changeset 0 876b1a06bc25
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:876b1a06bc25
     1 /****************************************************************************
     2 **
     3 ** Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     4 ** All rights reserved.
     5 ** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
     6 **
     7 ** This file is part of the Qt Mobility Components.
     8 **
    10 ** No Commercial Usage
    11 ** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
    12 ** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
    13 ** contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying
    14 ** this package.
    15 **
    16 ** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
    17 ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
    18 ** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
    19 ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
    20 ** packaging of this file.  Please review the following information to
    21 ** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
    22 ** will be met:
    23 **
    24 ** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
    25 ** rights.  These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
    26 ** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
    27 **
    28 ** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
    29 ** Nokia at
    30 **
    31 **
    32 **
    33 **
    34 **
    35 **
    36 **
    37 **
    38 ** $QT_END_LICENSE$
    39 **
    40 ****************************************************************************/
    42 #include "qnetworkconfigmanager_s60_p.h"
    44 #include <commdb.h>
    45 #include <cdbcols.h>
    46 #include <d32dbms.h>
    47 #include <nifvar.h>
    48 #include <QTimer>
    49 #include <QTime>  // For randgen seeding
    50 #include <QtCore> // For randgen seeding
    54 #include <QDebug>
    55 #endif
    58     #include <cmdestination.h>
    59     #include <cmconnectionmethod.h>
    60     #include <cmconnectionmethoddef.h>
    61     #include <cmpluginwlandef.h>
    62     #include <cmpluginpacketdatadef.h>
    63     #include <cmplugindialcommondefs.h>
    64 #else
    65     #include <apaccesspointitem.h>
    66     #include <apdatahandler.h>
    67     #include <aputils.h> 
    68 #endif
    72 static const int KUserChoiceIAPId = 0;
    74 QNetworkConfigurationManagerPrivate::QNetworkConfigurationManagerPrivate()
    75     : QObject(0), CActive(CActive::EPriorityHigh), capFlags(0),
    76     iFirstUpdate(true), iInitOk(true), iUpdatePending(false),
    77     iTimeToWait(0)
    78 {
    79     CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
    81     // Seed the randomgenerator
    82     qsrand(QTime(0,0,0).secsTo(QTime::currentTime()) + QCoreApplication::applicationPid());
    84     registerPlatformCapabilities();
    85     TRAPD(error, ipCommsDB = CCommsDatabase::NewL(EDatabaseTypeIAP));
    86     if (error != KErrNone) {
    87         iInitOk = false;
    88         return;
    89     }
    91     TRAP_IGNORE(iConnectionMonitor.ConnectL());
    93     TRAP_IGNORE(iConnectionMonitor.SetUintAttribute(EBearerIdAll, 0, KBearerGroupThreshold, 1));
    94 #endif    
    95     TRAP_IGNORE(iConnectionMonitor.NotifyEventL(*this));
    98     TRAP(error, iCmManager.OpenL());
    99     if (error != KErrNone) {
   100         iInitOk = false;
   101         return;
   102     }
   103 #endif
   105     QNetworkConfigurationPrivate* cpPriv = new QNetworkConfigurationPrivate();
   106     cpPriv->name = "UserChoice";
   107     cpPriv->bearer = QNetworkConfigurationPrivate::BearerUnknown;
   108     cpPriv->state = QNetworkConfiguration::Discovered;
   109     cpPriv->isValid = true;
   110     cpPriv->id = QString::number(qHash(KUserChoiceIAPId));
   111     cpPriv->numericId = KUserChoiceIAPId;
   112     cpPriv->connectionId = 0;
   113     cpPriv->type = QNetworkConfiguration::UserChoice;
   114     cpPriv->purpose = QNetworkConfiguration::UnknownPurpose;
   115     cpPriv->roamingSupported = false;
   116     cpPriv->manager = this;
   117     QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<QNetworkConfigurationPrivate> ptr(cpPriv);
   118     userChoiceConfigurations.insert(cpPriv->id, ptr);
   119     updateConfigurations();
   120     updateStatesToSnaps();
   121     updateAvailableAccessPoints(); // On first time updates synchronously (without WLAN scans)
   122     // Start monitoring IAP and/or SNAP changes in Symbian CommsDB
   123     startCommsDatabaseNotifications();
   124     iFirstUpdate = false;
   125 }
   127 QNetworkConfigurationManagerPrivate::~QNetworkConfigurationManagerPrivate() 
   128 {
   129     Cancel();
   131     foreach (const QString &oldIface, snapConfigurations.keys()) {
   132         QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<QNetworkConfigurationPrivate> priv = snapConfigurations.take(oldIface);
   133         priv->isValid = false;
   134         priv->id.clear();
   135     }
   137     foreach (const QString &oldIface, accessPointConfigurations.keys()) {
   138         QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<QNetworkConfigurationPrivate> priv = accessPointConfigurations.take(oldIface);
   139         priv->isValid = false;
   140         priv->id.clear();
   141     }
   143     foreach (const QString &oldIface, userChoiceConfigurations.keys()) {
   144         QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<QNetworkConfigurationPrivate> priv = userChoiceConfigurations.take(oldIface);
   145         priv->isValid = false;
   146         priv->id.clear();
   147         priv->manager = 0;
   148     }
   150     iConnectionMonitor.CancelNotifications();
   151     iConnectionMonitor.Close();
   154     iCmManager.Close();
   155 #endif
   157     delete ipAccessPointsAvailabilityScanner;
   159     // CCommsDatabase destructor uses cleanup stack. Since QNetworkConfigurationManager
   160     // is a global static, but the time we are here, E32Main() has been exited already and
   161     // the thread's default cleanup stack has been deleted. Without this line, a
   162     // 'E32USER-CBase 69' -panic will occur.
   163     CTrapCleanup* cleanup = CTrapCleanup::New();
   164     delete ipCommsDB;
   165     delete cleanup;
   166 }
   168 void QNetworkConfigurationManagerPrivate::delayedConfigurationUpdate()
   169 {
   170     if (iUpdatePending) {
   172         qDebug("QNCM delayed configuration update (ECommit or ERecover occurred).");
   173 #endif
   174         TRAPD(error, updateConfigurationsL());
   175         if (error == KErrNone) {
   176             updateStatesToSnaps();
   177         }
   178         iUpdatePending = false;
   179         // Start monitoring again.
