changeset 0 876b1a06bc25
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:876b1a06bc25
     1 Welcome to Qt Mobility 1.0.0. Qt Mobility 1.0.0 contains a number of API
     2 improvements and bug fixes since Qt Mobility 1.0.0-beta1. For
     3 more details, please refer to the online documentation included in this
     4 distribution. The documentation is also available online:
     6   http://qt.nokia.com/doc/qtmobility-1.0
     8 Some of the changes listed in this file include issue tracking numbers
     9 corresponding to tasks in the Qt Bug Tracker or the Merge Request queue
    10 of the public source repository.
    12 Qt Bug Tracker: http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com
    13 Merge Request:  http://qt.gitorious.org
    16 ****************************************************************************
    17 *                          Library                                         *
    18 ****************************************************************************
    20 QtBearer
    21 ------
    23  - Fixed MOBILITY-748: Private Qt header usage has been removed
    24  - Fixed MOBILITY-600: Memory leak on Mac fixed
    25  - Multiple optimizations on Mac OS
    26  - Maemo 5 and Maemo 6 use exact same code base
    27  - ConnectInBackground support for Symbian added
    28  - Maemo 5 (Fremantle) specific fixes
    29     * Fixed QTMOBILITY-70: bearermonitor application has serious layout issues
    30       preventing any use of the app
    31     * Fixed MOBILITY-723: BearerEx test application isn't usable in N900
    32     * Fixed MOBILITY-600: QNetworkSession is not asynchronous on Maemo and
    33       leads to crashes
    34  - Static analysis errors fixed
    37 QtContacts
    38 ------
    40  - A large number of API changes have been made.  These were largely
    41    cosmetic or minor structural changes - the overall structure of the
    42    API is similar to the beta, with more consistency between different
    43    parts (particularly related to returning bool and using a map of
    44    errors)
    45     * The QContactAction (& related classes and APIs) has been removed - the
    46       intent is to re-add them once their design and implementation has been
    47       stabilized.
    48     * Some functionality has been removed (relationship ordering, action
    49       preferences for details).
    50     * QContactAvatar has been split into QContactThumbnail and QContactAvatar.
    51     * QContactOnlineAccount has been split into QContactPresence and QCOA
    52  - A number of new functions have been added (QCM::compatibleContact, 
    53       QCM::synthesizeContactDisplayLabel)
    54  - The API uses QImage instead of QPixmap, to avoid non-gui thread
    55    issues with QPixmap usage.
    56  - The names of details, and the keys of fields in details are now
    57    restricted to Latin 1 (for performance and memory usage optimization).
    58  - Bugs fixed etc
    61 QtVersit
    62 ------
    64  - A number of API changes have been made, to make it easier to use
    65    the QtVersit library for simple tasks (like reading directly from
    66    a QByteArray), and to make the API more consistent with QtContacts
    67  - The API uses QImage instead of QPixmap, to avoid non-gui thread
    68    issues with QPixmap usage.
    71 QtLocation
    72 ------
    74  - API change
    75     * QGeoPositionInfo::dateTime()/setDateTime() changed into
    76       QGeoPositionInfo::timestamp()/setTimestamp() respectively.
    77     * Added serialization functions for QGeoSatelliteInfo
    78  - Maemo 5 (Fremantle) backend implemented
    81 QtMessaging
    82 ------
    84  - Maemo 5 (Fremantle) backend implemented
    85     * SMS and Email message types supported.
    86     * modest process must be restarted before Fremantle backend is fully
    87       operational. This can be achieved by restarting the device.
    88  - API changes
    89     * QMessageAddress::recipient()/setRecipient renamed to 
    90       QMessageAddress::addressee()/setAddressee respectively.
    91     * QMessage::XMPP renamed to QMessage::InstantMessage.
    92  - Symbian specific fixes
    93     * Notifications which are related to internal folders (0x100001
    94       and 0x100002) are ignored.
    95     * Notifications about messages which are "created and then
    96       immediately removed" (before message can be read to QMessage) are
    97       removed from notifications queue and are not ever tried to
    98       deliver.
    99     * Improved message filtering functionality in case when whole
   100       message should be used for filtering but whole message can not
   101       be read yet from message store.
   102     * Notifications which can be delivered immediately will be
   103       delivered without putting notifications into queue.
   104     * The following filter now works:
   105       registerNotificationFilter(
   106           QMessageFilter::byStandardFolder(QMessage::InboxFolder) &
   107           QMessageFilter::byType(QMessage::Mms))
   108  - Regression in keepintouch example fixed, incorrect results were returned 
   109    when 'but not last' checkbox was unchecked.
   110  - Format of identifiers changed
   111    * For forwards compatibility.
   114 QtMultimediaKit
   115 ------
   116  - Symbian backend improvements
   117     * AudioCapture
   118       - Bug fixes and codec support improvements
   119     * Mediaplayer
   120       - Audio routing implemented (destinations speaker, headphones, default)
   121     * Camera
   122       - Camera bug fixes and feature improvements
   123       - Note: Camera eventually separated from QtMedia API (has its own plugin)
   124  - Symbian^3 backend for audio recording (uses OpenMaxAL)
   125  - Tweaked few examples to have more features
   126  - Maemo 5 (Fremantle) backend implemented
   127  - AudioCapture
   128  - API changes
   129     * Added CoverArtImage, PosterImage, and ThumbnailImage meta-data keys to
   130       address embedded images.
