changeset 1 2b40d63a9c3d
child 14 6fbed849b4f4
equal deleted inserted replaced
0:cfcbf08528c4 1:2b40d63a9c3d
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 *
     5 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
     6 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
     7 * the Free Software Foundation, version 2.1 of the License.
     8 * 
     9 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    10 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    12 * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
    13 *
    14 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
    15 * along with this program.  If not, 
    16 * see "http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html/".
    17 *
    18 * Description:
    19 *
    20 */
    22 #include <QFile>
    23 #include "xqservicelog.h"
    24 #include "xqservicemetadata_p.h"
    25 #include <xqaiwinterfacedescriptor_p.h>
    27 //XML tags and attributes
    28 //General
    29 #define NAME_TAG  "name"
    30 #define DESCRIPTION_TAG "description"
    32 //Service related
    33 #define SERVICE_TAG "service" 
    34 #define SERVICE_FILEPATH "filepath"
    36 //Interface related
    37 #define INTERFACE_TAG "interface"
    38 #define INTERFACE_VERSION "version" 
    39 #define INTERFACE_CAPABILITY "capabilities"
    40 #define INTERFACE_CUSTOM_PROPERTY "customproperty"
    44 #ifndef QT_NO_DATASTREAM
    45 QDataStream &operator<<(QDataStream &out, const ServiceMetaDataResults &r)
    46 {
    47     out << r.name << r.location;
    48     out << r.description << r.interfaces << r.latestInterfaces;
    50     return out;
    51 }
    53 QDataStream &operator>>(QDataStream &in, ServiceMetaDataResults &r)
    54 {
    55     in >> r.name >> r.location;
    56     in >> r.description >> r.interfaces >> r.latestInterfaces;
    58     return in;
    59 }
    60 #endif
    62 /*
    63     \class ServiceMetaData
    65     Utility class (used by service database) that offers support for 
    66     parsing metadata service xml registry file during service registration. \n
    68     It uses QXMLStreamReader class for parsing. Supproted Operations are:
    69         - Parse the service and interfaces defined in XML file
    70         - name, version, capabilitiesList, description and filePath of service can be retrieved
    71         - each interface can be retrieved
    72 */
    74 /*
    75  *  Class constructor
    76  *
    77  * @param aXmlFilePath path to the xml file that describes the service. 
    78  */
    79 ServiceMetaData::ServiceMetaData(const QString &aXmlFilePath)
    80 {
    81     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("ServiceMetaData::ServiceMetaData(1)");
    82     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("aXmlFilePath: %s", qPrintable(aXmlFilePath));
    83     xmlDevice = new QFile(aXmlFilePath);
    84     ownsXmlDevice = true;
    85     latestError = 0;
    86 }
    88 /*
    89  *  Class constructor
    90  *
    91  * @param device QIODevice that contains the XML data that describes the service.
    92  */
    93 ServiceMetaData::ServiceMetaData(QIODevice *device)
    94 {
    95     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("ServiceMetaData::ServiceMetaData(2)");
    96     xmlDevice = device;
    97     ownsXmlDevice = false;
    98     latestError = 0;
    99 }
   101 /*
   102  *  Class destructor
   103  * 
   104  */
   105 ServiceMetaData::~ServiceMetaData()
   106 {
   107     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("ServiceMetaData::~ServiceMetaData");
   108     if (ownsXmlDevice)
   109         delete xmlDevice;
   110 }
   112 /*
   113     Sets the device containing the XML data that describes the service to \a device.
   114  */
   115 void ServiceMetaData::setDevice(QIODevice *device)
   116 {
   117     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("ServiceMetaData::setDevice");
   118     clearMetadata();
   119     xmlDevice = device;
   120     ownsXmlDevice = false;
   121 }
   123 /*
   124     Returns the device containing the XML data that describes the service.
   125 */
   126 QIODevice *ServiceMetaData::device() const
   127 {
   128     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("ServiceMetaData::device");
   129     return xmlDevice;
   130 }
   132 /*
   133  *  Gets the service name
   134  *
   135  * @return service name or default value (empty string) if it is not available
   136  */
   137 /*QString ServiceMetaData::name() const
   138 {
   139     return serviceName;
   140 }*/
   142 /*
   143  *  Gets the path of the service implementation file
   144  *
   145  * @return service implementation filepath
   146  */
   147 /*QString ServiceMetaData::location() const
   148 {
   149     return serviceLocation;
   150 }*/
   152 /*
   153  *  Gets the service description
   154  *
   155  * @return service description or default value (empty string) if it is not available
   156  */
   157 /*QString ServiceMetaData::description() const
   158 {
   159     return serviceDescription;
   160 }*/
   162 /*
   163    Returns the metadata of the interace at \a index; otherwise
   164    returns 0.