   180         if (!IsActive()) {
   181             SetActive();
   182             // Start waiting for new notification
   183             ipCommsDB->RequestNotification(iStatus);
   184         }
   185     }
   186 }
   188 void QNetworkConfigurationManagerPrivate::registerPlatformCapabilities()
   189 {
   190     capFlags |= QNetworkConfigurationManager::CanStartAndStopInterfaces;
   191     capFlags |= QNetworkConfigurationManager::DirectConnectionRouting;
   192     capFlags |= QNetworkConfigurationManager::SystemSessionSupport;
   194     capFlags |= QNetworkConfigurationManager::ApplicationLevelRoaming;
   195     capFlags |= QNetworkConfigurationManager::ForcedRoaming;
   196 #endif
   197     capFlags |= QNetworkConfigurationManager::DataStatistics;
   198     capFlags |= QNetworkConfigurationManager::NetworkSessionRequired;
   199 }
   201 void QNetworkConfigurationManagerPrivate::performAsyncConfigurationUpdate()
   202 {
   203     if (!iInitOk || iUpdateGoingOn) {
   204         return;
   205     }
   206     iUpdateGoingOn = true;
   208     stopCommsDatabaseNotifications();
   209     updateConfigurations(); // Synchronous call
   210     updateAvailableAccessPoints(); // Asynchronous call
   211 }
   213 void QNetworkConfigurationManagerPrivate::updateConfigurations()
   214 {
   215     if (!iInitOk) {
   216         return;
   217     }
   218     TRAP_IGNORE(updateConfigurationsL());
   219 }
   221 void QNetworkConfigurationManagerPrivate::updateConfigurationsL()
   222 {
   223     QList<QString> knownConfigs = accessPointConfigurations.keys();
   224     QList<QString> knownSnapConfigs = snapConfigurations.keys();
   227     // S60 version is >= Series60 3rd Edition Feature Pack 2
   228     TInt error = KErrNone;
   230     // Loop through all IAPs
   231     RArray<TUint32> connectionMethods; // IAPs
   232     CleanupClosePushL(connectionMethods);
   233     iCmManager.ConnectionMethodL(connectionMethods);
   234     for(int i = 0; i < connectionMethods.Count(); i++) {
   235         RCmConnectionMethod connectionMethod = iCmManager.ConnectionMethodL(connectionMethods[i]);
   236         CleanupClosePushL(connectionMethod);
   237         TUint32 iapId = connectionMethod.GetIntAttributeL(CMManager::ECmIapId);
   238         QString ident = QT_BEARERMGMT_CONFIGURATION_IAP_PREFIX+QString::number(qHash(iapId));
   239         if (accessPointConfigurations.contains(ident)) {
   240             knownConfigs.removeOne(ident);
   241         } else {
   242             QNetworkConfigurationPrivate* cpPriv = NULL;
   243             TRAP(error, cpPriv = configFromConnectionMethodL(connectionMethod));
   244             if (error == KErrNone) {
   245                 QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<QNetworkConfigurationPrivate> ptr(cpPriv);
   246                 accessPointConfigurations.insert(cpPriv->id, ptr);
   247                 if (!iFirstUpdate) {
   248                     QNetworkConfiguration item;
   249                     item.d = ptr;
   250                     // Emit configuration added. Connected slots may throw execptions
   251                     // which propagate here --> must be converted to leaves (standard
   252                     // std::exception would cause any TRAP trapping this function to terminate
   253                     // program).
   254                     QT_TRYCATCH_LEAVING(updateActiveAccessPoints());
   255                     updateStatesToSnaps();
   256                     QT_TRYCATCH_LEAVING(emit configurationAdded(item));
   257                 }
   258             }
   259         }
   260         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&connectionMethod);
   261     }
   262     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&connectionMethods);
   264     // Loop through all SNAPs
   265     RArray<TUint32> destinations;
   266     CleanupClosePushL(destinations);
   267     iCmManager.AllDestinationsL(destinations);
   268     for(int i = 0; i < destinations.Count(); i++) {
   269         RCmDestination destination;
   271         // Some destinatsions require ReadDeviceData -capability (MMS/WAP)
   272         // The below function will leave in these cases. Don't. Proceed to
   273         // next destination (if any).
   274         TRAPD(error, destination = iCmManager.DestinationL(destinations[i]));
   275         if (error == KErrPermissionDenied) {
   276             continue;
   277         } else {
   278             User::LeaveIfError(error);
   279         }
   281         CleanupClosePushL(destination);
   282         QString ident = QT_BEARERMGMT_CONFIGURATION_SNAP_PREFIX+QString::number(qHash(destination.Id()));
   283         if (snapConfigurations.contains(ident)) {
   284             knownSnapConfigs.removeOne(ident);
   285         } else {
   286             QNetworkConfigurationPrivate* cpPriv = new QNetworkConfigurationPrivate();
   287             HBufC *pName = destination.NameLC();
   288             QT_TRYCATCH_LEAVING(cpPriv->name = QString::fromUtf16(pName->Ptr(),pName->Length()));
   289             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(pName);
   290             pName = NULL;
   291             cpPriv->isValid = true;
   292             cpPriv->id = ident;
   293             cpPriv->numericId = destination.Id();
   294             cpPriv->connectionId = 0;
   295             cpPriv->state = QNetworkConfiguration::Defined;
   296             cpPriv->type = QNetworkConfiguration::ServiceNetwork;
   297             cpPriv->purpose = QNetworkConfiguration::UnknownPurpose;
   298             cpPriv->roamingSupported = false;
   299             cpPriv->manager = this;
   301             QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<QNetworkConfigurationPrivate> ptr(cpPriv);
   302             snapConfigurations.insert(ident, ptr);
   303             if (!iFirstUpdate) {
   304                 QNetworkConfiguration item;
   305                 item.d = ptr;
   306                 QT_TRYCATCH_LEAVING(updateActiveAccessPoints());
   307                 updateStatesToSnaps();
   308                 QT_TRYCATCH_LEAVING(emit configurationAdded(item));
   309             }
   310         }
   311         QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<QNetworkConfigurationPrivate> privSNAP = snapConfigurations.value(ident);
   313         for (int j=0; j < destination.ConnectionMethodCount(); j++) {
   314             RCmConnectionMethod connectionMethod = destination.ConnectionMethodL(j);
   315             CleanupClosePushL(connectionMethod);
   317             TUint32 iapId = connectionMethod.GetIntAttributeL(CMManager::ECmIapId);
   318             QString iface = QT_BEARERMGMT_CONFIGURATION_IAP_PREFIX+QString::number(qHash(iapId));
   319             // Check that IAP can be found from accessPointConfigurations list
   320             QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<QNetworkConfigurationPrivate> priv = accessPointConfigurations.value(iface);
   321             if ( == 0) {
   322                 QNetworkConfigurationPrivate* cpPriv = NULL; 
   323                 TRAP(error, cpPriv = configFromConnectionMethodL(connectionMethod));
   324                 if (error == KErrNone) {
   325                     QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<QNetworkConfigurationPrivate> ptr(cpPriv);
   326           >serviceNetworkPtr = privSNAP;