   131     * Changed QVideoWidget to use the Qt::AspectRatioMode enumeration instead
   132       of defining its own enumeration of the same name.
   133  - Behavioural changes
   134    * Changed to QVideoWidget to consistently not fill the background with black
   135      by default.
   138 QtPublishSubscribe
   139 ------
   141  - Maemo 5 (Fremantle) GConf backend finalized
   142     * Support for monitoring changes in GConf
   143     * Serialize unsupported QVariant data types in string with BASE64 encoding
   144     * Autotests
   145     * Example application modified to be usable in N900
   148 QtServiceFramework
   149 ------
   151  - Symbian backend improvements
   152     * Mainly security fixes
   153        - Security token usage in databases, db server in protected namespace etc.
   154     * Capability fixes (reduced)
   157 QtSystemInfo
   158 ------
   159  - Mac
   160     * Implemented remaining backend.
   161     * Fix memory leakage.
   163  - Maemo 5 (Fremantle)
   164     * Implemented remaining backend.
   165     * Improved implementation of Maemo's WLAN networkSignalStrengthChanged().
   166     * Improved network mode and network status.
   167     * Example application modified to better fit in N900's horizontal screen
   168     * Screensaver inhibit implemented
   170  - Linux
   171     * Storage volume names are now more consistant across the platforms.
   173  - Symbian
   174     * Improved colorDepth detection on some versions.
   175     * Improved power state detection.
   176     * Fix network name on some versions.
   178  - Signals/timers/event loops not started unless something is connected to the Q_SIGNAL.
   179  - Improved QML support.
   180  - rssi timers now fire every 5 seconds on all platforms.
   181  - Added currentMode to API.
   182  - currentMode() added in network info
   183  - Fixed MOBILITY-748: Private Qt header usage has been removed
   186 QtSensors
   187 ------
   189  - QSensorReading::value() is no longer virtual.
   190  - Many sensor classes have been changed. Please see the documentation on each sensor class in use.
   191  - Change qtimestamp type declaration to avoid an interaction between the compiler and Qt's meta system.
   192  - Added QSensorBackend::sensor().
   193  - Replaced updatePolicy and updateInterval with dataRate.
   194  - Removed polling.
   195  - Added meta-data properties for sensors.
   196  - Added error reporting functions.
   197  - Removed setType().
   198  - Renamed QSensor::connect() to QSensor::connectToBackend().
   201 Qt Mobility Plugins
   202 ------
   204  - mobapicontactspluginsymbian was renamed to qtcontacts_symbian.
   205  - mobapicontactspluginsymbiansim was renamed to qtcontacts_symbiansim.
   206  - m3u was renamed to qtmedia_m3u.
   207  - QtMobilityMmfEngine was renamed to qtmedia_mmfengine.
   210 ****************************************************************************
   211 *                      Platform Specific Changes                           *
   212 ****************************************************************************
   214 Qt Mobility for Symbian
   215 ------
   217  -  Contacts
   218     * Bug fix: Display label of a contact now does not include organization if first name or last name are available
   219     * Bug fix: Several fixes to contact filtering
   220     * Bug fix: Backends were instantiated twice. This caused for example a problem with SamplePhonebook startup; the application sometimes refused to re-start after it had been closed.
   221     * Bug fix: Adding contacts to a group or removing contacts from a group caused contactsChanged signal to be emitted instead of relationshipsAdded/Removed in other contact manager instances.
   222     * Bug fix: Adding a group caused also a contactsChanged signal to be emitted in the contact manager instance that created the group
   223     * Bug fix: QContactThumbnail was not shown in the name list view of S60 Phonebook on some S60 platforms.
   224     * Bug fix: Signal emissions when self contact is changed
   225     * Bug fix: Groups did not have timestamp and guid details.
   226     * Bug fix: S60 3.1 does not support timestamps for contacts but it was still part of the detail definition schema.
   227     * SIM backend now supports also SDN (Service Dialling Numbers) and FDN (Fixed Dialling Numbers)
   228     * Also SIM backend now emits signals
   229     * SIM backend now implements also the asynchronous QContactManager API
   230     * SIM contact phone numbers now don't have any sub type (previously they were using "mobile" sub type)
   231     * SIM contacts now use custom label as the name field instead of first name
   232     * SamplePhonebook can now be used to access and save also SIM contacts
   233     * Bugfix: Saving SIM contacts now preserves the original contact detail instances instead of replacing them with new instances (with different ids).
   234     * A work-around for issues with several consecutive SIM contacts operations
   235     * A work-around for issue on S60 3.1 products that made the device reboot when trying to delete non-existing contacts
   236     * Bug fix: Batch saving of SIM contacts did not update contact details
   237     * The schema definition of SIM backend now does not include e-mail and nick name details in case they are not supported by the SIM card
   238     * Trying to save too long details to a SIM card now gives an appropriate error