   165  */
   166 /*QList<XQServiceInterfaceDescriptor> ServiceMetaData::getInterfaces() const
   167 {
   168     return serviceInterfaces;
   169 } */
   171 /*!
   172     \internal
   174     Returns a streamable object containing the results of the parsing.
   175 */
   176 ServiceMetaDataResults ServiceMetaData::parseResults() const
   177 {
   178     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("ServiceMetaData::parseResults");
   180     ServiceMetaDataResults results;
   181     results.location = serviceLocation;
   182     results.name = serviceName;
   183     results.description = serviceDescription;
   184     results.interfaces = serviceInterfaces;
   185     results.latestInterfaces = latestInterfaces();
   186     results.version = version;
   188     return results;
   189 }
   191 /*
   192     Parses the file and extracts the service metadata \n
   193     Custom error codes: \n
   194     SFW_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_OPEN_FILE in case can not open the XML file \n
   195     SFW_ERROR_INVALID_XML_FILE in case service registry is not a valid XML file \n
   196     SFW_ERROR_NO_SERVICE in case XML file has no service tag\n
   197     @return true if the metadata was read properly, false if there is an error
   198  */
   199 bool ServiceMetaData::extractMetadata()
   200 {
   201     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("ServiceMetaData::extractMetadata");
   202     latestError = 0;
   203     clearMetadata();
   204     version = ServiceMetaDataResults::VERSION_2;  // default
   206     QXmlStreamReader xmlReader;
   207     bool parseError = false;
   208     //Open xml file
   209     if (!xmlDevice->isOpen() && !xmlDevice->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
   210         XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("XML error:Couldn't open the file");
   211         latestError = ServiceMetaData::SFW_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_OPEN_FILE;
   212         parseError = true;
   213     } else {
   214         //Load xml content
   215         xmlReader.setDevice(xmlDevice);
   216         // Read XML doc 
   217         while (!xmlReader.atEnd() && !parseError) {
   218             xmlReader.readNext();
   219             //Found a <service> node, read service related metadata
   220             if (xmlReader.isStartElement() && xmlReader.name() == SERVICE_TAG) {
   222                 // Support for previous XML version. Check if service element has name attribute
   223                 // If so, assume the old element
   224                 if (getAttributeValue(xmlReader, NAME_TAG, serviceName)) {
   225                     if (!processServiceElementPrevVersion(xmlReader)) {
   226                         XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("XML error: Couldn't process service element");
   227                         parseError = true;
   228                     }
   229                 }
   230                 else if (!processServiceElement(xmlReader)) {
   231                     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("XML error: Couldn't process service element");
   232                     parseError = true;
   233                 }
   234             }
   235             else if (xmlReader.isStartElement() && xmlReader.name() != SERVICE_TAG) {
   236                 XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("XML error: No service");
   237                 latestError = ServiceMetaData::SFW_ERROR_NO_SERVICE;
   238                 parseError = true;
   239             }
   240             else if (xmlReader.tokenType() == QXmlStreamReader::Invalid) {
   241                 XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("XML error: Invalid XML");
   242                 latestError = ServiceMetaData::SFW_ERROR_INVALID_XML_FILE;
   243                 parseError = true;
   244             }
   245         }
   246         if (ownsXmlDevice)
   247             xmlDevice->close();
   248     }
   249     if (parseError) {
   250         {
   251         XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("XML Parse error, line=%d,column=%d", xmlReader.lineNumber(), xmlReader.columnNumber());
   252         clearMetadata();
   253         }
   254     }
   255     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("XML parseError: %d", parseError);
   256     return !parseError;
   257 }
   259 /*
   260     Gets the latest parsing error \n
   261     @return parsing error(negative value) or 0 in case there is none
   262  */
   263 int ServiceMetaData::getLatestError() const
   264 {
   265     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("ServiceMetaData::getLatestError");
