changeset 5 603d3f8b6302
parent 0 876b1a06bc25
--- a/src/contacts/qcontact.cpp	Fri Sep 17 08:34:34 2010 +0300
+++ b/src/contacts/qcontact.cpp	Mon Oct 04 01:37:06 2010 +0300
@@ -374,15 +374,10 @@
 /*! Returns a list of details with the given \a definitionName
     The definitionName string can be determined by the DefinitionName attribute
     of defined objects (e.g. QContactPhoneNumber::DefinitionName) or by
-    requesting a list of all the definitions synchronously with
-    \l {QContactManager::detailDefinitions()}{detailDefinitions()} or
-    asynchronously with a
-    \l {QContactDetailDefinitionFetchRequest}{detail definition fetch request},
-    and then inspecting the
-    \l{QContactDetailDefinition::name()}{name()} of each
-    definition.  If \a definitionName is empty, all details of any definition
-    will be returned.
- */
+    requesting a list of all the definition names using
+    \l {QContactManager::detailDefinitions()}{detailDefinitions()} or the
+    asynchronous \l
+    {QContactDetailDefinitionFetchRequest::definitionNames()}{definitionNames()}.*/
 QList<QContactDetail> QContact::details(const QString& definitionName) const
     // build the sub-list of matching details.
@@ -407,15 +402,10 @@
     Returns a list of details of the given \a definitionName, with fields named \a fieldName and with value \a value.
     The definitionName string can be determined by the DefinitionName attribute
     of defined objects (e.g. QContactPhoneNumber::DefinitionName) or by
-    requesting a list of all the definitions synchronously with
-    \l {QContactManager::detailDefinitions()}{detailDefinitions()} or
-    asynchronously with a
-    \l {QContactDetailDefinitionFetchRequest}{detail definition fetch request},
-    and then inspecting the
-    \l{QContactDetailDefinition::name()}{name()} of each
-    definition.  If \a definitionName is empty, all details of any definition
-    will be returned.
- */
+    requesting a list of all the definition names using
+    \l {QContactManager::detailDefinitions()}{detailDefinitions()} or the
+    asynchronous \l
+    {QContactDetailDefinitionFetchRequest::definitionNames()}{definitionNames()}.*/
 QList<QContactDetail> QContact::details(const QString& definitionName, const QString& fieldName, const QString& value) const
     // build the sub-list of matching details.