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#include "qcontactchangeset.h"
#include "qcontactchangeset_p.h"
#include "qcontactmanagerengine.h"
\class QContactChangeSet
\brief The QContactChangeSet class provides a simple API to
simplify the emission of state-change signals from
QContactManagerEngine implementations.
This class can be utilised by backend implementations to ensure
correct emission of the \l QContactManagerEngine::dataChanged(), \l
QContactManagerEngine::contactsAdded(), \l
QContactManagerEngine::contactsChanged() and \l
\sa QContactManagerEngine
Constructs a new change set
: d(new QContactChangeSetData)
Constructs a copy of the \a other change set
QContactChangeSet::QContactChangeSet(const QContactChangeSet& other)
: d(other.d)
Frees the memory used by this change set
Assigns this change set to be equal to \a other
QContactChangeSet& QContactChangeSet::operator=(const QContactChangeSet& other)
d = other.d;
return *this;
Sets the data changed flag to \a dataChanged. If this is set to true prior to calling \l emitSignals(),
only the \l QContactManagerEngine::dataChanged() signal will be emitted; otherwise, the appropriate
finer-grained signals will be emitted.
void QContactChangeSet::setDataChanged(bool dataChanged)
d->m_dataChanged = dataChanged;
Returns the value of the data changed flag
bool QContactChangeSet::dataChanged()
return d->m_dataChanged;
Returns the set of ids of contacts which have been added to
the database.
QSet<QContactLocalId> QContactChangeSet::addedContacts() const
return d->m_addedContacts;
Inserts the given contact id \a addedContactId into the set of ids of contacts
which have been added to the database.
void QContactChangeSet::insertAddedContact(QContactLocalId addedContactId)
Inserts each of the given contact ids \a addedContactIds into the set of ids of contacts
which have been added to the database.
void QContactChangeSet::insertAddedContacts(const QList<QContactLocalId>& addedContactIds)
foreach (const QContactLocalId& id, addedContactIds)
Clears the set of ids of contacts which have been added to the database
void QContactChangeSet::clearAddedContacts()
Returns the set of ids of contacts which have been changed in
the database.
QSet<QContactLocalId> QContactChangeSet::changedContacts() const
return d->m_changedContacts;
Inserts the given contact id \a changedContactId into the set of ids of contacts
which have been changed to the database.
void QContactChangeSet::insertChangedContact(QContactLocalId changedContactId)
Inserts each of the given contact ids \a changedContactIds into the set of ids of contacts
which have been changed to the database.
void QContactChangeSet::insertChangedContacts(const QList<QContactLocalId>& changedContactIds)
foreach (const QContactLocalId& id, changedContactIds)
Clears the set of ids of contacts which have been changed to the database
void QContactChangeSet::clearChangedContacts()
Returns the set of ids of contacts which have been removed from
the database.
QSet<QContactLocalId> QContactChangeSet::removedContacts() const
return d->m_removedContacts;
Inserts the given contact id \a removedContactId into the set of ids of contacts
which have been removed to the database.
void QContactChangeSet::insertRemovedContact(QContactLocalId removedContactId)
Inserts each of the given contact ids \a removedContactIds into the set of ids of contacts
which have been removed to the database.
void QContactChangeSet::insertRemovedContacts(const QList<QContactLocalId>& removedContactIds)
foreach (const QContactLocalId& id, removedContactIds)
Clears the set of ids of contacts which have been removed to the database
void QContactChangeSet::clearRemovedContacts()
Returns the set of ids of contacts which have been affected
by the addition of relationships to the database.
QSet<QContactLocalId> QContactChangeSet::addedRelationshipsContacts() const
return d->m_addedRelationships;
Inserts the given contact id \a affectedContactId into the set of ids of contacts
which have been affected by the addition of a relationship to the database.
void QContactChangeSet::insertAddedRelationshipsContact(QContactLocalId affectedContactId)
Inserts each of the given contact ids \a affectedContactIds into the set of ids of contacts
which have been affected by the addition of a relationship to the database.
void QContactChangeSet::insertAddedRelationshipsContacts(const QList<QContactLocalId>& affectedContactIds)
foreach (const QContactLocalId& id, affectedContactIds)
Clears the set of ids of contacts which have been affected by the addition of a relationship to the database.
void QContactChangeSet::clearAddedRelationshipsContacts()
Returns the set of ids of contacts which have been affected
by the removal of relationships from the database.
QSet<QContactLocalId> QContactChangeSet::removedRelationshipsContacts() const
return d->m_removedRelationships;
Inserts the given contact id \a affectedContactId into the set of ids of contacts
which have been affected by the removal of a relationship to the database.
void QContactChangeSet::insertRemovedRelationshipsContact(QContactLocalId affectedContactId)
Inserts each of the given contact ids \a affectedContactIds into the set of ids of contacts
which have been affected by the removal of a relationship to the database.
void QContactChangeSet::insertRemovedRelationshipsContacts(const QList<QContactLocalId>& affectedContactIds)
foreach (const QContactLocalId& id, affectedContactIds)
Clears the set of ids of contacts which have been affected by the removal of a relationship to the database.
void QContactChangeSet::clearRemovedRelationshipsContacts()
Sets the pair of ids which represent the old and new self contact ids
to the given pair of ids \a oldAndNewContactId.
The first id in the pair is the old self contact id, while the second
id in the pair is the new self contact id. If the new id is different
to the old id at the point in time when emitSignals() is called,
the QContactManagerEngine::selfContactIdChanged signal will be emitted.
void QContactChangeSet::setOldAndNewSelfContactId(const QPair<QContactLocalId, QContactLocalId> &oldAndNewContactId)
d->m_oldAndNewSelfContactId = oldAndNewContactId;
Returns the pair of ids which represents the
old and new self contact ids. The first id in the pair is the
old self contact id, while the second id in the pair is the
new self contact id. If the new id is different to the old id
at the point in time when emitSignals() is called,
the QContactManagerEngine::selfContactIdChanged() signal will be emitted.
QPair<QContactLocalId, QContactLocalId> QContactChangeSet::oldAndNewSelfContactId() const
return d->m_oldAndNewSelfContactId;
Clears all flags and sets of ids in this change set
void QContactChangeSet::clearAll()
d->m_dataChanged = false;
d->m_oldAndNewSelfContactId = QPair<QContactLocalId, QContactLocalId>();
Emits the appropriate signals from the given \a engine given the state of the change set
void QContactChangeSet::emitSignals(QContactManagerEngine *engine)
if (!engine)
if (d->m_dataChanged) {
emit engine->dataChanged();
} else {
if (!d->m_addedContacts.isEmpty())
emit engine->contactsAdded(d->m_addedContacts.toList());
if (!d->m_changedContacts.isEmpty())
emit engine->contactsChanged(d->m_changedContacts.toList());
if (!d->m_removedContacts.isEmpty())
emit engine->contactsRemoved(d->m_removedContacts.toList());
if (!d->m_addedRelationships.isEmpty())
emit engine->relationshipsAdded(d->m_addedRelationships.toList());
if (!d->m_removedRelationships.isEmpty())
emit engine->relationshipsRemoved(d->m_removedRelationships.toList());
if (d->m_oldAndNewSelfContactId.first != d->m_oldAndNewSelfContactId.second)
emit engine->selfContactIdChanged(d->m_oldAndNewSelfContactId.first, d->m_oldAndNewSelfContactId.second);