   327                     accessPointConfigurations.insert(cpPriv->id, ptr);
   328                     privSNAP->serviceNetworkMembers.append(ptr);
   329                     if (!iFirstUpdate) {
   330                         QNetworkConfiguration item;
   331                         item.d = ptr;
   332                         QT_TRYCATCH_LEAVING(updateActiveAccessPoints());
   333                         updateStatesToSnaps();
   334                         QT_TRYCATCH_LEAVING(emit configurationAdded(item));
   335                     }
   336                 }
   337             } else {
   338                 knownConfigs.removeOne(iface);
   339                 // Check that IAP can be found from related SNAP's configuration list
   340                 bool iapFound = false;
   341                 for (int i=0; i<privSNAP->serviceNetworkMembers.count(); i++) {
   342                     if (privSNAP->serviceNetworkMembers[i]->numericId == iapId) {
   343                         iapFound = true;
   344                         break;
   345                     }
   346                 }
   347                 if (!iapFound) {
   348           >serviceNetworkPtr = privSNAP; 
   349                     privSNAP->serviceNetworkMembers.append(priv);
   350                 }
   351             }
   352             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&connectionMethod);
   353         }
   354         if (privSNAP->serviceNetworkMembers.count() > 1) {
   355             // Roaming is supported only if SNAP contains more than one IAP
   356             privSNAP->roamingSupported = true;
   357         }
   358         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&destination);
   359     }
   360     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&destinations);
   362 #else
   363     // S60 version is < Series60 3rd Edition Feature Pack 2
   364     CCommsDbTableView* pDbTView = ipCommsDB->OpenTableLC(TPtrC(IAP));
   366     // Loop through all IAPs
   367     TUint32 apId = 0;
   368     TInt retVal = pDbTView->GotoFirstRecord();
   369     while (retVal == KErrNone) {
   370         pDbTView->ReadUintL(TPtrC(COMMDB_ID), apId);
   371         QString ident = QT_BEARERMGMT_CONFIGURATION_IAP_PREFIX+QString::number(qHash(apId));
   372         if (accessPointConfigurations.contains(ident)) {
   373             knownConfigs.removeOne(ident);
   374         } else {
   375             QNetworkConfigurationPrivate* cpPriv = new QNetworkConfigurationPrivate();
   376             if (readNetworkConfigurationValuesFromCommsDb(apId, cpPriv)) {
   377                 QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<QNetworkConfigurationPrivate> ptr(cpPriv);
   378                 accessPointConfigurations.insert(ident, ptr);
   379                 if (!iFirstUpdate) {
   380                     QNetworkConfiguration item;
   381                     item.d = ptr;
   382                     QT_TRYCATCH_LEAVING(updateActiveAccessPoints());
   383                     updateStatesToSnaps();
   384                     QT_TRYCATCH_LEAVING(emit configurationAdded(item));
   385                 }
   386             } else {
   387                 delete cpPriv;
   388             }
   389         }
   390         retVal = pDbTView->GotoNextRecord();
   391     }
   392     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(pDbTView);
   393 #endif
   395     QT_TRYCATCH_LEAVING(updateActiveAccessPoints());
   397     foreach (const QString &oldIface, knownConfigs) {
   398         //remove non existing IAP
   399         QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<QNetworkConfigurationPrivate> priv = accessPointConfigurations.take(oldIface);
   400         priv->isValid = false;
   401         if (!iFirstUpdate) {
   402             QNetworkConfiguration item;
   403             item.d = priv;
   404             QT_TRYCATCH_LEAVING(emit configurationRemoved(item));
   405         }
   406         // Remove non existing IAP from SNAPs
   407         foreach (const QString &iface, snapConfigurations.keys()) {
   408             QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<QNetworkConfigurationPrivate> priv2 = snapConfigurations.value(iface);
   409             // => Check if one of the IAPs of the SNAP is active
   410             for (int i=0; i<priv2->serviceNetworkMembers.count(); i++) {
   411                 if (priv2->serviceNetworkMembers[i]->numericId == priv->numericId) {
   412                     priv2->serviceNetworkMembers.removeAt(i);
   413                     break;
   414                 }
   415             }
   416         }    
   417     }
   418     foreach (const QString &oldIface, knownSnapConfigs) {
   419         //remove non existing SNAPs
   420         QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<QNetworkConfigurationPrivate> priv = snapConfigurations.take(oldIface);
   421         priv->isValid = false;
   422         if (!iFirstUpdate) {
   423             QNetworkConfiguration item;
   424             item.d = priv;
   425             QT_TRYCATCH_LEAVING(emit configurationRemoved(item));
   426         }
   427     }
   429     updateStatesToSnaps();
   430 #endif
   431 }
   434 QNetworkConfigurationPrivate* QNetworkConfigurationManagerPrivate::configFromConnectionMethodL(
   435         RCmConnectionMethod& connectionMethod)
   436 {
   437     QNetworkConfigurationPrivate* cpPriv = new QNetworkConfigurationPrivate();
   438     TUint32 iapId = connectionMethod.GetIntAttributeL(CMManager::ECmIapId);
   439     QString ident = QT_BEARERMGMT_CONFIGURATION_IAP_PREFIX+QString::number(qHash(iapId));
   441     HBufC *pName = connectionMethod.GetStringAttributeL(CMManager::ECmName);
   442     CleanupStack::PushL(pName);
   443     QT_TRYCATCH_LEAVING(cpPriv->name = QString::fromUtf16(pName->Ptr(),pName->Length()));
   444     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(pName);
   445     pName = NULL;
   447     TUint32 bearerId = connectionMethod.GetIntAttributeL(CMManager::ECmCommsDBBearerType);
   448     switch (bearerId) {
   449     case KCommDbBearerCSD:
   450         cpPriv->bearer = QNetworkConfigurationPrivate::Bearer2G;
   451         break;
   452     case KCommDbBearerWcdma:
   453         cpPriv->bearer = QNetworkConfigurationPrivate::BearerWCDMA;
   454         break;
   455     case KCommDbBearerLAN:
   456         cpPriv->bearer = QNetworkConfigurationPrivate::BearerEthernet;
   457         break;
   458     case KCommDbBearerVirtual:
   459         cpPriv->bearer = QNetworkConfigurationPrivate::BearerUnknown;
   460         break;
   461     case KCommDbBearerPAN:
   462         cpPriv->bearer = QNetworkConfigurationPrivate::BearerUnknown;
   463         break;
   464     case KCommDbBearerWLAN:
   465         cpPriv->bearer = QNetworkConfigurationPrivate::BearerWLAN;
   466         break;
   467     default:
   468         cpPriv->bearer = QNetworkConfigurationPrivate::BearerUnknown;
   469         break;
   470     }
   472     TInt error = KErrNone;
   473     TUint32 bearerType = connectionMethod.GetIntAttributeL(CMManager::ECmBearerType);
   474     switch (bearerType) {
   475     case KUidPacketDataBearerType:
   476         // "Packet data" Bearer => Mapping is done using "Access point name"
   477         TRAP(error, pName = connectionMethod.GetStringAttributeL(CMManager::EPacketDataAPName));
   478         break;
   479     case KUidWlanBearerType:
