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#include "private/qpacketprotocol_p.h"
#include <QBuffer>
\class QPacketProtocol
\brief The QPacketProtocol class encapsulates communicating discrete packets
across fragmented IO channels, such as TCP sockets.
QPacketProtocol makes it simple to send arbitrary sized data "packets" across
fragmented transports such as TCP and UDP.
As transmission boundaries are not respected, sending packets over protocols
like TCP frequently involves "stitching" them back together at the receiver.
QPacketProtocol makes this easier by performing this task for you. Packet
data sent using QPacketProtocol is prepended with a 4-byte size header
allowing the receiving QPacketProtocol to buffer the packet internally until
it has all been received. QPacketProtocol does not perform any sanity
checking on the size or on the data, so this class should only be used in
prototyping or trusted situations where DOS attacks are unlikely.
QPacketProtocol does not perform any communications itself. Instead it can
operate on any QIODevice that supports the QIODevice::readyRead() signal. A
logical "packet" is encapsulated by the companion QPacket class. The
following example shows two ways to send data using QPacketProtocol. The
transmitted data is equivalent in both.
QTcpSocket socket;
// ... connect socket ...
QPacketProtocol protocol(&socket);
// Send packet the quick way
protocol.send() << "Hello world" << 123;
// Send packet the longer way
QPacket packet;
packet << "Hello world" << 123;
Likewise, the following shows how to read data from QPacketProtocol, assuming
that the QPacketProtocol::readyRead() signal has been emitted.
// ... QPacketProtocol::readyRead() is emitted ...
int a;
QByteArray b;
// Receive packet the quick way
protocol.read() >> a >> b;
// Receive packet the longer way
QPacket packet = protocol.read();
p >> a >> b;
\ingroup io
\sa QPacket
class QPacketProtocolPrivate : public QObject
QPacketProtocolPrivate(QPacketProtocol * parent, QIODevice * _dev)
: QObject(parent), inProgressSize(-1), maxPacketSize(MAX_PACKET_SIZE),
Q_ASSERT(4 == sizeof(qint32));
QObject::connect(this, SIGNAL(readyRead()),
parent, SIGNAL(readyRead()));
QObject::connect(this, SIGNAL(packetWritten()),
parent, SIGNAL(packetWritten()));
QObject::connect(this, SIGNAL(invalidPacket()),
parent, SIGNAL(invalidPacket()));
QObject::connect(dev, SIGNAL(readyRead()),
this, SLOT(readyToRead()), Qt::QueuedConnection);
QObject::connect(dev, SIGNAL(aboutToClose()),
this, SLOT(aboutToClose()));
QObject::connect(dev, SIGNAL(bytesWritten(qint64)),
this, SLOT(bytesWritten(qint64)));
void readyRead();
void packetWritten();
void invalidPacket();
public Q_SLOTS:
void aboutToClose()
inProgressSize = -1;
void bytesWritten(qint64 bytes)
while(bytes) {
if(sendingPackets.at(0) > bytes) {
sendingPackets[0] -= bytes;
bytes = 0;
} else {
bytes -= sendingPackets.at(0);
emit packetWritten();
void readyToRead()
if(-1 == inProgressSize) {
// We need a size header of sizeof(qint32)
if(sizeof(qint32) > (uint)dev->bytesAvailable())
// Read size header
int read = dev->read((char *)&inProgressSize, sizeof(qint32));
Q_ASSERT(read == sizeof(qint32));
// Check sizing constraints
if(inProgressSize > maxPacketSize) {
QObject::disconnect(dev, SIGNAL(readyRead()),
this, SLOT(readyToRead()));
QObject::disconnect(dev, SIGNAL(aboutToClose()),
this, SLOT(aboutToClose()));
QObject::disconnect(dev, SIGNAL(bytesWritten(qint64)),
this, SLOT(bytesWritten(qint64)));
dev = 0;
emit invalidPacket();
inProgressSize -= sizeof(qint32);
// Need to get trailing data
} else {
inProgress.append(dev->read(inProgressSize - inProgress.size()));
if(inProgressSize == inProgress.size()) {
// Packet has arrived!
inProgressSize = -1;
emit readyRead();
// Need to get trailing data
QList<qint64> sendingPackets;
QList<QByteArray> packets;
QByteArray inProgress;
qint32 inProgressSize;
qint32 maxPacketSize;
QIODevice * dev;
Construct a QPacketProtocol instance that works on \a dev with the
specified \a parent.
QPacketProtocol::QPacketProtocol(QIODevice * dev, QObject * parent)
: QObject(parent), d(new QPacketProtocolPrivate(this, dev))
Destroys the QPacketProtocol instance.
