** Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
** All rights reserved.
** Contact: Nokia Corporation (qt-info@nokia.com)
** This file is part of the qmake application of the Qt Toolkit.
** No Commercial Usage
** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
** contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying
** this package.
** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
** will be met: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html.
** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
** Nokia at qt-info@nokia.com.
#include "project.h"
#include "xmloutput.h"
#include "msvc_objectmodel.h"
#include <qatomic.h>
#include <qlist.h>
#include <qstring.h>
#include <qstringlist.h>
#include <qmap.h>
#include <qdebug.h>
class VCXConfiguration;
class VCXProject;
class VCXCLCompilerTool : public VCToolBase
// Functions
virtual ~VCXCLCompilerTool(){}
bool parseOption(const char* option);
// Variables
QStringList AdditionalIncludeDirectories;
QStringList AdditionalOptions;
QStringList AdditionalUsingDirectories;
QString AlwaysAppend;
QString AssemblerListingLocation;
QString AssemblerOutput;
QString BasicRuntimeChecks;
triState BrowseInformation;
QString BrowseInformationFile;
triState BufferSecurityCheck;
QString CallingConvention;
QString CompileAs;
QString CompileAsManaged;
triState CreateHotpatchableImage;
QString DebugInformationFormat;
triState DisableLanguageExtensions;
QStringList DisableSpecificWarnings;
QString EnableEnhancedInstructionSet;
triState EnableFiberSafeOptimizations;
triState EnablePREfast;
QString ErrorReporting;
QString ExceptionHandling;
triState ExpandAttributedSource;
QString FavorSizeOrSpeed;
triState FloatingPointExceptions;
QString FloatingPointModel;
triState ForceConformanceInForLoopScope;
QStringList ForcedIncludeFiles;
QStringList ForcedUsingFiles;
triState FunctionLevelLinking;
triState GenerateXMLDocumentationFiles;
triState IgnoreStandardIncludePath;
QString InlineFunctionExpansion;
triState IntrinsicFunctions;
triState MinimalRebuild;
triState MultiProcessorCompilation;
QString ObjectFileName;
QStringList ObjectFiles;
triState OmitDefaultLibName;
triState OmitFramePointers;
triState OpenMPSupport;
QString Optimization;
QString PrecompiledHeader;
QString PrecompiledHeaderFile;
QString PrecompiledHeaderOutputFile;
triState PreprocessKeepComments;
QStringList PreprocessorDefinitions;
QString PreprocessOutputPath;
triState PreprocessSuppressLineNumbers;
triState PreprocessToFile;
QString ProgramDataBaseFileName;
QString ProcessorNumber;
QString RuntimeLibrary;
triState RuntimeTypeInfo;
triState ShowIncludes;
triState SmallerTypeCheck;
triState StringPooling;
QString StructMemberAlignment;
triState SuppressStartupBanner;
QString TreatSpecificWarningsAsErrors;
triState TreatWarningAsError;
triState TreatWChar_tAsBuiltInType;
triState UndefineAllPreprocessorDefinitions;
QStringList UndefinePreprocessorDefinitions;
triState UseFullPaths;
triState UseUnicodeForAssemblerListing;
QString WarningLevel;
triState WholeProgramOptimization;
QString XMLDocumentationFileName;
VCXConfiguration* config;
class VCXLinkerTool : public VCToolBase
// Functions
virtual ~VCXLinkerTool(){}
bool parseOption(const char* option);
// Variables
QStringList AdditionalDependencies;
QStringList AdditionalLibraryDirectories;
QStringList AdditionalManifestDependencies;
QStringList AdditionalOptions;
QStringList AddModuleNamesToAssembly;
triState AllowIsolation;
triState AssemblyDebug;
QStringList AssemblyLinkResource;
QString BaseAddress;
QString CLRImageType;
QString CLRSupportLastError;
QString CLRThreadAttribute;
QString CLRUnmanagedCodeCheck;
QString CreateHotPatchableImage;
triState DataExecutionPrevention;
QStringList DelayLoadDLLs;
triState DelaySign;
QString Driver;
QStringList EmbedManagedResourceFile;
triState EnableCOMDATFolding;
triState EnableUAC;
QString EntryPointSymbol;