   480         // "Wireless LAN" Bearer => Mapping is done using "WLAN network name" = SSID
   481         TRAP(error, pName = connectionMethod.GetStringAttributeL(CMManager::EWlanSSID));
   482         break;
   483     }
   484     if (!pName) {
   485         // "Data call" Bearer or "High Speed (GSM)" Bearer => Mapping is done using "Dial-up number"
   486         TRAP(error, pName = connectionMethod.GetStringAttributeL(CMManager::EDialDefaultTelNum));
   487     }
   489     if (error == KErrNone && pName) {
   490         CleanupStack::PushL(pName);
   491         QT_TRYCATCH_LEAVING(cpPriv->mappingName = QString::fromUtf16(pName->Ptr(),pName->Length()));
   492         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(pName);
   493         pName = NULL;
   494     }
   496     cpPriv->state = QNetworkConfiguration::Defined;
   497     TBool isConnected = connectionMethod.GetBoolAttributeL(CMManager::ECmConnected);
   498     if (isConnected) {
   499         cpPriv->state = QNetworkConfiguration::Active;
   500     }
   502     cpPriv->isValid = true;
   503     cpPriv->id = ident;
   504     cpPriv->numericId = iapId;
   505     cpPriv->connectionId = 0;
   506     cpPriv->type = QNetworkConfiguration::InternetAccessPoint;
   507     cpPriv->purpose = QNetworkConfiguration::UnknownPurpose;
   508     cpPriv->roamingSupported = false;
   509     cpPriv->manager = this;
   510     return cpPriv;
   511 }
   512 #else
   513 bool QNetworkConfigurationManagerPrivate::readNetworkConfigurationValuesFromCommsDb(
   514         TUint32 aApId, QNetworkConfigurationPrivate* apNetworkConfiguration)
   515 {
   516     TRAPD(error, readNetworkConfigurationValuesFromCommsDbL(aApId,apNetworkConfiguration));
   517     if (error != KErrNone) {
   518         return false;        
   519     }
   520     return true;
   521 }
   523 void QNetworkConfigurationManagerPrivate::readNetworkConfigurationValuesFromCommsDbL(
   524         TUint32 aApId, QNetworkConfigurationPrivate* apNetworkConfiguration)
   525 {
   526     CApDataHandler* pDataHandler = CApDataHandler::NewLC(*ipCommsDB); 
   527     CApAccessPointItem* pAPItem = CApAccessPointItem::NewLC(); 
   528     TBuf<KCommsDbSvrMaxColumnNameLength> name;
   530     CApUtils* pApUtils = CApUtils::NewLC(*ipCommsDB);
   531     TUint32 apId = pApUtils->WapIdFromIapIdL(aApId);
   533     pDataHandler->AccessPointDataL(apId,*pAPItem);
   534     pAPItem->ReadTextL(EApIapName, name);
   535     if (name.Compare(_L("Easy WLAN")) == 0) {
   536         // "Easy WLAN" won't be accepted to the Configurations list
   537         User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
   538     }
   540     QString ident = QT_BEARERMGMT_CONFIGURATION_IAP_PREFIX+QString::number(qHash(aApId));
   542     QT_TRYCATCH_LEAVING(apNetworkConfiguration->name = QString::fromUtf16(name.Ptr(),name.Length()));
   543     apNetworkConfiguration->isValid = true;
   544     apNetworkConfiguration->id = ident;
   545     apNetworkConfiguration->numericId = aApId;
   546     apNetworkConfiguration->connectionId = 0;
   547     apNetworkConfiguration->state = (QNetworkConfiguration::Defined);
   548     apNetworkConfiguration->type = QNetworkConfiguration::InternetAccessPoint;
   549     apNetworkConfiguration->purpose = QNetworkConfiguration::UnknownPurpose;
   550     apNetworkConfiguration->roamingSupported = false;
   551     switch (pAPItem->BearerTypeL()) {
   552     case EApBearerTypeCSD:      
   553         apNetworkConfiguration->bearer = QNetworkConfigurationPrivate::Bearer2G;
   554         break;
   555     case EApBearerTypeGPRS:
   556         apNetworkConfiguration->bearer = QNetworkConfigurationPrivate::Bearer2G;
   557         break;
   558     case EApBearerTypeHSCSD:
   559         apNetworkConfiguration->bearer = QNetworkConfigurationPrivate::BearerHSPA;
   560         break;
   561     case EApBearerTypeCDMA:
   562         apNetworkConfiguration->bearer = QNetworkConfigurationPrivate::BearerCDMA2000;
   563         break;
   564     case EApBearerTypeWLAN:
   565         apNetworkConfiguration->bearer = QNetworkConfigurationPrivate::BearerWLAN;
   566         break;
   567     case EApBearerTypeLAN:
   568         apNetworkConfiguration->bearer = QNetworkConfigurationPrivate::BearerEthernet;
   569         break;
   570     case EApBearerTypeLANModem:
   571         apNetworkConfiguration->bearer = QNetworkConfigurationPrivate::BearerEthernet;
   572         break;
   573     default:
   574         apNetworkConfiguration->bearer = QNetworkConfigurationPrivate::BearerUnknown;
   575         break;
   576     }
   577     apNetworkConfiguration->manager = this;
   579     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(pApUtils);
   580     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(pAPItem);
   581     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(pDataHandler);
   582 }
   583 #endif
   585 QNetworkConfiguration QNetworkConfigurationManagerPrivate::defaultConfiguration()
   586 {
   587     QNetworkConfiguration config;
   589     if (iInitOk) {
   590         stopCommsDatabaseNotifications();
   591         TRAP_IGNORE(config = defaultConfigurationL());
   592         startCommsDatabaseNotifications();
   593     }
   594     return config;
   595 }
   597 QNetworkConfiguration QNetworkConfigurationManagerPrivate::defaultConfigurationL()
   598 {
   599     QNetworkConfiguration item;
   602     // Check Default Connection (SNAP or IAP)
   603     TCmDefConnValue defaultConnectionValue;
   604     iCmManager.ReadDefConnL(defaultConnectionValue);
   605     if (defaultConnectionValue.iType == ECmDefConnDestination) {
   606         QString iface = QT_BEARERMGMT_CONFIGURATION_SNAP_PREFIX+QString::number(qHash(defaultConnectionValue.iId));
   607         QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<QNetworkConfigurationPrivate> priv = snapConfigurations.value(iface);
   608         if ( != 0) {
   609             item.d = priv;
   610         }
   611     } else if (defaultConnectionValue.iType == ECmDefConnConnectionMethod) {
   612         QString iface = QT_BEARERMGMT_CONFIGURATION_IAP_PREFIX+QString::number(qHash(defaultConnectionValue.iId));
   613         QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<QNetworkConfigurationPrivate> priv = accessPointConfigurations.value(iface);
   614         if ( != 0) {
   615             item.d = priv;
   616         }
   617     } 
   618 #endif
   620     if (!item.isValid()) {
   621         QString iface = QString::number(qHash(KUserChoiceIAPId));
   622         QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<QNetworkConfigurationPrivate> priv = userChoiceConfigurations.value(iface);
   623         if ( != 0) {
   624             item.d = priv;
   625         }
   626     }
   628     return item;
   629 }
   631 void QNetworkConfigurationManagerPrivate::updateActiveAccessPoints()
   632 {
   633     bool online = false;
   634     QList<QString> inactiveConfigs = accessPointConfigurations.keys();
   636     TRequestStatus status;
   637     TUint connectionCount;
   638     iConnectionMonitor.GetConnectionCount(connectionCount, status);
   639     User::WaitForRequest(status);
   641     // Go through all connections and set state of related IAPs to Active.
   642     // Status needs to be checked carefully, because ConnMon lists also e.g.
   643     // WLAN connections that are being currently tried --> we don't want to
   644     // state these as active.
