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     1 *) Intended readers:
     3 The servicedbgen tool is intended to be used during Symbian rom
     4 creation for prepopulating  Qt Serviceframework databases. It is not a
     5 tool for normal runtime or application usage,  although it may be
     6 useful also for development or testing purposes.
     8 *) Overview:
    10 The servicedbgen tool is a command line application to populate Qt
    11 Serviceframework databases.  The tool takes XML files describing the
    12 service, and produces SQLite databases.  Services can  be added and
    13 removed.
    15 Servicedbgen runs on the cross-compiling machine (i.e. Windows or
    16 Linux) and is delivered as a prebuilt  application along with the SDK,
    17 or must compiled with host tools. It can be invoked  from the command
    18 line or by directives in your project's .pro-file. Qmake and make can
    19 then run the tool automatically. The latter approach is used at Symbian
    20 rom creation time.
    22 *) Design:
    24 The tool uses the same servicedatabase creation components as the Qt 
    25 Serviceframework. Therefore whenever the tool is rebuilt, it reflects
    26 the latest changes in database components.
    28 There are two operating modes, individual and batch mode. In individual
    29 mode, the tool is given individual XML files as input. In batch mode,
    30 the tool reads XML files from a given directory, or from a default
    31 directory if none given. The tool uses Nokia Vendor ID as the security
    32 token when adding the services. If an application needs to change the
    33 preinstalled services during runtime, it needs to be  equipped with
    34 Nokia Vendor ID.
    36 Services that require initialization prior to their first usage (e.g.
    37 to initialize databases etc.)  can set a parameter.  QServiceManager
    38 will call QServicePluginInterface::installService() when the service is
    39 loaded first time when QServiceManager::loadInterface() is called.
    41 The tool supports WINSCW emulator and hardware targets. The resulting
    42 databases are identical, but the locations differ (see Appendix). 
    44 *) Command line use
    46 The usage of the tool is as follows:
    48 servicedbgen [options] <command> [command parameters]
    50 To see the list of all available options,  type 'servicedbgen --help'.
    52 Basic usage examples:
    53  - registering service1 and service2 for winscw target:
    54         servicedbgen -twinscw add service1.xml service2.xml
    55  - registering service1 for all targets, service requesting initialization:
    56         servicedbgen -tall -i add service1.xml
    57  - unregistering service1 from all targets:
    58         servicedbgen -tall remove service1.xml
    59  - registering all services for armv5 from default descriptor path:
    60         servicedbgen -tall -b -c add
    61  - registering services for all targets from specific descriptor path:
    62         servicedbgen -tall -b add ./mypath/services
    63  - removing services for all targets from default descriptor path:
    64         servicedbgen -tall -b remove
    66 The default target, if unspecified, is '-tall'.
    68 *) Project file use
    70 Add following lines to your project's .pro file (inside a
    71 symbian-block):
    73 CONFIG += qtservice                  # qmake magic, causes processing of qtservice.prf
    74 QTSERVICE.DESCRIPTOR = <XML files>   # the list of service descriptor XML files
    75 QTSERVICE.INITIALIZE = yes           # add  this if given descriptors need initialization
    77 ----------- Appendix
    79 *) Database locations
    81 Paths to the db. They can not be changed since Qt Serviceframework is
    82 hardcoded to these paths.
    84 "/epoc32/winscw/c/data/temp/QtServiceFW" // Emulator without WDS
    85 "/epoc32/winscw/c/private/2002AC7F/Nokia" // Emulator with WDS
    86 "/epoc32/data/c/private/2002AC7F/Nokia"  // HW
    88 *) Default XML lookup paths
    90 These are the paths where the tool looks for XML files (.xml) if  batch
    91 option was given and no path was specified.
    93 "/epoc32/winscw/c/private/2002AC7F/Nokia/des" // Emulator
    94 "/epoc32/data/z/private/2002AC7F/Nokia/des"   // HW