   266     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("latestError: %d", latestError);
   267     return latestError;
   268 }
   270 /*
   271     Parses and extracts the service from the current xml <service> node
   272     using the new format (Version 2) \n
   273     Schema:    
   274      <!ELEMENT service ( name, filepath, description?, interface+ ) >
   275         <!ELEMENT description ( #CDATA ) >
   276         <!ELEMENT filepath ( #PCDATA ) >
   277         <!ELEMENT interface ( name, version, description?, capabilities?, customproperty* ) >
   278         <!ELEMENT capabilities ( #PCDATA ) >
   279         <!ELEMENT name ( #PCDATA ) >
   280         <!ELEMENT version ( #PCDATA ) >
   281         <!ELEMENT customproperty ( #CDATA ) >
   282         <!ATTLIST customproperty key NMTOKEN #REQUIRED >    
   283  */
   284 bool ServiceMetaData::processServiceElement(QXmlStreamReader &aXMLReader)
   285 {
   286     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("ServiceMetaData::processServiceElement");
   287     Q_ASSERT(aXMLReader.isStartElement() && aXMLReader.name() == SERVICE_TAG);
   288     bool parseError = false;
   290     int dupSTags[3] = {0 //->tag name
   291         ,0 //-> service description
   292         ,0 //-> filepath
   293     };
   294     while(!parseError && !aXMLReader.atEnd()) {
   295         aXMLReader.readNext();
   296         if (aXMLReader.isStartElement() && aXMLReader.name() == DESCRIPTION_TAG) {
   297             //Found <description> tag
   298             serviceDescription = aXMLReader.readElementText();
   299             dupSTags[1]++;
   300         } else if (aXMLReader.isStartElement() && aXMLReader.name() == NAME_TAG) {
   301             serviceName = aXMLReader.readElementText();
   302             dupSTags[0]++;
   303         } else if (aXMLReader.isStartElement() && aXMLReader.name() == INTERFACE_TAG) {
   304             //Found a <interface> node, read module related metadata  
   305             if (!processInterfaceElement(aXMLReader)) 
   306                 parseError = true;
   307         } else if (aXMLReader.isStartElement() && aXMLReader.name() == SERVICE_FILEPATH ) {
   308             //Found <filepath> tag
   309             dupSTags[2]++;
   310             serviceLocation = aXMLReader.readElementText();
   311         } else if (aXMLReader.isStartElement() && aXMLReader.name() == "version") {
   312             //FOUND <version> tag on service level. We ignore this for now
   313             aXMLReader.readElementText();
   314         } else if (aXMLReader.isEndElement() && aXMLReader.name() == SERVICE_TAG) {
   315             //Found </service>, leave the loop
   316             break;
   317         } else if (aXMLReader.isEndElement() || aXMLReader.isStartElement()) {
   318             latestError = ServiceMetaData::SFW_ERROR_PARSE_SERVICE;
   319             parseError = true;            
   320         } else if (aXMLReader.tokenType() == QXmlStreamReader::Invalid) {
   321             latestError = ServiceMetaData::SFW_ERROR_INVALID_XML_FILE;
   322             parseError = true;
   323         }
   324     }
   325     if ( !parseError ) {
   326         if (serviceName.isEmpty()) {
   327             latestError = ServiceMetaData::SFW_ERROR_NO_SERVICE_NAME;
   328             parseError = true;
   329         } else if (serviceLocation.isEmpty()) {
   330             latestError = ServiceMetaData::SFW_ERROR_NO_SERVICE_FILEPATH;
   331             parseError = true;
   332         }
   333     }
   335     for(int i=0;!parseError && i<3;i++) {
   336         if (dupSTags[i] > 1) {
   337             parseError = true;
   338             latestError = SFW_ERROR_DUPLICATED_TAG;
   339             break;
   340         }
   341     }
   343     //update all interfaces with service data
   344     const int icount = serviceInterfaces.count();
   345     if (icount == 0 && latestError == 0) {
   346         latestError = ServiceMetaData::SFW_ERROR_NO_SERVICE_INTERFACE;
   347         parseError = true;
   348     }
   349     for (int i = 0; i<icount; i++) {
   350         serviceInterfaces.at(i).d->serviceName = serviceName;
   351         serviceInterfaces.at(i).d->properties[XQAiwInterfaceDescriptor::Location] = serviceLocation;
   352         serviceInterfaces.at(i).d->properties[XQAiwInterfaceDescriptor::ServiceDescription] = serviceDescription;
   353     }
   355     if (parseError) {
   356         clearMetadata();
   357     }
   358     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("processServiceElement parseError: %d", parseError);
   359     return !parseError;
   360 }
   362 /*!