   645     TUint connectionId;
   646     TUint subConnectionCount;
   647     TUint apId;
   648     TInt connectionStatus;
   649     if (status.Int() == KErrNone) {
   650         for (TUint i = 1; i <= connectionCount; i++) {
   651             iConnectionMonitor.GetConnectionInfo(i, connectionId, subConnectionCount);
   652             iConnectionMonitor.GetUintAttribute(connectionId, subConnectionCount, KIAPId, apId, status);
   653             User::WaitForRequest(status);
   654             QString ident = QT_BEARERMGMT_CONFIGURATION_IAP_PREFIX+QString::number(qHash(apId));
   655             QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<QNetworkConfigurationPrivate> priv = accessPointConfigurations.value(ident);
   657             if (! {
   658                 // If IAP was not found, check if the update was about EasyWLAN
   659                 priv = configurationFromEasyWlan(apId, connectionId);
   660                 // Change the ident correspondingly
   661                 if ( {
   662                     ident = QT_BEARERMGMT_CONFIGURATION_IAP_PREFIX+QString::number(qHash(>numericId));
   663                 }
   664             }
   665 #endif
   666             if ( {
   667                 iConnectionMonitor.GetIntAttribute(connectionId, subConnectionCount, KConnectionStatus, connectionStatus, status);
   668                 User::WaitForRequest(status);
   670                 if (connectionStatus == KLinkLayerOpen) {
   671                     online = true;
   672                     inactiveConfigs.removeOne(ident);
   673           >connectionId = connectionId;
   674                     // Configuration is Active
   675                     changeConfigurationStateTo(priv, QNetworkConfiguration::Active);
   676                 }
   677             }
   678         }
   679     }
   681     // Make sure that state of rest of the IAPs won't be Active
   682     foreach (const QString &iface, inactiveConfigs) {
   683         QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<QNetworkConfigurationPrivate> priv = accessPointConfigurations.value(iface);
   684         if ( {
   685             // Configuration is either Defined or Discovered
   686             changeConfigurationStateAtMaxTo(priv, QNetworkConfiguration::Discovered);
   687         }
   688     }
   690     if (iOnline != online) {
   691         iOnline = online;
   692         emit this->onlineStateChanged(online);
   693     }
   694 }
   696 void QNetworkConfigurationManagerPrivate::updateAvailableAccessPoints()
   697 {
   698     if (!ipAccessPointsAvailabilityScanner) {
   699         ipAccessPointsAvailabilityScanner = new AccessPointsAvailabilityScanner(*this, iConnectionMonitor);
   700     }
   701     if (ipAccessPointsAvailabilityScanner) {
   702         // Scanning may take a while because WLAN scanning will be done (if device supports WLAN).
   703         ipAccessPointsAvailabilityScanner->StartScanning();
   704     }
   705 }
   707 void QNetworkConfigurationManagerPrivate::accessPointScanningReady(TBool scanSuccessful, TConnMonIapInfo iapInfo)
   708 {
   709     iUpdateGoingOn = false;
   710     if (scanSuccessful) {
   711         QList<QString> unavailableConfigs = accessPointConfigurations.keys();
   713         // Set state of returned IAPs to Discovered
   714         // if state is not already Active
   715         for(TUint i=0; i<iapInfo.iCount; i++) {
   716             QString ident = QT_BEARERMGMT_CONFIGURATION_IAP_PREFIX+QString::number(qHash(iapInfo.iIap[i].iIapId));
   717             QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<QNetworkConfigurationPrivate> priv = accessPointConfigurations.value(ident);
   718             if ( {
   719                 unavailableConfigs.removeOne(ident);
   720                 if (>state < QNetworkConfiguration::Active) {
   721                     // Configuration is either Discovered or Active
   722                     changeConfigurationStateAtMinTo(priv, QNetworkConfiguration::Discovered);
   723                 }
   724             }
   725         }
   727         // Make sure that state of rest of the IAPs won't be Active
   728         foreach (const QString &iface, unavailableConfigs) {
   729             QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<QNetworkConfigurationPrivate> priv = accessPointConfigurations.value(iface);
   730             if ( {
   731                 // Configuration is Defined
   732                 changeConfigurationStateAtMaxTo(priv, QNetworkConfiguration::Discovered);
   733             }
   734         }
   735     }
   737     updateStatesToSnaps();
   739     if (!iFirstUpdate) {
   740         startCommsDatabaseNotifications();
   741         emit this->configurationUpdateComplete();
   742     }
   743 }
   745 void QNetworkConfigurationManagerPrivate::updateStatesToSnaps()
   746 {
   747     // Go through SNAPs and set correct state to SNAPs
   748     foreach (const QString &iface, snapConfigurations.keys()) {
   749         bool discovered = false;
   750         bool active = false;
   751         QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<QNetworkConfigurationPrivate> priv = snapConfigurations.value(iface);
   752         // => Check if one of the IAPs of the SNAP is discovered or active
   753         //    => If one of IAPs is active, also SNAP is active
   754         //    => If one of IAPs is discovered but none of the IAPs is active, SNAP is discovered
   755         for (int i=0; i<priv->serviceNetworkMembers.count(); i++) {
   756             QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<QNetworkConfigurationPrivate> priv2 = priv->serviceNetworkMembers[i];
   757             if ((priv->serviceNetworkMembers[i]->state & QNetworkConfiguration::Active) 
   758                     == QNetworkConfiguration::Active) {
   759                 active = true;
   760                 break;
   761             } else if ((priv->serviceNetworkMembers[i]->state & QNetworkConfiguration::Discovered) 
   762                         == QNetworkConfiguration::Discovered) {
   763                 discovered = true;
   764             }
   765         }
   766         if (active) {
   767             changeConfigurationStateTo(priv, QNetworkConfiguration::Active);
   768         } else if (discovered) {
   769             changeConfigurationStateTo(priv, QNetworkConfiguration::Discovered);
   770         } else {
   771             changeConfigurationStateTo(priv, QNetworkConfiguration::Defined);
   772         }
   773     }    
   774 }
   777 void QNetworkConfigurationManagerPrivate::updateMobileBearerToConfigs(TConnMonBearerInfo bearerInfo)
   778 {
   779     foreach (const QString &ii, accessPointConfigurations.keys()) {
   780         QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<QNetworkConfigurationPrivate> p = 
   781             accessPointConfigurations.value(ii);
   782         if (p->bearer >= QNetworkConfigurationPrivate::Bearer2G &&
   783             p->bearer <= QNetworkConfigurationPrivate::BearerHSPA) {
   784             switch (bearerInfo) {
   785             case EBearerInfoCSD:      p->bearer = QNetworkConfigurationPrivate::Bearer2G; break;  
   786             case EBearerInfoWCDMA:    p->bearer = QNetworkConfigurationPrivate::BearerWCDMA; break;
   787             case EBearerInfoCDMA2000: p->bearer = QNetworkConfigurationPrivate::BearerCDMA2000; break;
   788             case EBearerInfoGPRS:     p->bearer = QNetworkConfigurationPrivate::Bearer2G; break;
   789             case EBearerInfoHSCSD:    p->bearer = QNetworkConfigurationPrivate::Bearer2G; break;
   790             case EBearerInfoEdgeGPRS: p->bearer = QNetworkConfigurationPrivate::Bearer2G; break;
   791             case EBearerInfoWcdmaCSD: p->bearer = QNetworkConfigurationPrivate::BearerWCDMA; break;
   792             case EBearerInfoHSDPA:    p->bearer = QNetworkConfigurationPrivate::BearerHSPA; break;
   793             case EBearerInfoHSUPA:    p->bearer = QNetworkConfigurationPrivate::BearerHSPA; break;
   794             case EBearerInfoHSxPA:    p->bearer = QNetworkConfigurationPrivate::BearerHSPA; break;
   795             }
   796         }
   797     }
   798 }
   799 #endif
   801 bool QNetworkConfigurationManagerPrivate::changeConfigurationStateTo(QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<QNetworkConfigurationPrivate>& sharedData,
   802                                                                      QNetworkConfiguration::StateFlags newState)
   803 {
   804     if (newState !=>state) {
   805>state = newState;
   806         QNetworkConfiguration item;
   807         item.d = sharedData;
   808         if (!iFirstUpdate) {
   809             emit configurationChanged(item);
   810         }
   811         return true;
   812     }
   813     return false;
   814 }
   816 /* changeConfigurationStateAtMinTo function does not overwrite possible better
   817  * state (e.g. Discovered state does not overwrite Active state) but
   818  * makes sure that state is at minimum given state.