triState FixedBaseAddress;
QString ForceFileOutput;
QStringList ForceSymbolReferences;
QString FunctionOrder;
triState GenerateDebugInformation;
triState GenerateManifest;
triState GenerateMapFile;
qlonglong HeapCommitSize;
qlonglong HeapReserveSize;
triState IgnoreAllDefaultLibraries;
triState IgnoreEmbeddedIDL;
triState IgnoreImportLibrary;
QStringList IgnoreSpecificDefaultLibraries;
triState ImageHasSafeExceptionHandlers;
QString ImportLibrary;
QString KeyContainer;
QString KeyFile;
triState LargeAddressAware;
triState LinkDLL;
QString LinkErrorReporting;
triState LinkIncremental;
triState LinkStatus;
QString LinkTimeCodeGeneration;
QString ManifestFile;
triState MapExports;
QString MapFileName;
QString MergedIDLBaseFileName;
QString MergeSections;
QString MidlCommandFile;
QString ModuleDefinitionFile;
QString MSDOSStubFileName;
triState NoEntryPoint;
triState OptimizeReferences;
QString OutputFile;
triState PreventDllBinding;
QString Profile;
QString ProfileGuidedDatabase;
QString ProgramDatabaseFile;
triState RandomizedBaseAddress;
triState RegisterOutput;
qlonglong SectionAlignment;
triState SetChecksum;
QString ShowProgress;
QString SpecifySectionAttributes;
QString StackCommitSize;
QString StackReserveSize;
QString StripPrivateSymbols;
QString SubSystem;
triState SupportNobindOfDelayLoadedDLL;
triState SupportUnloadOfDelayLoadedDLL;
triState SuppressStartupBanner;
triState SwapRunFromCD;
triState SwapRunFromNet;
QString TargetMachine;
triState TerminalServerAware;
triState TreatLinkerWarningAsErrors;
triState TurnOffAssemblyGeneration;
QString TypeLibraryFile;
qlonglong TypeLibraryResourceID;
QString UACExecutionLevel;
triState UACUIAccess;
QString Version;
VCXConfiguration* config;
class VCXMIDLTool : public VCToolBase
// Functions
virtual ~VCXMIDLTool(){}
bool parseOption(const char* option);
// Variables
QStringList AdditionalIncludeDirectories;
QStringList AdditionalOptions;
triState ApplicationConfigurationMode;
QString ClientStubFile;
QString CPreprocessOptions;
QString DefaultCharType;
QString DLLDataFileName;
QString EnableErrorChecks;
triState ErrorCheckAllocations;
triState ErrorCheckBounds;
triState ErrorCheckEnumRange;
triState ErrorCheckRefPointers;
triState ErrorCheckStubData;
QString GenerateClientFiles;
QString GenerateServerFiles;
triState GenerateStublessProxies;
triState GenerateTypeLibrary;
QString HeaderFileName;
triState IgnoreStandardIncludePath;
QString InterfaceIdentifierFileName;
qlonglong LocaleID;
triState MkTypLibCompatible;
QString OutputDirectory;
QStringList PreprocessorDefinitions;
QString ProxyFileName;
QString RedirectOutputAndErrors;
QString ServerStubFile;
QString StructMemberAlignment;
triState SuppressCompilerWarnings;
triState SuppressStartupBanner;
QString TargetEnvironment;
QString TypeLibFormat;
QString TypeLibraryName;
QStringList UndefinePreprocessorDefinitions;
triState ValidateAllParameters;
triState WarnAsError;
QString WarningLevel;
VCXConfiguration* config;
class VCXLibrarianTool : public VCToolBase
// Functions
virtual ~VCXLibrarianTool(){}
bool parseOption(const char*){ return false; };
// Variables
QStringList AdditionalDependencies;
QStringList AdditionalLibraryDirectories;
QStringList AdditionalOptions;
QString DisplayLibrary;
QString ErrorReporting;
QStringList ExportNamedFunctions;
QStringList ForceSymbolReferences;
triState IgnoreAllDefaultLibraries;
QStringList IgnoreSpecificDefaultLibraries;
triState LinkTimeCodeGeneration;
QString ModuleDefinitionFile;
QString Name;
QString OutputFile;
QStringList RemoveObjects;
QString SubSystem;
triState SuppressStartupBanner;
QString TargetMachine;
triState TreatLibWarningAsErrors;
triState Verbose;
class VCXCustomBuildTool : public VCToolBase
// Functions
virtual ~VCXCustomBuildTool(){}
bool parseOption(const char*){ return false; };
// Variables
QStringList AdditionalDependencies;
QStringList CommandLine;