   363     Parses and extracts the service from the current xml <service> node
   364     using the new format (Version 1) \n
   366 <!ELEMENT service ( description?, interface+ ) >
   367 <!ATTLIST service name #CDATA  #REQUIRED >
   368 <!ATTLIST service filepath #CDATA  #REQUIRED >
   369 <!ELEMENT description ( #CDATA ) >
   370 <!ELEMENT interface ( description? ) >
   371 <!ATTLIST interface name #CDATA  #REQUIRED >
   372 <!ATTLIST interface version #CDATA  #REQUIRED >
   373 <!ATTLIST interface capabilities #CDATA  >
   375     Custom error codes: \n
   376     SFW_ERROR_NO_SERVICE_NAME in case no service name in XML file \n
   377     SFW_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE_VERSION in case no interface version in XML file \n
   378     SFW_ERROR_PARSE_SERVICE in case can not parse service section in XML file \n
   379     SFW_ERROR_NO_SERVICE_FILEPATH in case no service file path in XML file \n
   380     SFW_ERROR_INVALID_XML_FILE in case XML file is not valid \n
   381     SFW_ERROR_NO_SERVICE_INTERFACE in case no interface defined for service in XML file \n
   382     @param aXMLReader xml stream reader 
   383     @return true if the metadata was read properly, false if there is an error
   386  */
   387 bool ServiceMetaData::processServiceElementPrevVersion(QXmlStreamReader &aXMLReader)
   388 {
   389     version = ServiceMetaDataResults::VERSION_1;  // Previous version
   391     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("ServiceMetaData::processServiceElementPrevVersion");
   392     Q_ASSERT(aXMLReader.isStartElement() && aXMLReader.name() == SERVICE_TAG);
   393     bool parseError = false;
   395     QString tmp;
   396     if (!getAttributeValue(aXMLReader, NAME_TAG, tmp)) {
   397         XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("No service name");
   398         latestError = ServiceMetaData::SFW_ERROR_NO_SERVICE_NAME;
   399         parseError = true;
   400     }
   402     if (!parseError) {
   403         if (!getAttributeValue(aXMLReader, SERVICE_FILEPATH, serviceLocation)) {
   404             XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("No service filepath");
   405             latestError = ServiceMetaData::SFW_ERROR_NO_SERVICE_FILEPATH;
   406             parseError = true;
   407         }
   408     }
   410     while (!parseError && !aXMLReader.atEnd()) {
   411         aXMLReader.readNext();  
   412         if (aXMLReader.name() == DESCRIPTION_TAG) {
   413             serviceDescription = aXMLReader.readElementText();
   414             XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("serviceDescription: %s", qPrintable(serviceDescription));
   415         //Found a <interface> node, read module related metadata  
   416         } else if (aXMLReader.isStartElement() && aXMLReader.name() == INTERFACE_TAG) {
   417             if (!processInterfaceElementPrevVersion(aXMLReader)){
   418                 XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("Couldn't process interface element");
   419                 parseError = true;
   420             }
   421         //Found </service>, leave the loop
   422         } else if (aXMLReader.isEndElement() && aXMLReader.name() == SERVICE_TAG) {
   423             XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("Service element handled");
   424             break;
   425         } else if (aXMLReader.isEndElement() || aXMLReader.isStartElement()) {
   426             XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("Service parse error");
   427             latestError = ServiceMetaData::SFW_ERROR_PARSE_SERVICE;
   428             parseError = true;            
   429         } else if (aXMLReader.tokenType() == QXmlStreamReader::Invalid) {
   430             XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("Invalid XML");
   431             latestError = ServiceMetaData::SFW_ERROR_INVALID_XML_FILE;
   432             parseError = true;
   433         }
   434     }
   436     if (serviceInterfaces.count() == 0 && latestError == 0) {
