changeset 18 1b485afba084
parent 16 19b186e43276
child 28 19321a443c34
--- a/qthighway/tests/auto/xqservice/ut_xqserviceadaptor/src/ut_xqserviceadaptor.cpp	Tue Jul 13 20:51:27 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,292 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
-* the Free Software Foundation, version 2.1 of the License.
-* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-* along with this program.  If not, 
-* see "http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html/".
-* Description:                                                         
-#include <QtTest>
-#include <QtCore/qmetaobject.h>
-#include "xqserviceadaptor.h"
-#include "xqservicechannel.h"
-#include "qslotinvoker.h"
-#include "qsignalintercepter.h"
-class ut_XQServiceAdaptor : public QObject
-    ut_XQServiceAdaptor() {}
-    ~ut_XQServiceAdaptor() {}
-private slots:
-    void initTestCase();
-    void create();
-    void messageToSignal_data();
-    void messageToSignal();
-    void signalToMessage_data();
-    void signalToMessage();
-public slots:
-    void signalSeen();
-    void receive(const QString& msg, const QByteArray& data);
-    void received();
-    void sig_message1();
-    void sig_message2(QString);
-    QEventLoop *eventLoop;
-    bool signalAlreadySeen;
-    QString lastMsg;
-    QByteArray lastData;
-    int count;
-    void expectSignal(QObject *object, const char *signal);
-    void disconnectSignal(QObject *object, const char *signal);
-    bool waitForSignal(int timeout = 1000);
-    static QByteArray argsToData(const QString& msg, const QList<QVariant>& args);
-void ut_XQServiceAdaptor::initTestCase()
-    eventLoop = 0;
-    signalAlreadySeen = false;
-    count = 0;
-void ut_XQServiceAdaptor::create()
-    // Create an adaptor and check that the channel name is returned correctly.
-    XQServiceAdaptor *adaptor = new XQServiceAdaptor(QLatin1String("com.nokia.test.Receiver"));
-    QCOMPARE(adaptor->channel(), QLatin1String("com.nokia.test.Receiver"));
-    // Hook a message to a local signal, and then test that it is delivered.
-    // This tests that the adaptor is basically sane.
-    XQServiceAdaptor::connect(adaptor, MESSAGE(foobar()), this, SIGNAL(received()));
-    expectSignal(this, SIGNAL(received()));
-    QByteArray data;
-    QVariant retValue;
-    XQServiceChannel::send(QLatin1String("com.nokia.test.Receiver"), QLatin1String("foobar()"), data,retValue,false); //async
-    QVERIFY(waitForSignal());
-    disconnectSignal(this, SIGNAL(received()));
-    // Clean up.
-    delete adaptor;
-void ut_XQServiceAdaptor::messageToSignal_data()
-    QTest::addColumn<QString>("chan");
-    QTest::addColumn<QString>("msg");
-    QTest::addColumn< QList<QVariant> >("params");
-    QTest::newRow("simple")
-        << "com.nokia.test.Receiver" << "message1()"
-        << QList<QVariant>();
-    QTest::newRow("singlearg")
-        << "com.nokia.test.Receiver" << "message2(QString)"
-        << (QList<QVariant>() << QString::fromLatin1("foo"));
-// Test the conversion of XQService messages into signals.
-void ut_XQServiceAdaptor::messageToSignal()
-    QFETCH(QString, chan);
-    QFETCH(QString, msg);
-    QFETCH(QList<QVariant>, params);
-    // Construct the equivalent of MESSAGE(msg).
-    QByteArray messageName(1, QMESSAGE_CODE + '0');
-    messageName += msg.toLatin1();
-    // Construct the equivalent of SIGNAL("sig_" msg).
-    QByteArray signalName(1, QSIGNAL_CODE + '0');
-    signalName += "sig_";
-    signalName += msg.toLatin1();
-    // Construct the adaptor and hook up the message.
-    XQServiceAdaptor *adaptor = new XQServiceAdaptor(chan);
-    XQServiceAdaptor::connect(adaptor, messageName, this, signalName);
-    // Send a raw XQService message and wait for the signal.
-    expectSignal(this, signalName.constData());
-    QVariant retValue;
-    XQServiceChannel::send(chan, msg, argsToData(msg, params),retValue,false); //async
-    QVERIFY(waitForSignal());
-    disconnectSignal(this, signalName.constData());
-    // Clean up.
-    delete adaptor;
-void ut_XQServiceAdaptor::signalToMessage_data()
-    messageToSignal_data();
-// Test the conversion of signals into XQService messages.
