1 # config.pri specifies the configure options and is pulled in via staticconfig.pri |
2 include(staticconfig.pri) |
3 !include($$QT_MOBILITY_BUILD_TREE/config.pri) { |
4 error("Please run configure script"); |
5 #also fails if .qmake.cache was not generated which may |
6 #happen if we are trying to shadow build w/o running configure |
7 } |
8 |
9 #don't build QtMobility if chosen config mismatches Qt's config |
10 win32:!contains(CONFIG_WIN32,build_all) { |
11 contains(QT_CONFIG,debug):!contains(QT_CONFIG,release):contains(CONFIG_WIN32,release) { |
12 # Qt only build in debug mode |
13 error(QtMobility cannot be build in release mode if Qt is build in debug mode only) |
14 } |
15 !contains(QT_CONFIG,debug):contains(QT_CONFIG,release):contains(CONFIG_WIN32,debug) { |
16 # Qt only build in release mode |
17 error(QtMobility cannot be build in debug mode if Qt is build in release mode only) |
18 } |
19 } |
20 |
21 lessThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4) { |
22 error(Qt Mobility requires Qt 4.6 or higher. Qt $${QT_VERSION} was found.); |
23 } |
24 |
25 contains(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4):lessThan(QT_MINOR_VERSION, 6) { |
26 error(Qt Mobility requires Qt 4.6 or higher. Qt $${QT_VERSION} was found.); |
27 } |
28 |
29 |
30 # MCL builds for Symbian do not run configure and require some manual setup steps. |
31 # This test permits SD builds to skip installation of mobility.prf from within qmake. |
32 # It is installed in a separate step. MCL builds for SD must set the |
33 # MOBILITY_SD_MCL_BUILD flag to yes. |
34 !contains(MOBILITY_SD_MCL_BUILD, yes) { |
35 #generate prf file for Qt integration |
36 PRF_OUTPUT=$${QT_MOBILITY_BUILD_TREE}/features/mobility.prf |
37 |
40 system(echo MOBILITY_LIB=$${QT_MOBILITY_LIB} >> $$PRF_OUTPUT) |
41 |
42 unix:!symbian:system(cat $${QT_MOBILITY_SOURCE_TREE}/features/mobility.prf.template >> $$PRF_OUTPUT) |
43 win32:system(type $${QT_MOBILITY_SOURCE_TREE}\features\mobility.prf.template >> $$PRF_OUTPUT) |
44 symbian:system(type $${QT_MOBILITY_SOURCE_TREE}\features\mobility.prf.template >> $$PRF_OUTPUT) |
45 |
46 PRF_CONFIG=$${QT_MOBILITY_BUILD_TREE}/features/mobilityconfig.prf |
47 system(echo MOBILITY_CONFIG=$${mobility_modules} > $$PRF_CONFIG) |
48 system(echo MOBILITY_VERSION = 1.0.2 >> $$PRF_CONFIG) |
49 system(echo MOBILITY_MAJOR_VERSION = 1 >> $$PRF_CONFIG) |
50 system(echo MOBILITY_MINOR_VERSION = 0 >> $$PRF_CONFIG) |
51 system(echo MOBILITY_PATCH_VERSION = 2 >> $$PRF_CONFIG) |
52 |
53 #symbian does not generate make install rule. we have to copy prf manually |
54 symbian { |
55 FORMATDIR=$$[QT_INSTALL_DATA]\mkspecs\features |
56 FORMATDIR=$$replace(FORMATDIR,/,\\ ) |
57 system(copy "$${QT_MOBILITY_BUILD_TREE}\features\mobility.prf $$FORMATDIR") |
58 system(copy "$${QT_MOBILITY_BUILD_TREE}\features\mobilityconfig.prf $$FORMATDIR") |
59 } |
60 |
61 # install config file |
62 config.path = $$[QT_INSTALL_DATA]/mkspecs/features |
63 config.files = $$QT_MOBILITY_BUILD_TREE/features/mobilityconfig.prf |
64 |
65 # install feature file |
66 feature.path = $$[QT_INSTALL_DATA]/mkspecs/features |
67 feature.files = $$QT_MOBILITY_BUILD_TREE/features/mobility.prf |
68 INSTALLS += feature config |
69 } |
70 |
71 TEMPLATE = subdirs |
72 CONFIG+=ordered |
73 |
74 SUBDIRS += src |
75 |
76 contains(build_tools, yes) { |
77 SUBDIRS += tools |
78 } |
79 |
80 SUBDIRS += plugins |
81 |
82 #built documentation snippets, if enabled |
83 contains(build_docs, yes) { |
84 SUBDIRS += doc |
85 include(doc/doc.pri) |
86 |
87 OTHER_FILES += doc/src/*.qdoc doc/src/examples/*.qdoc |
88 } |
89 |
90 contains(build_unit_tests, yes):SUBDIRS+=tests |
91 contains(build_examples, yes):SUBDIRS+=examples |
92 |
93 #updating and deployment of translations requires Qt 4.6.3/qtPrepareTool |
94 !symbian:defined(qtPrepareTool):SUBDIRS += translations |
95 |
96 # install Qt style headers |
97 |
98 !symbian { |
