** Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
** All rights reserved.
** Contact: Nokia Corporation (qt-info@nokia.com)
** This file is part of the QtScript module of the Qt Toolkit.
** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
** will be met: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html.
** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
** Nokia at qt-info@nokia.com.
// W A R N I N G
// -------------
// This file is not part of the Qt API. It exists purely as an
// implementation detail. This header file may change from version to
// version without notice, or even be removed.
// We mean it.
#include <QtCore/qobjectdefs.h>
#include "JSVariableObject.h"
class QScriptStaticScopeObject : public JSC::JSVariableObject {
struct PropertyInfo {
PropertyInfo(const JSC::Identifier& i, JSC::JSValue v, unsigned a)
: identifier(i), value(v), attributes(a)
{ }
PropertyInfo() {}
JSC::Identifier identifier;
JSC::JSValue value;
unsigned attributes;
QScriptStaticScopeObject(WTF::NonNullPassRefPtr<JSC::Structure> structure,
int propertyCount, const PropertyInfo*);
QScriptStaticScopeObject(WTF::NonNullPassRefPtr<JSC::Structure> structure);
virtual ~QScriptStaticScopeObject();
virtual bool isDynamicScope() const { return false; }
virtual bool getOwnPropertySlot(JSC::ExecState*, const JSC::Identifier& propertyName, JSC::PropertySlot&);
virtual bool getOwnPropertyDescriptor(JSC::ExecState*, const JSC::Identifier& propertyName, JSC::PropertyDescriptor&);
virtual void putWithAttributes(JSC::ExecState *exec, const JSC::Identifier &propertyName, JSC::JSValue value, unsigned attributes);
virtual void put(JSC::ExecState*, const JSC::Identifier& propertyName, JSC::JSValue value, JSC::PutPropertySlot&);
virtual bool deleteProperty(JSC::ExecState*, const JSC::Identifier& propertyName);
virtual void markChildren(JSC::MarkStack&);
virtual const JSC::ClassInfo* classInfo() const { return &info; }
static const JSC::ClassInfo info;
static WTF::PassRefPtr<JSC::Structure> createStructure(JSC::JSValue proto) {
return JSC::Structure::create(proto, JSC::TypeInfo(JSC::ObjectType, StructureFlags));
static const unsigned StructureFlags = JSC::OverridesGetOwnPropertySlot | JSC::NeedsThisConversion | JSC::OverridesMarkChildren | JSC::OverridesGetPropertyNames | JSC::JSVariableObject::StructureFlags;
struct Data : public JSVariableObjectData {
Data(bool canGrow_)
: JSVariableObjectData(&symbolTable, /*registers=*/0),
canGrow(canGrow_), registerArraySize(0)
{ }
bool canGrow;
int registerArraySize;
JSC::SymbolTable symbolTable;
Data* d_ptr() const { return static_cast<Data*>(JSVariableObject::d); }
void addSymbolTableProperty(const JSC::Identifier&, JSC::JSValue, unsigned attributes);
int growRegisterArray(int);