changeset 11 06b8e2af4411
child 14 6fbed849b4f4
equal deleted inserted replaced
8:71781823f776 11:06b8e2af4411
     1 import Qt 4.7
     2 import QtMobility.serviceframework 1.0
     3 import "content"
     5 //Layout of the mainPage
     6 //----------------------------------------------  ____ mainPage
     7 //| ------------------- ---------------------- | /
     8 //| | dialerList     | | dialScreen         | |/
     9 //| |                 | |                    | |
    10 //| |                 | |                    | |
    11 //| |                 | |                    | |
    12 //| ------------------- |                    | |
    13 //| ------------------- |                    | |
    14 //| | serviceDetails  | |                    | |
    15 //| ------------------- |                    | |
    16 //|                     |                    | |
    17 //|                     |                    | |
    18 //|                     |                    | |
    19 //|                     |                    | |
    20 //| ------------------- |                    | |
    21 //| | status          | |                    | |
    22 //| ------------------- ---------------------- |
    23 //----------------------------------------------
    25 Rectangle {
    26     property variant dialerObject: defaultService.serviceObject
    28     id: mainPage
    29     width: 500
    30     height: 250
    31     color: "white"
    33     DialerList {
    34         id: dialerList
    35         height: childrenRect.height + 10
    36         width: childrenRect.width
    37         anchors.top: parent.top
    38         anchors.left: parent.left
    39         anchors.right: dialScreen.left
    40         anchors.topMargin: 5
    41         anchors.leftMargin: 5
    42         anchors.rightMargin: 5
    43         radius: 5
    44         color: "steelblue"
    45         border.color: "black"
    46         border.width: 3
    47         gradient:     
    48             Gradient {
    49                 GradientStop {
    50                     position: 0.0
    51                     color: "lightsteelblue"
    52                 }
    54                 GradientStop {
    55                     position: 1.0
    56                     color: "steelblue"
    57                 }
    58             }
    59         onSignalSelected: { serviceSelected(); }
    60     }
    62     function serviceSelected()
    63     {
    64         dialerObject = dialerList.dialService.serviceObject
    66         serviceDetails.text = "Selected dial service:" + "\n   " + 
    67                                dialerList.dialService.serviceName + 
    68                                "\n   (" + dialerList.dialService.versionNumber + ")";
    69     }
    71     Text {
    72         id: serviceDetails
    73         text: "Selected dial service:"
    74         anchors.topMargin: 5
    75         anchors.leftMargin: 5
    76         anchors.rightMargin: 5;
    77         anchors.left: parent.left
    78         anchors.top: dialerList.bottom
    79     }
    81     Text {
    82         id: status
    83         anchors.top: parent.bottom
    84         anchors.left: parent.left
    85         anchors.topMargin: -40
    86         anchors.leftMargin: 5
    87     }
    89     Timer {
    90         id: clearStatusTimer
    91         interval: 2000
    92         running: false
    93         repeat: false
    94         onTriggered: {
    95             status.text = ""
    96         }
    97     }
    99     //! [0]
   100     DialScreen {
   101         id: dialScreen
   102         property bool activeCall : false
   103         property variant currentDialer: 0;
   104         anchors.topMargin: 5
   105         anchors.leftMargin: 5
   106         anchors.rightMargin: 5
   107         anchors.right: parent.right
   108         anchors.top: parent.top
   109         onDial: {
   110             if (activeCall == false) {
   111                 if (dialerList.dialService != 0) {
   112                     var o = dialerObject;
   113                     status.text = "Dialing " + numberToDial +"...";
   114                     dialScreen.currentDialer = o;
   115                     o.dialNumber(numberToDial);
   116                     activeCall = true;
   117                 }
   118             }
   119         }
   120         onHangup: {
   121             if (activeCall) {
   122                 if (dialScreen.currentDialer != 0) {
   123                     dialScreen.currentDialer.hangup();
   124                 }
   125                 status.text = "Hang up";
   126             }
   127         }
   128     }
   129     //! [0]
   131     //! [1]
   132     Connections {
   133         target: dialerObject
   135         onStateChanged: {
   136             if (dialScreen.currentDialer.state == 1) {
   137                 status.text += "\nRinging";
   138             } 
   139             else if (dialScreen.currentDialer.state == 2) {
   140                 status.text += "\nConnected";
   141             } 
   142             else if (dialScreen.currentDialer.state == 0) {
   143                 status.text += "\nConnection terminated";
   144                 dialScreen.activeCall = false;
   145                 clearStatusTimer.running = true;
   146             } 
   147             else if (dialScreen.currentDialer.state == 3) {
   148                 status.text += "\nPhone already engaged";
   149             }
   150         }
   151     }
   152     //! [1]
   154     Service {
   155         id: defaultService
   156         interfaceName: "com.nokia.qt.examples.Dialer"
   157     }
   158 }