   819 */
   820 bool QNetworkConfigurationManagerPrivate::changeConfigurationStateAtMinTo(QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<QNetworkConfigurationPrivate>& sharedData,
   821                                                                           QNetworkConfiguration::StateFlags newState)
   822 {
   823     if ((newState |>state) !=>state) {
   824>state = (>state | newState);
   825         QNetworkConfiguration item;
   826         item.d = sharedData;
   827         if (!iFirstUpdate) {
   828             emit configurationChanged(item);
   829         }
   830         return true;
   831     }
   832     return false;
   833 }
   835 /* changeConfigurationStateAtMaxTo function overwrites possible better
   836  * state (e.g. Discovered state overwrites Active state) and
   837  * makes sure that state is at maximum given state (e.g. Discovered state
   838  * does not overwrite Defined state).
   839 */
   840 bool QNetworkConfigurationManagerPrivate::changeConfigurationStateAtMaxTo(QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<QNetworkConfigurationPrivate>& sharedData,
   841                                                                           QNetworkConfiguration::StateFlags newState)
   842 {
   843     if ((newState &>state) !=>state) {
   844>state = (newState &>state);
   845         QNetworkConfiguration item;
   846         item.d = sharedData;
   847         if (!iFirstUpdate) {
   848             emit configurationChanged(item);
   849         }
   850         return true;
   851     }
   852     return false;
   853 }
   855 void QNetworkConfigurationManagerPrivate::startCommsDatabaseNotifications()
   856 {
   857     if (!iWaitingCommsDatabaseNotifications) {
   858         iWaitingCommsDatabaseNotifications = ETrue;
   859         if (!IsActive()) {
   860             SetActive();
   861             // Start waiting for new notification
   862             ipCommsDB->RequestNotification(iStatus);
   863         }
   864     }
   865 }
   867 void QNetworkConfigurationManagerPrivate::stopCommsDatabaseNotifications()
   868 {
   869     if (iWaitingCommsDatabaseNotifications) {
   870         iWaitingCommsDatabaseNotifications = EFalse;
   871         if (!IsActive()) {
   872             SetActive();
   873             // Make sure that notifier recorded events will not be returned
   874             // as soon as the client issues the next RequestNotification() request.
   875             ipCommsDB->RequestNotification(iStatus);
   876             ipCommsDB->CancelRequestNotification();
   877         } else {
   878             ipCommsDB->CancelRequestNotification();
   879         }
   880     }
   881 }
   883 void QNetworkConfigurationManagerPrivate::RunL()
   884 {
   885     if (iStatus != KErrCancel) {
   886         // By default, start relistening notifications. Stop only if interesting event occured.
   887         iWaitingCommsDatabaseNotifications = true;
   888         RDbNotifier::TEvent event = STATIC_CAST(RDbNotifier::TEvent, iStatus.Int());
   889         switch (event) {
   890         case RDbNotifier::ECommit:   /** A transaction has been committed.  */ 
   891         case RDbNotifier::ERecover:  /** The database has been recovered    */
   893             qDebug("QNCM CommsDB event (of type RDbNotifier::TEvent) received: %d", iStatus.Int());
   894 #endif
   895             // Mark that there is update pending. No need to ask more events,
   896             // as we know we will be updating anyway when the timer expires.
   897             if (!iUpdatePending) {
   898                 iUpdatePending = true;
   899                 iWaitingCommsDatabaseNotifications = false;
   900                 // Update after random time, so that many processes won't
   901                 // start updating simultaneously
   902                 updateConfigurationsAfterRandomTime();
   903             }
   904             break;           
   905         default:
   906             // Do nothing
   907             break;
   908         }
   909     }
   910     if (iWaitingCommsDatabaseNotifications) {
   911         if (!IsActive()) {
   912             SetActive();
   913             // Start waiting for new notification
   914             ipCommsDB->RequestNotification(iStatus);
   915         }
   916     }
   917 }
   919 void QNetworkConfigurationManagerPrivate::DoCancel()
   920 {
   921     ipCommsDB->CancelRequestNotification();
   922 }
   924 void QNetworkConfigurationManagerPrivate::EventL(const CConnMonEventBase& aEvent)
   925 {
   926     switch (aEvent.EventType()) {
   928     case EConnMonBearerInfoChange:
   929         {
   930         CConnMonBearerInfoChange* realEvent;
   931         realEvent = (CConnMonBearerInfoChange*) &aEvent;
   932         TUint connectionId = realEvent->ConnectionId();
   933         if (connectionId == EBearerIdAll) {
   934             //Network level event
   935             TConnMonBearerInfo bearerInfo = (TConnMonBearerInfo)realEvent->BearerInfo();
   936             updateMobileBearerToConfigs(bearerInfo);
   937         }
   938         break;
   939         }
   940 #endif        
   941     case EConnMonConnectionStatusChange:
   942         {
   943         CConnMonConnectionStatusChange* realEvent;
   944         realEvent = (CConnMonConnectionStatusChange*) &aEvent;
   945         TInt connectionStatus = realEvent->ConnectionStatus();
   947         qDebug() << "QNCM Connection status : " << QString::number(connectionStatus) << " , connection monitor Id : " << realEvent->ConnectionId();
   948 #endif
   949         if (connectionStatus == KConfigDaemonStartingRegistration) {
   950             TUint connectionId = realEvent->ConnectionId();
   951             TUint subConnectionCount = 0;
   952             TUint apId;            
   953             TRequestStatus status;
   954             iConnectionMonitor.GetUintAttribute(connectionId, subConnectionCount, KIAPId, apId, status);
   955             User::WaitForRequest(status);
   957             QString ident = QT_BEARERMGMT_CONFIGURATION_IAP_PREFIX+QString::number(qHash(apId));
   958             QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<QNetworkConfigurationPrivate> priv = accessPointConfigurations.value(ident);
   960             if (! {
   961                 // Check if status was regarding EasyWLAN
   962                 priv = configurationFromEasyWlan(apId, connectionId);
   963             }
   964 #endif
   965             if ( {
   966       >connectionId = connectionId;
   967                 QT_TRYCATCH_LEAVING(emit this->configurationStateChanged(>numericId, connectionId, QNetworkSession::Connecting));
   968             }
   969         } else if (connectionStatus == KLinkLayerOpen) {
   970             // Connection has been successfully opened
   971             TUint connectionId = realEvent->ConnectionId();
   972             TUint subConnectionCount = 0;
   973             TUint apId;            
   974             TRequestStatus status;
   975             iConnectionMonitor.GetUintAttribute(connectionId, subConnectionCount, KIAPId, apId, status);
   976             User::WaitForRequest(status);
   977             QString ident = QT_BEARERMGMT_CONFIGURATION_IAP_PREFIX+QString::number(qHash(apId));
   978             QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<QNetworkConfigurationPrivate> priv = accessPointConfigurations.value(ident);
   980             if (! {
   981                 // Check for EasyWLAN
   982                 priv = configurationFromEasyWlan(apId, connectionId);
   983             }
   984 #endif
   985             if ( {
   986       >connectionId = connectionId;
   987                 // Configuration is Active
   988                 QT_TRYCATCH_LEAVING(
   989                     if (changeConfigurationStateTo(priv, QNetworkConfiguration::Active)) {
   990                         updateStatesToSnaps();
   991                     }
   992                     emit this->configurationStateChanged(>numericId, connectionId, QNetworkSession::Connected);
   993                     if (!iOnline) {
   994                         iOnline = true;
   995                         emit this->onlineStateChanged(iOnline);
   996                     }
   997                 );
   998             }
   999         } else if (connectionStatus == KConfigDaemonStartingDeregistration) {
  1000             TUint connectionId = realEvent->ConnectionId();
  1001             QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<QNetworkConfigurationPrivate> priv = dataByConnectionId(connectionId);
  1002             if ( {
  1003                 QT_TRYCATCH_LEAVING(emit this->configurationStateChanged(>numericId, connectionId, QNetworkSession::Closing));
  1004             }
  1005         } else if (connectionStatus == KLinkLayerClosed ||
  1006                    connectionStatus == KConnectionClosed) {
  1007             // Connection has been closed. Which of the above events is reported, depends on the Symbian
  1008             // platform.