   437         XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("No service interface");
   438         latestError = ServiceMetaData::SFW_ERROR_NO_SERVICE_INTERFACE;
   439         parseError = true;
   440     }
   441     if (parseError) {
   442         clearMetadata();
   443     }
   444     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("parseError: %d", parseError);
   445     return !parseError;
   446 }
   449 /*
   450     Parses and extracts the interface metadata from the current xml <interface> node \n
   451 */
   452 bool ServiceMetaData::processInterfaceElement(QXmlStreamReader &aXMLReader)
   453 {
   454     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("ServiceMetaData::processInterfaceElement");
   455     Q_ASSERT(aXMLReader.isStartElement() && aXMLReader.name() == INTERFACE_TAG);
   456     bool parseError = false;
   458     //Read interface parameter
   459     QString tmp;
   460     XQAiwInterfaceDescriptor aInterface;
   461     int dupITags[4] = {
   462         0,  //->iface name tag
   463         0,  //->version
   464         0,  //->capabilities
   465         0   //->description
   466     };
   467     aInterface.d = new XQAiwInterfaceDescriptorPrivate;
   468     while (!parseError && !aXMLReader.atEnd()) {
   469         aXMLReader.readNext();
   470         //Read interface description
   471         if (aXMLReader.isStartElement() && aXMLReader.name() == NAME_TAG) {
   472             aInterface.d->interfaceName = aXMLReader.readElementText();
   473             dupITags[0]++;
   474             //Found <name> tag for interface
   475         } else if (aXMLReader.isStartElement() && aXMLReader.name() == DESCRIPTION_TAG) {
   476             //Found <description> tag
   477             aInterface.d->properties[XQAiwInterfaceDescriptor::InterfaceDescription] = aXMLReader.readElementText();
   478             dupITags[3]++;
   479         //Found </interface>, leave the loop
   480         } else if (aXMLReader.isStartElement() && aXMLReader.name() == INTERFACE_VERSION) {
   481             tmp.clear();
   482             tmp = aXMLReader.readElementText();
   483             if (tmp.isEmpty())
   484                 continue;  //creates NO_INTERFACE_VERSION error further below
   485             bool success = checkVersion(tmp);
   486             if ( success ) {
   487                 int majorVer = -1;
   488                 int minorVer = -1;
   489                 transformVersion(tmp, &majorVer, &minorVer);
   490                 aInterface.d->major = majorVer;
   491                 aInterface.d->minor = minorVer;
   492                 dupITags[1]++;
   493             } else {
   494                 latestError = ServiceMetaData::SFW_ERROR_INVALID_VERSION;
   495                 parseError = true;
   496             }
   497         } else if (aXMLReader.isStartElement() && aXMLReader.name() == INTERFACE_CAPABILITY) {
   498             tmp.clear();
   499             tmp= aXMLReader.readElementText();
   500             aInterface.d->properties[XQAiwInterfaceDescriptor::Capabilities] = tmp.split(",", QString::SkipEmptyParts);
   501             dupITags[2]++;
   502         } else if (aXMLReader.isStartElement() && aXMLReader.name() == INTERFACE_CUSTOM_PROPERTY) {
   503             parseError = true;
   504             if (aXMLReader.attributes().hasAttribute("key")) {
   505                 const QString ref = aXMLReader.attributes().value("key").toString();
   506                 XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("Custom property key: %s", qPrintable(ref));
   507                 if (!ref.isEmpty()) {
   508                     if (aInterface.d->customProperties.contains(ref)) {
   509                         latestError = SFW_ERROR_DUPLICATED_CUSTOM_KEY;
   510                         continue;
   511                     } else {
   512                         QString value = aXMLReader.readElementText();
   513                         if (value.isEmpty() || value.isNull())
   514                             value = QString("");
