1 Qt Mobility 1.0.2 is a patch release. It contains a number of |
2 improvements and bug fixes since the Qt Mobility 1.0.1 release. For |
3 more details, please refer to the online documentation included in this |
4 distribution. The documentation is also available online: |
5 |
6 http://qt.nokia.com/doc/qtmobility-1.0 |
7 |
8 Some of the changes listed in this file include issue tracking numbers |
9 corresponding to tasks in the Qt Bug Tracker or the Merge Request queue |
10 of the public source repository. |
11 |
12 Qt Bug Tracker: http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com |
13 Merge Request: http://qt.gitorious.org |
14 |
15 |
16 **************************************************************************** |
17 * General * |
18 **************************************************************************** |
19 |
20 New features |
21 ------ |
22 |
23 - |
24 |
25 Other changes/optimizations |
26 ------ |
27 |
28 - |
29 |
30 |
31 **************************************************************************** |
32 * Important Behavior Changes * |
33 **************************************************************************** |
34 |
35 - |
36 |
37 **************************************************************************** |
38 * Library * |
39 **************************************************************************** |
40 |
41 QtBearer |
42 ------ |
43 |
44 - |
45 |
46 QtContacts |
47 ------ |
48 |
49 - Compiles against Qt/4.7 |
50 - Updated various areas of the Contacts API documentation [QTMOBILITY-361, QTMOBILITY-155] |
51 - maemo5: fixed bug in thumbnail handling code where the image was cropped and returned with swapped RGB values [QTMOBILITY-307] |
52 - maemo5: fixed bug in saving code where some details were duplicated on contact save [QTMOBILITY-310] |
53 - maemo5: fixed bug in saving code where some details were updated incorrectly on contact save [QTMOBILITY-310] |
54 - maemo5: fixed bug in loading code where certain contact addresses could cause a memory corruption leading to crash [QTMOBILITY-380] |
55 - maemo5: fixed bug in schema reporting code; now report and enforce uniqueness constraints correctly [QTMOBILITY-325] |
56 - maemo5: fixed bug in QContactOnlineAccount handling, where clients could not set the accountUri of an online account [QTMOBILITY-315] |
57 - maemo5: added support for the QContactPresence detail [QTMOBILITY-315] |
58 - maemo5: added support for QContactOnlineAccount capability reporting [QTMOBILITY-328] |
59 |
60 |
61 QtLocation |
62 ------ |
63 |
64 - Various documentation fixes |
65 - Packaging issue fixed for Symbian devices [QTMOBILITY-360] |
66 - maemo5: fixed inaccurate reporting of horizontal accuracy [QTMOBILITY-313] |
67 - maemo5: network based position sources now work [QTMOBILITY-311], although the preferred positioning methods are not working yet [QTMOBILITY-382] |
68 - maemo6: requestUpdate is now working for both position and satellite sources [QTMOBILITY-366, QTMOBILITY-367, QTMOBILITY-368, QTMOBILITY-369] |
69 |
70 QtMessaging |
71 ------ |
72 |
73 - Ensure id of sent message is available after QMessageService::send() [MOBILITY-1152] |
74 - Document windows build process [MOBILITY-536] |
75 - symbian: filter out unwanted indicator cleared messages [MOBILITY-1125] |
76 |
77 QtMedia/QtMultimediaKit |
78 ------ |
79 |
80 - |
81 |
82 QtPublishSubscribe |
83 ------ |
84 |
85 - |
86 |
87 QtSensors |
88 ------ |
89 |
90 - Don't change the output range when addOutputRange is called [QTMOBILITY-326] |
91 - Stop trying to write to files in /sys on the N900 [QTMOBILITY-326] |
92 - Don't crash when outputRange is -1 on Symbian [MOBILITY-1188] |
93 |
94 QtServiceFramework |
95 ------ |
96 |
97 - |
98 |
99 QtSystemInfo |
100 ------ |
101 |
102 - |
103 |
104 |
105 Qt Mobility Plugins |
106 ------ |
107 |
108 **************************************************************************** |
109 * Platform Specific Changes * |
110 **************************************************************************** |
111 |
112 Qt Mobility for Embedded Linux |
113 ------ |
114 |
115 - |
116 |
117 Qt Mobility for Unix (X11 and Mac OS X) |
118 ------ |
119 |
120 - |
121 |
122 Qt Mobility for Linux/X11 |
123 ------ |
124 |
125 - |
126 |
127 Qt Mobility for Windows |
128 ------ |
129 |
130 - |
131 |
132 Qt Mobility for Mac OS X |
133 ------ |
134 |
135 - |
136 |
137 |
138 Qt Mobility for Windows CE |
139 ------ |
140 |
141 - |
142 |
143 Qt Mobility for Symbian |
144 ------ |
145 |
146 **************************************************************************** |
147 * Tools * |
148 **************************************************************************** |
149 |
150 - tool |