QString Description;
QStringList Outputs;
QString ToolName;
QString ToolPath;
QString ConfigName;
class VCXResourceCompilerTool : public VCToolBase
// Functions
virtual ~VCXResourceCompilerTool(){}
bool parseOption(const char*){ return false; };
// Variables
QStringList AdditionalIncludeDirectories;
QString AdditionalOptions;
QString Culture;
triState IgnoreStandardIncludePath;
triState NullTerminateStrings;
QStringList PreprocessorDefinitions;
QString ResourceOutputFileName;
triState ShowProgress;
triState SuppressStartupBanner;
QString TrackerLogDirectory;
QString UndefinePreprocessorDefinitions;
class VCXDeploymentTool
// Functions
virtual ~VCXDeploymentTool() {}
// Variables
QString DeploymentTag;
QString RemoteDirectory;
QString AdditionalFiles;
class VCXEventTool : public VCToolBase
// Functions
VCXEventTool() : UseInBuild(unset){};
virtual ~VCXEventTool(){}
bool parseOption(const char*){ return false; };
// Variables
QString CommandLine;
QString Description;
triState UseInBuild;
QString EventName;
QString ToolPath;
class VCXPostBuildEventTool : public VCXEventTool
class VCXPreBuildEventTool : public VCXEventTool
class VCXPreLinkEventTool : public VCXEventTool
class VCXConfiguration
// Functions
// Variables
triState ATLMinimizesCRunTimeLibraryUsage;
triState BuildBrowserInformation;
QString CharacterSet;
QString ConfigurationType;
QString DeleteExtensionsOnClean;
QString ImportLibrary;
QString IntermediateDirectory;
QString Name;
QString ConfigurationName;
QString OutputDirectory;
QString PrimaryOutput;
QString ProgramDatabase;
triState RegisterOutput;
QString TargetName;
QString UseOfATL;
QString UseOfMfc;
triState WholeProgramOptimization;
// XML sub-parts
VCXCLCompilerTool compiler;
VCXLibrarianTool librarian;
VCXLinkerTool linker;
VCXMIDLTool idl;
VCXResourceCompilerTool resource;
VCXCustomBuildTool custom;
VCXDeploymentTool deployment; // Not likely to be supported: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/sa69he4t.aspx
VCXPostBuildEventTool postBuild;
VCXPreBuildEventTool preBuild;
VCXPreLinkEventTool preLink;
struct VCXFilterFile
{ excludeFromBuild = false; }
VCXFilterFile(const QString &filename, bool exclude = false )
{ file = filename; excludeFromBuild = exclude; }
VCXFilterFile(const QString &filename, const QString &additional, bool exclude = false )
{ file = filename; excludeFromBuild = exclude; additionalFile = additional; }
bool operator==(const VCXFilterFile &other){
return file == other.file
&& additionalFile == other.additionalFile
&& excludeFromBuild == other.excludeFromBuild;
bool excludeFromBuild;
QString file;
QString additionalFile; // For tools like MOC
class VcxprojGenerator;
class VCXFilter
// Functions
void addFile(const QString& filename);
void addFile(const VCXFilterFile& fileInfo);
void addFiles(const QStringList& fileList);
bool addExtraCompiler(const VCXFilterFile &info);
void modifyPCHstage(QString str);
bool outputFileConfig(XmlOutput &xml, XmlOutput &xmlFilter, const QString &filename, const QString &filtername, bool fileAllreadyAdded);
// Variables
QString Name;
QString Filter;
QString Guid;
triState ParseFiles;
VcxprojGenerator* Project;
VCXConfiguration* Config;
QList<VCXFilterFile> Files;
customBuildCheck CustomBuild;
bool useCustomBuildTool;
VCXCustomBuildTool CustomBuildTool;
bool useCompilerTool;
VCXCLCompilerTool CompilerTool;
typedef QList<VCXFilter> VCXFilterList;
class VCXProjectSingleConfig
enum FilterTypes {
// Functions
// Variables
QString Name;
QString Version;
QString ProjectGUID;
QString Keyword;
QString SccProjectName;
QString SccLocalPath;
QString PlatformName;
// XML sub-parts
VCXConfiguration Configuration;
VCXFilter RootFiles;
VCXFilter SourceFiles;
VCXFilter HeaderFiles;
VCXFilter GeneratedFiles;
VCXFilter LexYaccFiles;
VCXFilter TranslationFiles;
VCXFilter FormFiles;
VCXFilter ResourceFiles;
VCXFilterList ExtraCompilersFiles;
bool flat_files;