   515                         XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("Custom property value: %s", qPrintable(value));
   516                         aInterface.d->customProperties[ref] = value;
   517                         parseError = false;
   518                     }
   519                 }
   520             }
   521             if (parseError)
   522                 latestError = SFW_ERROR_INVALID_CUSTOM_TAG;
   523         } else if (aXMLReader.isEndElement() && aXMLReader.name() == INTERFACE_TAG) {
   524             break;
   525         } else if (aXMLReader.isStartElement() || aXMLReader.isEndElement()) {
   526             latestError = ServiceMetaData::SFW_ERROR_PARSE_INTERFACE;
   527             parseError = true;
   528         } else if (aXMLReader.tokenType() == QXmlStreamReader::Invalid) {
   529             latestError = ServiceMetaData::SFW_ERROR_INVALID_XML_FILE;
   530             parseError = true;
   531         }
   532     }
   534     if (!parseError) {
   535         if (dupITags[1] == 0) { //no version tag found
   536             latestError = ServiceMetaData::SFW_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE_VERSION;
   537             parseError = true;
   538         } else if (aInterface.d->interfaceName.isEmpty()) {
   539             latestError = ServiceMetaData::SFW_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE_NAME;
   540             parseError = true;
   541         }
   542     }
   544     for(int i=0;!parseError && i<4;i++) {
   545         if (dupITags[i] > 1) {
   546             parseError = true;
   547             latestError = SFW_ERROR_DUPLICATED_TAG;
   548             break;
   549         }
   550     }
   552     if (!parseError) {
   553         const QString ident = aInterface.d->interfaceName
   554                                 + QString::number(aInterface.majorVersion())
   555                                 + "."
   556                                 + QString::number(aInterface.minorVersion());
   557         if (duplicates.contains(ident.toLower())) {
   558             latestError = ServiceMetaData::SFW_ERROR_DUPLICATED_INTERFACE;
   559             parseError = true;
   560         } else {
   561             duplicates.insert(ident.toLower());
   562             serviceInterfaces.append(aInterface);
   563             if (!m_latestIndex.contains(aInterface.d->interfaceName.toLower())
   564                     || lessThan(latestInterfaceVersion(aInterface.d->interfaceName), aInterface))
   566             {
   567                     m_latestIndex[aInterface.d->interfaceName.toLower()] = serviceInterfaces.count() - 1;
   568             }
   569         }
   570     }
   572     if (parseError)
   573     {
   574         // Delete garbage
   575         delete aInterface.d;
   576         aInterface.d = 0;
   577     }
   578    XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("processInterfaceElement parseError: %d", parseError);
   579     return !parseError;
   580 }
   582 /*!
   583     Parses and extracts the interface metadata from the current xml <interface> node \n
   584     Custome error codes: \n
   585     SFW_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE_NAME in case no interface name in XML file \n
   586     SFW_ERROR_PARSE_INTERFACE in case error parsing interface section \n
   587     SFW_ERROR_INVALID_XML_FILE in case XML file is not valid \n
   588     @param aXMLReader xml stream reader 
   589     @return true if the metadata was read properly, false if there is an error
   590  */
   591 bool ServiceMetaData::processInterfaceElementPrevVersion(QXmlStreamReader &aXMLReader)
   592 {
   593     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("ServiceMetaData::processInterfaceElementPrevVersion");
   594     Q_ASSERT(aXMLReader.isStartElement() && aXMLReader.name() == INTERFACE_TAG);
   595     bool parseError = false;
   597     //Read interface parameter
   598     QString tmp;
   599     XQAiwInterfaceDescriptor aInterface;
   600     aInterface.d = new XQAiwInterfaceDescriptorPrivate;
   601     aInterface.d->serviceName = serviceName;  // picked earlier !!!