99 contains(mobility_modules,bearer) { |
100 qtmheadersbearer.path = $${QT_MOBILITY_INCLUDE}/QtBearer |
101 qtmheadersbearer.files = $${QT_MOBILITY_BUILD_TREE}/include/QtBearer/* |
102 INSTALLS += qtmheadersbearer |
103 } |
104 |
105 contains(mobility_modules,contacts) { |
106 qtmheaderscontacts.path = $${QT_MOBILITY_INCLUDE}/QtContacts |
107 qtmheaderscontacts.files = $${QT_MOBILITY_BUILD_TREE}/include/QtContacts/* |
108 INSTALLS += qtmheaderscontacts |
109 } |
110 |
111 contains(mobility_modules,location) { |
112 qtmheaderslocation.path = $${QT_MOBILITY_INCLUDE}/QtLocation |
113 qtmheaderslocation.files = $${QT_MOBILITY_BUILD_TREE}/include/QtLocation/* |
114 INSTALLS += qtmheaderslocation |
115 } |
116 |
117 contains(mobility_modules,messaging) { |
118 qtmheadersmessaging.path = $${QT_MOBILITY_INCLUDE}/QtMessaging |
119 qtmheadersmessaging.files = $${QT_MOBILITY_BUILD_TREE}/include/QtMessaging/* |
120 INSTALLS += qtmheadersmessaging |
121 } |
122 |
123 contains(mobility_modules,multimedia) { |
124 qtmheadersmultimedia.path = $${QT_MOBILITY_INCLUDE}/QtMultimediaKit |
125 qtmheadersmultimedia.files = $${QT_MOBILITY_BUILD_TREE}/include/QtMultimediaKit/* |
126 INSTALLS += qtmheadersmultimedia |
127 } |
128 |
129 contains(mobility_modules,publishsubscribe) { |
130 qtmheaderspubsub.path = $${QT_MOBILITY_INCLUDE}/QtPublishSubscribe |
131 qtmheaderspubsub.files = $${QT_MOBILITY_BUILD_TREE}/include/QtPublishSubscribe/* |
132 INSTALLS += qtmheaderspubsub |
133 } |
134 |
135 contains(mobility_modules,serviceframework) { |
136 qtmheaderssfw.path = $${QT_MOBILITY_INCLUDE}/QtServiceFramework |
137 qtmheaderssfw.files = $${QT_MOBILITY_BUILD_TREE}/include/QtServiceFramework/* |
138 INSTALLS += qtmheaderssfw |
139 } |
140 |
141 contains(mobility_modules,versit) { |
142 qtmheadersversit.path = $${QT_MOBILITY_INCLUDE}/QtVersit |
143 qtmheadersversit.files = $${QT_MOBILITY_BUILD_TREE}/include/QtVersit/* |
144 INSTALLS += qtmheadersversit |
145 } |
146 |
147 contains(mobility_modules,systeminfo) { |
148 qtmheaderssysteminfo.path = $${QT_MOBILITY_INCLUDE}/QtSystemInfo |
149 qtmheaderssysteminfo.files = $${QT_MOBILITY_BUILD_TREE}/include/QtSystemInfo/* |
150 INSTALLS += qtmheaderssysteminfo |
151 } |
152 |
153 contains(mobility_modules,sensors) { |
154 qtmheaderssensors.path = $${QT_MOBILITY_INCLUDE}/QtSensors |
155 qtmheaderssensors.files = $${QT_MOBILITY_BUILD_TREE}/include/QtSensors/* |
156 INSTALLS += qtmheaderssensors |
157 } |
158 } else { |
159 #absolute path does not work and |
160 #include <QtMyLibrary/class.h> style does not work either |
161 qtmAppHeaders = include/QtContacts/* \ |
162 include/QtVersit/* |
163 |
164 qtmMwHeaders = include/QtBearer/* \ |
165 include/QtLocation/* \ |
166 include/QtMessaging/* \ |
167 include/QtMultimediaKit/* \ |
168 include/QtPublishSubscribe/* \ |
169 include/QtServiceFramework/* \ |
170 include/QtSystemInfo/* \ |
171 include/QtSensors/* |
172 |
173 contains(mobility_modules,contacts|versit) { |
174 for(api, qtmAppHeaders) { |
175 INCLUDEFILES=$$files($$api); |
176 #files() attaches a ';' at the end which we need to remove |
177 cleanedFiles=$$replace(INCLUDEFILES, ;,) |
178 cleanedFiles=$$replace(cleanedFiles, \\\,/) |
179 for(header, cleanedFiles) { |
180 exists($$header): |
181 BLD_INF_RULES.prj_exports += "$$header $$APP_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH($$basename(header))" |
182 } |
183 } |
184 } |
185 |
186 contains(mobility_modules,serviceframework|location|bearer|publishsubscribe|systeminfo|multimedia|messaging) { |
187 for(api, qtmMwHeaders) { |
188 INCLUDEFILES=$$files($$api); |
189 #files() attaches a ';' at the end which we need to remove |
190 cleanedFiles=$$replace(INCLUDEFILES, ;,) |
191 cleanedFiles=$$replace(cleanedFiles, \\\, /) |
192 for(header, cleanedFiles) { |
193 exists($$header): |
194 BLD_INF_RULES.prj_exports += "$$header $$MW_LAYER_PUBLIC_EXPORT_PATH($$basename(header))" |
195 } |
196 } |
197 } |
198 } |
199 |