  1009             TUint connectionId = realEvent->ConnectionId();
  1010             QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<QNetworkConfigurationPrivate> priv = dataByConnectionId(connectionId);
  1011             if ( {
  1012                 // Configuration is either Defined or Discovered
  1013                 QT_TRYCATCH_LEAVING(
  1014                     if (changeConfigurationStateAtMaxTo(priv, QNetworkConfiguration::Discovered)) {
  1015                         updateStatesToSnaps();
  1016                     }
  1017                     emit this->configurationStateChanged(>numericId, connectionId, QNetworkSession::Disconnected);
  1018                 );
  1019             }
  1021             bool online = false;
  1022             foreach (const QString &iface, accessPointConfigurations.keys()) {
  1023                 QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<QNetworkConfigurationPrivate> priv = accessPointConfigurations.value(iface);
  1024                 if (>state == QNetworkConfiguration::Active) {
  1025                     online = true;
  1026                     break;
  1027                 }
  1028             }
  1029             if (iOnline != online) {
  1030                 iOnline = online;
  1031                 QT_TRYCATCH_LEAVING(emit this->onlineStateChanged(iOnline));
  1032             }
  1033         }
  1034         }
  1035         break;    
  1037     case EConnMonIapAvailabilityChange:
  1038         {
  1039         CConnMonIapAvailabilityChange* realEvent;
  1040         realEvent = (CConnMonIapAvailabilityChange*) &aEvent;
  1041         TConnMonIapInfo iaps = realEvent->IapAvailability();
  1042         QList<QString> unDiscoveredConfigs = accessPointConfigurations.keys();
  1043         for ( TUint i = 0; i < iaps.Count(); i++ ) {
  1044             QString ident = QT_BEARERMGMT_CONFIGURATION_IAP_PREFIX+QString::number(qHash(iaps.iIap[i].iIapId));
  1045             QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<QNetworkConfigurationPrivate> priv = accessPointConfigurations.value(ident);
  1046             if ( {
  1047                 // Configuration is either Discovered or Active 
  1048                 QT_TRYCATCH_LEAVING(changeConfigurationStateAtMinTo(priv, QNetworkConfiguration::Discovered));
  1049                 unDiscoveredConfigs.removeOne(ident);
  1050             }
  1051         }
  1052         foreach (const QString &iface, unDiscoveredConfigs) {
  1053             QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<QNetworkConfigurationPrivate> priv = accessPointConfigurations.value(iface);
  1054             if ( {
  1055                 // Configuration is Defined
  1056                 QT_TRYCATCH_LEAVING(changeConfigurationStateAtMaxTo(priv, QNetworkConfiguration::Defined));
  1057             }
  1058         }
  1059         // Something has in IAPs, update states to SNAPs
  1060         updateStatesToSnaps();
  1061         }
  1062         break;
  1064     case EConnMonCreateConnection:
  1065         {
  1066         // This event is caught to keep connection monitor IDs up-to-date.
  1067         CConnMonCreateConnection* realEvent;
  1068         realEvent = (CConnMonCreateConnection*) &aEvent;
  1069         TUint subConnectionCount = 0;
  1070         TUint apId;
  1071         TUint connectionId = realEvent->ConnectionId();
  1072         TRequestStatus status;
  1073         iConnectionMonitor.GetUintAttribute(connectionId, subConnectionCount, KIAPId, apId, status);
  1074         User::WaitForRequest(status);
  1075         QString ident = QT_BEARERMGMT_CONFIGURATION_IAP_PREFIX+QString::number(qHash(apId));
  1076         QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<QNetworkConfigurationPrivate> priv = accessPointConfigurations.value(ident);
  1078         if (! {
  1079             // If IAP was not found, check if the update was about EasyWLAN
  1080             priv = configurationFromEasyWlan(apId, connectionId);
  1081         }
  1082 #endif
  1083         if ( {
  1085             qDebug() << "QNCM updating connection monitor ID : from, to, whose: " <<>connectionId << connectionId << priv->name;
  1086 #endif
  1087   >connectionId = connectionId;
  1088         }
  1089         }
  1090         break;
  1091     default:
  1092         // For unrecognized events
  1093         break;
  1094     }
  1095 }
  1098 // Tries to derive configuration from EasyWLAN.
  1099 // First checks if the interface brought up was EasyWLAN, then derives the real SSID,
  1100 // and looks up configuration based on that one.