-void ut_XQServiceAdaptor::signalToMessage()
-    QFETCH(QString, chan);
-    QFETCH(QString, msg);
-    QFETCH(QList<QVariant>, params);
-    // Construct the equivalent of MESSAGE(msg).
-    QByteArray messageName(1, QMESSAGE_CODE + '0');
-    messageName += msg.toLatin1();
-    // Construct the equivalent of SIGNAL("sig_" msg).
-    QByteArray signalName(1, QSIGNAL_CODE + '0');
-    signalName += "sig_";
-    signalName += msg.toLatin1();
-    // Construct the adaptor and hook up the message.
-    XQServiceAdaptor *adaptor = new XQServiceAdaptor(chan);
-    XQServiceAdaptor::connect(this, signalName, adaptor, messageName);
-    // Consruct a XQService channel object to receive the message.
-    XQServiceChannel *channel = new XQServiceChannel(chan,true);
-    QVERIFY(channel->connectChannel());
-    connect(channel, SIGNAL(received(QString,QByteArray)),
-            this, SLOT(receive(QString,QByteArray)));
-    // Emit the signal using QSlotInvoker and wait for the message.
-    count = 0;
-    QSlotInvoker *invoker = new QSlotInvoker(this, signalName.constData());
-    expectSignal(this, SIGNAL(received()));
-    invoker->invoke(params);
-    QVERIFY(waitForSignal());
-    QCOMPARE(count, 1);
-    QCOMPARE(lastMsg, msg);
-    QCOMPARE(lastData, argsToData(msg, params));
-    disconnectSignal(this, SIGNAL(received()));
-    // Clean up.
-    delete invoker;
-    delete adaptor;
-    delete channel;
-void ut_XQServiceAdaptor::expectSignal(QObject *object, const char *signal)
-    signalAlreadySeen = false;
-    connect(object, signal, this, SLOT(signalSeen()));
-void ut_XQServiceAdaptor::disconnectSignal(QObject *object, const char *signal)
-    disconnect(object, signal, this, SLOT(signalSeen()));
-bool ut_XQServiceAdaptor::waitForSignal(int timeout)
-    if (signalAlreadySeen)
-        return true;
-    QEventLoop loop;
-    eventLoop = &loop;
-    QTimer::singleShot(timeout, eventLoop, SLOT(quit()));
-    loop.exec();
-    eventLoop = 0;
-    return signalAlreadySeen;
-void ut_XQServiceAdaptor::signalSeen()
-    signalAlreadySeen = true;
-    if (eventLoop)
-        eventLoop->quit();
-void ut_XQServiceAdaptor::receive(const QString& msg, const QByteArray& data)
-    lastMsg = msg;
-    lastData = data;
-    ++count;
-    emit received();
-class ExtendedVariant : public QVariant
-    ExtendedVariant() : QVariant() {}
-    explicit ExtendedVariant(const QVariant& value)
-        : QVariant(value) {}
-    void load(QDataStream& stream, int typeOrMetaType)
-    {
-        clear();
-        create(typeOrMetaType, 0);
-        d.is_null = false;
-        QMetaType::load(stream, d.type, const_cast<void *>(constData()));
-    }
-    void save(QDataStream& stream) const
-    {
-        QMetaType::save(stream, d.type, constData());
-    }
-QByteArray ut_XQServiceAdaptor::argsToData(const QString& msg, const QList<QVariant>& args)
-    QByteArray array;
-    {
-        QDataStream stream
-            (&array, QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Append);
-        QList<QVariant>::ConstIterator iter;
-        if (!msg.contains(QLatin1String("QVariant"))) {
-            for (iter = args.begin(); iter != args.end(); ++iter) {
-                ExtendedVariant copy(*iter);
-                copy.save(stream);
-            }
-        } else {
-            QByteArray name = msg.toLatin1();
-            name = QMetaObject::normalizedSignature(name.constData());
-            int numParams = 0;
-            int *params = QSignalIntercepter::connectionTypes
-                    (name, numParams);
-            int index = 0;
-            for (iter = args.begin(); iter != args.end(); ++iter, ++index) {
-                if (index < numParams &&
-                     params[index] == QSignalIntercepter::QVariantId) {
-                    // We need to handle QVariant specially because we actually
-                    // need the type header in this case.
-                    stream << *iter;
-                } else {
-                    ExtendedVariant copy(*iter);
-                    copy.save(stream);
-                }
-            }
-            if (params)
-                qFree(params);
-        }
-        // Stream is flushed and closed at this point.
-    }
-    return array;
-#include "ut_xqserviceadaptor.moc"