* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, version 2.1 of the License.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not,
* see "http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html/".
* Description:
* QT wrapper API for for System Tone Service
#include <QObject>
#include <systemtoneservice.h>
#ifdef __STS_QT_LIB_BUILD__
class XQSystemToneServicePrivate;
* The System Tone Service (STS) is a component of the Multimedia Services (mmserv)
* collection of the Multimedia Middleware (mmmw) package. STS provides multimedia APIs
* specific to playing system tones (calendar, message alerts, warnings, etc).
* Here you can find Qt wrapper for this component.
* Main concepts behind this API:
* * tone - short sound used in the manner "fire and forget" therefore there are no signals when tone ends.
* * alarm - these are kind of looped/longer sounds that may be interrupted by calling app; also there are notifications (signals) when alarm ends playing.
class XQSystemToneService : public QObject
* Supported tone types.
Q_DECL_IMPORT enum ToneType {
// Capture Tones
BurstModeTone = CSystemToneService::EBurstMode,
CaptureTone = CSystemToneService::ECapture,
CallRecordingTone = CSystemToneService::ECallRecording,
RecordingStartTone = CSystemToneService::ERecordingStart,
RecordingStopTone = CSystemToneService::ERecordingStop,
SelfTimerTone = CSystemToneService::ESelfTimer,
// General Tones
ConfirmationBeepTone = CSystemToneService::EConfirmationBeep,
DefaultBeepTone = CSystemToneService::EDefaultBeep,
ErrorBeepTone = CSystemToneService::EErrorBeep,
InformationBeepTone = CSystemToneService::EInformationBeep,
WarningBeepTone = CSystemToneService::EWarningBeep,
IntegratedHandsFreeActivatedTone = CSystemToneService::EIntegratedHandsFreeActivated,
// Key Tones
TouchScreenTone = CSystemToneService::ETouchScreen,
// Location Tones
LocationRequestTone = CSystemToneService::ELocationRequest,
// Messaging Tones
ChatAlertTone = CSystemToneService::EChatAlert,
EmailAlertTone = CSystemToneService::EEmailAlert,
MmsAlertTone = CSystemToneService::EMmsAlert,
SmsAlertTone = CSystemToneService::ESmsAlert,
DeliveryReportTone = CSystemToneService::EDeliveryReport,
MessageSendFailureTone = CSystemToneService::EMessageSendFailure,
// Power Tones
BatteryLowTone = CSystemToneService::EBatteryLow,
BatteryRechargedTone = CSystemToneService::EBatteryRecharged,
PowerOnTone = CSystemToneService::EPowerOn,
PowerOffTone = CSystemToneService::EPowerOff,
WakeUpTone = CSystemToneService::EWakeUp,
WrongChargerTone = CSystemToneService::EWrongCharger,
// Telephony Tones
AutomaticRedialCompleteTone = CSystemToneService::EAutomaticRedialComplete,
// Voice Recognition Tones
VoiceStartTone = CSystemToneService::EVoiceStart,
VoiceErrorTone = CSystemToneService::EVoiceError,
VoiceAbortTone = CSystemToneService::EVoiceAbort
Q_DECL_IMPORT enum AlarmType {
// Calendar Tones
CalendarAlarmTone = CSystemToneService::ECalendarAlarm,
ClockAlarmTone = CSystemToneService::EClockAlarm,
ToDoAlarmTone = CSystemToneService::EToDoAlarm,
// Telephony Alarms
IncomingCallTone = CSystemToneService::EIncomingCall,
IncomingCallLine2Tone = CSystemToneService::EIncomingCallLine2,
IncomingDataCallTone = CSystemToneService::EIncomingDataCall,
* XQSystemToneService object constructor.
STS_EXPORT XQSystemToneService(QObject *parent = 0);
* Simple destructor.
STS_EXPORT ~XQSystemToneService();
* Play selected tone.
* @param toneType selected tone type.
* @see XQSystemToneService::error()
STS_EXPORT void playTone(ToneType toneType);
* Play selected alarm.
* @param alarmType selected tone type.
* @param contextId unique playback id for current playback event. May be used for matching playback signals and/or to later stop playing.
* @see XQSystemToneService::stopAlarm(unsigned int contextId)
* @see XQSystemToneService::error()
STS_EXPORT void playAlarm(AlarmType alarmType, unsigned int& contextId);
* Cancel tone being played currently.
* @param contextId id, must be same as given by playTone method.
* @see XQSystemToneService::playAlarm(ToneType toneType, unsigned int& contextId)
STS_EXPORT void stopAlarm(unsigned int contextId);
* Play selected tone.
* @param toneType selected tone type.
* @param contextId unique playback id for current playback event. May be used for matching playback signals and/or to later stop playing.
* @see XQSystemToneService::stopAlarm(unsigned int contextId)
* @see XQSystemToneService::error()
STS_EXPORT void playAlarm(ToneType toneType, unsigned int& contextId);
* Playback of given tone has been started.
STS_EXPORT void toneStarted();
* Playback of given alarm has been started.
* @param contextId id, the same as given by playTone method.
STS_EXPORT void alarmStarted(unsigned int contextId);
* Playback of given alarm has been finished.
* @param contextId id, the same as given by playTone method.
STS_EXPORT void alarmFinished(unsigned int contextId);
XQSystemToneServicePrivate *d_p;
friend class XQSystemToneServicePrivate;