   602     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("Service name  %s", qPrintable(serviceName));
   604     int dupITags[4] = {
   605         0,  //->iface name tag
   606         0,  //->version
   607         0,  //->capabilities
   608         0   //->description
   609     };
   611     if (getAttributeValue(aXMLReader, NAME_TAG, tmp)) {
   612         XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("Name attribute value");
   613         aInterface.d->interfaceName = tmp;
   614         tmp.clear();
   615         if (getAttributeValue(aXMLReader, INTERFACE_VERSION, tmp)) {
   616             XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("Interface version value");
   617             bool success = checkVersion(tmp);
   618             if ( success ) {
   619                 int majorVer = -1;
   620                 int minorVer = -1;
   621                 transformVersion(tmp, &majorVer, &minorVer);
   622                 aInterface.d->major = majorVer;
   623                 aInterface.d->minor = minorVer;
   624                 dupITags[1]++;
   626                 if (getAttributeValue(aXMLReader, INTERFACE_CAPABILITY, tmp)) {
   627                     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("Interface capability value");
   628                     aInterface.d->properties[XQAiwInterfaceDescriptor::Capabilities] = tmp.split(",", QString::SkipEmptyParts);
   629                 }
   630             } else {
   631                 XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("Invalid interface version");
   632                 latestError = ServiceMetaData::SFW_ERROR_INVALID_VERSION;
   633                 parseError = true;
   634             }
   635         }
   636         else{
   637             XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("No interface version");
   638             latestError = ServiceMetaData::SFW_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE_VERSION;
   639             parseError = true;
   640         }
   641     } else {
   642         XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("No interface name");
   643         latestError = ServiceMetaData::SFW_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE_NAME;
   644         parseError = true;
   645     }
   647     while (!parseError && !aXMLReader.atEnd()) {
   648         aXMLReader.readNext();
   649         //Read interface description
   650         if (aXMLReader.isStartElement() && aXMLReader.name() == DESCRIPTION_TAG) {
   651             XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("Interface description");
   652             aInterface.d->properties[XQAiwInterfaceDescriptor::InterfaceDescription] = aXMLReader.readElementText();
   653         //Found </interface>, leave the loop
   654         } else if (aXMLReader.isEndElement() && aXMLReader.name() == INTERFACE_TAG) {
   655             XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("Interface handled");
   656             break;  
   657         } else if (aXMLReader.isStartElement() || aXMLReader.isEndElement()) {
   658             XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("Interface parse error");
   659             latestError = ServiceMetaData::SFW_ERROR_PARSE_INTERFACE;
   660             parseError = true;
   661         } else if (aXMLReader.tokenType() == QXmlStreamReader::Invalid) {
   662             XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("Invalid XML");
   663             latestError = ServiceMetaData::SFW_ERROR_INVALID_XML_FILE;
   664             parseError = true;
   665         }
   666     }
   668     // Consistency check
   669     if (!parseError) {
   670         if (dupITags[1] == 0) { //no version tag found
   671             latestError = ServiceMetaData::SFW_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE_VERSION;
   672             parseError = true;
   673         } else if (aInterface.d->interfaceName.isEmpty()) {
   674             latestError = ServiceMetaData::SFW_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE_NAME;
   675             parseError = true;
   676         }
   677     }
   679     if (!parseError) {
   680         const QString ident = aInterface.d->interfaceName
   681                               + QString::number(aInterface.majorVersion())
   682                               + "."
   683                               + QString::number(aInterface.minorVersion());
   684         XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("ident: %s", qPrintable(ident));
   685         if (duplicates.contains(ident.toLower())) {
   686             XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("Duplicate interface");
   687             latestError = ServiceMetaData::SFW_ERROR_DUPLICATED_INTERFACE;
   688             parseError = true;
   689         } else {
   690             duplicates.insert(ident.toLower());
   691             serviceInterfaces.append(aInterface);
   692             if (!m_latestIndex.contains(aInterface.d->interfaceName.toLower())
   693                 || lessThan(latestInterfaceVersion(aInterface.d->interfaceName), aInterface))
   695             {
   696                 m_latestIndex[aInterface.d->interfaceName.toLower()] = serviceInterfaces.count() - 1;
   697             }
   698         }
   699     }
   701     if (parseError)
   702     {
   703         // Delete garbage
   704         delete aInterface.d;
   705         aInterface.d = 0;
   706     }
   708     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("processInterfaceElementPrevVersion parseError: %d", parseError);
   709     return !parseError;
   710 }
   713 /*!