// Accessor for extracompilers
VCXFilter &filterForExtraCompiler(const QString &compilerName);
// Tree & Flat view of files --------------------------------------------------
class VCXFilter;
class XNode
virtual ~XNode() { }
void addElement(const VCXFilterFile &file) {
addElement(file.file, file);
virtual void addElement(const QString &filepath, const VCXFilterFile &allInfo) = 0;
virtual void removeElements()= 0;
virtual void generateXML(XmlOutput &xml, XmlOutput &xmlFilter, const QString &tagName, VCXProject &tool, const QString &filter) = 0;
virtual bool hasElements() = 0;
class XTreeNode : public XNode
typedef QMap<QString, XTreeNode*> ChildrenMap;
VCXFilterFile info;
ChildrenMap children;
virtual ~XTreeNode() { removeElements(); }
int pathIndex(const QString &filepath) {
int Windex = filepath.indexOf("\\");
int Uindex = filepath.indexOf("/");
if (Windex != -1 && Uindex != -1)
return qMin(Windex, Uindex);
else if (Windex != -1)
return Windex;
return Uindex;
void addElement(const QString &filepath, const VCXFilterFile &allInfo){
QString newNodeName(filepath);
int index = pathIndex(filepath);
if (index != -1)
newNodeName = filepath.left(index);
XTreeNode *n = children.value(newNodeName);
if (!n) {
n = new XTreeNode;
n->info = allInfo;
children.insert(newNodeName, n);
if (index != -1)
n->addElement(filepath.mid(index+1), allInfo);
void removeElements() {
ChildrenMap::ConstIterator it = children.constBegin();
ChildrenMap::ConstIterator end = children.constEnd();
for( ; it != end; it++) {
delete it.value();
void generateXML(XmlOutput &xml, XmlOutput &xmlFilter, const QString &tagName, VCXProject &tool, const QString &filter);
bool hasElements() {
return children.size() != 0;
class XFlatNode : public XNode
typedef QMap<QString, VCXFilterFile> ChildrenMapFlat;
ChildrenMapFlat children;
virtual ~XFlatNode() { removeElements(); }
int pathIndex(const QString &filepath) {
int Windex = filepath.lastIndexOf("\\");
int Uindex = filepath.lastIndexOf("/");
if (Windex != -1 && Uindex != -1)
return qMax(Windex, Uindex);
else if (Windex != -1)
return Windex;
return Uindex;
void addElement(const QString &filepath, const VCXFilterFile &allInfo){
QString newKey(filepath);
int index = pathIndex(filepath);
if (index != -1)
newKey = filepath.mid(index+1);
// Key designed to sort files with same
// name in different paths correctly
children.insert(newKey + "\0" + allInfo.file, allInfo);
void removeElements() {
void generateXML(XmlOutput &xml, XmlOutput &xmlFilter, const QString &tagName, VCXProject &proj, const QString &filter);
bool hasElements() {
return children.size() != 0;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class VCXProject
// Variables
QString Name;
QString Version;
QString ProjectGUID;
QString Keyword;
QString SccProjectName;
QString SccLocalPath;
QString PlatformName;
// Single projects
QList<VCXProjectSingleConfig> SingleProjects;
// List of all extracompilers
QStringList ExtraCompilers;
// Functions
void outputFilter(XmlOutput &xml,
XmlOutput &xmlFilter,
const QString &filtername);
void outputFileConfigs(XmlOutput &xml,
XmlOutput &xmlFilter,
const VCXFilterFile &info,
const QString &filtername);
void addFilters(XmlOutput &xmlFilter,
const QString &filtername);
XmlOutput &operator<<(XmlOutput &, const VCXCLCompilerTool &);
XmlOutput &operator<<(XmlOutput &, const VCXLinkerTool &);
XmlOutput &operator<<(XmlOutput &, const VCXMIDLTool &);
XmlOutput &operator<<(XmlOutput &, const VCXCustomBuildTool &);
XmlOutput &operator<<(XmlOutput &, const VCXLibrarianTool &);
XmlOutput &operator<<(XmlOutput &, const VCXResourceCompilerTool &);
XmlOutput &operator<<(XmlOutput &, const VCXEventTool &);
XmlOutput &operator<<(XmlOutput &, const VCXDeploymentTool &);
XmlOutput &operator<<(XmlOutput &, const VCXConfiguration &);
XmlOutput &operator<<(XmlOutput &, const VCXProjectSingleConfig &);
XmlOutput &operator<<(XmlOutput &, VCXProject &);