image: url(:/images/radiobutton_checked_hover.png);

QRadioButton::indicator:checked:pressed {
    image: url(:/images/radiobutton_checked_pressed.png);

/* Customize arrows. */

*::down-arrow, *::menu-indicator {
    image: url(:/images/down_arrow.png);
    width: 7px;
    height: 7px;

*::down-arrow:disabled, *::down-arrow:off {
   image: url(:/images/down_arrow_disabled.png);

*::up-arrow {
    image: url(:/images/up_arrow.png);
    width: 7px;
    height: 7px;

*::up-arrow:disabled, *::up-arrow:off {
   image: url(:/images/up_arrow_disabled.png);

/* Customize push buttons and comboboxes. Our read-only combobox
   is very similar to a push button, so they share the same border image. */

QPushButton {
    min-width: 4em;

QPushButton, QComboBox[editable="false"],
QComboBox[editable="true"]::drop-down {
    border-image: url(:/images/pushbutton.png) 5;
    border-width: 5;

QPushButton:hover, QComboBox[editable="false"]:hover,
QComboBox[editable="true"]::drop-down:hover, QMenuBar::item:hover {
    border-image: url(:/images/pushbutton_hover.png) 5;
    border-width: 5;

QPushButton:pressed, QComboBox[editable="false"]:on,
QComboBox[editable="true"]::drop-down:on, QMenuBar::item:on {
    border-image: url(:/images/pushbutton_pressed.png) 5;
    border-width: 5;

/* Customize read-only comboboxes. */

QComboBox[editable="false"] {
    padding-left: 3px;
    padding-right: 20px; /* space for the arrow */

QComboBox[editable="false"]::drop-down {
    subcontrol-origin: padding;
    subcontrol-position: top right;
    width: 15px;
    border-left-style: solid;
    border-left-color: darkgray;
    border-left-width: 1px;

QComboBox[editable="false"]::down-arrow {
    subcontrol-origin: content;
    subcontrol-position: center;
    position: relative;
    left: 1px; /* 1 pixel dropdown border */

/* The combobox arrow is on when the popup is open. */
QComboBox[editable="false"]::down-arrow:on {
    position: relative;
    top: 1px;
    left: 2px;

/* Customize editable comboboxes. */

QComboBox[editable="true"] {
    padding-right: 16px;

QComboBox[editable="true"]::drop-down {
    subcontrol-origin: border;
    subcontrol-position: top right;
    width: 13px;
    position: absolute;
    top: 2px;
    bottom: 2px;
    right: 2px;

QComboBox[editable="true"]::drop-down:on {
    border-width: 0px;  
    border-left-width: 3px; /* we need only left and center part */

/* Shift the arrow when it's open. */
QComboBox[editable="true"]::down-arrow:on {
    position: relative;
    top: 1px;
    left: 1px;

/* Customize check boxes. */
QCheckBox {
    spacing: 5px;

QCheckBox::indicator {
    width: 13px;
    height: 13px;

QCheckBox::indicator:unchecked {
    image: url(:/images/checkbox_unchecked.png);

QCheckBox::indicator:unchecked:hover {
    image: url(:/images/checkbox_unchecked_hover.png);

QCheckBox::indicator:unchecked:pressed {
    image: url(:/images/checkbox_unchecked_pressed.png);

QCheckBox::indicator:checked {
    image: url(:/images/checkbox_checked.png);

QCheckBox::indicator:checked:hover {
    image: url(:/images/checkbox_checked_hover.png);

QCheckBox::indicator:checked:pressed {
    image: url(:/images/checkbox_checked_pressed.png);

/* Customize the size grip. */
QSizeGrip {
    image: url(:/images/sizegrip.png);
    width: 16px;
    height: 16px;

/* Customize the menu bar. */
QMenuBar {
    border-image: none;
    border-style: none;
    border-width: 1px;
    border-bottom-style: solid;
    border-bottom-color: darkslategray;
    padding: 2px;

/* Customize spin boxes. */

QSpinBox { 
    padding-right: 15px;

QSpinBox::up-button {
    subcontrol-origin: border;
    subcontrol-position: top right;

    width: 16px; /* 16 + 2*1px border-width = 15px padding + 3px parent border */
    border-image: url(:/images/spinup.png) 1;
    border-width: 1px;

QSpinBox::up-button:hover {
    border-image: url(:/images/spinup_hover.png) 1;

QSpinBox::up-button:pressed {
    border-image: url(:/images/spinup_pressed.png) 1;

QSpinBox::down-button {
    subcontrol-origin: border;
    subcontrol-position: bottom right;

    width: 16px;
    border-image: url(:/images/spindown.png) 1;
    border-width: 1px;
    border-top-width: 0;

QSpinBox::down-button:hover {
    border-image: url(:/images/spindown_hover.png) 1;

QSpinBox::down-button:pressed {
    border-image: url(:/images/spindown_pressed.png) 1;