changeset 18 1b485afba084
parent 16 19b186e43276
child 28 19321a443c34
equal deleted inserted replaced
16:19b186e43276 18:1b485afba084
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 *
     5 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
     6 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
     7 * the Free Software Foundation, version 2.1 of the License.
     8 * 
     9 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    10 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    12 * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
    13 *
    14 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
    15 * along with this program.  If not, 
    16 * see "http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html/".
    17 *
    18 * Description:                                                         
    19 *
    20 */ 
    22 #include "qslotinvoker.h"
    23 #include "qsignalintercepter.h"
    24 #include <qmetaobject.h>
    25 #include <qmetatype.h>
    26 #include <qvarlengtharray.h>
    28 /*!
    29     \class QSlotInvoker
    30     \inpublicgroup QtBaseModule
    32     \brief The QSlotInvoker class provides an interface for invoking slots with explicit arguments
    34     IPC mechanisms need to intercept protocol messages and convert them into
    35     slot invocations, but it is generally impractical to create explicit code
    36     for every slot that needs to be dispatched.  The QSlotInvoker class allows
    37     an IPC dispatching mechanism to invoke slots in a generic fashion using
    38     the invoke() method.
    40     Methods that are marked with Q_INVOKABLE or Q_SCRIPTABLE can also
    41     be invoked with this class.
    43     \sa QSignalIntercepter
    45     \ingroup objectmodel
    46 */
    48 class QSlotInvokerPrivate
    49 {
    50 public:
    51     QObject *receiver;
    52     QByteArray member;
    53     int memberIndex;
    54     bool destroyed;
    55     int returnType;
    56     int *types;
    57     int numArgs;
    59     ~QSlotInvokerPrivate()
    60     {
    61         if ( types )
    62             qFree( types );
    63     }
    64 };
    66 /*!
    67     Create a slot invoker that can invoke \a member on \a receiver.
    68     The object will be attached to \a parent, if present.
    69 */
    70 QSlotInvoker::QSlotInvoker( QObject *receiver, const QByteArray &member,
    71                             QObject *parent )
    72     : QObject( parent )
    73 {
    74     d = new QSlotInvokerPrivate();
    75     d->receiver = receiver;
    76     QByteArray name;
    77     if ( member.size() > 0 && member[0] >= '0' && member[0] <= '9' ) {
    78         // Strip off the member type code.
    79         name = member.mid(1);
    80     } else {
    81         name = member;
    82     }
    83     name = QMetaObject::normalizedSignature( name.constData() );
    84     d->member = name;
    85     d->destroyed = false;
    86     d->returnType = 0;
    87     d->types = 0;
    88     d->numArgs = 0;
    89     if ( receiver && name.size() > 0 ) {
    90         d->memberIndex
    91             = receiver->metaObject()->indexOfMethod( name.constData() );
    92     } else {
    93         d->memberIndex = -1;
    94     }
    95     if ( d->memberIndex != -1 ) {
    96         QMetaMethod method = receiver->metaObject()->method
    97                 ( d->memberIndex );
    98         {
    99             connect( receiver, SIGNAL(destroyed()),
   100                      this, SLOT(receiverDestroyed()) );
   101             d->returnType =
   102                 QSignalIntercepter::typeFromName( method.typeName() );
   103             d->types = QSignalIntercepter::connectionTypes
   104                 ( name, d->numArgs );
   105             if ( !( d->types ) )
   106                 d->destroyed = true;
   107         }
   108     } else {
   109         d->destroyed = true;
   110     }
   111 }
   113 /*!
   114     Destroy a slot invoker.
   115 */
   116 QSlotInvoker::~QSlotInvoker()
   117 {
   118     delete d;
   119 }
   121 /*!
   122     Returns true if the member is present on the object.
   123 */
   124 bool QSlotInvoker::memberPresent() const
   125 {
   126     return ! d->destroyed;
   127 }
   129 /*!
   130     Returns true if the member can be invoked with \a numArgs arguments.
   131     That is, the receiver has not been destroyed, the member is present,
   132     and it requires \a numArgs or less arguments.
   133 */
   134 bool QSlotInvoker::canInvoke( int numArgs ) const
   135 {
   136     if ( d->destroyed )
   137         return false;
   138     return ( numArgs >= d->numArgs );
   139 }
   141 /*!
   142     Returns the object that will receive slot invocations.
   143 */
   144 QObject *QSlotInvoker::receiver() const
   145 {
   146     return d->receiver;
   147 }
   149 /*!
   150     Returns the member that will receiver slot invocations.
   151 */
   152 QByteArray QSlotInvoker::member() const
   153 {
   154     return d->member;
   155 }
   157 /*!
   158     Returns the parameter types associated with this member.
   159 */
   160 int *QSlotInvoker::parameterTypes() const
   161 {
   162     return d->types;
   163 }
   165 /*!
   166     Returns the number of parameter types associated with this member.
   167 */
   168 int QSlotInvoker::parameterTypesCount() const
   169 {
   170     return d->numArgs;
   171 }
   173 /*!
   174     Invokes the slot represented by this object with the argument
   175     list \a args.  The slot's return value is returned from
   176     this method.  If the slot's return type is "void", then a
   177     QVariant instance of type QVariant::Invalid will be returned.
   179     If it is possible that the slot may throw an exception,
   180     it is the responsibility of the caller to catch and
   181     handle the exception.
   182 */
   183 QVariant QSlotInvoker::invoke( const QList<QVariant>& args )
   184 {
   185     int arg;
   186     QVariant returnValue;
   188     // Create a default instance of the return type for the result buffer.
   189     if ( d->returnType != (int)QVariant::Invalid ) {
   190         returnValue = QVariant( d->returnType, (const void *)0 );
   191     }
   193     // Bail out if the receiver object has already disappeared.
   194     if ( d->destroyed )
   195         return returnValue;
   197     // Check that the number of arguments is compatible with the slot.
   198     int numArgs = args.size();
   199     if ( numArgs < d->numArgs ) {
   200         qWarning( "QSlotInvoker::invoke: insufficient arguments for slot" );
   201         return returnValue;
   202     } else if ( numArgs > d->numArgs ) {
   203         // Drop extraneous arguments.
   204         numArgs = d->numArgs;
   205     }
   207     // Construct the raw argument list.
   208     QVarLengthArray<void *, 32> a( numArgs + 1 );
   209     if ( d->returnType == (int)QVariant::Invalid )
   210         a[0] = 0;
   211     else
   212         a[0] = returnValue.data();
   213     for ( arg = 0; arg < numArgs; ++arg ) {
   214         if ( d->types[arg] == QSignalIntercepter::QVariantId ) {
   215             a[arg + 1] = (void *)&( args[arg] );
   216         } else if ( args[arg].userType() != d->types[arg] ) {
   217             qWarning( "QSlotInvoker::invoke: argument %d has incorrect type",
   218                       arg );
   219             return QVariant();
   220         } else {
   221             a[arg + 1] = (void *)( args[arg].data() );
   222         }
   223     }
   225     // Invoke the specified slot.
   226     d->receiver->qt_metacall( QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod,
   227                                      d->memberIndex, a.data() );
   228     return returnValue;
   229 }
   231 void QSlotInvoker::receiverDestroyed()
   232 {
   233     d->destroyed = true;
   234 }