Returns the maximum packet size allowed. By default this is
2,147,483,647 bytes.
If a packet claiming to be larger than the maximum packet size is received,
the QPacketProtocol::invalidPacket() signal is emitted.
\sa QPacketProtocol::setMaximumPacketSize()
qint32 QPacketProtocol::maximumPacketSize() const
return d->maxPacketSize;
Sets the maximum allowable packet size to \a max.
\sa QPacketProtocol::maximumPacketSize()
qint32 QPacketProtocol::setMaximumPacketSize(qint32 max)
if(max > (signed)sizeof(qint32))
d->maxPacketSize = max;
return d->maxPacketSize;
Returns a streamable object that is transmitted on destruction. For example
protocol.send() << "Hello world" << 123;
will send a packet containing "Hello world" and 123. To construct more
complex packets, explicitly construct a QPacket instance.
QPacketAutoSend QPacketProtocol::send()
return QPacketAutoSend(this);
\fn void QPacketProtocol::send(const QPacket & packet)
Transmit the \a packet.
void QPacketProtocol::send(const QPacket & p)
return; // We don't send empty packets
qint64 sendSize = p.b.size() + sizeof(qint32);
qint32 sendSize32 = sendSize;
qint64 writeBytes = d->dev->write((char *)&sendSize32, sizeof(qint32));
Q_ASSERT(writeBytes == sizeof(qint32));
writeBytes = d->dev->write(p.b);
Q_ASSERT(writeBytes == p.b.size());
Returns the number of received packets yet to be read.
qint64 QPacketProtocol::packetsAvailable() const
return d->packets.count();
Discard any unread packets.
void QPacketProtocol::clear()
Return the next unread packet, or an invalid QPacket instance if no packets
are available. This method does NOT block.
QPacket QPacketProtocol::read()
if(0 == d->packets.count())
return QPacket();
QPacket rv(d->packets.at(0));
return rv;
Return the QIODevice passed to the QPacketProtocol constructor.
QIODevice * QPacketProtocol::device()
return d->dev;
\fn void QPacketProtocol::readyRead()
Emitted whenever a new packet is received. Applications may use
QPacketProtocol::read() to retrieve this packet.
\fn void QPacketProtocol::invalidPacket()
A packet larger than the maximum allowable packet size was received. The
packet will be discarded and, as it indicates corruption in the protocol, no
further packets will be received.
\fn void QPacketProtocol::packetWritten()
Emitted each time a packet is completing written to the device. This signal
may be used for communications flow control.
\class QPacket
\brief The QPacket class encapsulates an unfragmentable packet of data to be
transmitted by QPacketProtocol.
The QPacket class works together with QPacketProtocol to make it simple to
send arbitrary sized data "packets" across fragmented transports such as TCP
and UDP.
QPacket provides a QDataStream interface to an unfragmentable packet.
Applications should construct a QPacket, propagate it with data and then
transmit it over a QPacketProtocol instance. For example:
QPacketProtocol protocol(...);
QPacket myPacket;
myPacket << "Hello world!" << 123;
As long as both ends of the connection are using the QPacketProtocol class,
the data within this packet will be delivered unfragmented at the other end,
ready for extraction.
QByteArray greeting;
int count;
QPacket myPacket = protocol.read();
myPacket >> greeting >> count;
Only packets returned from QPacketProtocol::read() may be read from. QPacket
instances constructed by directly by applications are for transmission only
and are considered "write only". Attempting to read data from them will
result in undefined behavior.
\ingroup io
\sa QPacketProtocol
Constructs an empty write-only packet.
: QDataStream(), buf(0)
buf = new QBuffer(&b);
Destroys the QPacket instance.
if(buf) {
delete buf;
buf = 0;
Creates a copy of \a other. The initial stream positions are shared, but the
two packets are otherwise independent.
QPacket::QPacket(const QPacket & other)
: QDataStream(), b(other.b), buf(0)
buf = new QBuffer(&b);
QPacket::QPacket(const QByteArray & ba)
: QDataStream(), b(ba), buf(0)
buf = new QBuffer(&b);
Returns true if this packet is empty - that is, contains no data.
bool QPacket::isEmpty() const
return b.isEmpty();
Clears data in the packet. This is useful for reusing one writable packet.
For example
QPacketProtocol protocol(...);
QPacket packet;
packet << "Hello world!" << 123;
packet << "Goodbyte world!" << 789;
void QPacket::clear()
QBuffer::OpenMode oldMode = buf->openMode();
buf->setBuffer(&b); // reset QBuffer internals with new size of b.
\class QPacketAutoSend
QPacketAutoSend::QPacketAutoSend(QPacketProtocol * _p)
: QPacket(), p(_p)
#include <qpacketprotocol.moc>