  1101 QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<QNetworkConfigurationPrivate> QNetworkConfigurationManagerPrivate::configurationFromEasyWlan(TUint32 apId, TUint connectionId)
  1102 {
  1103     if (apId == iCmManager.EasyWlanIdL()) {
  1104         TRequestStatus status;
  1105         TBuf<50> easyWlanNetworkName;
  1106         iConnectionMonitor.GetStringAttribute( connectionId, 0, KNetworkName,
  1107                                                easyWlanNetworkName, status );
  1108         User::WaitForRequest(status);
  1109         if (status.Int() == KErrNone) {
  1110             QString realSSID = QString::fromUtf16(easyWlanNetworkName.Ptr(), easyWlanNetworkName.Length());
  1112             // Browser through all items and check their name for match
  1113             QNetworkConfiguration item;
  1114             QHash<QString, QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<QNetworkConfigurationPrivate> >::const_iterator i =
  1115                     accessPointConfigurations.constBegin();
  1116             while (i != accessPointConfigurations.constEnd()) {
  1117                 QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<QNetworkConfigurationPrivate> priv = i.value();
  1118                 if (>name == realSSID) {
  1120                     qDebug() << "QNCM EasyWlan uses real SSID: " << realSSID;
  1121 #endif
  1122                     return priv;
  1123                 }
  1124                 ++i;
  1125             }
  1126         }
  1127     }
  1128     return QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<QNetworkConfigurationPrivate>();
  1129 }
  1131 bool QNetworkConfigurationManagerPrivate::easyWlanTrueIapId(TUint32& trueIapId)
  1132 {
  1133     // Check if this is easy wlan id in the first place
  1134     if (trueIapId != iCmManager.EasyWlanIdL()) {
  1135         return false;
  1136     }
  1137     // Loop through all connections that connection monitor is aware
  1138     // and check for IAPs based on easy WLAN
  1139     TRequestStatus status;
  1140     TUint connectionCount;
  1141     iConnectionMonitor.GetConnectionCount(connectionCount, status);
  1142     User::WaitForRequest(status);
  1143     TUint connectionId;
  1144     TUint subConnectionCount;
  1145     TUint apId;
  1146     if (status.Int() == KErrNone) {
  1147         for (TUint i = 1; i <= connectionCount; i++) {
  1148             iConnectionMonitor.GetConnectionInfo(i, connectionId, subConnectionCount);
  1149             iConnectionMonitor.GetUintAttribute(connectionId, subConnectionCount, KIAPId, apId, status);
  1150             User::WaitForRequest(status);
  1151             if (apId == trueIapId) {
  1152                 QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<QNetworkConfigurationPrivate> priv =
  1153                         configurationFromEasyWlan(apId, connectionId);
  1154                 if ( {
  1156                     qDebug() << "QNCM easyWlanTrueIapId(), found true IAP ID: " <<>numericId;
  1157 #endif
  1158                     trueIapId =>numericId;
  1159                     return true;
  1160                 }
  1161             }
  1162         }
  1163     }
  1164     return false;
  1165 }
  1167 #endif
  1169 // Sessions may use this function to report configuration state changes,
  1170 // because on some Symbian platforms (especially Symbian^3) all state changes are not
  1171 // reported by the RConnectionMonitor, in particular in relation to stop() call,
  1172 // whereas they _are_ reported on RConnection progress notifier used by sessions --> centralize
  1173 // this data here so that other sessions may benefit from it too (not all sessions necessarily have
  1174 // RConnection progress notifiers available but they relay on having e.g. disconnected information from
  1175 // manager). Currently only 'Disconnected' state is of interest because it has proven to be troublesome.
  1176 void QNetworkConfigurationManagerPrivate::configurationStateChangeReport(TUint32 accessPointId, QNetworkSession::State newState)
  1177 {
  1179     qDebug() << "QNCM A session reported state change for IAP ID: " << accessPointId << " whose new state is: " << newState;
  1180 #endif
  1181     switch (newState) {
  1182     case QNetworkSession::Disconnected:
  1183         {
  1184             QString ident = QT_BEARERMGMT_CONFIGURATION_IAP_PREFIX+QString::number(qHash(accessPointId));
  1185             QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<QNetworkConfigurationPrivate> priv = accessPointConfigurations.value(ident);
  1186             if ( {
  1187                 // Configuration is either Defined or Discovered
  1188                 if (changeConfigurationStateAtMaxTo(priv, QNetworkConfiguration::Discovered)) {
  1189                     updateStatesToSnaps();
  1190                 }
  1191                 emit this->configurationStateChanged(
  1192               >numericId,>connectionId, QNetworkSession::Disconnected);
  1193             }
  1194         }
  1195         break;
  1196     default:
  1197         break;
  1198     }
  1199 }
  1201 // Waits for 2..6 seconds.
  1202 void QNetworkConfigurationManagerPrivate::updateConfigurationsAfterRandomTime()
  1203 {
  1204     iTimeToWait = (qAbs(qrand()) % 68) * 100;
  1205     if (iTimeToWait < 1000) {
  1206         iTimeToWait = 1000;
  1207     }
  1209     qDebug("QNCM waiting random time: %d ms", iTimeToWait);
  1210 #endif
  1211     QTimer::singleShot(iTimeToWait, this, SLOT(delayedConfigurationUpdate()));
  1212 }
  1214 QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<QNetworkConfigurationPrivate> QNetworkConfigurationManagerPrivate::dataByConnectionId(TUint aConnectionId)
  1215 {
  1216     QNetworkConfiguration item;
  1217     QHash<QString, QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<QNetworkConfigurationPrivate> >::const_iterator i =
  1218             accessPointConfigurations.constBegin();
  1219     while (i != accessPointConfigurations.constEnd()) {
  1220         QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<QNetworkConfigurationPrivate> priv = i.value();
  1221         if (>connectionId == aConnectionId) {
  1222             return priv;
  1223         }
  1224         ++i;
  1225     }
  1226     return QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<QNetworkConfigurationPrivate>();
  1227 }
  1229 AccessPointsAvailabilityScanner::AccessPointsAvailabilityScanner(QNetworkConfigurationManagerPrivate& owner,
  1230                                                                RConnectionMonitor& connectionMonitor)
  1231     : CActive(CActive::EPriorityHigh), iOwner(owner), iConnectionMonitor(connectionMonitor)
  1232 {
  1233     CActiveScheduler::Add(this);  
  1234 }
  1236 AccessPointsAvailabilityScanner::~AccessPointsAvailabilityScanner()
  1237 {
  1238     Cancel();
  1239 }
  1241 void AccessPointsAvailabilityScanner::DoCancel()
  1242 {
  1243     iConnectionMonitor.CancelAsyncRequest(EConnMonGetPckgAttribute);
  1244 }
  1246 void AccessPointsAvailabilityScanner::StartScanning()
  1247 {
  1248     if (iOwner.iFirstUpdate) {
  1249         // On first update (the mgr is being instantiated) update only those bearers who
  1250         // don't need time-consuming scans (WLAN).
  1251         // Note: EBearerIdWCDMA covers also GPRS bearer
  1252         iConnectionMonitor.GetPckgAttribute(EBearerIdWCDMA, 0, KIapAvailability, iIapBuf, iStatus);
  1253         User::WaitForRequest(iStatus);
  1254         if (iStatus.Int() == KErrNone) {
  1255             iOwner.accessPointScanningReady(true,iIapBuf());
  1256         }
  1257     } else {
  1258         iConnectionMonitor.GetPckgAttribute(EBearerIdAll, 0, KIapAvailability, iIapBuf, iStatus);
  1259         if (!IsActive()) {
  1260             SetActive();
  1261         }
  1262     }
  1263 }
  1265 void AccessPointsAvailabilityScanner::RunL()
  1266 {
  1267     if (iStatus.Int() != KErrNone) {
  1268         iIapBuf().iCount = 0;
  1269         QT_TRYCATCH_LEAVING(iOwner.accessPointScanningReady(false,iIapBuf()));
  1270     } else {
  1271         QT_TRYCATCH_LEAVING(iOwner.accessPointScanningReady(true,iIapBuf()));
  1272     }
  1273 }
  1274 #include "moc_qnetworkconfigmanager_s60_p.cpp"