   714     Gets the value of the attribute from the XML node \n
   715     @param aDomElement xml node
   716     @param aAttributeName attribute name
   717     @param aValue [out] attribute value
   718     @return true if the value was read, false otherwise
   719  */
   720 bool ServiceMetaData::getAttributeValue(const QXmlStreamReader &aXMLReader, const QString &aAttributeName, QString &aValue)
   721 {
   722     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("ServiceMetaData::getAttributeValue");
   723     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("aAttributeName: %s", qPrintable(aAttributeName));
   724     bool result = false;
   725     for (int i = 0; i < aXMLReader.attributes().count(); i++){
   726         QXmlStreamAttribute att = aXMLReader.attributes()[i];
   727         if (att.name() == aAttributeName) {
   728             if (att.value().isNull() || att.value().isEmpty()) {
   729                 result = false;
   730             } else {
   731                 result = true;
   732                 aValue = att.value().toString();
   733                 XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("aValue: %s", qPrintable(aValue));
   734             }
   735         }
   736     }
   737     // Capability attribute is allowed to be empty
   738     if (aAttributeName == INTERFACE_CAPABILITY) {
   739         result = true;
   740     }
   741     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("result: %d", result);
   742     return result;
   743 }
   746 XQAiwInterfaceDescriptor ServiceMetaData::latestInterfaceVersion(const QString &interfaceName)
   747 {
   748     XQAiwInterfaceDescriptor ret;
   749     if (m_latestIndex.contains(interfaceName.toLower()))
   750         return serviceInterfaces[m_latestIndex[interfaceName.toLower()]];
   751     else
   752         return ret;
   753 }
   755 QList<XQAiwInterfaceDescriptor> ServiceMetaData::latestInterfaces() const
   756 {
   757     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("ServiceMetaData::latestInterfaces");
   758     QList<XQAiwInterfaceDescriptor> interfaces;
   759     QHash<QString,int>::const_iterator i = m_latestIndex.constBegin();
   760     while(i != m_latestIndex.constEnd())
   761     {
   762         interfaces.append(serviceInterfaces[i.value()]);
   763         ++i;
   764     }
   765     return interfaces;
   766 }
   768 bool ServiceMetaData::lessThan(const XQAiwInterfaceDescriptor &d1,
   769                                 const XQAiwInterfaceDescriptor &d2) const
   770 {
   771     return (d1.majorVersion() < d2.majorVersion())
   772             || ( d1.majorVersion() == d2.majorVersion()
   773                     && d1.minorVersion() < d2.minorVersion());
   775 }
   777 bool ServiceMetaData::checkVersion(const QString &version) const
   778 {
   779     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("ServiceMetaData::checkVersion");
   780     //match x.y as version format
   781     QRegExp rx("^([1-9][0-9]*)\\.(0+|[1-9][0-9]*)$");
   782     int pos = rx.indexIn(version);
   783     QStringList list = rx.capturedTexts();
   784     bool success = false;
   785     if (pos == 0 && list.count() == 3
   786             && rx.matchedLength() == version.length() )
   787     {
   788         list[1].toInt(&success);
   789         if ( success ) {
   790             list[2].toInt(&success);
   791         }
   792     }
   793     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("success: %d", success);
   794     return success;
   795 }
   797 void ServiceMetaData::transformVersion(const QString &version, int *major, int *minor) const
   798 {
   799     Q_ASSERT(major != NULL);
   800     Q_ASSERT(minor != NULL);
   801     if(!checkVersion(version)) {
   802         *major = -1;
   803         *minor = -1;
   804     } else {
   805         QRegExp rx("^([1-9][0-9]*)\\.(0+|[1-9][0-9]*)$");
   806         rx.indexIn(version);
   807         QStringList list = rx.capturedTexts();
   808         Q_ASSERT(list.count() == 3);
   809         *major = list[1].toInt();
   810         *minor = list[2].toInt();
   811     }
   812 }
   814 /*
   815  *  Clears the service metadata
   816  *
   817  */
   818 void ServiceMetaData::clearMetadata()
   819 {
   820     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("ServiceMetaData::clearMetadata");
   821     serviceName.clear();
   822     serviceLocation.clear();
   823     serviceDescription.clear();
   824     serviceInterfaces.clear();
   825     duplicates.clear();
   826     m_latestIndex.clear();
   827     version = 0;
   828 }